Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.July 18, 2018POS-010 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar numb«, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY Kurt Wilson, 121163 Sweeney, Mason, Wilson & Bosomworth 983 University Avenue, Suite 104C Los Gatos. CA 95032 TELEPHONE NO.: ( 408 )356-3QQQ ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Superior Court of California, Santa Clara County 191 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95113-1090 PLA I NTIFF/PETITIONER WI-MM CORPORATION CASE NUMBER: DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: BIRD RIDES, INC., et. al. 18CV331842 Ref. No. or Ffle No.: PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS Wi-MM Corp {Adv. Bird) '"''' r- A'-' 1. At the time of service I was a citizen of the United States at least 18 ears of a e and not a art to this action. Q I r · 1"'\.1\. . y g p y 2. 1 served copies or: Summons, Complaint for Breach of Contract, Civil Case Cover Sheet, Civil Lawsuit Notice 3. a. Party served: Travis Vanderzander b. Person Served: Curt Isensee- Manager- Person In Charge Of Office 4. Address where the party was served: 406 Broadway, Suite 369 Santa Monica, CA 90401 5. I served the party b. by substituted service. On (date): 08/03/2018 at (time): 1 O:OOAM I left the documents listed in item 2 with or in the presence of: Curt Isensee- Manager - Person In Charge Of Office (1) (business) a person at least 18 years of age apparently in charge at the office or usual place of business of the person to be served. I informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. (4) A declaration of mailing is attached. (5) L attach a declaration of diligence stating actions taken first to attempt personal service. 6. The "Notice to the Person Served" (on the summons) was completed as follows: a. as an individual defendant. 7. Person who served papers a. Name: b. Address: One Legai-194-Marin 504 Redwood Blvd #223 Novato, CA 94947 c. Telephone number: 415-491-0606 d. The fee for service was:$ 136.75 e. I am: (3) reQistered California process server. tl) Employee or lnoepenoem contractor. (ii) ReQistration No.: 2012234986 (iii) County: Los Angeles Pradip B. Kissoondyal 8. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America and the State of California that t Date: 08/07/2018 Pradip B. Kissoondyal INAME OF PERSON WHO SERVED PAPERSl Form A!lopted tor Manoatory Use Judicial Council of California POS-010 [Rev. Jan 1. 2007) PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS oing is true and correct. Code ol Civil Procedure,§ •11.10 OL# 12177575 Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 8/23/2018 10:03 AM Reviewed By: A. Rodriguez Case #18CV331842 Envelope: 1866180 18CV331842 Santa Clara - Civil ATIORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATIORNEY (Name and Address): TELEPHONE NO.: FOR COURT USE ONLY Kurt Wilson , 121163 ( 408)356-3000 Sweeney, Mason, Wilson & Bosomworth 983 University Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95032 I w·i:Mr:tc~rp {Adv. Bird) ATIORNEY FOR (Name~ Plaintiff lnseo namo of court, judiCial cfisticl or branch coort. if any: Santa Clara - First Street 191 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95113-1090 PLAINTIFF: WI-MM CORPORATION DEFENDANT: BIRD RIDES, INC., et. al. DECLARATION OF CASE NUMBER: DIUGENCE 18CV331842 I rece1ved the wtth1n process on 7/30/2018 and that after due and diligent effort I have been unable to personally serve sa1d party. The following itemization of the dates and times of attempts details the efforts required to effect personal service. Additional costs for diligence are recoverable under CCP §1033.5 {a)(4)(8). PARTY SERVED: Travis Vanderzander (1)Business: 406 Broadway, Suite 369, Santa Monica, CA 90401 BY FAX As enumerated below: On 8/1/2018 1:12:00 PM at address (1) above. No Answer Not in. On 8/2/2018 9:00:00 AM at address ( 1) above. No Answer Not in per Manager, Subject works from outside most of the time. On 8/3/2018 10:00:00 AM at address (1} above. No Answer Not in per Curt Isensee- Manager. Registered California process server. County: Los Angeles Registration No.: 2012234986 Pradip B. Kissoondyal One Legal - 194-Marin 504 Redwood Blvd #223 Novato. CA 94947 1 decla1e Ulidel penalty urpe1j01y ondet tile laws of tile Uui ted States ofAtoelica a1 1d tile State or California that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on ,~m,, •. , ~, AA'"":fjt;Qc~.Q OL # 12177575 A HORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name and Address): TELEPHONE NO: FOR COURT USE ONLY Kurt Wilson, 121163 ( 408 )356-3000 Sweeney, Mason, Wilson & Bosomworth 983 University Avenue Los Gatos. CA 95032 I w'i-NMMi1C~rp (Adv. Bird) ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Plaintiff lf•Ser1 name of court, judicial dis1rict O£ branch court, il any: Santa Clara - First Street 191 N. First Street San Jose, CA 951 13-1090 PLAINTIFF: WI-MM CORPORATION DEFENDANT: BIRD RIDES, INC., et. al. CASE NUMBER: PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL 18CV331842 BY FAX I am a citizen of the United States, over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action. My business address is 504 Redwood Blvd., Suite 223 Novato, CA 94947. On 08/07/2018, after substituted service under section CCP 415.20(a) or 415.20(b) or FRCP 4(e)(2)(B) or FRCP 4(h)(1 )(B) was made (if applicable), I mailed copies of the: Summons, Complaint for Breach of Contract, Civil Case Cover Sheet, Civil Lawsuit Notice to the person to be served at the place where the copies were left by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope, with First Class postage thereon fully prepaid, in the United States Mail at Los Angeles, California, addressed as follows: Travis Vanderzander 406 Broadway, Suite 369 Santa Monica, CA 90401 I am readily familiar with the firm's practice for collection and processing of documents for mailing. Under that practice, it would be deposited within the United States Postal Service, on that same day, with postage thereon fully prepaid, in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one (1) day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. Fee forService: $136.75 One Legal - 194-Marin 504 Redwood Blvd #223 Novato, CA 94947 1 declare 011de1 pe11a11y or pe1jory onder tile Jaws or tile United States ol Alllelica a11d tile State of California lhat the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on 08/07/2018 at los Angeles, California. Venus Boone OL # 121 77575