Stipulation and OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.October 24, 2018\DOOflmUI-PUJNI-t NNNNNNNNNHH r--\ muaMAmNHowmzma-EGS:,S Envelope #7908322 JAMES McMANIS (40958) McMANIS FAULKNER a Professional Corporation Filed December 23, 2021 50 W. San Fernando Street, 10th Fl. C|erk of the Court San Jose, CA 951 13 Telephone: (408) 279-8700 Facsimile: (408) 279-3244 Superior Court of CA County of Santa Clara '1 8CV336922 Attorneys for Plaintiff, By: I‘Walker BRIAN EXLINE SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA BRIAN EXLINE, an individual, No. 1-18-CV-336922 Plaintiff, VD STIPULATION EXTENDING TIME T0 FILE MOTION TO STRIKE 0R TAX COSTS; [PRGPGSED] ORDER LISA GILLMOR, an individual, and DOES 1 Action Filed: October 24, 2018 through 20, Defendants. Trial Date: Not Assigned STIPULATION EXTENDING TIME T0 FILE MOTION TO STRIKE OR TAX COSTS PlaintiffBrian Exline (“plaintiff’) and defendant Lisa Gillmor (“defendant”), by and through their respective attorneys ofrecord, stipulate as follows: WHEREAS, on December 13, 2021, defendant filed a memorandum of costs, including a request for statutory attorney’s fees; WHEREAS, on or about December 13, 2021, defendant filed a motion to fix the amount of statutory attorney’s fees; WHEREAS, the Court has not yet assigned a hearing date on defendant’s motion to fix the amount of statutory attomey’s fees; WHEREAS, the deadline for plaintifi to filé a motion to strike or tax costs under Rule 3.1700(b)(1) falls during the week of‘December 27, 2021 ; 1 STIPULATION EXTENDINGTM TO FILE MOTION TO STRIKE 0RTAX COSTS; [PROPOSED] ORDER, Case No. 1-18-CV-336922 'mmqmmgmmm NMNNNNNNNHHHH ooqmmAwmaoxoooxxa333558 WHEREAS, plaintiffs counsel’s office is closed for the holidays from December 24, 2021 through December 3 1, 2021; WHEREAS, an extension oftime would benefit the parties and the Court in that it would allow for better briefing; The parties hereby stipulate, by and through their respective counsel, that plaintiffs deadline to move to strike or tax costs is extended to and including January 28, 2022. 1T Is so STIPULATED. DATED: Decembergg 2021 cMANIs FAULKNER AMEs McMAN‘is Attorneys for Plaintiff, BRIAN EXLINE DATED: December 2_0, 2021 CROSBY & CROSBY, A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION MICHAEL c. CROSBY i Attorneys for Defendant, LISA GILLMOR [BROPQSE-B] ORDER Pursuant to the parties’ Stipulation, and good cause appearing, the Court orders that plaintiffmay file his motion to strike or tax costs 0n of before January 28, 2022. IT IS SO ORDERED. ' i JV H .Kx rwé-AVSigned: 12/23/2021 08:11 AM Dated: JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT Hon. Peter H. Kirwan 2 STIPULATION EXTENDING TIME TO FILE MOTION TO STRIKE OR TAX COSTS; [PROPOSED] ORDER, Case No. l-l8-CV-336922 '