Judgment DefaultCal. Super. - 6th Dist.December 11, 2018Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Reviewed By: V. Taylor Case #18CV339149 Envelope: 2291248 12/19/2018 i“ 0mm ATTORNEY OH PAR” WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name. stare bat number, and addressk FOR COURT USE ONLY GARY W. SULLIVAN SEN: 103 1 62M i565 THE ALAMEDA, SUITE 100 SAN JOSE, CA 95126 TELEPHONE No: (408) 97 1 - 1 340 FAX N0. (091mm): ammonsas (mom §wsullivaniaw@gmaii.com Awamav FOR (Name): LAINTIFF 0R c MTV or; SANTA CLARA0°39 fiatsafifiméq‘ésm MAILING ADDRESS: SAME cm AND 2w cone: SAN JOSE, CA 95] 13 BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF: HARRY MEHTA DEFENDANT: TAMARA LIEU PAIGLY ET AL JUDGMENT-«UMLAWFUL DETAINER CASE "W35“:m By Clerk m By Default [:1 After Conn Trial 18CV339149 [:3 By Court m Possession Only [:3 Defendant Did Not Appear at Trial JUDGMENT 1. CB BY DEFAULT aA Defendant was properly served with a copy of the summons and compiaint. b. Defendant failed to answer the complaint or appear and defend the action within the time aliowed by law. c; Defendant's default was entered by the clerk won plaintiff‘s appfication. v d. m Clerk's Judgment (Code Civ. Procv, § 1169). For possession only of the premises described on page 2 (item 4). e . {:3 Court Judgment (Code cw. Pm, § 585m). The court commered (1)1:3 plaintiff's testimony and mher evmence. , (mm piaintiff‘s or others’ written declaration and evidence (Code Civ. Proc.. § 585(d)). 2. {:1 AFTER count TRIAL. The jury was waived. The court considered the evidence. a. The case was tried on (date and time): before (name ofjudiclal officer): b. Appearances by: [:3 Plaintiff (name each): I [:3 Plaintiff's attorney (name each): (1) (2) m Continued on Attachmentzt) (form M0025). [:3 Deiendant (name each): [:3 Defendant's attorney {name each): (1) (2) E] Continued on Attachment 2b (form M04325). c, [Z] Defendant did not appear at trial. Defendant was properly served wflh notice of triai, ’ d. [:LA statemenmfdecisioMCode Civ.Proc..§632) [j was no: [:3 was requested. Page 1 of 2 ‘mmmg’ggmw . JUDGMENTWUNLAWFUL DETAmEn COMM maggfgggjgg £10410 [New January 1. 2003] X V. Taylor12/19/2018 g ..... PLAINTIFF: HARRY MhI-ITA “ caseuum: oeéeunm 'I‘AMARA LIEU PAIGLY ET AL JUDGMENT Is ENTERED As FOLLOWS 8v: [:3 THE comm [Z] THE CLERK 3. Parties. Judgmenfis a. 1:2] for plaintifl (name each): HARRY MBHTA 18CV339149 and againstdefendant (name each}: TAMARA LIEU PAIGLY, JOSEFH KEVIN PAIGLY [j Continued on Attachmsnraa (form M02025). b. {:fl for dafandan? (name each): 4. [Z] Piaintifi [:1 Defendant is entitled to possession of the premisesvlooated at (street address, apartment, city, and county): 3543 ALDEN WAY, #1, SAN JOSE 951 17 SANTA CLARA COUNTY CA 5. {:3 Judgment applies to all occupants of the premises including tenants. subtenants if any, and named claimants if any (Code Civ. Prom, §§ 715.010, 1169. and 1mm). 6 Amount and terms of judgment a [:3 Defendant named in item 3a above must pay plaintiff on the 23. C3 plaintiff 19 to receive nothing 7mm defendant complaint: named in item 3b. m my Pastduerem $ [:3 Efgfgdgntnamedinflemeistcrecm/er (23 [:1 Holdoverdamages $ [3 and afitomey fees: $ (3) [:3 Attorneyfees $ (4) m Costs $ (5) [:3 Othemspeoim: $ (e) TOTALJUDGMENT $ c. i j The rental agreement is canceled. [:3 Th9 lease is forfeited 7 m Conditional judgment Plaintiff has breached the agreement to provide habitable premises to deiendant Judgmenthnlawfu! DetainerAttachment(forrn UD-11OS) which us attached 8. [:3 0mm- (specify): [:3 Continued cm Attachments (form M0025). Date: [:1 JUDICIAL OFFICER Date: CZ] oterk, by , Depuiy (mu CLERK'S CERTIFICATE (Optima!) l certify ma! this is a true copy 6f the originai judgment on file in the court. Date: Clerk, by . ' ,Deputy UD-"NNWW km JUDGMENT-UNLAWFUL DETAmER mm”