DeclarationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.October 24, 2018Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 1/4/2021 10:13 AM Reviewed By: D Harris Case #18CV336864 Envelope: 5523736 18CV336864 Santa Clara - Civil D Harris 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DECLEND John P. Kenosian. Bar #80261 Law Offices of Kenosian 8. Miele. LLP 8581 Santa Monica Blvd.. #17 Los Angeles. CA 90069 Tel: (888) 566-7644 Attorney for BH FINANCIAL GROUP. LLC SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SAN JOSE LIMITED CIVIL BH FINANCIAL GROUP. LLC . Case No.1 18CV336864 A Limited Liability Company DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF JUDGMENT Plaintiff. vs. CIV. CODE §1788.50 LEON ANDREWS aka HOWARD L. ANDREWS and DOES 1 to 5. inclusive. Defendant(s) l. David Eliason, declare: 1. l am an Authorized Agent for BH FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC. I am involved in management and operations of BH FINANCIAL GROUP. LLC and my responsibilities include the management. control and custody of 8H FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC records. It is the practice and procedure of BH FINANCIAL GROUP. LLC's employees or agents with personal knowledge of an act. event or transaction to make a record thereof at or near the time such act. event or transaction actually occurs. These records are made and compiled in the regular DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF JUDGMENT Clv. CODE §178850 Page 1 of 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DECLEND course of BH FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC's business. I am familiar with how BH FINANCIAL GROUP. LLC's business records are prepared. maintained. accessed and retained and am required to rely upon and deal with the information contained in the records. I have found the records and information to be trustworthy and reliable. Each record attached to this declaration is an exact copy of the original record stored in computer storage. copied or duplicated onto microfiche or microfilm. I have possession andlor access to BH FINANCIAL GROUP. LLC's records including the records relating to LEON ANDREWS (hereinafter “Defendanfl. Based upon my personal knowledge and/or from my examination of the records of my institution relating to the Defendant, I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein. If called as a witness I would under oath competently testify as to the facts stated herein. Based upon the foregoing and my review of the records relating to the Defendant in this matter. | am informed and believe and thereupon make the foregoing representations. 2. On or about 05-16-16. Defendant entered into a written agreement with LENDING POINT. LLC for the issuance of a loan. By the terms of the agreement. LENDING POINT. LLC loaned to Defendant. a sum of money under loan now bearing account number ending XXXXXXXXX558 (the “Account“). Defendant promised to pay LENDING POINT, LLC all sums loaned with interest, fees and charges. A true and correct copy of the LENDING POINT. LLC Promissory Note and Disclosure Statement is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference. 3. Subsequently. the Defendant defaulted by failing to pay the minimum monthly payments that were due. 4. Prior to filing this lawsuit. BH FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC acquired sole ownership of the debt at issue. or has authority to assert the rights of all owners of the debt. 5. The Account. which is the basis of the complaint. is a consumer debt that was sold or resold after January 1. 2014. DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF JUDGMENT Clv. CODE §1788.50 Page 2 of4 1O 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DECLEND 6. The debt balance at charge-off was $2261 .30. The balance of post-charge-off interest is $745.30 as of the date of this declaration. The amount of post charge-off fees is $0.00. 7. The date of the last payment was on 04-1 1-17. 8. The name and an address of the charge-off creditor at the time of charge-off was LENDING POINT. LLC 1701 BARRETT lAKE BLVD. SUITE 290 KENNESAW. GA 30144. The last four digits of the charge-off creditor's account number associated with the debt at the time of charge-off was XXXXXXXXX558. 9. The name and the last known address of the Defendant as appearing in the charge-off creditor's records prior to the sale of the debt was LEON ANDREWS. 18210 KENYON CT SARATOGA. CA 95070. 10. The name and address of all post charge-off purchasers of the debt are as follows: Name Address ARGENT HOLDINGS. LLC 10249 YELLOW CIRCLE DRIVE SUITE 200 MINNETONKA, MN 55343 SECURITY CREDIT SERVICES. LLC 306 ENTERPRISE DRIVE OXFORD. MS 38655 BH FINANCIAL GROUP. LLC 8581 SANTA MONICA BLVD #552 LOS ANGELES A Limited Liability Company ,CA 90069 11. Attached as Exhibit B and incorporated is a true and correct copy of the Bill of Sale between LENDING POINT. LLC and ARGENT HOLDINGS, LLC. 12. Attached as Exhibit C and incorporated is a true and correct copy of the Bill of Sale between ARGENT HOLDINGS. LLC and SECURITY CREDIT SERVICES. LLC. 13. Attached as Exhibit D and incorporated is a true and correct copy of the Bill of Sale between SECURITY CREDIT SERVICES. LLC and BH FINANCIAL GROUP. LLC This Bill of Sale was made in the regular course of business. This Bill of Sale was made at or near the time the Account was sold. The sources of information and method and time of preparation were such as to indicate its trustworthiness. DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF JUDGMENT CIV. CODE §1788.50 Page 3 of 4 1O 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DECLEND 14. BH FINANCIAL GROUP. LLC and LENDING POINT. LLC have done everything required of each to be done and each performed all their obligations to Defendant. except those obligations the BH FINANCIAL GROUP. LLC and LENDING POINT. LLC were prevented from doing or excused from doing. 15. Alth0ugh demand has been made, the amount prayed for is due, owing and unpaid from Defendant. 16. The Defendant was served with a copy of the summons and complaint in this action but failed to answer or otherwise plead. 17. At the time of the filing of the complaint, the applicable statute of limitations on the debt had not expired. 18. Pursuant to LENDING POINT. LLC Promissory Note and Disclosure Statement. BH FINANCIAL GROUP. LLC seeks relief according to the prayer of its complaint. | declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed. within the State of California, as of November 24. 2020. By: ?- , David Eliason, Authorized Agent, declarant DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF JUDGMENT CIV. CODE §1788.50 Page 4 014 Exhibit A DocuSIgn anelope ll) FCC58078-3F7E4097-8t00-060264MDDA4 CONSUMER LOAN AGREEMENT Date: 5 IZ'ZOIO \o.: 4.\l’l"(tt)()()l35257 Effective Due: 5 IS 20H) (you may gel funds prior In lhis‘ Final Maturil) Dale: 5 ll 2(le date) Lendingl'oim l.l‘(‘ dx’b/a/ Lendingl‘oim Borrower‘s Vamc: l I ()N »\\I)R| WS Amt: Customer Scn'icc Borrower‘s Address: ISZIU Kl ..\'Y()N ("l'. S.\R/\‘I‘OG \. (N'\ l70l Barren Lake BlVd. Suite 290 950"” Konm-saw. (;.\ Jlll-H Phon01844-885-87IJ Phone: 4086886940 Email address: customerscnicda (‘ell Phone: Email address: uhmmlu'u uol cum FOR INFORMATION CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS OVERSIGHT. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 1. PARTIES. In this Loan Agreement ("Agreement") the words "you". "your" and "I” mean the borrower Insted above who has electronically signed this Agreement. The words "we", "us." and "our“ mean LendmgPoint LLC d/b/a/ LendingPomL California license number 60080-46348. TRUTH-IN-LENDING DISCLOSURES mum FlnancedNUAL ERCENTAGE RATE Totaliéi‘ Payments {The cost of your credit as a he dollar amount me credit The amOunt of credit provuded The amount you wnl have wearymg ill cost you Ito you or on your behalf‘ paid after you have made all payments as scheduled. 23.2241% $905.92 $3,500.00 $4,405.92 - r - _ _ __. Yeur Payment Schedule w:|l be. Number of Payments Amount of Payment When Payments Are Due 24 $183.58 MONTHLY beginnxng on 6 11/2016 Security: You Lare _ are not givmg a security Interest In (he ACH Debut Authorization Late Charge: If you fail to make a scheduled payment within fifteen (15) days of its Due Date. you will be charged $157 Prepayment: If you pay off the loan early you wm not have to pay a penalty and you may be entitled lo a refund of pan of the finance Charge. See the terms of this Agreement for any additional information about nonpayment. default. any required repayment in full before the scheduled due date. and prepayment refunds and penalties. ltemization of Amount Financed: Amount given lo you directly: $ 3,500.00 Amount paid on your acc0unt wnh us: S N/A. Amount paid to others on yOur behalf: S N/A. Prepaid Finance Charge (Origination Fee): S 75.99 . Page 2 of 9 DOCUSIgn anelope ll) FCC58076-3F7E4097-8F00-DGO2F4MDDA4 2. SUBMITTING THIS AGREEMENT. In order to submit thus Agreement to us. you must electronically sugn thus Agreement and click the “I Agree” button below. Once you sign and submit thus Agreement Io us, we may reQUIre additional Infomauon from you as described in this Agreement If you fail to provide any information required by us in order to process this transaction or if we are otherwise unable to approve this Agreement within forty-eight (48) hours of the date you sign and submit this Agreement (”Contract Deadline“). your loan request may not be approved. If your loan request is not approved we will notify you. we will not fund the loan, and you will not incur a finance charge or any fees. After we receive your signed Agreement and any additional nnlormatxon we require. we will rcwcw and confirm yout Information and either approve or deny this Agreement. If we approve this Agreement wc WIII use commercially reasonable efforts tn initiate an ACH credit entry of the loan proceeds into Your Bank Account listed below on or before the Effective Date above. We rely on the representations of y0u and other parties in determining the Effective Date‘ Despite our best efforts. delays as a result of weekends, bank holidays. the processing schedule of your bank. the untimely receipt of verification detanls (if required). inadvertent processing errors. “acts of God". and/or 'acls of terror” may extend the lime for the deposit. 3. SUPPORTING MATERIALS. You agree to provide to us all information we require. including but not limited to bank statements. proof of Income. photo identification. a velded check. and/or any other materials requested by us lo process your loan request (coIlectnvely "Supponing Materials“). You agree that ll we do not receive all reqmred Supporting Materials on or before the Contract Deadline. then we may not approve thus Agreement. We will notify you If we do not approve this Agreemenl‘ In the event we do not approve this Agreement. neither you nor we wull be obligated under [his Agreement. 4. PROMISE TO PAY. We hereby provide you a loan with a principal amount of $3,575.00 ("Principal"), whuch Includes an originatuon fee of S 75.00 You promise to pay us or our ass:gnee the Pnncupai plus Interest on the unpaud amount of the Principal at the daily rate of 0.057342% based on a 365-day year ("Contract Rate"), from the Effective Date until payment In full unless othelwise lnmlted by this Agreement or applicable law‘ The origination fee us a prepaid finance charge that Is withheld from the proceeds of thus loan and that Is fully earned as of the Effective Date. sublecl to your ugh! to cancel described below. You also promise to pay any other charges provndcd for under this Agreement You promise to hmnly pay us the amount owmg hereunder by making installment payments 0n the dates Insted in the payment schedule set forth above ("Due Date(s)"). On each Due Date you will pay us or our assignee at the address indicated above. or at such other address as we direct you In writing, the amount stated. by certified check or electronic debut to yom account (if authorized). or as we otherwise agree in wnting. Y0ur final Due Date (“Maturity Date”) 1s 5’1 1/2018. Tnme Is of the essence If any Due Date falls on a date we are not open for business. then you agree to pay us on the next busnness day. and we will credit such payment as if we received it on the appropriate Due Date 5. INTEREST AND PAYMENTS. We use the simple Interest method to calculate the interest. In calculating your Truth-in- Lending Disclosures, we nave assumed you will make each payment as scheduled and that we begin to earn the finance charges on the Effective Date. The Finance Charge box above discloses the total amount of Interest and origination fee you will owe us under this Agreement If you make your payments 0n the dates sel forth in the payment schedule Interest Is not compounded. If an early payment is less than the scheduled Installment. then you mus! pay lhe difference on or before the upcoming installment Due Date‘ Payments will be applied firs! to accrued interest, lhen to any outstanding fees or charges. and then lo any Outstanding Principal or. if State Law requires a different payment application order. In accordance with Stale Law. Early payments or paying more than scheduled may decrease lhe amount of interest that accrues. Late payments may increase the amount or mleresl that accrues. I! you meet our credit criteria. we may allow you to extend a payment date or the maturity date of thas Agreement. Although we do not charge a separate extenson fee. please note that If you extend your payment or maturity date. y0u WIII incur additional finance charges To request Information about extending your payment date or maturity date, you must contact us by email at customerserv:ce@lendIngpoml‘com or by phone at 888-969-0959. 6. PREPAYMENT. You may pay In advance m any amount at any time and you will not nncur an additnonal charge. fee‘ or penalty. Prepayment may reduce the total amount of Interest that accrues. To make arrangements for a prepayment you must contact us by email at customerservice@lendingpointcom or phone at 888-969-0959 We wnll then arrange an authorization to debut funds from Your Bank Account or make other arrangements for the prepayment. 7. RIGHT TO CANCEL. YOU MAY CANCEL THIS LOAN AGREEMENT WITHOUT INCURRING FINANCE CHARGES OR ANY COSTS NO LATER THAN 5:00 PM EST OF THE NEXT BANKING DAY IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE DATE (CANCELLATION DEADLINE") BY EMAILING A CANCELLATION NOTICE TO LENDINGPOINT. ATTNV CUSTOMER SERVICE, 1701 BARRETT LAKES BLVD. SUITE 290. KENNESAW. GA 30144 OR BY FAXING IT TO 770-726-9756. IN THE EVENT THAT WE RECEIVE YOUR WRITTEN NOTICE OF CANCELLATION ON OR BEFORE THE CANCELLATION DEADLINE AND AS A CONSEQUENCE WE DO NOT INITIATE AN ACH CREDIT OF THE LOAN PROCEEDS TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. BOTH YOUR OBLIGATIONS AND OUR OBLIGATIONS UNDER Page 3 of 9 DocuSIgn analone u) F CC58078-3F7F 4097-8E-00-0607F4A400A4 THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE CANCELED. IN THE EVENT THAT WE RECEIVE YOUR WRITTEN NOTICE OF CANCELLATION ON OR BEFORE THE CANCELLATION DEADLINE BUT WE INITIATE AN ACH CREDIT OF THE LOAN PROCEEDS TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. THEN YOU AUTHORIZE US TO EFFECT A DEBIT ENTRY TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT FOR THE AMOUNT FINANCED OF YOUR LOAN SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING (1) IF WE RECEIVE PAYMENT OF THE AMOUNT FINANCED BY THE DEBIT ENTRY TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT THEN BOTH YOUR OBLIGATIONS AND OUR OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE CANCELED. OR (2) IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE PAYMENT OF THE AMOUNT FINANCED OF YOUR LOAN BY DEBIT ENTRY TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. THEN THIS AGREEMENT WILL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT 8. PAYMENT METHODS. You are requnred to make the payments for each installment penod on 0t before the Due Dales. and i! on the final scheduled Due Date you still owe amounts under [his Agreement. you are requwed lo pay those amounts in full on that date If you elect m make your payments electronically Dy automatic electromc debxl (ACH) then your payments plus any fees due lo us uf applicable) wull be automatically Initiated by us m accordance wnh mis Agreement and processed by our servucers or agents (If any). If you elect to make your payments by certified check (i) all payments must be delivered to: LendingPoint. P.O. Box 300079. Duluth. GA 30096-0300 and (ii) payment must reach this address by 5:00 pm EST on or before the scheduled Due Date. Please contact us at 888-969-0959 for other payment methods that may be available Regardless of the payment method used. a payment must be recewed by us on or before the close of business on me scheduled Due Date. Our acceptance of a partial payment does not waive or salnsfy y0ur obligation to make your scheduIed payment in full and on time 9. VERIFICATION. You certufy and warrant that the information you have given In connection with this Agreement Is true and correct. You acknowledge and agree that we rely on the information you provude to us in order lo decnde whether to approve this Agreement. You authorize us to venfy at any time all of the information and documents that you guve us. including hut not limited lo any past and/or present emp|oymenl history, Income. bank account dmanls and/or other Information and documents necessary to process your loan request. determme Due Dales, and/or administer your account With us. You specmcally authorlze us to use information and documents you provnde us. Including your social security number and/or bank account number. to verify Information on Your Bank Account through telephone or other electronically initiated bank (ecords inmated by us and processed by us or our serwcers or agents. You also give us consent to obtain Information about you from consumer reporting agenCIes and/or other sources, You represent that you are nol a debtor under any proceeding in bankruptcy and have no intention to file a petition for relief under any chapter of the United States Bankruptcy Code‘ 10. ACH CREDIT AUTHORIZATION, If we approve this Agreement. then we will (i) fund the loan in accordance with this Agreement and (ui) use commercially reasonable efforts to credit the proceeds payable to you Via ACH mto your bank accoml at [insert name of bank] (‘Deposuory'). using the routing and account Information shown on the vended check y0u provide ("Your Bank Account"). We w:ll unmate such ACH credit on or before the Effective Dale. unless lh|s is a refunancmg transaction and the proceeds are applied to y0ur account With us or with another creditor If this Is a refinancing, the Effective Date will be the dale of this Agreement. If we do not initiate an ACH credit entry to Your Bank Account for the amount of the loan proceeds before 9:00 p.m. EST on the Effecfive Date. then this Agreement may be rescinded. in which case you will be required to sign a new loan agreement in order to receive a loan. We wlll notify you If the Agreement is rescinded. You voluntarily authonze us. our successors and assngns to initiate, and our servucers to process. an automatic credit entry to Your Bank Account You understand and agree we do no! represent 0r warrant that loan proceeds will be available tor your use on or before a certain date or nme Accordingly you agree that you will not hold us liable for any failure to deposit funds to your account on or before a certain date or llme‘ 11. Pa‘yment Mgfhod Authorlzéilar y You may choose to repay by selecting one of the options below. You understand that we will process your payments ‘, provcded in the Payment Schedule above by the method checked below. X ACH Debit Authorization. By seleclang the ACH Debi! Authorization option, you hereby authorize LendmgPomt and our successors and assngns lo Initiate. and our servncers to process. automatic debit entries for payments In accordance | with this Payment Method Authorization to Your Bank Account usmg the routing and account information shown on the voided check y0u provide to us You represent and warrant mat your regular employment. benefit. andor other Income us deposuted into Your Bank Account. You further represent and warrant that you are named as an account holder on Your Bank Account and that you have the right to withdraw funds from Your Bank Account. You aulhonze us lo electronically debit Your Bank Account in accordance wnh these provus«ons lor am0unls owmg on ._ each schedglggpayrne-m date o:_lfle_reafter.iYou a_lsgaulhOfnziys lg re-unuliate such ACH ngal a toga] of lwo adgmonal Page 4 of 9 DocuSIgn annlope ll) FCC58078-3f-7E-4097‘8F00-0602E4A400A4 I times (if necessary) for the same amount If the ACH debit is dishonored. You acknowledge thal lhe ongmalion of an | electronic debut to Your Bank Account must comply with the provisions of U.S. law. You agree that you are responsible l for maintaining funds in Your Bank Account suffiCIent lo satisfy each scheduled payment when It becomes due, and you waive any claim you may have against us arising from your faalure to do so. Your Bank Account Information. If there is any missing or erroneous Information regardmg Y0ur Bank Account then you authorize us to verify and correct the information. You acknowledge. warrant. and represent that Your Bank Account Is a legilimate. open, and active account into wmch your regular employment. benefn. and/or other Income is currently deposited and that you have the right lo initiate (and to authorize us to inmale) electronic debits 1mm Your Bank Account Dates. You acknowledge that this authonzation Is an authorizatuon to Initiate an ACH debit to debit Your Bank Account on or after each Due Dale set forth in the Loan Agreement Termination. You understand and acknowledge that you may terminate this authorization by notifying us in wnlmg in such xime and manner as to afford us and the deposnory insmution a reasonable opportunity to act on Ix Range of Debits and Notice of Variation. Our debuts lo Your Bank Account wnl be in an amount between the amount of the scheduled payment and the total amount of any scheduled payments due and past due at the lume we Inmate lhe debit. plus any additional charges and/or fees Incurred under thus Agreement. or a lesser am0unt owmg based on your payment history. We will not debut your account for more than the lolal amount of scheduled payments due and pasl due at the time we Initiate a debit (plus additional charges and/or fees. as applicable) If a debit am0unt WIII fall outside of the specified range. then we wull email you notification of the am0unt of the debs! and the dale on or after which we will debit such amount, at least ten calendar days before me scheduled debut Partial Prepayments. If you make any partial prepayments. then you authorize us to vary the amount of the electronic debut as needed t0 reflect those partial prepayments. Additional Amounts, You further authon‘ze us lo iniuale separate electronic debuts lo Y0ur Bank Account for any applicable Late Chargms). Relurned Payment Fee(s), andlor other fees or costs provided in this Agreement Depository Institutlon Charges. You agree that you are solely responsible for any and all charges Imposed on i you by your depository institution in connection wuth payments processed and/or attempted under thls authonzation. Including but not limited to charges related to insuffncncnl funds In Your Bank Account Full Force and Effect. Thus authorization will remain in full force and effect untll we have received written notification from you of its termination in such time and In such manner as to afford us and the depository I Institution a reasonable opportunity to act on IL You may send written notification by e-mail lo customerservice@| or by mail lo LendingPoint. Attn' Customer Service. 1701 Barrett Lakes Blvd. I Suute 290, Kennesaw. GA 30144, I Error Correction. In lhe event we make an error In processmg any payment. you authorize us to Initiate a payment to or from Your Bank Account to conect the error. Optional Electronic Debit Authorization. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO SELECT THIS ACH DEBIT AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER A TRANSACTION WITH US. THIS ACH DEBIT AUTHORIZATION IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE IN PAYING. BY SELECTING THIS OPTION. YOU , ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE BEEN PROVIDED AN ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT METHOD AND THAT ‘ YOU HAVE VOLUNTARILY CHOSEN TO PAY ELECTRONICALLY. Certified Check. By seleclxng the Certified Check option. you agree to deliver to us a Certified check tor each scheduled payment on or before each Due Date. Certified checks must be delivered to our address at > LigggEgPoim, BO. Box 300079. Duluth. GA 30096-0300 by o! beforew p.m. EST on the Due Date. 12. ELECTRONIC CHECK RE-PRESENTMENT POLICY. In the event a check Is returned unpaid for unsufllcuen! or uncollected funds. we may re-present the check electronically. In the ordinary course of business the check will nol be prov-ded lo you with your bank statement. bul a copy can be retrieved by contacting yOur financial Institution 13. CHECK CONVERSION NOTIFICATION. If you provide a check as payment. you authorize us and our semcers or agents either to use information from y0ur check to make a one-tume electronic fund transfer from your acc0unt or to process the payment as a check transaclnon‘ When we use Information from y0ur check to make an electronic funds transfer. funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receuve your payment. and you wnll not receive your check back from your financial institutuon‘ For questions, please contact us at LendingPoml LLC. Altn Customer Service. 1701 Barrett Lakes Blvd, Sunte 290. Kennesaw, GA 30144 14. SECURITY INTEREST. If you elect to make yOur payments by ACH Debit Authorization. then we discIose that Our interest In such Authorization ps a security interest for Federal Truth-in-Lendlng purposes only Federal and State Law do not cleariy address whether our Interest in the payment methods are a "security Interest." 15. RETURNED PAYMENT FEE. You will be charged an amount not to exceed the lesser of $15 or the maximum allowed Page S of 9 DocuSIgn Envelope ID FCC58078-3F7E4097-8E00-0602F4MDDA4 by state law if any payment given by you or any other person as payment on your obligations under this Agreement as not paad or Is dishonored. You authorize us and our agents to make a one-time withdrawal from Your Bank Account to collect this returned payment fee. We may only Impose this fee once per scheduled Installment payment. 16. LATE CHARGE. If you fail to make a scheduled payment within fifteen (15) days of Its Due Date. y0u wull be charged a late charge of $15. 17. DEFAULT. We may declare you to be In default under this Agreement If: (a) you prowde us false or misleading information about yourself. your financial condition. Your Bank Account. or any other matter, (b) you omit or fail to provide any information required by us, (c) you fail to make the entire payment due by a scheduled Due Date or If your payment is dishonored or relurned lo us unpaid for any reason. or (d) y0u agree to make allernative payment arrangements and (ail lo make those payment(s) on tume and In full. 18. CONSEQUENCES OF DEFAULT. If you are m default beyond any applicable cure period. you agree that we may take any of the follownng actions separately or together In any combination to the extent allowed by applicable law: (1) we may accelerate the maturity of the loan and all other amounts due us and demand Immediate payment in fuIl of the same. (2) we may contnnue lo charge you interest on any unpaid amounts at the Contract Rate: and (3) we may exercnse any other rights or remedies allowed by thus Agreement or at Iawv 19. WAIVER. No failure to exercise. or delay in exercising, any right. power or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof. nor shall any sungle or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right. power or privnlege 20. CONSUMER REPORTS & THIRD PARTY INFORMATION. You authorize us to obtain conSumer reports and other Information about you from consumer reporting agencies and other third parties in connection wnh your request for credit and at any time that you owe us money under this or any Agreement. 21. REPORT OF NEGATIVE PAYMENT INFORMATION. As required by law. y0u are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit reporting agency nf y0u fall to fulfi|l the terms of your credit obhgalaonsv 22. ASSIGNMENT AND EXECUTION. We may unilaterally assign or transfer thus Agreement. Informanon and/or documents related thereto and/or any of Our rights hereunder in our sole discretion to any other person or entity wuthout prior notice to you. If we approve this Agreement. then you agree that the electronically signed Agreement we receive from you w»|| be cons:dered the orignnal executed Agreement, which Is binding and enforceable as to bolh parties 23. DATA OWNERSHIP. You agree that any mformahon or records we obtain from or about you wnll be our property and that we may use it in our sole discretion as allowed by law. Such mformauon may be disclosed or sold to third parties as allowed by law. For more information about data and Information usage. please see Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy al www.lendungpomlcom. 24. GOVERNING LAW. California law governs thus Agreement. except thal lhe Federal Arbutration Act 9 U SC Sections 1-16 (“FAA") governs the Arbitration Clause. The loan contemplated by lhns Agreement is made pursuant to lhe California Finance Lenders Law. Divusion 9 (commencmg with Section 22000) of lhe Financial Code‘ By electronically signing thus Agreement. you agree to this Arbitration Clause (“Clause"). Background. In arbitration, a third party (“Arbitrator") Iesolves Disputes in a hearing ("hearing"). You, we. and related third parties waive lhe right lo go to court. except smaII-claams court as described in this Clause You. we. and related third parties waive Jury tnals. The arbitration hearing Is private and less formal than court Arhmators may limit pre-hearing fact hndmg, called "discovery." The decusion of the Arbitrator is final Scope. Thus Clause governs the parties. their heirs. successors. assigns. and third panics related lo any Dispute. In l this Clause. the word "Dlsputes" has the broadest possible meaning. This Clause governs all "Disputes" involvmg . the partnes to thus Agreement and/or our servncers. ass:gnees. and agents. Including but not Inmnted to consultants. banks. payment processors. software providers. data providers and credit bureaus. This includes all claams even l irLdilgctlyigeiliatediq y0ur _applicajuon am agreementgsjwwllh uslhns :ncfiludesfiglalmsirielated lo information you Page 6 of 9 DocuSngn Envelope ID FCC58078-3l-7!:4097-8E00-DGO2E4A4DDA4 prJibusly gave Usilit includes afiipast agrgments. It ifiéludes extensions. ré-tfiéls. refinancing. or payment plans It Includes claims related to collections. pnvacy, and customer information. It Includes claims related to semng asnde this Clause. It Includes claims about the Clause‘s validity and scope. It Includes claims about whether to arbulrate. Waiver. You waive your rights to: (1) Have juries resolve Disputes; (2) Have courts. other than smaIl-claims courts. resolve Disputes; (3) Serve as a private attorney general or in a representative capacity: and (4) Participate in a class action. UNDER THIS CLAUSE. COURTS AND ARBITRATORS CANNOT ALLOW CLASS ACTIONS. You waive your rights to panicipate in a class action as a representative and as a member. Only individual arbitration or smaIl-claims courts will resolve Disputes. You waive your right to have representative claims. Unless reversed on appeal. if a court invalidates this waiver. the Clause will be void. Governing Law, This transaction Involves interstate commerce. so the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA‘ ) governs. I1 a court funds the FAA doesn't apply and me finding can't be appealed. then State Law governs The Arbitrator must apply substantive law consustent with the FAA. The Arbitrator must follow statutes of limitatzon and privilege claims Informal Dispute Resolution. We can try to resolve Disputes if you call us at 888-969-0959 If we are unabIe to resolve the Dispute by phone. mail us a notice telling us the details and how y0u want to resolve xl We may be able to resolve the Dispute on terms mutually agreeable to you and us. If we make a written offer ("Settlement Offer"). you can reject It and arbitrate, How to Start Arbitration. If we don't resolve the Dispute through informal dispute resolutionv either party may start arbitration To start arbitration. contact an arbitrator affiliated wnh a national arbitration organization or an arbutratlon group listed below. No party will disclose settlement proposals to the Arbllralor dunng arbitration. To contact us. send mail to: LendingPonnt LLC d/b/a LendmgPomt. Ann: Legal Department. 1701 Barrett Lakes Blvd. Suate 290. Kennesaw. GA 30144 via certified US. mail to confirm receipt. Arbitration Process. Either party may mail lhe other a request 10 arbitrate, even If a lawsuit has been hled The notice should describe the Dispute and relief sought. The receiving party must send a response Vla certified U.S mail within 20 days. If you mail the demand. you may choose one of the national arbitration groups listed Ir‘. thus paragraph Or. y0ur demand may slate that you want the parties to choose a local Arbitrator affiliated wnh a nahonal arbitration organization If we or related third parties mail the demand. you must respond Within 20 days Your response must choose an arbitration group or propose a local Arbitrator affiliated wuth a national arbitration organization I1 you don't timely respond or your response does not choose an arbmation group or a local ArbitraIOr affil-ated with a national arbitration organization. we may choose the arbitration group You may select me Amerocan Arbitration Assocuation (“AAA") (1-800-778-7879) mtgflwwwadr grg or JAMS (1-800-352-5267) htlg/lwww amsadr com The panies to a Dispute may also agree m a wrmng Sngned by both parlnes Io use a local attorney. retired judge. or local Avbutrator. The Arbitrator must arbitrate under AAA or JAMS consumer rules You may get a copy of these rules from such group. Any rules that conllicl with any of our agreements with yoa don't apply. If these opluons aren't available, and the parties can‘t agree on another. a c0urt may choose me Arbitrator Such Arbitrator must enforce your agreements wnh us as they are wrmen The Arbitrator will order the hearing withm 100 mules of your home or where the xransactlon occurred. Either party may attend the hearing by phone. The Arbitrator's decision wall be fnnal. A party may file lhe Arbitrator's award wnh the proper court and seek Juduoal enforcement of «I Arbutratnon wnll be the sole method of resolvmg appeals of a smalI-clalms court judgment If the amount in controversy exceeds 510.000.00. a party may appeal the Arbllralor's finding. Such appeal \vxll be lo a three-Arbltrator panel from the same arbitratlon group, The appeal will be de novo and resolved by mapvity vote The appealing party bears appeal costs. despite the outcome. SmaII-Claims Court‘ Each party has the tight to arbitrate or to go tn smalI-clalms court If the small-clanms coun has the power to hear the Dispute. Arbitration wull resolve all Disputes mat the small-claims court does not have the power to hear. If there Is an appeal from small-claims court. or If a Dispute changes so that me small-clalms court loses the power to hear It. then the Dispute will he heard only hy an Arbitrator. Effectiveness of this Clause‘ The Clause wull remain eflectwe unless both parties agree otherwse m a writing Signed by each party. The Clause governs if you rescind the transaction It governs if you default. renew. prepay or pay. It governs if this Agreement, the obligations set forth herein. or amendments to thus Agreement are discharged through bankruptcy The Clause will remain effective. despite thus Agreement's and/or a transactions termination amendment. expuralion. or performance, Arbitration Fees and Awards. We wnll advance your “Arbitration Fees" to the Arbitrator If you ask us to in writing A sentLoqs vnarcierflerd QS‘ mall pngr tg arbitriatfin. Trflsflgludegfrnljng. admigl§gratwetr£anng and Arbutrator‘s tees. Page 7 of 9 DocuSIgn Envelope ID F CC58078-3F 7E 4097-8EOO-0602L-4A4DDA4 V-You are‘resfiJhélbieTor paK/ivrfiyofifittorngy feeisiain‘d otHe‘r exbegngesz-hre Arbitfitbi mgy awarrfihe géme [7 , damages as a court. Arbitrators may award reasonable attorney fees. and expenses. if allowed by law. If the Arbitrator awards you funds you don't reimburse us the Arbitration Fees. If the Arbitrator doesn't award you tunds. then you must repay the Arbitration Fees we paid on your behalf, If you must pay Arbitration Fees. the amount won't exceed state court costs. If you are successful m arbitration you may receive an Arhitrator's award A pany may request details from the Arbitrator wnlhin 14 days of the ruling. Upon such request. the Arbitrator may explain the ruling in writing. Other Options. If you don't want to arbitrate. you have the followmg options before arbitration commences (1) Informal Dispute Resolution. Contact us and attempt to settle any Disputes: (2) Small-Claims Court. Seeks to resolve Disputes in small-clanms court. wm'un state law limuls. and/or (3) Opt Out ofArbitratuon Sign the Agreement and then timely opl-out o! Arbllrahon How to Opt Out‘ If you want to opt out of this Arbitration Clause, send us wntten notice vna certified US mall to LendingPoint LLC, Attn: Legal Department. 1701 Barrett Lakes Blvd. Suxte 290. Kennesaw. GA 30144 of your Intent to opl-oul o! the Arbitration Clause of thus Agreement within thirty (30) calendar days o! electromcally Sagnmg thus Agreement Slate your name. address. account number and dale State that you *opt oul. If you opt out, your opl out will only apply to this Agreement. 26. JURY TRIAL WAIVER. Except as limited by Sta!e Law‘ you and we waive the righx to tnal by jury In any actuon or proceeding ansmg from or related to this Agreement. If State Law prohibits you or us from waiving the nghl to trial by lwy, then thls Jury Trial Waiver shall not apply. However. State Law shall not Impair 0r othemnse affect the Arbltlalnon Clause whlch Is governed by federal law. 27. ACCOUNT TRANSACTION CALLS - AUTODIALERS. PRERECORDED VOICE. AND SMS TEXT MESSAGES TO YOUR RESIDENTIAL PHONE AND YOUR CELL PHONE. Receipt of reSIdenlial and cell phone calls (including text messages) may be subject to charges from your service provnder. If you provuded a resndennal or cell phone number. then you authorize us to cail it (including sending SMS text messages) using an auto-dialers. prerecorded messages. and SMS text messages. These calls Will provide account information and servnces. such as possible transaction approval. payment reminders, and collection efforts. If you don't want such autodlaled calls. you can withdraw consent by notifying us In writing at Our address listed above. If you don't want to receive such SMS text messages about your account. you can withdraw consent by followmg the opt-out procedures in the message 0t notifying us In writing at our address above 28. TERMS OF USE. By signing this Agreement. you acknowledge and agree to LendmgPomt's anacy Notice as stated on LendingPomt's websne at the following link: htlps://|endmgpoint‘com/privacy-noticel and further agree that you have revnewed and are in possession of a copy of the anacy Notice, You also acknowledge and agree that you have reviewed LendingPoml‘s Terms of Use as slated on LendmgPoint's website at the following Imk: https ’/lendmgpoum com/terms-of- use/ and agree Io the same. 29. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. You warrant and represent that lhc information you prowdc lo us Is true. correct. and complete. You acknowledge and agree that we rely upon the Information you prowde. and 'f any such Informallon is or becomes inaccurate. incomplete. or misleadvng you will immediately contact us and provide us corrected mformatnon‘ You further acknowledge and agree that when you sugn and submit [ms Agreement we do nol guarantee or represent that we will provide you a loan or a loan on the terms set forth In thus Agreement You acknowledge and agree that we may or may not grant you a loan on the terms set forth In this Agreement and that such deciSIon ls In our sole discretion You agree that we may choose not approve thus Agreement and mat we may choose lo presenl alternative loan terms to you, 30. SEVERABILITY AND PRIOR AGREEMENTS. If any provisnon of this Agreement us found invalid or unenforceable that provnsmn will be omitted and the remainder of this Agreement will remam in effect and be construed so as to best effectuate the on'glnal intent and purpose of thus Agreement This Agreement supersedes any pnor agreement. understanding. or representatlon between us‘ 31. NOTICES. Any notice to a Party under this Agreement wull be sent to the Party‘s phySIcaI or email address listed on this Agreement 32. ORAL MODIFICATIONS. Oral agreements or commitments to loan money. extend credit or to forbear from enforcing repayment of a debt including promises to extend or renew such debt are not enforceable. To protect you (borrower(s)) and us (creditor) from misunderstanding or disappointment. any agreements we reach Page 8 of 9 DocuSvgn Envelope ID FCC58078-3F7E~4097-8E00-060264A4DDA4 covering such matters are contained in this writing, which is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between us, except as we may later agree in writing to modify it. 33. BROKER. You represent and warrant that a broker has participated in the making of this loan. The Broker is Dot818... . 34. MARRIED APPLICANTS. California law requires us to provide tho following disclosure to all applicants: A married applicant may apply for a separate account. IMPORTANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: You acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is subject solely to applicable state and Federal law. You acknowledge and agree that the Arbitration Clause is the sole and exclusive forum for resolving disputes andlor claims arising from or relating to this Agreement. You acknowledge and agree that the proceeds of this Agreement wlll be used solely for personal. family. or household purposes. BY SIGNING THE BOX BELOW AND CLICKING THE "I AGREE" BUTTON, YOU ARE ELECTRONICALLY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, YOU AGREE THAT THIS ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE HAS THE FULL FORCE AND EFFECT OF YOUR PHYSICAL SIGNATURE AND THAT IT BINDS YOU TO THIS AGREEMENT IN THE SAME MANNER AS PHYSICAL SIGNATURE WOULD. YOU CERTIFY TI IA' THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT IS TRUE AND CORRECT YOU AGREE THAT YOU HAVE THE FINANCIAL ABILITY TO REPAY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS AGREEMENT YOU AUTHORIZE LENDINGPOINT LLC OR IT AGENTS TO VERIFY THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN CONNECTtON WITH THIS AGREEMENT AND GIVE LENDINGPOINT LLC OR ITS AGENTS CONSENT TO OBTAIN INFORMATION ON YOU FROM CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCIES OR OTHER SERVICES. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE IHAI: (A) YOU HAVE READ. UNDERSTAND. AND AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDING THE ARBITRATION CLAUSE AS WELL AS THE PRIVACY NOHCE. (B) IHIS AGRttMtNI WAS HLLtD IN BEFORE YOU SIGNED IT. AND (C) THAT YOU HAVE PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED A COMPLETED COPY OF THIS AGREEMENT FOR YOUR RECORDS YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS AGREEMENT IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY LENDINGPOINT YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT LENDINGPOINT IS UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO APPROVE THIS AGREEMENT IF LENDINGPOINT DOES NOT APPROVE THIS AGREEMENT YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A LOAN When I click the "I Agree" button below. my electronic signature is authenticated. CAUTION - IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU THOROUGHLY READ THE CONTRACT BEFORE YOU SIGN IT. Borrower: EWS [IAGRcm‘ Lam “mews Sfififii‘éma 3 ; 44 PM ET End of Document Page 9 of 9 DocuStgn i-nvelooe ID l-CC58078-3F7F-4097-8E00-0602E4MDDA4 PRIVACY NOTICE W IIA’I DOI-Sl F.Nl)l\GPOINT [)0 WITII YOUR PFRSONAI. INPDRMATION? linuncial uvlnpunics choose ho“ [hm shmc you: pcrwnal intuumuun lgdcr: 1| 1m uno wnsumus Ihc right [u Ilnul sumc hm no! Jll .xhurlng. lcdcrul la“ nlw nqmru u~ to Icll mu how wc mllccl share. und pmtcct yuur pcrsuuul Informanun I’Icusc rend llux munu- cnrctuH} tn undcm Ind Mm “c duL_w, _J _ , |~ A("lS r ,- l linuucml mmpumc.‘ chnnac how lhc) shun: )uur personal inlhmmlmn chcrul Liv. uncs consumers lhc right m limit some but not all sharmg. Federal Lm .nlm rcqmrm ux In lcll )ou how \vc cullccl. share. and pmlcct your personal information. l'lcasc rcud 1hi\ nuucc curctull) to understand “hut “‘c du. What"? o Sncial Stcurily numbcr and Account balances o pa) mcnl hislnry and credit scores 0 credit history and transaction history thn vou arc no longcr uur unlnmcr, \w mnlinuc m xharc )our inllmmlinn n~ dcxcrihcd In thus nolicc All hnzmcml companies nccd m \lmrc cuslumcu person ll inlunnuuun ln run Ihcn cwudn busmcss In the sccuon hclnw. wc llsl lhc rcasnns financml cnmpamcs cam share Ihcn unlumcu ,pcrsnnnl infivnnmiun; lhc reasons Lcmlingl’uim chmvsc.‘ ln xhurc. uml uhclhcr \nu czm limit Ilns ’ .xhunng. I Iuw'.’ ”Obs CAN You LIMITREASONS w: CAN SHARE vom rmsomu. Linnmcromr . INFORMATION . nusWC? fur uur (-u-ryln} bmimws purpmm \uch m h» prom“ \wm ‘Irunsactmnx nmmlum \‘nur .lu'uunux) rcxpund Io court urdcn and Yrs \u Lug.” nnullgalmn:m upon lu clcdnliburmu.» j ‘ ‘ , iFor uur marketing purpuw.\-- lu ull'cr our products :md scnices l Y M \.5 I , 'to vull N1 L ‘ ‘ V A ' V ;_, “r _- _T _ **'* , _ _ ‘ ,*;*: ,; * For joint mu_rlq:ling with «(her financial cumpamc v} Nu ] N» nr uur uffiliules urn da) husinexs purposes" infunnuunn y , . I ‘ N) “c dun I shah labnul wur lransaclionx and cxpcricncu ‘ Fur uur nmlialcs cwrulm husinc“ purposes inlbrmalnm , 1 M) I \\ L dun 1 \lmu about ynur crcdilwnrlhincss _ , - 7-", "-’ 1‘ _- 7- 7 :7 [-or nunulflllatcs m market lo \‘(nu- lnlormulmn uhnul _\uul 1 N ) ‘ “g dnn‘l \h.UL ’crcdilwnnhincss ‘ fl Ql‘ ' ONS? (‘all 1-888-969-0959 W n0 wrm rv ' " V ' ’ " ' . . " i W ho Is prmiding this nolicc' Lendingl’om! Page 1 of 2 ?'uau NCIKP v 1 0 DocuSIgn Envelope ID F-C058078-3F7E4097-8E00-D602E4MDDA4 “1m WE DO 3T0 prulccl ynur pclwlml mlnrnmlmn hum unamhun/cd m ncsxHo“ dues lrcndinul’uim rulcct nu Vb p ’ .md Hun \w ux‘c security mmsurL-x lhnl comply \\ Ilh tulcml LI“ lhcw vpcrsonal inlormatiun‘.’ . . l mucusurcs mcludc cmnputcl uluguunh um! wuucd hlcx and hunldmgs. [Wu collect your pcrsonul Intlvrmmiun. fur vxnmplc. uhcn um 0 Apply fur u loan ur proudc cmpluymcn! Inturmunnn 0 Provide account int'onnuuun or lcll us \s hcrc lu wnd the money O gin: us your incumc iulhx'munml Ho“ does Lendingl’oinl collccl m) personal information? »_ 7 _ . .‘,_n_ ,_,_ __._ 'I-‘-'_. . ' ’ 7-. ' - > : f W-l-cdcral law guts yuu lhc nghl m luml only | o S'lluring fur uffillulm' cwryluy huamc“ purpuw‘ Information about yum crcdmwnluncss ‘ o Affiliates from using your Intumutmn m nmrkcl lo you o Sharmg for nonal‘filialcs lo markcl In 'mu mam: ,.__.. ,.__. (‘umpunics related by common ownership or wntrnl. They can be financial und mmfinunciul companies. Affiliates ‘ o I.cndingl’uinl (luvs nnl slum' with mu' u/ii/iulmz _ JlL. fl ____ , > ' ' V -‘#'- 77W, w ;, , V- 7 V _,': [ E‘umpanics not related by common ownership ur cuntrnl. I‘hcy ‘ can be financial and nonfinancial companies. I lNunatflllates y o Nunufli/I'ulvs n'c share will: um I'm ludc nI/n'r Iinunyiu/ vmnpunim. markcling (-nmpunim. xvrrit'iug mmpmlim. uml (lab! cullccliml companies. .i I A formal agreement between nonat‘fi lialcd financial companies ‘ that together market financial products or scrviccs to you. Joint marketing o LcndingPuint dues nuljninllv market. Page 2 of 2 p'lnn Nmm- y 1 0 DowSIgn Enve|ope ID FCC58078-3F7E4097-8500-060254A4DDA4 CONSENT T0 ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS: Your Name: LEON ANDREWS Your Email Address: You must consent to transact busmess with LendingPoint LLC through electronic communications in order for us to process your loan request. The following terms and conditions govern electronic commumcatlons In connection with your loan request. Loan Agreement (if approved) and any communications regarding your account with us (the “Consent"). By electronically signing this Consent. you are confirming that you have agreed to the terms and conditions of the Consent and that you have downloaded or printed a copy of this Consent for your records. You agree that: 1. Any disclosure, notice. record or other type of information that as provided to you in connection wnth your transaction wnh us, including but not limited to, the Loan Agreement, this Consent. the Truth in Lending disclosures sei forth 1n the Loan Agreement, Privacy Notice, change-in-terms notices. fee and transaction information. statements, delayed disbursement letters. notvces of adverse action. and transaction information (collectnvely. “Commumcatnons"). may be sent to you electronically by poshng the Information at our website. or by sendmg it to you by email from us or any vendor/servicer contracted through us at any time. 2. We will not be obligated to provide any Communication to you in paper form unless you specifically request us to do so 3. You may obtain a copy of any Commumcation by oomacting us al or by callmg us at 888-969-0959. You may withdraw your consent to ongoing electronic communications in the same manner and ask that Communications be sent to you in paper or non-electronic form. We reserve the right to charge you a fee for such paper copies. 4. You agree to provude us with your current email address for notices, which unless notified otherwise we assume is the email address indicated above If your email address. telephone number(s). or residence address changes. you must send us a notice of the new address/telephone number(s) by sending us an emavl at customerservice@lendingp0| using secure messaging, at least five (5) days before the change 5. In order to receive electronic communications in connection with this transaction. you will need a working connection to the lntemet, Your browser must support the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. SSL provides a secure channel to send and teceive data ovet the lnlemet through HS encryptlon capabilities. Netscape 4.7+ and above. Microsoft Internet Explorer 501+ and above. and other web browsers support thus feature. You will also need a punter connected to your mmpuler to pnnI disclosures/nulices We do nut provide ISP services. You must have your own Internet Sewlce Provider 6. You agree that you are able to view andlor electromcally store the information presented at this websute You also agree to print and retain a copy of this Consent for your records 7. You acknowiedge and agree that when you clsck “l Agree" below, you are prowding your electronic signature on this document. By electronically signing this document, you are agreeing to all of its terms and condllnons‘ You agree that your electronic signature shall have the same force and effect and shall bind you to this document m the same manner and to the same extent as a physical signature would do, in accordance with the Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) to the extent applicable. 8. You are free to withdraw your Consent at any time and at no charge. If at any time you wish to withdraw your Consent. you can send us your written requesl by mail to LondingPoint LLC d/bla LendingPoint. Attn: Customer Service, 1701 Barrett Lakes Blvd. Suite 290, Kennesaw. GA 30144 with the details of such request. If you decide lo wnlhdraw your Consent. the legal effectweness. validity. and enforceabilty of prior electronic disclosures or Communications will not be affected. 0mg,“ w: I, AGREE] 06W! dWKflDS Bzmmwocmm 5/16/2016 I 3:44 PM ET Page 1 of 9 Exhibit B BM. OF SALE Pot value reu'vud and In furthermm-on of the mutual covenants am: conczt om m ‘nnh n the Forum Flow Accwm Purchase Agreement [the "Agrremenfl dated lune 28‘ 201:" 0‘. and between qu‘m LLC ('Seller‘) and Amen: Holding; LLC ("Buyer‘L Sane: hereby uansfers sen; com. lrlnts. andGem to Buyer. n3 successes and asscm, mthoul recourse except as set forth m me Mreement. to the mam of its ownership, the Accounts as set fonh m the Acwum Schodue attached homo as me'bn I delivered bv Salk! to Bun! on each Closmg Date. and as runner aescnueu m tr. Agreement. Lot Number. Wu Unpaid Baum: Number of Accounts DATED: JUN 28, 2017 Exhibit C Ml BILLO‘SALE For value received and m infirm consideration of the mmua! caveman and condmors u" i‘mr In the Account PurchaseWm (the 'A‘reemem') cared quimh” >__ _ 3013 3, r; between Ngem Holding. LLC ('Sefler") and mama ("Buyer‘L 5cm," nen-m warden, sens, conveys, grants. 3M dawn to Myer, «u succasots and asmns. wimom ream “,c aw»; t as set bah in me Agreement. to the emm of its owncnnxp, the Accounts as mt ‘onn n um Accw-c Scheduie attached hereto as Exhibit 9 defivered by Sofie: m Buyer on each 0min; Dal». am: .u mm." mnhed in the Went. La Nunber: Wt: Unad Sauna: Numoer o! Account: DATEDJM , 2013 SELLER: Algem Holdings V L fi) m_WMM ,~ mW} m______._- _ _ “dam..-“ Exhibit D MA ASSIGNMENT AND Bll L OF SALE Scwmy Credit Seniccs. LLC (“Seller") bu entered into an Accounts Purchase Ayecmcnl. dakd July 30. 2018 ("Aycancm") for llr sale 0f Accuums dumbed m Apeemem thereofto BH Financial Group. LLC. ("Purchaser"). upon terms and condumm sci {onh in that Agreement. NOW. THEREFORE. for good and valuable consideration. Seller hereby sclln. Jwgm. and transfers to Purchaser Ill of Seller's nghts. rule. and interest m each and ever) unc .n the Accounts described in (he Agrccmcm. prm Idcd however such transfer n made xx uhnul any rcprcscnmuona. warranties. or recourse. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Sella has signed and delivered (his Instrument nn th; 513 day of July _.20l8. Security Credit Services. LLC By: ’