Notice SettlementCal. Super. - 6th Dist.November 2, 2018CM‐200 ATTORNEY OR PARW Wrl● uT ATTOttrNane“わけ 鰤 Ⅲ 48“ adressl: 一Parviz Darabi,Esq. SBN209021 LAW OFFICES OF PARVIZ DARABI 500 Airport Blvd,Sute 150 Burlingame,CA 94010 TELEPHCINE NO,(650)343-5357 F^x No. {oprb,a4: (650) 343-5391 E-M rL ^DoREss rop.o,a, , pNVIZ@dArabilaWCOm ^rroRNEY FoR /raz,6): Plaintiff FOR COじRア υSε OWLY SUPER:OR COURT OF CAL:FORN:へ COuNTY OF STREET ADORESS■ 91 Nonh First Strcct CTYANDaPCODE San Josc,CA 95H3 BRnCHNAME C市 ilノUnlimited Junsdiction Santa Clara ~~ラ [ス下輌雨「「 F足ヨ〒雨て下こ]尋 ~下 πttΠモ5ミ可I司EEF雨ワロRIア勇乃口■individual; DEFENDANT′ RESPONDENT:YOSH ENTERPRISES,NC,a Callfomla Corporation NOT!CE OF SETTLEMENT OF ENTIRE CASE CASE NUMBER: 18CV337702 」UDGE: DEPT1 9 NONCE TO PLAINTIFF OR OTHER PARTY SEEKING RELIEF you must file a request for dismissal ofthe entire case within 45 days afier the date of the settlement if the settlement is unconditional. you must file a dismissal of the entire case within 45 days affer lhe date specified in item 1b below if the settlement is conditional. Unless you file a dismissal within the required time or have shown good cause before the time for dismissal has expired why the case should not be dismissed, the court will dismiss lhe enlire case' Tothe cout a::partles,and any arbitrator or other court‐ connded ADR neutra:inv●:ved in this ca● ●: l ThiS entre case has been setued The setuementis: a □ un∞ nd‖。nal.A requestfor dsmに sal輛‖be lに d爾thh 45 days aterthe date ofthe sedement Date of settlement b El Condigona:The setlement agreement condlt ons dismissal ofthis mater on the sat sfactory completon of 齢器∫∬ll穆けF嶋胃9男男 輸h45 days d he d“析he"劇emen A∝quea br dsmissal釧 2 Date initlal pleading iled: l1/2/2018 3 Next scheduled heanng or cOnference: a Purposel Mediation Status Rcview b口 (1)Date:02/06/2020 (2)■ me:10:30 aln (3)Depament:9 4 Tnal date: 鷺 輩 躊 橘 即 竃 蕗 蔦 面 ゴ 蔦編 扇F7肩:活民:「 ヽ ア a. (l No trial date set. b. f-l (1) Date: (2)Time: (3)Department I declare under penalty of periury under the laws ofthe state of califomia that the foregoing is rue and mnecl' Date: 01/27/2020 (SIGNATURE) 5滉脚 認留織guse m2● I Rev J8nuary1 2∞ 71 ●・・ ‐nthl 「 Foms NOTiCE OF SETrLEMENT OF EN¬ RE CASE C8:RuleS d O側 Ⅲ me31385 -∞ 赫 Ca gOy EDWARDS,an indi宙 dual; 椰 ¨ NIAR」 AE Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 1/27/2020 11:22 AM Reviewed By: A. Nakamoto Case #18CV337702 Envelope: 3941479 18CV337702 Santa Clara - Civil A. Nakamoto CM‐200 ¨ E NUMBER: 18CV337702 DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT:YOSH ENTERP PR00F OF SERV:CE BY F:RST‐ CLASS MAIL NO¬CE OF SEπLEMEドT OF EN¬ RE CASE rNOE yo・ can●ol ser"the Notice of Sett:erlent of En■ re Case ry●●an,a paゥ in tte acJ“ .The″僣●"w力 o sered 働e ao餞Ю "● st comprereめ ぉp‐●r。「sericeリ 1 1 am atleast18 years old and not a parけ tO thiS action l am a resident oforemployed in the county where the ma‖ ng took place,and my residence o「 bugness addressisrSpedり : 500 Alrport BIvd,Suite 150,Burlingttle,CA 94010 2 :served a copy ofthe Arorlce Or serferlen′ ο′Enflre Case by enclosing itin a sealed envelope mth postage fu‖y prepald and rcheck onり : a E]depOSned the sealed envebpe mth he United States Postal Servlce b El口 aced the seded envdope for∞ ‖ecllon and processing for ma‖ ng,fOII中 "ng hも buSnessヽ usud pracLces, 輛th which l ann read‖ y fam‖ iar On the same day correspondence is placed for co‖ ectlon and ma‖ing,it is deposited in the ordinary course of business輛 th the unted states Posta!Service The Alorlce Or serremen1 0r Enflre Case was ma‖ ed: a on rdareJ: 01/27/2020 b ttm rclfy and sfarep:Burlingalne,CA 94010 The envelope was addressed and ma‖ ed as fo‖ oⅣ ": a Name of person served: Eugene nclllate.Esq′ しヽ W OFFICES OF EUGENE FLEMATE Street address:552 North Second Street CW:San Jose State and Jp code:CA 95112 b Name of person served: steet address: CW: state and zip code: c. Name of person served: Street address: ctv: State and zip code: d. Name of person served: Steet address: City: Stats and zip code: I Names and addresses of additional persons ssrved are affached.(You may use fum POS430(PL) 5. Number of pees attached -.I dsctare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Calibmia that the foregoing is true and corect. oate: 01127/2020 i, t TheresaHarvey > Wil'Ji7*"1 frYPE oR PR|NT MIE oF DEcuRrffD fGMruRE oF Ecr R r{r) NOTiCE OF SElrLEMENT OF ENT:RE CASE 錮̈̈ [ReV」8nu8~ 120071 .- H I口 F●- MARIA E EDWARDS,an indi宙 dual; m 一