Request Dismissal Entire Action Without PrejudiceCal. Super. - 6th Dist.November 21, 2018ATTACHMENT 30-8007 su ERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA F EacfiwESANTA CLARA COURTHOUSE D FALO ALTO COURTHOUSE D SOUTH COUNTY COURTHOUSE MV 1095 HOMESTEAD ROAD Z70 GRANT AVENUE i2425 MONTEREY ROAD SANTACLARACA 95050 PALOALTO, CA 94306 SANMARTIN.“ 55046 ‘MAILING ADDRESS: 151 NORTH FIRSTSTREEF, SAN JOSE, CA 95113 M,,3 0 20 '9 PLAINTIFF/PEHTIONER WWfififlMG/flbbvcfi Moog? ca am BY DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Juban) W2 ,MW CASE NUMBER‘ REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL (SMALL CLAIMS) 9 ”5&7 bs73/ If you settle the case before trial, you must file a dismissal with the clerk Please file your dismissal at least 3 (three) court days prior to hearing date ._ TO THE CLERK: Please dismiss the Claim of PlaintifflPetitioner as follows: (chec_k applicabIe box) 1. D With prejudice (may not file again) 3. D Partial dismissal (for Inultiple Defendarus/Respondents) . ' Dismiss only as to 2. Wmout prejudice (may file again) . a) D W'Ith prejudibe (may not file agah) b) 'mrejudice (may file again) Date: /é(/D- I 9 (/J/fl/fl p» 1/4 WZ/D (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PLNNhFFPEnTlONER) If a claim of Defendant/Resribndent has bee filed. the Defendanthespondent may dismiss their action as folloWs: TO THE CLERK: Please dismiss the Claim of DefendanURespdndent as follows: (check applicable box) 1. D Vlfith prejudice (may not file again) 3. D Partial dismissal (for multiple Plaintiffs/Petitioners) Dismiss only as to 2. D Vlfithout prejudice (may file again) a) D Vlfith prejudice (may not file again) I I b) D Vlfithout prejudice (may file again) r Date: > , awe 0R PRINT NAME) ' (SIGNATURE 0F pLAINnFFIPEm-IONER) NOTE. ln Some facilities, lf there Is a Claim of PIalntifVPetifioner AND a Claim of Defendant. and only one party wants'to file a dismissal prior to lhe hearing. the party who wants to file the dismissal should file lt ln the Court when appearing on the other claim ln lhe case. Ched<- wllh the clerk at lhe Courthouse where your claim ls filed for clarification. sc-aoo7 REV 1/01/09 REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL (SMALL CLAIMS) ' page 1 m 00