Minute OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.October 24, 2018SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA MINUTE ORDER Jaime Camhi-Espinoza vs Timothy Hernandez et al Hearing start Time; 10:30 AM 18CV336914 Hearing Type: Review: Mediation Status Date 0f Hearing: 10/03/2019 Comments: 8 Heard By: Pierce, Mark H Location: Department 2 Courtroom Reporter: - N0 Court Reporter Courtroom Clerk: Mai Jansson Court Interpreter: Court Investigator: Parties Present: Future Hearings: Casey, Arthur James Attorney Exhibits: - Megan Lazar via court call for Pltf. Stephen Gorman sp app for Deft Oseguera. Med held, not stld. Set for TSC on 11-5-19 at 11am in Dept 2. Printed: 10/3/2019 10/03/2019 Review: Mediation Status r 18CV336914 Page 1 0f 1