Complaint Limited Up to 10KCal. Super. - 6th Dist.November 2, 2018E-FILED 11/2/2018 2:34 PM Clerk of Court Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara 18CV337557 Reviewed By: A Adefris 18CV337557 PLD-C-001 Ancauav on Dm'v vrnor anonuev mama, 9am say mm, am: mam, Fan counr us: ouLy FLINT C. ZIDE (SBN 160369) / SARKIS s. KARAYAN (SBN 316926.) LAW OFFICE OF HARRIS AND Z:DE 1445 HUNTINGTON DR. SUITE 300 SOUTH PASADENA, CA 91030 T&emousuo. 626-799-8444 uxnomxuau 626-799~8419 EMAIL ADDRESS (cum arrogant rm (Nana; SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SWEET ADDRE“ lol NORTH IS'I' STREET MAILING ADDRESS. crv M3 219 ccoe SAN JOSI: CA 951 l3 BRANCH NAME SAN JOSE COURTHOUSF PLAINTIFF LVNV Funding LLC Plaintiff DEFENDANT Alexander Hanna Emboesno 5 mg] HSIVE CONTRACTm COMPLAINT E AMENDED COMPLAINT (Number): E CROSSCOMPLAINT D AMENDED CROSS-COMPLAINT (Number): Juflsdictlon (chock all that apply):m ACTION Is A LIMITED CNIL CASE Amount demanded ' does not exceed $10,000 exceeds $1 0,000 but does not exceed $25,000D ACTION Is AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (exceeds $25,000)E ACTION Is RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint or crosscomplaim E] from limited to unlimitedE from unlimited to limimd CASE WWER 1 Plaintifr‘ (name ornames): LVNV Funding LLC alleges causes of action against defendant' (name or names): Alexander Hanna DOES l T0 5, INCLUSIVE 2. This pleading. Including anachments and exhibls. consists ofthe following number of pages 13 3. a. Each plalntlfl named above is a competent adultm except plairmfl (name): LVNv Funding LLC (1) :8 corporation qualified to do business in California (2) Earl unincorporated enmy (desaibe): (3) E001” (SW): LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY b Eplaumifl (name) a. Ehas complied with me fictitious business name laws and is doing business under the fictitious name (specify); b- D has complied with all Iiwnsing requirements as a licensed (specify). c. E Information abom additional plaintiffs who are not competent adults Is shown in Anachmem 3c. 4. a. Each defendant named above is a natura‘ personE excem defendam (name): except defendant (name): {1) D a business organization, form unknown (1) E a business organization, form unknown (2) D a corporation (2) D a corporation (3) E an unlncorporated entity (describe): (3) E an unincorporated entity (describe); (4) E a public enmy (describe): (4) E a publlc enmy (describe): (5) E other (specify): (5) D other (specily): ' ll mus Iorm us Md u I wss-comanu, pl. nu" -le uots-comol- run! m mam! mans cross-debnoam Pow I cl 2 mgfimégfgmr COMPLAINT-Comract cm o: cm meme. s ‘2512 ”LDCDOHRevaualw 2007; wk,“ 38h4 F7q339gA. LAA_ z - .‘._ ,V PLD-C-001 SHOR’ TITLE. CASE muses LVNV Funding LLC VS. Alexander Hanna 4V (Continued) b. The true names of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plaintiff, (1) D Doe defendants (specin Doe numbers): were me agents or employees ofthe named defendants and aaed within the smpe ofthat agency or employment. (2) E Doe defendants (specify Doe numbers): are persons whose capacmes are unknown to plaintiff. c. D Information about addlflonal defendants who are not natura‘ persons ls contained In Attachment tc. d. D Defendants who are joined under Code ofCivil Procedure section 382 are (names): 5‘ E Plauntlfl is required lo compiy wnh a cialms statute. and a. D has complied with applicable clams statutes. or b. E Is excused from complying because (specify): 5. D ms action is subject to D civil Code section 1812.10 D cwn Code section 2964.4. 7. This court ts the proper court because a, D a defendant entered |nlo the contract here. b. D a defendant lived here when the contract was entered into‘ c. m a defendant lives here now d. E the contract was to be performed here. e. E a defendant is a corporation or unincorporated association and Its principal place of business is here f E real propeny that is the subject oflhis adion is located here. a. E ether (Specny): CCP 395 (B) 8. The following causes of action are attached and the statements above apply to each {each complaint must have one or more causes of adion attached): a Breach of Contraa m Common Counts D Other(specim: 9. m Other alleQatiOHSS Plaintiff is a deb! buyer and the sole owner/assignee ofan agreement entered into by defendant(s) on a credit card account ending in 2230 with Plaintiff‘s predecessor Credit One Bank. N.A. Plaintifihaving taken said assignment for value. This account was purchased by plaintiffafier l/I/l4. 10‘ Plaintiff prays for judgment for costs of suil‘ for such relief as I5 fair, Just, and equitable; and 10! av damages of‘ S 52,3 1236 b. D merest on the damages (1) E according m proof (2) D at me rate of (specify): percent per year from (date): c D anomeys fees (1) E of; s (2) D accordlng to proof. d‘ olher (specW): SUCH OTHER RELIEF AS THE COURT DEEMS PROPER. 1 1. m The paragraphs of this pleading alleged on information and belief are as follows (specify paragraph numbers): Date: \3 l] lg/l g W/QARKRQ KARAYAN ’ ‘ 84W (TYPE m PRINT WE) {SIGNATUREOF PLMNFF 0R ATTORNEY) (Ifyou wish to ven'y this pleading, afiix a ven'fican‘on) Plomm [Rev hnmtzwn COMPLAINT-Comract "001°” TA015824 - H723395 PLD-C-DO1 (2) SHORT TITLE: LVNV Funding LLC VS. Alexander Hanna CASE NUMBER. £1331 CAUSE 0F ACTION-Common Counts (numnen ATTACHMENT TO m Complaint E Cross-Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause o! actron‘) CC-1. Plainlifi (name): LVNV’ Funding LLC alleges [hat defendant (name): A|exander Hanna became rndemedto j plaintifi‘ m other (name). a‘ E within tne Ias1 four years (1) 3 on an open book account for money due. (2) E because an account was stated in writing by and between plaintiff and defendant in which n was agreed that defendant was indebted to plainlifl, b. within t’ne last C two years fouryears (1) E for money had and received by defendant for the use and benefit of plaintiff. (2) j for work. labor. serwoes and materials rendered at the special Insmnce and request of defendant and forwhlcn defendant promised to pay plalnuff. D the sum of sE the reasonable value. (3) j tor goods, wares, and merchandise sold and delivered to defendant and for which defendant promised to pay plaintiffD the sum of sD the reasonable value‘ (4) 3 for money lent by plaintiffto delendam a! defendant's request, (5) E tor money paid land out and expended xo or fordefendam at defendant's special Instance and request. (6) j other (specify): CC-2. s ‘which Is the reasonable value. is due and unpaid despite pkainllffs demand, plus Prejudgment Imerest E according to proof E at the rate of percent per year from (date): CC-3. D Plaintlff Is enmled to anomey fees Dy an agreement or a statute L: 0’5C accordingto proof. CC“ a Cine“ $2.3 12.86. which is the fixed and agreed amount. is due and unpaid despite plaintiff‘s demand. Plaintiffis thc sole owner and current assignee oflhis accounl‘ whose account number a! lime of charge offended in 2230. and was originally owned by Credit One Bank. N.A.. P.O‘ Box 98873‘ Las Vegas, NV 89193. who was the creditor at the time ofcharge off. $2,412.86 was the balance al the lime of charge off. as shown by Exhibit I attached. Defendant defaulted on or about August 12. 2016. The last payment was made on this account on October 18. 20l6, as shown by Exhibit 2. The debtor's name and address appeared in [he original creditor's records prior to the sale ofthe debt or as of 12/3 l "13. is as shown in Exhibit 2, The names and addresses of all entities who have purchased the debt afler charge off are as follows on Exhibit 2 attached. PlaintifThas complied with Civil Code Section 1788.52. Page 3 hp. 1 on F mmmm '0103! slusc _C CoaeMCMl Pmumfi‘fiJZ0M aw Counci oi cxnbmm CAUSE OF ACTION ornmon counts mwumh ca govmowmmn mum, zoos] TA015824 - H723395 EXHIBIT 1 CRED’T ONE BANK CREDIT CARD STATEME NT Acmunl Numbe' 0 July 12. 2016mAugusl 11.2016 5mm 0F ACCOUN! ACTIVITY PAYHENT NORMA“!!! Pvevcus Bums $2,376 £3 New Samoa 32.41286 Payments $50 00 Pm! Due Amwm $734 00 Omarc'aa‘n - $000 NmunlDueThsPedod 51.71336 . $0 00 Ilnlmum Mm! Dun 9311.36 Cu" Mvmcga . $0 Do Flynn" Dun D." mmT/W FouChargod o $43.2! mp. Wynn“mmrw ' “3“. nmmmrme-anwmmlmmvmam ‘2'“236 mmmnpayauahomlosab Mum Plymorl Wamng glesw n 913$ nwaamlymmAmmmanJNMImwoc ad ms!“ lwm W Io d1 wSummaosmg Dale 08/11/16 m ' "W l M m m Day: in Buim Cyde 31 Fa Imus "youmflnm waip-yofln Moyouwl 005811098? mu won wwmrwn onduppaym CalCusmSewuovRepofl uncommon mama mm” lLoIlo'SIohn Qed'fl Card 1877 825 32‘2 ”MMM- Wm Nd Wade [he U S Cdl 1 702740572042 Wm" Please send b-IIInc Inqumes and conespmuence lo p-ym I mom p.03 00 P o Box 98373. Lu Vegas. NV 59193 5373 Hym-mldlhluamluclflmwm. all 'W5155720 YRANSAC'HMS RahumW Yum Du- Pocl Duo Donavon“ ol 1mm u Crud! Amoui 7407193K700XTMJM9 W 08m PAYMENT - THANK YOU 50 m Fm FSIZIODKGOOOCYLAC 03/” 08/‘1 ANNUAL FEE 09/16 THROJGH (HHS 8 2b 08/11 06/” LATE FEE 3500 TOTAL FEES FOR Tl-IS PERIOD ”.25 mm! mum 06m 08/11 Inlevesl Chaim on Purchases 43 18 Dam 08m Interest Charge m Cash Amances 0 00 TOTAL INTERESY FOR WIS PEHOO 41!! 2016 Totll: Vou-lo-Dlu Told lees chamed m 2016 $346 00 Told mmesl warped m 2016 K140 62 YOUR ACCOUNT IS SCHEDULED TO 8E CHARGED OFF THE BALANCE WILL BE DUE IN FULL CALL (888) 7296274 Vow account 5 wnenny closw INTEREST CMROE CALCULATION Your Annual Pememaae Hale (APR) As me annual Imeresl rale on your amour" Baum 51m Io Typo of Balance Annual Puccmago Nab (APR) lmnnn Run Imurvn chug: Purchases 24 153m) 32.14513 $43 1s Cash Advances 24 1536M 50 00 $0 00 (v) - Variade Ram m1 \m ml Y ll lwall 0 CXPIGEIdI 20 5727 M HHS OIEUFIN Pummunmwxm-«nmmm‘um-omvmmmmmmmanna; cnewmcm Cryqi'pn’e' Fa mus. mm ma ml dung”. Dom oomph" mo twain w. 0, WI yuu Mi! fllo'milm mm umcwmoneannlcun PAY YOUR NLL ONLNE m CMHOVQBUILOOM Accoum Mamba fl 2230 New Balm 82,4! 2 86 Mmmum Paymem Due $2 4‘2 86 Payment Due Dale 09107116 mumosmE ....|||I.Il.l.l|.llyllI.I..H...|..l..I..l....|lllll.ll‘..lll...l uncmvvflE mum POBOXMSOO CITY OF INDUSTRVCA917160600 l.lullIII.lll......||ll....|..l,l4|II....ll..||.||..lll.llll.l.l ‘imfu‘s‘fifiv 2018 EVANS LN UNITS SAN JWE CA 95125 2066 ”230 t EXHIBIT 2 ‘ IHI'JHI’JV ‘mu: mm This account summary has bun prepared by Resument Caplml Services on behalf o! L VNV Funding LLC. It ‘|‘.| ls not a credit card or other account statement from me original creditor. Borrower lnformallon Current Account Information Name: ALEXANDER HANNA Address: 2018 Evans Ln Unit 5 City: San Jose Slate: CA ZID C060: 951254066 Ownu: LVNV Fundlno LLC Reference l: 825825401 Original Creditor: Credit One Bank, NA Account Number. )OOOOOOOOOOO(2230 Cumnt Balance Duo: $2312.86 Dal. o! Lalt Paymlntz 10/18I2016 Recent Payment Transactions Transaction Date Description Amount 10l18l2016 Payment $100.00 Toul Pald: $100.00 Historical Account lnfonnatlon The original creditorfor mis account was: Credit One Bank, NA P.o. Box 98873 Lu V0903. NV 891 93 Tho onglnwon data with original crodltor was: 08/06Q012 The chanson creditor for mls account was: Credit One Bank. NA The address o! the charged! creditor was: P0. Box 98873 Las Vegas. NV 89193 Th0 account chargt-ofl date was: 0811212016 Tho account chargo-otl amount wan: 92.41236 Tho account was acquired on or about: 0911 mow The account was acquired from: MHC Receivables, LLC and FNBM, LLC The account balance at time of acquisition: $2,412.86 The borrowers address lrom charge-ofl 2018 EVANS LN UNIT 5 creditor‘s records: SAN JOSE. CA 95125-2066 This communicafion is from a debt collector and this is an attempt to collect a debt Any information obtained will be used for that purpose, Page 1 or2 Ownership Histoty Date O! Transfer OwnenCredltor flame Ownermmditor Address 08I31I2016 Ctodlt One Bank. NA P.O. Box 98873 Lu Vegas. NV 89103 09/12/2016 MHC Rocomuu. LLC and 6801 s. Clmarron Road 8qu FNBM, LLC 423-5 Las Vegas. NV 891 13 09/1 2/2016 Sherman Originator III LLC P.0. Box 10466 Clo Resurgenl Capital SeMces Greenvillo, SC 29603 LP 09I12/2016 Sharman onglnltor LLC P.O. Box 10466 Clo Ruuvgont Capllal SoMcos Grunvlllo. SC 29603 LP LVNV Funding LLC P.0. Box 10466 CIO Resurgent Capital Services Greenville. SC 29603 LP Page 2 of 2