Request for Order to service summons by post or publicationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.June 7, 201810 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 FILED Attorney at Law SBN 79520 JUN '2 1 2018 3220 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite A San Jose, CA 951 l7 . .... .. (408) 279-6262 summoflmmmfi’qfim DANIEL T. PARIS Attorney for Plaintiff w DEW" Santa Clara County Superior Court Civil Division, Downtown Facility 191 N. First Street San Jose, CA 951 13 Manpreet Kaur Nagi and Sukhvindcr Singh as CASE NO. 18CV329272 Trustees of the Singh-Nagi Family Revocable Living Trust EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ORDER AUTHORIZING SERVICE OF Plaintiffls), SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT VS- PURSUANT TO CCP §415.45 Bruce De Visser, All Other Occupants And Does I-V, Inclusive, Defendant(s) VVVVVVVVVVVV Manpreet Kaur Nagi and Sukhvinder Singh as Trustees of the Singh-Nagi Family Plaintims), Revocable Living Trust ’ have filed a Summons and Complaint Unlawful Detainer against defendant(s), Bruce De Visser, All Other Occupants for breach of an agreement for the premises at: 10410 Doris Ave San Jose, CA 95127 as more particularly set forth in the complaint on file herein. Defendant(s) are a necessary party t0 the action on file. JASON KENDLE , a process server registered in this county, has been unable to serve said defendant(s) with a copy ofthe summons and complaint, despite numerous IO ll l3 l4 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 attempts to d0 so at the premises to effect Personal Service, as reflected in the Affidavit of Reasonable diligence attached hereto as Exhibit ”A”. Wherefore, Plaintiff(s) prays for an Order ofthe court authorizing service of said summons and complaint by posting on the premises in a manner most likely to give actual notice t0 the party t0 be served, and thereafter mailing a copy 0f said summons and complaint addressed to the defendant(s) at their last known address by certified mail, pursuant t0 Code 0f Civil Procedure §41 5.45. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct, and ifcalled as a witness, l could testify competently thereto. Dated: 6/19/1 8 Dafil T. Paris Attorney for Plaintiff DANIEL T. PARIS, SBN 79520 (408) 288-6074 3220 STEVENS CREEK BLVD, SUITE A SAN JOSE, CA 95117 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Santa Clara Civil Division, Downtown Facility Singh v. De Visser_10410 DECLARATION 0F DILIGENCE CASE NUMBER: 18CV329272 l, the undersigned, under penalty ofperjury in the State ofCalifornia, hereby declare that l am and was 0n the dates herein mentioned over the age of eighteen years of age and not a party to the action. After due search and diligent inquiry, l have been unable to effect service on the within name: SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT FOR UNLAWFUL DETAINER PREJUDGMENT CLAIM OF RIGHT TO POSSESSION A. party Served; Bruce De Visscr B. Address: 10410 Doris Ave San Jose, CA 95127 ON 6/ 1 2/ 1 8 AT 12:40 AM I attempted to serve the defendant at the above address, but defendant was not available. ON 6/ 1 3/1 8 AT 7:22 PM l attempted to serve the defendant at the above address, but defendant was not available. ON 6/ 14/ 1 8 AT 7:24 AM I attempted t0 serve the defendant at the above address. but defendant was not available. I talked to: no response I explained the general nature of the documents and asked that they be given to the defendant. FRANCES PROCESS SERVING Registered Process Server No. 1537 County of SANTA CLARA 3220 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite A San Jose, CA 951 l7 (408) 288-6074 l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws ofthe State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: 6/14/18 gay” / ASON KENDLE Judicial Council Form POS-OIO Rule 982.9(a)&(b) Rev January l, 2007