Order Stay of EvictionCal. Super. - 6th Dist.June 7, 2018NAME OF COURT: SANTA CLARA COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT STREET ADDRESS: 191 NORTH FIRST STREET :3 i J5", 1E L}! CITY. STATE, AND ZIP CODE: SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 951 13 PHONE NUMBER: (408) 882-2100 ‘ Manpreet Kaur Nagi and Sukhvinder Singh as 2mg JUL 20 A i0: '8 I PLAINTIFF: Trustees of the Singh-Nagi Family Revocable {FD K 0, 5 i, i mi. Living Trust “r? :' '~ -:“- DEFENDANT: Bruce deVisser STAY OF EVICTION _ , Sheriff C1v11 (59}aqql Application for a Stay 0f Eviction by Defendant/Applicant: Name - . A 1. Days Requested 30 X Bruce deVISser Address 10410 Doris Ave 2. Daily Rental Value $ 103.00 = San Jose, CA 95127 3. Amount to Deposit $ 3,090.00 Telephone # X Stay of Eviction is ofdered granted on the following condition: $3,090.00 . . ,o Upon payment of 1n cash or certlfied fimds, pay to the Clerk s Office at the above address on or before 7/20/2018 by 12:00 Noon. o Stay is ordered granted until 08/09/2018 30 days fiom 07/1 0/2018 date of-Judgment. o Funds to be disbursed t6 the plaintiff/plaintift’s attorney after Stay date. (Note: The Court policy is to hold ‘certified funds’ for 3O days before disbursement) 0 Other: Above payment to the Clerk’s Office and their notification to the Sheriff’s Office of the receipt thereof must occgr BEFORE the lock-out. If the lock-out has already occurred, this Order is null and void. D Stay of Eviction is ordered denied. 7, - . I / / i Date: July 20, 201 8 I \ I' 7 DREW CTTAKAICHI JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT Special Instructions by the Court:_ Applicant is to return to the courtroom with their receipt forthwith for further instructions on the Stay of Eviction. _X_ No further action is required by this applicant. By Courtroom Clerk: / _ . C RKS OFFICE USE ONLY JCASH D Certified funds $ gda. OD mRECEIVED 0N 01/301 If (DATE) D SHERIFF NOTIFIED BY FAX (CLERK'S INITIALS) l l (Note. ATTACH COPY 0E FAX TRANSMITTAL REPORT To STAY FORM. ) STAY OF EVICTION OFFICIAL RECEIPT Superiur Court of California County cvf Santa Clara 191 North First St. San Jose CA 951 13 Receipi No. 0-2018-21231 Transaction Date 07/20I201B Payer DE VISSER. BRUCE 1043-1 0 DORIS AVE N/A SAN JOSE, CA 951 27-3010 Description An‘gla‘g On Behalf Of DE VISSER. BRUCE 1BCV329272 MANPREET NAG! et al vs; BRUCE DE VISSER Trust Civil Stay of Eviction Trust Civi! Stay of Eviction 3,090.00 SUBTOTAL 3,090.0!) PAYMENT TOTAL 3,090.00 Cash Tendered 3,098.00 Total Tender‘ed 3,99D.OD Change 0.00 0712012018 Caahim' Audit 10:18 AM Stadon 03015 7147543 OFFICIAL RECEIPT g .4 l'l’l BWVN mnng mam) 'ON MO MESS BONV'NQ -o m ¥ >m rn U m :.< 300W LNSWAVd m O 6 'o O # ENOHd S.EOJJSOdEG awn WW ?ELVO XI o1 Er , fl JABOEB W30 ONnd OJ. HEASNVHJ. 7W san 015m =ssaaaav :HOJJSOdEG d0 EWVN n 57‘ 1p Wnaq [sodaa p asodmd Vt; J. VGNEdEG . Wlf'am'r f° 7 =ON HSVO 1811111 .LfllIlOO 131.2; us u7/zwzuw 10:45 FAX 408 882 2691 DTS CIVIL I001 ssswwmzwmaszmxs sum TX REPORT 3:323: wagsmswaasssmsms TRANSMISSION 0K TX/RX N0 1055 RECIPIENT ADDRESS 99980636 DESTINATION ID SHERIFF ST. TIME 07/20 10:44 TIME USE 00'58 PAGES SENT 8 RESULT 0K 4.31;; SUPERIOR COURT of CALIFORNIA COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA CIVIL DIVISION 191 N. FIRST STREET SAN JOSE, CA 95113 Phone: 408)882’-2600 Fax: 408)882-2691 FACSMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET T0: Sheriff’s Office, CivilDivision Date: 07 / a,a/(€ From: LA,“ QHarcd/Ana. Fax Number: (408) 998-0636 Tota1# ofPages: 3 9 Phone Number: (408) 808-4800 Court Case Number: 1: cv 3 2.7 2 7 2 Sheriff’s Case Number: I 3 g 7 9y? ,2 RQ/gtaxf Eviction Glanted until o g /oi//,¢ o Claim 0f Right t0 Possession 41a SUPERIOR COURT of CALIFORNIA COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA CIVIL DIVISION 191 N. FRST STREET SAN JOSE, CA 95113 Phone: 408)882-2600 Fax: 408)882-2691 FACSMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET ’ To: Sheriffs Office, Civil Division Date: o7 / a_a/ ; e From: Lam, aflflwflank Fax Number: (408) 998-0636 Total # ofPagESIV 3 Phone Number: (408) 808-4800 Court Case Number: I: cV 3 2v? 3 7 3 Sheriffs Case Number: I y, 7 997 3 RQ/gtaff Eviction Granteduntil o 2 /o9/,: o Claim 0f Right to Possession o Granted o Denied Notes/Comments: