Complaint Limited Up to 10KCal. Super. - 6th Dist.September 7, 2018E-FILED 9/7/2018 2:41 PM Clerk of Court Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara 18CV334593 Reviewed By: A. Nakamoto 18CV334593 JACK H. POGOSIAN, State Bar No.2 305741 KRISTY GABRIELOVA, State Bar No.1 274827 NICHOL ALAN DE GUZMAN, State Bar N0.: 3 14989 HYO JIN JULIA JUNG, State Bar N0.: 316090 10601-G TIERRASANTA BLVD, #4540 SAN DIEGO, CA 92124 Telephone: (866) 300-8750 Facsimile: (858) 309-1588 Attorneys for Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA DOWNTOWN SUPERIOR COURT MIDLAND FUNDING LLC Case N0. Plaintiff, COMPLAINT FOR: vs. (1) Account Stated DOUG GILLARD; PRAYER AMT: $8,080.77 and DOES 1 through 10. inclusive LIMITED 7 Defendant. l. Plaintiff, MIDLAND FUNDING LLC ("Plaintiff"), is a Limited Liability Company qualified t0 d0 business in California. 2. This court is the proper court because Plaintiff is informed and believes that Defendant DOUG GILLARD (”Defendant"), is a resident 0f SANTA CLARA County, State 0f California. 3. Plaintiff is unaware 0f [he truc names and capacities 0f Defendants sued by the fictitious names DOES l through 10. Plaintiff will ask leave 0f court t0 amend this complaint as and when the true names and capacities 0f Defendants named herein as DOES l through 10 have been ascertained. 4. At all times herein mentioned, Defendants, and each 0f them, were the principals, agents, employers, employees, masters, 0r servants 0f each 0f their co-dcfcndants and ratified, adopted 0r approved the acts 0r omissions alleged herein, and each defendant, in doing the things alleged. were acting in the course and scope of said authority 0f such agents, servants, and employees. 5. Pursuant t0 California Civil Code §l788.58(a)(l), Plaintiff is a debt buyer as defined by California Civil Code §l78850(a). , 1 , COMPLAINT rm man“, I:.I.‘ Mn. w 'mci/m )WJ AH AWN 6. Pursuant to California Civil Code §1788.58(a)(2)¢ is seeking t0 recover the amount 0f $8,08077. This is the amount due 0n credit card account number XXXXXXXXXXXX-73l9 ("Account”)‘ which was originally issued by COMENITY CAPITAL BANK. The amount due is the result 0f transactions that occun‘ed 0n the Account. 7. Pursuant t0 California Civil Code §1788.58(a)(3), Plaintiff is the sole owner 0f the debt. Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of the Bill of Sale from COMENITY CAPITAL BANK t0 Plaintiff The account was purchased by the Plaintiff 0n September 27, 2017. 8. Pursuant t0 California Civil Code §l788.58(a)(4), the Account balance at the time 0f chargc-off was $8,080.77. 9. In accordance with California Civil Code §l788.58(a)(4), the following is an explanation 0f the amount that the Plaintiff is seeking t0 recover at the rims 0f the filing 0f this Complaint: Charge-off Balance} $8,080.77 Total Post Charge-Off Interest $0.00 Total Post Charge-Off Fccs3 $000 10. Pursuant t0 California Civil Code §1788.58(a)(5), Plaintiff alleges that the date of default is February 19, 2017 and the date 0f the last payment was December 15, 2016 which was made t0 COMENITY CAPITAL BANK. I l. Pursuant to California Civil Code §1788_S8(a)(6), Plaintiff alleges that the name 0f the charge-off creditor at the time of the charge-off is COMENITY CAPITAL BANK, On information and belief the Plaintiff alleges that an address utilized by COMENITY CAPITAL BANK at the time 0f charge-off was 2795 E. COTTONWOOD PARKWAY SUITE 100 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84121. At the time of charge off the account number associated with the debt was XXXXXXXXXXXX-73l9. 12. Pursuant t0 California Civil Code §1788.58(a)(7), Plaintiff alleges that [he name 0f the debtor as it appeared in the records 0f COMENITY CAPITAL BANK is DOUG GILLARD and the last known address as it appeared in the records of COMENITY CAPITAL BANK is 889l ACORN WAY GILROY CA 95020. 1 Pursuant t0 California Rule of Coun and California Civil Code §l788.58(c) [he Account number has been redacted t0 protect the Defendant's confidential information. 1 This amount may include the Chzlrged-off principal amount and pre-charge-off accrued interest as set forth in the seller data sheet attachedherelo and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit A. 1 This amount is not reflective of the costs incurred in the filing and service of this action which arc recoverable pursuant to California Code 0f Civil Procedure §1033.5. 7 XVJ AH COMPLAINT (“A m ??(i File \‘n: IX-ZIHVK) 10 ll 12 I4 15 16 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 13. Pursuant t0 California Civil Code §1788.58(a)(8), Plaintiff alleges that the name and address 0f a1] post charge-Off purchasers 0f the debt are as follows: Name Address MIDLAND FUNDING LLC 2365 NORTHSIDE DRIVE SUITE 300 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 l4. Pursuant to California Civil Code §1788.58(a)(9) Plaintiff allcgcs that it has complied with the provisions 0f Civil Code §I788.52 and that it informed Defendant 0f the assignment 0f the account. Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit B is a true and correct copy 0f the first written communication sent t0 the consumer by Plaintiff. 15. Pursuant to California Civil Code §1788.58(b) attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit C is a true and conect copy 0f a monthly statement recording a purchase transaction, payment 0r balance transfer while the account was active as required by California Civil Code §l788.52(b). 16. The Account balance at the time of chargeoff was $8,080,77, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit D is a true and correct copy 0f a billing statement that was mailed t0 Defendant stating the balance due on the Account at 0r around the time of charge-off. l7. By this complaint, Plaintiff seeks t0 recover amounts 0f $8,080A77 from Defendant. 18. As alleged above, before filing this suit, all right, title and interest to the Account were sold and assigned t0 Plaintiff. Plaintiff owns the Account and is entitled t0 collect 0n the Account as if it were the original creditor. To the extent that Plaintiff acts in its capacity as successor-in-imerest to the original creditor or its assigns, references herein to Plaintiff may include Plaintiff’s predecessor-in- interest. 19. Before commencement 0f this action, Plaintiff informed Defendant in writing that it intended t0 file this action 21nd that this action could result in a judgment against Defendant that would include court costs allowed by California Code of Civil Procedure § 1033(b)(2). Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit E is a copy 0f Plaintiff’s most recent attempt at resolving thc underlying obligation. MIDLAND'S EFFORTS TO RESOLVE THE UNDERLYING OBLIGATION 20. Plaintiff MIDLAND FUNDING LLC owns portfolios 0f consumer receivables, which it attempts to collect Plaintiff MIDLAND FUNDING LLC and its affiliates (collectively, “MIDLAND”) generally attempt t0 contact consumers like Defendant through several means, such as phone calls, letters, or other means, all in an effort t0 establish contact and t0 resolve the underlying obligation. ‘1 X‘Vd A9 COMPLAINT (‘A {HUG File Nn' ”2305149 \IONUIhLMN 10 11 12 13 ln doing SO, MIDLAND attempts t0 assess each consumer’s willingness t0 pay, through phone calls, letters 0r other means‘ MIDLAND attempts t0 exclude consumers from its collection effons, where MIDLAND believes those consumers are facing extenuating Circumstances 0r hardships that would prevent them from making any payments. 21. When MIDLAND contacts consumers, it strives to treat consumers with respect, compassion, and integrity. MIDLAND works with consumers in an effort to find mulually-beneficial solutions, often offering discounts, hardship plans, and payment options. MIDLAND’S efforts are aimed at working with consumers [0 repay their obligations and t0 attain financial recovery. MIDLAND strives 10 engage in dialogue that is honorable and constructive, and to play a positive role in consumers’ lives. 22. Despite MIDLAND’S efforts to reach consumers and resolve the consumer’s obligations, only a percentage 0f consumers Choose to engage with MIDLAND. Those who d0 are often offered discounts or payment plans that are intended t0 suit their needs. MIDLAND would prefer to work with consumers to establish voluntary payment arrangements resulting in the resolution 0f any underlying Obligations. 23. However, the majority 0f MIDLAND’S consumers ignore calls or letters, and some simply refuse to repay their obligations despite an apparent ability t0 d0 so. When this happens, MIDLAND must decide then whether t0 pursue collection through legal Channels, including litigation like the present action against Defendant. Although the Account is now in litigation, Plaintiff remains willing t0 explore a mutually-beneficial solution through voluntary payment arrangements, if possible. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION ACCOUNT STATED - AGAINST ALL DEFENDANTS 24. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference the foregoing paragraphs. 25. Defendant opened, used, and derived benefit from the Account through Defendant’s own use 0f the Account 0r by another’s use at Defendant’s direction. By using the Account, Defendant expressly agreed or impliedly promised to repay Plaintiff. 26. Within the last four (4) years, Defendant became indebted on the Account t0 Plaintiff in the sum 0f $8,080‘77 0n an account stated in writing by 21nd between Plaintiff and Defendant in which it was agreed that Defendant was indebted t0 Plaintiff. 27. Regular monthly statements were mailed t0 Defendant listing the debits, credits, and balance due 0n the Account, attached as Exhibit D‘ ,4, COMPLAINT FA {H ’27P. Filu \‘n- IRJHKIAO XVJ AH 28. Defendant last made a payment on the Account 0n December 15, 2016 t0 COMENITY CAPITAL BANK. 29, Plaintiff has n0 record of Defendant objecting t0 tha monthly statements after receipt. 30. Plaintiff has made demand 0n Defendant for repayment 0f the account stated but Defendant has failed t0 pay the balance due. Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit B is a true and correct copy 0f first written communication requesting payment that was sent I0 the consumer by Plaintiff. 31. As 0f the date of this complaint there is due and owing the unpaid sum 0f $8,080.77. This amount was arrived by subtracting all payments and applying all credits (if any) t0 the charge-off balance 0f $8,080.77 as indicated 0n [he charge-off statement, attached here to as Exhibit D. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays forjudgment against Defendant as follows: On the First Cause 0f Action: l. For the unpaid balance of $8,080.77; 2. Costs 0f suit; 3. Such other relief as the Court may deem just and proper. Dated: 5/ Z 3/ f S7 MIDLAND FUNDING LLC By: f D 1mm. POGOSIAN D KRISTY GABRIELOVA D NICHOL ALAN DE GUZMAN D HYO JIN JULIA JUNG VMeline Grigoryan 321133 q XVJ A9 COMPLAINT {‘A (1117C PH» Nn- IQJH‘IRIAO EXHIBIT A EXHIBITA BILL OF SALE Comenity Capital Bank (“Seller”), for value received and pursuant to the terms and conditions of Credit Card Account Purchase Agreement dated April 28, 2017 between Scller and Midland Funding LLC (“Purchaser”), its successors and assigns (“Credit Card Account Purchase Agreement”), hereby assigns effective as of the Closing Date 0f September 27, 2017 all rights, title and interest of Seller in and to those Charged-off Accounts described in Exhibit 1 (Asset Schedule) attached hereto and made part hereof for ail purposes. The information contained in the Sale File (collectively, “Seller’s Accounts Information”) 1's true and complete as 0f the Closing Date. Further, all 0f the information contained in Seller’s Accounts Information (a) constitutes Scllcr’s own business records regarding the Accounts and (b) accurately reflects in all material respects the information about the Accounts in Seller’s possession. All of Seller’s Accounts Information has been kept in the regular course of Seller’s business, and was made or compiled at or near the time of the event and recorded by (or from information transmitted by) a person (i) with knowledge of the data entered into and maintained in Seller’s business records, or (ii) who caused the data to be entered into and maintained in Seller’s business records. Amounts due to Seller by Purchaser hereunder shall be paid in U.S. Dollars by a wire transfer to be received by Seller on September 27, 2017 (the “Closing Date”) by 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time, as follows: This Bill 0f Sale is executed without recourse except as stated in the Credit Card Account Purchase Agreement t0 which this is an Exhibit. No other representation of or warranty of title or enforceability is expressed 0r implied. COMWCAPITAL BANK MIDLA NDING LLC By; .[Mmhww y 2% Date: \\= VI. \W \VL Date: qL==__--_2‘7 I ‘7 Tine: Eggs; aw:- TiueWWW EXHIBIT l TO BILL OF SALE ASSET SCHEDULE The individual Charged-off Accounts transferred pursuant to the Credit Card Account Purchase Agreement and Bill of Sale are deScribed in the electronic file named CB_DPL_WFCB; WFCBFLCS_WFCB delivered by Comenity Capital Bank to Midland Funding LLC on September 22, 2017 and summarized in the table immediately below (the “Sale File”) Lot Sale ID # of Charged- Aggregate Unpaid Percent off A ‘ B l Fiie Creation gate 9/22/1 7 PORTFOLIO LEVEL AFFIDAVIT OF SALE BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR STATE OF: UTAH COUNTY OF: SALT LAKE Andrea Moss being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am over 18 and not a party to this action. lam PreSidem of Comenity Capital Bank. In that capacity, Iam a custodian 0f certain books and records of Comenity Capital Bank and certain 0f its subsidiaries and affiliates (altogether, “Seller”), and am aware 0fthe process 0f the sale and assignment of electronically stored business records. Comenity Capital Bank owns certain accounts, and maintains and records infomation in the records as they relate to such accounts. I am authorized to make the statements and representations set forth in this affidavit on behalfofComenily Capital Bank. The Statements set forth herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, based on either personal knowledge or review of the business records of Seller. 0f, and access to, business records relating to the Accounts (as defined below). These records are kept by Comenity Capital Bank in the regular course ofbusiness, and it was in the regular course of business of Comcnity Capital Bank, for an employee or representative with personal knowledge of the act, event, condition, 0r opinion recorded to make memorandum or records or to transmit information thereofto be included in such memorandum or records; and that the records were made at or near the time of the act and/or event recorded or reasonably soon thereafier. On or about 9/27/17, Comcnity Capital Bank, Seller sold (or caused to be sold) a pool of charged-off accounts (the “Accounts”) to Midland Funding, LLC (“Buyer”). Pursuant t0 the sale, Seller sold, transferred, assigned, conveyed, granted, bargained, set over and delivered to Buyer and its successors and assigns, good and marketable title to the Accounts and any unpaid balance free and clear ofany encumbrance, equity, lien, pledge, charge, claim 0r security interest. I am not aware 0f any errors in the Accounts. In connection with the sale of the Accounts, electronic and other records were transferred to or otherwise made available to the Buyer (the “Transferred Records”). The Transferred Records are kept by Comenity Capital Bank in the regular course of business, and it was in the regular course of business of Comenity Capital Bank for an employee or representative with personal knowledge of the act, event, condition, or opinion recorded t0 make memorandum or records or to transmit information thereof to be included in such memorandum or records; and that the records were made at or near the time of the act and/or event recorded or reasonably soon thereafter. To the extent that the Transferred Records include records that were prepared by a third party, they are records that were incorporated into the records of Comenity Capital Bank a: a business record and the accuracy of such records arc reliad upon by Comenity Capital Bank in the regular course of business. 6. The above statements are true to the bcst ofmy knowledge. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Signed thls [0 day of O(Arflba“ , 203- @mcfifmrwv Andrea Mess QFFIANT NAME) Comenity Capita Bank Subscribed and sworn t0 before me this [(1% day of (ighflf’ , 2011, by A «w ‘3 3 ‘3‘; ‘ an employee 0f Comenity Capital Bank qmwf’wfik‘g Notarylfiublic NNHAN COLDREN ClUFF -.\ Nmarv Pubml State oi Uzah Commission d 678849 My Commussmn Expires Semamhetm, 2018 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY STATE OF UTAH CITY OF SALT LAKE The undersigned does hereby certify that he/she is an attorney at law duly admitted to practice in the State of Utah and is a resident of Draper, Salt Lake County, Utah; that he/she is a person duly qualified to make this certificate of conformity; that the foregoing acknowledgment by Andrea J. Moss named in the foregoing instrument taken before Nathan Coldren Cluff a notary in the State of Utah duly conforms with the laws of the State of Utah, being the State in which it was taken; and when executed by Ms. Moss in the manner indicated wili qualify as a valid and effective sworn statement in such state. M 0 r0 I: l fzm Namefl Date DM 149744 PORTFOLIO LEVEL AFEIDAVIT 0F SALE BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR STATE OF: UTAH COUNTY OF: SALT LAKEW I, Andrea J. Moss , being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am over 18 and not a party to this action. I am President of Comenity Capital Bank. In that capacity, I am a custodian of“ certain books and records ofComenity Capital Bank and certain of its subsidiaries and affiliates (altogether, “Seller”), and am aware of the process of the sale and assignment ofelectronically stored business records. Comenity Capital Bank owns certain accounts, and maintains and records information in the records as they relate t0 such accounts. T am authorized t0 make the statements and representations set forth in this affidavit on behalfofComenity Capital Bank. The statements set forth herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, based on either personal knowledge or review of'the business records of Seller. As a custodian of records for Comenity Capital Bank my duties include having knowledge of, and access to, business records relating to the Accounts (as defined below). These records are kept by Comenity Capital Bank in the regular course of business, and it was in the regular course of business of Comenity Capital Bank, for an employee or representative with personal knowledge of the act, event, candition, or opinion recorded to-make memorandum or records or to transmit information thereof to be included in such memorandum 0r records; and that the records were made at or near the time of the act and/or event recorded or reasonably soon thereafier. On or about 9/27/17, Comenity Capital Bank, Seller sold (or caused to be sold) a pool of charged-off accounts (the “Acc0unts”) to Midland Funding, LLC (“Buyer”). Pursuant to the sale, Seller sold, transferred, assigned, conveyed, granted, bargained, set over and delivered to Buyer and its successors and assigns, good and marketable title to the Accounts and any unpaid balance free and clear ofany encumbrance, equity, lien, pledge, charge, claim or security interest. l am not aware of any errors in the- Accounts. ln connection with the sale ofthe Accounts, electronic and other records were tranSferreu' to or otherwise made available to the Buyer (the “Transferred Records”). The Transferred Records are kept by Comenity Capital Bank in the regular course of business, and it was in the regular course of business of Comcnity Capital Bank for an employee or representative with personal knowledge of the act, event, condition, or opinion recorded to make memorandum or records or to transmit information thereof to be included in such memorandum or records; and that the records were made at or near the time ofthe act and/or event recorded or reasonably soon thereafier. To the extent that the Transferred Records include records that were prepared by a third party, they are records that were incorporated into the records of Comenity Capital Bank as a business record and the accuracy of such records are relied upon by Comenity Capital Bank in the regular course of business. 6. The above statements are tme to the best of my knowledge. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Signedthis P?“ dayof QM 23mg ,2oD qum-Ajd’o Andrea J. Moss JAFFIANT NAME) Comem'ty Capital Bank r aA Subscribed and sworn t0 before me this g | day of W, 2013, by Qgégg T {Mm ,an employee ofComeni ’CapitalBank AM~ Cw Cuvk Newfy Public NAYHAN COLOREN cum Notary Public. Siate of Uxah Commission :1 678849 My Commission Expires Sepzem‘nm 0L 2018 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY STATE OF UTAH CITY OF SALT LAKE The undersigned does hereby certify that he/she is an attorney at law duly admitted to practice in the State of Utah and is a resident of Draper, Salt Lake County. Utah; that he/she is a person duly qualified to make this certificate of conformity; that the foregoing acknowledgment by Andrea J. Moss named in the foregoing instrument taken before Nathan Coldren Cluff a notary in the State of Utah duly conforms with the laws of the State of Utah, being the State in which it was taken; and when executed by Ms. Moss in the manner indicated will qualify as a valid and effective sworn statementin such state.W \\\?,(\'zon NamU ‘ W Défe DM 149744 Field Field Data PRIMARY-ACCT-NO I-7319 FIRST-NAME DOUG LAST»NAME GILLARD STRiADDR-l 8891 ACORN WAY CiTY GILROY STATE CA ZIP-CODE 95020 HOME-PHONE 4083378696 WORK-PHONE 0 SSN ****k2474 OPENiDATE 12/1/2013 WRlTE-OFF-DATE 8/24/2017 LAST-PYMT-DATE 12/15/2016 LASTiPYMTAAMT 176 LAST-PRCH-DATE 6/24/2014 LAST»PRCH-AMT 0 BlRTH-DATE - WRITE-OFF-AMT 8080.77 BAL-ALLiPLANS 808077 ACCT-ID -1725 Data printed from electronic records provided by COMENITY CAPITAL BANK pursuant to the Bill of Sale / Assignment of Accounts transferred on or about 09/27/2017 in connection with the sale of accounts from COMENITY CAPITAL BANK to Midland Funding, LLC. EXHIBIT B NG?E€E CF NEW GWNERSHEP mc WWW.Mangumenl. Inc. ANQ ?RELEGA; REVEEW ms Norms.“ Dnvesmmo San D‘ego, CA 91 103 020572018 r Account Details Origlnal Creditor enit Ca 'tal Bank Original AcKoun! Number 7319 WTB 004 _ __ Current Servicar MI an Cre It Managemem, Inc. Doug Gulard fl MCM Account Number 3577394320 8&9] Atom Wav Current Owner Mid‘and Funding LLC G‘Irov, CA 95020-8241 Curvem Balance 581080777 " Ca” (800) 939_2353 by 03-22-2018 t0 Discuss Options RE Comeniry Capxra‘ Bank Toyota Rewards V‘sa Please Call Dear Doug, Get rid of this debt and get on VWelcome» 0n aeAz 7-20 17, your Comenny Capnal Bank/Toyma Reward; vlsa account was sold wW'm V°"" "79' deland Fundmg LLC, which :s now me sole owner cf mas debx. M‘dland Cream Managemem, mc. 1mg “mum may he ("MCM"), a debt collection company, will be collecting on, and semcing your account, on behalfof forwarded to an attorney in “MW“ ”mmg LLC Vo‘" S‘a'e- M>dland Credwt Management, Inc Is consudermg forwardmg thus account lo an auorney m your state fur possible \itigation However, such forwarding will not occur me‘ after the expiraKion ofthe's a'd: . ‘ . once your “mun“ p I validation penod described on the back cf this \etter Upon recexpr ohhvs nonce. please call (a- Coilect‘ion calls wiH stop discuss W“, options un this account _ cDNem-Gn [mm Wm mp uwe don't hearhom you or meme payment by 03-22-2018, ws- may proceed with forwarding [m D" this acmum account to an atmmey.-_-‘-- In addutiun to the validatwon rights described on (he back of thls \ntter, hers are some pass:b\e Repiy By optxons: 03.22.2013 Pay your fun ba‘ancc of $8,080 77 - Cal‘ us m see how m qualify for discoums and pavmen! Mans Call (800) 93972353 . 5mm: Sam_gpm PT, LET us HELP mu! lithe account goes m an attorney, om flexible amium may no longer he avaimble >7 ‘ r . to you There still \s an opportunnv to make arrangements wwh us We encourage you lo call us:Frl San 5am 4.20pm PT, (MD) 9394353- Sincerer, mldlal‘ldtred“0mifle.c0m - -Tm» Bo-(Mv ' Tlm Bohn, Diwswon Manager amxmmagsa We are not lelgated to renew any offers provnded. Mld‘and Creml Management, Inc . . . | midlandcredltonhnemom g PoaoxmmLos Angeles. CA 9006070578 REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE INFORMATION Manage Your Account Online m1d|andcreditonline£om Makefigflg gayable to: _ V I , Mldhnd Cxedxt Management Mailpaymms m, ' , . Enzcrvour MCM Accoum .1: on aH payments Mid‘énd Cfednhha'nagement, |ch v ' v _ IV , [Po Box'eqsm _ ' - ' . . » * (800) 939 2353 - fLosAn'geiesm' Voso-osm)’ ‘ ' ' 5e habla espanol (355) 98376352 Important Disclosure Information: [ Please understand this is a communication from a debt collector. This is an attempt to culled a debt Any information obtained will be used for tha‘ purpose. Origina! Creditor Comenitv Capital Bank Current Creditor Mid‘and Funding LLC Original Account Number Current Semcer Midland Credtt Managemem, Inc. 0872 017Cha rgeroff Date Send Péyménls lo: :Midlénd VCredi! Managerfiént,‘ln'c P.O. Box 50578 L63 Ange‘es, CA'90060 0578 "San Diego, CA 92108 ‘ Send‘disgutes or an instrument tendered' ' Ias full satisfaction of a dgm‘ SQ; v,AIXn:-Cénsumer SuppoFt Seivices 1365 Nqnhside Drive Sums 300 You may algo call (800) 939-2353 MCM Account Number 85778 320 Physicél'Péynlents for Eo’lorad’o’ Residents. ,80 Carded Centér _ ' Suite 3 ‘ Broomfield, c0 3002'0 Phone (303) 9204763 The records assoaated with the Comenity Capwtal Bank account purchased by Midland Funding LLC, reflect thak you are obligated on this account, which x3 in default. As the owner of this account, hm subject to the rights described below, Midland Fundmg LLC ts entltled to payment uf th|s account All communication regarding this account should be addressed (0 MCM and not the previous Owner Unless you notify MCM wwthln thirtv (30) days after recewmg this notice that you dispute the valndnv of (he debt, or any portion thereof, MCM will assume this debt w be valid \f you noxify MCM, in wrinng, within thirty (30} days aftet recewing thls notice mat the debt, 0r any portion (hereof, Is disputed, MCM wuH obtain verification of the debt or a copy of a judgment [if there rs a judgment) and MCM will maH you a copy 0! such venfication orjudgment If you request, in writing, within thirty (30) days after receiving this notice, MCM wwll provide you with the name and address of me original credxwr, If an attorney represents you thh regard m thls debt, p‘ease refer this \eny to your attorney, Likewvse, if you are involved m an active bankruptcy case, or \f {his debt has been discharged m a bankruptcy case, p‘ease refer thus letter to your bankruptcy attorney so that we may be nonfied. Please remember, even if you make a payment Within thxrly (30] days after recewing this notice, ycu sci" have the remainder of the thirty {30) days to exercise the nghts descnbed above, If your payment method is a credit or debit card, it may bc processed through our fntcrnanonal card processor. Although our policy \s to not charge consumers fees based upon their payment method, your card \ssuer may elect to da so due to the \ocahon of the card processor. |f an international transaction fee has been charged bv your card issuer, (hat fee Is ellgtble for reimbursement‘ You may comact your Account Manager to modify your payment method to avoid these charges m the future and for mformation to Initiate your reimbursement Vou are hpreby notified that a negatwve repon on your credwt record may be submitted to a credit reporting agency 4fvou fail to meet the Kerms of vnur credit obligations. We are required under stale law m notify consumers of the following additional rights. This Ilst does nut contain a complete list oi the rights consumers have under applicable law: IF YOU LIVE IN CALIFORNIA, THIS APPLIES T0 VOU: PLEASE SEE INSERT FOR IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE INFORMATION. IF VOU LIVE IN MINNESOTA, THIS APPLIES T0 YOU: Th}; collection agency is licensed by the Minnesota Department Df Commerce IF YOU LIVE IN COLORADO, THIS APPLIES T0 VOU: FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE COLORADO FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT, SEE WWW.COAG,GOV/CARV A consumer has the nght to request In writing that a debt co‘lector or collec‘mon agency cease further commumcation With me consumer. A written request to cease communlcatlon WIII not prohib‘t the debt collector or collectlan agency from taking any other action authorized bv law to collect the debt IF VOU LIVE IN NEW YORK CITY, THIS APPLIES T0 YOU: New Vork City Department ofConsumer Affairs Lxcense Number 1140603, 1207829, 1207820, 1227728, 2022587, 2023151, 2023152, 2027429, 2027430, 2027431 IF YOU LIVE 1N NORTH CAROUNA, THIS APPLIES TO YOU: North Carolma Department of Insurance Permit #101659, 334182, #4250, and #3777, #111895, and #112039. Midiand Credit IF YOU LIVE IN MASSACHUSEWS, THIS APPLIES TO VOU: Management. Inc. 2365 Nonhside Drive, Suite 300, San Dwego, NOTICE OF |MPDRTANT RIGHTS: VOL! have the right to make a wnnen or ora! request khat telephone calls regarding your debt not be made (o you a\ your place of employment Any such ora‘ request wiH be vahd fur only ten (10) davs unless you provnde wntten confwrmanon of the request postmarked or delivered within seven (7) days of Such request You may terminate mis request by writing to MCM, CA 92108 IF VOU LIVE IN TENNESSEE, THIS APPLIES TO YOU: This coHectIon agency is licensed bv ihe Co‘lecnon Servwce Board of the Department of Commerce and Insurance, EXHIBIT C 35.93554Accounl no New valance Mmmu'n payment due $1 77 00 Previous Da‘ance 573309.05 ”aymen! due da‘e 01/19/2017 Pavments 7175.00 . Olfie. crew‘s 0 00 Late payment wumlng: Purchases 0‘00 W we d0 not receive yuur minmum payment by 01/19/2317 you may oma‘, debits 3 OD have [a pay up (a a $3 00 Ia‘e fee‘ CE’Sh ad“ D 00 Minimum payment warmng. If yuu make only Ins munmum bat transfer payment hr each period you w‘ll pay more in izae e51 and n wnl take :‘e‘z’sea‘zgaergefl ‘Og'g: you longerto pay cm your balanzes. Fov example New balance W uynu make no additional You wdl pay an And you win charges using thls card the balance shown end up paying an' P551 due amO‘J'“ 3 00 and each month you pay. on the smemem estimamd mm Credit hum $7360.00 m “W“ °'1 Available credit $424 35 0va the nummum uavment 19 years $15693 Cash cred“ lirml $1 540.0(3 .. _ Availame cash $424 36 £49 3 yea“ r ($553321 5-3746) Steinmem :luhmg dam 12’24/2016 7,7 r V ‘ " Days in mung Cyde 3| For \nrormalmn regarding credit counse mg services, caH 17850-2847 I 706 I ml Questions? Need to make a Payment? Want to {mow haw D go panerle z “ Vx t o; caH 17844 - lTDD/TTY 1-83 819-1918l Want (o slay m h: Know iwlm mean nps ar‘d news? Vrsxt us a1 facebg. (com! The holidays are here and so is Toyolathon One of the best times lo get the 201 7 Toyota you've been wishxng for Save bug on an incredible se‘ection of Toyulaa H aH starts Decembe-'6, Choose frum your lavorite modem inc‘uding the slyhsh F'Ius sporty Camry, lun Corona, adventurous RAV4 and more‘ This event only lasts through January 3rd Visa your local dealer today. Whfle you're Vlsning ToyotaRewardsVIsacom. add an authorized buyer to your Go paperless! To enroH 1n paper‘ess statement notmcatxons wswt ToyotaRewardsVisacom. account t0 earn even more reward points TRANS DAT E ‘9I15/2016 PAYMENTrT-iANK VOL! Fees Tots} fees charged for Imerest charged Interest charge on purchases TOYOTA E] e-mail address - see reverse YRANSACTION DESCHIWIDN/LOCAT \ON Yes‘ | have moved or updated my AMOLNT this period $1 02.59 (CUN I LNUEDw Ac: :u 1x n umber 319 1 ‘ Mmmum payme-nNew 3a‘a'we I $5,935.54 i $177.00 993 Payment must yeacn us by Amounzanclosaa. 5 pm ET on 01/19/2017,$fj . max ack payabwe m COMENITY r Toyota Rewa’ds ViSa I'lllll'IHII“”"I'"'I“I”l'ulIII'I"I"I||"II'|I”‘|"I|'I DOUG GILLARD 859‘ ACORN WAV GILRGY CA 95020-8241 HEEDLDL? UUUBHLHE Slease etum mls pomou along wnh your payment to. PO BOX 559450 SAN ANTONIO TX 78255-9450 'I"I'HIII"'III"Ih"'||'ul|”'III||"Il"”I”"'IH-'IIIII' _?3N UUUUL??DU UDDEHBSEH Kelp {his wmm luv yuur records, What Tu 00 (f You mink Yau FNMA Mistake 0n Yaur Statement 'Jvrm thmk I'm: sen cum maourstakmmt,\‘mlc 4v al. \Jomzmh L’apwtar Liam ' J [sax 13mm, "om; mm, Uma 4.:1! Ix 9 u M yum Inner, .b ha fule‘mg nvivlruahm ' AL m M HP jn'J - Unwrarmu - ye uouammnunl 2 he susuecLsum): ' L’CSCI'u-‘mn J! HDb/L‘m. H Nu ihm‘r n: \S a w Von. :HH . :mw wml ynu nglmve u) w aw why ymx ., w» u m 1 I nu. L unnuer law. You mm rmmm us wumn 2L- m mu hmmmm-WWJI my c Ins, out n yumluwv, c wt andyuu may Iwuk- pay m a m, A lqmnou wrm whecnem. nut men: was nu an e m l mummy, a s Ir p - u auumuuz [nummtu-u. a. )3 a: appeaven an wm m. 'mu may .In any ml mm C m nuL‘Slmn may r&mam OH "J! Statement am! w; mm munue w v. uamcy mums. um um amunl. um ‘ c\ -u.a| .madmwuu .- wmlv...,nmwmyam, mum.“ulmuw. u nmndm uf your 2,5157: , uwc a mum Wm! yuu ‘ Yum Rights If YDu AI? Dissafigfis-d With Yam Cred}! Card Plrrhzses u ywl :Is VJ wnn me push n 3 Wu» [rat w haw W < Im 1mm vmn y: mm; duh m 1-.» p- anx. m ma; m .T, um mi, ”gr . 1 rw pursn um») m ynun Mr E VWUSQ fiavF D J mam: \n VCU' mm yg «J.Jye- "J m .‘quaw um; mm mun um y: menm Kr m pm ml I- u x u; mm a :W-w-tn Ham ancesmm anAIMor .am mom mm: awn.» > "nu n w yet Mm uny rum w me purcn H an or rm mews abw are me! and yw arc stwl. d [us m m L Lomomry caguzal m .I’r-zo“ l. w w hm ,uu mumnl ,mu «g gym. \ua w u um .r narga you mu» mm,» uy 1 u,- Ju» m r w w mum u. w s names :mmm 5- mm" roman}: Mew m m- Vaymm n, Hm? 51:5 mada undm .1 Lmy Hn Irrm Ina nah m nwrha - mlmy rm mmm-w Jwg, m " ax wm mum mg a "|me am m mp -a| .y new ling, any um b ancer ynu ac: unt :xJMXfCt‘auy ‘Lhuy! .’ mMENTs Pay MM may n0? he rrP1lted lr' ynJv i‘czount {2r u) lo Ilv‘: day) 3! may b: re: I ms mudme pawmm mew» you salurr Vusa u 5A. 4 Curvict ermai ()0 sum 1v,- rm .n-y t. ‘LK kumal V0: dimm. I ‘Hmyur \[m {buds m udc t nuzurennnme Qywlwub uammauug aymuunun \[ub mumsvunguLJu-tumum my r1 . wmyvuy m Aummt my Lrw. payumu dug Am by mu 1mm men ml vw. If we m nut al Uam wmsuanl m a “ms: my y \IM U 3 A Inc Visa Isa 193m: me [ha a 'Il 1w Shluld vamizhw I a mun! u- Wynuml; m uy ) m aymmr 5y 300 mm‘mm. ,4 mm wan [I u» 13‘ vlhm uefnulls u I ymr 159w REPORnNu w- mm umbm sun; - st um account nay be en m your :rodr NOTICE 0F CREDH‘ REPORT D‘SPUTES. H vuJ bulmvc ' mbfflatlu Ive my-Dted [j a cgrfimm‘.‘ 30mm A‘flll Is Hlacturatt 'if‘u may :ubll ‘ dwau tlmpwc ue’myhAmid [’mk. PD inx 182120 UUUIIIDU) m d ‘5' 120. You} HUGH dwsx'ulc H Wu! >uHIc4I '11 m y'lulm ~ ’uu'rl. >. uh; y-my 1- . In{um-ahuu I) mac mu ACCOUM Infomlallmv. Y ’Ianl: and a UL‘M :Iumtlnz Cantu! lnfummlmlv: Vvuv 1ddl , and hm flu L' HUHILeI Disputed Wormalian' Idenlflv H e aLLL-Lm‘ mh- 'uahu. 1450.415!) and unllgm “'le yrv T‘chw‘u‘ \i \n IHnisflcfu Supbortillg Dcnumenlalmn H avaH-JDIC. [mec a u me awn mpw smug. me an mt wannabe” yuu' WE MU WHIP“ mtmll 30 J:\I: u' m», m1 um: un- m: ‘ptly p “want w In wruch we PAVMEMS MARKED 'Pmo m FUL L" r-mmw am mhllml ‘ u ‘MMW n»- u - u ‘ u wnlu lg mung - v sum m. row ,JUME lUl. Dan Pllmn u lX Ifld’l/ t-UUJ - Mak-yuu muun H w- vm-un ‘cpoumj Mn wlmmmum. 1504 LuI-‘uvlln Lou. DO NUT USE THE ENCLOSED REMITTANCE ENVELOPE We ma»,- «c w .igms Nu Jar 1mm: mmm- CUSTOMER SERVICE stt cumznlky nttltuyuuntwiudmsa w caH ’ «‘J 'iwkvi: {cmlm Vba VJwJV VI 14% ‘2’1 2/011 Cl :wi: macaruluuyll) I dasau um. IELEPfiONE MONITORlNG. uln-ne cu‘nuwmuLL-n wvlh spa m um In any wnysmw~ wulrmul Insmgawy 9| 3 aw m‘linl‘l an :al ' L'lmn w |rm.1l unov Av m.- means \IMVL IN Lx MT Eu Wm,“ WAN INTER EST, mJ». PAYME IT ."W nan; wmt INILKL WFAYMLNL L3! WI W h ‘r ' PJMENI «Hunk .mr‘u WWI». . :NT andLJWAP R ’1 Av u-ansmw AM. L LIAL -a ma:em. raw. m um y may w n, AL Hunt “Mme a: «u. m.» m Hump Hm Min»:3T x vw mm “Ml ‘H ‘I yr: r na may pay 6H .n‘ v Send d|| mquiries {u CUSTOMER SERVICE. F3 Box 1830 3. Ohm 43218730fl] 3m an bauhupuy uouues and relaxed wmwmem m. cumemy Cawfil Bank. Hailkmmty‘ Depaflmnnl, PO Box 153043 Cnlumbus Ohm 43218-3043 NOTICE ABOUT F' ECTRDNIC CHECK "DNV Cnlumbus‘ um wnm y“ e mluu n m. n mu rmmm mummy L. ’ . J IVH HIMIU’H IIH m um} c. yunux mm mu uay us I um paymwl mu bavkcmuyx Jumwd n mum.,w mu nu: ,manl m a mum mum {umuwu‘ be w, n n paymenr mug wash m my me payment cumn mu: ml «pm mrjr's mack fla/azm I1 J S dM ari t0 tlh‘ nam and admr‘b 'howu m payvm ummmk Se sum {m land «m ywl '5 lament w m we pnym ut um Nvllh L ml: 1004; ‘ L J«w madcdpay mm u‘ a due d l: m I n: Slat“ u >Icm Mun: ‘t u L m m» uymr u ,lub c M a Up 117m: d VJMI! El). New minimalinn Fvsi Namehue :c-az-onaa) MI Lasl Nam: Sm: Se» Sweet Address Am N5 RP. PG 30'- cuy Slaw. Zip Code Farnign Map Ewe Home Phone Email WJUIESS \Vwk Flrgne PAGE v OF 'A V Interest charge on cash adv/bal transler $0 OD Total Interest for this period $1 02.59 _ 2018 mulls year (D date g Total fees charged m 2MB $27 DO ; ToIaI mKeresl cha' $1.281 O7 Your Annual Percentage Ram (AFR) \s me annual Ivuaresl [ale un yuu: amount, See, BALAVL, ‘DMPUTATIUN METHOD on page 2 fo’ more dams TVPE 3F BALANCE souEcr INTEREST BALANCE Am To INTEREST aATE CHARGE ?urchasvs pflo: 9U 05/05/2015 17 2400°Ve (V7 5,987.88 102 3| Purchases 23 2400% M 14.13 D 28 Cash advacvues 25 2400915 (V) 0.00 0,00 ddltlofi‘fél rpo Federa‘ law requires us to provxde the fol‘owmg notice. We may report inlormatxun about your acuuml [o credlt bureaus Late payments. rmssed payments or other defaults on yOJr account may be reflected in your credxt report. 'The Toyota Rewards Program ‘s provided by Comemly Capital Bank which is solely responsuble for the Program operation. incmding aH rewards Comenlty Capllal Bank may change me terms of [he Program at any time See toyotarewamsvisa com for Rewards Terms and Conditions Protect yoursef againsl mail and phone consumer fraud hup Mabout usps com/publucahons/pub281xwelcome htm ubbmm? nnnawv _?3L=I nunumwn numbaasm PAuL4Or4 EXHIBIT D Account no. _7319 New balance $5,050 77 Miwimu'n payment due $1 498.00 Previods Da‘ance $7319 43 Paymem due dale 09/19/201 7 Payments 0.00 V Ome‘ crew‘s oioo Late payment warnlng: pumhases 0‘00 H we do ‘Iul recewe your minimum payment by 09/19/2317 you may ome, dams O 00 ‘ fiavefllo pay uptoa $3800 late fee u C35“ adva'me 3 00 Minimum payment warning. If you make unly me minimum ngs'wgfiaiggzm" 33 g: paymenl lo: each pencd. yuu wfll pay mu'e m mte'esl and it Will take mere“ Charged 123 34 you Luge L.» pay on ygur ba‘aubvs U uxamplv New ba'ance $3,030.77 If you make no flddlfionai You wwll pay 0H } And yuu wi‘l charges usmg nus card Ina balance shown end up paymg an‘ P331 549 amoun‘ I 292-00 and each momh you pay: on me statement estlmnhed mm ‘ :mdlt I mit $736000 _V "I "W“? c" ‘ Available c‘ edit $000 o'ny ms nummum ymem 20 years $1 8700 ‘ Cash credit \Imm $\ Bio 00 $294 3 years $10577 jAvalame cash $0 oo (savings $81 22 ; Stalemem closmg dam 03/24/20 l7 A Days m mung cycle 31 F0: wturmaii' regaading cred“ cuunsehug sewmes Ca“ TVEDOVZBLH 706 "TMNsV-ngi ‘ I ' AMOUNT Fees 05,1'13/2017 LATE FEE 38.00 Total fees charged far this periad $38 00 lnteresi charged interest charge on purchases $12334 Interest charge on cash advance $0 00 Interesl charge on balance vansfer $0.00 Total interest for lms period $123.34 2017 lclals year to date Total fees mar; d in 2017 Total inle'esl Lh‘d ged iII 2917 $260 00 $8<3513 on page 2 tor more detalls WPE 0F BALANCE suBJ ECT IMEaEST BALANCE APR To m Emsn mu = CHARGE Pumhases prior lo 05/08/2016 17.990096 M 7,725‘79 11803 Pumhases 23.99009; m 250 45 5,31 Cash adVEI’ICES 25 QBUU‘Vo \VI D 30 0,00 Bederal law requires us t0 provxde [ha foHowing notice. We may repow informalzon about yuu' account [0 credn bureaus pate paymsnls mxssed payments 0r other defau‘ts on your account may be (afiecled \n your credit (epon NDT‘CE fig TOYOTA ’1 V95. | have moved D.“ upoa' d my e-mail address > See reverse I.,4lln“I[Hmull”Il.l..11.]I.II..Il.IIIHIHIH.I”,..Iu DOUG GLLLARD 5891 ACORN WAY GILROY CA 35020-8241 V Accaum l number 319 ' New amawce i MI'IIme paymewt s 58.03017 Z _§_1_ ,498.oo i 99 A Payment mm ‘edcn us by s pm ET an 09/19/2017.Amount enclosed Please make :weck paya. . . COMENITY r Toyota Rewards Visa Please return this 30mm along wwh your paymenr ta PO BOX 559820 SAN ANTONIO TX 78255-9120 ll-|'I"IH‘|IIH"III'I'|I"l'l'llt'll"l"'I”'“Il'uI|'|“n' beDLDL? UDUUHES? _73L‘1 DUDLLHECID DDDBD5D7? Kew Hus puma" rm your mum. What TD Dc II You TIH'Ilk You Findfl Mislake On ler Sfan‘eme/I! m mm :mxac us «mun bu na )lalamnm hum can us, mt n you .4 4.xawunuy ruwrnmy mm“ v, nu m mmvw: whelmrm not mama; axe 1 anew. - mmmm- a1: hue amt m zu ml u .Anmunt ‘ mmiiou. u. mum y: _ «munm Ina cm e m qmuon may mmam on y‘ u we may cuuunuc Lu avg: you munnlm thatam um, Um. yrw: vxclewm :L‘yat .w m v2” mud mum: h“ - m w- mwm mm our; hll :5: ulul . , , , J Hvalau‘mrd. vlmla ym an pay me amuml m quumun m are v.» mi W pemcc, - Wu ca a1; y any 4mm: my um mum you wdnlmuc. yum Rigm II Vm; Am Dmnshea Wym Vaurcredyrcwm mmhms mm 2F. dlsfllm V1 ‘IJI Ix lht‘. ,nmis u u Vlrt-s Hie? Vnu h?! ‘ rm 1 mv. uL :u 4 m; m :mw um Mm mm. nu, \Hx l‘w "a 3M. you may haw; live: lium ’Il-V MHHV uue w me mmme. Tu uw Hm 1 um J I m nu.- wuuw . L- aw .1»: :vuu; c (erflhm NU ' I}; Mays 1 mam- A ‘ you mm: u v» l H19. Burr mm m yum :x new me Um. Name mp,- u yu. pmmm r .md mg: ad manudum.‘ m uv ”mummy ml mu w. w, u um .‘u m-m m) 2 You Hum hm mm m y i um mu w 1 .v» mm \lh * w ame' lun VI 1H NM Ur wllh <1 um nu :m mum). .1 You mum m4 ye‘ nave mu) \u \ur me warms», H 3H o! Me m \lelia abon: arc me nd you am >th msnatlsiwcu puf’flas" c'rfill a" human”; ALaplta‘ Bank "U BOA " Urw‘tl‘nu I w mu .m- ' m yam co 1m pay .. Jaw am: :m close. m na-n mum; r-cle. w. mu nm ma ~ ». .Luu wan; em mum We, wm aww t mm V w ham anus m: 4v u aLm/x r2 :quar rah n! rIHfhzhn EALANLE EDMPUTAT‘ON M7 n . yu n aw nu yI um; . V . hmHHv Km u] W, hgm‘ v: ramumuyauamngue pemm am: mmmnmé- ML. Iu nIur pamely iar "‘1me ualduw’ tudwlwumm me x ulu a m ym. kmum (m uu In m m“ m .nay m rclcctcu Jyuusmn Lummj ysmuuu uyuumumyu max Jar ‘7 9Curran .o , um Mallingomvzmugm. 1 subs lemum huh»: aymdmm namgum mam m mkmum mwutuumbuWM" Mm .muunwanmy-Idduyw mummy AntumJ, IX ltZIi/r Jw-I awe ‘ addltlu TIE! ’cqul ‘nrmls ah? $\an‘ Mark. xu m mu' 11mg. IL, nu: ,smi mu v m gmrm pavmew I R Hkan Um Iv 1 n'M H1 l/(M Iluvuln} wank Vwm X u Mung a m amine w d mywau Juuuudumm Paymem Cum! Timer mum cum u m ‘ Inn m-i- \g mes Mamug and Ov-migh 1r u um pay ul myulmt v1 ahuuh! ommlnm CRED‘T REPORTING L mm»: ma. Late ugcoum naync rm r .wl a um: mums cum nus. um 4. 2120. v- mom mm.) u. Menu” me a. mm; am 3m ‘, .m rnacfuralc v Accountlnfon min.“ n-mamc .m ’ Cunldct luluvllraliml Yaw adrlmnnmil - Disputcd Invormaun Meuulyms Mk mus.” why yuu mum n I; mam Wham um - Suppomng Documentation n amuwlc. Wade a my or n: HI: mmm [IE ar‘“rr Inl nlmmahcll yuu 3m: 111:0lelhe cveuvl PAYMENISMAR «Mum! 4m mm» 'vmu 1N FULL" MI mu. .cunm «I m m 4- .rmxm “th my mm, n Mn h Hyman: mum'h 3mm: Imguagwmm )L Mum IUI, 4am Nvionlfl, IX ”324/ .mm m4 La. Do Mm USE THE ENCLOSED REMUTANCE ENVELOPE amp: uayuum v HB'H xhhll :nmm‘e 1: :1H 7:: m nu, law «ml customs; saavnca v 5.x mummy ngutuyutmmmsv ’ 1 2/! w (lwuld lluwatds Vim 3a J) m 151’} I(nwr lstsa'. «lm-(JMIIHH) ’- l IV 1 5K” Kl ¢ 1H VEL EPHONE MONITOR‘NG. In pumvje you w m fl umm uummu :iwum w ,n z: mmm . a: km Ur: lm IA PW v1 ‘ NV \N\ M | H Ilvczrls :IAIVL \Nl‘. ‘ PY mean: WM T,[ L " 'JF'WIII'NK: I VANIENI {tllLMtD‘ .I/J JMMLN! U1 NI HM‘ |’/\VNH ‘ll 1“! A vuumy 4w aw a va‘ ‘ahl Send auiuqu Ies| Ohm 4321373003, Hm nwlm: v: um mamas“ V , . H Nit), ‘V x ~Mvmmrmd Low APR ) PAY man: ac um m. gnu. 1.4m mm. 4n. 'u Magus m yum crlsmaccurate. nu vk PO .ux 182120. vusl mmrlr ”Hun. x mhum’allm I5 m numvm Med 3nd S :|Iur Ju‘ pu m . n m any r-me: aajyesswnnun mung any :4 ml and satiataci m mum :I mun Sun »|I /l- 2’0) [\val-J R, qua uy mm e, wed. ADD‘TIONAL INFORMATION, Tue InHLm‘I’»;:Iujlgnworb‘ yv I ”I Stew “'Il m‘vaAHHH wmu V "941‘ vaH HLD‘. /\Y\-ILN\ U PUVHEV UI INI PY wr‘ \w m ’alr‘ mm Var; wally RVICE PO Box 133003. Enlumbus 5mm an bauxmmuy mic» and named :mmspuudunu m- Cuummy Caonal Bank, aanmmmy Department, Pa am \33043 4 zlsaou u. m us en u r: m ummuu mm mmrm mm r - .u L “om yuu aLLULIHl :5 >0le 15 KM“ :41“? wmuuuuz Aww- m u mum rv,‘..ymn rumml 'l I It uulul: h w: Mu.“ 1m w mm y u Wmm mm m: m w m: pew R pwsuanl lu a hcalm: hum Visa HS n, Ir ' Imus mamsmcx‘: L m' .my Mm ‘» uvmud -v- x I yum Slmmunlth LM) nmcru ws a dlsr-JKC ‘ U u: |_vH | Maw: as omr ma Icc y \ . v 7 . IHHH IWIKKH'RI‘JH‘WKHHHAkt: nmyuwu‘lwl Mihzmv‘ lel Hay z neumyucarewardswsa. HL m (N. ' l). Onlr'tm. mum aw by L- kc ‘1 m w um St x400 m ”lun. lum- Nrw lnlurmau‘nn Tmu ( Name ECTRONIC CHECK CONVERSWN When yt-J \ ' mlmm- serum When w» u)»; mm mm. mud, ma, z, me ye m». w» nay. wnenzd uh a Bu me m u-ulnu rum vmy- um slut» Culumbus. Ohio .cu a u :u. um. yu. u t4yum a u >m. Ilal (UutheL‘ IMHN) xi m Hm! apuhes k7 rwk v address shown nn nag: you mm 5w mm Lasl Na Sheel Addves; Am. Ha RR Cil; S(aze F0 80x 21.; ems»; r mg" Map Code Howe F‘lL-ne Walk P?Icne Emad Addless EXHIBIT E idland Cred'fl anagemenl. Inc. P‘O. Box 2121 Warren, MI £80903o9;Notice cf Le” COMENITY CAPITAL BANK 06/26/2018 ! Original Account Number: XXXXXXXXXXXX7319 , Current Owner: Midland Fundrng LLC DONE Gillard E Internal Legal Accoum Number: 18-205349 ME; 8891 Acorn way L Current Balance: $8,080.77 Gilroy, CA 950207824 1 III'I-Illllhdl'lvll'ldI'"l'IIII-NIIIII-'IIhlll'u'll'll'vh V's" U5 0"“"3 www MCMPayvcom Dear Doug, Yam COMENITV CAPITAL BANK accoum, owned by Midland Funding LLC has been transferred (o our legal department - Get rid of this debt and get on with your life. Please pay $8,080.77 or ca” us a! (366) 3008750 to discuss vour ophons. We have payment plans available, and we are committed to hndmg a soluhcn fur you. You may also make a payment onllne at www.MCMPay.ccmv 0 Once your account is paid .. It's not too late. Please call us at (866] 300-8750. A" collection cans and As of the dam of this letter you owe $8,080.77 leners 0" “"5 account w'" If we do not receive payment or hear from you, we may furward your account ta an attorney in stop! your jurisdicnon At this time, no anomév has personally reviewed (he particular circumstances of your BCCDIII'lL Your MCM account number Is XXXXXXASZO, When calhng w drscuss your account, please refer to your Internal Lega! acccunt number of 18 205349. Sincerew, Call to Discuss Vour Options: (866) 3008750 Boris Salamakhm, Group Manager P S Vim us oane at www, When your account has been paid, and if data related to the account is still being furnished to the cansumer reporting agencies, a request will be made of the three major consumer reporting agencies to report the Midland Funding LLC trade Ilne related to the above referenced account as paIdA m; no: PLEASE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE INFORMATION Hours ofOperanon: M - Fn: 8:00am ~ 7:30pm EST Sm, Closed Sun: Closed V‘Isit Us Online Please war ofl‘an’i return low I ar‘ion w 'um {n ‘he ervcla e rovvd d Payment Option . 1) Pay by phone: (856) 300-8750 2) Mai‘ in thws certificate with your payment and Imernal Legal Account Number: 18-205349 make Check payable (g; Midterm Credit Onginal Account Number: XXXXXXXXXXXX7319 Manangemem, Inc, Current Balance: $8,080.77 Amount Enclosed: S Cm v.0. aox 2m Warren, MI 43090 PRE_oo1 Important Disclosure Information: z-x Please understand this is a communication fmm a debt collector. This is an attempt (u collect a debt. Any infurmation obtained will be used for that purpose, PLEASE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE INFORMATION Calls to and/or from (his company may be monimred or Iecorded, MA L EAYMEN 5 Q; 9.0. Box 2121 Warren, MI 48090 MAIL CORREQPONQfiNQE BgT N0 PAVMENTS TO‘ P.O. Box 2121, Warren, MI 48090 If vnur payment method ls a :rednl ur debut card, It may be processed through our international card processor, Although our policy is (o not charge consumers fees based upon their payment method, your card Issuer may elect to do so due to the location of the card processor. If an mtemanonal transaction lee has been charged by your card issuer, that fee is eligible for reimbursement You may contact your Account Manager to modify your payment method K0 avoid these charges in the future and for mformafion to initiate your reimbursement. We are required under state law ta notify consumers of the following additional righ‘s. This list does not contain a complete list of the rights consumers have under appllcable law: IF YOU LIVE IN CALIFORNIA, THIS APPLIES T0 VOU: Caliiornia Code of Civi! Procedure §1033(b)[2} requires us to notxfy you that m me event of Iegal proceedings, such legal proceedings :0qu resu|t in a judgment against you that could include cnurt costs and necessary disbursements under apphcable law, If deland Funding LLC §5 Vound t0 be legally entitled m the same. PREvoow