Certified Mail Returned UnclaimedCal. Super. - 6th Dist.October 26, 2018~_ macaw §§mwfinrfluudufmhfifinnm i GumdguflSkMXGkua Downtown Superior Court I9I North First Street San Jose, California 95! I3 "?le 13?D pflflg DH?D 236‘! neoposbil FIRSI CLASS MAlL :2 $01§1§989 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED n n ‘ /fié:> 1292’00 (gw'f( V D V’ §l§§L [{K {0 MWXIM.2 k\nT\F\E_:.r~= atnfinfi z §\ \J N.IXIE 957 oz 1 gQ \ RETHRN T9‘§ENDER\/ é UNA’B‘LE'f'onf-IORNARD g] g: UNE 3c: 95113198999 *2555- 94976 fl I p HS.“ gqsagghig‘q‘lm V HHW I “"11"“II‘II’M t": IHI' I“:MH”1H:”‘I§”: 'i V -lluous am or aao1annz'. - - _~-.«,, w a 'r W. . -. Wimpy -”4y»,,_: 7W H- - Va - J "J r \ \. .. . ‘ COMPLETE THIS SEéTION ON DELIVE W. 1.33mi ’ari-xmvr. r. I Complete items 1, 2. and 3. A S‘Qnam'e 1 I Print your name and address on the reverse x D A99"! so that we can return the card to you. U Addresses E Attach thiaard to the back of the mailpiece, B' Received by (P’m‘ed Name) C- Date °‘ Del'Ve'Y or on the_~front if space permits. 1. Arficle_Addfe'ssed to. D. ls delivery address different from Item 1? U Yes .v If YES, enter delivery address below: D No 'WWLM 6mm l l I I i l I I I I ' " i 257/00 Orbs 84 H4” I I I I I I I I SM 7b“ 3 Servlce Type '- E1 Prior: Man Exam D Adult Signature Restricted Delivery n a [stead Mail Rammed_ D Certified Mano Davey 9590 9402 3279 71 96 5668 50 Whoa Man Rammed Deumy U Return Recumfor a Conact on Delivery Maruhand , 2. Article Numbey (Transfer frpm service labenf, Hm D Cd!” °" Dame” Rammd 99M D 5‘9"“ “mmmmU Signatum Confirmation I i ?mg. 1.37;] unpnxp‘wu am ' Winmamem Rosmaeaoemay g‘ P's Fo‘ ' ‘381 1‘ Ju'ly 2015 PSN 753M12-ooo-9053 Domestic Return Receiptfl; a...” - -MAV«4_J ___..-__<..--__~_.A_~ ”WA- . v- -.. .» ; a