Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.October 30, 2018180V337315 Santa Clara - Civil : 2 System System aI | Nam Electronically Filed Support Services o Investigations - DocumentSqutions by superior Court of CA ! County of Santa Clara, on 11/27/2018 2:42 PM Reviewed By: System System SERVICE ORDER FORM Case #1 3cv33731 5 Envelope: 2208910 Date: November 27, 2017 CLIENT INFORMATION Attorney: Jeffery A. Korinko Firm: Law Office of Anthony T. Schneider Order From: Leslie Sturkie CASE INFORMATION Case Name: AMCO v LOCAL ROOTER FileITC #: 18-000265 Court: SANTA CLARA-SAN JOSE Case No.: 180V337315 INSURANCE CARRIER INFORMATION Insured Insurance Bulk Claim: name: MAHESH NATRAJAN Co.: AMCO INS. CO. (x) YES Coverage Claim #: 012297-GE DOL: 11/20/16 Adjuster: TRACY GUINTHER Code: PROP ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION _X_ FILE _X_ CONFORM _ SERVE Last Date to file/serve: _ COPY _ DELIVER _ OTHER Description / Instructions 0f Documents 0r Assignments: Please Efile attached Proof of Service Please advance fees. Thank you. **PLEASE PROVIDE COPY OF COURT RECEIPT FOR ANY FILING, RECORDING, ISSUING OR CERTIFYING FEES** THANK YOU ServeManager RECEIVED By Leslie Smrkie at 7:33 am, 11/27/18 Attorney or Party without Attorney: Far Court Use Only LAW OFFICE OF ANTHONY T. SCHNEIDER Jeffery A. Korinko (SBN 171913) 4685 MacArthur Court, Suite 200 Newpon Beach, CA 92501 Telephone N0: 949-250-5557 Ref. ND. or File ND.) Attorney Far: Plaintiff 18 000265 Insert name of Court, and Judicial District and Branch Court SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Plaintiff: AMCO Insurance Company Defendant: Local Rooter & Plumbling, |nc., a California Corporation, et al PROOF 0F SERVICE Hearing Date: Time: Dspt/Div: Case Number.- SUMMONS 1SCV337315 1. At the time ofservice I was at least 18 years ofage and not a party t0 this action. 2. | sewed copies of the Summons, Complaint, Civil Case Cover Sheet, Cause of Action, Civil Lawsuit Notice 3. a4 Party served; LOCAL ROOTER & PLUMBING, INC. b. Person served: DUY CHAU NGUYEN, AGENT FOR SERVICE 4. Address where the party was served: 1811 McLaughlin Ave, San Jose, CA 95122 5. Iserved the pan‘y: b, by substituted service. On: Fri, Nov 23 2018 at: 08:50 AM l left me documents lisked in Hem 2 with or in ‘he presence of: John Doe, Co-lenant for LOCAL ROOTER & PLUMBING, INC. , Asian American , Male , Age: 60‘s , Hair: Other , Eyes: Brown , Height: 5'5" , Weight: 145 (1) E (business) a person at least 18 years of age apparently in charge at the office or usual place of business ofthe person to be served. | informed him or her ofthe general nature of the papers. (2) E (home) a competent member of the household (at least 18 years of age) at the dwelling house or usua‘ p‘ace of abode ofthe party. | informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. (3) E (physical address unknown) a person at least 18 years of age apparently in charge at the usual maihng address of the person to be served. otherthan a Unned States Postal Sewice post office box. | informed him or her of the general nature ofthe papers. (4) m (Declaration of Mailing) is attached. (5) E (Declaration of Diligence) attached stating actions taken first lo attempt personal servxce, 6. The "Notice to the Person Served“ (on the summons) was completed as follows: a. E as an individual defendant. b. El as the person sued under the ficmiuus name of (specify): c. E as occupant. d. m On behalf 0f (specify): LOCAL ROOTER & PLUMBING, INC. under the foHowing Code of Civil Procedure section:m 416.10 (corporation) E 415.95 (business organization, form unknown)E 416.20 (defunct corporanon) E 416.60 (minor)E 416.30 00in! stock company/association) D 416.70 (ward or conservalee)D 416.40 (association or pannershwp) E 416.90 (authorized person)E 416.50 (public entity) E 415.46 (occupant)E other: Judicial Council Form POS-O10 PROOF 0F SERVICE 2807015 Rule 2.1 50.(a)&(b) Rev January 1, 2007 SUMMONS (11338518) Page 1 of 2 https ://Www. 1LPW/read0nly 1 1/27/20 1 8 ServeManager Page 3 0f 4 Attorney or Party without Attorney: Far Court Use Only LAW OFFICE OF ANTHONY T. SCHNEIDER Jeffery A. Korinko (SBN 171913) 4685 MacArthur Court, Suite 200 Newpon Beach, CA 92501 Telephone N0: 949-250-5557 Ref. ND. or File ND.) 18-000265 Attorney For! Plaintiff Insert name of Court, and Judicial District and Branch Court SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Plaintiff: AMCO Insurance Company Defendant: Local Rooter & Plumbling, |nc., a California Corporation, et al PROOF 0F SERVICE Hearing Date: Time: Dspt/Div: Case Number: SUMMONS 18¢V337315 Recoverabwe cost Per CCP 1033.5(a)(4)(3) 7. Person who sewed papers a. Name: Ellenor Rios b. Address: FIRST LEGAL 600 W. Sama Ana Blvd., Ste. 101 SANTA ANA, CA 92701 c. Telephone number: (714) 541-1 1 1 0 The fee for service was: $74.25 | am: (1) E not a registered California process server. (2) E exempt from registration under Business and Professions Code section 22350(b). (3) E a registered California process server: (i) E owner i employee E independent contractor (ii) Registration No: P80984 (iii) County: Santa Clara 8. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. & 1 1/26/201 8 (Date) (Ellenor Rios) Judicial Council Form POS-010 PROOF OF SERVICE 2807015 Rule 2.150.(a)&(b) Rev January 1, 2007 SUMMONS (11338518) Page 2 of 2 https ://Www. 1LPW/read0nly 1 1/27/20 1 8 ServeManager Page 4 0f 4 Attorney or Party without Attorney: Far Court Use Only LAW OFFICE OF ANTHONY T. SCHNEIDER Jeffery A. Korinko (SBN 171913) 4685 MacArthur Court, Suite 200 Newpon Beach, CA 92501 Telephone N0: 949-250-5557 Ref. ND. or File ND.) 18-000265 Attorney For! Plaintiff Insert name of Court, and Judicial District and Branch Court SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Plaintiff: AMCO Insurance Company Defendant: Local Rooter & Plumbling, |nc., a California Corporation, et al PROOF 0F SERVICE Hearing Date: Time: Dspt/Div: Case Number: By Mail 1SCV337315 1. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to this action. I am employed in the county where the mailing occurred. 2. | sewed copies of the Summons, Complaint, Civil Case Cover Sheet, Cause of Action, Civil Lawsuit Notice 3. By placing a true copy of each document in the United States mail, in a sealed envelope by First Class mail with postage prepaid as follows: a. Date of Mailing: Fri, Nov 23, 2018 b. Place of Mailing: SANTA ANA, CA 92701 c. Addressed as follows: LOCAL ROOTER & PLUMBING, INC. 1811 McLaughlin Ave, San Jose, CA 95122 4. I am readily familiar with the business practice far collection and processing of correspondence as deposited with the U.S. Postal Service on Fri, Nov 23, 2018 in the ordinary course of business. Recoverab‘e Dost Per CCP 1033.5(a)(4)(B) 5. Person Serving: a. DAVID LEDESMA (2891, Orange County) d. The Fee for Service was: $74.25 b. FIRST LEGAL e. | am: a Registered California Process Sewer 600 W. Santa Ana Boulevard, Suite 101 SANTA ANA, CA 92701 c. (714) 541-1110 6. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. (Date) (David Ledesma) 1 1 l26/201 8 Judicial Council Farm PROOF OF 2807015 Rule 2.1 50.(a)&(b) Rev January 1, 2007 SERVICE (11338518) BY MAIL https ://Www. 1LPW/read0nly 1 1/27/20 1 8