Proof of Service MailCal. Super. - 6th Dist.September 19, 2018Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 3/2/2020 1:23 PM Reviewed By: A. Rodriguez Case #18CV335232 Envelope: 4106833 18CV335232 Santa Clara - Civil A. RodriguezPOS-030 ATTORNEY 0R PARTY.WITHOUT ATrORN'Ev (Name Stale BarTnumber ended 53$ Maria Bradish (288384) Donna Aguirre (Z43510)Tai Dmh Tran ( 87482) Jeremy Kimmelman (322958) Taylor Preston (325472) The Moore Law Group, APC, PO Box 25145, Santa Ana, CA 92799-5 I 45, 3710 S. Susan St., Suite 210, Santa Ana, CA 92704-6956 FOR COURT USEONLY TELEPHONE N01: (800) 506-2652 E-MAIL ADDRESS (Opfioneg: FAX N o. (Op'tionap: ATTORNEY FOR" (Name): Citibank, N.A. SUPERIOR COURT .OF CALIFORNIA, 'COU NTY..OF Santa Clara STREET ADDRESS: 191 North First Street MAILING ADD‘REsé: San Jose CA 951 13 crr-Y AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: RETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: Citibank, NA. RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: Emestina Yanez CASE NUMBER: PROOF OF SERVICE BY FlRST-CLASS MAlL-CIVIL 18CV335232 (Do not use this Proof of Service to show serv'ice o'fa Summons and Complaint.) 1. | am over 18 years of age and not a party to thi's action. l am a resident of or employed m the county where the mailing took place. ‘ v ‘ .2'. MY reSidenOe OF bU$in.e,S$ address i5! 3710 S. SUSAN STREET, SANTA ANA, CA 92704-6956 3. On (date). MAR a 2 2020 | mailed from (city and state): SANTA ANA CA the following documents (specnjl): Notice ofEntry ofJudgment Proof of Service Copy of Entered Judgment The documents are listed In the Attachment to Proof of Service by First-C/ass Mail-Civil (Documents Served) (form POS-030(D)). 4, | s_erved the documents by enclosirjg them In an envelope and (check one). a. E depositing the sealed envelope with the Un'rted States Postal Service with the postage fully prepaid. b.- placing the envelope for collection and mailing following our ordinary business practices l am readily familiar with this business's practice for Collecting a'nd processing correspondence for mailing On the same day fl'lat correspondence ls placed for oOllection a'nd mailing, it"I's d'epbsited m the ordinary course o'f business \M'th the United States Po'stal S‘ervice In .a sealed envelope with pOStage fully prepaid. 5, Th‘é‘e’n‘velope was addreSse‘d and mailed a's follows: a‘. Name of person served: Emestina Yanez b‘. AfddreSs of person se'rved: 817 Starlight Ct San Jose CA 95 1 17-2547 E The name. and, address of each person to whom l mailed the documents is Tllsted in the Aitachment to Proof 'of Service by First-CIas; MaiI-Civil (Persons shamed) (Pos-030(P)). l declare under penalty pf'perjury unde;r~"thé laWs of the State of Californiatha’t the foregoing. is true and correct. Date; MAR 02 202$W saldana a Ricardo Camarinoanessa Luna D Victor Ochoa D Maamar Cheranti (TYPE 0R PRINT'NAM‘E'OF PERSON COMPLETING TH Is FORM) / ($IGWF PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM) mygmfi fggag'ggfi'auw PROOF 0F SERVICEBY FIRST-CLAss MAJtécwlL 0°06 ofCiv" Pmedure-§§ 1013- 10138 Posrpso [New January 1. 2005] (proof of Service) WVM-wurfmfucagov