Declaration In SupportCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 24, 20181 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 t2 l3 l4 15 t7 16 l8 19 20 2l "t) 2J 24 25 26 27 28 Reese Law Group Golnaz Heidari, Esq., Bar # 317574 3168 Lionshead Ave Carlsbad CA 92010 Telephone: 760/842-5850 Attomey for Plaintiff Wells Fargo Banlq N.A. Plaintiff, ARLENE S REMEZ Defendants, STJPERIOR COURT OF CALTFORNIA' COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SANTA CLARA JIJDICIAL DISTRJCT, SAN JOSE SUPERIOR COI,'RT No. 18CV327100 DECLAXAT]ON OF PLAINTIFF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY ruDOMENT Datn:glt{!(1 Ilme:,r {ir.lii r Dept: ii: I Assigned Judge:i f ':.),.,.ii-.' L ,i ,,1 Complaint Filed: April 24, 2018 Trial Date: Not Set I, 6n t ^n rrr. ' declare as follows:J $wr r-\1n L I am cuneitly employed as a Loan Adjustor for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. ('Wells Fargo"), the Plaintiff in the action herein pending. I have personal krrowledge of the facts contained in this declaration and if called as a wihess to testifi, I could and would do so competently. In my employment capaoity, it is rny business duty to act as a Qualified Witness for Wells Fargo and to supervise the account ofARLENE S REMEZ, (''defendant"). 2. As my part of my duties as a Loan Adjustor, I am familiar with the usage and record keeping systems for DDclaa.ATIoN oF Pl,ArMrrFF rN €uPPQRT oF MmIoN csso Nuffber: 18Cv327100 Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 6/27/2019 8:13 AM Reviewed By: L. Quach-Marcellana Case #18CV327100 Envelope: 3061007 18CV327100 Santa Clara - Civil 't J 4 6 l0 I' l3 l4 l5 l6 t7 t8 t9 20 9 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 Wells Fargo and the process by which the information is tansmitted by the merchant and or bank, to Wells Fargo. Consistent with thes€ duties as a Loan Adjustor, I am responsible for monitoring the legal process for credit card accounts and research and review Wells Fargo relevant business records. In addition to the above duties, I research specific account issues including but not limited to a consumers' past due sccounts, consumer disputes with respect to the account, charges made and payments received on an account, 3, In connection with preparing this testimony, in accordance with my Faining and duties as a Loan Adlustor, I have acquired personal knowledg€ ofths matters stated herein by pusonally examining the business records relating to the account (the "Account") that is the subject ofthe Complaint filed in this action, In acmrdance with my training as a Loan Adjustor, I used the proper procedures to access and rehieve the account information tom my compuler, which is reliable, regularly maintained, and kept in a good state ofr€pair. Further, my computer was in working order at the time the exhibits were retsieved and Printed. 4. lt is my testimony that, the information in this declaration is taken liom Wells Fargo's business records. The documents and records attached hereto were taken fiom the files of Wells Fargo and were prepared in the ordinary course ofbusiness, about the time that the occunences cited therein actually took place by employees and/or agents of W€lls Fargo having personal knowledge ofthe occun€nces which are cited in said documents. It is the regular practice of Wells Fargo tro create and maintain such records. The documents atlached are copies printed out from Wells Fargo's computer system, as the originals werc mailed to the oonsumer at or near the time they were generated, Immediately after the business records are created by Wells Ftugo's computer system they are saved and stored in my employer's intemal record keeping system as a business record that my employer relies on in doing business. Once in the system, these documents cannot be altered or changed. 5. In connection with preparing this testimony, I specifically reviewe.d all stalements associated with def€ndant's account, the Customer Agreement & Disclosure Statement, several card caniers that were mailed out to the defendant when new calds were sent, some ofthe pleadings in this case, particularly the Complaint and Answer, and some conespondence. After review ofmy employer's intemal rccords 28 DECI,ARNTION OF PL,A]NTIFF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION ca€e Numbe!: llCV3r7l00 ) J 4 6 7 9 10 l2 13 l4 l5 l6 17 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 systgm and sll documents associat€d with the accoun! I found thc following with regards to defendant's 6. In response to the defendant's request, Wells Fargo extended to $e defendant a line ofcredit and issued defendant a credit card, The credit card account was opened with Wells Fargo on or about October 14,2009. 7, After processing the application, the defendant's account was approved and a crcdit card was mailod, with the Consumer Credit Card Customer Agrcement & Disclosute Statement, to the defendant in thc normal course of Wells Fargo's credit card issuing procedures. Copies of said documents were then, immediately, saved in Wells Fargo's computer system in the normal course of Wells Fargo's credit card issuing prooedures. 8. The Consumer Credit Csrd Custromer Agreement & Disclosure Statement delineate the terms and conditions ofthe account, including, among other things, the defendant's acknowledgment of acceptance of the terms and conditions by !S ofthe account, the defendant's promise to pay plaintiffany and all fees and chaxges incuned pulsuant to the terms ofthe Consumer Credit Card Customer Aglcement & Disclosure Statement, including finance charges and other fees and charges due under the Agreement or by law, and the definition ofand consequences associated with default. Periodically, terms to the agreement would change. Any changes in the terms were sent to the defendant giving the defendant the right to close the account if the terms werp not acceptable. The last Consumet Credit Card Customer Agreement & Disclosure Statement sent to defendant and sccepted (through a failure to close the account/and or continued use ofthe card) is attached hereto as Exhibit A, and incorporated herein by reference. 9. In exchange for making charges on the subjeot credit card, defendant agreed to repay the principal amount plus any applicable interest and financ€ charges thereon. Defendants accepted the Customer Agreement & Disclosure Statoment by using the subject credit card account. Defendant used the credit card account, including but not limited, to charge goods, services, and cash advances to this account with Wells Fargo. 10. Every month, plaintiffs internal computer system genereted, kept and sent statements to the defendant showing, including but not limited to, the debits and credis incuned. The account statements 28 DECIARAfION OF PI.AINTTFF IN SVPPORT OF MOTION ca6e Nurnbet: l8CVl2?100 I 2 J 4 { 6 7 I 9 l0 il t2 t3 t4 l5 t6 l7 18 l9 z0 2l 1'' 23 24 aa 26 27 2E have been kept in the ordinary course ofmy employer's record keeping procedures and cannot be modified or changed once stored in Wells Fargo's record keeping system. As ttansactions, such as charges, overdraff transfers, cash advances and payments, ar€ reported my employer's computer system records and stores them, compiles the data, and ke€ps track ofthe balance on the accounts on a daily basis. Additionally, the monthly statement showed the interest rato for the subject account, the calculation ofsaid interest rate on the balance and the mhimum payment which would be due and payable for thet month. A true and conect oopy ofthe crcdit card statements that were mailed to defendant are attache.d hereto as Exhlbit B, and incorporated herein by reference. I L After reviewing my omployer's intemal records system, I found no record ofdefendant having disputed a chargc, credit, or the balance due on the credit card account with Wells Fargo at any time since it was opened. I2, Defendant made payments ofprincipal and interest on the Accounl up and through Octobcr 14, 2017, the last payment of which was for $30.00. Following this date, no further payments were made on the Acaount, and a balance of$5,501.67 remains due and owing. 13. As oftoday's date, defendant has incuned a balance of $5,501 ,67 on the account and has failed !o pay it or any part of it. I declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws ofthe State of Califomia that the foregoing is true and conect. I E*e.uted on TClrl r,n,r,\ 25 , 2019, at west Des Moines, lowa.\l- L\nn* n ht,ffi- Dech6;, 0 DECIARA1ION OF PLAIMIFF IN EUPPORT OP MOTION Case Nudbor: l8CV32?100 I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 2l 28 Reese Law Group Golnaz Ileidali. Bsq., Bar'# 317574 3168 Lionshead Ave Carlsbad CA 92010 Telephone: 7 601842-5850 Attorney for Plaintiff Wells Fargo Bank. N.A. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SANTA CLAI{A JUDICIAL DISTRICT, SAN JOSE SUPERIOR COURT Case No. 18C1V327100 Plaintill, VS. ARLENE S REMEZ Defendant, TABLE OF CONTENTS Cor.rsurler Credit Card Customer Agleernent & Disclosute Statetneut.... Monthly statements fiom August 14.2010 to February 9,2018....... PLAINTII.F" S EVIDENCE SUBMITTED IN SUPPOR'I' OF PI,AINTIFF'S MOTION FOR SUMMARYJUDGMENT Dtte:tlfril!{ t Time:?.Oct-r,, Dept: lol Asrigrred Judgc: l'li 11 1.r Lt 1.11 1 i r/1 \. _l Complaint Filed: April 24, 2018 'frial Date: Not Set .....Exhibit A .trxlnbit B pLAIN,ft!f,S [vrLrENCE SUBI.{]TTED ir.J ..iUPPoRT oF Mo1'LoN folt SUl,ll,lARY.tUDc'l,,liNI Case Nurnber: lS(1V327100 EXHIBIT A ‘ ~ ' I T CONSUMER CREDIT CARD CUSTOMER AGREEMENT & DISCLOSURE STATEMENT VISA@ N6tiaC'To'clrlifoinia Cardhirldirs'. " .:':.:.,. :,.:'::.. I, To our California customers who have discussed credit card terms and conditions with us in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, or Tagalog: Read Section 34 about interpreter certification before you activate your credit card' Lea la Secci6n 34 sobre certificaci6n de int6rprete antes de activar su tarieta de cr6dito' :FtelE#H{=H.F.ZHiitfi#H 34 EffE! rffi":frE;B;Hr " +l6fsl ^137f -= oJCEf6l^l7l dql =q^l 9=0ll tr--! 34e3 9lo^l7l ulg'Lltt. Hay dgc Phbn 34 vE xdc nhAn th6ng dich vi6n trudc khi qu,l vi kich hoat the tin dung cua minh. Basahin ang seksyon 34 tungkol sa sertipikasyon ng tagapagsaling-wika bago mo i-activate ang iyong credit card. Your Contract With Us (1) Agreement, This contract for your credit card account ("Account") includes the Credit Card Agreement ("Agreement"), the Important Terms of Your Credit Card Account and future amendments to this Agreement. This Agreement is a contract between Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and each Account holder. You and any joint Account holder accept the terms of this Agreement by using or activating your Account, Please read this Agreement carefully and keep it for your records. (2) Definitions Use your Examples include using your for cash advances through an ATIY, bank teller or wells Fargo on I i ne, Ovedrafl Protection advances, Page 1 of 20 Percentage Rate to calculate interest on the balance Accou nt asa Billing Cycle Billing Period or statements. Each billing state shows a statement closing date which me n9 is the last of the credit account to your Account, including the use of a check a accesses r Accou nt Balance Transfer Card we issue to you or a devices we allow you use to a ca on Advance sxrilBfr'--[} Credit Access Devicc A device, other than your Card, like SUPERCHECKS'" and mobile devices, that we allow you to use to access credit on your Account. A summary of your Account's APR5, fees and other important information. lmportant Terms of Your Credit Card Account New Balance Ihe total amount you owe as ol a statement closinq date. The sum of all unpaid amountsf includ ing Purchases, Cash Advances, balance transfers, interest, fees and any other amounts that you may owe us. outstandrng Balance Payment Due Date The date the Mlnimum Payment rs due. It will be at least 25 days from the statement closing date and will be provided on your billing statement. Use ot your Account to buy or lease goods or services. Cash Advances, Balance Transfers and cash- like transactions are not Purchases. Tax payments and associated fees are Pu rch ases. Purchase Credit LImlt This is the amount that rs avarlable tor your use. Wells Fargo Bank, N,Awe, us, ano Our You and Your I he Account holder(s) wno opened tne Accou nt. balance transfe rs, or cash-like purchases such as money orders, wire transfers, traveler checks, foreign currencyr lottery tickets, casino ch orf-track wagersr other wag vouchers redeema ble for cash similar items (3) Contacting You. You agree that we have your consent to contact you at any phone number, email address, or mailing address you provide for any Wells Fargo account or at any nu mbe r that you call us from or at any number that we obtain by other means. Your consent allows us and any companies working on our behalf to service your account, to use any means to contact you lncluding: automated dialing devices, prerecorded/ artificial voice messages, mail, e-mail, text messages, push notifications, and calls to your cell phone, or any other data or voice transmission technology. You are responsible for any service provider charges you may incur as a result of us contacting you by any means, whether such charges are related to text, data, equipment or other plans, You will promptly notify us if you change any contact information, including your name, mailing address, e-mail addresses, or phone numbers. If you have a joint Account, a notice to one of you will serve as a notice to both of you, We may use voice recognition technology to verify your identity when you call. We may capture and store your voiceprint for this purpose. We may monitor and record any calls between you and us. Using Your Account (4) Using Your Account. You may use your consumer credit card Account for Purchases, Balance Transfers, Cash Advances and any other transactions we allow. You promise to use your Account only for lawful personal, Page 2 of 20 ips, ers, family, or household purposes. We reserve the right to deny transactions or authorizations from merchants who may be engaging in the internet gambling business. We are not responsible for anyone who refuses to accept your card or any other credit Access Device. We may decline any transaction at any time. Your credit card may not be used to make a payment on any other Wells Fargo credit account, Cash Advances from ATMS. Cash Advances from ATMS may be limited by amount or frequency. The ATM owner may have additional restrictions. If the ATl4 owner charges any fee, that fee will be included as part of the total Cash Adva nce amount. Cash Advances for Overdraft Protection. You may elect to have an automatic cash Advance from your Account to cover an overdraft on a linked Wells Fargo checking account. To cover an overdraft on a linked Wells Fargo checking account/ we will advance the greater of . the amount of your overdraft; or . $2s.00 Except if . the amount of available credit on your Card is less than the amount of the overdraft or less than $25.00, we will then advance the amount of ava ila ble credit. The APR and fees that apply to overdraft protection advances aTe listed in the lmportant Terms of Your Credit Card Account. Overdraft protection advances, interest and fees may cause your Account balance to exceed your credit llmit. If there is more than one person listed on the checking account (such as a joint checking account) that you have linked for overdraft protection, then: . You will be responsible for all overdraft protection advances regardless of which person writes the check or engages in any other transaction (such as a debit card purchase) that causes the overdraft; and . You agree to allow us to disclose to any other person on your checking account, that this Card is linked to your checking account for overdraft protection. We reserve the right to cancel, suspend, or change your overdraft protection service at any time, for any reason' credit Access Devices, SUPERCHECKS can be used to access your Account similar to writing a check on a deposit account. SUPERcHECKS checks will post as a balance transfer only when they are included with a Balance Transfer offer. If a SUPERCHECKS check is not included with a Balance Transfer offer it will post as a Cash Advance. They will include transaction fees and interest. Some restrictions apply to SUPERCHECKS; . They may not be written as payment on any Wells Fargo account. . They may be used only by the person whose name is printed on the check. . They must be written in U.S' dollars. . They cannot be certified. . You cannot file a claim against the bank when you have a dispute with a merchant about payment for property or services that you paid for using a SUPERCHECKS check. . We reseTve the right to put conditions on the use of SUPERCHECKS checks and to reject, decline and return unpaid any SUPERCHECKS check or advance at our discretion, Page 3 of 20 Third Party/Mobile Devices' You or an authorized user may be permitted to load your credit card to an app on a smaTt phone, tablet or other electronic device, such as, through a mobile wallet, which could be used for purchases or other transactions without presenting the card. Any such Transactions are covered by this Agreement. We have no control over the device and cannot guarantee the performance of the device. Add itionally: . You should protect the security of the device the same as your credit card or other valuable information. . There may be third party fees related to the transaction such as mobile carrier data or messaging charges. . We may, at any time, partially or fully restrict your ability to make credit transactions through a third party/mobile device. You agree to notify us promptly if you remove or want to remove your Account information from any third party/mobile device. (5) Authorized Users. Ifyou wish to have an additional Card issued in another peTson's name, please contact us and we will send you a Card with the name of the authorized person embossed on the front ofthe Card' You are responsible for payment of the entire amount owed to us, including any Purchases, balance transfers or Cash Advances (and all related interest and fees) made by the authorized person. Ending Authorized User Privileges' Ifyou wantto end an authorized user's privilege to use your Account, you must: . Recover and destroy that person's card. If you do not, you will continue to be liable for any charges made, even if you've advised us of your wish to cancel the privileges, unless you tell us to cancel all Cards and establish a new Account for you. . You must notify us of your request by contacting us at the number on the back of your Card or by mail at Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., P.O. Box 10347, Des Moines, IA 50306. In general, an authorized person is not obligated on this Account and is not liable for any Outstanding Balance or any other charges made by you or by any other authorized person. In the event of the death of all fully liable cardholders, authorized users' privilege ends automatically. After that, if any person uses the Card, such use indicates his or her agreement to pay us, and we may, at our discretion, pursue the person for payment of any outstanding Balance or any other charges they authorize. You agree to notify each authorized person that they are subject to all applicable sections of this Ag reement. Information about Authorized Users. You agree to give us certain personal information about each Authorized User, You must have permission from each Authorized User allowing you to give us that personal information. This may include name, address, social security number, date of birth and citizenship. (6) Lost or Stolen Cards and Liability for Unauthorized Use. You must notify us immediately if Page 4 of 20 your Card or account information is lost or stolen, or if you believe it's being used without your permission. You may contact us by phone at A00-642-4720 or in writing at Wells Fargo Card Services, PO Box 10347, Des Moines, lA 50306, You agree to assist us in our investigation of the matter. Ifyou do this and we find you not responsible, you will not be held liable for the unauthorized use of your Account. (7) Promise to Pay. When you use your Account or let someone else use it, you promise to pay the totdl amount of the Purchases, Cash Advances, and balance transfers, plus all interest, fees and other amounts that you may owe us. We may limit or close your Account, but the terms of this Agreement will apply until you pay the Accou nt in fu ll. (8) Credit Limit, We may assign the following limits to your Accou nt: Cash Advance Limit. We may restrict the amount of your credit limit that can be used for Cash Advances. Your total credit limit will be provided with your Credit Card and shows on each of your billing statements. You promise to use your Account only to the limits. If you exceed your total credit limit, we may allow the transaction without increasing your total credit limit or deny the transaction. If we allow the transaction, we may treat that over limit amount as due with the minimum payment on your next statement. If you exceed the limits, you will still remain liable for all credit you receive. We can adjust your credit limit at any time, including automatic credit llne increases for those who qualify. (9) Authorizations. We don't guarantee approval of transactions. We reserve the right to deny transactions for any reason, such as account default, suspected fraudulent or unlawful activity, internet gambling, or any indication of increased risk related to the transaction. We also may limit the number of authorizations we allow during a period of time. Transactions at some merchants (such as hotels, car rental companies, restaurants, and gas stations) may result in temporary authorizations for amounts greater than the actual Purchase amount. This will make less credit available on your Account for several days, usually until the date the actual Purchase amount is received from the merchant. If you give your credit card information to a merchant to bili your account for recurring payments, or to keep it on file for future purchases or payments, and your card number, expiration date, or security code changes, you should notify the merchant with your new card information. Some card networks provide update services and receive updated card information from Wells Far9o. Merchants that participate in such services will receive updated card information from the network for credit cards that you have provided to the merchant for recurring or future purchases or payments. We cannot tell you which merchant will receive updated card information when your card information changes. You should always provide each merchant with your new card information because some merchants do not subscribe to such network services. Changes To This Agreement (1o) Change in Terms. We may change this Agreement at any time. These changes may apply to existing and Page 5 of 20 future balances. We will give you advance written notice of the changes and a right to reject the chanqes if required by law. We may require you to close your Account or take other actions if you reject the changes. Fees-And'.Inteie.511 ....,'..',.. . :', r.. :.' I .r :rI l (11) Fees, The following fees may apply to your account. If they do apply, you will find the amount in the Important Terms of Your Credit Card Account. You agree to pay any fees that apply. . Annual Fee. If your account has an annual fee it will be charged each year your account is open, The annual fee will not be billed after your Account is closed. . Balance Transfer Fee. This fee may be charged on a balance transfer transaction. . Cash Advance Fee. This fee may be charged on a cash Advance from your Account. . overdraft Protection Advance Fee. This fee may be charged when an overdraft amount is advanced to the checking account linked to your Credit Card Account by you, . Foreign Currency Conversion Fee. If you make a transaction in a foreign currency/ Visa will convert it into a U.S. dollar amount. A foreign currency conversion fee may be charged when this is done. . Late Fee. This fee may be charged each time we do not receive the required lvlinimum Payment due by the Payment Due Date. . Returned Check or Returned Payment Fee. This fee may be charged when a payment is not processed the first time or is returned unpaid. Additional fees may be charged if agreed between you and us. All fees will be added to the Purchases balance, except Cash Advance fees and overdraft Protection fees which will be added to the Cash Advance balance on your Account. (12) Foreign currency Transactions. If you make a transaction in a currency other than U.S. dollars uslng a Visa Card, then Visa International "Visa" will convert the charge into a U.S. dollar amount. The exchange rate between the transaction currency and the billing currency used for processing international transactions is either (a) a rate selected by Visa from the range of rates available in wholesale currency markets for the applicable central processing date, which rate may vary from the rate Visa itself receives, or (b) the government-mandated rate in effect for the applicable central processlng date. The cuTrency conveTsion rate for the processing date may differ from the rate in effect on the date of the transaction or the date the transaction is posted to your Accou nt. Point of sale Conversion, Some merchants outside the United States offer cardholders the option of having Card transactions converted to U.S. dollars by Visa, as described above, or by the merchant itself. If the latter option is chosen, the currency conversion rate is determined solely by the merchant involved in the transaction, and no foreign currency conveTsion fee is charged by the bank for the transaction. (13) Rates. The following sections describe how we calculate the interest you owe each Billing Period. The Important Terms of Your Credit Card Account list the APRS that apply to different types of balances. Page 6 of 20 Introductory Rates. Your account may be eligible for introductory rates. This would be described in the Important Terms of Your Credit Card Account. If you are offered a promotional rate after your account is opened, the terms will be provided at that time. After any introductory or promotional rates expire, the remaining balances will be subject to the applicable Standard or Standard Variable APR terms. How we Calculate your Standard Variable APRS. If your account has a variable rate the APR will vary based on the U,S, Prime Rate plus the applicable "lv1argin". See the Important Terms of Your credit card Account for the "Margin" on Purchases, balance transfers, Cash Advances, and overdraft protection advances, and daily periodic rates that apply to your Account. For each Billing Period, we use the U.S. Prime Rate or the average of the U,S. Prime Rates (if there is more than one) published in the "lvloney Rates" column of The Wall Street Journal three business days prior to your billing statement closing date. If the U.S. Prime Rate is no longer published or is not available, we may select a similar index. A change in the APR may increase oT decTease the total amount of interest you pay and your Minimum Payment due. If the APR changes due to a change in the U.S. Prime Rate, the new APR will apply to both existing and future balances on the first day ofyour Billing Cycle. The APR will continue to vary even if your Account is closed. Standard APRS, If your Account is subject to Standard APRS, the Standard APRs will not vary with the market based on the U. S. Prime Rate. However, we may change the Standard APRS from time to time in accordance with the Change In Terms information described in section 10, The rates that apply to your account are listed in the Important Terms of Your Credit Card Account. Daily Periodic Rates, The daily periodic rates aTe calculated by dividing each applicable APR by 365. (14) Minimum Interest Charge, Your account may have a Minimum lnterest Charge. See The Important Terms of Your Credit Card Account for the applicable cha rg e, (15) When we Charge Interest. For most transactions, interest will be charged beginning on the date a transaction is made on your account. We charge interest on a fee beginning on the first day of the Billing Cycle following the Billing Cycle in which the fee posted to you r Account, (16) Here's how and when specific Transactions, fees and credits are applied: . We add the amount of a Purchase or Balance Transfer to the Purchase balance as of the transaction date shown on your statement. . We add Balance Transfer fees to the Purchase balance as of the transaction date shown on your statement. . We add the amount of a Cash Advance to the Cash Advance balance as of the transaction date shown on you r statement. . We add Cash Advance Fees to the Cash Advance balance as of the transaction date shown on your statement. Page 7 of 20 . We add the amount of any Overdraft Protection advance to the Cash Advance balance as of the transaction date shown on your statement. (L7) How we Calculate Interest, We begin by calculating the daily balance of each Transaction category. Next we calculate the Average Daily Balance (ADB), Finally, we calculate the interest. See each section below for details. 1) Calculating the daily balancer the daily balance is calculated separately for each Transaction category, We start with the daily balance from the end of the previous day. We add in any new Transactions and other charges, including interest accrued on the previous day's balance. This means interest is compounded daily. We then subtract any payments or credits. Exam ple fo r the Pu rchase Tra nsaction category: Daily balance for purchases from the previous day + New purchases + Fees and interest accrued on the previous day's Transaction category balance - Payments, credits and adjustments that posted that day = New daily balance for Purchases 2) Calculating the Average Daily Balance (ADB): we add up all the daily balances for the Billing Cycle starting with the beginning balance of the first day of the Billing Cycle. This beginning balance will include any unpaid fees from the previous Billing cycle and any late fees incurred during the current Billing Cycle. Any daily balance that is a credit balance is treated as zero. We divide this amount by the number of days in the Billing cycle. ADB = sum of daily balances + number of days in the Billing Cycle 3) Interest calculationr we calculate the interest charge for each type of balance by applying the daily periodic rate to the ADB and multiplying this by the number of days in the Billing Cycle. Interest Charge = daily periodic rate x ADB x number of days in Billing Cycle (1a) crace Period. To avoid paying interest on new Purchases you have to pay your entire New Balance by the Due Date on your statement each Billing Period. You cannot avoid interest on Cash Advances or Balance Transfers. Your due date will be at least 25 days from the statement closing date and will be provided on your billing statement. Eil.ling,statements And Paiments. i .I . .. - . r'r ': (19) Billing Statements, If you have a balance on your account you will receive a billing statement. Your billing statement will show your Iqinimum Payment due and the Payment Due Date. Page I of 20 (2O) Payments. You may pay all orpartofyourAccount balance at any time, but you must pay the Minimum Payment, disclosed on your billing statement, by the Payment Due Date. Minimum Payment. Your Minimum Payment Due includes any amount past due plus the greater of 1. Fees and interest billed during the Billing Cycle plus 1olo of the New Balance; or 2. $15.00 (or the entire balance on the Account if the New Balance is less than $15.00). We require you to pay any amount over the limit on your credit card account, However, that amount is not included in your Minimum Payment Due. This is rounded-up to the next highest whole dollar amount. Credits will not be used to meet the Minimum Payment. Payment Instructions, Follow these instructions when making a payment: 1. You must pay in U.S. dollars. 2. Payment must be made with a personal check, money order or cashier's check and must be issued by a bank in the United States. 3. Electronic payments are accepted. 4. Do not mail cash. If you mail your payment, please mail to the payment address provided on your billing statement using the envelope and payment coupon enclosed. Payments received by 5:00 p.m. at the location your payment is mailed to will be credited as of the date of receipt. If received after 5:00 p.m. they will be credited on the following day. Payments made through Wells Fargo Online Banking at will be credited based on the cutoff time disclosed at the time of the transaction. If you do not follow these instructions your payment may not be credited for up to five days after we receive it. Checks or other paper documents may be converted to an electronic transaction through procedures established by the National Automated Clearing House Association. In this case, the original check or other document that you send to us will not be retained, but a copy would be available if requested. Some of your available line of credit may be held, at our discretion, until your payment is honored. You cannot pay this account using another Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. credit or loan account or any Wells Fargo affiliated company credit or loan account. You cannot use any SUPERCHECKS checks to make any payment on this Account. Generally, we will apply your Minimum Payment first to Iower APR balances (such as Purchases) before balances with higher APRs (such as Cash Advances). Payments made in excess of the Minimum Payment will be applied to balances with higher APRS first before balances with lower ones. We post payments to the Billing Cycle within which they are received. Any payment in excess of the Minimum Payment due is applied based on the balances reflected on your last billing statement. Page 9 of 20 Irregular Payments. If you intend to pay your Account in full with an amount less than the Outstanding Balance, payments must be sent to: Wells Fargo, P.O. Box 10311, Des [4oines, IA 50306-0311. Please note that if we accept such payments we have every right to pursue full payment. Other Important Information (21) Default / Immediate Repayment of Balance in Full. Your Account will be in default, and we may require immediate payment of your total Account if: . You fail to pay a Minimum Payment by the Payment Due Date; . AnY PaYment is returned; . You don't honor the terms of this Agreement; . You made an untrue statement on your application; OR . You file for bankruptcy. If this is a joint Account, a default by one of you will be a default by all of you. We may prevent further transactions and we may close your Account and other Wells Fargo Accounts. If your account is in default you agree to pay our collection costs, attorney's fees, and court costs incurred in enforcing our rights under thls ag reement. (22) Re-Verification of Credit Information, We can review any information you provided on your credit application at any time. This may include: . Requesting credit bureau reports; . Verifying your current credit standing; . Verifying your employment, assets and income records. (23) California Residents, We may also obtain information at any time from the California Department of Motor Vehicles. You agree to waive the address confidentiality requirements section of the California Vehicle Code (Section 1808.21). This waiver may not apply to you if you are on active duty military service (including active guard or TeseTVe service) or you are a spouse or dependent of a person who is on such active duty military service. Please see the Important Stdtement concerning Active Duty Military Service section in the Agreement for mor€i information. (24) Cancellation. We may close your Account at any time and for any reason. You may also close the Account at any time. If that happens, you must still repay the balance owed according to the terms of this Agreement. Joint Accounts may be canceled by either Account Holder. If we close the account, notice may be provided to only one Account Holder. (25) separation of Unlawful Provisions. lf any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, all other provisions ofthe Agreement will remain in effect. (26) Enforcement Rights, We may waive or delay enforcing any of our rights without losing them. A court decree for divorce or separation or an out-of-court mutual agreement does not affect any of our rights to enforce this Ag reement. (27) Phone Monitoring. We may monitor and record any of your phone calls with us. Page 10 of 20 (28) Information Reporting. We may report information about you to consumer reporting agencies, The information that we report to consumer reporting agencies may include: . Accou nt history; . Accou nt performa nce; . Accou nt status; . Any violations of your account; and . Any violations of the terms of this Agreement. The same information may be reported to the consumer reporting agencies for any additional card holders. You may dispute the accuracy of the information that we report to consumer reporting agencies by writing to us at Wells Fargo Credit Bureau Dispute Resolution, P,o. Box 14517, Des luloines, IA 50306-3517. Please describe the information in detail that you believe is inaccurate and provide any supporting documents with your dispute, If your dispute relates to identity theft, you will need to provide us with an identity theft report. (29) Assignment. We may assign your Account and any or all rights and obligations under the Agreement to a third party. You may not assign your Account or any of your obligatlons under the Agreement. (3O) Governing Law. Federal law and the laws of South Dakota govern this Agreement and your account. Arbjtieti.dn:,'r'r'-:'.r,'r' .'... .i...r:.,.:.:.:,..,. (31) Dispute Resolution Program: Arbitration Agreement. a. Binding Arbitration. You and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (the "Bank") agree that if a Dispute arises between you and the Bank, upon demand by either you or the Bank, the Dispute shall be resolved by the following arbitration process. The foregoing notwithstanding, the Bank shall not initiate an arbitration to collect a consumeT debt, but reserves the right to arbitrate all other disputes with its consumer customers. A "Dispute" is any unresolved disagreement between you and the Bank. It includes any disagreement relating in any way to the Card or related services, Accounts, or matters; to your use of any of the Bank's banking locations or facilities; or to any means you may use to access the Bank. It includes claims based on broken promises or contracts, torts, or other wrongful actions, It also includes statutory, common law, and equitable claims. A Dispute also includes any disagreements about the meaning or application of this Arbitration Agreement. This Arbitration Agreement shall survive the payment or closure of your Account. YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOU AND THE BANK ARE WAIVING THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL OR TRIAL BEFORE A JUDGE IN A PUBLIC COURT. As the sole exception to this Arbitration Agreement, you and the Bank retain the right to pursue in small claims court any Dispute that is within that court's jurisdiction. If either you or the Bank fails to submit to binding arbitration following lawful demand, the party so failing bears all costs and Page 11 of 20 exp arb enses incurred by the other in compelling itratio n. Arbitration Procedure; Severability. Either you or the Bank may submit a Dispute to binding arbitration at any time notwithstanding that a lawsuit or other proceeding has been previously commenced. NEITHER YOU NOR THE BANK SHALL BE ENTITLED TO JOIN OR CONSOLIDATE DISPUTES BY OR AGAINST OTHERS IN ANY ARBITRATION, OR TO INCLUDE IN ANY ARBITRATION ANY DISPUTE AS A REPRESENTATIVE OR MEMBER OF A CLASS, OR TO ACT IN ANY ARBITRATION IN THE INTEREST OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC OR IN A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL CAPACITY. Each arbitration, including the selection of the arbitrator(s), shall be administered by the American Arbitration Association (AAA), or such other administrator as you and the Bank may mutually agree to (the AAA or such other mutually agreeable administrator to be referred to hereinafter as the "Arbitration Administrator"), according to the Commercial Arbitration Rules and the Supplemental Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes ("AAA Rules"). To the extent that there is any variance between the AAA Rules and this Arbitration Agreement, this Arbitration Agreement shall control. Arbitrator(s) must be members ofthe state bar where the arbitration is held, with expertise in the substantive laws applicable to the subject matter of the Dispute. No arbitrator or other party to an arbitration proceeding may disclose the existence, content, or results thereof, except for disclosures of information by a party required in the ordinary course of its business or by applicable law or regulation, You and the Bank (the "Parties") agree that in this relationship: (1) The Parties are participating in transactions involving interstate commerce; and (2) This Arbitration Agreement and any resulting arbitration are governed by the provisions of the Federal Arbitration Act (Title 9 of the United States Code), and, to the extent any provision of that Act is inapplicable, unenforceable or invalid, the laws of the state of South Dakota. If any of the provisions of this Arbitration Agreement dealing with class action, class arbitration, private attorney general action, other representative action, joindet or consolidation is found to be illegal or unenforceable, that invalid provision shall not be severable and this entire Arbitration Ag reement shall be unenforceable. Rights Preserved. This Arbitration Agreement does not prohibit the Parties from exercising any lawful rights or using other available remedies to preserve, foreclose, or obtain possession of real or personal property; exercise self-help remedies, including setoff and repossession rights; or obtain provisional or ancillary remedies such as injunctive relief, attachment, garnishment, or the appointment of a receiver by a court Page 72 of 20 c. of competent jurisdiction. Any statute of limitations applicable to any Dispute applies to any arbitration between the Parties. The provisions of this Arbitration Agreement shall survive termination/ amendment/ or expiratlon of the Card or any other relationship between you and the Ba nk. d. Fees and Expenses of Arbitration. Arbitration fees shall be determined by the rules or procedures of the Arbitration Administrator, unless limited by applicable law, Please check with the Arbitration Administrator to determine the fees applicable to any arbitration you may file. If the applicable law of the state in which you opened your Account limits the amount of fees and expenses to be paid by you, then no allocation of fees and expenses to you shall exceed this limitation. Unless inconsistent with applicable law/ each of us shall bear the expense of our own attorney, expert and witness fees, regardless of which of us prevails in the arbitration. e. Active Duty Military Service. If you are on active duty military service (including active guard or reserve service) or you aTe a spouse or dependent of a person who is on such active duty military service, then the above Arbitration Agreement may not apply to you. Please see Important Statement Concerning Active Duty Military Service in this Agreement for more information. Your Eilling Rights Keep This Notice For Future Use, This notice tells you about your rights and our responsibilities under the Fair Credit Billing Act, (32) what To Do If You Find a Mistake on Your Statement. If you think there is an eTror on your statement, write to us at: Wells Fargo card Services P.o. Box 522 Des Moines, IA 50306-0 522 In your letter, give us the following information: . Your name and Account number; . The date and dollar amount of the suspected error. . If you think there is an error on your bill, describe what you believe is wrong and why you believe it is a mista ke. You must contact us: . Within 60 days after the error appeared on your statement, . At least 3 business days before an automated payment is scheduled, if you want to stop payment on the amount you think is wrong, You must notify us of any potential errors in writing at the address above, You may notify using other ways (including telephone), but if you do we are not required to investigate any potential errors and you may have to pay the amount in question. Page 13 of 20 what will Happen After we Receive Your Letter. When we receive your letter, we must do two things: 1. Within 30 days of receiving your lettet we must tell you that we received your letter. We will also tell you if we have already corrected the error, 2. Within 90 days of receiving your letter, we must either correct the error or explain to you why we believe the bill is correct. While we investigate whether or not there has been an CTTOT: . We cannot try to collect the amount in question, or report you as delinquent on that amount. . The charge in question may remain on your statement, and we may continue to charge you interest on that amou nt. . While you do not have to pay the amount in question, you are responsible for the remainder of your balance. . We can apply any unpaid amount against your credit limit. After we finish our investigation, one of two things will happen; . If we made a mistake: You will not have to pay the amount in question or any interest or other fees related to that amou nt. . If we do not believe there was a mistake: You will have to pay the amount in question, along with applicable interest and fees. We will send you a statement of the amount you owe and the date payment is due. We may then report you as delinquent if you do not pay the amount we think you owe, If you receive our explanation but still believe your bill is wrong, you must write to us within 10 days telling us that you still refuse to pay. If you do so, we cannot report you as delinquent without also reporting that you are questioning your bill. We must tell you the name of anyone to whom we reported you as delinquent, and we must let those organizations know when the matter has been settled between us. If we do not follow all of the rules above, you do not have to pay the amount you question even if your bill is correct. Your Rights If You Are Dissatisfied With Your Credit card Purchases, If you are dissatisfied with the goods or services that you have purchased with your credit card and you have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, you may have the right not to pay the remaining amount due on the Purchase. To use this right, all of the following must be true: 1. The Purchase must have been made in your home state or within 100 miles of your current mailing address, and the Purchase price must have been more than $50. (Note: Neither of these are necessary if your Purchase was based on an advertisement we mailed to you, or if we own the company that sold you the goods or services.) 2. You must have used your credit card for the Purchase. Purchases made with Cash Advances from an ATM or with a check that accesses your credit card Account do not q u a lifY' Page 14 of 20 3. You must not yet have fully paid for the Pu rchase. If all of the criteria above are met and you are still dissatisfied with the Purchase, contact us in writing at: Wells Fargo Card Services PO Box 522 Des Moines, IA 50306-05 22 While we investigate, the same rules apply to the disputed amount as discussed above. After we finish our investigation, we will tell you our decision. At that point, if we think you owe an amount and you do not pay, we may report you as delinquent. Active Duty Mllitary Service (33) IMPORTANT STATEMENT CONCERNING ACTM DUTY MILITARY SERVICE! If you are on active duty military service when you apply for or establish this account (including active guard or reserve service) or you are a spouse or dependent of a Person who is on such active duty military service at that time, then so long as such active duty military service continues, the Arbitration Agreement contained in the credit Card Agreement does not apply to you, nor do any provisions that waive any right to legal recourse under any state or federal law. MILITARY ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE: FCdCTAI Law provides important protections to members of the Armed Forces and their dependents relating to extensions of consumer credit. In general, the costs of consumer credit to a member of the Armed Forces and his or her dependent may not exceed an annual percentage rate of 36 percent. This rate must include, as applicable to the credit transaction oT account: the cost associated with credit insuTance premiums, fees for ancillary products sold in connection with the credit transaction, any application fee charged (other than certain application fees for specified credit transactions or accounts), and any participation fee charged (other than certain participation fees for a credit card account). You may contact us at 1-844-309-0044 for information about the l'4ilitary Annual Percentage Rate and a description of your account opening disclosures. InteiprC-til,Ce-rtifigatiC. n, ,.,r : r'.i'r:'.:r .r : . '. :r::rlr.r.'. ..' (34) Interpreter Certification, If you choose to discuss your credit card account with us in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese' or Tagalog, please read the following. By signing, using or activating the credit card issued to you, you certify to us that: . You have discussed the Customer Agreement and Disclosure Statement with your interpreter and have been given the opportunity to discuss and negotiate with us the terms and conditions contained in these docume nts. . Your interpreter is at least 18 years old and is fluent in both English and in the language in which you chose to discuss with us the terms and conditions of your credit card Account. . You understand and agree to the terms and conditions contained in these enclosed documents. Paoe 15 of 20 Cdrtifieaairinpde ht6.rpletd',r: ir,.r..::. r'i . '.r 'r: : : r, ',.:-, (34) Certificaci6n de Int6rprete. Si usted opta por conversar sobre su cuenta de tarieta de cr6dito con nosotros en espaftol' chino' coreano' vietnamita o tagalo, lea lo siguiente. Al firmar, utilizar o activar la tarjeta de cr6dito emitida a su nombre, usted certifica ante nosotros que: . Usted ha analizado el contrato del cliente y Declaraci6n de Divulgaci6n con su int6rprete, y que usted y su intdrprete han tenido la opoftunidad de analizar y negociar con nosotTos los t6rminos y condiciones contenidos en estos documentos, . Su int6rprete tiene por lo menos 18 afros de edad y habla con fluidez tanto en ingl6s como en el idioma que usted haya elegido para conversar con nosotros sobre los t6rminos y condiciones de su Cuenta de tarjeta de cr6dito. . Usted entiende y est6 de acuerdo con los t6rminos y condiciones contenidos en estos documentos adjuntos. ffi#F&BEg (34) ffi#F-## " mRtf;i*Fl.{trif+;9. +y.+e;E.ilHF5 EI;F(+FFEIi{fT{P5;J;ft ,I=H+I!FF iEEfi gH' EEFdFFJ-XTA+' - B ta6E'{8ffi egFlHirgfffi tfl ffi ,f=H+' Etrtfr tf, FJ+*'{F3# EE . rf,eruftreE!ffi;+FEi;fii& (EFffile)) rE (tqREBE) ff E€#BrirttlHEi;fr tutB ffi iELEy{+ + fi91*if f 014'{+ . . te6! M# F E4 +)ffi 1 I bl' it^EE-,ft f UE!4E'E k?h Ej,R'.E tfl FFi*lit+t{llEi;fr 1effi 'EH +aFF{*Sf fF{*'l+H!;EE ". tergffiff lElHjg+F,tp{fiELE*,{++ H!ffiiafis1Ei+ . Eq^t oJ= (34) Eq^t E=. 5o4^l oJ=. +16l"l t!E7f E zltloll g-d ^t6Jg4tr118 ol, =+q. -:!qq, 6J+ol. EllE LJq lEts Ete=-lol.e 4El et Esl6lTle 6ft! d-?.. tlg ^fBg glq +{^le i;lqlzl 'JJEJ c32lE= ^l-86lzLf Et€ qf -"J o e/,{, +1615 4dqlzl rf. ^t€r3 =g6lzl ELIL| . +l6fE +l6fsl Eq^fel -"J7rll -"'-q E:el^l "l Srll 1l+^lq $ol] Esl6lfloq 0lal-dE^jql s:"JEJ EiJS zlolef Eol 6ln -"J #-cr 7l-sl= )lnaL'ltl. +lolsl Eq^f: 18.!l 0lA0lq gqEU 0fLlal +l6f7l Cg 7l- Zl4 qF+ql +|6|j 4olelEol:g ttll ^f36l1l7le .! E-!6f d Eqql qF 556JLltl. ?lol:3+EJ 0laloJ E^]ql g:"JEJ "JeC 0lo|lofnoq 0l oll EeLE Llrf XacrlNtan:Va]xgrtdi,Tn.ons.pichrr.,:.,,''r'r',.. :r': "' (34) X6c Nh{n V6 Ngudi Th6n9 Dich N6u quf vi chgn theo luan trddng mgc thd tin dqng cia minh v6i chring t6i bing ti6ng Tay Ban Nha, ti6ng Trung, tieng HAn, ti6hg viet hoic Tagalog' vui ldng ilqc ph6n sau ddy. B3n9 vi€c kf, sr-r dung hoEc kich hoat thd tin dung da cdp cho quV vi, qui vi chflng nh6n vdi t6i rSng: . Qur/ vi da thdo luen v6i thdng dich vien c0a mlnh vC Thoa Thuan Khiich Heng va Tuyen Bd Tidt L0 Th6ng Tin vA dE c6 cd h6i trao aldi vd thddng ldqng vdi chring tdi ve cdc tliEu khodn vd diEu ki6n n6u trong nhtrng tai lieu nay. . Th6ng dich vien cua qui v-i t6i thidu 18 tuo-i va thdnq thao cd tidng Anh 15n ngon ngf m; qui vi d5 chgn sil dung dd theo luAn vdi ch(ing tOi v€ cdc diEu khoen v) di6u ki6n li6n quan ddn trddng muc the tin dung cria qu! vi. Page 16 of 20 . Quf vi hidu vd dbng 'l v6i c5c di6u khodn vd di,0u kien dfdc nCu trong nhtrng tli liCu dinh kdm ndy. Se!'!ip!li?s-yon..n9 Tegapegaalittg:wika'.r',.r..i ... ...,.., (34) Sertipikasyon ng Tagapagsaling-wika. Kung pipiliin mong talakayin ang iyong credit card account sa amin sa wikang Spanish, Chinese' Korean, vietnamese, o Tagalog, pakibasa ang sumusunod, Sa pamamagitan ng paglagda, paggamit o pag-activate ng credit card na ibinigay sa iyo, pinatototohanan mo sa amin na: . Tinalakay mo ang Kasunduan ng Kostumer at ang Pahayag ng Pagsisiwalat sa iyong tagapagsaling- wika at nabigyan ka n9 pagkakataong talakayin at makipagkasundo sa amin sa mga tuntunin at kundisyong nilalaman ng mga dokumentong ito. . Ang iyong tagasaling-wika ay wala pang 18 taong gulang at lubos na marunong sa Ingles at sa wika na napili mo para talakayin sa amin ng mga tuntunin at kundisyon ng iyong credit card Accou nt. . Nauunawaan at sinasang-ayunan mo ang mga tuntunin at kundisyong nakasaad sa mga nakalakip na doku mentong ito. Page 77 of 20 This panel intentionally left blank. Page 18 of 20 hi nel n e o l y ft . 0f This panel intentionally left blank. Page 19 of 20 hi nel n e o l y f . f wells Fargo card services PO Box 1O347r Des Moines, IA 50306 L-800-642-4720 Hearing and Speech Impaired Customers, call the TTY number 1-800-4t9-2265 Core 08/ L7 Page 20 of 20 M-119975 LS 9075 Wei C S r c 0 0347, oi es, 1 64 4720 eari m ai ust ers, al ber - ~ 19~226 or 1 - f O EXHIBIT B _ L I T L Wk _ WELLA FARGO vrsA Balance Summary mry + P!rchases, BaLance Translets & Slalemenl Billing Period Endins in 8580 0ll13/20i8 lo 02/09/2018 $5,389.53 $oo0 $0.00 $0.00 60.00 24-Hour customer service: TTY for H€arlng/speech lmpar€d: olisids the Us cal coll€cl: l-800'642 4720 l-600.419-2265 1.925.825-7600 $37.00 $76.14 $5,501.67 $5,050 S6nd Gen eral ln qu irios To: PO Box 10347 Des [,loines lA, s0306-0347 Payment lnformation (lrclud€s Pasl Due Amouni or $613.00) Late Payment Warning: lrw€ do notleceile your lMinlmum Paym€nt bv o3/07/2o18 you mav have to Pav a lal6 fee uF lo 037 l,linimum paymenr waming] tt you make ofly th6 ninimum payment €ach period, yoL will Pay mor€ ln inl€ros t and I will lake vou lon96r lo Pav oll vour lf you make no addilionalcharges using lhis card and each monlh you PaY... You willpay oftlhe NowBalance shown on lhis statemenl in about,,, And you willlnd up paying an eslimaled tolalol,,, Oniv $e mrnimum payment $13 351 $199 $7,179 $5,501.67 $731.00 PO Box 51193, Los Angeles CA S0051-5493 $451.67 $1,232 67 tmponanr rnrormarron PAST DUE, PIEASE CALL 300 986-80ls, V s T WELLSFARGO COM OR WF- coM ON t\4OBlLE OEV CEs FOR PAYMENT OPTIONS THIS lS AN ATTEI4PTTO COLLEoTA OEBTAND ANY INFORIVATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE' Transactions Irars Post Referelce Numbet Fees charged LATE FEE Ctodfts Cfarg6 TOTAL FEES I Oetactr ana maitwilh ch€ck PayabloloWelrs Fargo 2018 Totals TOTAL FEES CHABGED LN 20]3 TO-IAL INTEBEST CHARGED N 2OI3 s74.00 $154.04 NOTICE: SEE REVERSE S DE FOR LMPOBTANT NFORMAT ON ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT lnterest charged INTEREST CHARGE ON PI]RCHASES 18,75 INTEREST CHABGE ON CASH ADVANCES 56 39 ToTAL IITTEREST CHARGED FORTHIS PERIoD $76 14 Account Number loSao New Balanc€ $5,501 67 I'linimum Payment $731 00 ( nc udes PaslDue Amount ol$613.00) Ov€rimil Amouni $451 67 TolalAmount Due $1,232 67 PaymentDu€ Dale O3l072a1A ARLENE S REMEZ sAN JOSE CA 95111-1405 Check her€ ard soe r€ve6e foraddless and/or phone numbercotr€clion WELLS FARGO CABO SERVICES PO BOX51r93 LOS ANGELES CA 90051.5493 YKG EXHTBT$*. IMPOATANT INFORMATION ABOUTYOUB ACCOUNT Bd.i/ 5aMo ". /isoro!.5.. tr;,n.r .{ ro ;u'a deki bod/ r'r i'r o doe.ed odrh?nlmbe,nkoor'hP"o oi'rr b'c e.rbrdo'q oal lnvou,hrh,(a'vrit.nNo!i.e' ownqlnfo,m ion: . You, $me rndi(ouninumbel .oac'iplonotLheEioir^dwhyyoub!elcLhselanElrorlyouieedmoEinrorm @i,pk3*d*cbeLhciemvoq endut.bod tro"mo-nrfii!.f- b Lddlt o pd'oi ea'e'd(' .;;;,;;-i-,-,J"r--*i..r€!n.(rionro!o(,.!?4:d:o,!;o.r',."-':s,o'/Ao r/r,o-yo.ane..';i;; i;.i:;:;.id.i,,no,, '",5- *." n! o i@ ir - .", n"r ' . o . di e i^ i 'i-b ,/dPlrDn'rl,oL n!P. o.obF- a ;-."^-.",-,,^",...",".-,;'en:nnadno-nrorsonrheoood o r ? o i \"._. o o(.' o h.;nd"d\,;i'@mh.;;,-"i o"Jd ,rovo.h^e';p.. e.\dro'r^."rrd/orr\crde"e"enro'{' 'o.-adtsr!oh rolo. o oin l ' n€ d, f-,iin io'mctona p-re t&( '{,o'-d-'or'l!Inob-' PoBdi4.i/De 'n ^! arco drp-eri \ab8rlr ..."J.b-rr,",,o,bd*! ,i^.-*r'-".h.icJ,ohA.roiniA,.NGborw€.;tuoool"3'.'od rp:,^*r^4 r..o 01 o^ro'n roolnflr' r.?td.dnc b,5@pn4: ddjorrk'Dr ca-.o r opd,,qr-e ?ddG')00p."{ L"'-dbddorr'c.rdr/ o'lm{ro o'on'rpc,ncI ri.,.ooir.;"r"",i,caer'deor,re.,-,d.b,.. eo,'o..o'oF.eo;/dF'1-o'"o r1 ?d'o p:,nAaroJ ?1lreond kol dIDq.o "^."ope'ldd.,ied tdbr p!/, e . dro,\ ,or'de€Jo.!€.rb!Lr'on,arDk! nuo pd,ndti,l- totLar\na-a,-B q1 .i"'obo^"do-)o ero.{,o.trr'rti)."ed,-'o..dpoBo. ioir"Dervo,.. a rotoo or" 5. aareemenro,(al ourrolJaecuno'nassv.enumb d{edoniiftotrrollhis5bhmenr or"a."daeer-F"q w-sll,esi1 ',oFc1e,r. o",. da . rCbi .er".; 01 ' d-a o'dde .a l n:ybere.o'd?d olmnitoled INFOBMACI6N IMPORTANTE SOERE SU CUENTA i!..";,,4-.,*-.*..*"-"knooi.on;h-.e.pookar rio. A'00605))Dele.o_-..,c.o1 ioolorden odtrnLooded0drll *1,;..a'" ",";..."d pte oa 'oPEm.o ' A.'o"l4rdooe!.c L, plod [a- l.' op e€i!.Llde'e Lo En 5u( b(und'Nd6o.6npo,E( td), pd taw, hduy! . r gu?nk nrorme6n: , sunodb,evn[N,ode.uenb. ' 1. k.h. vel moitoer ddlire,d. I ' Undds; p. dide E,'orlh Ezon po. a.u. Gkd..e que e,un ELo, s n!!dir. nrlriftorm!.6n,po,Gwrd dr5u.uqna.t6nFAUr nrI ildni.6ndesu.h€queaindprp. a,uniso.t.nlfcrcrct inrom 6nde5u(heq!€p are. aru v.n,rerci,cdefondos, o,misnupc!'inr, ..qi "^?d,". qo Bo.,o, r.oc ro!ld"dd^..d!.C' qh(hode Servkioa a sn(eind.adoa l,cnkdeeneenidode.ueda Comoi\'rP.od nqc!>)ob'e(o n."oC€ qeoadln" o. o! c iq.1-.'".;d..,..d "."bd6ic .- hddp,-.r e od".d,r LdnL-_!d''n".6r' Motrnoreddelserykio!lclrenr€l L!, ff.d,spuedengqab.ddomo.ioftrdri o ?o,7we , Firsosr*,N A A'' sh,,,",",""" '"c", .,d.,",fl]?:,:"??5,1:il;!i;ll8Jl chrnoooradd'.sstorm vo-r.ode$ha,(t-a.oF.Jo.o dpror'Lorp.eren"/iddrsbeloe.Scs "lo-h"-lbo.on'e/ei5e:deofloupo-rde lo"rtlF..!.lopep'oril" ". € r,,)kt-a((trn,"d,p,old"vou ompeL-ncuaod'e$oelo^.Br os vo.* isoJobo5,?waiL d4"on,o.10rs-3i600.,5rr h'e(E r;namo,nrn;,;ido:;i; sr;l q" o 'd-oo_bom6o: a c lo''ispoo(o noms r";o, i d 1tc. '$orio- crodir lnfomalion. Nor cE r!6 dr 4 d rr o "u\L o"€.3 s 3.o: a&d-d d ioD'or;hs oamonrd rs-s d ro'r'o-,dcer'o oa,qa'ea-sJo''p.f,'i4o'o iolir D* Mo s r'0 60/r HowWo CElculatsYourSalanc arybabncs(mudner{pu,dEsasf Fdmdsinromdonrssaldnsrhs How to Avold Payins lntsrsst on Purcha3sE, YorPaymonroue D 63raMs by he&€ dsrs;admo h wa ;l'€rmu'ft€rc roJ 4 e r d h ' o dos i . .m roq',6s e rq "oBd ' ro _otu Jnds,oJis(-dododr ioso"" ors mLoio.i,66r,66ond:o ! dn.nmc, ".o.oidor or:5..60u30 ;da.a I o aq60darr,o s6'€d Cu6tomo. Sodic€ Monitoring, INFORMACION IMPORTANTE SOBRE SU CI.IENTA Re.umdn do Dorochos ds Facruracl6n. sL(a6 ouahav aoin sro, s 5! onadodacu6irs luf, Eolo dd 60 d6 06 r 'y. 6 d cs aid,"alsn."ooo p n6i c.,6ood;. .s .rs1q n op. a d6 r.o.ilLlpsoalta o opt5e a,q,d"" o . La r€da v drmmrosnddaEs do. um ds(iFd^dor E,o' y a'hpo, b o! soa o@ quo o, ui En Msn.!s" 'n,Dr;smosmcns'.: 'brr:c06 o" i. 6,ao tnformaci6n de c16dito. AVrso GLn "1L on ds .5Foo ,;6; -'Mb " di i.6''o Mar6 s Pan;nf m L r'dr. a@ i ^ r i,t' od o Dolde s i Ero). ds d., ( rerb doi 00l coi€o "mr,.a da' dke,o m 56 r' "/"0ldo oio-eoo,apo dP-q.€ ore.o. Ji.'j9ag'lo'6d€.d C6no C.lcul.mos Su Saldo. u d.,optum6do(ncJvsndonwvas@mptt Padma i6m3o6nBco,. obr€ Comoras L" re.r-6 ds r6 { 6mo d 3 $coo;5b bk de & e rooa'd,!!d4 aF'Bd6 MoniloEo del Sodiclo al Cll6n changsotaddr€s6Form-fyouaddrcsshascnanged.prcvdeyourcompoionevaddrcssberow.Besurerocheckboxon6ve6osld6olcoupon€ndencosernLheenveope prcvdsd p ease use th s secrdi only roraddress changes. llyou hav6 any quosi ons, p ease @ the (ollted oslomdr EedLco numboron the rronl ol llr s slalemenl FormLtlarlodeCambiodeOireccl6n-sisudirc€i6trhecambiadoproporcondsunuovadne@dn@mprelaabajo.Asesiresedei^d.arolcua{Ircaldorsodel4p6ny n-. r:i:Ll_mt: -":{ii ffixl,il}f:*mmff WELLS FARGO vtsa Hry Slalement Eilling Period Ending in 8680 Ogl13l2\17 lo 1Ol 13 12017 Transactions (Continued,,.) rrans P6r Refsrcnc.Nunber DascdPtion Crcd s Charyes Fees Charged ro/03 lo/03 cAsH ADVANCE FEE 10 00 TOTAL FEES CIIARCEO FORTHIS PERIOD $10'OO lnterest charged INTEREST CNARGE ON PURCHASES 1961 LNTERESTCHARGEON CASH ADVANCES 55 90 rOTAL INTEREST CHARGEO FOR]HIS PERIOD $75.61 2017 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHABGED IN 2017 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED N 2OI7 $205.00 $519.87 lnterest Charge Calculation Yo! r Ann ual Percentase Rale IAPR) is the annlalinleresL rat€ of your accounl Billing PURCNASES 10 65r" $2,167 92 31 $19.61 CASH ADVANCES ?3A9% $2 713 66 31 $54.23 OVERDBAFT ADVANCE $33.92 31 9167 FIappy annrversary a This month marks the anniversary of the opening of your Wells Fargo Credit Card account, and we thank you for your business. We look for-ward to providing you with the benefrts of a Wells Fargo Credit Card for years to come, Learn more about the benefits of your Wells Fargo Credit Card. Go to wellsf ffiF,3'ffiffitrdwm O2016Wells Firso B0nk, N A. Allrielk tr3sned.McmterFDIC. ECG 2053402 ARLENE S REMEZ For AccourtEnding ln 35eo Pag6 3oi3 Enjoy cell phone protection from theft and dama€le. Get up to S600 ofdamageand theft protection (subject to a 525 deductible) when you pay your monthly cell phone bill wlth your eligible Wells Fargo consumer credit card.1 Her€'s howto get started, . callyourcel phone provider (or ogintothelrwebste) and request to set up autornatlc payments. ' Whi e 5etung up automat c payments lsnt required to qua ify for coverage, you'l need to pay your monthly ce I phone bil with your e lgible Wells FaTgo Consumer credit card. Go to to learn mate. I Don't stress if your cell phone gets damaged or stolen. \ry€ l cover up 1() loLr.ell phofe5 a5 rsted of yaurce Enjol the et ert day Ltenefits of your Wells Fargo Credtl Cord. ' cellular Teleplrone r€imblbethe eliglbeweLh Fargo consumer credit caid cardholder for danrage to or rheft ofa celhr wirele$ telephode. Eliliible ce LularWree$ Telephones are limltcd to lhe prlmary ine and !p to lhe iBtthreadd rional nesas istedonyourprovider'smonthynalement.CellularTelephoneProLfttlofh!objftttoaS25 deductible per .laim and a marimum of 2 .laims per I 2 nron th pe.iod. Tie maxinnrm benefit linrlt i5 5600 per occurcnce and s1,2oo per 12 monrh per od,You willrdeive no more than the value of the orlginalphone or a replacement phone wkh slmlar ieatures and fhctionaity,le$ a t25 dedlc(ible.This benent does not covet (ellular telephones that are lort. This protecrlon Ir only avaiabe when cel phone bils are Paid from yourWels Farllo Consumel Crcdil Card.The coverage does rot apply ll the cellphone bill s pad {rom a Welh Farqo Debit card, w€lh Fargo 8(sirre$ crcdit Card, or from rhec d that islinked to aLireofcredil.Coveragedoe5 not apPly to cell pl)orres tllat are renled, borrowed, or reeived as part oia preplid plan. Elecnonic lai ureor ltsles related to (re software oft rede! ce arenot covered. Cel ular relephone protection coverage begios rhe RBt day of the calendar month following your lir5tcelluar lelephone bi ng on your Weils Fargo Cor m€r Credit Card, ard remaif 5 in efIjso.soioo J oid! 10!'nil'0a drTDL.,ds,4 i"o6,. o d.s. !e-s.b,, aroF,, credit lnfomation. NorcE wo o nid- aro . d ,c € s,s c!s" HowloAvold Paylng lnl6r€6lon Purchas€B You Payms ous0 C!Etomor S€Nic€ Monitoring. INFOFMACIdN IMPORlANTE SOBRE SU CUENTA ResuhondoDorochosd€Factura(i6n.sftsqusha)asLrnamrmsu€isdodecu€nla(unEro.). r50 d660 d a< ds a rdia s- 9.6 16a 0) po'd arr6 6 o 10 p ola aid I Dd05.\o\ .roer3 a..d.zood. p,pJ sL ^endo,0 paoo porccrquorioi'o q! kean! t6!c)dar heb b\ 3,*d6 C66o Calculano6 Su Saldo db,iop,om6di.(i.Ly6nddiu6L,s@mphsf P3,amas'nlomaddnscerc C6mo Evit!r Pdgor lrl€r€s66 sob.€ Compr.s. La F€dadoVsm Monitor€o dsl S€ruicio al Cli€n ChangeofAddr€ssForm-ryouraddresshaschansedprovldeyourcompretenewaddressberou/.Besur6locheckboxonreveFesdeorcoupon€ndoncos6inrh6enveLope prov ded. Please use th s seclion onlyloraddress chsnqes ll you have any quesl ons peose €n$e bll.rdo 4slom seBice numberon rhefronrotrh s srei6meni Formulario de Cambio do Okocci6n - sisu drd6i6n ha.ambiado. proporcion€ su nueva dnecc on @mpreraabajo. As6s'ir6sd do rndicare ousdro a doreode tup6i y adj'lnlelo en el sobE anexo Porlavoruseslasecq6nsoamonleparacambosdedirccci6n. S lieno prcgunias, porravor amealnirmerodeSerEoarCren rRSr I I I I I I I I I I*.E Ll- --i --.]._l__.t_1..,-1. .-!,_._i WELLS FARGO mryl/ISA Stalemonl Billing Period Ending in B680 05l 1312017 Io 06112120 tI Transactions (Continued,..) fnns Post Relercnce Number Cash Advances a5t24 A5t24 74465424HEH[48JNZJ ONL NE AOVANCE 100.00 05/31 05/31 74465424REHtvl8N32W ONL NE ADVANCE 30000 IOIAL CASH ADVANCES FORTHIS PERIOD $4OO.OI) Purchases, Balance Transfers & other Charges o5/16 a6102 06/03 06/04 06/04 06/08 05/16 2!6o31649oVZBBD7S INNOVATOFS SALON S SPA CAI\4PBELL CA 27.31 06/02 2443|O64S6o9S9PB9 CH POTLE 26S7 LVER[408E CA 2346 06/03 24453884VOooEFXES JAPAN CAFE LVERIrIORE CA 8.64 06/04 24692164VOO72YDYA CHEVBON 0373623 DUBLIN CA 5713 06/04 24733O94W8AWVADOS BON FARE TVARKET #l l SAN JOSE CA 1281 06/03 2{445OO4Z8PRQSQGL PLANNED PABENTHOOD SAN JOSE CA 1OOOO idTAL puRcHAsEs, BALANcE TRANSFERS a orHER GHARGES FoRTHls PERIoD $229.35 Fees Chargod 05124 05124 cAsH AOVANCE FEE 10 00 o5/3r 05/31 cAsH ADVANCE FEE .15.00 roralrees cnnccro roRTHts pERtoo s25 00 lnterest charged INTEREST CI]ARGE ON PURCHASES 1522 INTEREST CHABGE ON CASH ADVANCES 47.44 2017 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHAFGED N 2017 TOTAL INTERES'I CHARGED IN 2017 $145 0O $238.58 lnterest Charge Calculatlon Your Annual Percentage Rate {APR) is lhe annualinleresi rate on your account. Billing PURCHASES 10 65./. $1,68211 $15 22 CASH AOVANCES $2 380 0j 3l $47.47 OVERDFAFT ADVANCE s18.70 3t $0.37 ARLENE S REMEZ For Account Endlng ln 3530 Page 3 ol4 The Informatlon below rummarlzes changes that were made to your Guldeto Senefits accountterms.The chang€s replace th€ previously communicat€d terms in the Guide to Benefts provided to you.The fest ofyourGulde to Benefits torms remalnr unchanged,The Roadslde Dlrpatch servTce earo 0 n66' 1 u0 0GL s lhesLaLsmsnll brr dois sowi ndprc$Ro vou rsrls rn rou et€rla wki Nd c ) p'o! . aor;bn or,he Eno, and {h, vtu be €.€ h ssanEiq .";-;;;.i;;&;.;i,i'nsai.ailonb.oodFaomsn', ',o-5".;dL o-eo 5o on,d5a.rso 3d^0d o.L1or@' ;.o;6;".e,010 , a"o.a/d bs s.s .o L o ro'oor6oa,no' ;ni l;a :bJn a, ; ';.;'d p;;i s rem.1 e a o ro "01 €oo;qs ol -i, s 'orh:/aris'o- soiii,i*.,"d;i;ri. ioi 'b""," n, 'osdi,s "1d,o r6 o o:pBo ;.;;id,!dpo Bdr6i7 o6Mo.E" . o,ft15 -.!@5"nal d n,;mdoo hr .d16 e,e'er€, liiii.i,il'.-,,r""i,r;r* aers' s dft d'i'o_ d ; ro r'..5 3,bsr1.3" ;;, i6;.;.s,o,. p_,,it: fd,o ,o1, r D65 Moie! ras0rtb0ri' HowW6 CdlculatoYour SalBn darvbala^colmrudnsmwpurds6t Fnmd6hrom3lionr4ddnqlh H6sro AvoidPavino lnt6'.slon Purchasos 'o- F.,r-'D sD.,b. . * h.. ' ":,c;,6 mon!tr :";.;4.; r;i;.;;; li6e; J i":".i "i".a:5"li * m u " -ro a.e- ,u 3e.r'ao ,;;";:,i:-"*d"e,,oe ddio!,ir'a,so a ios,o-'!t-{ -o ;o"rd! o ase'j" r'orsei oo(eo "d'n'd3 oe'dro3i;;: J; €"; (;';;; -.- ";;d; , *.,.--."";i;;;@ i:r i 'tii;.6 i:T €n" Curlom€r Soruice Monilorlng. INFORII,IACION IMPORTANTE SOBRE SU CUENTA Rp.umsn de Derochos do Fscturacl6n. si.,aaalahav aqin or ssusdadodBcugiLalun Ercr) os noosrsnas dorma!6nsoe'iliiill iil rl.-"i"iiiilr-l "-.- i l;lii;;;;d: ;t ;t i ;". ";. D o o Bo ,/ os' vo s. F rur03 0trj"iij,lo j**.r**"no."eis,"lso.eo" E. -s;. Gt';:siia;er d6 r.d ;dn6 r d""as c, $tood.tu6r'; F o a' 66 o tDF "1rr s.di e \o' . r u cdavd mmro6id6arcsdo. i?,iGi"iio"n^ iJ ernii6 oia, ptbtuir6bdu6 qt€ s m Edm ;i,; '.;-..i-:;;; ;;tr€mo- reomr,o m (a somFxo i'o'rj;1it: "; ldtspa€-.o&;Io;,;";. ;;.i;;;&" ".;,. ."s -TU6 om dn o" p ,@..:p; ;;;;l;::;;ffi,;":;;;,.;.-; "c-;i";,; -- ".o Bo. ai oo rro o! { o G r"7 i,.i" -,t,i, :.:H?.H:,;:X";.lJ l,: ;:::*##fi1""^",i;;rft;", '';:'. ,'bod d Flo;si' qre.r@,oe s^' d E-- o.oo i-" ro\? so-o ^ I o o"eoso Ci"i"inji" 'i. "",ii;or-or;"i,l "'.o. "b Dn sJ".6,i@.;.-:aoo-,ecnoi;-.:;;;;;;;;p;;.;c*r . ad*"-*...".,' ".'6 t; oko so bi € a"d- r.;i'i;";.; l &i;- J "t "; ;:; ;-..:;; ;; :si:; ;:; t;;. ;; d;. oil,oi, F - m u auror4r!6di pim u H;;;;;;;;;:;;;ia;;;;;; i;nb i;i 'epd; -'". 'nh. d, " $in rd 3 L !cro16 d €r 6 Cdmo Calculafros Su S5ldo. U diadoPromdd olnciuvendo nwv6 6mp€O PsGnas coBo Ev;llr Paa.r tnlo.oses sobte compras -. ad606?a\nsaooePs!.a r _! 9!.)0 3'd ;Y ;;":'.:: ; ;":o; ;;;;;;"-ll itii, : li'.., 0 ;,*r " *. Monltoroo dol S€Rloio .l Cli.n ChangeofAdrlrsssForm-lryouraddrcssharchano6dprovidevourcompeleneweddrsssbolov/ Be sure lo oheok bor on Gvor provid; Pleese uF lbis secLion onlyloi address chanqeE lt vou haveanv quoslons pleasd €l ihe lolJGe @slomerseNl6 numberon I iormutanodecambiod€oirecci6n-sisudir€6i6nhscambadoproporcionesunuevad.e@i6n@mplelaabaro.AsssLnasodoindi4reLcuadroadoreode4p6nv STREET HOIIE WELLS FARGO Hryvrsa Slalemenl Billing Poriod Ending rn 8580 03 I 1 4t20 17 to 041 12 120 17 Transactions (continued..,) Trcns Posl Relercnce Numbet DescrlPtion Purchases, Balance Transfers & other Charges Crcdlts Chary$ 04/05 04/05 04/05 04/05 04/06 o4l06 o4/05 04/05 o4l05 04/46 2422443302Y295LQr 24o1517220oLXYOBW 2416407222LRG\4WHH 244273330LMSHA8V9 246921630006HEET5 246921601000KNSSH PoPEYES d8220 L VEFIIVIOFE CA 76 - LIVER\,loRE GAS LIVERMoRE cA TARGET OOOO3244 SAN JOSE CA LUCKY #758 SAN JOSE SAN JOSE CA STARBUCKS STORE 00641 LIVERhIORE CA Sa 'I-TEA LIVER[4OBE Livormore CA i9.46 10.30 298 14 80 486 BALANCE TRANSFERS & OTHER $s0,85 Fees Charqed 03121 os/25 031?9 03/21 o3125 03/29 OASH ADVANCE FEE CASH ADVANCE FEE 2000 15 00 ADVANCE FEE TOTAL FEES lnterest Charged NTERESTCHABGEON PURCHASES 1426 NTEREST CHARGE ON CASH AOVANCES 27 59 i6iifrrurrnesr cunaED FoR THrs pERtoD $41 85 20'l7 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED IN 2017 TOTAL INTEREST CHANGED IN 2017 $3000 $121.57 lnterest charge Calculation YourAnnual Percenlage Rale (APR) is the annoal interesl rale on vour accounl Billing PUBCHASES 10 654" $1,630 4S 3o $14.26 CASH ADVANCES 23.49"L $1 404.41 3o $2-7.11 OVERDRAFT ADVANCE $25 06 30 $0.48 wells Fargo News Hav€ you roc€ v€d a tax lelund? wells Fargowarts lo talkwilh you aboltPavmenloPlons thal areavaiabl€ Pleaso cal 1_600_642-4720 your 2016 y€ar End spending summary is fow sva labl6 onlifl€ Leverage your sumrnary toassislwilh tax Preparslion, rov€w your sPend ng, of plaf lol 2017 lls easy lo access your summaryi 1. Slgn otr low€llslargo com/cr€dilcard 2 s€lecttho Y€ar End sp€ndins summBrv linkin lh€ simPlili6d Banking s€olion I you n€6d assisrance acc€ssing your 2016 Y6ar End Spending slmmary pl€ase callus at 1-800.642.4720 _ 24 hows aday Tdaysaw€ek. ABLENE 9 RE[iEZ For Accounl Endingln 8580 Page3ol3 Credit 0000 0000 0000 0000 As a Wells Fargo Visa@ Credit Card customer, you're entitled to special travel benefits, upgrades, and protections, including: Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver - Auto rental coverage for damage due to collision or theft Travel and Emergency Assistance Services - 24/7 medical, legal, transportation, or cash advance assistance and referrals Emergency Card Replacement and Cash Disbursement Expedite card replacement or emergency cash advance, no matter your location Your card also comes with these great features: . Chip Technology - Broader acceptance internationally and better protection against counterfeit fraud at chip-enabled terminals .Zero Liability - Automatically protects you from liability for unauthorized transactions when you report them promptly Certain lifiitations, restrictions, and exclusions apply. Reviewyour W'"11s Fargo Visac Card Guide to Benefits lor details.Ilyou need a Guide to Benefits lor your card, please call the CrLstomer Service phone number on the backofyour card. O2Ol6wellslargo Bank, N A,Allrighrs reserled. ECC 26G270l vrsa slatementBilling Period Ending in 868002/t t t2017 lo 0111312017 WELLS FARGO Balance summary + Purchases Balanc6 lranslers & Send general lnquiries Tol PO Box 10347, D€s Moines lA 50306_0347 $2,194.22 $100.00 $0.00 $2oooo $109.57 s10,00 s29.89 $2443.68 $6,000 24-Hour C!slomer Servlcsi TTY lor Hearins/Sp66ch hpair€d: Oulsid€ lh€ US CalColLect: 1'aa?.642.4120 1,300-419 2265 1-925-625-7600 93 556 Payment lnformation $2 {4368 $65 o0 a410712017 PO Bot 51193, Los Angeles CA 90051_5493 La(e Paymenl Warning: Ltwe do not rec€ive your Minimlm Pavm€ni by o4l07l2017 yot may have lo pay a lai€ lee uP to $37' Minimum payment wa hing: lf you mgko only the minim um paym€nt each peiod, you v/il Pay more ln intor€si and t wlll tek€ you long€I to Pav oll vour lf you make no addilional charges using this card and each monlh you PaY... You willpay ofithe New Balance shown on this slalement in about . And you willend up paying an eslimal!d lolalof,., Only th6 minimum paym€nt $6,0a3 $35 $3,057 1.877-285-2108. Go Far Rewards Summary Rowards balanco as of: 02t2812011 3,257 The rewards balance is lor Rewards lD 60003347455 Tn s balan(e mav be i"c -sive ol or_e co'lr b-Li'S ewa ds acco'nls Fo uo Lo_dale re"latds od'anc€ 1'otn'aLron o' mo e ways lo ea'n and redee1. vo- te;a ds visrl GoFarRowa'ds Ml com or call rAl /'517'1358 Transacttons Trans PosI RlfercDcs Numb* D]scrlp{on Cte' ts charyes Payments a2t24 02124 74465421POA9HYLBS ONL NE PAYMENT 5000 03/10 03/10 7446542250A9NSGX7 oNLINE PAYMENT 5000 ToraL PAYi/iENTs FoR THls PERIoD s100 00 cash Advances o2t25 74465421TEHlvlsSRZX oNLLNE ADVANoE 20000 i6iiltlGlf6llruces roarnts pentoo $200 00 o2125 Purchases, Balance Transfers & Other Charges o2/1a 02116 OZ15 24o7]O51FWPQFBWOG UNLOUE NAILS CA\4PBELL CA TOOO 02116 24427331G3FRBSWPE DASH MART BYRON CA 39 57 i6iiiiFncHases. e*aNcE TMNSFERs & orHER cHARGES FoRTHls PERIoD $109.57 NOTICE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOF MPORTANT ]NFORIMATION ABOUTYOUR ACCOUNT I Detaoh ano malLwih check Payable loWells Fargo 83530 $2,443.63 $65.00 04147t2017 :. YKG ARLENE S REMEZ sAN JOSE CA 95r 11'1405 rltr, thtrl, [,,lrtll,,lrIIl,l" "lltl'lll h tl' lllllllt' l tll WELLS FARGO CARD SERVICES PO BOX 51193 LOS ANGELES CA 90051-5493 check here and see revets€ lor addr€ss and/or phoF€ number correclon ,l,lll ll' t,rtl , rltllI rrrt,,l,,l, trtI r,ll l,lh l'l" lrll' t, IMPONTANT INFOR !ATiON ABOUT YOUR ACCOIJNT sirlino Riohls Summarv;.i;;.iD :n.*; A116.0122 ^am.-'nsir'on d- os.6 the d*msn0 hurddl s swf nd p . D;;.;;ro;;rlrri, E;d a;d !h' 'e@ *6rhd6 s Em, ."'.".;;;;:; -,;A-.;;"iiii;nn *"nti,io * ' " " "o;:c"n a-d- |torrrrsa-b )ad'- o o'vd ' 1e'o ad:.g"^o- oe ;;p ia ds,-iao.4, o_o. ,,L os si6 ,41, io o.oDhsoa^6 i';i'i",-,i,;;rnii.ildp",";,d,d'so'*ooiii"1i"i''jl'i":ij.;j ;s.ta 6 ad'I'6eo1" o'F:"11oao'so rdo"dna're 'o rcms bdo*(hi,mr b-d'n. dai n ,;;d:. -a -";^',:i"" :;,"-;i;i;; .;;;;;; i; :;ao,i r s. a arc;;i o; ij ts o i"qi " .o 3.b3 dosoaoo'L'6d'o'06'Ld''o7a ,i;;!h;;;,;d;,*;*,_1:i:;ooo.€:ep;:orcnoi.r":sa;0.o"6.q." '.;oo,oso'd oss .€q.Ep",13/3 1a 3*ts CdmoColculamos Su Saldo. u didiopro edolncruvondon!6lasomp€t Psatrasinromaqdnrc6i. Cono Evlbr Pasar lnlor€sot tobr. Cohpras la rBaaco /s - ahp€"-. For;" b. oeds-L-do.'!,Dt, "1 s Monlloreo dol S€rylclo al Cllen NEW T-T-I vrsA WELLS FARGO SlalementBilling Pe.iod Ending in 8680 10/1412016 to tth112016 Transactions (continued...) TraDs Post Retercnca Nunb* Descdptlon Ctsdlts charyes Purchases, Balance Transfers & Other Charges 11/03 i1/03 2469216N5oORMOFB 24 HOUR FITNESS SAN JOSE CA 2713 1l/07 1l/07 24]64O7N82LRGNKO9 TAFGET OOOO8284 LIVEBMOBE CA 23.45 torar ptincrnses. eneNcE TMNSFERS & orHERcHARoEs FoR THls PERIoD $216 71 Fees Charged lo/18 10/18 OVER DRAFT P ROTEoTIoN FEE 1250 10/19 10/19 cAsH ADVANCE FEE 10 oo iornr rees cllnoeo roR THts PERtoD $22.50 lnterest charged INTEREST CHARGE ON PUFCHASES 7'03 INTEBEST CHARGE ON CASH AOVANCES 1O'6J i6 rllreaesr cnrnoEoFoRTHrs PERtoD s17 64 mry 2016 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED N 2016 TOTAL IN]EREST CHARGED ]N 20] 6 $7500 $83.98 lnterest Charge Calculation Your An nual Perc.ntage Rale (APR)is lh€ annlalint€restrele on vaur account Ralo (APR) Days in Billing PURCHASES $330.00 29 $7.09 CASH ADVANCES 23.494" $527.39 29 $9 33 OVEFDBAFT ADVANCE 23.49!" $42 29 $0.78 wells Fargo News You can now use your Wells Fargovisa credil Card al Coslco. Thalmeansyoucanenjoyallthebenolilsolyourcald,PlUs€xc€PllonalPic€sonawjd6langoofquallybrand.namemelchandiss' Vrsilvisa com/costco lo (nd ihe locatrof near€stvou. ARLENE S REMEZ For Accounl Erding n 0530 PEge 3 ol3 Enjoy a promotional rate on balance transfers Pay off high- Cover unexpected or planned expense Pay an individualinterest balances Your Wells Fargo Credit Card is a powerful fir-nncial tool to help you achieve your goals. And right now, you can access your credit line to take advantage of a Iimited time promotional balance transfer offer - at a low rate and low fee.t Taking advantage ofthis balance trans{er promotion means you will not qualify for grace periods on luture purchases if you maiDtain a balance on lhis credit card, 2 easy ways to get information on this offer: E ./e\ rum Call 1-800-400-9423 Stop by your lccal Wells Fargo Store Take advantage ofthis promotional rate to cover virtually any expense cene'allv,wewil ipDiy your n n murn payment frrst to LowerAPR balances Gu.h ar Purchases) befor€ ba anceswith l,iohd AiRs(iu.h:sc;5h'nad€ n ex.€ $ of the minimun Pavment will genecllv be apPlied to h--i^nra( d rh hi.her APRr firn berorebdldr'.es wrlh lowq onP.. rlfyou are prolected bythe 5 ervice menb€6 Civil Re refACr ("SCRA )lh€ ba ance tansfe. fe€ wil bewaived, o2016Wells FarqoBank, N.A.A rghlsreserved. ECG 2200101 Check ,= YISA WELLS FARGO Balance Summary + Purchases Balance Transf€rs & Statement Billing Period Ending in 8590 09/13/2016 lo 10/13/2016 $612 95 s65 00 $0.00 $4oo.0o $168.50 24-Hour Cuslom6r s6rvrcei TTY lor Hoaring/spe€ch lmpan€d: oltside lh6 LJs callcolect: 1-8oO-642-4720 1.A00 419.2265 1-925'825'7600 $20.00 $7.24 $1,143 69 $6,000 send ceneral lnquirios Tol PO Box 10347, D€s ivlolnes A 50306-0347 $4,856 Payment lnformation PO Box 51193, Los An9€l6s c4,90051-5493 $1 143.69 $3900 11tO7]2016 Lalo PaymentWarningr lr we do not rec€ive yout Minim!m Pay.nent by 11/07/2016, vou mav have to Pav a lai€ fe6 uP lo $37 M in imum payment Waming I tl you mak€ onty ihe minimum paymeni each perlod you will pay more in inler€st and t will laks you longer to Pay oll yoLrl lf you make no additionalcharges using lhis card and each monlh you pay.,. Youwillpay ofi lhe New Balance shown on lhis slalement in about.., And you will end up paying an sstimaied lolal of... only the mlrimum payrnenl $2,466 $40 tmponanr tnrormallon wewanr to ensue yo!'re comforlablewlh your Fargo banklocalion, or calllh€ toll-lre€ nlmbel spend llm€ undorslanding your linanoialnoeds tmportanl Accounl hf ormslion €stablished lo address any remainifg conc€rns resuliing fiom accounts aid services oPened on your b€half. Go Far Rewards Summary Rewards ba ance as ofl 09/30/2016 2,227 The rewards ba ance is lor Rewards lD 60003347455 Thsbaancemavb6 nclusveololher co-lrb,l"o rewards accoLnts. FoI p-ro-dale re,rards ba c-ce :rlo raion, or r"o e wavs lo ea'n and t€door vo- r€;ards, v sl GoFa Bewards v!4 (on- or (arl 1_8 /7'5'7 135a Transactions 7146542LPOA9N4DXz7 ONLINE PAYMENT 15.00 Payments 09/18 09/30 09/30 7446542[440A9]\,1QsLg ONLINE PAYI"IENT 50 00 TOTAL PAYMENTS FOR THIS PERIOD i66,O() NOTICE. SEE REVERSE S DE FOR IIVPORTANT INFORI!4ATION ABOUIYOUR ACCOUNT D€tach and mallwih check payableloWells Fatso I st,1 e58o 43.69 $39.00 111O71201e Amounl ARLENE S REMEZ 522 RAILWAYAVE APT 192 cAMPAELL CA 9500S-3048 hlrtl Irl,I,l Illr, h r,l,tltl,,l, ll,r , r,, rrl l,,l,' lllll WELLS FARGO CAFD SERVICES PO BOX 51193 LOS ANGELES CA 90051-5493 Ch6ck h6reand s€e rev€rse for addross and/or phono number cotrecllon. llr l'I r' rt, r, rl ' lt, t, r r,, rrh lllr,llt,rlt, l r, tI trth,l IMPO RTANT INFO RIIIATION ABO IJT YOU R ACCOUNT rnvou.lst€r k wiu6^ Norcdl, pmv y6! ber€w rlrdd 6 sn E@ dop Llrspr/nenlona^y 3n y& b€ anea an Edd ro $oplie payne lrreo 13)blsnsss davs bro's rb ts! ii;ituni,'oima, tur n;,;ld o;;i;'s';' .q..n d-ooi *oood o: si €s ioL € o r 5 p otd mor ndh6 !,r;o, " dn iom,h5 or;o ', md n0.o o ! 3.d,o r",a o'od -odd3* o,d- o r' o credrr lnformarion. NoT cE we of;..6 5016 re . d. o do.(ao o oj,lo''mqoilJ'fuo"n3'aLk. ;d rtioi di;i"n;p:,;msaB-dd so '.o:e'dr wvrsh€ rd ooiIor,d a '0Y. DssUo E: r^ 50 c onl How to AvoldP.yinq lnl€r€ston Purchasos YouPaymon!ousD babn.o by rh6e€d;G;adi monrh wo !a1?d!ard(o d"a. :,nn.-, ;.6,,*." " !.,sd 66 h"ln! Dbois n. " o.e)r e. onde.o sd.r6ddsd,Lro-do,e€msm i|n:nss,s ,or$ -60 sn -T"oseror;"t ; n n;re', €s r0io,'tr;mB. do o -mo,o.'se. €dcso,cdda(o -s.6r-ofao o ;tc 6 6-- ots,olanr o"a io lac{ @ Cu610m.r S€dico Monitoring. INFORMACION IMPORTANTE SOBRE SU CUENTA Resumdn d6 D6r6chos do Facturacl6n. s '66 oJ6hav aLou^ strors suod6do decuonLa 1un'Eroa).;;; - ;, L.. *. b.-" "^ M idr 3eo: do: rr o,m.oldnts.'*i"iJoJ.'* 't;';;",i,t "ri,snGs .doo '-dd€m€..sLe_qir,pr6'o6 ts o'sis"€s si"s oos €.600da i,€lFoa r*'€'op0.6ri: cs'6 . am cxiEdndoLfttr', 3 Gz& po, b o; unod 4o qu6 sdn En lnforfr!cion do Cr6dib. AvrSo d6d_oonDheinosro.M*s.p!/nanr-6n,kr",aLo.,r -qrd.)dpo3.a^i.6bd€05ro . o omo-iG o oo: ooi .on ed d h ndAde,mreD."P"iolt,Lrr' P no io n preo B%cLLldo,F 'Jdq s do d6, L;o osn € 7rrc d-e&dd!'aoo 6Irrd6 €€ 'd- d o o-n,mo. md* s',d Nd,m 'dstuE. 'o€o@.oa,^,.ooa ,o -.{a 5sfr'roorad C6moCalculamo6 SuSaldo. u dia,i. p,o edo(icuyandonFYas@mp6t Pqams omsddn3.6rc obro comDras 'a r"r 3 oB v"'omo6,,6Fd Dim attrod€ ' s.ooa ia,5- "-a's'3ds1 Monllor€od6lsoryicioalcllonto. Los anadasousdsu$rq6b.dasomoiirorcsdas changoofaddrsssForm-fyoursdd.esshaschang6d,piovideyourcomprerenev/addros6below.Bosurelo.heckboxoireveEesideorcouponaidetrolossh11166nv0lope provdod. Pleasd d$ lliis secton on yforsddress changds rfyod haveany quesl ons. p ea60 € ihe 4slonrer seNice numberoi the fronl oflh s slarem6nl Formutario de Cambio d€ OIr6cci6n - s su dnee6n hacamb'ado proporcione su nueva dire@6n cofrplela ab3lo a6ds'irela dd ndcar elcuad.oaldoreodelcupdn y HOME WELLS FARGO vrsA Statement Billing Penod Ending in 8680 09h3/2016 lo 10/13/2016 I ransac!ons (uonllnueo,,., Tftns Post Reference Nutnbq D}scrlPtlon Crcdlts Cfatgs cash Advances 10/12 lO/12 7446542[4FENMSJXPA ATM CASH ADVANCE 9952ASAN JOSE CA 40000 rorll cAsr eovetces roR THts PERtoD $400.00 Purchases, Balance Transfers & Other Charges 09/14 2475542LKMA92WS8V BH EYE CARE OPIOMETRYSAN JOSE CA 163.50 iOTAL PIJR.CHASES. BALANCC TCINSTENS C OTHCN CHARGES FORTHIS PERIOD $168.50 Fees Charged 10112 1A/12 FOR THIS PERIOD lnterest charqed INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES 6.72 052CHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES TOTAL INTEREST CHARGEO 20,l6 Totals Year-to"Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED N 2016 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED IN 2016 952.50 $66.34 lnterest Charge calculation Your Annual Percentage Rale (APR) is lhe annuallnt€r€sl rale on vour accourrl Billing PURCHASES s743.A7 31 $6.72 CASH ADVANCES $26.07 3l $052 ARLENE S BEMEZ For Account Ending 11 8530 Page 3 ol3 Enjoy a promotional rate on balance transfers Pay off high- interest balances Cover unexpected or planned expense Pay an individual YouI Wells Fargo Credit Card is a powerful financial tool to help you achieve your- goals. And right now, you can access your credit line to take advantage of a limiGd time promotional balance transfer offer at a low rate and low fee.r Taking advantage of this balance transfer promotion means you wiil not qualii' for grace periods on future purchases if you mainiain a balance on this cledit card. 2 easy ways to get information on this offer: E ffi i;:l,ilr;:*iCa111-800-400-9423 Take advantage ofthis promotional rate to cover virtually any expense Check Gen€r!1ly,w€wil applyyour mininrum paymeht nBt to lower APR b!lahces Gu.h a5 Purchas€s)before balance5with hiaher Ai,Rs (3!.h a;ca;h Adva ncet. P;ymo ' ls mad e . etce$ of the minimum pavment w ll senelal v be aPplied to bx:n.e! h!.her APh3 nr$ oelore odlon(c( w,r"o4p ore( ,fyo! are prote.ied by th€ servtce .nemb€r5 civi lle ietAci ("scRA )theba ancelransi€r fee will be waived. @2ol6Welh Fargo Bank, N.A.Allr ghts reserved. ECG_2200101 WELLS FARGO vlsA Statement Billing Period Ending in 868008 I 13t2018 to 09h212016 $732.51 $235 00 $oo0 $0.00 $107.32 24-Hour Custom€r S€r!icei TTY for Hearing/Sp6ech rmpaned: oulside the us ca colect. 1.a00-642.47 2A 1.S00-419.2265 1-925-825-7600 s0.00 $7.82 $612.95 $6,000 Send General lnquiies To: PO Box 10347 D€s t\4olnes A 50306.0347 Balance Summary + Purchases, Baanc€ Transrels & $5 387 Payment lnformation $612 95 $r5.00 101o712016 PO Box 51193, Los Angoles CA,90051'5493 Late Payment Warning r li we do nol ieceive your lMiniinum Pavmsnl bv 1 o/07/2o 1 6 you mav have lo pav a lal€ i€e uP lo $37 M in imum p.yment waning: lf you make onty lhe mlnim um paymefr €ach p6r od yoLr wlll pay more in inler€st and ll wil lake you onger lo Pay oll vour And you willend up paying an eslimated lolal oi - You willpay off lhe Naw Balance shown on lhis siatemenl in aboul.., lfyou make no addi(ional charges using this card and each month you pay., $766Ony lh6 minlmum Paymonl $719 $20 Go Far Rewards Summary R€wards balance as oi: 08/31/2016 2,119 The rewalds ba anc€ s lor Rewards lD 60003347455 Thts batance mav be inclusive of oiher conlr buling rewards accounls. For up to-dale rewards balanco n{ormalion, or rnore ways to' carh En.lrod€em vour tewards v s t GoFarRowards wl com oI call 1'877-517-1358' Transactions Ircrs Fosr Retercttce Nunbet Crceuts chatges Payments aal20 0a126 09/05 0a/24 08/26 o9/05 7446542KS0A9BMBZZ 7446542L10A97WN84 7146542LgOA9BHDPA ON! NE PAYI,,4ENT ON!LNE PAYMENT ONLINE PAYMENT 50.00 50.00 10000 PERIOD Purchases, Balance Transfers & Other Charges OSA3 08/13 24O71O5KKWPAMOQI,I8 UN]QUE NAILS CAIMPBELL CA 6500 ast14 oal14 2443106K12[i7!!MFAh KFC/LJS '233 CAIMPBELL CA 4242 TorAL ptJR,cHAsEs. Atrtbe rnmlsrens a ourn cHARGES FoRTHls PERIoD $107 82 Fees Charged TOTAL FEES CHARGEDFOR THIS PERIOD NOTCE, SEE BEVERSE S DE FOR II\4POR'IANT NFORIMATION ABOUTYOUE ACCOUNT $0.00 I o"tn"t unO m.,t*ilh check payab e toWells Fargo E8580 $612 95 $1s 00 YKG ARLENE s RElr.lEZ 522 FA LWAYAVE APT I92 CAMPBELL CA 95008-3048 ,,l ',lti, tl, rt,r,fl, rr,, tl,r,i l,,, t,lllll' u llll'fl rltl' ltl WELLS FARGO CARD SERV CES PO BOX 5t 193 LOS ANGELES CA90051-5493 ch6ck her€ afd see r€v€rso lor addr€ss and/or Phone numbel corection rtl,l,,, rIIl||||r|||r||L,, ' trr,llt'ltll' ltlll'1, ', ' Iltllll llll IMPORTANT INFORI\IATION ABOUT YOU R ACCOUNT B,rlind Riahrs Sunmarv;d;:-;,9 n:i;;;;; ihld;6;j- ;,,.;;. i";." ;""."-60d,,,d". ro ^ d i€6rc'pppcc(o n !ourr61l6r la w r€nNor6l po? . D;;.;r";;rlh; E;t;"d;hi 'i" b *"h"0 5 * E"- "-^';,.;;l;l;;;r";6;"i; '";a 6i 6lto.rc osc a.soidr'ndnNir'orM.;s.rD.e6-so !oorna06m;r o'a1ra.o. r,eooee a1F1a _otop' 6psrr€ crod t lnfonalion, NoTcE wo;";;;;,". p o B";,ar? Ds"Mo,;i,a{Jrrt?'omr" d n,ljimi on nd.L m €ra'd".s! s nromdl yoqq6ckromaNa ;-.;;i; dl;;- h;;::m;;!r; aa. :xrb Md.s,;'i;;;oii;i,.o i, 1 o1;_ 6 'T' 3 osr''o""';;":;,;;.;;;:;";;i ;i;;-;:;i-;.;,"-,. ". *.r..- rdlrr Ds Mone, ra 50$6 0]l r n Pu'cho>os 10r Ps _6- O 6 D i;"; h -. . . d:,h i"h nond w6 se.u16d Accounls;#:;:;l;;l;;; h,;@ r- h50bdsnLosm:ii"iiij,s"".-'"i.i"ji,li8iii.ii::.i;'-::;";;:i,;-:5"";,s,ai,i.€",,"n,"3'edd,B.1.o.i:"":.. ,j.ii-.,i1--"ili""j re*a"oo.r k-;on;dco".tur'orsoea'i"'.o-s6-60(r8d do"io '3'o5od.l""si,i,,1,',, cl,i ";;; i;-;r io;; ;:,;,-;::i - " iao;r;;:;)il'b;.s";.;d €"3 s.1.,s Cu6lomor S€Nlco Moniloring. INFORMACI6N IMPORTANTE SOBFE SU CUENTA rib ), por ravor in.luls rs ssui€nre n{omacdi .Lsl6dar€lmmLoond6arss&. ni*"J"inoii;i t""i' !ia:d. od au,r6,odd*qwsmEtu Monltorso dol sodlclo al cllon change ofaddr€6s Fom- yo(addresstraschanged,prcviddyourcompleFnewaddrcss below. BesurEloche.-(boronreverse6id6otcouponaidencoseinlh66iveope m,jd; pd6e6elhkeolono^vrorsddresschanlos. you havo any queslions pldaseerrlheioll'lieeoslomerseNicenumberonlhdronlor{hsslatemeil idrmutrrio d6 Cambio de Oiiecci6n - sj drcdionh6cambiado,proporcionesunuevadreei6i@mpelaabaro Asdsi,rosodoiidcarelcuadrdardoreoderupdnv WELLS FARGO vrsa Slatement Billing Period Ending in 858008/13/2016 to 09/1212016 Transactions (Continued...) lnterest charged NTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES qadts Charg.s 6.02 LN TE REST CH ARGE ON CASH ADVANCES 1 '60 rar rrurenesl Ciieacro FoRTHrs pERtoD $7,6? 2016 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED lN 2016 TOTAL NTEREST CHARCED IN 2016 $3250 $59.10 lnterest Charge Calculation Your Annual Perconlage Rale (APR) is th€ annualint€.est rale on your account Days in Billins PURCHASES 10.65'l, $665.84 31 96.02 CASH ADVANCES 23 49v" $80 19 3t $1 60 ARLENE S REMEZ For Accouni Endlng ln esEo Pag€ 3 ol3 Enjoy a promotional rate on balance transfers Pay off high- interest balances Cover unexpected or planned expense Pay an individual Your Wells Fargo Credit Card is a powerful hnancia] tool to help you achieve your goals. And right now, yolr can access your credit line to take advantage of a limited time promotional balance trans{er of{er'- at a low rate and low feeJ Taking advantage of rhis balance transfer promotion means youwili not quaiifu for grace periods on {ulure purchases ifyou maintain abalance on this credit card 2 easy ways to get information on this offer: ./C'\mE Call1-800-400-9423 Stop byyour local Wells Fargo Store Take advantage of this promotional rate to cover virtually any expense Check rr: G€neraLly,wewil applyyourmifinom payment i6t to lowerAPn balanc€5 Guch as Purchasetbelore ba an.eswnh hioher AiR5 Glch;5 C;'h Ad!a,re9.Pimeic,nade Ln exc€* ofthe nrin mum pavm€nt will qenelal v be apPlied to r,r'i^n.F( w.rh h!.hcr APR5lrbL oelore na ar'F)wltr'o*er ore\ , f you are prore.ied by the serlice m€mbe6 civi Re iet Act ("scRA') the ba an.e kans fer fe€ wil be wa ved. @2016WdhFargoBank,NA All rights re5erved. ECC 2200101 WELLS FARGO vtsa slatement Billing Pe od Ending in 868007 11412016 lo 0811212016 $776.52 $137 0o $000 $0 00 $133.82 24.Four Cuslom€r S€ruice: TTY for Hearing/speech Lmpan€d: OutsLde lh€ Us calco lect: 1-aoa.642.4720 1 800.419-2265 1-925-825-7600 s0.00 $9.17 9732 51 $6,000 Send ceneral lnquiries To: PO Bor 10347, Des Molnes A 50306-0347 Balance Summary + Purchas€s, Balance Transle6 & 95,267 Payment lnformation $732 5l $17.00 a9to1/2016 PO Box 51193, Los Angeles CA,90051'5493 Lale Payment Warning I llwedo notreceive yolr Mlnimurn Paymenl by o9/07l2016 you mav have lo Pav a lal€ f€6 up to $37 Mintmum paymentWarningr lyou make onty ihe minimum paym€nt€ach podod, you wrllpay mo[6 n ini€restand il willak6 you ionser to Pay orlyour You willpay ofi lhe New B.lance shown on this statemenl in about,,. And you will end up psying an es(imated totalof.,,lhis make no additional charges using card and each monlh you PaY.,. $r,241Oily the mjnirnum paymenl $895 $25 Go Far Rewards Summary Rewards balance as ol: 01/3112016 1,985 The rewards balance is lor Rewards lD 60003347455. Thrs ba ance mav be inclus ve of olhor co_lr b,tinq ,ewa ds acco-.Ls To up_Io_dale rewards ba a'ce inlo n"dl o' or 1.or€ ways Io' ea ' ard roooen yo" reta,os v:s;r Go'arRewatos wl uo'n o ca 1'877'5'1 '354 Transactions Trcns Post RetereDce Numbet Payments 07120 07122 07120 07122 ONL NE PAYMENT ONLLNE PAYNIENT 50.00 07130 7446542K50A9JRWRR ONLINE PAYIIENT 100 0o rotaL pevtvteruts rOnltrs pentOO $187.00 Purchases, Balance Transfers & Other Charges a7113 07123 07/23 07114 246O3I6JLWGNAZT84 INNOVATORS SALON & SPACAMPBELL CA 5232 07123 24o71o5JYWPBQ3YL6 UNIaUE NA LS CA\'IPBELL CA 40 00 a7l2s 24445oOJYOOG3BTET CVS/P HARMACY $09921 SAN JOSE CA 41 5o TOTAL PURTHASES, ArcE IRANSFERS & OTHER CHARGES FORTHIS PERIOD $133.82 Fees charged TOTAL FEES CHAROED FORTHIS PERIOD D€tach and mallwillr ch€ok Payablo toWells Fargo NOT CE: SEE REVERSE S DE FOR II"IPORTANT lNFoRrt4AT ON ABOUTYOUR ACCOUNT s0.00 E8530 $732.51 $17.00 a910712016 Amounl Fn.l.rFd ,llrt,, tl,lrlr,,lll, ,, I tr, lL ltl,,,llLll,llt,r, trt, rrlLllll ARLENE S REIIEZ 522 RAILWAY AVE APT 192 CAMPBELL CA 95008.3043 r,l,,r,rlrt, ,r,rll,t,u l,llLt,lrl,tl, "ll 't,ll,trl,l'lll WELLS FARGO CARD SERVICES PO BOX 51193 LOS ANGELES CA 90051-5493 check her€ and s€6 rovers€ lor add.ess and/of phon€ number co ection lMPORTANT IN FO RIYATION ABOUTYOUR ACCOIJNT Bilrno R,ohls Summaru. lrs ';;n:,ito'J;;;;lii'oj-o--n;;-.r:, i"i.,". "Ji ' ' o a o-s 'o "p.iaoorhs ddomon0, DuLdomssov ind pr€stoe vour iest n you, 3 r$(a \4i onNo'61,prcr . a';;;tun ;',ri" Eli. *d"hvvi! b6rsohds smE u .-, ^d .'.n.d,6id6 nirmn c^bole'o'a'r'olosoP''p"ln" :;;;,;;;;.;;r'nao*mo,r;;d""h.i*," +" ." 1.o'.r;jio )o ds' o-'o,1d61o .Tri'lro ;";;, ; s..'6,o_ p",.ui.. d,o iol| D* vor ! 50rc o, ' HowroAvold Psvlno lnt€r€st on Purchdsss. -o, "q 's"D 6 Doe 4i b. hd o-adab;ai monm w ;#;;"1;;;;-;;\;-;""h"rh"""";6...*.,"0.....i.!3s1tn;e.ane ro'rd".a,oano-e- 3 cao'1.s3.rdca.(o3sa li!":,"", s"" :,;!ii.-'" "L: i;;; ji ;rio ; ;.,;. r'^n- !d, "'" "s "".., t"' custome. seRIc€ Monitoring. INFORMACION IMPORTANTE SOARE SU CUENTA Ensus aluia Nord€c6npo,EenLol Fr ralor iiduF ra s4! sib nromsc6i . aG6evd mdro6nd6 ss&: i;"?ff .-j;: Ei.;i;i;;;ifr I d;,n;id;6 q€ s ud EdoI 's$orod FolBsr 'odgsdo 6rir;n,io . :-.;?;; ;s .pm6.o.,ed",ro6. dodomcso roro.;*--,..-i-esaL.-m..oe;@$ o6-o!' t@o n F ..;ib;;1dn 6r om.tu-ds o.-rr6,6rosq.€Eca o .0". - ,;ft ;d;:;;; ;;: h";t;. Jsi: c* t "o !o"1s o- o on.od'6aor ;;"; i;;d**" ds;d$qF €-@o"r,d{s. , "pi,ii"eiioia.-:.i:1.;os t to-d.!odoD o-s.o$, o roda L o-pas0i3tu5sa lnr.rmac'6n d€ Cr6dito avrso Podismosd iniomadonso'$;1:j;;;; ;;i"::;:.; ;;.si'"i;,;,ii",r' 'o Bi qstt o:6i;c';o,oG €hd" o "o : ;B;-i;^;;;i;;",:" v-""'0, i.'-.r*.'o-;i''i"ll"iiioni"i:g;J"Jiso' so6 is'ai'ooc'' Lo ""0o5s.;d.;;di.J;.; d": ";. *{.io."b! 3aa-F tu --"*_;;;"_"P;" re's"oda 'ont'oc " ' r(' d.;1"; " /;;;,;i:i."; ;;-;(;;-;;; ; "";'.*d;i-; o;;;;;d"; m ,tup"0..- A.\a\arPCan.* anda CLeo E F -L"'--. " **."." - " ; ;:Yo":o;;-"q:-::,Y;;; i;. ;;d';:n ;-.o oe:. < +q "o, "n" r 'i.:;,.";;; .;;";'.;;;;;,; L'"'fi": .i"6 a;." " -. """" oi:1j; i:;;qd;.'o: no-6'oi;o'J.'c to 6 a-or06d, D ro c6mocaLculsmos susaldo, u dbricprm€dio(n.Llendonusvas@mprat Psram6s nronaodna'6" Como EviBr P.qarlnlsrss€s sob'6 Conpras s;:;:;: ;;;1-r;i;;;;;r.,*o,,;sLU-. s.;.6 : " "o'* , - Monito160delSedlcioalCliento. LssrBmadaspuEdansersrdadaromoiiorosdas changeofAddr€ssForm- tyouiaddresshaschanqed prcvde yourcomprele newaddGss beLow. Eesu.elocheckboxoiroveFesideolcoupo^anddicoseinlheenvelopo prov d6-d. pleaseuselhiseolondnLytoraddresscha^Ods. rryouhavesnyquoslions,please€ lhdlollrrce@stomerseNcenunberotrlMfrcnlollhsslalendnl FormutariodeCambiodeOirecci6n-Sisudne@i6nhacafrbLadoproporcon6sun!o!adi.e6dn@rprdraabajo.asesoresedendrarelcuadrcaldoreodercuponv HOIltE f " f"-"t t-.... i. ..-l WELLS FARGO HryvtSA slatementBilling P€riod Ending in 868007 I 1At2016 h Oe I 1212016 Transactions (Continued,..) Trcns Post R€f€r€nc€ ^/u,tbet DescrlPtlon lnterest Charged crcdits Charyes INTEFEST CHARGE ON PURCHASES REST CHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES TOTAL 2016 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHABGEO ]N 2016 TOTAL INTEREST OHABGED !N 2016 $32.50 $5r 48 lnterest Charge Calculation YourAnnusl Percentage Rate {APR)is lhe arnualinteresl rale on vour account Billing PURCHASES 10 65./. $553.57 30 $4.34 CASH ADVANCES 9224 A9 3o $4.33 ARLENE S REMEZ For Account Ending n s580 Page 3 ol4 Enjoy a promotional rate on balance transfers Pay off high- interest balances Cover unexpected or planned expense Pay an individual Your Wells Fargo Credit Card is a powerful financial tooi to help you achieve your goals. And right now, you can aecess your credit line Lo take advantage of a ilmited time promotional balance transfer offel - at a lowrate and low feeJ Taking advantage o{ this balance transfer promotion means you will not qualify for grace periods on future purchases if you mainiain a ba]ance on this cledit card 2 easy ways to get information on this offer: E A Stoo bv vour local -XlI]IlL weils ra,so sto,e Call 1-800-400-9423 Take advantage of this promotional rate to cover virtually any expense Gcferallv,rvew ipolyyour mrnlrn!m pay'nentfrBt to lowerAPB balances Guch as Purcha5es)b€foreba anceswilh hioher Ain5 Guch:s C;,h Advrncet.P.yme 't, made rn eKes oflhemininrum Pavment willgeneraLlvb€.Ppli€d 10 h;:n,e(- rhhdner APR\ 6rnbaloreoardn-e5urln lo\tF onp! Check rlfyo! are prole.Ied byihe Ser!ic€ membets CivriRelieiAct ("SCRA )lhe balancelr.n5fer feewil bewaived, c2016WdEFarqoBank,NA Allrightsre5crved. ECC2200l0l ABLENE S BEMEZ For Accolnl Ending n 8530 Pag6 4 oi4 Simply use your eligible Wells Fargo Consumer Credit Card to pay your monthly cellular telephone bill and get up to $600 protection* (subject to a $25 deductible) against damage or theft of your cellular telephone. . Coverage begins on the lst of the next month after you start charging your cellular telephone bill and continues as long as you keep using your card to pay your bill . Covers the fist four lines listed on your monthly wireless statement. Please visit or call l'8OO-642- 4720 for more information, ',n,€reDl-ohelrotec..or..d,'"irn-'.etl--l,.r,ol"!(e,l.Iqo'orsn*r.,"dPdLold.!fo!d"m"9eroor -*r,"f,."'.1..."',"."..,q-pnon".ELqible -..-1., t!.!t..e1.5s 1-Fphone"n,el.,n,red o,l.-p'imF'vline'nd p'o'l€ 6st thrce additionallines as lisLed.r y"'r provid*'" -."thly.taiemenr' c€LLula'TelePhore Prcre'tim Ls srbJed b a g2soodedu LibleDe,.,a|n-'a--"rinr:n..: l-msperl.,o''hr'JodTnenaxnun.'n'6rl.nirtsS6000o ,","..",.n..',.jgrzooooEerl^rnonhoe,.odv-",ll,"ca"enom.e,h."h""P.ueorh"o'9in"lpho'.eoIa GDlacementDh.newiths,milar{eatucs'ndluD(iDralittlessa$2soodeduciibleThlsboh€ntdoestror'ovorcellulsr rlororeg rirat aro l.*. rh,' orotc(rLo, is onlv a"ilaLl€ wh€n cellphon€ bills are Paid froh vou!w€lls Farso c'nsumer crei card.Thecov€cse do." n"t.pply rfthecel phonebillrsprid tronaWellslargo Debiicard,wells Farso Bu$fess credit csrd, or from the .a,d r har is li;k"d t. a l-ina of c'.dr Coverege does n ot applv Ioi electtof i. hihF d .ell Phones th*"ru,"""i".d,"p*tofoplepaidphncellLrlartelePhonepro(eciion.ovesgebcgiust[€frrtdavotth"""l€ndsrnonth followiisyourhBt:elluhrr;lepho..tiUi.sonyourw"LL'Fargocon5u'a€rcreditcardsndreriarn'in€ff€dwhenvou conrihuti;.h seyourtotalnon ly cellula r relephd € LrllroyoL. wellsla'9oCods!'nerCred t card ThisPtotectior ,n-v,,orDeeo-;,-', odoe arrl oh''srpl -'bla ov''deero-'nv' v^lr'-'orr)or:nrn'r"rur'-')" vo:: lom-o/nct!o'$'to',oo:l-ihsrrnnc'Fol:,' ot rnrougl lpl nl'o"d€d' ,o 9" l" ele'ol(he'el"llon" lo' !mr1'F coveraseb€n€ib and €xcluscns Gsarding this prot€ction calll 300-642_4720,24 hours a dat seven davs aveekorso tc rvellslarsb.con/cellpldE {t 2016wells Farso B6fL,N.A Alllishts reserved ECG 27581os WELLS FARGO vrsa @End'ng in 868006/13/2016 to 07/13/2016 Send ceneral lnquiriesTo: PO Box 10347, Des Molnes lA,50306 0347 Balance Summary + Purchases BalanceTransleE a $604.43 $t,175 25 $000 $3oo oo $1 013 60 24-Hour Cuslomer Ssrvic€ TTY ror Hearing/Speech lmpai16d: oltside lh€ US Callcoll€cli 1-400-642-4724 t-800-419.2265 t925.A25.764A s20,00 $8.74 $776 42 $6,000 $5,171 Payment lnformation s77652 $3700 0ala7/2016 PO Box51193 Los Angel€s CA,90O5i-5493 Late PaymentWarningr llwe do not rec€ivo your [4 fimum Paymeft by o8/07l2016, you msy have lo Pav a lat€ lee uP io $37 Minimum payment WamingI lyou.nake onty th€ minimum paymenlesch period youwlllpay.note rn inler€stand itwilliake you longer Lo Pay ollyour It you make no additional charges using this card and each monlh you PaY.., You willpay ofi lhe New Balanco shown on lhis slalemenl in aboul,. And you willend up paying an estimaled lolalof ", Only iho minim!m paymonl $1 493 $27 1-877.286.2r08. Go Far Rewards Summary R€wards balance as oi 06/30/2016 1,626 The rowards baiance rs for Rewards lD 60003347455 r. c oa e.ce mav oe ;.ctus ve ol olher co rib-tinq ewards accounrs. For -p Lo dare rewards bala'lce _fo ral o_. or ro'e wavs lo €arn and r€ooer vo- rewa ds vs'GoFa Cewa ds \il corl o' ca l8//_517_1358 Tran9actrons Trcns Post Reterenco Nunber Cre. ts charges Payments Delach and mallwith check Payable LoWells Fargo 06/13 06/15 07t06 06/13 06/15 7ra6s42HN0A94FB4J 7Z46s42HR0A96BYR1 7446542J90492108l,i ONLINE PAYI'{ENT ONL NE PAYI\4ENT ONL NE PAYI,/ENT 15 00 30000 660.25 Cash Advances 06/13 06A3 7446542HNEHIV63BF6 ONLINE ADVANCE 2OOOO 07101 A?101 7446542J9EH[,I8GJX|V ONLINE AOVANCE 10000 lar casl aovauces roR THls PERloo $300 00 NOTIoE: SEE REVERSE SIOE FoR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUTYOUB AccouNT E3560 $776.52 937.00 oalo712016 ARLENE S REMEZ 522 BAILWAY AVE APT 192 C AMPBE LL CA 95008.304 8 WELLS FARGO CARD SERV CES PO BOX 51193 LOS ANGELES CA 90051-5493 YKG j.]: ,l, t,tltlIl,,r, rt, r,lt, r,t,ll'r, h' ltll" tllllllll' rt' lltlt'lltl Check h€re atrd see r€verse lor address and/or Phor€ numb6r cotrection l, tr,,l, |l1,I r rh ll ' h ' l'lLIUrl l,lrlI rll' tl, I tI ll, ' ll IMPORTANT lNFORlrtlAIlON ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT Blllino Riohts Sufrm5ru. rr\dJ;'j;:' it ;:;;;;- i'ojba 01' jFir'rc'"oosa6d ,.-'-n;;;#''i";;;;;a;rii;.b,;, sj ,. r.m' o e. "o pqs o,oj s' ;-;"d.""". o ^i/ i;a -o E" loo,roi,i, .ii--, "*" .,c06.€.s \",E-d ro'oor;o"r" n'"ji'ij,i, .",me-lii.;..m,qo o a. o.,oaooo.,bsoid;o:;o:,0:1o,b "r'-oo€do o . 3 "Bftr"in @Fa, noe'"_t 0d"dtoo'B,sdro,o,t s; p";rtrje; co' so$ !ocrrso I i"o"_o ops!E |6'€d"1 o cr€dr lniormslion. \oIrcl ws;;;;;;-"d po s";,a5i7 Dd Mo :6 A 0:06r5, 61dd. orr aspe brr6- 4i s d o,;naoohd rdba€,e,6d e, ro an,6 G i "l ro, ri rsd$ p o INFORMACIdN lMPORTANTE SOBRE SU CUENIA R€sumen de Derechos d€ Facturacldn s s€squshavosJn6trorms!sn.dodscu€nk(un Eiioa).osinaEsiranJsir{dmodoisoss -"";;;';:;'.;;:;'";-.;:;alap..d.J,'vorcTb;;o:Dt;."q,abobdrPo30i./ts,so'-.,.d.oo A mEre d os.s..,"-*-. -"" q' . *',;;;;:;; " ;';;";: d ; ."" Preoor;' G s ;;;ao- r, o €o" aL6dd(re.")p"or a€.' o ore.' "_r.6dee'c En 5! edaluia'Norrcc6f, F, Escr ro ) pof tuvor hcruva € s suisnb nrom'cidi . La i6dav; mmro en dda.esda: fi"?;.'^; ;i;i E;;;;;;;ih;;; ;';;n;bd;;q^ * * E"d lntormaci6n de Cr6dito ;:;;1.1;; l";.';;;.-. ":;; ;:;.'.;;;;o: ;o ir"; ia; De.vo s'i 5oroi r t iJijji i,^u , .q,, "."pr" - . o s o'!o;:;i";;i;ldo;:+. ; ;e-ii;;;';;i ;;; ; t"^..F^...d'.^ra,.d6 A(o.nrA.L, r,' ono :;"iJ;fr."H.; "":;,:;;.".::,i'i ii i:iip:'ri ii;n:;;" , ,i.-" o;; - i'o ro'rsoo. F co 'o' o"d e. odo: dspn ;;,,:;; ;;.;;;pi"; ;c-b'.-' *.-e;r..t'd" i :.'ji Jritii',J i'n J"oi a i; ::oGr;r. ,. ;i:.";:;.";;'&:" "t-" "; ;i -!iri?:i;ij.l,!'i"' aii" " iti iied "r a a oo i;n;;^':.1MG;;;il€;r""'.i€.D;0"--ia"::;;-d"'r-';i,-"-i:;;;;a;;tt'i'cros5-(e+"s"c"/ i" ;l::;;;o; ;:;i;;; ;;:i;;;;' "i"; i 06 ''oo s e-q-o € 63 o' L o.!o l soi ;; 6 so,e roo €( d- F o C6moCalculamos SuSaldo. U ddoPmned'o(n.ovsndonuovasonprst ParsmasL^romac6naG'c Como Evildr Paaarlnlor€s€E sobro Comprab ir adsos ss . ; p;"-': ;;;;.1,:;i;;;;-.;;;;d"";*bd"" , " Jos:e '"i''bm--o Monltoreo dsl soryiclo al Cllon changoofAddrcssFom- yotrraddrcsshascnansidprovrdeyourmmprelenewaddressbeow Besureloorreckbotonrcvereesideor@qponandencloseinfteenvolope prcv,rei. Plea"d,s6(hissecliononyroraddresschanso6 It vou have anv quoslions pe6se€lllh€iol-lreeruslonrersdruc€nun Formutario de Cambio d6 Diiecci6n - si6udire@6n hacambrado proporciode su nueva dr€oci6n 6mp ela abEjo. AsesLrreso dB ndicare cuadroaldorsodo updn v WELLS FARGO f/ISA stalemenlBillingPeriod Ending in 8680 05/13/2016 lo 07/13/2016 Transactions (contrnued-..1 rrrrE Post Reletence Numb DascrlPtlon Purchases, Balance Transfers & Other charges 06/13 a6125 07/01 07/a3 07/o4 a7n4 24445OOHN2XHKAM2G 24445oOJ22XNS3SS3 F558300J4000EX166 2445388JA0o0DPFM2 24445OOJB2XGOTVG3 246l043JB03RGSEAV LUNARD'S MKT SAN JOSE CA KAY OUTLET*4206 LIVERMORE CA ADJUST[4ENT.PAYIMENTS JAPAN CAFE LIVERMORE CA WHOLEFDS CBL 10033 CA\4PBELL CA ROSS STOBES *258 CA[4PBELL CA ctBdits Charg$ 06/13 a6125 071o1 07/a3 o7104 o7lo5 23.94 136.88 660.25 1410 62 25 65.60 O7IO5 2443IO6JQ5SL2WH41 NUTRISHOP BAYAREA CAMPBELL CA 55,5S rOTAT PT-TNCTLIST,S, EALANCE TRANSFERS & OTHER CHARGES FORTHIS PERIOD $1'018.60 Fees Charged 06n3 07la1 06/]3 CASH ADVANCE FEE 1OOO OTIo1 CASH ADVANCE FEE 10 OO ior-ar rees dsaceeo toR THts pERtoD $20 00 lnterest Charged INTEREST CHABGE ON PURCHASES 3 37 INTEBEST CHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES 4'A7 i6 trurenrst cnnacED FoR THrs PERToD s8 74 2016 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED N 2016 TOTAL INTEBESTCHARGED N 20]6 $32 50 $42.31 lnterest Charge Calculation Yorr Annual Percentag. Rate (APR) is lhe annuallnt€rest rate on vour accounl Billing Cycle PUBCHASES $429.16 31 $3.S7 CASH ADVANCES $244 04 31 $4.87 ARLENE S REMEZ For Accounl Endjrg ln 35gO Pag€ 3 of4 Enjoy a promotionai rate on balance transfers Pay off high- Cover unexpected or planned expense Pay an individualinterest balances Your Wells Fargo Credit Card is a powerlul financia] tool to help you achieve youl goals. And right now, you can access your credit line to tai o*Mans rA t0J6o.2. war D'r si loi,o n rou, s 'ort8 l^1 ron Nd.o l pro! . osnhiohonhs EMMdvhvyi! behvsthtrs sanEmr .,i^d GDod.o ssJs n;i^rnlra^ ',rc1/dsarrqso'a€s.saaorLvolol 'ioohsd" mMro^o^' oi'o.rvdos.,o4a"l d ro op dp€,ro o, ol san-s- rortu,o ri ;;m,EF a. -t "'m " * d,". ra:T"di, os.1o,or ".s i pro hB oqo^6 o', s d p,o,6s^4! . orda56! dm irdred :;;;;;l;ii;:oBo;idi-D,;M";'ja'016'..t*;Dn' is'so osp,sr"n6b6." d d;mr onn" .q h€.6rc-kr o.i.6l6c6'alolp4n9'la'u,o an6lddroiiclundta'mldlu^dsm4 rolr r Ds- Mdi€! rA503a60lri n Purchasos ro "a rs"D 6ob,a g o, hadsoibiad rdr ^ Secur€d Accounts. Fo, sscu,sdj,j,"'1,"-^jiiinni,i r--.'r'rh o6ai61 ,€sdoo o'6d:e1;h." d 'da"o oa o,1d - JnN io. escc Po.::;.-, c; ,,;;-.;i:;t;;;;in 6, '"i^. j.."i .o 'is" ,-" ,"i;^; d.r-oi,o dss. ls,a dio "r.. E/a(tro i0€,o '\*-ai;;$ !:l6d;,;d';;; D- .i", "i ,-i..1 .", r"."i' .-';;-;i. li:;"1"", 1.;-,.ra'io,n"cod"r''eo.oFodd'oo-3dLo" a'or curtoner Sorvlc. Monllorlng. INFORMACION IMPORTANTE SOBRE SU CIJENTA R€dumon do DorcLhos de Faclurdcion. ( ! ooq s-a, tso d: o 'la€"!nrs;;;;; r.-:;;;,;i;;-;'",."+:"; ;rfio.. oioso:po oe ,i'o o,tao ara PP Bo 5-? D05vo e;;;;;n;,;;;;;,.**. iki,.a;"'*. *"" -.q".;;;..;1,;:d;se,6 ";;€di6 16 !dde sods!o.,lpo@aa o I a kd! v; mmbsi dd5 63 da. iil;i.i iionl;iLE;;iit"'.;u. po; ; @;rn'6i o* +s 6 r End rpoiosoogsoods\J!131!o i"J:,: r:""::.ff;;;i"-;". :;;;;";:;i;; ";;;"1; r'05., 01 . soo.30oaL.o-"r ."*. " "..b.:id oAda ,l ;.ie;is e p"sopd 1cq." ro oq'sooaqJ6a rr ';;;;:;:;; ;;;,;;.'.i;;; ;i"". ";";;,"" po Bo^jan, os $o o. ^ o'b,5t7 , t;:".r'": J.:;, ;;s;:";i;'."i;i';i; i;; i"psG '€ €s'."&, b ';E;.;;b;;i;ii6 ,; t*s a p"n.;nl o b ,.d B {do ai('.,',.o6o.ts1oao 's')ooo""e1 6br@ 05po r "rddPe3rca;bmo.ore(! &i m;',";" _;:r;;". p;* - cmjo lrome,oc d.o-a.-oJiii: .; o l ;";;;ii s: o:; ; i iii ii'" inii i.,L io ; *:-i;ts,,s, " m * bo E;;;;;;;ji;;;i;i;;; d;; o;b Gn;41a; @mo o mtoo d a e 'd d s 'a 5L.6 iao e.-o1 c6mo CalculamoE Su Saldo daropromedolicqsndonusvasom[at Paramls ntoma!6n$rc Evibr PaoarlnlorosoE sobr6 comot6B. nsos /sadmr".: -t{D.n.,b! ods.L 3ho3' ;''-d 6 s <,oo\ ilonlto.oo dol Sodlclo al Clion Chango ofAddress Form- ryouraddrossha€dransed.provideyourcompelsn6woddressbeo esd6orcouponandencosei^lhddnvelope prov da; pteas6 userhk secloi outytdr addrcss chanqss rtyou hsve anyqu€slois p ease € th6 rol+.6 dslomer seN ce numbe.on iho konl of lh s slelemenl Formutano de Cambio de Dkecclon- s su d re@ion ha cambEdo proporcon6 nlovadirecci6icofrploraabalo.Ases'jresedendicarolcuadrcadorsodeloup6nv r-_f-"tttt WELLS FARGO l/ISA stalemenl Billing Period Ending in 8680 04/13/2015 to 05/13/2016 Transactions (Continued.,.) fdns PosI Retercnca Nutnbet Crcdlts chatges lnterest Charged NTERESI CHARGE ON PURCHASES 4 65 NTEREST CHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES O OO rorALIrrTERESr CIIARC,EO FOA rnts pentoo s4 66 2016 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED IN 2016 TOTAL NTEFEST CHARGED N 20]6 $12.s0 $2? 44 lnterest Charge Calculation Your AnnualPercentage Rate (APRILs lhe annuallnleresl rale of vouraccount Billing PUBCHASES $5r5.19 9l $465 CASH ADVANCES $0.00 3l $0.00 Wells Farqo News Have You recejved a tax lellnd? W€ k Fargo wanG lo talk with yo! aboul paym€rl oPLons lhat ar6 available Pleas€ calLl_800_642-4720' ABLENE S REI\,IEZ For Account Ending ln 8580 Pag€ 3 ol4 lfyou have any questlons, please call Wells Fargo Go Far" Rewards Customer Service ar 1-8Z/-5171358 Please read this notice carefully and keep a copy for youl reference. Authorized Redeemer Beginnlng June 20,2016, you may add an authorized redeemer to your Rewards Account by calling Wells Farqo Go Far Rewards Customer Servlce at 1 877-517-1358, and providing the lnformation requested The person you wish to add must be a Wells Fargo customer' An authorized redeFmer may only redeern by calling Wells Fargo Go Far Rewards customer Service By adding an authorized redeemer: ' You agree thatYou are Fully responslble for all actions ofthe authorized redeemer, including all redemptionsmade by the authorized redeemer . You agree that all actions taken by the authorized redeemer are subjectto the Program Terms . You agreethatthe authorized redeemer is notyour agent or representative and has no obllgatlon, of any kind, to redeem on your behalf, foryour benefit or upon yourdirection ' You agree rhat the authorized redeemer maytake any action permitted bythe Program Terms, subject to the limitations setforth in this Notice, and do so wlthout any notice to You . You agree that an authorized redeemer may do any ofthe following - Redeem Rewards from your Rewards Account: . For merchandise, gift cards, and charitable donations which are specinc to disaster relieletforts . As a credit or a deposit to a qualifying redemption account . As a paper check using the name and address we have on record foryou (the Rewards Account owner) - ship merchandise and gift cards to an alternate address, where allowed 'Bookflights, hotels and related travelservices in the name ofthe person(s)they choose An aulhorized redeemer may also accessyour Rewards Account activity, create a wish list, add or change auto-redemptions, and report issues related to your Rewards Account lf you wantto remove an authorized redeemer, you must callWells Fargo Go Far Rewards customer Service at 1 8n-5'17-1358. You willcontinue to be liable for the actions ofan authorized redeemer unless and untilyou callto notify usyou wish to remove them Changes to Fees: EFfective July 1,2016, Go For* fiewdrd5 will no longer assess a S24 per Airline Ticket Processing Fee. o2ol6WelhlargoBank,N.A.All righlrreserved Menrber FDI(.ECG_2412501 ARLENE S REMEZ For Accounl Ending .r 3580 Page 4 ol,1 Enjoy a promotional rate on balance transfers Pay off high- interest balances Cover unexpected or planned expense Pay an individual Your Wells Fargo Credit Card rs a powerful frnanclai tool to help you achieve your goals, And right now, you can access your credit line to take advantage of a limited tilne promotional balance transfer offel - at a low rate and low fee: Taking advantage of this balance transfer promotion means you will not quairfy for grace periods on future purchases iI you maintain a ba]ance on this credit card. 2 easy ways to get information on this offer: E mCall1-800-400-9423 Stop by your local Wells Fargo Store Take advantage ofthis promotional rate to cover virtually any exPense Gensallv.wew aDDlv vou m!n mum oavment fr6t to LowerAPR balances (su.h hs Prrchasedb€forebalahce3with r,'0r.", ni,iri rt* t i, cl+ a a uin!et Pjy' nenls , nad e n exce$ ot the nrinimum pavment will 9ef eGl v be rpPLied I o o:h..e! wirn h oner AlRr frbr bclor" Ler rrlh'oaer orcs ,lf you are prolecie{l by the s€rvice memb€6 civil Relr€f Acr ('scRA ) the balaf ce transfer {ee wil be waived o 2016 Wells Fargo Bank, N,A, Al rqhlrreserved ECG 2200101 Check WELLS FARGO vrSA Balance Summary Statomenl Billing P.riod E.ding in 8680 07 I 1 4120 16 lo 041 12 120 16 24-Hour Cuslom6r serv ce: 1.804.642-4720 1-600'419 2265 1-925-e25-7600 9584 49 $i00.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 TTY lor H€arin9/Speech lmPair€d: Oriside the !S CallCol€ct: $0.00 $4.64 $489.13 $6 000 send General hquLies To: PO Box 10347 Dss [4oines lA,50306'0347 $5,510 Payment lnformation $489.13 $r5 0o 05/07/2016 Po Box 51193, Los Angeles cA,90051-5493 co Far Rewards summary R€wards balance as of: 0313112016 1'256 The rewards balance s ior Rewards lD 80003347455 Thiq ba anLe mav be n-lus v€ ol olner co'! bul 'q tewalos accounts For Lp_lo dale te\{ards balance 'rotnrallon or rore wrys o-' eai-and eoeemvo-' eiards vs:lGofa Re\^/ards wl (or. orcall 1_87l51/_1358 Transactions Irans Posr Retercnca Nunbet Desc Plion Ctedlts charyes Payments o3/1s 03/19 7446542F0aA942183 ONLINE PAYI\4ENT 50 O0 O4]A4 O4IA4 7446542FGOA99XJBX ONLINE PAYN4ENT 50 OO i6iifFlvlaeLrrs ron rttts ptctoo $100 00 Fees Charged LalePaymenlWarning:twodonotr€ceiveyourlvinimumPaym€nibvos/07/2or6,voumavhavetop8valal6leeupto$37 Minimum paymenrwahingr tyou mak6 onty ih6 minlmum paymenr each period, you wrllpay mor€ in lnter€si and itwllltake you longet lo Pay oflvour TOTAL FEES CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD $0.00 NoTlcE: sEE REVEBSE SIDE FoF LMPORTANT INFORMAToN ABoUTYOUB AccoUNT I oetacn ano maiLwith ch€ckpeyabl€ loWells Fargo $489.13 $15.00 05to712016 E8s8o ARLENE S REl\,lE2 522 FAIIWAY AVE APT I92 CAMP BE LL CA S5OO8-3048 WELLS FABGO CABD SERV]CES POgOX5i193 LOS ANGELES CA 90051-5493 YKG t, r,tltl,rltltr,,,,rl,rrl,lltl'llllltltlll'ltlltl'llllltll"'t' Check h€re and s6e rev€rse lotaddress and/or Phon6 numb€r cotr€clion And you willend up paying 3n !stima(ed toial or ... lr you make no additionalcharges using this card and sach monlh You PaY . You willpay off the New Balance shown on lhis slalemont h abou(.., $500Only th6 minimum pay.nent rt,lItr ,,lll, tl, h tl r,lll, l,lt,r"ll'l'tll' llh 'llI l, tl t-l-l* T-'1*T'-'l-l*-f-T-l- 'T*l--T'- i :^^ r--f T*'r"-r--r--r-r*r-'r -""t*-l-i*L-LLi-*lJ--LJ'J*Lj"-J :v. " Lll-l.- l.*l-tLl-l ;*;""' ars. ap aru6,ra arua, c ra oi^6s 6p o,ouiu e auef ro^erod tb,un6.d .u' s tabranp.p soiqua. EEd.ruauB os uq r.ds EsE sn,"^",,.. "'"", ".:l'l:1"""{":i;[:ruedm|3posropeorpencFErtpuLapasar!6asvoreqBBladu€uq-arpe^onun!auoirDdorddpErqua.Bquasarpnss-u9t..arrOeporquEC0poUelnurrol n! $r!os rauorsF a.rr pl aql l h asBd d suoFonbruea^eqho,(,1 sa6uaLlc55 ppa!1,{luouolFassLqrasn3s65ld pepL^dd .do.^ua arlr uL asorua puB Uodnoclo 3p. oeo^ar uo ioq Faq. ot.rns.€ aotaq..arppB$aualstduosno^.pL^ordpdouBqbseqssarppernoill-urojssgrppvroa6ueqC !epdu? 3Br '€luB c te oFtd€stap 06rorluoll ;;i;lq;.;;Djir sudedis dN uirtrdrFq aiop6Fd dpdep '!iir op sondsp s pez sdl6u e sa ooed serddor 6,qos socBrqutiE6ed rell^! ou95 PU 61ua CF onrFs oPo!!sr6oia0nu .Geduos^snuoplari.u)o,pruo nsousn oples nS s.ueln.lEC ougC '3"o o\ro .roeo(ocr d' aoa a a'P a!" ZLoso,.o-, :on3.$, r,o tr,"11 q "rp,.d r 6a -. a|o s, o, ; Cover planned or unexpected expenses . Pay an individual r Use where cards aren't accepted " Andwhatever you need in li{e Access your offer 2 easy ways: E Call 1-800-400-9423 \m Stop by your loca1wells Isrgo Store Take advantage ofthis incredible rate to cover virtually any expense Gene'ilLv. we w llaoDlv vour m nLmun Davnent frr5t ro lower APR bala.ces (such as Purchdet belore balanceswith h aher AijRs Gu.h i;c;;h Ad " Pdy;ents '.ade ,n exce$ of (h e m nimum pavment will senerallv be aPpl €d to baiances with hisherAPRsfrcr before balances wlrh lowerones r tfvou areprotecled byihe Service membeE C vilRe icfA.t ('sCBA')the balarce lranderfeew llbewaived, o 2014 Wells Fa rqo Bank, N.A. Al rghcrererved ECGr2l6409 WELLS FARGO vrsa Slalem.nlBilling Period Ending in 85801011412016 lo 1 lh212016 Balance Summary + Puchases Balance Transf€rs a $527.54 $230.00 $0.00 $o.oo $298 15 24'Hou Cus{omer S€ryice TTY lor Hearing/Sp€eoh lmpared oulside lh€ US Cs lColleci: $0.00 $4.89 $600.58 $6,000 Send General hquiries To: Po Box 10347. Des [4oin6s lA,50306-0347 1'A00.642.47 2A t-800-419.2265 l-925-825'7600 $s,314 Payment lnformation $600.56 $l5.oo 1Aa712015 PO Box 51193, Los Angeles cA 90051-5493 La(e Payment Warning r ll we do not r€oeLve your Minimu m Psymen I by 1 2/07/201 5 you may have to pay a late f€e up to $35 tVinimum payment Wahingr tyou mak6onLy rho mirimurn paymeileach poriod, you wil pay more in nlerestand ilwilltak€ you longer to Pay ofl your Iryou make no addilionalcha.gcs usrng this card and each monlh you pay... Youwillpay offlhe NewBalanco shown on lhis stalemont in aboui .., And you willend up paying an eslimaled lolalol,,. on v lh€ minimum pBvment $74s $20 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary 10131/2015 The Rewards Balanca is lor Rewards lD 60003347455. This batance mav bo inclusive of other contributLnq Rewards accounts. For upro-date Bewards Balanc€ nlolmalion, or rnore ways'to€arnandr€d6€myourrewards,vstMyWelsFargoRewatdscomotcall1'877-517-1358. TransacUons frc s Post Ralercnca Number Crcdls chatges Payments Purchases, Balance Transfers & Other Charges 10123 10123 1A125 11/03 11/08 0/16 0/2a 0/31 1/03 744654291oAgGLOEV 7 4465429E0AOXIlF7 74465429JOA9JDGEY oNLINE PAYI,4ENT ONL NE PAYMENT ONL NE PAYMENT 50.00 50.00 30.00 10/16 1012a 10/31 11/03 74465429L0A96GJ3G ONLINE PAYI\,4ENT 100 00 TOTAL PAYIIIENTS FORTHIS PERIOD $230'OO 1a123 14123 10/25 11/03 21013399aO23KDOY7 2416!07996DSWlVFlF 24610439803S85GPIV MANDARIN GOURIIET CUPERT NO CA SAFEWAY STOREOOO]2930 CAMPBELL CA BOSS STORES {258 CAMPBELL CA 76 00370304 G LROY CA 34.69 d1.33 114 60 3313 11/OO 24445oo9TOODSO7l6 WFIOLEFDS CBL 10033 CAI\4PBELL CA 7435 toiaL puacHeses, etLlNcE TMNSFERS & oTHERoHARGES FoRTHls PERloo $298.16 NoTCE: SEE BEVERSE SIDE FOB IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUTYOUR ACCOUNT I o",u.n ""0.u'. * d . he(k payab'e lo Wetls r.rgo -8580 $60058 $15 00 1AO7l2a15 ARLENE S REMEZ 522 RA]LWAY AVE APT 192 CAMPBELL CA 95003-304S tlr,tItl,l,,tr,,Ir,r,ll,htlrt,l,llrlti'lt'tlltlltrtll"l,'llll \!ELLS FARGO CARO SESV CES PO BOX 5t 193 LOS ANGELES CA90051'5493 check here and see rev€Iso for sddress aid/ot phone nlmb6r co(eciron. r, [,, qrlfl I tll tI t,,I, t,lrtll,lrth,tlIllll" t"lllllt,lll , s!.u.r11 b_ e. os . h vourls[q(a wrtsn NolE'). rrov hrc3 (rbcngs d4s beiors rhs auro crodir lnformation. NoTrcE !ft s!,ra/ e{5 4 o..crq6,o. r-10d Howlo AvoldPaying lntereston Purchats6. YouPayme DueD INFORMACI6N IMPORTANTE SOBRE SU ClIENTA R€6umen d6 D6'6chor d6 Faciu'aci6n. s 066q'6 a,{.r pro s.!)Percd,"ro Ensucada(una NoriEc6iporEscdLo ),Frravorinduya ass!mLsFromac6i CuElomerSoruice Monltoing Monllor€o ddl Sorulclo al Clion Informsci6n ds C.6dlto r'.da 3'3. .3h-6 d pi3 C6no calcu lamo8 su Saldo. !r dia,idpionedo(n.ruyeidddu6vas6frp,a9' P5,6 h6s hbmao6i ffrc C6mo Evilar Pasar lntorsses sobr€ Compras. La FeclradBvarc 0205watsF'/goBm{NAA1r9 ChangeofAddressForm-rryouraddrcsshasclisnsedprovdeyon@mper6n6!addr6ssbelow.Besurerooheckboxonrevereesidsorcouponand€ncos€hrheeivsope prov dod Pldas€ usa ih s soclon 0 fyou havd any qudslions pldaso *rl1h0 io .166 tuslomerseruioe numb on the lfonl oflh s stalemeil FormularlodoCamblodEDir€ccl6n-ssud€Ednhaoambladoprcporcionesunuevadre6i6n@nrpelaabaroAsegLlrcsedei !coJfrAld4t!gf".t*fr1.".1..1*".1}ccouN-f.t"'.t...''.|.-I*.T..,i-'f''.'.'.r,.*f"-'-..c'.''..''IHs i i I I I I I L I Llsr t I f ' I i I I i I ! i I I !N^vr L r I J.*L--1-_j-_L--L_-t \A\iL L--l*-j_^,L_"I-*t-^-.L--I -L--t ( -t ,t--,t_. t WELLS FARGO VISA Stalomonl Billing Period Ending in 8580 10 h 412015 lo 1 1 I 12 12015 Tians Post Relerencg Nunber Fees charged TOTAL FEES CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD $O,OO lnterest Charged INTEREST CHARGE ON PUBCHASES 449 INTERESTCHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES OOO *.o, 2015 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGEO IN 2015 TOTAL INTEBEST CHARGED N 2015 $0.00 $17 04 lnterest Charge Calculation Your Annual P.rcenlage Rate (APR) is lhe annua int€r€sLrat€ orr youraccouni CASH ADVANCES Wells Fargo News set up your monlhly bils for aulonaiic Paym€nl usins your W€ls Fargo CredtCard Visrt w€l and clck he M/els Fargo Vsa@Cardhold€rs llnk. Then choose your m6lcharls ror aulomatic biling. Lt is smple, and you earn r€wards Poinls ror Payins bils wilh your W€ls Fargo credit card ARIENE S REMEZ For Accourl Ending ln €530 Page 3 oi 3 You've qualifred for a promotional rate on balance transfers Your Wells Fargo Credit Card rs a powerful financia] tool to help you achieve your goals. And right now, you can accessyoLrr credit line lo take advantage of a limited time promotional balance transfer otfer - at a ]ow rate and low feeJ Taking advantage ofthis balance transfer promotion meansyouwill not qualify for grace periods on future purchases ifyou maintain abalance on this credit card. Take advantage of this low rate to: ), Pay off high interest balances . Cover planned or unexpected expenses > Pay an individual > Use where cards aren't accepted r Andwhateveryou need in life Access your offer 2 easyways: E Call r-800-400-9423 ,o,- IU. Stop bl,yourlocal Wells Fargo Store Take advantage ofthis incredible rate to cover virtually any expense Generallv, wew llapo v you min mh paymeni li6l tolower APRba ances Guch arPurchas€s)beforeba an.eswith hiq her Ai,n r Guch ; Cdh Ad'an . uia dss'nEdn derE,rc.! bEzb po,bd; 6sds-qla6su^ Etr ,l i,os F r'\r'o s or-o.r'e ;";6;-*^6b.; ^.aro MakaPl;^l;;i-d,;.;" nb, k da, " .. 5 o r s6r,d solaos - ",e'sd..L - n '.6qi I d i.,ftr,e.oroi di (oroo cnh;,;li;;i-*;-p;"";;a;nd;c0sAm;"r6s@ Flti:6ti .ori 6"d. rN-n'' 'o" Pasoi(' .u p_a^ro onp" ;i;:do, e! F.o""q ercre.o" n;n.i;;.-;* di "r..6 .-6nEi,ini,ioi oo:iji ieiieiaad o" aucknLakn rdi d-o 6molmsmdia e -:" ",t " "dcoceoa obEComD,o€ dr" ho oevor Chanqe of Addrss Form - you address has chans€d provd6your comp sls newaddr6ss bo ov. Ba tr€ lochock box on revoree s deorcoupon andencroso ii lb6€nverope orovLded preas€us€lhiss@tdnonyloraddr€ss.hanqds. rryouhavoanyq!6s1ons pl6aseca! lholo lreocuslomers6ryrc€iutobsronlhsTroilollhs6lalemenl Formularlo d6 Cambio de Dirscci6n - s su d r6ccLon hacambado, proporc onesu nu6vatrrcccdn cohpelaalrajo. Asest€sede nd ca' s cuadro aldoreodelcupdiy ffi:RffiK:il:*il^-3ft:ffi I]OME :i,i WELLS FARGO vrsA slalemenl Billing Period Ending in 8680 02111 l20 15 lo 031 1312016 lnterest Charge calculation Yolr Annu al Perce nlage Rale (APR, is Lh€ annual iitelesl rate on yo!r accoLnl. PUBCHASES CASH ADVANCES Brlling $0.00 $000 10.65% 23 49./o $0.00 Wells Fargo News Whef you add an auLhorized user 1o your accoLint you boih 6arn r€wards Polnls lot your €lgibLe Puchasos Add an aulhorked usertoday Vislt us onlne, or calll'666_229_6633 ll isjusl of€ moreway wo make ileasy to 6arn r€wards Poiilsl Nole pri.nary accolnl holder is r€sPois b6lor al transactiors and Pavmenlof lhe account Manage your aecount without leaving your chair Check out the online Credit Card Service Center today Now you can manage your Wells Fargo Credit Card 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sign on to Wells Fargo Online' at wellsfargo com/creditcard. With just a few clicks, you can ' Pay your credit card bill . Switch to online'only statements . Add credit card features ]ike Rapid Alerts' . Request additional cards for your account . Put apicture on your credit card" . Track your expenses - and much more It's that simple. See for yourself, today. ,s-"rwiccpr.viderf-"esnayapply.Wellsra'gorcscrvesthe,,gjrtrr (.epl. 1ts!taryi,,'^!PThPcr,dDe!'qnsh.llo *r"i..i""* *allable lJr rh. ptl"ot ponigyln"it.L ou" vsa sisnJr!F carn v saC Pd LLJrds !rth favwave {ealur€ .r.hipbasedtcchn.looy,ihe'\relhlars.Pr.rFlAtreri.FnExp'ess"€Pn"rtc!ankDebnca ' '7Wells larso reser"es rtre rishr Lo deny cerLanr rmases o 2014 Wolls tarso BanL, N.A. All tishts Pservcd Mer!b€r rDlC. ICC 11699s1 ARLENE S BEMEZ ForAccounl Ending ln 3530 Page 3 of3 YouVe qualifred for a promotional rate on balance transfers Your Wells Fargo Credit Card is a powerful frnancial tool to help you achieve your goals. And right now, you can access your credii line to take advantage of a limited time promotional balance transfer ofJer - at a low rate and low fee.1 Taking advantage olthis balance transfer promotion means you will not qualily for grace periods on future purchases i{you maintain a balance on this credit card. Take advantage ofthis low rate to: > Pay off high-interest balances o Cover planned or unexpected expenses ' Pay an individual " Use where cards aren't accepted> And whateveryou need in life Access your offer 2 easywaysl m call 1-800-400-9423 \ ]ro. Stopbyyourlocal Wells Fargo Store Take advantage ofthis incredible rate to cover virtually any expense GeheralLy, wewillapplyyour mlnimum paymenl6ruttolowerAPR balarcesGudr as Purch etbeforebalance5whh hioherAi,R,Gr.h c;sh Advance, Pay ments 'nade D etce35 of lhe minimum paymen t willgeneraL y be applied to ni:n.p\w:rhh'.he'ADR.fiBr $fore balan.e! w rhlo^€r oncs 'ryoua,eprorecredbythese,vi.ememb45civilFerelAct('scRA)thebalancevanderfecwi bewaived o2014W€ls Fargo Da k, N.A. All rights .eserved. [CG1216409 WELLS FARGO vtsa Ending in 8680 01 h4 l20 l 6 lo 02 I 10 12016SlaiemenlBilling Period Balance Summary + Purchases, Balance Trans16rs & $133 90 $188.90 $0.00 $000 $0 00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $6,000 2a-Hour Custom6r S6ruc6: TTY for Hearlns/Speech mpair€d: Outside th€ US Cal Collecl: 1-A0a-642-4724 J,300.4i9.2265 t-925-025.7600 Po Box 10347, o€s [4oin6s lA,50306-0347 $6000 Payment lnformation $0o0 $0.00 o3t0712015 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary Rewards Balance as oll Rewards Baance Expirlng as o1: Rewards Balance Expr ng as oil 0113112015 o2128t2415 03/31/2015 19,701 262 161 Tho R€wards Balance is 10r Rewards lD 60003347455. Tn s odtanc€ - av be i-c -5,ve ol olho conl ibuli"q Bowa'cls accornls. For dpro-aar€ Bewards Bala ce _lorTaIor.o l'ot€ \,!ays ro€a'.ano edee.rlyou ewa,ds,vsll\,4ywellsFatgoBewardscoTlo call 1_8//_517_1358 Transactions rrars Post Returenca Numb$ DescripUot' Crsdlts Chary$ Paymenls a1t17 A1t17 74{6542oJOA9930WR ONL NE PAYMENT 5oO0 01/30 01/30 7446542OZOA936LjH ONLLNE PAYMENT 50 OO 01/31 ol/31 744654 211oA9DWYl H ONLINE PAYMENT 8890 TOTAL PAY]!'IENTS FORTHIS PERIOD $188'90 Fees Charged TOTAL FEES CIIARGEO FOR THIS PERIOD $0.00 lnterest Charged INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES O OO INTERESTCHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES O.OO 20'l5 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED N 2015 TOTAL INTEREST CI,]ABGEO IN 2015 $0 00 $2.49 NOTLCE: SEE BEVERSE SIDE FOR II,IPOBTANT INFORN4ATiON ABOUTYOUB ACCOUNT I8580 $0.00 $0.00 a314712015 lth trr,I, rlll, rl rrt, tllt,lththr,,rl, h 'rl,rl' r,l,tl'l ' 'r' ' ::i ::..: ..= ARLENE S REMEZ 522 RA LWAY AVE APT 192 CAMPB E LL CA 95008.3048WELLS FAFGO CARD SERVICES PO BOX 30086 LOS ANGELES CA 90030'0086 ch6ck here afd s€6 r€vo6e lo.addr€ss 3nd/or photre number colleclion rtllr, , t r i , r | | r | , r I r r | , r I r , r | , | | r , , t l t r l t l r , tl,r l' rt, r,llll' r po EA et 06eom. i\ 5ot6 osrr. we Nt nq, hi ,o . Youritre oid acsunLntmber ,oubelovohoesanElo'' ,;;d "..nd iiJc flrn,.^edivadonrootrd.ooeqen nd o'r/,ounoredio d'o_iLrctromlo' c;i.3proi6,'i ,01r/.m ',) o.o:6_ Lro' o 'op ioa/a tr;rMd \o,mr. id,i .D,oD"r he'enidnnoar6-,rd.oo a o !por41o o \ i hohd5t to.r-r ,oon e, d. io I a,.0"do,""" arc p hrihs_p oI i9dc m4 0 o_ _ rccd" oe o,o o"6 ror 'd" tr]rFstr ,o. -i; d o,,od o.o 5$aDd,mma,^ran;( i od, 's o.. \a\o.r 04'"n ro,o r.6rl o",k1"\ rA:0,c€0 t c- p", 8aw dd.v're3/o-"u ,iabr Hdslo Avold Pavlno lhlorooi on Purchsssc v oo,r orD " Do-"€o,";d. 1 s \' ""ab! eo d (lblriilor ^; x;;l;mead rc-;dr'ehdh' a'd" den oFl" o r'1dcia'' p'l ;..,i d.^;:;,;d;, hA o;o"isruinma,"(1"-e.,o- o..oor.o :o".€{ "i eo @r@od6 l hestuu,N(dd or""aG 1'o ao""n,o""nso ro(t.r.d cu6rom.r ssrvic€ Monitoring, INFoR[,lAcl6N IMPoRTANTE soBFE su cUENTA Bosumen d€ Dorochos d€ Fac 19 ot:?!e,Ld6fo-"_-o_- ". " " - - "'. -id.n '. Lo.'eD. d"rd, !'oiio n ora '". oovo e, c "',;i;; ';"_;-";;i;.;;;;;;[i;.i6at;i.;06tdmB sreec .e1L- o',r' o."i;:6r; i;i;;;;',;;;;;i;;iil'eiJ"'" "*,;'o p c.ii; r *. *". * fi su €da (!na-Nolilba.l6n pr ), P.,rdvorirclyarasisuienle iloma.6n . G"-i;.ili;t;,j; E;; t;;"zdi p., ; @: n €d dds qu, es M Etro, s necosLa mds hrormac 6 poi I ijj ,i,;i";;-, a".- i" "l .l""lJi'c*ar etFo" - " ^o o:* o:0".sq'o.n,:do Go1o" alora^romo:id ddr,.hcqeN o.,;r,p$!'f etuocF\..ueca rpdir6ne'n.moddno0pchdnG6ura90\5unr1.0 1r "tnoe e9e Andwhatever you need in life Access your offer 2 easyways: Call 1-800-400-9423 /e.. tun Stop by your local wells Fargo Store Take advantage ofthis incredible rate to cover virtually any expense ceneDlv. we wr LaDolv vour mrnrmum oavment frrottolower APR balahcer Guch a Puchase3) before balancc5w lh hiq her AiFs Guch ;;ca; 1 P;ymcnr s i,ade n ete$ of the ninimum payment wil geherallv be app ied r. h:ra.,e.hirhh,.ho' ApFihbrbelorroalcn(e,$ir1lo*.' ones ' lf you are prote;t€d by rhe service membeE civi Fe iefA.t('scRA')the balance tran! rer fee will be waived o 2ol4 Welk FargoBank, N.A.Allrights rererved. tCGt216409 WELLS FARGO vlsA SlalemenlBiUing Period Endingin8680 121 13120 14 lo 01 t1 3 1201 6 Balance Summary $366.41 $180.00 $000 $0 oo so o0 24'Hour Cusiofler S6ruice: TTY ror Hearing/Speech mpair€d' outsid6 lh6 US CalLColl€cl: $0.00 $2.49 $188.90 $6,000 ta0o-642-4720 1-800,419-2265 1.925-825-7600 send ceneral lnquiries To: PO Box 10347, Des l4oines lA,50306 0347 95,611 Payment lnformation $188 90 $15 00 PO Box 30086, Los Ansel€s CA,90030.0086 Paym€nf Due Dai6 02/0712015 Late PaymentWa.ning: Lf we do nol r€c€ive your Mlflmurn Paym6nl by 02/0712015, you may have lo Pay a late ree uP to $35 i.rtinimum PaymentWarning: lf yo! make only the min mum paymeft each period, you wilpay more in inl€r€sl and itwilllak€ you loig€r Lo Pay ofl yotrr lr you make no addrtionalcharges using this card and each month you pay ,., this statement in aboul ... And you willend up paying an eslimaled tolal or.,. Ont the mlrimum paym€nl $201 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary Rewards Balanco as oJl Rewards Balance Expiring as o{i Rewards Ba anc€ Expir ng as 01: 12131/2a14 01/31/2015 02t24t2015 19,756 136 262 The Rewards Ba ance Ls {or Rewards lD 60003347455. This batance may b€ nclus v6 of olher contributing Rewards accounls. For upio dale Rewards Ba ance intormat on, or mor€ ways- lo earn and r€dcem your rewalds, visil MywelsFargoRewards corn or call l'877'511'1358 Transactions IraDs Post Refere ce Numbat Payments Crcettts chargq 12113 12119 ot/01 oi/10 12113 12/19 01/ol 7d46542PQOA96NLrX 7446542PH0A93H7\49 ONL NE PAYI4ENT ONLINE PAYMENT ONLINE PAYN4ENT 50 00 30.00 50.00 01/10 74465420904963374 ONLINE PAYNTENT 50 00 ToTA. iAYMENTS FoRTHIS PERIoD S18O,OO Fees Charged TOTAL FEES CHARGED FORTHIS PERIAO NoTLcE: sEE REVEFSESiDE FOF ![,IPoRTANT NFORMATION ABoUTYoUR AoCOUN] $0.00 D€tach and mai wilh check psyable ioWells Fargo Account Number -e580 N6w Balatrc€ $183 90 winimlm Paymenl $15 00 Payment Duo Dai6 0210712415 ::: : :.. ': ,lt,h tlltl rlrtr[,, lh ]'l'r"l' lltll' rtll"h tlltl'l"l tll ABLENE S REI"IEZ 522 BAILWAYAVE APT 192 cA[4PBE!! CA 9500e304eWELLS FABGO CAFD SERV]CES PO BOX 30086 LOS ANOELES CA 90030-0086 Ch€ck h€r€ and s€e lev€rs€ lor address and/or phone nomber cotl€clion tr,l, l, r,ltIrl,, r Illrll,lllt, ,l lr,tI rtl,llrll,l,, t,,l I]VPOATANT INFOB[']ATION ABOUT YOI]R ACCOUNT . DGnii;ffi t riB E trd anr why vou beras ha'o 6anEro, -;;in;lti';-i;i;e tuir -o kdan/ad.n.oorp. r"d,ionr'nc n.n r,o ';3, 0/eoL5rop o '€{edGo- Ncd 06 3n" " r'o..-osopreoa,? 5 ed 1--'h!sf)b!5 .500 . b ;;;h'r.; m",ndh".adr,.hp,onieojnodmo-n!o-eonrrcoo@, _\ rhq rdp("ard/i4$.sftio.;;;iLi";i.i;; room e";!.N, n, oordd'68"m!o- i-rendoa o,sotol@E,arpuchases ars 6!arcd rag di6ss olamou^lor hc.l on orpurchase Bo^ 145,/ os,'r'o J;. rA 5cd06 051? ondo6i b s n"(pen c to, o dl'iio'6alonlhd.o-oes'9red09 ;;;i ;;6 ;';:;;J;;;;; nn;,;; ; i+ . r; ;ri n ,t"o*a ?--o:roa,o ^.- dsl \" qP.sro. p.,ninr "na,o r(B1l ftsMoinos i,lii,i.-r'i il.- Liii' 3""i1-ni 'i"., ;;;i(;do-o -L*... *' - ;;.-."h'h..-. \o "oreaharh-0sft n.,oe. ooliirar,L ," -Fo.'rr"'d.q€'a1 o i l_.*er',o- 5i.i4o..6 i4;'s:,';;1".o-,;i:;;;;.'.::op",t,;;;;;^€a r.c.;o'."0'do.,. ,h,-e"-"1 r:16.odi,o-'t6 Cuslomdr Oervic€ Monitonng. somodh uorwBen bankempoycs a id €corded bv poNsd6 o eisuequa ivor$tras INFOBIi]ACI6N IMPOFTANTE SOBRE SU CUENTA Rosumen do Dsrschos do l_actrrdci6n. )'.'s"c-s ' J, o aj oa ciialod5efuldddiDoo€rc -e dlDe,oar,d! o noo's sudr-,doelo ;;;;;:;:; -*-"- "*, ",.1 Paqos. Los Pa0oda.'Conror Lo e !o!.do- or .ondopagod ^"-" dr""^bb ": idc, o.M"re " p (>d'od .polb6 "i ilrd"J dc s 3 , F;.i"' m d.d ,oGL doi oo 6' eoami.i,lL^" ;,"^j;p-i." i,;." .;;i;--^.,r*&dn-a;rre;it*eb:oit i;,er. os o.soae'oN p^.o!o_pdeo.dc.Lioospoi.r0-6 ":.";L ";;,;;;;;;;":"'. ; c,ii iii.";;"i*ui"ooo "." i;;j;;.";;.-d;-;;6.i koDoerddqo.qom., dnoos'a"qBelFr'r .'.i"-'-..,.d".F8]i c6moEultar Paaar lnl.r6€66Eoltr€ comp'a€ -aFP-"dP\4 . d npb,rL.botsn, o,or sam .!"0o"ds ror6 cusnlai GaBnilzEdo6. qa ic-L;;ii;',;;".^*" ;".;;;;.;"..^,...cdde,,de:raL!';c'r"Due-G'o o_o br,o '- 6'4_ o do c 6 d" de;",t;i'"oo m, o @ .-"{:;,ilJ";-';..,:;"i.:.;,;d" -*;;:_.;i;.:;d;;i,a:;;;-c'; id" r--"o". eo o6a' ,"d dl..a3!." 6G;;,;.;,;;;;"; ia,ei."cbL bi.da dr'o s d&o 6!d3 !.3 change of addrs€s Form - I )o( I addross has chanqod, provdeyou, conp ere n6w addrEss below. BB surs loch€ck bor on r€vesssLde orcoupon and endos6 n tho enlo Dpo dovd;. poas€G6ln"sdrononLVtoraddesschanses ttyourraveanyquoslons peas€caLlhslolliioocusloFerseMcenrmbsonlh€lronlorl116slaLemenl Formutario de Cambio de Oiiecci6n - sL { d edon ha cambiado, proporc one su nueva d recclon compalaabalo. aieqLr€se ds md,caro cuad'o aldorso do cupdny il\:UT'. 1-:X:: ^-^ri;: [):X::.:^il:] "X-i"-.tXX:il WELLS FARGO vrsa stal.menl Billing Period Ending in 8680 12 1 1 31201 A lo O I I 13 12016 Transactions (Continued...) ftans Post Relerence Nulnbet CredlE chatges lnterest charged INTEFEST CHARGE ON PUBCHASES 2'49 NTEBEST CHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES O.OO TOTAL II.ITERESTCI|ARGEd FORTHIS PERIOD $2'19 2015 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED IN 2OI5 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED N 2OI5 $0.00 $2 49 lnterest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percenlage Rale (APR)is the annlalinl€Iestrate on your accounl Bilting PURCHASES CASH AOVANCES $266.77 32 $2.49 23 49!. $o.oo 32 $000 Wells Fargo News Slartth6 yeal ofl slrong - sel uP your monthly bills lor auLomatlc peymenl lsing yourW€ls Fargo cr€di(Carq visilw6llslargo com/credilpay and cick tho Wels Fargo VcaCardholders ink -rhen choos€ your metchanLs lor auiomatic biLling ll s smarL and simPle and you earn lewErds points ior Paying biL s wilh your W€lls Fsrgo credit Card Manage your account without leaving your chair Check out the online Credit Card Service Center today Now you can manage your Wells Fargo Credit Card 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sign on to Wells Fargo Online' at With just a few clicks, you can . Pay your credit card bill . Switch to online-only statements . Add cledit card features iike Rapid Alerts' . Request additional cards for your account . Put a picture on your credit card' . Track your expenses - and much more It's that simple. See for yourself, today. rSrrvice lr.vider I!.s nl6yapply w!Lh tRrso rPserlcs tho nsht ro a(Ept or reje.t anv inage Thc.Card.Densn sh"ln' **rornoravahhl.L.ih€PLivareBanillyInviratLorovisaSisnnlrre"'caidVrsaCred)tCardswtbp'J\tavelealLte orchip-!as€dtechnoLosrrhcWellsFa.soPropelALnenca ExPr€ssccartls artlroPrivst-"BankD!bnCald 'zwe]]s Fdso rescrces rhe risht to denycer tanlnases Cl2crr4 \teLls FarsoBank, N.A All righrs ros0rved. Me.rbar rDIC EcG 1169951 ARLENE S REMEZ For Accolnl End ng ln 8580 Page 3 ol3 Help manage your bills, right when you need it Transfer your higher-rate card balances to your Wells Fargo Credtt Card. Ifyou have credit cards with APRs higher than our special low promotlonal rate, you may be paying too much. Transfer your balances, manage the number of bills you pay, and reduce the amount of interest you'll pay. It's easy. Here's what you need to do' . Gather all your credit card bills, including department store and gas cards . Check the APR on each one. . Transfer the balances with APRs higher than our special }ow promotional rate to your Wells Fargo Credit Card. In addition, a balance transfer fee applies. . Ca]] 1-8oo-4OO-9423 to get the details of your offer, Take a moment to review your bills and see whether consolidating now is right for you. If you have any questions, we're here to help Call 1-8OO-400-9423 Hurry offer expires soonl Generallrwewill with hrgher APRS apply your minimum payment first to lower APR balances (such as Purchaset beiore balances Guch as Cash Advances). o 2014 Wells Fargo Bank, N,A. Allrights reserved, N4ernber FDIC EC6{198996 WELLS FARGO vrsA Balance Summary Stalemenl Bllling Period Ending in 8580 't1l 1312014 to 12h212014 24-Hou. Cuslomer S€rvioel TTY lor Hearing/speech lmpaired: OuLs d€ lh€ US Callcol€ct: 1-e00-642-4720 j-800-419.2265 j-925-825.7600 send General lnquiries Tol PO Box 10347, De6lMon€s A 50306 0347 + Purchas€s, Baanc€ Transtors & $352.45 $5000 $oo0 $000 $61 Ol s0.00 $2.96 $366.41 $6000 $5 633 Payment lnformation Ne Brlarce $J66 !l Send PdYmen(s Tol N4 nimum Payment $15 00 PO Bor j0036 Los Angoles CA 90030'0086 Paymenl Due Dale a1/O712O15 Lalo Payment Warning: liwe do not receiv€ your [4nirnum Paymentby 01/0712015 you may hsv€ lo Pavalale Ie€ uP to$35 Minimum paymenrWarning: lt you make on y the minimum payment €ach period, you w llpay more ln iit€rest and ilwiliake you longer Lo pay ofi your this mske no add itional cha rges u sing And you willend np paying an estimaled totalor... Only lhe minimum paym€nl $415 1477 -2A6-2108 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program summary Rewards Ba ance as oil Rewards Balance Expiring as oi: Rewards Balanc€ Exp r ng as oll 1113A/2014 1213112A14 01/31/2015 19,797 55 136 The Rewards Baance is lor Rewards lD 60003347455 Thisbaancemavbe aclus ve ol oln€r conl iouli q Rowards acco,'ls. Eo.LplooaleRe\/ardsBaanceinlorralon.otno'€wdy! lo earn and redeem vou' rewards v s l MvWe sFa goBewatds cor o call 1_8/7_5171358 lransactlons fta,E Post ReLrcncaNutnbet Cted s charges Payments 11120 12t02 Purchases, Balance Transfers & Other Charges 12102 24445oOPIOOD2VB76 CVS/PFARMACY $O9SO5 CAIMPBELL CA 61 01 i6iiiTFncnases, gauNcE TRANsFERs & orHER cHARGES FoR rHls PERIoD $6101 TOTAL PAYI\4ENTS FOR Fees Charged FEES CHARCED FOR THIS NOTCE: SEE BEVERSE slOE FoB MPORTANT NFORMAT ON ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT Delach and mailwith ch6ckpayable loWolls Fargo Account Number 18580 New Balarce $366.41 M nimum Payment $i5 oo Paym€nt Du€ Date a110712o15 I,lrIl, ,,ll tr,IrI IU t, rh|,, tllrltll llllltllll,l ARLENE S BEMEZ CAMPB E LL CA 95OOS.3O4 8WELLS FABGO CARD SEBVICES PO BOX 30086 LOS ANGELES CA 90030-0086 Ch6ck here and see revorse foraddress aid/or phon€ number corection ll, r,ll, qr,l,,lllh l, rtr,I I tl l,,rlr rl rlfi,, rlll"ll'll IMPOATANT INFORI\4ATION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT ao 30 5-7 0+ vo f" r. o0{} iyou,re[6, G vi,isi NoliF) p,o! annor rooon /o- c, de ilifn t.d^ecnvd lor lo@{f h" s 4q.n cro 6 reni" nrno amo-d,L6on rb€ oooo: nomenrb o trnti r00 m o50r iN tu r i rdo "- a{,o ture id pa or' d r.io1?r o.\ra;.o sfn 16uld 1aolr Da! vo.3!, An 030irr uaans by ha due daLe6ach ftnh w s6cur6d accounte c0!0 d 'e0 I po c4 dd" " 1686ano €s! if,4 m, d(r.o.i o INFORMACI6N IMPOBTANTE SOBNE SU CUENTA ,6od66od*cLh ec-aBr,a_o,o,.dooop_e4.oooe 'she q(napct dsrlo 06mooor{0qor(r'o En su.rno(um Nolk4i6i p., Escdd). p.,rdo,mcuyd Lasq! snb hromaddi , Laifthavdrmomo endda,es de . una des.i F6n deiErdyh,o:6n p.r a!!; ltedJe€q!3es!iEn M;i;,^ ; e: ;Frc^ no {E€;dsrm a'. and oddoeo?ro' rc,o %_a" rbmJi.d 06@ s. (r6nh o ,^"-"" ."".." "; "d:Ad o rr,{. Bi,,;ni.l;l;,.cr.oi m' -o'eo "m:" L'0a { u\ 5 o m 5sran c.Fdl;0; " a ka l oo s oclo oo'o(6ero L;00 oN " r- cenlaran i dd 6noolhsrcdraei que recbam6 su Paqo ysu ii6ltu $i. o a G d('o 'eo '.o o cdmoElllor Paolr lnl€rss€s sobrc comDr6.. ,a'ac"oe r"i .n p & ucbd Fna or dod 06 ,r-d)dtu!!dre'! e.40oa r adjdnLco sn €l 6ob e aMxo "ffi rE t .::i::l i:,\::\ i::il._ili:l t .*."\.---.i WELLS FARGO vtsA slatement Billins Period Ending in 8580 '1 1 I 13 120 14 to 1 2h2 120 14 Transactions (Continued...) Irans P6l Refstancs Numbot Crc.Its Chary$ lnterest charged INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES 2.95 INTEREST CHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES O.OO 2014 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED N 20]4 TOTAL INTEBEST CHABGED N 2014 $0 00 $53 73 9337.08PURCHASES 2319t 90.00 30 30 $2.95 $0 00CASH ADVANCES lnterest Charge calculation Your Annu al Percenlage Rato (APR)is lhe annlalinleresi rate on your account. Manage your aeeount without leaving your chair Check out the online Credit Card Service Center today Now you can manage your Wells Fargo Credit Card 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sign on lo Wells Fargo Online' at With just a few clicks, you can . Pay your credit card bill . Switch to onLine-only statements . Add credit card features like Rapid Alerts' . Request additional cards for your account . Put a picture on your credit cald' ' 'Irack your expenses - and much more It's that simple. See for yourself, today. rServicepr.vderiocsnrayafflywellslargor'"sPrvesihe,Lohrroa.ceFt.rrejectanvih0geTlrecardDerg'snnli' *Nre 6 not a"aihbh lor'l:h€ P!ivate BanhBt lnvilation'viss s,!naIrer carC, visa crsdit cdrds wnh pavv/ave leahte or clip.bssed techrolosn thcwelh Farso PropelAtrerican Expr€ss'coi(h orrhePrrvat€BrnIDcbncarl rwel)s larso reserv€6 to denycertain jnases. O 2ol, Wells rarqo Br nk, N.A. -^ ll rights rusorved Menber |DIC ECG 1169ssL Billing ARLENE S REIMEZ For Account Endifg n 8580 Pag€ 3 ol3 Help manage your bills, right when you need it Transfer your higher-rate card balances to your Wells Fargo Credtt Card. If you have credit cards with APRs higher than our special low promotional rate, you may be paying too much. Transfer your baiances, manage the number of bills you pay, and reduce the amount of interest you'll pay, It's easy. Here's what you need to do' . Gather all your credit card bills, including department store and gas cards. . Check the APR on each one. . Transfer the balances with APRs higher than our special low promotional rate to your Wells Fargo Credit Card. In addition, a balance transfer fee applies. . Call 1-8OO-40O'94?3 ta get the details of your offer. Take a moment to review your bills and see whether consolidating now is right for you. If you have any questions, we're here to help, Call 1-8OO-40O-9423 Hurry of{er expires soonl Generally, we will apply your minimum payment first to lower APR balances (such as Purchdses) before balances wlth higher APR5 (such as Cash Advances). o 2014Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. l\4em l)er FDIC, ECG-]]98996 WELLS FARGO vtsA Balance Summary SlatemenlBilling Period Ending in 8680 10 I 14J20 1 4 lo 1 t /t21201 4 94s4 33 $33000 $000 $ooo $229 66 24.Hour Customer S6rvio6l TTY ror Hearlng/sp€ech lrnpalr€d: Oltsld€ th6 US CallCollecl 1.404.642-4724 1-600.419-2265 1.925.025.7600 + Purchases, Baianoe Transters & s0.00 $3.91 $352 45 $6,000 Send General hquiri€6 To: PO Box 10347, Des \4oin6s 1A,50306-0347 $a 647 Payment lnformation $3s2.45 Send Paymenls Tol $15.00 PO Box 30036 Los Af96es CA,90030'0036 Late Payment Warning: lf w€ do nol r€ceiv€ your [4ii rmlm Paymenl by 12107/2014 you riay have to pay a lale fee up lo$35. fllinimum Payment Warnins: lf you mak€ only lhe minimlrm paymef I each period, you w lL pay mor€ in inloresi and il will Lake yo! onger to pay ofl your l(you make no addilionalcharges using lhis card snd each monlh you pay ,., And you willend up payrng an eslimated totalof... Onlv lh€ mlfimum payr.enl $397 1-877-285.2r08 PLEASE sEE THE ENCLOSED ll"'IPoRTANT cHANGES TO YOURACCOUNT TERIvIS.EFFECTIVE llvlir,lEDlATELY. PLEASE REVIEWTHE ENCLOSED BROCHURE FORIMPORTANT CHANGES TO YOUR WELLS FARGO REWAROS PROGRAI"'I TER[4S AND CONDITIONS. Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary Rewards Balance as of: 10131/2014 iS,573 Rewards Balanc€ Exp ring as oi: 1113412014 102 Rewards Balance Expir ng as ol. 12/3112A14 55 The Rewards Balance is lor Rewards lD 60003347455. This ba ance may b€ inc usive ol olher conlriblting Fewards accounis- For up lo-date Re\dards Balance iniormalion, or mor€ ways to €arn and red€em your rewards, vist L4yW€llsFargoRewards com or call l-877-517-1358. Transactions Trcns Post Retste ceNunbet Payments 1on 6 10122 1l/03 i l/03 1o/16 1a122 11/03 7446542MJOA94ZVEQ 7446542MF048X2Q57 7446542N40A99NR39 ONL NE PAYMENT ONLINE PAYMENT ONLINE PAY[/ENT 30 oo 100,00 11/08 7446542N90A993MQ1 ONLINE PAYI4ENT 100.00 TOTAL PAYMENTS FOR THIS PERIOD $33O,OO NOT CE: SEE REVERSE slDE FoB MPoRTANT NFORTVATON ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT Ootach and mai wilh checkpayable to Wells Fargo WELLS FARGO CARO SERVICES LOS ANGELES CA S0030.0036 t,lr,, rl, rtlrtrlI l,lh t,, rI I lh,llr, rl, tI rt,,rlrt,ltlll ARLENE S BEIVEZ522 RA LWAY AVE APT ]92 cA[4PBELL CA 95008-3040 -3580 6352 45 $15 oo 12107t2014 , : check here and see reveEe lor address and/or phone nlmborcorection r,,, tlIt, t1,,, |l, rl,,, rlthrllI It,ll , r, rll,,,,lr,llltl,rh 'Bro o rerulot ),b.rdo_ei or aid$hvvaube e hse 5inEro .-ni., eootr\oJ-oe nd-srn btudi,dcroiro€errP".!!{ '; a_o- r rro'nc,ec.roi/eou \r'olvo 63\'!!0.r{\r'qodonrl0- d od;"' 31 -o odoPrdrir E 0'anirtuno-mol 0-6dnheoooo!or!o1.oe ,o r, Pr 'ooa.rond o d nJ olrhd\or ue e,ofrA ;;d-n.ol to o,o.tu. tr,s o",reni ". di hp - fr;.-ron. \adar r" '3 s.e,o-' pa/+_ 'c6r' oaLvo,.e5 r.{ 0€0, sr-pq s!d' do.L]rs"ro- .-t&br (r"-6oj "sao 6E{ ft tou.oadms,hr.ed& icudsso ora,ir-oio'n,e,6t retu am to{ I e. l" 0, o _is J ldou I,o p4 o" "i, o" d.s o.*o( oo r!a cq6lom6r s6rvic€ Monilonng nd €6ided by potui5ore loomuo quriv drsrute INFOF[]tACI6N IMPOBTANTE SOBRE SU CUENTA Re.u'n.n d6 Dsr6chor d€ Facturacdn. r,eso-ehtr, aro-no,o .n -n"ioL eor"d"cno:o o(d n'".ii ai.o " or o,jiaiic jin,i "",;,"i.o"e rdoo E re'tu"m@. eltc q n dpde .e "!i€," sc o "dhd" 6 Lmc do ) Fr ravor induya h 5 su 0n1e itriona. 6n . um de(iNdn 06 E,o v d Lzdn po, acla sred deo que es m Er .r'"q.a D o.f,s pa(o d. mon€oe sdo 6i0L-o MP "" n.s$; om< iomo,emo!mrsa,-rcmrl!o6@{..-!o 1oo o,ldqot .LrrJ6 o oque n'o o -rr' '"r;i;";;; r-;'a' ;;;!!.2catdo _n€' it. otd; t6,!. oio '.o " F2 c- *u. @ .i: d...^d..;." ^,. M"* " tutodormd,oF o.oidi'oodddidoda-69omseLnr.rooLioja r'aFd"do ddD(qlfs La5 ;;'s;o6,in ek,.p"ocsn ro- Pdsose' rq-pL_c^rd5o_d".0 r'd Ldo poi d0 0 oi; soJ$@"de-qe D6.DD ("nnaen " c e, oi a o. 5- .l6i d (-e1d.d_ 'd on@-oP msmodenlue'e(odrcs-pagd v5u rd r- nra por !i mnlo nrsora mnlolola *ir."Lo--tsae-o. obrecomorae, -'F616da6m s6 srcobn" " t:r Ld F sL s do d +5 L'dd - Mosllor6o dsl sorvicio al cll6n dosdellai@yilenosciionleplo 16stPs so,ss Prra 40gua' a€ldadde change oI Address Form - ryour address has chanqsd providayor r.omDlels now addross b6 ow 86 tre locheck bot on 'overse s d€or.oupon and etrclose n the envd opa provded. p oaso use th 6 secl on on y toradd16s chang6s I yor have anyq!on ons, poaEe caLllhelo lroo cusloher 6etuic€ number on lho lronloTlhs slal0m€il Formulariod€CambiodeOirecci6n-sisudi'6c.i6ihacambradopropo,cianesunuevddrecc6icompLBlaabalo.as69rrcsedendcdecuadroaLdorcodoclpdny adlonl€o on eL6obJe anexo. Por hvor usa oslaso'ci6n scamenls para camb os de d reccLdn sr lsno pioglnlas por ravot lame HOME " "!!iilrlll'ilil WELLS FARGO vtsa Slalemont Billing Period Ending in S580 '1ol 1 112011 to 1 t h2 12014 Transactions (Continued,..) frans Post Ret rcnce Nunbet DescnPtion Purchases, Balance Transfers & other Charges 10/25 10125 2473930[4VSZGNXFA2 SANANA REPUBLIC OUTLE 172 G LROY CA 223.66 TOTAL PURCHASES, BALANCE TRANSFERS & OTHERCIIARGES FOR THIS PERIOD $223.66 Fees Charged TOTAL FEES CHARGEO FOR THIS PERIOD $0,00 lnterest Charged INTEBEST CHARGE ON PURCHASES 3 91 NTEBESTCHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES OOO TOTAL INTERESTCHARGED FORTHIS PERIOD $3,91 2014 Totals Year-to-oate TOTAL FEES CHARGED N 2014 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED IN 2014 s0.00 $50.76 30 $3 91PUHCHASES $44710 23 49t" 30 90.00CASH ADVANCES lnterest charge calculation Your Annu al Perce ntage Rale (aPR)is the annoal inlerest rale on your accowl Billing 10.65% $o 00 Manage your account without leaving your chair Check out the online Credit Card Service Center today Now you can manage your Wells Fargo Credit Card 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sign on to Wells Fargo Online' at With just a few clicks, you can . Pay your credit card biil . Switch to online-only statements . Add credit card features like Rapid AIerts' . Request additional cards for youl account . Put a picture on your credit card' . Traekyour expenses - and much more It's that simple. See for yourself, today. LServi.epr.v,derleesnrdyo!,pLy.WpLlsFarsoreseNcstheirslrtt.a,:.epro'icjedanvrnrageThPcardDeeigrshnlio servrce is nor availabl. Jor'l he PN'are Banl By ln"traliorf Visa sisnal\,re''car.L, Visa cr€dilca,ds v,II pavrvave;are .r chip.Lrgod t€, the \dell6 Fargo PropeiAmprn:ar Expr*s"Carls,.r rhe Fnvrr. rtrnk Dobit Catd 'wells Faiso reserves the riqh: 1o deny c€rlalr mrases. o 2ol4Wells FsrsoBank, N A A Ll rishts reserv€d. M€drb.r F DIC EcG 1169951 ARLENE S REl\4EZ mry The followiirg changes are benlg made toyour credit card account terns. 1. This ch rge is b€jns made to all Consumer Cr€dit Card Customer Ag/eement and Disclosure Statements to clarify th€ use ofa thrd party/mobile devrceto make credi t trBnsactions on your Account. A dd to the end of s ection (6)Jbl&s JeL4-Acter\f a new subsection: .fhbdPdty/MobileDevices.Wemo.yalsopermitJouataD)authati2Edusertalaadinfotmationaboutvour Accaunt onta thi/dparry/mobtle devices (such os o smartpha e,tctblet,ot any other handheld at etearcbLe commur;icltian devtce that allotis you ta storc at elecnanicolly Nesent laut Accaunt InformaLion) that wauld enable you ta make Purchases or engase in credit trarco.ctior6 fat your Account without needing to shaw vout credit catd You and ve agrce that any such use of yaut Accaunt wit be subject to all the tetms and conditions contained in this Agrcemet\t. Ta the extent you do use a third p,7tty/mobiL,. derice ta make o credit trcnsactian afl yaut Account, ot load infatmation about row Account anto any such derice, lau need ta be ar')are that we do not connol the derice and cannat guatuntee the peiotmance of either the de\)ice or aftv thnd pattv Addittonally, . Yau agrce to carcfully prctect the secunt! af any devic€s rhe some oslrou would your cash' chechs, credlt cards and other valuable infarmation. We you to password protect or locl vot derice to help prerent anunautho zed percan from using it. You agree ta prcmptly rcpoft any loss ot theft to both us and the thid pat ty , Yau mat incw thitd patty fees rcIatcd to engaging tn o fronsodion (suc h as mobile earrier d ata or messaging charges). . Crcdit transa.tians made thrcugh a t1id. party/nobile derice may :',valve rhe electo nic t/onsnissio n of info nationrcIotedta yauat yaur Account ocross wi/€less or compure/ nerltorls Tltdporries, such os merchants, catd associatian netwo s, mobila caftierc, mablle wdllet opetutoi's' and soff",)are application proridercmay se andrcceire .r'farmatton in cannecttonwith a crcdit tr.lnsaction fhird potties mal aLsa rcceire infatmation about your mobile derrce when lou use it to mche a credit transaetion ' We may, at any time, pattially or fully restict your abili, ta make ueclit trctnsactions thrcush a thnd paftv/ mobile device. You agree ta natify us promptly if yau rer|ore ot \rant to rcmove vaw kcount information frcm any thnd party/mabile derice. 2. This change applies to Section 21"parnienrs", subsection "lrresular Payments", ofvour Consumer Credit Card Customer Agreement and Disclosure Statement, and modifres the ad&ess where irregulaJ pavments should be sent to' Wells largo, P.O Box 10311, Des Mojnes,IA 50306-0311 The res t o f your consun et ctedit Cad customet Agleemenf ond Disclosr/e sraf€n€ ni remains unchanged The loUowing noti4 i3 d@t fo! cusiomcd who sleak Sleish, Chinese, ViehaneF, KoFu or Tagdlog. IMPoRTANTB: Sj usted ao l@ ireldt, !id! s su tut€rpretc quc pviso y le dsqfta el cont@ido de asl! c6rro Lldnmor al 1800'642' 4720 pm disonir su dud! o Fibir ]m Fspsll a 3s plostuta g4#q | 4rXSETiSr€t ' iEeggdt€FFRl3*lAit*gli'E6*1+d!66 ' if€ r -800'642-4720 Ei-drE,4*Str6!FFi' oUAN IRoNG: NCu qu, r,i lltong doc d'1'1. tidng Anh, hdy Dld !8rlni thdng dlct ci! qu, vi x@ vA tdr! blv lei loi dug ld llu ;y oho quy vi. xin cai chnns tli r.Bi sd digl thoai I -8oo-e2 4720 dC bAn vb tAi tiQ! nrv ho& cldi dip ldt ci lrldc n{c ndo. 6q4qr €.ls El'l *4^l{, rl8}E 5q'J.ll;,ll q ^ldg .rl+e a5+jl d'8tl e4J. 61d^ls r"l *ql9+8la4E9+-€ rlg.l 9ls}lts 1.800.642-4?20 E dll6l td}ls. MAHALAOAT Kug hindi kayo nBkakabsa ng Inglcr, ipaepso at ipal@wd B inyon8 tlgosljng_wiko &g mgt nilalamo ng lihm !a ito ss inyo, Tawasm kani ss l -800-642-4720 !!dg @Pag'u5a!m ito ot @ssgol sg 60 mug D83 tobnu!83n o2ol4Wel5 Farlro Bank, N.A.A lrislits rescrved. MenrlEr FDIC ARLENE S FEMEZ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK For Accounl End n9ln 8590 Page 4 ol5 H r ccount mg In 8 g 01 I N O Continued a 7‘ 141312 O F‘NJJ'; 4 Of 5 10 5593 2000 C700 ‘f’llfl’ixb‘fl: AFILENE S REMEZ For Account Ending n 8580 Poge 5 o' 5 Help manage your bills, right when you need it Transfer your htgher-rate card balances to your Wells Fargo Credit CcLrd. If you have credit cards with APRs higher than our special low promotional rate, you may be paying too much. Transfer your balances, manage the number of bills you pay, and reduce the amount of interest you'll pay. It's easy. Here's what you need to do' ' G ather all your credit card bills, including department store and gas cards . Check the APR on each one. . Transfer the balances with APRs higher than our special low promotional rate to your Wells Fargo Credit Card. In addition, a balance transfer fee applies . Call 1-8OO-4OO-9423 to get the details of your offer. Take a moment to review your bills and see whether consolidating now is right for you. If you have any questions, we're here to help. Call 1-8OO-4OO-9423 Hurry offer expires soonl Generally, wewillapplyyour minimum payment first to lower APR balan- isqL Da r 6an0 6 sgosrasuo0o!0 oodoJdcuonrd rrJ ados'sa "6to im_oror'"do dddoa u! conoEvirar paoarlnr€r€sossobra comprss. ,racirdo\on- \o.r9r3To. 00.6 sob€o dh'"' --c0oida'bc Gdoa. -ooa_€Ela 6n "k. "os. lnl.rma.,6n EsM.lrlo n los C€sldontoj doCoromdo. .a 6l ;;. ,-. do,olo ijoor ro,dd!\orrrroo"o(iir o. oqa'cdes i.o{d.irdspo andnod6's Monitor€o d6l S6dicio al Clion od€ise'morio€adaslsBbadaspd O20riW€ sFaQoBaik,NA A t0hLstosorusd lodos los d6re.hos m6oNados Change ol Addro.s Fom-t'your addrcss has chansed prcvdoyourcompl6lenewaddre66boow. Bosuralocheci(boronrov66esidoorcouFnranden.os6inlheenvoopo orcvd; p|6seus€Lhtsso.liononytoraddr€ischansos ryouhav6anyqrssliois,p6s6calllhoLollGocuslomqs€v16numbaronlhokonlollhss!aLEm6nl FomulariodecambiodoDirecoi6n-srsudrsrc6nha€mlrado,prcporciondsunuavadire..dn6mpl6laabalc.Aseg(lrss€deindcareLcuadfoardo6odalcuP6ny WELLS FARGO vrsa slatemenl Billing Period Ending in 8680 12114120 13 lo 0 lh312014 ffiI Transactions (Continued.,,) Trcns Post Rafetence Numbet DsscrtPtlon Credils Chatges Purchases, Balance Transfers & Other Charges 12121 12!21 24445OOB4OOQP{HJ3 OFF 5TH ' 741 G LROY CA 58 70 ,4445ooB7ooBsxBF9 oFF 5TH S 741 GILROY CA 225 07 s900.54 Fees Charged TOTAL FEES CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD lnte16st Charged INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES 15 43 INTEREST CHABGE ON CASH AOVANCES O OO i6inr rtrenest cttenoED FoRrHrs pERtoD $15 43 2014 Totals Year-to.Date TOTAL FEES CHARGEO IN 2014 TOTAL NTEBESTCHABGED N 20]4 $0 oo $15 43 $0.00 lnterest Charge Calculation Your AnnualPerconlage Rate (APR) is lh€ anrual inlerest rate on vouraccounl PUBCHASES CASH ADVANCES 10 23.491" $1,706 42 $0.00 31 5.43 $0.003l Get more out or your carq. il# wrtnout leavrng your cnalr r Check out the online Credit Card Service Center today Now you can manage your Wells Fargo' Credit Card 24/7 Sign on to Wells Fargo Onllne@ at With just a few clicks, you can: ' Pay your credit card bill . Switch to online-only statements . Have ongoing bills paid with your card . Add credit card features like Rapid Alertsl ' Request additional cards . Put a picture on your credit card2 ' Track your expenses - and mr.rch more It's that simple. See for yourself, today' Together w€'ll so far rserui.e lrovider lees may app\'.'Welh rarso rcse*es the risht to denv.€tain images' O 2012 wellc l3rso Bauk N.A. All nsh ts rosorvcd Menbcr lDlC lcc 703665 Ralo (APR) Billing #;*rm;nt WELLS FARGO vrsa slatementBillins Period Ending in 8580 1 1 I 13120 11 to 1 21 1312013 $1,149.38 9r00.00 $0.00 s0 00 $ooo 24-Hour Custorner Servicei TTY ior H6aring/Speech lmpaned: oulside the Us CallCollect: 1.e40-642-4724 1-800-419-2265 t-925.425.7600 $0.00 $10.13 $1,059.51 $6,000 Send General lnquiries To: PO Bor 10347. D€s [4oines A 50306'0347 Balance Summary + Purchas€s, Balanca Transi6rs & $4,940 Payment lnformation Now Ba an(e $'0595' send Payments To: Mifimum Pay.nenl $21 oo PO Bo{ 30086 Los Ang€Les CA 90030_0086 Paymenl Due Dste 0110712014 Lato Psyment Warnins: Itwedonolr€c€iveyourrviirimu.n Paym€ntbyol/07/2014,you mayhave toPay alatet66 !Pto93s ltinimum Payment Warning: llyou mak6 onlyihe minjmum paymenl€ach period yourvillpaymoreLnifter€slaiditwiltakeyo!longertoPayoffyour lbis make no add ilional charges using lhis slalem!nl in about.,, And you will end up paying an ectimaled lolalof... Onlv lhe min mum pavmert $1,562 $35 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary Rewards Balanc6 as of: 11t3A/2013 17,063 The Rewards Ba anco is for Rewards lD 60003347455 This balance may b€ inc usiv€ of other contrbutng Bewards accounts. For up lo dats Rewards Balance inlormalion, or rnoreways- lo €arn and red€em your rewrrds, visil MyW€llsFargoR€wards com or call 1'877'517_1358 Transactions Payments 7446542ADOA92MNY9 7a165r'rAROAe31MBA 1112A 11t24 50,00ONLINE PAYMENT ONLlNE PAYMENT TOTAL PAYIIIENTS FOR THIS PERIOD Fees Charged $100.00 TOTAL FEES CHARGED FORTHIS PERIOD NOTICET sEE REVEFSE SIDE FoB MPORTANT INFOBMATIoN ABOUTYOUR ACCOUNT s0.00 Detach and r'lalwilli ch6ck payabl€ toWells Fargo WELLS FARGO CARD SERVICES PO BOX 30006 LOS ANGELES CA 90030.0086 rl,rlrrrrll,,rh,llrhl,,rrl,'r , rh 'ltr,tllrl",t|l| ' " ll' lll ARLENE S REMEZ 522 RAILWAYAVE APT 192 cAIvPBELLCA 95003.3043 I8530 $1,059 51 $21.00 011o7/2014 g' Check her6 and s€e rev666lor addr€ss afd/orphone number corr6ction ,rtl t, rl l,,lrtlh,rll,,rtrl,,trl,,r fl ll,l, tI lrlh r,rtrll IMPORTANT INFO RMATION A9OI.ITYOUR ACCOUNT Fb- ij& iit d;_l,t;;;iA 'o baobj .VJn-" .i. t.' ro".o eo r. Yo tu mr'r (L 'sdho rca-s('-crdrod e . rhoda,8eddo amou orsus@ddEro'. D;:";;i; ;ii;t;il;:;i;hi1;;;;i"i; ih". " - E". Ashe LhB irem yo, a,o nol suo ab.d ;dL;i,;i, do.mFnr; '*odL"o,otr o.osd oaoaoo.iodrcuilr,orco"Lr0)dd- opr/ q-cod -db;;p;";:::i:;;:;;;.E;:!;:;s:;l;;t i o i;rt$,jparo h€a I o J16 dq b6'oa hsd o 30^(a ..p- ^sra'o(de'ed'ql"drB dtft ol vdnldr t c P cr.d lnlo,malion. NorcE d n';rFi oo,hn,or oei616'ere, ro s d6ni N ( P1r,oLh ln00d 0p o o i a o)d . rT ao oror' r. or.:.b',1. 8 a,bak hd"r qir, iod.i Re/2o5o7r 9-droo/m"1'r. _o d*haqe,o I dr' s€M6 ilmbr lcr€d o^ rfo no ol rh s da16mod. H6w ro auold pavind lntor€3ton Purchasds \oi", m6 rD'oD .;'"*h... " ",fi.;r.nno n ;i;a:;i;;:';i;-;r;d;" .'r,F"o;*l;/6i.0:e'ordroo'oo 05i'nq' adonlh'etodol$saa6mlo'3({yollh6|o'm cuslomorssrvicot.lonitolingscms€jlslrsjv/enbeiksrPloyoosandrccoldodbypstrso6loomuloquah}olsafrcs tNFoFMActdN TMFoRTANTE soaRE su cUENTA A6sumondsD€r€chotdoF€cluraci6n,sorcBqlshalaLs'lionar€nsus adodo.usnratn-Ero/l,os nms iramlsmromiqr6i5ob:s!::i;;l; r;;.;;;;; *" " oa €prr.c.pd rcrc " " i.""ioro;; a s €o{d} "o Bo z Da;-"iaoi."' o,i "n-*sn 0 ..,,"-. o-. oo.o p . " " aiii6;;::: ";qJ;t d d;tr ""it;nt;: o !4G m 6!00do(.nL) p6 oa,6 o _od0 €nrr ''. d0 o(\o : ! ";!;ipi;;ll; ;il;;#;;;; G'J.l;;G,ra; qre * * E' avo,dsssbas [6md' qlanosdas€suro 6. o E'o \6 1s o' 0.Fs-o' 'o6csooodt (? " "0""'o@roo.p*";:r;;;:rp"i;;--;ajal;oroqF. ord!"!po'oo'op"oo \o'^4d6Ld'odeb" iJ.]";i;:;;l;;;;li;;, ':; -. o;";b"do 'oB tt,to;'rio o r'ro.o.. 'iri;"+i...;,'q";i",t.;ioi"d,isr..{ @rer"do s 6:s:Jo:;.;:" n2 d;ib i; :t ls;a:i36 on d rcoo G 6roao @)0'ao r-o J a06' i'aoo obodB de":d'd A-\aa{nE an'e\anda(nedqss uo o oionddqocaoii;. r",;;;;.d,M;;a;i;i:"o o.o.".. s' o"oo-- - . rg:rir I ii,ioi_.r; sjio:";;:":.,jt driia i+ia rme,. .i'o je:d ;ta;no -pao .. rr"d-ao.a"ood4>"r'le-o lood,E(-ans ''-voopo' aoo_oroool'r u6 r'dsodlo r'o 5J'i;;.,fiid:6 i. ;: Fd d;'407.: qj.i;.0 Otre/;os, c6moCatcut€mosSuSatdo.usaMunn*lododanom.adotadoda,op6mdo{ncuyBndon@vdmmp@t'Pa,dmasinloma.6nacaddsadocAhuo,pslavo,llffi&nusLro nlhoro g.aLuiodssercio arC 6 6 como Ev .r P€oar lnl€rdsossobr€ Con as dra \coo \o^ ln{drm.cidntsF(ialDar.losFEsidorlotdoColorado L"'6,;.il;:i;;;i;;;:; i.;,i" " h',,,.wd-r"--"."ka, os *o- ;"" '"..ii" i'*eto o-"0, s.looodopjb ;Db: mrna . {s o o O?ollWa sFa@oBaik,NA AlrqhcIs*rysd Todos osdorochosrcs6vados Change ot Addross Foh provd6d Pleas€ uso lh s s6cllon Formulario de cambio de WELLS FARGO vrsa slslementBillinqPeriod Ending in 8680 '1 1 l 1 31 201 7 lo 121 1 31201 3 Transactions (contrnuecl...) rrcns Post Relerence NumhBr lnterest Charged Crcdlls Charys NTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES 10.J3 INTERESTCHABGE ON CASH ADVANCES OOO 20'l3 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CNARGED N 2013 TOTAL NTEREST CHARGED IN 2013 $42.50 6123 63 10.65% 31PUBCHASES 23.49q' $o oo 31 $oooCASH ADVANCES lnterest Charge Calculation Your Annu al Percentage Rale (APR)is lh€ annuallntoresi rate on your account. Charqe $r0.13$1,120.48 Get more out of your eard without leaving your chair Check out the online Credit Card Service Center today Now you can manage your Wells Fargo@ Credit Card24/7. Sign on to Wells Fargo Online@ at With just a few clicks, you can, . Pay your credit card bill . Switch to online-only statements . Have ongoing bills paid with your card . Add credit card {eatures like Rapid Alertsl . Request additional cards . Put a picture on your credit cardz . Track your expenses - and much more It's that simple. See for yourself, today. Toqeth€r we'[ so fa! @ 'seNicepro"idei tees nray apply:\'ells Falsoiaserves the nsht lo deny corroin imases O 2012 W€lls l-argo Sank N A. All Jighs rcseNed. Member F DIC ECG 70366 5 ffic;#'m ARLENE S REMEZ Boost your Bonus Points this holiday season by shopping through the Earn More MalI' site N rfifurilHffif.ffiM bl@mlngdole's *ffiq:ys This holiday season, shop through the Earn More MaIl site to find perfect gifts for your loved ones and watch your Bonus Points add up.'You can shop at over 1O000 participating retailers in-store, or avoid the crowds and shop online. And you can take advantage of limited-time Special Offers. Earn Bonus Points - shop through the Earn More Mall site today. H DSWDESIGNER SI]OE WARTTOUSE' Merchahb ind offeE e subicct ro chanse Easy steps for holiday shopping: L Visit MyWellsFargoRewardsEMM'com 2. Browse all of the participating retailers 3. Log in to Online Banking to shop and earn Bonus Points ,p! L.,Dau na mercha n rs of rl,c ra'n n4o, e M.ll sire co nt bl rbc variabillty ol rhc oftcre shovrn Bonus rewrrds poi n h s re .on,ed on ',.i'i,i"1"""'. L";,+"*".,,n! ,durhs/credjb) onL/ ue.sevrsir MvwellsiarsoRewardsEMM com to se€ the 'omplcte t€ms and ." ;,,". ..*"*.,r,d.n,.,,. tua,,,q,\.s.4. o.s,"d N.,n ""., .q \! r oti., @ 2or3W€1lsI!rso Bank,N.,A Allrjql)rs rcserved M€nbcr IDlc lcc 10?0660 WELLS FARGO vtsa Balance summary @ slalemenlEilling Poriod Ending in 8580 1oh 4120 17 lo I 1 11212013 $t 192.41 $130.00 $o03 $o0o $77 o0 $0,00 $10.00 $r,r49 38 $6000 Send Gene16l lnquiries Tol Po gox 10347, oos Moines A,5030ti,0347 24-Hou Cuslomer Servic€: TTY lor Fearins/spe6ch lmpaired. olts de lhe US Calcollecll 1-eo0-642.4720 1-800-419'226s t-92s.325-7600 $4,850 Payment lnfoImation $1,149.38 $2200 12t07/2013 PO Box 30086 Los Afg€l€s C4,900s0-0086 Lale PaymentWarning: llwe do not receivo your N4 nirnum Paym€nt by 12l07l2013, voLr may have lo Pav a lato les uP Lo $35. [4 inimum payment Warning; tt you mak€ onty lhe minimum paym€n I each period, you will pay more in ]nter€s I and rt wil lake yo! longer lo Pay ofl your Ityou mafie no addilionalcharges using lhis card and each monlh you pay.., lhis And you willend up paying an estimaled tolalot.- Only rh6 minimum paymoit $1,728 $37 1-r77-285-2108. CONGRA'TULATIONSI DUE TO YOUR GOOD CREDIT STANDING, WE HAVE INCREASED YoLIR CREDIT LlMlT. YOUR NEW CREDIT LllM T S AVAILASLE NOWiYOU DEC1OE HOWYOU VVANT TO USE IT THANKYOU FOR CHOOS NG WELLS FARGO. Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program summary Rewards Balance as of: 10/31/2A13 16,986 The Rewards Balanco rs {or Rewards lD 60003347455 T. s batance mav b€ inc.usive ot olhe co lr b-r no Rewards accoJ_ls. Eo up-]o-dal€ Rowa,os BalanLo rnlot'r'al or ot rro € ways ro oarn a.d rod€eT yo'r'ewards, v;sil MvWeJsFa goq€wa'ds uom o' (a l'877 517 1358 Transactions r.€rs Posr Retercnce Nulnbet Payments 1o/13 1o/13 744654282040536GY ONLINE PAYMENT ctodlts charges s0.00 Other credits 1o/13 PERIOD NoTLcE: sEE BEVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMAT oN ABOUT YOUR AccoUNT $130.00 INTEREST ADJ . PREV CYCLE PURCHASES O'03 TOTAL OTHER CREDITS FORTHIS PERIOD SO'OI Dolach and maiLwlih ch€ck payablo toWells Fargo Account Number I8ss0 Now Balance $1 149 38 MinLmum Paym€nt $22 00 Payment Due Dale 121a712013 YKG 4 l,llIr,tl,ll trhlIltl''rl'Illl|l' lt'r'tIrrlr'r hl'Ir,tl ARLENE S REMEZ 522 RAILWAY AVE APT 192 cAf,4 P BE LL CA 95008-3048WELLS FAFGO CARD SERVICES PO AOX 300A6 LOS ANGELES CA 90030,0086 Check here and ss€ rev€rse for addl€ss snd/or phone number correclion llt,llllrll r , rl,rrll,l,l,r,l ,lru lr, rlrll' rlltltr' llt' lllll' IMPOFTANT INFO RMATION ABOIJT YOU R ACCOUNT ooEn./)osvo_6[5030!ot)\4/6"{rFarbn,oo?drroodr,qxde6'6'r}oh6'q."dw{_roE"odpof,edvotN,tlh.'dorqFts rrd'ea 10 'hsrrs.0.').b,,Jo_q50r r'o p.3 slator' 0 r. ,ond c$d.o )( ds i;"oiio, r*e rrr dd on o!o edrn6 " sodd L o, amu'.r ll ro. hcre d. Ii@1.0 p",r;. d r ' -T. d pubB 6,otr ai q-d o .p op,'-€ ;' h, ^ m^ nd n".o rd.r, h6,6n;nio amor o-€ on h€od! nomsEie o'n rin,oo 1 a 6 iou ru'' cado s, aa,o/ s a io F 0 r ab"- r o $o o.Dl c'sdir lnloharion. NoT cE oi o-.f r.o r r ro- oo 6,0 orc o5'oc, ds r'r'\6i lo. r ln00d.op o atoli o, roo,o€-. hs tu,'m rBr a- "o r"4id rnx .t sa ^o u:o i'o -d'od'ro- lori !\ .o'. po{do oq9/20d 0, \.drp" 'ec^ _o d:.4'dqo)0. '.ld"br Howwo calculale Your EElonc dlybaiaoca(ncldnsnswp rchasst' s6ry6 nunb6' caGd on rhorrodorlhs slalomd Howro av6id pdvind lnr6r6st on Purchases. ro-rPa,mo D.o D illi*.,;li-ilrdt*rnor. we{ e '6!rr c" 1.dLG .0oiin,o!. toaon so6cial lnlonnoxon lor Co,orado Bosidonts. .oo:do.," 4u o slen on $errc orrht$a!o'F ioracqyorlherorm C!610m6r s6nic€ Moniloring, INFOFMACI6N IMPOBTANTE SOBFE SU CUENTA Reiumand.D€r€.hosd€Fdclu'acidn. s, a6o-an-.oLro1o , ;L '.L.d'!en-i"io. sr"o"uno,olio am a'B"Dlii lidd i "i nii. iitii "" "-J e;;o;;'.idd d'D:- s s Lmoi c.6-; a"q's +Je 6s t' o-o, sF Br d ioi 6 d6 6Ldo,JB.-anEl d6'o. ndF o roo a 6 .rr.E ds oa o. dd),po,Javo,induyalaslsui6 6nronaddi: . La hrha !; rc o enddh,6. & . a;Jis;rikj('.;,i;14,di ;€z6np., sd;ir,6d.equeesnEn sro Er or frsf & o Ma b' i,oio--om,.ioM'a,no patcob? srB.10d0, p 60r|0 5i D d"uo bd)rNiItucu ;;';; ,;;ii; d;i;; .:.;it;on;; e' ooi ndrc- oreo 6..oa..i. " o.oo@'.us qu' hsahosros (3) d as ha!'bs an14 doldiaon ques!6p.os,amad0 srpa€o auon$r.o *Jiii"-,-,i,r-"]*.,u ooeo\.,)r'aesvo6^)0,06!5r'rn5d-"r"dssdo -iE i& d"do o prdo D06 94aardI! o-do oicl"'cn !< , "6dlioire6i.^oa ,o M"rs{P$mdnfoiLr..h"'AaounrAdt..t 5dodi.m b"€n irA.)LrD oe.o^ ( l;;i.;;;'""-';;.;ia;'d,A:;i'h'or;;5bms6'rnade€;6".b.3.6sr'6(10Lo:Psqoelo'o-oad6(hodsoosp6sdok)p r;.....-*"."p-*dicoiro, p ns Lo-so paso sb.rn.sP! n3qrs o:oaodo!o.N bbir B m,s ir;.rol6ntr"asd,tr -ds.u( rr ra o. dnromdo dosLooq.oordr$n |s &do@ o6i dd o€ h c"enu S u,.oo osn d ra l 'o: oal;,nu.s so0.o6_ C6moCilcul.mosSusaldo,lrsamsunn*Lododsnomidadosardoda.iop,omdolncdloidotruevd.ompffl como rvirar P6oar tnrsr66os sobr€ comrrq6. r-s- "osvs ( No.rgram. sa.s,!d6 !6m'*.ldboE.-oAlab€eoos lnrormacldn Esbdcial Drra loe Fssdohlos do Colotsdo. Frt'dos6J Jooa_i. rors l"b. ln16rmacion EEDs!raloaralos Rdsidontosdscolorado,dn DBvd.6, l56ir-0:, i/or _ea to:]o.T:b o appdr{ lo r}'or1 qLi'sd 0.16r' ( ouc '0 t 6 r" 6mei) b. dono .o r. l^ you oio,la wnFn Norcs ).p,ov -nnot €oon,oras d6 ii,6n or ralo dn,.(on ro co o r ho " ooed r oog3]s,cL-o'o'alopa'm Crodil lnlohat'on .j''oTdorl',o.ooe'o'ede5 a dod 'cnid.4i wls1r3' SaryG nurhs, salsdon rhsrD otlhisdarohotrr How ro Avoid Pavi.q lnlorosl on Purcho666. .o tr p,,ma" o B Drs d *d25 J3,5 J 6'\6 oadGo,tsd sdojon.ihdo'n iror,.Los hrs^s .s.a.'o .d Soeciollnlorm"lionlorColoradoRosidanls.coodoo rr8 !sdpo'o roiod,o,o-'d(&.)roro o. , r"d gl'or'0 5-.p6 0rr a;oaodo Pbd:o@.du.d.'0_ b lisrdr or rr'o r,oflolrhc slakrenlro,a@yor rtu ro,m Cuslomor S€rvic€ Moniloring. somodrs borw@i baik Bnr! oy$s and ou,clnom* htyrronomorcd a INfONMACION IMPORTANTP SOBAE SU CUENTA Rosumon d6 Dorochos os F€c aL..'oJos o.osri 4rs oo oc6 0 a!o"@.ole alisr-o cL6n a s qi.pJaosll'o' aras3 s 3rsos 6bo)do(.otlpo,oo La€'onop's!. Msn d,;/s-ri-src, noodro mt,@iaoan@ d"oosdsno a.o mrdaa-bdiado:oe5. .endo 60a' o(r 4 rr) d 6 h3! e5 d 6 oc d d ai qls s rafl os a-adoe p.go ". o d .o '01(o:q oodq i6(q. "Gieddo "rd o "a' s Ldod"bga's o'o\r' 0 n,.6!c onJomo - so /ai;bidddr6D"oa,B m o,s-Lmaads-oroooo o.o016 obn '' LD,sr/"0"an are;r;ooei o-e'tiaoai ad nsfr a o..oa' r @o,r's 6 di.r o €ru (o o d o baL.,' FoL 0l-o-o0r9ddo0€ o.d lhlormaci6n d6 CrCdilo. Av so Po3rcms dd inrormcdn soa{6 s! !u o.Mo _6 ra o 0 'rd.m iB' . "o-' o,o-r.d@ P6dos. o- Pdos en csio,moao -060-oonrosi nolA!.o da\oaParDra_r, -hd'Aaoun 4d'itr,dbotpo_baenino6 )cslo sslcd omdmr6...o!m.cleodmdhrdara asom sordnafl0oLd6srAre nioas-'{bo arp 'd dd } 5pn ra'A':13d ddo d dr".n-d' 6 La(no,aso6 miaDaL P;oG €n -onro m oftnodorrcncc:d drc msdo,4 06bon-o _o!(be aro /46_pad-' & d nroa.a de>u!5suoai de sdtd rJoa tdn-ie'si.'rooq'm'aoo' c.saco!'ca r ar oioo.oru'.6'as 'rrdo6'oorraDdcanq s a hdTo -p39o )5- odeJr -kenl 9r!m",on -da )yq-oaod o(r po 3o,.0/ oo 4id oF 97204 )0 ' 0: 0\p"€o,10 . C6mo Calculamos Su Saldo, usamsuinnLododeiminado\adodaop:omdio(incuyondonu8v6@nrp'6) Pa,a mes inloimac 6i a.6r€ cdmoEvilar padarlnl€r6€6ssobrsComoras Lsrochoda,s( 6m,d -.b0 o;" akkdadd6.u ado 3 -b L or s ! k.r aoe\o_. tr6_ o ooiddd m lnl6rh6cidn Esb6cialoarr los Rdsd€nl.s d€ Color6do. 6^o m6io0'6:o"mtooa-ro,- ,d,06 u -sn sddeo3lJ o odoto!(or5o.oo!.0r6_daddoLa'alU"'.pdd"llo!'1"'o Mohlt6r6o ddlsdryicio rlclian mdon 60r riiioroadas y ldad:spo o20irw6sFasoBanr NA A ilhkrosorod Tqlos los d och6,os adrs ChangeolAddressForm-tryouaddr€sshaschansed piovd6yourcompolsnodadd€ssb6lo! Edso'6lo.heckboxonreverse6ld6olcouponandoncoss nLhocNoropd prcvtdod. P s66 us€ lh s soclion oniy lor addrsss chansos. llyou havoaryquaslions, plo$o callllrolo koo cuslomer $ * nmb6, on lho lronl ollrr sslaLenenL Fomulario de Cambio de Direcci6n-s su dr€ccidnha€mblado, prop.rcloia str nu6va d reccl.d @mplsLaabalo Aseqrlrosode ndcao ouadroaldoreods cupar y i*" i * l- 1--""f * i 1 accoL.,r i -1-- rl'-F" ,*;*I -'--)'}-.)- )T t*i--1**i" .l I L L*r- "J ^i'* r* *l :.-:" l.-.*'*L i*:*i I l* i I]OME rl WELLS FARGO vrsa Slalement Billing Pedod Ending in 8680 07/13/2013 lo08/11/2013 07111 Transactions (Continued..,) lrans P6l Reforcnce Number other Credits INTEREST CHARGE ON PUBCHASES t- 1r -r6i.d16ro.!qoE-.F ou,,(sl-vEq FAc-OqY !sJ3 G LqOY CA 16 rr TOTAL OTHER CREDITS FOR THIS PERIOO Purchases, Balance Transfers & Other charges Fees Charged :;;; TOTAL FEES CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD lnterest Charged Crcdits Cfiarges 13 !7 07t12 07116 07/19 o7t2B 07113 24445QO62OO7GNFFS LUNARDIS MKT H3 LOS GATOS CA 66 53 07116 24046036600jBSABV CHEVRON OOO9oO49 GILROY CA s2 03 oi;ng iqorssgoootlslsro rK NooDLE *7 GILFoY cA 5e7 07 2a 2alaaOT6Jc3oD,rhlMo SJ\O-ASS HUT 6ooa5d!o Gl'qOY CA : :!! ?9 Toi@FdRTHrs PERToD sls3 oB TOTAL INTEBEST FOR THIS PERIOO CASH ADVANCES 2013 Totals Year-to-Oate TOTAL FEES CHARGED N 2013 TOTAL NTEHEST CHARGED IN 2013 $42.50 $79 48 32 $13.r7$i 411.25PURCHASES $0.00$0.0023 49V"CASH AOVANCES lnterest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percenlage Rale (APR) ls lhe annual int€rest rate on vour account BilUng ARLENE S BEMEZ For AccolrlEndng ln 3530 Page 3 ol3 T+'.. ..,h-,', rt ti n aIL D CLIJ\J\lL LIIII\',..- your bills rewarded you Earn rewards points bY paying your bills with your Wells Fargo Rewords" Card Nobody likes paying bills, but now you can earn rewards points by paying them with your Wells Fargo Rewolds Card.rYou can even set uP recurring payments - like cell phone, utilities, gym membership, or subscriptions - and earn rewatds points automatically on net purchases (purchases minus returns/credits).? Setting up automatic paymenrs is easy: 1. Visit weilsfargo.eom/creditpay. Click on the Wells Fargo Visa' or Wells Fargo MasterCard' Iink. 2, Choose from the Iist of participating merchants. If the merchant you're Iooking for doesn't appear, type the name of the merchant in the search freld, call the merchant directly, or visit their website. 3. Request automatic billing to your WeIIs Fargo Rewords Card To sign up for recurring Payments, visit today Trrs\".'.r,aor.l.irrtav/il'Wc .gor' Da rdTerl 'doerroor\\dl daoB Da dororedrn br-o. dl le9.'o ^i1.Flo on.r'o, er "poo der9d p r'ro.el olr" ,".: -ru.,ryo. .re ?'!o eo -Jrr'".d 1rrd6 pu r o' , L f oa\ eri i '16 : ( http //we for turther d€t.i r. ,Lerlrrnol,cno,e Ld sa orsooro "i r"^o' \poir.' d-144 3'e\o a r' dorla brlo ld\ ) o.qlL. 5' /.oqa-,g!,,,^r",,9F o'.J.diq6r 4 6rr tc5ob'\o$a_a\ i".i'nnt",r n""i tr'," rnt t*t. /iny tu€s or lnterest poned to a lnrk€d accoult includLnq b!t mtlimiNdio returned payment teet l.tefees,an.l mofthlyoranfLa membetshlp re'"s, dc not e'rn rewards points' o 2Ol: W€LlsFargo Brnk, NA AlLrlghLs reserved MembcrFDIC lCGt77910 WELLS FARGO vrsA Slalemonl Billing Period Endrng in 8680 0611312013 lo 07 1 1212D 13 Balance Summary s1,1r6 43 $28000 9000 $000 $47O 97 24.Hour Cuslom€r Service TTY ror Hoaring/sp6ech lmpai.ed: Ouiside the US CallCol€ct: 1-800-642.4720 1-800-419-2265 1-925-825.7600 s0.00 s10.24 $1,317 64 $4 5oO Send General lnquiries Tol PO Box 10347, Des Moines lA,50306'0347 93,182 Payment lnformation g1.g17 64 Send Paymenls To: S24 OO oO BoY 10086 Los Algel€s CA 9O0r0 .oaG 0alo7/2013 Late Paymenl li/arning: llwe do not(eceiv€ your Minirnum Paym€nl by 08/07l20i3, you may have lo pay a lai€ le6 up to Sss. Nrlinimum Payment Warningr ll you make only lh€ minimum paymenl each period you wi I pay more in inl€resi and it w ll lak€ you loig€r to pay oft your make no addilional charges using card and each monlh you pay... slalomenl in abo!t .-. And you willend up paying an eslimaled lolalot,., Only the minimum paym6nl $2,041 S43 $1,545 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary 16,195 0 0 16,666 Trackyour points balanc€ orgel more informalion at ww WellsFargoR€wards com or by cal lng I -877-51 7- 1358. Transactions rrdns Posl Roierqnce Numb9r Descrip on cr€dls Ctrarg€s Payments 06/13 06/13 744654255048YeiQ7 ONLINE PAYIIENT lOO.00 06/1A 06/18 74465425AOASV03HR ONLTNE PAYIiENT 50.00 a6127 06t27 74465425KOASV6ZBY ONLINE PAYIMENT 30.00 07n 1 TOTAL PAYIIIENTS FOR THIS PERIOD S28O.OI) NOTIoE: sEE BEVERSE S OE FOR IIVPORTANT NFOBIIATION ABOUT YoUR AccoUNT Detach and mai with check payabl€ to Wells Fargo Account Number 18580 New Balanc€ $1,317 64 Minimum Paymenl $24.00 Payrnerl Du€ Dale oalo7l2a13 -" ,= rll h,,tll, trtllh h rrrrl, lrll,lll,,rrllh rr|,r, r, r,l,, rll ARLENE S REMEZ 1 150 PEDRO ST APT C1I sAN JOSE CA 95126-3769WELLS FARGO CABD SEFVICES PO BOX 30086 LOS ANGELES CA 90030.0036 Check h€r€ and see reverse lor address and/or phone flmber correcuon. ,,JlII l, Ilrl,lt,lIl,,,,lthrlt,r, tr lt, tll,,,, I trll, r,, tl IMFOFTANT INFO FMATION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT B.rlina Rr.htssummarv, r',ou o;.tffi,+, D;n;"; l10rb.0.r? w", .- da 10-lou-oi,€ kijqod.^ 01r' hrhoF-o "poartu . Tho dats4d do d aiDlm01slsFded Etror. os;;f.; ollhsE o,andsht i;,'o;,,;; i. ";' ia-.iF." o e'i; n'.,o, w b !d.3' ?". sri do , b -& o-ao o!& o: aiF /or €,ari-posdo o " "rclpa;,:oba;:F; . ;o,o do _roa .iso"io ooodor'am o 50^(e.3 or!n!.ss.oror;_d'6ord6ro,m "o ra-0 dp i"€ cr6dir rnlordalion;;;;; ;p.i R- u\,/ D*M.d! a$ro.r5i7aoo6d;1d.ts;,!"./. /oi .'or. Ji.;,ft" o,,:toib o. F-F.Da 6od.b, o"'06.'1 re. .o,h -o11 Foncno Oqo,/0350/ 5. hp4nsn!" rno'd S€ryi6ilmbs' eatad on rhs16 olrh5daLsms HodloAvoid Pavlnd lnidr66t on Putcha66s 'o'loq-srD aD ^--idh. hed E J" s;r.hi'on$ SDoliallnlorm€lion lor Colotsdo F€siddnis oo ioo., 6q- ;"i;;J" l;-,;,i;:;i;: ;-;::i;n";; or o - 'e",s.. ; l;^;,!i.;itr, o,i.o-rGdd. .01s" 0' ro( Maotr, Ersc on rhs lonrol ' sqrerenr r0] d(@r olrb om Cuslomor Sowico Monilorino. nd rs.oidslbv slDoryFdF lo€isusquariy olsoryca INFOFMACI6N IMPOFTANTE SOBFE SU CUENTA l^ldmac'on ds Crodiloi 'i:;;;: ;,;:;;;;l:":*i,i'iad!. r 'o8" .:76,svt; I:odarrt/ r -."r, A.-o 'LaCat \aidFdd toduar t e.i{'n a i;^bd-;'.eao6 ldsi;:d;'oa "q s ;; d;o;:ji;;';i";.;;;'i; a r ado@ru" - ;;;:;1;;6:d:;o:'.p{; -;si: t: a:€a oro o064 js 'n6o-e oe-c enrr 9r. Bo o6na Iq-'or !tii'ii;r;-r;J{ so,s- 'o P.o eo 0 .oo' and o nd 4do aliienrodasd6 enadddo'!sila comoEv'r€r Pooar lnior€sossobi6Conpras..stsod"d6\s. r.rormacron EsdcialDara los F€s'donl6s do colorsdo '"s:;,::i;_;;;;;;";i;i.""h'"^*.",*"a.-.o'""ir,iii'o:i'"i.i,jbi""_.t-oes o1oaooo":"ss rooooo prb' ;,;i::o';;ii;:; ;;- ;-;" ;:; ;: -tddl6ndaBareodrooo"ci" k'!sobr6 ro20ii w6 s Faroo Baik N A AllIght re$Nod Todos os dBra.hos rsso ados Chang6 otAddress Fom r,ouraddr6sshaschansod,provdeyou'cohplaren€waddrcssbelow Bssu'€loclrackboxonrololsssidoolcoupotrand€ncos6 nlhdenv€lopo .,., da-d FL6as6us6LhssacliononL!loraddrasschan06s. lryouhavaanyqussrions,ple66callllrelollr66cuslomsrssdFnunbsronLhokonlorursslalensnl 'rormutario ae cambio de oiieccirtn - s su I er on rrammb ado, proporcone su rova drc€ldh emplelaabaio. Asaqlrese de ndrca' elcuadroa doreo'le o!&i v itl vtsa WELLS FARGO Sta{emenl Billing Poriod Endins in 8580 06113120 13 lo 0711212013 Transactions (Continued.,,) frcns Post Releronca Nunbet DescdPtion ct6.llls charyes Purchases, Balance Transfors & Other Charges o6t17 A6117 24O46O359OOOH2WDJ CHEVBON 00096336 SAN JOSE CA 53.03 o6t23 A6t23 24164o75G6DSMEZAR SAFEWAY STORE 00028159 LOS GATOS CA 7671 06123 06129 24736935E01 DHWF4 J EDNABAYCHNESERESTAUBASANJOSE CA 37OO o7to3 o7/a3 24??3695TWGPKP8KG CUTEGIRL.COI/, INC CAPITOLA CA 56 52 a7la4 o7lo4 24]1O395TPPYNOANE ALDO US# 2939 G LROY CA 14671 a7n4 07to4 24164175IM7ZJE?ED PETCO 273 63502736 G LBOY CA 3452 o7l05 o7l05 246IO435VO3FILT37S QUIKSILVEF FACTORY J333 GILBOY CA 65 23 TOTALPURCHASES, BALANCE TMNSFERS & OTHER CHARGES FOR THIS PERIOD $470'97 Fees Charged ffiI TOTAL FEES CHARGEO FOR THIS PERIOD lnterest Charged INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES INTEREST CHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES $0.00 14.24 TOTAL 20'l 3 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED ]N 2013 TOTAL ]NTEREST CHARGED IN 2013 $42.50 $66 31 3o $10.2410 650/. $1 169 93PURCHASES CASH ADVANCES 90.0030 lnterest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percentage Rale (APR) is ihe annual inl€r€sl raie on your account Billing $0 00 ABLENE S REMEZ Your claim is our top priority Start the time_sensitive dispute resolution process right away online. No more digging to find the right number to call or spending time on the phone Now, you can immediately srgn on to your account to start the whole dispute process online as soon as the questionable charge posts to your account. Then, well workwith you and the merchant to reach a resolr.rtion following the completion of a reasonable investigation. Help safeguard your account with Wells Fargo Online' Manage your account, monitor charge activity, and now d'spu-e any questionable transFclions - with just a click. Get familiar with the newest online feature, Sign on to Wells Fargo Online today. For Accounl Erdrg n s58o Page 3 ol4 5 helpful hints .Resolving disputed charges is time-sensitive, therefore timely notification is key. 'Regularly reviewyour credit card activity to identify billing concerns as soon as they showup, . To ideltify unauthorized transactions, try contacting the merchant before irutiating a di6pute claim. . Providing detailed supporting information right away helps with our ability to resolvethe dispute. .Remember to use caution when prowiding your credit card in{ormation over the phone or Now - dispute transactions online The newest way to help safeguard your account When questionable charges show up on your credit card statement, timing is important. That's why there's a new way to dispute transactions you question - directly from your online banking session. O 2Ol3 Wells FaLso Bank, N.A. AllrishrsEsNed. MemberFDlC. xcG_807609 ARLENE S FEMEZ For Accounl End ng ln 8580 Pa96 4 ol4 It's about time your bills rewarded you Earn rewards points by paying your bills with your Wells Fargo Rewords" Card Nobody likes paying biIls, but now you can earn rewards points by paying them with your Wells To rgo Re,n ords Card,r You can even set up recurring payments - Iike cell phone, utilities, gym membership, or subscriptions - and earn rewards points automatically on net purchases (purchases minus returns/credits) 2 Setting up automatic payments is easy: 1. Visit wellsfargo,com/creditpay. CIick on the Wells Fargo Visa' or Wells Fargo MasterCard' iink. 2, Choose from the list of participating nerchants i{ the merchant you're iooking for doesn't appear, type the name of the merchant in the search field, cail the merchant directly, or visit their website. 3. Request automatic biliing to your Wells Fargo Rewords Card. To sign up for recurring payments, visit today Thls servl.e h nol afiliated vrith We s Fargo BiL Pay. Paym€fts made Ihrouqh Wel s F..qo Bi I Pay do rcr earn rewards po n(tcash rewdrds or rebares.You w lhave ro corrtdctyour serv ce prov de.s dire.(yto set uplhls servlce using your We k F.rqo Credit Card dsthe payment devlce !5ed for recurrfg payments. P easev 5it httD://wellsfarqocom/creditpay For fLr rther det.i 5 2certain purchaseytraf5adlofs do notean rewards po nts:cash adv.fce5 ofany kind, ba ance transfel! SU PEBCI IECKSi'r, casino gamlng ch p5, $,ire trafsfers, oH-Ira(k wa!lels, lolterv t .kec or be ts or waqeE trd nsrn ( Led oler the lntarnet. Any fees or interesl pos led (o d inked accoLrft, if( uding but not lim ted to returned payment lees,lrte fe..s, and monltlLyot annLr. membarslrlp fees, do not earf rewards points o 2ol3 welh tur,qo 8ank, N A.A rlghLsr€seNed vemberFDrc EcG-777910 WELLS FARGO vtsA Balance Summary SlatementBilling Period Ending in s580 05/1412013 lo 06/12/2013 $1,286.18 $180.00 $o 00 2,1'Hour Custom€r S€rv ca: TTY for Hedfg/Spe€ch mpailedi Outsido ihe us cal colect. 1.404.642.4720 1-800-419'2265 1'925-825-7600 + Purchas€s. BalaiceTransl€rs & $0.00 $10.25 $1 116.43 $4,500 PO Box 10347 Oes lvoin€s lA 50306'0347 90.00 $0.00 $3 303 Payment lnformation $1,116 43 $22.00 a7lo1t2a13 PO Box 30086, Los Angeles CA,90030.0086 Late PaymenlWarningr fwe do nol receiv€ your Mnimum Pavment by o7lo7l2013' vou nay have to Pav a late t€e uP to $35 l4injmum paymenl warning: fyou make ony lho minimum paymenleach period you willpay more in int€r€sland itwilliake vou long€r lo Pav oliyour ir you make no additional charges using lhiscard and each monlh You PaY . You willpay orflhe New Balance shown on lhis statementin.boul,,, And you will end up payins an eslimalod lolalof,., Only lhe minimum paymert $1667 936 $r,309 lmportant lntormatron IMPORTANI INFORMATION REGARDINC YOUR REWAROS ACCOUNT WELlS FARGO REWARDS PRoGRAT'I FOR cREDIT CARD IEBMs AND CONDLTIoNS UPOATEi YoURcURRENTTERMsANDcoNDToNsNAIVEAFFINoNLoYALTYGRoUP('ALG')ASTHEPRoGBAMADMNISTRAToR EFFECTIVE I,|ARCH 19, 2013 ALG CHANGED ITS NAME TO CONNEX1ONS LOYALTY' ALL REFERENCES IN YOUR TERN4S AND CONDITIONS REGAROING ALG SHOULD BE DEEMED TO NOW BEFEF TO CONNEXLONS LOYALTY' F YOU HAVE ANY OUESTIONS PLEASE VIS T WELLSFARGORE\'!ARDS.COIV OR CALL THE REWARDS CUSTOMEB SERVICE CENTER AT la17-517-134A Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary Rowards Plevious BalBnce: Poiiis Earoedi Earn Mor€ [,lall@ Bonus Points: Poinls F6d€smed: 16,195 o o 16,195 We offer more rswards choi@s so you can choos€ a rewad thal6ulls yourslyl€ You lfind giftcards, cash rewards, lmve, merchandise and even Track your points balance or gol more intormalion ai ww.We lsFaEoRewards com or by calling 1_077 517_1358. NOTICE SEE BEVEBSESIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORIIAT ON ABOUT YOUF ACCOUNT $1,116 43 $22 OO 07/07/2013 Delach and mailwilh ch€ck Payable loWells Fargo \AJELLS FARGO CARD SEBVICES LOS ANOELES CA 90030.0086 -0580 YKG 4 ) l lt,lh,,,r, r,,1,, t, r,rlrl,llI t' l' ' ltll' Il'tlllltll ll, rll' ' ARLENE S FEMEZ I ]50 PEOFO ST APT C11 sAN JOSE CA 95126.3769 Ch6ck her€ and 6ee rev€rs€ lot address and/or phon€ numbel correclion ,,, lL I t,l,lllr lI lllt' trltrh ' rl' I rtllllIIrtrrI l"r r'tll Brlhno RiohlsSummarv 'OBo-,!,1 D6o'i. qr i s a- oi'ooi6' C6rno Calculqmos Su Saldo, Lrsams un n6lododsnomnado!adodiar o promdo li.luloidonuev6.onrrs) Param{s nlomc dn aca,*dasto crl.!b,po,lavor mB a iueslrc iumo'os6rliod6 alc 3 e c6mo rv ra' p6oa' lnt6r6s6s sobr€ Comdos Ldr-6.ha06\d( 6ru1 L s fi"1,ok dadoo dr6.rddevsa "o.-oooi-o,re' lnlormacion EsmcrdlDara los Fosidenles d6 ColoBdo. r. s,on,s Ds oo€:'di'mioau'dh, uhd o-,eni,cades-! t6 a a d f! t,"T":b a ,u;o,o o^ otronr Monilor€od€ls. lcloalCli6n 02011 wo sFarloSa&.NA ArlrohLs,osoryod T.dos osdal6ch0srcsa ados Chang€olAddr€ssForm-ryouraddresshaschansed,provtdoyourco psrenevaddressbslow Besurorochockboioor6vdrsdsid6orcoup.nsideicloseLnlh66nvEopa Drov ded ple6€(so(hiss€cliononyroiadd16sschanqss I you lravo any qu6s1 o s,plsas€ca lhs1ol-kescusLomarsorvi€numb4onlh6TronlolllisslaL6m€nl Fornulario de Calnbio de Direoci6n -s dt€monhacamtado,proporcloEsufuevadr€ccdncompolsabalo.Asoglros€doindlc4€lcuadroaldorsod6lcup6ny adihr€o en €rsobr€anexo. Por lavor us€ sna socci6i so am6tlo para cambos da dl{o.r 0n S lien6 prssuflas, poJ lavor 8mo alnimar de S€RicoalC 3n ili:ilil]_ffi:::l: -":+ii [il] :i*]:""xilJ::3lr) WELLS FARGO vrsA HllfrlrittI Statement Billing Period Ending in 8680 061 1 1201 3 lo 061 12 12013 Transactions Lars Posl Rafere ce Nunbq Descdpllon oedlls C,aryes Payments 05^6 o5n6 7446542490A930AKL ONLINE PAYIVENT l00 oo 05/30 05/30 74465424NOAOTRST5 ONL NE PAYI"4ENT 30.00 TOTAL PAYI!]ENTS FOR THIS PERIOD $18O.OO Fees Charged TOTAL FEES CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD lnterest Charged $0.00 INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES ]NTEBEST CHAFGE ON CASH ADVANCES 997 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD s10.25 2013 Totals Year-to-oate TOTAL FEES CHABGED IN 2OI3 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED N 2013 $42.50 $56.07 lnterest charge Calculation Your AnnualP€rcenlage Rate (APR) is lho annual inletest rat€ on vou accounl $1 130.79 $14.51 3o $9 97 90.28 Togerher $e'U so far Get more out of your card without leaving your chair Check out the online Credit Card Service Center today Now yoir can manage your Wells Fargo@ Credit Catd24/7 Sign on to Wells Fctrgo Onllnet at With just a few clicks, you can; ' Pay your credit card bili . Switeh to online-only statements ' Have ongoing bills paid with your card ' Add credit card features like Rapid Aler-tsl ' Request additional cards ' Put a picture on your credit card2 . Track your expenses - and much more It's that simple. See for yourself' today' mry tu AnnualPercenlage Balanc€subjectlo Rare {APR) lntoresl Rate Billing rseNiceprovder tees may apply.':vr'€lk FaIs".es-"Nes tlrensht!. denv ceriarrisages. Cr 2012 Well3 larso Bahi! N.A All rishts losoflcd Me'nberFDIC ECG 7o366s ARLENE S REMEZ For Account Ending ln S530 Pag€ 3 of3 Summer discounts at the Earn More Mal|'site trY Shop, eam rewards points, and discover great prices all summer long at the Earn More Mall site, Take advantage of hundreds of discounts and free shipping offers from merchants like the ones below. Visit to see all the offers, and don't forget that you can earn bonus points at more than 7oo online merchants in addition to rewards points you would normally earn.r Plus 3 bonus points/$l : SeafS Plus3bonusPoints/$l SHOeS.COm Plus Sbonus points/$l Plus I bonus points/$1 il-I Fi I plus s bonus potnts/gt I *o""nur,onn ! Ptus 7 bonus points/$lt-t ;^ " :"' 14!Prus3bonuspoints/gl :@phs3bonuspoints/$1 Madmnrs undoffeb sre subjed to chanse Shop at EarnMoreMall.eom today. Offers are updated daily. rPanjciFtrnsnrerchantsofthea.,,itorcMnlisite.onlr01tLevalidbnityoltheoffereshown.non sponrsarecartredonr€rpu,rhas€s (purdE*s mmus rcrum+redrrs) only vFjr lhe tari itareMollslre d ErrnMoreMall.con ro, .oniDler-. rernrs ond co.dnions and speolic te,nsn,.hding tl,ose csoc,ar,xlwnh cich ncrchdr orfo: O2013W€lls largo llall, N.A Allrishk reseNed. M.mbcrFDIC ECG-855663 WELLS FARGO vrsA stalemenl Bilhng Period Ending in 8580 04/13/2013 to 05/13/2013 Balance Summary $1,35366 s2oo.00 90.00 $25.00 981.76 24-Hour Cuslomer S€rvic€: TTY lor Hoarng/Sp€€ch mPan€d. ours d€ rhe us callcolecr 160a.642-4724 1.600.419.2265 1.925-825-7600 $12.50 s13.26 $1,286 18 Send General lnquiries Tol PO Box 10347, D€s [4oines lA,50306-0347 $4,500 $3,2J3 Payment lnformation $1,28618 $39.00 a610712013 PO Box 30036, Los Ang€€s CA,90030'0036 Late Paymenl Warning: lf w€ do nol receiveyour [4lnimum Pavmenl bv 06/07/2013 vou mav have to Pav a laLe fee up lo $35 Nlinimum paymenrwarningj I you mak€ onty rh€ mjnimum payment each period, you wi]lpay mor€ in inleresl and itwilrlako vou longer to Pav ofl vour lryou make no addilional charges using this card and each monlh You PaY - And you willend up paying an eslimated tolal of... Only Lhe minimum Payrnenl $2,419 $43 sl 533 tatT -285-2108 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary 16,113 82 16,195 Earn Mor€ M6ll@ Bonus Points: We ofl€rmore rewards choic€s so vou can choose a roward thatsuts your style Youllflnd gift cards' cash rewards,lrav€|, merchandise and even charilab e conlribulions Track yourponls balance orgelmore inlormallon et s/ orbycalling 1'877-517-1358 Transacltons frcns Posl Retersnc. Nutnbet Cra.tlts Charges 04114 o5/o3 O4I1A 74465423DOAE5FTES ONL NE PAYMENT 1OO OO'''.-. ::;::: TOIAL PAYIUENTS FOR THIS PERIOD Payments cash Advanceg 04t22 NOT cE: SEE REVERSE sLOE FOR IMPORTANT INFORI4ATION ABOUT YOUR AccoUNT A4122 74{65423HEHM67HP2 OVERDRAFTTO TOTAL CASH AOVANCES FOR THIS PERIOD Delach and mallwilh ch€ck Payable loWells Fargo WELLS FARGO CARD SERVICES PO AOX 300e6 LOS ANGELES CA 90030'00e6 ARLENE S RE]!lEZ 1150 PEDRO ST APT ClI sAN JOSE CA 95126-3769 -8580 91,286.18 939 0O 06107/2a13 r,t,r,h, ,rllrtur,llr, l,ltllrlll'r'hll,'lhllrlll'l'lhhrl check h€re and s€e reverse loraddr€ss ard/or Pho ]e nLmber corroctron rrllllr,lfl qlrhtl,l[,, u,ll,, r,I ' tll' ltll, t'hlllll" ' tltl IM POFTANT INFO RMATION AEOUTYOUF ACCOUNT Billins RichlsSumrnory. dr4,oiaj'o\', 'rRdromoa) b rdo s!o4 r'orp,or':s . iop oparrn ro ai, aftL ro-ooo.o6ant-o df,Trhora/-o ,o5,6.c,,L€or.4oaJo:io 31'6Tlb'l6p'p{, daFo rords., d d 10 o' a Jo dp %.8 C16dil lnlo'm.lion Pa).aqt t- t) Las\ tha- 4e.9- t Bap..o ,o, .o d oosrlid@n Howlo Avoid Paying lnior€61on Purch..6r, You Psym DuoD rda,,€o,ho..odarodafl tr,onin .!o" boona,aro.,o orodo^(o."ao.cn6ronqoarcncova,Dlos0ir dBd on,h;1rm,or,h.s r16md bia (inr orro 1oh Cuslomsr S€ryics Moniloing. INFORI\,ACION IMPOBTANTE SOAFE SU CUENTA Fosumon ds Oorcchos d. Faclurocion, s s€aqrchalalsins o,ais!6nadodB.u6 a(ui E,oi) o 'ba o. ",Laa, oid "prdddL p o '6 rdo do cxls olouooFrd 60 4d 6€ €n6rrs aoa 6L0od6 -mb) @ o"'l.a€ lo Do06 4v! .. -oes- .. Ens! €na(um'NoLd€d6n po, ).porravo, nDlya asou€ smlomso6i , La r4hi \;! redo€nd6res ds . um d€siFdn dd E'rc, ' ra B&i po bd; sbdsgoquo0s!n€tro siro@sianas nlo,m.idn.po'ravo,dosciibao rramdarqudno6iasE0uo lnlorm€cion d€ cr6dilo. AV so roooncdooorio:olo\d e ub d"'iousEd'eodn poBo. ai o (uiro-a(.5_do'ospado S 6 sda€quo'stsddda d6_d"d,dobd56r,r_o:L_"do-urrsdo Mdo do_idrd Pados, Loe Pa.oe oi cdro ndco ,d i o e1 o 6 31 r 0 6 , o vr a a o .oqjo.r'Das"qdroa^.0v.&bdjo.@nE€rd3{e.lroosnti4ss..dno6.6p4o.sCdr'o-dio'6.o:doioo.o,ooa- dra,e(!.d6ru- bo'a oaeo'o_conromddd'6(b:dosdop.e:ooh )pmsdrl:flod!d dt-sDrs,po.o',nr o'sDM por'6 .6rp'ijdcd ,m, bn uorssom AlboSbeconls'dndechealas uoomorormdoDaoo u$ednosda (-61rrt,aD:o€ cqo.,5u 5.' rdnlb_.s. oo,eo:rAs.doolo 'drJo.nd.ddo!.dodo,u(o_Jpdd"oo_'oio,triororr"lsudrdo€1s-cu6.aosodrelrross C6moCalculamosSuSaldo.LJsamsuim6lolodonminado\aLdodaoprcmd'o(indulendoiuavacomp,at'ParantsnlqmacidnacoJadqonacdbulopo.lavoramoailesr C6mo Evilar PEadrlnr6r€€essobr€ compras. ld fa.tu 06 von. Frudl Jod Dina ' bb dad oo & .atoo a _ a t od o io.ncoe\ oocoor'o,enoo.i.o'fo,Iooi: lnlormaci6n Esp€cialpara los F6sid6nlds d6co'ondo, Laby Monil0160 d01 S€Nicio al Cli6n ChangeolAddressForm-iyouraddGsshaschanssd,provdoyourcompel€no!lddr€ssb6ow B€su,olochookboxonrovoEosdoorcouporand6ncos6 nlhaonv€iopo pJovLdod Pl6as6 us6lhiss€clon on y loradd16$ changas. il yo! hava any quos!lons, pese ca lh€ lollGo cuslomor ssrv F rumbor on lho lronloTlhis rlalem€nl. Formulario de Cambio de Dk€ci6n -s su dtrecci6n ha€mbjado prcporcloio su nueva direoc 6n compsle abaio. Asssoroso do ndrca' o cuadroa do6o d6rcuDtln y WELLS FARGO vrsA Stalemonl Billing Period Ending rn 8580 0411312011 to 06hU2013 Transactions (Continued..,) Tftrc Post Roforcnca Numhet Desctlptlon Ct.dlls Ct.rgs Purchases, Balance Transfers & Other Charges 05/01 05/01 24692163TooJ0HYwE STARBUoKS #10253 SARATOGA Saratoga CA 7 30 05/00 05/09 240552342RBGHQWJS STOPNSAVEIT12 SANJOSE CA 11.68 05/09 05/09 243689442KGAYEMK6 CAt\riNO PHABI4ACYMOUNTA N VIEW CA 10.00 os/09 05/0s 24492794130WMN481,4H CAi,llNO 701 BUILDING 650-3214121 CA 2000 05/10 05/10 241640742tr180F3SQ8 PETCO 273 63502736 G LROY CA 23.90 05/10 05/10 24224434330 TOTAL PURC HASES, BALANCE TRAN S FE RS & OTHE R CHARGES FOR THIS PERIOO $8 1,76 Fees Charged 04122 04122 OVERORAFT PROTECTION FEE 1250 TOTAL FEES CHARGED FORTHIS PERIOD $12.50 lnterest Charged INTEREST CHAFGE ON PUFCHASES INIEREST CHARGE ON CASH AOVANCES 10.04 322 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD $13.26 20'13 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHABGED IN 2OJ3 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED N 2013 $42 50 $45 32 3t $10 04PURCHASES 10.6s% CASH ADVANCES 23 49"/" 31 31 $1{4 05 $17.86 $0.35OVERDRAFT ADVANCE lnterest Charge calculation Yo! r Annual Percentage Rate (APR,is th€ annlalint€r€st ralo on your accounl Rate (APR) Billins ] iJ:"'": l 91 11079 $2 67 ARLENE S PEMEZ For AccolnlEfding ln 3580 Pag6 3 ol3 fi.nil.T@t RewardsPoints Little things add up When it comes to earning rewards points Your morning cup of coffee That weekly trip to the gas station Shopping at your favorite stores When it comes lo earnrng rewards points, virtuaily every purchase counts - even the small ones,* In fact, you nay be surprised atjust how fast your points add up when yo,,r use your credit card for everyday purchases. Using your card really pays off Log on to or caIII-877-5I7-1358 to redeem your points. 'Rewdrdspax{sareearnedon etpurliAes (punhaBes nn,rus rcrurnstrod,ts) only. Cen.tsisactions/puFhasesdonoleahiEvsrdsFoLnre.llesses€eyourk/elisF.19o,R€u.rds P,oscm Tan$ and Condirions Iorderails. O20i3wellsfargotsanli,N.A Allrishrsreserved.MenborFD]C ECG'853827 vtsA WELLS FARGO ttnifitllIEnding in 8580 03t 14t2013 to 041 1212013 Balance Summary + Purchasss Balanoe Translers a Olher Clrarg6s $1 053 05 $2oo.oo s0.00 $o.oo $487.19 TTY ror llear ng/Speech lmpa(ed: ourside lh6 us callcolect: l-e00-419-2265 l-925.325-7600 $0.00 $13.42 $1353.66 $4,500 Senasn€ roiac@,orrhoro,n Cuslomor S€rvico Moniloring INFOFIMAC]6N IMFOFTANTE SOBRE SU CUENTA R€sumon d€ Dorschos d€ rqcluraci6n s'cso q o a, a0L o. o Ddos o i .'a o.: op4d0:; p d' o.iirta. a"Fsora " L ro's "b) pdos Iao otropoeo1r6su'd3€ Io .qu€{so oeol oo Eo ad - D ia do o c ro od,oie oa u.:o' ! o p do:r o p6qo se.nd rcn5tsd C6rno Evit€r P€sar lnl€rosos sobre Compr$. LaFschadsVsncms od6 Peoosa mn@25dlrs 6mras s ulod p4alarora dadda rusaldoa m35 Lad4oi lalachads v D5 dosa doi e r{rra Inlormaci6n Espocialpa .16 F6sid6nios do Colo'ado, -. a, d aw6 . -:reo " d. -br o.J6s;"G old"doodraaoalL&.no1p-r. Moniloroo d6l SoNicio .l Cli6n adosdelb3nsynlsd,osc,s esp! o2o,! w€ sFa€,ssk NA ^,,,"",",""",,,3'3li"'tr;J.,33i',i1i,i*' ChangeolAddressFom-lryouraddresdhaschaisgdprovrdoyourcompl€lsnowadd€ssbsow assur6loc€ckboxonrevorsesdeordouponandencds6nlheenvelops Formu lario d e Cambio d B Dir*ci6n - s su d recc d r € 6nb ado, prop.rcion€ nuoladr€cc6nomptolaabalo Asesoressde caretcuadroa dosodetclpony WELLS FARGO vrsA mtfttFitI stalemenl Billing Period Endins in 8580 10 I 1 112012 lo l't 112120 12 Transactions rrars Posa Refetance Nutnhet DescnPlioD cre.Jits Charyas Payments 10/l5 10/18 11/O1 PAYMENTS FOR THIS PERIOO s315.00 Purchases, Balance Transfers & other Charges rclzo 1Ot2O 247r7o5MP4PRATKE3 BOS E MCCANNS INC SANTA CRUZ CA 64 00 $124 10124 24445OOMV2XGBZD6E WHT fS eLK MKT #3568 G LBOY CA 97.52 10]26 10126 2475542MX3VW71 1 E R ANLMAL SERV CES AUTHORITY SANTA CRUZ CA 17O.OO 10/31 1O/3I 24O1951N2EX4MBDJ9 AMB ANCE GALLERY CAPITOLA CA 6062 11/05 t1/Os 24445oON7oO85FL96 WHT HS BLK MKr *3569 GILROY CA 16935 TOTAL PURCHASES, BALANCE TRANSFERS A OTHER CHARGES FOR THIS PERIOD $561.98 Fees Charged lnterest charged NTEBEST CHARGE ON PURCHASES 5'55 INTEBEST CHABGE ON CASH AOVANCES O'OO TOTAL INTEREST CHARCED FORTHIS PERIOD $5'55 10/15 10/18 7446542[4J0A7V5BTe 7446542NIMOAOVKQNH ONL NE PAYMENT ONLINE PAYI,IENT 15.00 100 o0 201 2 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED N 2012 TOTAL NTEREST CHARGED IN 2012 $0.00 $25.46 lnterest Charge Calculation Your An n ual Percenlage Rate (APR) is the annualini€resi rale on your account PUBCHASES 10.65% s61415 $0.00 3t $5 55 $0.00CASH ADVANCES ARLENE S REN4EZ 1 Register your Wells Fargo Credit Card2 It's easy to earn rewards Earn double rewards points on qualifying day-to-day purchases made with your WeLls Fargo Rewards' Card when you follow these three easy stePs: For Accounl Endifg ln 3580 Pag€ 3 ol4 Call1-888-731-9375 to register your card todaf No specialcoupons or certificates required - srmply legister your card todaf and start earning Earn 2X rewards points this holiday season for the things you buy everydayl 2, Use your card to make the following everyday net purchases (purchases minus returns^redits)l from November 1 through December 31, 2012:3 . Discount store shopping .Groceries 'Gas . Drugstore purchases 3, Automaticaily earn doubie teward points Promotlon code: REWBON1112-1 Th s p.omo(icnal ofier ! nonlra.sferrb e .Oolbcrewa'dsp.iNr{rbJscpcnrplusIbonlspcin)rrccnrncdlorevcrySli.nelpur.lrase!(pur.h sdf!5rcr!ns&cdttdlrinq1r€ promor o.alpcriod, ir rera le6w rose mcr.hin( code lor V ralMasrelcard 5.;$ilrcd as d scoun 5tore,9as, ilro.ery,ordruaaore;rnd for.lolhcl nurchses, o.e rewrds po nl 5earnedforeachSlsirenilfneip!r.f86Bcnlspoftsear..dlhroughlh6off-"rmayappedr..yourblr.! 5rat€mefr!prolwomonftlronrlred!Lenwhchrheyqereearfedaerlanpur.hascs/(ansacrlo.rdofotEah.ewardsponr(sSeeyour well\ I .t!b Eewaklf Potilatrtor a'€d l Cdrd srmmiryotProgGm lerft dfdaofnilio.s lor d€tai5 Io qualT)'Tor th 5 pronrot orr olie,, you!nlm!nheopenandnotindcfaultallireLrhe.'lrurllnrent r vou mln re! sier bv.dlina l-388 i/31 t375 to be eli-d b e Plese lravc yo!r credit.ard arcounL.ldLer avJ lab ewhcf vc! ca lahre...!m! al on.lui fg the Fro noi on;lperoi n 1,500 in ca'fen rcwi.d pornr!, w i. r eoual!! to 9',500 | qu.Lirylnq nel pu.ha:es A oN approrihatel/.110 6v/ lh. piomolio. en.l d eiorlhedoubcrcwardpoi.lrLcpo5LLoyourWehFargoCredtCardic.ount G:ol2WelhFirqoBank,NA Allri,rhtsreserved l4emberFDC. ECG7349]0 ARLENE S REMEZ Holiday gift cards fcr all - and a bonus for you For the food lover ffiffi For the fashion-minded W ffi ffi ffi ffi{ This holiday season, getting the perfect gift for everyone on your list is easier and more rewarding. Choose from more than 1OO gift card merchants and earn up to l1X bonus points - on top of eaming your regular rewards points'. PIus, enjoy free shipping and include an exclusive gift message written by you. Then watch your poinis - and the smiles - add up. Do all your holiday shopping in 3 Easy Steps 1. Log on to 2. Click on the "Buy Gift Cards" tab at the top ofthe page 3. Start shopping todaY Xtr!3sWttr,ffi8 For the adventurous type For the booklover K,$nffi effi For the homeowner W Merchonc a.doilcre me suLted r. chonse ,t3oDus poinrs Me 4rnodotr netptrr.hnses (pu.cksesnrinus rctL Ds/c' edilt only. Pleme visil,n lor ludlei dotiils O2Or2w€llsFa,-qoB&nk,NA Allnshrsr€s€Red MenberFDlC cAR0912-Ol41o lcc729444 WELLS FARGO vrsa Balance Summary s0,00 s5.10 $506.65 $4,500 slatement Billing Period Ending in 8580 osl 1312012 lo 1ol 1212012 $617 80 $165.00 $0.00 $0 00 $48 75 24-Hour cusiomer Servic6: TTY ror Hsaring/sPeech lmpalled: Oltside the US Ca lColLecti 1-Aa0-642-4720 1-800 419-2265 j-925-825.7600 Send General lnqunies To: PO Bor 1 0347 D€s [4o nos IA, 50306 0347 s3,993 Payment lnformation $506.65 $15.00 11t07t2412 PO Box 30086 Los Angeles CA,90030-0086 LalePaymentWarning:Lfw€donoiroceiveyo!rMinim!mPaymenlby11/o7l2012,yo!mayhaveloPsyalatele€upto$35 Ntinimum paymenr Warning | [ you mak€ onty th€ minirnum paymer I oach period you wil pay more in Lnlelesi and il wi I lak€ vou loig€r to Pav oli vour lf you make no addilional charges using this card and each monlh You PaY.. And you willend up paying an estimated lotal of,,, only tlre m nimum PAYment 3 $605 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary Bewards Previots Balancei Earn N4ore lviall@ Bonus Poinls: 49 0 0 14,520 We offermore rewards cho@s so vou can choose a reward lhat suils yourslvLe Youllrind glftcards cash rewards,l6vel, merchandise and even Trd.\ you'Pornls baance o'ger more inlorma on al M.WellrFarqoq.i.'ds.con or Di Ldlli.g t_8// 517_1358 Transactions frcns Posl Roletence Nunbor Payments hll, r,I Irll,,ll, t,,,lll.lllltlh' llll,ll' lIrl' l'l' 'llt' t, " WElLS FARGO CABD SERV CES PO BOX 30086 LOS ANGELES CA 90030.0086 NoTcE: SEE BEVERSE s OE FoR ll'IPORTANT lNFoRliATlON ABOUT YoUR ACCOUNT c.odlts Chary$ 09t20 09120 1o/05 OgIzO 7446542LTOA8YDYN1 ONLINE PAYMENT 15OO ;;;; iarisrirroeevozrn oNLINE PAYMENT 5000 io)oi ilroslzveoeeenrvv oNUNr pevveNr roo oo i6iilTffiEliEJ6n rrrts pentoo $166 00 Purchases, Balance Transfers & Othet Charges 09/19 09/19 24431O5LP6OYZG6HB WEST VALLEYWOIVIENS HEALT LOS GATOS CA 3sO0 ;;;i; ;;;1; ;;i!5;iaR4pFstKrl REGAL sANrA cRU4,?r!EYe9=sllJiA:c+u;:cA :1:l: rorAL puRcHAsEs. BALAtlce lnarusrEFlT6ifrEFi IF rs ron rHls PERIoD $48 75 Delach and malLwiih check Payable toWells Fargo I3530 $50665 $15 00 11/a7/2012 YKG 4 -''5 .'. .:.. ' : :..:.,'...:. ARLENE S REMEZ 609 SUNINER ST SaNTACRUZ CA 95062-2534 check here and s€e revers€ lor addross and/or phone number correcton rl, rllr,,rlrtfl t,ItI l,l,hlr'tl" lll tll'llllt'l llt' tlt,Jl IMPOFTANTINFORMATIONABO{JIYOUFACCOUNT Aillino Riohr.Sumharv.oo Bo-' at Dd vo-6 A 3aq0.2. do a. heJ ro;,,o. o a'6 r ib'ar'hrhar-d'ippdardvdul,noriu,si0d\6-dvs(..d94rs h6{&16 ) b, do n yotr oror ta wr'6i Nn.€ ) p'o' . Ds{nnkn or rho Enoraidwhy loubs 6v3'hs€f in e d, unior ooon,o--- da m s'o r*B ani adoi ro co odI o r'ooon -"o d-nm',o' hd.i a ..o i6orooheod,\o.Da6:aFr'-co.K"ao'o_ Bs13)b610*dd,!borooi0.o m;, had,o-ma,iori".6 oo",fte,6m:'nno"mo-iroio, rhooooo o ioi.€! o l. or 'p'orsco_o i ]lo rsp ?_daP_o' p. rao .."r roo- 6o Fu' r, o"dd€a"T,o.rd,"' dF Cr€d lnrormallon nra5ore' "do".. !rrs. !p0 0d(/td0 Lr'a -o "adliro,,oo,or, s s ^s-slorio'lo' 507i.Ponrano Oq9,,B'07r ssry€ nlnrbslmarodoi fta ko orlhisslaremad Ho4roAvoid Pavino lrl6r6€ton Purchases. 10 ' o!,-o D.sD oddlFo, hs d-s di Ea*hn o ' wo r,lo8s'_.\reno lnlo'mation lo' Fosrdenls. .ookoo ", 6a.reio 6 d,0.' dD d P'noi6oi' otJd:l Gr6d on Lbr,o olrhf.aism ro'arqyoru6lorm custom€r sorvico Moniloring INFORMACION IMPORTANTE SOBFE SU CUENTA Rssumsn d€ Ds'ochosda Fdclrrocion. -s!qro ataqL_6'0 o/o- so\'a 15 ror"' oalooa,aadE o6_'o .imo aladP'J,',"?iio J"- "J " rJ.m o" oo ol.,""ii. " -a." o "acto* FnLs q-na' qd6'r1o .6ndro srrsbad6.6ds.uB d @r. ac. . ra cde\;ifr o 6n dda'8sd€ . a;a,jo;.ip,'d'i d" E-' y . ":6n po, u ! c'6a o€squs os un E, il,"i,lllli","*rn,iiii'i,"iu.",;;bd*don Po 3" - 7 D i/io"re' ; .dac-6 o6oi.cor docLr"dc d os's'pa do I 6$da d q-6s6 ra i d0 io'ma :s "oo,o.o:aro, o"@ co o "nar.o.d d,:rdo6m6 >. I u-dnri.q3 0 o'qlssc.5- 0_ 0 P re tout mt -n Ltanta tntotbt tt 9-50i dB " s-slso'er.dn eo 3o 'o/r.oo1rd oR9_2035 n'1rerc saluiro do S6ru . o a clranre co'no Lu ar P6oar lnldroe€e 6oDro Conoras. Lor(_aoa re_. 6mE! r --cddo"krcu mo@ i6bors h'oih.06' lnlormac'ohEsmcraloar.losFesld€nlsed€Colorado. rm rooso -r -eropB o L o " oda6n s .nd o 0,6 r o keioo aurma Monitoroo d€l Soryicio 6l cli6n e20rtWallsFarodBaik NA ALlIshLs'osonod Tcdosr.sdsrschosrsssNados ChangeolAddressForm-ryodraddrdssh6dharcEd,provdeyourcdmpi6r6newaddBssbaow s6sur€locheckboxonr€!6rs6sidoorcouponandendos6 nih66nv6oPo Formulario de Cambiod€ Dir*ci6h - si su direcci6f haemtado, proporciofesufusvadrscc6n@dprolaabaio Ases0r6ssd6itrdc{€lcuadrcs do6ode cupoiy WELLS FARGO vrsa Slatemenl Billins Period Ending in 8580 091 1 3 I 20 12 lo 10 I 1212012 IraDs Post Retetenca Numb* Dascriptio\ Transactions (Continued...) Fees Charged qadlE Charyes TOTAL FEES CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD lnterest Charged NTEREST CHARGE ON PUBCHASES NTEREST CHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES $0.00 5.10 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD $6.10 20'12 Totals TOTAL FEES CHABGED lN 2012 TOTAL INTEBESTCHARGED N 2OI2 $0 00 $r9 91 lnterest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percenlage Rale (APR) is th€ annual inlerest rale on your account Billing PURCHASES 10 65% $s32.86 $5 io CASH ADVANCES $0.00 30 $0.00 Rale {APR) FIappy annrversary a This month marks the anniversary of your Wells Fargo Credit Card, and we thank you for your business. We Iook forward to providing you with the benefrts of a Wells Fargo Credit Card for years to come. LecLrn more qbout the benefits ofyour WeIIs Fargo Credit Cerd. Go to ffitr].iliffiiffi$J$ O2ol2WellsFriconank,N. ,^llrisl,tsr€seNed.Memb*lDlC. lcc664?10 ABLENE S RE['EZ T+)r- -.rl^^', .,# *iIL D CI.IJ\JI,IL LIIIIE your bills rewarded you Earn rewards points by paying your bills with your Wells Farg o Rewords' Card Nobody Iikes paying bills, but now you can earrl rewards points by paying them wilh your WeLIs Fargo Rewords@ Card.You can even set up recurring payments - Iike cell phone, utilities, gym membership, or subscriptions - and earn rewards points automatically on net purchases (purchases minus returns/credits).1 Setting up automatic payments is easy: 1. Visit Click on the Wells Fargo Visa' or Wells Fargo MosrerCord' link 2, Choose from the iist of participating merchants If the merchant you're looking for doesn't appear, type the name of the merchant in the search field, cali the merchant directly, or visit their website. 3. Request automatic billing to your Wells Fargo Rewords" Card. To sign up for recurring PaYments, visit today 'Ce, o r' :oaooro'"a'.e^io(fo I 'l d2 c.o J"' iri b"'.'r i i"s ,rta n . ,\. . ,.10 q""ing -t..p . r',- ,a, 5 o q.. -r.o b"so'n"o' Lrans nitted ovei the lntern€ L Any fees or nterest posted to. ifkcd a.cot]nt inc !ding Lrut rot lmrted to ret!rned payfirpfl le-"s, hte fees, and mon(h yor af nlaL nrenrb'qsh p fees, do nol earn rew'ds po nts o 2Ol2Welh ljargo 8ank, N.A. AL rghtsreseN€d Membe.FDC ECG_677813 WELLS FARGO vtsa Balance summary slatemenlBilling Period Endins in 8580 0Al 1 4 120 12 lo 091 12 12012 + Purchas€s Baiarco Trsnsf€rs & $6s396 $253.96 so o0 $0.00 $212.42 s0.00 $5.38 $617 80 $4500 2a-Hour C!slom6r S6rvic6 TTY fo. H€aring/Sp€ech lmpan6d outsido rh6 us c3lcoleci. 1-A0A-642.4720 1-000.419.2265 1-925'825.7600 Sond cenerEl lnquiries To: PO Box 10347 Des Mon€s lA,50306-0347 $3 832 Payment lnformation PO Bo)( 30086, Los Angeles CA 90030.0086 $617.80 $15.00 1010712012 Late Payment Warningr lfwedonotrecelveyo!rl\/nmlmPaym€nlby10/07120l2,youmayhavetopavalal6lee!Pto$35 Minimum PaymentWarningr tlyou mak€ only th€ minimum payment eaoh p€riod, you wilpay mor€ in irtel6sland itwilltake yo! lofser Lo pay oft you lfyou make no addilional charges using lhis card and each monlh you pay... And you willend up paying an esl'maled lolal of... only lh€ minimLrm Paymeni $772 $20 9725 1-877 -286-2108. Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program summary 14,254 Earn Mor6 Mall@ Bonus Poinls: 213 0 0 14,471 a rewad lhat sults your siyle. You llfnd gin cads, cash rewards, lravel merchandise and 6v€n chariiable coniribulions. Trackyour polnls baance or gel rnor€ information al ww.W€ or by cal ing 1 877 51 7- 1 358 Transactions Trcns Post Ret renco Nunber Payments aal17 o9/03 o9/03 aal17 09/03 7446542KROA91E7PD 7446542180A8R14E7 ONL NE PAYMENT ONLINE PAYMENT Dolach and mai wilh check Payabl€ toWells Fargo I8580 $617.80 $15 00 10107t2412 5396 100 00 O9/OB 7446542LDoA8HYHBW ONLINE PAYauIENT 100 00 TorAL PAYMENTS FoRTHls PERIoD $253 96 NoTcE: sEE REVERSE SIDE FOB IMPORTANT NFORI4ATION ABoUTYoUF AoCOUNT tlr l,lIrltlIlt,,, ltl,,rllt,, t,! flh,,, r,lt,rt, ' t, th l" ARLENE S REIAEZ 609 SUMNER ST sANTA CRUZ CA 95062-2534WELLS FABGO CABD SEFV CES PO BOX 30086 LOS ANGELES CA 90030.0036 ''', ch€ck here and s€e reverse lot addr€ss and/or Phone nomber co €cbon l t l t r , l r t , r , l t r r r , tIrl, | | r r | | | | r r I I , r I r | , r | | | J , , , tr, tl,I, r, r,l, I r,oarir+"i,i,p " "jir'.. " "" pu, op €sauoasy orEqE EFrd u6 ue .coip E^a^u ns 6uo,.,odord op! qus Eq !e.s, n ns s - u9r.c6r lo €p o lquEc €P olElnurol soDe!6s3r 6ou.dop sq sopdl p. dsoEq6, Y vN',riuEBo6rPl.roi rr0zo '-o;o;;i€.,;6 o6'p js 6\ sooo,a*."o"eo,o ' ope,oioc6ps€rir6piaouaole,edl,rsdsfu9lrEdrorul * ",qitieio s,::- ." "0.". o$q.-- -,a" od.o" *".*- i j;;;:i;;;t;-.;*;" e..-d ;o o,Lo. u6^so,i@6r" se ddoc . 'qos s6$r6rur I sbFd rBrr^3 ouqc opE,B,EL9rruot!seuEDd..GErduors^6nuoplarnr!)opdoioErFopLis.bpE!trouopopdr4!!nsuesn optes ns sousln.lEc ou9c o.'ocoq a ,ro!Borab0 ouerd I o.0,. o,-o .J .ddn@ <6pdpP, 60oPo r'o.e 'orbl'e 0doa 'S riue^ roq ro. od !oD)o D6!6 n3 3 q o pii Ios 4 rp antt )2 tdtE rl .tuth m )d tttal aPd 3ot6 6pq s l6\6 40o- o, osqP')3oopq.6.d',^ " q "c za, 'je d" ';no oo " os' "qo noeso.,".,e 3m<,m.-.o,....t',t:d:,.d,d - .- auariopdoa-' s uarrErnr.sl6psoq.€rooopu€unr6u vlNSnc ns 3ggos lrNvlaodl^ll Nolcv l la olNl roqs 66uos 3! uolruol'I 65hrBS rauroFna B Ld\P.0. p.r '.pnoo(.._o a ioi.rp€[ dr 6! 6qoFJoqsrep09 or " orF o ' '- ""; ".' o r 'ecr'"6e'o _'@le _ NDo 's 'o oo B ri"reu;:;s i;A :o, . i;]ii;;;.;.or; !6nor6€ iit. . m. m-,, s-, ro. ,.r'oLrc'€";d;Yo ' 3o)nbi-iLori"o. D6.<@ro vri +"sn6.", , FA, " , . d;;-;;;ei,: ;t:;d:io ": i"edpotoe qi'"es -o"oPlroo) 0/!u'@ep0'-s0: srunor'v o'rnss drdo'e a_p Do Dsv, F I Bd.o /r W6, .ih8d loilo no ri ra 6ood, ^ ddc-o dpperdrh8. r"bn a1,l h!.do: s.or I {@rapd,-i1o "raN.1 ,o.066:artsnr-o o.@{Bpa,-B . -- ' ;6 ro. a.\oq.La:o3-6c oa':or!4"'rr e', "4 t 0ro,l.6 p..hc.o nr. n do3 , ,0., *s damo,6ed". damo- ro. or€ oip-.4s C'od:l lnlormdlion o,''o''4o'h"',o'b"13]s.L's''doo'op:o.da.n': Nat oANtte tapt C/eaao^,ro. wlan,o.eo,ds d rdi is,. t.. d,, d, bss I dtsrn ro-,0 i c.F i. cs ioo. si -o ica 5otr Pon dno oRs,2B 5of s-.nodmenr-i noroL;areo,d ri,rddb. ssNl6 flnba' eai6don LhB lmd ol hh dakruni bahi€by rh8 du6 dab aach mo h w6 s lb€9n charc n! nrsadoi coeh advaiFs aidbaarco tansloFotr r c(slomor s€rvic€ Moniloring. soms€rsbarw*n banksmp oloos and oucuqoNb nayb3 notLorod a INFOFIVACIdN IMPOFTANTE SOBFE SU CUENTA R€sumondoDordchosdoFaclur..i6ns,c's€qu6ha!Brlrnaro,snsusrado&cmnra(hEro/)osiedsilafjrsnbrmacdi oirs€orada$n 0 o 0sdaN Ens!dda(!^a Nol'rr€ddiDrEsc(o'),poriavo,hdlya asrqub emroma.di . L,rruhs';mnroaidda,s5da. Lh d6*ie.Lan derEtro, yb 'azdn po, ae! G,od(rcoqlosuE, oioEro nonr6 o notoi_o pso ao lobioadodVsnla'''3.lq.s'osnoFdgs Foa- 0s nes c) drd( hdb e!d .6d lnlorhaci6hdocr6dilo dxsd rud do i iolomac'6f PO 3or i4)i/.065Mo-e ld o ouBldlo o3'3 pJod '6 sod.q-Esorabdo io {dl ot btuia@' a dod6;d da'o5od6id6n'd"d A,,5a r.E Co1,€'jan6 etroJi.3.6nprdLr,a"irotuld'do5.rLa.€"r'doo"ra'.nc>o'" leiridoi( {ei6 rd_ cda ' i us_dc mstu oodran s6|6fuados de suclonrarai dado@mornismodlaa 'dddrj)c4 i c Ls.sdoo rc o. d ioi(-dts; ois 6ors*o' oo3o/50 ,oorL{ oae/.0s.507l D"o"p"so,nD."nBr",L'o"'d;ooa-.o3.o" Cdmo Calculam@ Su 5o ldo. Usms !n n*Lodo denom nado sa do d a o prcmd o l ictuyordo ruev6 @nFGt Para mas i^rormac dn aco'€ lnlormscionEsoocislparalos F€sidshr€Ed€Colorado. Lcro 6'g'-€aoo'B:o''motloo'lo'l ooo'ac'lilia fla @id dcop'6 Monilorso dol Ssrvlclo dl Cli€nlo Arsudas acdos on,o ros einpro 6)2011\t'o sFarsoSank NA A ishlsGseryoC Todos los ddochos ros8 ados ChangeotAddressFoh-ryoraddresshaschansed,p.ovd€yourcomplolsnowaddrcssboosBosualochockboxonrovorsosdoorcouponandoncosonlhsonvoope prov dod P e4o us6lrr s 5e.lro r onry ior addr6s6 clranoes lyot havo anyq( ssrions, p saro caLiho lol.lros cuslomer serco numbs on lh€ lrnl olrhs sraL€m3nL. Fohulario do Cambio do Direcci6n-sisu drsccdf haembjado, proporcroie su rusla d rocclon 6mp6Laabalo as6s0isssdo ndcde cuadroa.1060dercup6ny ll.l*: . I WELLS FARGO vtsA @ Stalemenl Billing Period Ending in 8580 06t 13t2012 lo 07 h312012 Transactions (Continued...) ftans P@l R.fqrcnce Numbet Ctec ls Charyes Fees Charged TOTAL FEES CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD $O,OO lnterest Charged NTEREST CHABGE ON PURCHASES 2.69 LNTEREST CHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES O.OO TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD $2,69 20'12 Totals Year-to.Dat€ TOTAL FEES CHABGED N 2OI2 TOTAL NTEREST CHARGED N 2012 $o.oo $5.47 lnterest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percentags Rale (APR) is lh6 annualinlerosl rat€ on your accounl. 23 49y" $297 96 9000 Billing Cycle 31 31 $2.69 $0.00 PUBCHASES CASH ADVANCES Get more out of your card without leaving your chair Check out the online Credit Card Service Center today Now you can manage your Wells Fargo@ Credit Card24/7. Sign on to WelLs Fargo OnLine'at With just a few clicks, you can: . Pay your credit card bill . Switch to onilne-only statements ' Have ongoing bills paid with your card . Add credit card features like Rapid Alertsl ' Request additional cards ' Put a picture on your credit card2 . Track your expenses - and much more It's that simple. See for yourself, today. Tosether w€'ll so far 'seNice provider fees nray apply.'?welh farso reserves the nsht to denyc€nain imases. O2012 w€llsFsrso BankNA. AllrishtsreseRed MemberFDIC. EcG 7o366s ffi=n? ARLENE S FEIVEZ Free shiPPrng on orders of$25 0A tIS&l{0BU or more at BNcoml Plus 2 bonus Points/$l SEPHORA You get 3 lree samPleswith everJ order Free shiPping on orders over $5O. PIus 5 bonus points/$l Best pices mar'ked way doldtl the 1st and 3rd lndaY of the month atjcpenn€ PIus 4bonus points/$l @ You get discounts ofuP to $5OO of{yourvacation packaqes at PriceLne blus 2 bonus polnts/$I For accounl Endng ln 0530 Page 3 ol3 Buy online - pick uP in store Plus 4 bonus points/$1 EvenTday free sbipping on orders over $s0. Plus 6 bonus points/$l Get new rnarkdowns uP to 6O% ofl. Shop now belore theyre gonel Plus 4 bonus points/$1 Find low prices on allYour back-to-school essen dals Get free shipping on most orders over $50 at Plus l bonus points/$l Over 500,000 items ship fre€ Summer discounts at Earn More Mall' Merchants Shop, earrq and discover great prices all summer Iong From summer sales to b"^"h g"", to b""k-to-school items, Wells Fargo Revtards' cardholders can earn bonus -points at more than 70o online merchants l These bonus points are in .dditior't to yo.,r."gular points earned'Alsq take advantage of hundreds of Ji""or-trrt, ^rd fr"" -"hippir-tg of{"rt, ot plan a last minute vacation Offers are updated daily. A few ojih" hltrldt"dt of offers awailabie are listed beLow - visit the site Ior more information and more deals SEATS @ ffifl Offlcell[ax' @, H,"":r'rt3:l;:t"l-"#i*' t" i rarget'com -hl" vou "r"nd $so o' "to'" ' Plus 3 bonus Points/$l It's fast, easy, and secure. Whether shopping for yourself or tthers, go to EarnMoreMall'com and start earning more Points todaY. r .lanrssndolf€remsubje.Irochanse'VisitEs'nMoreMrllconllrsFecLlrrIerms1odo"'lrrcn'n'l'Ld"sltrm -;,;';;:,..".; i";;; .i;-," , ', ,'."..,. r-". \o ' rhJ n Fd' )or, L"': i ';:,.,: " ;"''.; '" p.rn s-" ."/r P' -'. c' r1^ ro'd""r O 2012 uiolh Farqo Bank, N A All rishts rcs"rved MenrbdfDlC tCC a90l2 TflELLS FARGO vrsA Slatement Billing Period Ending in 8680 06 I 1 1120 12 to 06 I 1212012 Balance Summary + Purchsses, Balance Transle6 a TotalCredLl Limil $53517 9235 t7 $o oo $0 00 $2A7.67 $0.00 $460.45 $4,500 24'Hour Cuslomer S€ruice. TIY ior l-l€arirg/Speech lmpair€d: olisid6lh€ US Cal Co l€cll 1.400.642-4720 1-S00.419.2265 1-925-825-7600 Send General hquiries To: PO Bor 10347, Des \4oin6s lA,50306-0347 $4,039 Payment lnformation Now Baance $460.45 send Paymenls To: Minimum Payment S15.OO PO Box 30036 Los Angelos CA,9oo3O_0086 Paym€nt Dle Dai€ OTla)712012 Lale Paymenl Warning: I we do noi rec€iv€ your Minlmurn Paym€nt by o7l07l2012, you may hav6 to pay a ale te€ up to $35. l,linimum Payment Warning I It you mak€ only th6 m n]munr paymen t each period you wtt pav moro in jnieres I and ir wi iake lryou make no addilionalcharges using lhis card and each monlh you pay.,. And youwill end up paying an eslimalod lolal ol,., Only lh€ minimum paymsnt s54O You longer lo payoliyour 1.877-286-2108. Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary R€wards Previous Bs ance 13 340 204 o 13,548 a r€ward lhal suilsyour slylo. €sh l€wards, lravel, merchandise charitable.onlr bulions Track yourpojnls balafce or gel more in(omatton at orbycaling 1-877-517-1358. Transactions frcns Post Retarcnca Numbet Payments o5ll7 05t17 7446542GV0A7V3QSG 05/31 05/31 7446542H90A7V2YP3 135.17ONL NE ONL NE PAYN4ENT TOTAL PAYIV1ENTS FOR THIS PERIOD Purchases, Balance Transfers & Other Charges 06/01 06/06 06/01 2479262HABYY99GS|V NEW YORK A COI\4PANYOUTLE G LBOY CA 105.91q9/09 24418OOHF4L4G3GKF S LPADA DES GNS 913-0517757 KS 1Ol 76 TOTAL PURCHASES, BALANCE TRANSFERS & OTHERCHARGES FOR THIS PERIOD 5207.67 s285.17 NoTcEr sEE REVERSESIDE FoB l[4PORTANT NFoRMATION ABOUT YOUR AoCOUNT Detach and mailwlih clr€ck payable to Welrs Fargo $15.00 07107/2012 I8560 s460 45 YKG 4 rl,l, rt, r|l,l,,,,,lttlrlh t,, tl l, ,t tthtt, th, tlh tl,t, r, t, tlL h,lt, I l ,,Irlr,, rl IrtI ll l,' lt, rl,l tllrl,llltl,l ARLENE S REIVEZ609 SUIVNEB ST SANTA CBUZ CA 9s062-2534WELLS FAFGO CABD SERV CES PO BOX 30086 LOS ANGELES CA 90030,0086 Check hero and s€e revers€ lor address and/or phone numbercotrecliof II\IPORTANT INFOFIJlATION ABOU-T YOUR ACCOIJNT E d,no Atoht6 sr.mrnarv. [,o_e -'o rol"ra.afo.o ro]'b d6lno-6m-o'r&6an, $orro.o " rrda 6oodt-0 "rc' rl o:opisi:,;::;'a;;a{.1:,o.ijslo.tsil'E! _o.aGp.,"oi,}o.'wd6 \o'.6 r-{,os(' hBs }b-T.!d-sbo'o0h6d mfi;in6ot"i,in 'm mB di n,' tu',o "doF so,0, ae-e d!-o'a olo ll,.oao'o-. A0 cr€dhlnlomarion. Norrct oe knd n:o.03 5'T1006 oro,rtdsprer_ \umoi^o oo(u or nrolmio ! r-m e.etds ;;;n.,dndG€*hsG.m. a,".neatr"n;(ro wh6 rs .s d o;, hs€.so,r. pa, ..1, Pdi,i. oFe/-sr0/i - n06neor,dlr40 d soryjeilmb8ll4alsdonlhohoollhis$a10ho How 16 Avoid Favrnd lnlor.slon PLrchse€s. ol p4mo 'D aD o^"nr o, h, d-afia;a h mo h sDeLia nto nsnor tor cotorqdo Bosdents. -doldocr'{. or,9,i0dDoi.o slo.n ro50_oo. o'd s- o31..vs,-aoo'ore'&)6,6i;ioi.d.'".e-.rcmoo drero o el'ro'Bp40aor' -redoift6ro orrh3 qaL6@nr roia.aYor'ho rorm Cuslom€r Sowic. Monitoring, ad Gcordodbv slpe'soGlo snsu! quqriry orsaacs INFORMACIdN IMPORTANTE SOBFE SI] CUENTA H€sumsn d6 Dorochos d€ l-ac i,:,",;iri:;;""1;;i;fi#;;;; "i-".'iiiiiirieji ii:i:i t"oid .6i".,j-i+"*oe'.i;i,oc en dren s ds 6Lood6.-€ncl 06,0a na6. rco'o otrd r.- dD0co .ae.havs'm^ldsndjalssde . lii-a'iJcip'i,riiirill"iii'a;po,6:6bdo que*mE( avo'ddscda€ hemderq€n00dis6suo ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;:..;;4,;i : -, " ";," d od o. "o s.. e5, osvo-6 a50 6 r5t- h\ \a ehh cat. aa.n d6 -hsdnes ttatnr @. A ! @( o d.;;;;.'";i, - "r";;; -,1..1 l;;L;;o..;i' 6 dm iro -d ra;:;t;' 6.iiq-A i;o:do odm u.-o " o "adnosr, 3,r-4o",'34 ai;; : "d;i; ;":-"i:;;;;;;i: i6::i; $;i;on i .;o i, " 6 co-1"l€t o6'e!"sJrs \6018 *h t'ht bt L, Mor o ntetd r S aoo do " Cuedr !' 4'td po1 - qJ o C6mo Calculomos Su Saldo. usams ui r6rodo doiminado taldo didlo prcredio linclvsndoiuov6 @np'at Paa m.s nro mac 6i acdq c6'nolv arProarlnl€r€s€ssobr6comprFs. rls..-ovsc 'dod,D.' ioq'6m'* ' L.Fo oioa rrcE o.o ds rnr.rma.idn EsMcirl bah 16 Residenros do coloEdo. . a 6, ola.draoF.dtd€ 'n€ jro'm d ;;.. .." dD,o:,oii oo-urotrda\4o,rdooaorurq& o( oot6d o! oP o.. d ruT€iLo.alnti:ooo Moniror.o d€lsericio alcli€n ' osslparsors psa6o0u'srra€ dad de 62oii w6lhFaGoBaik NA Alrohlsrosorued Toi os lds d6r ech o s rssaNados ChangeotAddressFo.m-tyou'addresshaschaig€d.prcvd€yourcompletaiewaddressberow Bssu€ld.h6ckboxoir6ve6esd€orcolponaddencoseinlhaenvsopo providad pt6a66u66lhss6dionontyloraddra6s.hanoas. rtoulravaanyquosrions,p066caLlrslol k€€cuslomors6^,.6numbsonlhokonlolLhlsslalsm€nl Formutario do Cambio de Oiroccidn - s !d'e(dnha*dblado,proporciorosunuevadreccion6mpsLaabajo Asoqorosederidcare cuadroaldoFodo o!p6ny nm*il:nil:ffi: ^-:#i l l:t::*ilff:il{:T:ilxl WELLS FARGO vrsa Slaloment Billing Period Ending in 8680 O5l 14120'12 lo 0611212012 Transactions (Continued...) frcns Post Relerelco Nunbet Fees Charged Cto.lils Charges IOIAL FEES CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD lnterest Charged NTEREST CI]ARGE ON PURCHASES NTEREST CHARGE ON CASH AOVANCES $0.00 279 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD 2012 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED IN 2012 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED IN 2012 $o oo $2 7A lnterest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percentage Rale (APR)is the arnualinL€rest rale of your account. l0 65% 23 49e/c $317.25 $0.00 Billing cycle 30 30 $2.78 $ooo PURCHASES CASH AOVANCES Get more out of your card without leaving your ehair Chectrc out the online Credit Card Service Center today Now you can manage your Wells Fargoe Credit Card 24/7. Sign on to Wells Fargo Online' at With just a fpw clicks, you can: . Pay your credit card bill . Switch to online-only statements . Have ongoing bills paid with your card . Add credit card features like Rapid Aiertsr . Request additional cards . Put a picture on your credit card2 ' Track your expenses - and much more It's that simple. See for yourselt today. Together w€'il go far 'seNi.€ lrovid€r lees mayapply 'zwells rargo reserves the nght to denycedain imases. O 2012 Wclls Fargo ! rnk N,A. All rjghts reserued l'4ember lDtc EcG 70366 5 ffi*ar There's more to your Wells Fargo Credit Card than you thintrc Enjoy special benefrts when you link your Wells Fargo Credit Card to aPMA@ Packagel ABLENE S BE]\,1E2 For Accoul Ending ln 0580 Pag€ 3 ol4 When you open a P-[4A Package, you're eligib]e to receive a wide range of benefits only available to our most valued customers, And, when you make purchases with your Wells Fargo Visao credit card'z, you'll enjoy; Our Extended Warranty Plogram3 - Up to one additional year for items you purchase Price Protection3 - lf you buy an item, then see it adveftised on paper for less, you can get refunded the difference, r:p to $250 Travel Cancellation/Interruption Protection3 - Reimbursement of nonre{undable air travel expenses ifthe cancellation was caused by a covered event Get even more benefits from your Wells Fargo Credit Card Please visit your nearby Wells Fargo banking Iocation or call l.-8OO-378-O575 to learn more about linking your credit card to a Wells Fargo PMA Package today. 'Subie.ltoo€d lapFos,ledilction,and (ollal€raleyaiution. lrlArearon5ha&ellreW€ rhrqoCrcdIC dPudll! d Tip PrclKlior Bsefu 6uide for m0re deu h. olmlftlrfa'908.nt,N4 Alrg[t5rcrefled MeffbsfD( tcc.58]804 ARLENE S REMEZ For Acco!nt Ending ln e580 Page 4 ol4 Share the benefits of your account and earn rewards points Add an authorized user to your Wells Fargo Rewq.rds@ Credit Card account' When you add an authorized user to your account, you'll both enjoy the purchasing power, security features and benefits your Wells Fargo credrL card offers. Build rewards points Add an authorized user to your account and watch your rewards points balance grow. You'll earn rewards points for your authorized user's purchases as well as your own.' Convenience and simplicity Receive only one monthly billing statement that contains all account transactions making it easier to track spending Call 1-8O0-6 42-4720 today Ask for your authorized user to be added to your account. We'll handle your request and mail you a second card. Or visit us online 'A(ounrhold{sareresF.nsihlelorEpa}1,cnlotalldebton,troac.ou.(,nrch,djngatLtrafsq.rionsnndebvaur),onze.tusqs. ?Rewirds ponft ar ea ,od d, nd pui?hases (purchNesa,_rLs ru,nr.€di15) o,n;.coEm ifuro{tiuJou,rhrss domt m , '"..l'to. . Pltu.c,"'d ....n ",,J . ., a r..., .". "'.. O 2012W€lls lirrg. 8ank, N.A. All iiqhls res€rued McDLer FDIC LCG AO43? WELLS FARGO vtsa Balance Summary Statemenl Billing Period Efldins in 86S0 04 I 1 3120 12 lo 061 17 12012 $o oo $o oo $585 17 $219 44 $269.44 $0.00 $0.00 $535 17 s4,500 24-Hour Customer Service: TTY ror H€arlns/Speech lmpar€d: outside lhe US CallCo lect: laao-642-4720 1-800-419,2265 1.925-325,7600 Send General lnquiries To: PO Box 10347, D6s l4oines A 50306.0347 + P'rrchases, Balafc€ Trarsf€rs & $3 964 Payment lnformation $s35 17 Send Payments To: $ 15 OO PO Box 30036, Los Ang€l€s CA, 90030-0046 a6la7l2a12 Lale Paymenl Warning i llwe do notr€ceive your lvini.num Paymentby 06/07l20i2 you may h6ve to pay a lale f€s up tog35 l'l inimum Paymenl Warning: lf you make only lh€ mjnimum payment €ach period, you wll pay mor€ in rterest and it wiit iake you lons€r lo pay oliyour in And you willend up paying an €slimaled totalof... Only lh6 minimum paym€ni $646 $17 1-877,286-2108. Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary R€wards Pr€vious Balanco 506 12,754 13 340 charilab e contributions, Track yourpoinls balance or gel mor6 lnfornr ation al www.We sFaqoR€ or by calling l'877-517-1358. Transactions Payments 7446542FZ0A3NPRNs ONLINE PAYMENI 119.4404/19 05/03 04/19 Purchases, Balance Transfers & Other Charges o4121 o4126 44t26 05/03 a4/26 a4126 05/03 2443106G16175VKS6 2416407G6G2419776 ?44310sG6PE[4H2DAlV 2401339GD099TAHMZ WHALERS CARWASH SANTACRUZ CA EyeExam 30057657 CAPTTOLA CA STYLES FOF LESS 230 CAPITOLA CA SUPER SILVER CAP TOLA CAPITOLA CA NOTIoE: sEE REVERSE s DE FOR MPORTANT NFoAMATION ABOUT YoUR ACCOUNT 79 69 55 00 3? 46 247 4l Detach and ma lw th ch6ck payable toWelts Fargo !\IELLS FABGO CAFD SERVlCES PO BOX 30086 LOS ANGELES CA 90030.00O6 I8580 $535 17 s1s.00 a6la7t2a12 YKG 4 th trtrl,U r, r, rtr,li rrllt,l,lt,, t,lltlth l rlllthtt,lll lt,,l ) '. :::: ' j lrlr, trr,, rrtl,rlh I,r,|l, h llFrt,,,' rtrl l, ttlllttl, ttl,tlt,I ARLENE S REMEZ 609 SU!IN EB ST sANTA CRUZ CA 95062-2534 Ch€ck here aid see reverse for address and/or phon€ number coff€clion. IMPOBTANT INFO RI\'ATION ABOUT YOU F ACCOUNT Billins Ri0hi. Summ."/, 'ce.n lro.hc.ocnhor-od -5rc0",,.i-r(sork,oo anorur-L,.h*"n--o -o.cp\6p"/r6 -s 'oa. '!issroris od, odoo"6a-oriDa,ft'-.j.hso-Boloocr ihoo-,.n4s s,.s{a- ro 3 hiai s0'o0- 5oi!od'a' -9"d 65 3r!6rd.o o p.r{ioocL'(ooiI cr.dir ln,ormation. \or '- '0bd'li,+311',o-il'P"d'op'o ,€l o e$voc,o . - 0rd B '0. Tbroorrocr-no, ,o- i(€- r"s-oo a:"s.da P3/ a t ,F.1to,Las3tr-46 4 507 ao1dd oFs72 s r0- oo ihro6,d.'..n:o HowroAvoid paying lnrorosron Plrchas6 E- o",-s rDr D Customor Soryic€ Moniloring nd our clnoftre natbo honirorcd a INFOFIVACI6N IMPORTANTE SOBRE SU CUENTA Fosunon doDorochos de Faclu'ac'6n -mq sF"r"s B.o t@>o dsood o.dd tdr3 ,ad q.e 3 6.np60arLds o Eisu€nallM'Ndd'€cdipo'Es..iro) porrayd idlya asq!dr6hrona.i6i . Lakdavdirc o3i rdraro! de. Lriad8(lp!didp E o,r akzdnp., a.u; !5sd. e6qu8es! lnlormacii'n d6 CrdLdilo. av so d d6$r6^.rror--ado ri.,d6 obods or'ioio ro' a 6noahur .4 qiilortur6nd --"mor " io m"r d'.e5rcac.orr3,sdtk, L, I !;. resrrc@ ara r40d06m 6rnismd a Pr?atoa)bt - a,tar'etu..-:l !odd. .1dni !'lsladr€_$rrrr C6mo Calcul.mos Su Saldo, Lrsams!nr,Jrodod6^ofliado\qdodrariopromdo(i^cuyondonuov6€mp,at PaRmesmrormac6nace@doonocd.!b,porravd Moai!ed6 C6mo Evitdr Pag6r lnt6r66o6 .obr6 Compros &-6-" do\a ( lnrornacior Espocial paratos Rosidonlosdo Color6do, r" ", oswa( aqodor!'b €sxGd doao'd6 pb\6oar"".'..3.r€ MonlloroodslSorvicioalClionls Asma6lamdass rs os sfp oados dsl bano y nlon,os c snksp! o20f wsrs Fareo sank. N A arrrqhrs rosNo{r ToJos os ds echos rsss ados ChangeofAddro6gForm-lyouradd.osshaschangedprovideyourcomplelsn€waddrossbeow.eesurelochedkboxonr6v6hosd6orcouponandoncos6iillE6rv6opo prov dod P oso usolhis sscLonon y loraddress changF lyou hav€ anyqussLons poaso ca lhs lolrraa.uslomd 66ryi.6 number or llr€ lronlolLlris sLaremenl Folmulado do Cambio de DirFci6n-sr dremldnhaenbadoiproporcoresdfue\€drre.conempl6raabalo.Asaslrossdondcar€cuadroadoreodetcupony NEW I I T ][' { -: "]tl-T T-lii ""s. -.J- rt " s . ."....{ t ..-"s.... ( ...l.. . l WELLS FARGO vtsa tryAccount Number Ending in 8580 sraremenl Birring Period 04t t3l2012lo 0511312012 Transactions (continued.'.) Crcdlts Cf.rges Purchases, Balance Transfers & other Charges 05/04 05/04 243O792GFS66JNXB9 T,4AN LAORIENTAL SAN JOSE CA SAO3 oirio ovoo z4I64o7GF2LB7K7PN TARGET ooo1s515 clLRoY cA 26 01iii6i iii6e ,aiioaic.r6insrres ourrs Lven recrony !'.3,391t191+=,== ==9!!l TO]AL PURCHASES, BALANCE IRANSFET6USiIEF-CHARGES FORTHIS PERIOD 1685.17 Fees charged lnterest Charged INTEBES'T CHABGE ON PURCHASES OOO NTERESTCHABGEON CASH ADVANCES OOO rOTAL INTEREST CHARGEO FOR THIS PERIOD $O'()O 2012 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED IN 2012 TOTAL NTEREST CHARGED IN 2012 s0.00 $0.00 lnterest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percentage Rale (APR) is lh€ 6nnud i er€strale on your account PUFCHASES CASH AOVANCES $o oo Billing Cycle 31 31 $0.00 $0.00 Tosether we'I so fa.r Get more out of your card @without leaving yout chair Check out the online Credit Card Service Center today Now you can manage your Wells Fargo@ Credit Cardz4/7 . Sign on to Wells Fargo Online@ at' With just a few clicks, you can: . Pay your credit card bill ' Switch to online-only statements . Have ongoing bills paid with your card . Add credit card features like Rapid Aletsl ' Request additional cards . Put a picture on your credit cardz . Track your expenses - and much more It's that simple. See for yourselt today. jseflice rrovid€r fees mayapply '?Wells Fsrso leseNes the ngh to denv certain imases O 2012 Wells Fargo BanL N A AllrigNsreseru€d Menr''rFIrIc EcG70366s ffie*a* ARLENE S REMEZ For Account Ending ln 6580 Page 3 ol3 Your favorite merchants can be up to 16x more rewar Shop the Earn More Mall@ site and in-store to earn up to 16 bonus points per $1 you spend in net purchases (purchases minus returns/credits)t at merchants like these and manv more.' @ *rnocyS ding I Last minute deals up to 50% of{ Bights,hotels, Find today's DailyDeal on your city's best things to do at Groupon.coml Free standard shipping on orders o{ $99 or more at mac,),s com Some exclusions apply see site fordetails. Plus 3 bonus polnts/$l Spend $50, set Free Shipping on select items at Target.coml Merhdnts dnd off€re are subjeci to chonso PIus 2 bonus points/$I Plus 7 bonus points/$1 Plus 3 bonus points/$r Shop at over 7OO top merchants Enjoy online and in-store discounts Earn bonus points on top of regular rewards points Don't miss out on bonus rewards and discounts Purchase gift cards and earn up to 11 bonus points per $1 spent on net purchases (purchases minus returns/credits) Sign up ro receive enraj) updates about special deals visit 'Bonus points are edrned an ner prrch*€s (pn.hsos ninls relurn+rJnt dly VisiL E nMoteMall rcm lor tems and condnion6 in.l'rding t\ose sssociaiedNnh esdr n,{dEni offer Pbsc allo{ up lo 12{ee}€ Ior bonus pounsto po( royourac.ount o ro12 Wclls larso Bank, NA. All ilhLs rcse ed Me,nber ID]C WELLS FARGO vrsa Sta{ementBilling Period Endhg in 8680 031 1 412012 to 011 12 120 12 Balance Summary + Purchases, Balanco Transl6rs & $150.00 $502.00 $0.00 $0.00 $571.44 $0.00 s0.00 $2i9.44 94,500 24-Ho!r C!stomer Sorvic6: TTY lor H€ar ng/sp66ch mpsirodl Outside ihe US CallCollectl 1-Aa0-642-4720 t'800-419-2265 1,925,325-7600 Send Geneial lnquiries To: PO Box 10347, Des Moines 1A,50306 0347 $a 28A Payment lnformation $2js 44 Send Paymenls Tol $15.00 PO Box 30086 Los Ang€l6s CA,90030'0036 Payment Due Dale 05107/2A12 Late Payment Warning I lwe do nol receiv€ your Mi mum Paym€ntby 05/0712012 you may hav€ to pay a lal6 iee up to $35 lvlinimum Paymenl Warning i lr you mako only lhe minimum paym€nt each period, you wll pay mor€ rr interesi and il will tak€ you longer lo psy oll yo! r lf you make no addilionalcharges using this card and each month you pay,,. lhis And you willend up paying an eslimat€d lolalof... 16 $236 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary ReNards Prevlous Balanc€: Eam lr.iore lval@ Bonus Polnls: 12182 572 12,754 a reward lhalsuils yoorslyle. You llfind gifi cards, cash rewards, imve, merchandise and €ven charilabl€ conlribuiions. Trackyour poinls balance or get more inlormaiion at www.WellsFa or by ca ling 1 -877 517'1 358. Purchases, Balance Transters & other charges ,ltlrh l,lr rll l rll, [ 1r,, Ir, r lltr, trl,, t,ltrlItrll,lrr Transactions fra s P6l Retetence Nutnbet Payments WELLS FARGO AABD SERV CES PO BOX 30006 LOS ANGELES CA 90030-0086 Cre.Ils Cl,arges a3117 03t22 04t02 o4l06 03117 o3122 04102 7446542EYOASAsADX 7446542FE0A8V7W06 ONLINE PAYMENT ONL]NE PAYMENT ONL NE PAYN4ENT 150.00 152.00 l0o.0o 04106 7446542FK0A91 1800 ONLNE PAYI4ENT 100.00 TOTAL PAYMENTS FORTHIS PERIOD $5()2,OO o3/20 a3120 o3/30 04/ol a3120 a3120 o3/30 2430t37F03DWMM3MJ 2471705 F] L3BWYSTA 2479262FBEA718YEG 2461043FD03FQ04TD LOUI ELECTBONIC WATSONVILLE CA NIASTEFCUTS CAPITOLA CA BATH & BODYWORKS 1441 G LROY CA ROSS STORES *1S7 CAPITOLA CA D6hch and mailwiih check payabte toWells Fargo Account Number -e580 New Baance $219.44 lvin mum Payment $15.00 Paym€nl Du€ Dat€ o5/o712o12 152.00 89.00 6238 38.89 NOTICE: SEE REVERSE S DE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMAT ON ABOUTYOUB ACCOUNT ::51: ABLENE S REMEZ 609 SU[,{NER ST sANTA CRUZ CA 95062,2534 Check h6re and see roverse lor addross and/or phone numb6r co oclion. rtlt,,l,, tr rll|l, r, h r rlI,lrlllrlrh hl,rrh rr,,,t ,rl,,r,, IMPOFTANT INFOFMATION ABOUT YOUF ACCOUNT Billino RiohlsSumnarv. PO Eo-rrt Do:vo_s rA,030e0r'2 tl.t \th"a a; oods o a/{n1-s..,' hs ror o'r 3 r" 6ls 'l,b-r do^s s ln \ou 8hs' la w sn Nor.d).o'o! Ydu bo ovorhds sanEror rrYouia ^nro roDol,0rd d6 no.a n'L, .. -"!s_rr,66li cr6dir lnlormation. Nor cE Do,to_d' ra:r o" ( ?aroo" ilhso I x;6 o i )0t Po ro ooo .03 Jo babi€br rho duo JaLd;a.hmonLh rr advar€sand bdaics tramrsson I sbodol lnlormllron lor Colorddo Fosid€nls, coo,aoo "r 'd. Cuslom€rS€rvico Monitoring. id ou,d{omd myba rcmorcd a INFOFMACI6N IMPOFTANTE SOARE SU CU€NTA 4.odddod(oE.l€c_ioiaLoro &-,6Gan€ h6 sd6l6cdod3!,3 a]doorna6oioDo:o^or3 L d"6ro d'snr* tr.oin-onos io Mronio: ,snrlo 6r . d"o G &-no - olo i ld'c -8ddd F "mdne a a.romalk06i< store on eligible items PIus 2 bonus pointe/$I Free shipping on your order S E P H O R A of $50 or more. Plus, get 3 free sarnples with every order. Plus 5 bonus points,/$1 E Get 10% oif.Plus 4 bonus points/$1 fi4erchant5 ahd offeis are subject to chanse. Need a gift? Earn bonus points when you buy gift cards {rom more than 100 popular retailers. There are no processing fees, and you get free shipping and gift messaging. It's fast, easy, and secure. Whether shopping for yourself or others, go to WellsFargoRewards,com and start saving today. ,4e.chbnt5andotre6 e subjecr to change.Vhhthe EarnMoreMdllsite on WellsFarsoRewardr,com forspecific terms and condltions lncl!din9 thosc a$ociated with eac r nrerchant offer lo 2011 Wel r faeo Bank, N,A. All qhts rcse.ved. Mcmber FDIC, ECG 463913 WELLS FARGO vrsA Balance Summary Slalemonl Billing P6riod Ending in 8680 03h41201 1 lo 0411212011 $0.00 $147.68 so.0o $o oo $147 63 24-Hour C!stom6r Servico TTY for H6aring/Speech lmpair€d: Outsids the US CallColectl taao-642-4720 1-800-419'2265 1-925-825-7600 $0.00 $0.00 $o 00 $4 500 send Generat lnquiries To: PO Box 10347 D6s Moines lA 50906-0347 94,50Cr Payment lnformation $0.00 s0.00 051a712011 PLEASE REFERTOTHE CHANGE IN TERIIIS NOTICE WITHIN YOUR STATEIIIENT Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program 148 299 Earn Mor6 Mall@' Bonus Poinls: 4,791 W€ ofler more rev/ards cho ces so you €n choose a reward lhal sults yourslyl6. You lliind giit cards, cash rewards,lravel, merchandise and 6ven .harlrble c.nlrihu{ions or by caling 1-877-517-1358. Transactions 03/22 A3122 o9t24 43124 244450o2JHF04XTIVL 71465422LOA8BHN37 OFF sTH fT4I GILBOY CA ONL]NE PAYIVENT 147.6A u7.64 Fees lnterest Charged TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD NoT cE: sEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IIMPORTANT INFORI/ATION ABOUT YOUR AoCOUNT $0.00 ]NTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES OOO NTEREST CHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES OOO TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD $O.O() 201 1 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHAFGED N 201] TOTAL INTEREST CHAFGED IN 2011 $10.00 $o 51 WELLS FARGO CABD SEBVICES PO BOX 30086 LOS ANGELES CA 90030-0036 I8580 $0.00 $0.00 05/0712011 YKG 4 fl r, rlJ,, trt, rt, r,,rtl l, t,lrtr, tlhI rtlr Il, t, tl, r,l,lrllt, ,,$ rtrt, r,,l, rfl,,,rI t, tlltrll,tlh lrtlL l,,,ltrltr,,, h,r, t,trl, AFLENE S REI'/EZ 3107 ERIN LN SANTACBUZ CA 95065-2004 Ch€ck h6re and see ravers€ lor address and/or phone number corr€ctron I]\!POBIANT INFORMATION AOOUT YOI]R ACCOUNT lrrcslalrEnl), tlLdoiq sow I nol presoryayou,.iqhls Payndnt in FUI tat Lass thzr Aawrt Bahnc€ Fequst: CustomorS€ruice Mohitorhg som €16 urlrson bdikomD0,/o66and oucutoman nay bo mdlored end ra@dod uy sups visou lo emusqua iy or*ryile INFORMACION IMPORTANTE SOBFE SU CUENTA at50d050da6d0r.6$0_q-er€!i/'rso_.i.do0pl-o^:rrdod0 Frido.o- r.€d6-.oiol,o, p.F d)F od hdelo op""".rr6-6dei.'o En 6! cana l!na"Noli€ddn FrErcrro) porralorhd!ya asisus shrormacdtr r6saho6 kss (3) dras hab €s aiL6sd lnlomaci6h do CrAdito n q!s rechmas Ipasqy5u nFi tucidn r nanc€B no e'esrcsadsuche!!e so otud a ra0bui0 o drro@lJn: Po C6noEtilarPagarlnl€r€sessobrcCompEs bFedadavenc 6mp'd:5 lnod !00a srorJ dadde Chango ol Addroe€ Fom - i your addrcss hs chansod piov de your comp€le new addGss below Be 6urelo chack bnr di reverse s do o'.oupon and sndoss n th6 env6op6 provdod. P oaso uso llris s€clon on y lor addrcss changos llyo! havo any queslions, please ca tha loll kee cuslomer 66rv.a numbor on lhs lrnLoT lhh srarsmsnl. FomulariodeCambiodeDir@ci6n-sisudreccdnhscambodoproporcioiosunuevadirecc6ndohpolaabalo AsosLl'€sodondicar€ cuadrosrdorsodBrcup6ny i:"il_il[ill.3Hil -T,rHi il_T:::::"R-Y\-ili:l ]:: WELLS FARGO vlsA slalemenl Billing Period Ending in 8580 03l 141201 l lo 041 121201I lnterest Charge Calculation You. Annual Percenlage Rale (APR) is th6 annlal inlerest rat€ on your Eccouni Rate (APR) PURCHASES CASH ADVANCES 10.65./. 23A9% Balance Subjecl lo Days in lnleresl Rato Billing Cycle $000 30 $o00 30 $0.00 $0.00 ABLENE S REMEZ For Accounl Endifg ln 8590 Page 3 ol4 MI The following is a summary of changes that a]e being made to your account terms, These ehanges will take effect on July 1, 2011. The fee changes ale outlined in the table below Ifyou currently have Overdraft Protection on your account, you have the right to reject this change by cancellingthe Overdraft Protection on your credit card account. To rejectthis change, please callus at 1-8OO-642-4720 or'!\'rite to Wells Fargo Card Services, PO Box 10342 Des Moines,IA 50306'0347 by June 30, 2011. Please note that if you choose to activate or reactivate the Owerdlaft Protection on your account, you will be accepting the changes described in this notice br any Overdraft Prot€ction Advances made on or after July 1, 2011. Wells Fargo Card Services and Consumer Lendlng The fo[oPing Doti@ is E@1 fo cNlobe6 wha rp€ak Sleish, Chilew, Viettr@*q KoEe or Tagslog RP!&IANEj Si usr,cd Eo I@ itrsl4s, pid! 6 su iltarpEte quc rvisc y le dwribs eL co @ido dc sro culta UAmedoB tl L'800_642_ 4720 pe6 dircutn su dud! o Mibit u EspuBto 3 6us pleguEr' 6FqE | 'r9UIX€4ffS* ' #*tgr5ffiS-eHt&*M iffiE4igrlal+H!^d ' #€ 1-800-&2'4?20 ;'Jffii4 *t+&N'€lEtrlWW. oUAN TRoNG: Ndu qut vi klons dao dlqc tiCng ADI, bey Dhb neuni lh6ns dich crla qut vi xeD vd Flnn blv hi loi dung 16 thu Dny cho qut i. xil 8ei ohrtlg t6i t4i sd dio! 0ioqi 1-800-642-4?20 dd bdn vb tdi lieu lnv ho& siAi d!! bdt ol h{c n{c !.{o +-s 4*r €qE clzl *rl,!8, ndlel 5-q6J"llxl dl ^ld9 q+€ aEstr €-siil e+i1i)d^ls. :1ql +d9LE 'I €96ld;lElq flg.{d t.800-642-4720 e d+"ll +d^19. M IIALAGA: KuU hirdi toyo n**abso ng Ilgles, iPepso sl ipolmwm s invodg logualiiS-wit! mg mg! hlaru ng Iibm na ito sa inyo. Tapo3e kMi s! I -E00-642-4?20 u!@g mpdS_u6sps ito !t @egot eg uo I@g DBi k4(!nugs o2ot r Welh farloEank, N.A. Allr qht5 reserued. llemb€r FDI( Transactlon Fees . Ov€rdraft Protectlon Advances S12.50 ifthe tota I of overd raft protection advances for the day is S50or less; S20.00 ifthe total ofoverdraft protection advances for the day is greaterthan $50. ARLENE S REMEZ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK For Account Ending [n 8580 Page 4 0M I N O 51396 E’I'IG 1 7 7 110412 D PAGE 4 Of 4 10 DEB} ZOUD C73l 011.395596 WELLS FARGO vtsa Balance Summary slalemenl Billing Period Ending in 8680 021 1 1 120 1 1 lo 0A I 13 kO l 1 + Purchss€s, Baance Translere & 9s333 $24338 $0.51 $200.00 $0.00 $10.00 $0.5r $0.00 $4,500 2!-Hou C!siomer Servica: TTY lot H€ar ng/speech mpaired outsld€ the !S cat cott6ct: 1-AA0-642-47 20 1.300.419,2265 1-925.325.7600 Send General lnquiries To: PO Box 10347, Des lroinos tA 50306.0347 $4,500 Payment lnformation $000 $000 04107/2a11 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary credilCard Poinls Eamed Chock Card Poihls Earned: Earn Moro lMal@ Bonus Polrh 4,157 o 187 o We orternrore rewards choi.€s so you can choose a reward tharsuits your siyle. You'llflnd gifl cads, cash rewards t.avel, merchandise and €ven chadlable conlribulons. Trackyourpoinls balance orsel moro intormalion at M/ or by call n9 1-877-517-1358 Transactions 02/11 02/11 03/09 03/09 03/13 03/13 03/13 03t3 74465421Q048W7SYA 74465422sEHMSW2N9 F5583002300099990 7446542280A94YS71 ONLINE PAYMENT ATM CASH ADVANCE 05338 CAP TOLA CA ACCOUNTADJUSTMENT ONL NE PAYMENT 3383 051 200,00 03/09 03/09 CASH ADVANCE FE€ IO.OO TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD $1O,OO lnterest Charged NIERESTCHARGE ON PURCHASES OOO INTERESTCHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES 051 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD $0.51 20,l I Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED N 2011 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED IN 2011 $10.00 $0.51 NOT cE; sEE REVERSE S DE FoR llj,4PORTANT tNFoRN4AT|ON ABoUT yOUn AccoUNT $o 00 $0.00 04107t2a11 I3s8O YKG 4 5:: :', : t, lrllll, tltlt, rHll,ttl,,,trltrtl, lt, tl,lttl, ttltllt, rlrtll ARLENE S REMEZ3107 ER N LN sANTA CRUZ CA 0506s,200dWELLS FARGO CARD SEBVICES PO BOX 30036 LOS ANGELES CA s0030-0086 Check h6r6 a.d see revers€ lor addDss and/or phone nurnber cofieclion Jt,, [,Ut, rtrrl,t, r t,ltl,trt,, tlt, t, | , I I r I | | I r I | | | | , , l l t J , , t t , 1b0€lalemn) b!ldois60w nolprcErueyd.r9hls n yos b[6,la w,fenNorcs) P,o! hro013r b!s nss daysbero's heau bnoo.ras?'{ o r o,, c ur' l dc io cn' b arPdr'.i.'seoc6r.oro ddd torr iuro customor sorulco Monltorlhg cd ro.ordod uy supBrv so6 rosmu€quahyorserurce INFOR'{ACIdN IMPOFIANTE SOBFE SU CUENTA Bo6un.n do D6r€chor d6 Fscturaci6n. s,cequahayagDierorensu6dadode!!e atun E o/l ola seFadaran p'o oFrcre 5€ p c05od0 60d 05 d0 rro(ios. q-0 0 En 6u cana (una'NorlLcao6i p., F( idr erP,so por !r0u4 mnroq 6 r 30E6."Doed;{. u opendorcs ded cho cmerc q 0s 1 lnlorn.ci6n d6 Cr6dilo, ^vrso ''d o . ;.oo d€ 1r. bshsmosF.r'dnsdlElEd6dasu so dodara 6E!€d€ d e€dn C6hoEvitarPagarlnl€rss€ssobr€compras LaF?chad6venc ChangoolAddressFom-lryouraddr6stuschaisedprovdeyourcompel6h6waddr6ssb6lowEasurarocb€ckboxoirsvsEesidsor.ouponandencrDsenrh6€iveope piovded. p 6as€ 0se lhis seclon oniy lor address chanOe6 rlyotr have aiy qu661ons peaseca lrre lolrr€e cuslomersoruko numb€ron Lhe konl olrhi siar6menl. Fornu lario de Cambio de Dirdci6n - s di'e*6nhadambddo,p'oporonesunuevadnerc6ncompBraabsLo.Asssnr€ied6ndca'scuad'oado'sod6rdup6ny HOME ! : : I PHONF I i i i r *t* i :.--l- J WELLS FARGO vrsA S{alemenl Billing Period Ending in 8580 o2l11 120 1 1 to 0U t312011 lnterest Charge Calculation Your An nual Percentage Rale (APR) is lh6 afnlalint€r€sl rate on your accohl. PURCHASES CASH ADVANCES Rate (APR) 10.65.2 $0 00 $25.84 Billing Cycle 31 31 $oo0 $o5l Get more out of your eard without leaving your chair Check out the online Credit Card Service Center today Now you can manage your Wells Fargoo Credit Card 24/7. Sign on to Wells F arg o O nLineG' at wellsf, With just a few clicks, you can: . Pay your credit card bill . Slritch to online only statements ' Have ongoing bills paid with your cald . Add credit card features like Rapid Alerts . Transfer other balances to your credit card . Request additional cards . Put a picture on your credit card . Track your expenses and much more It's that simple. See for yourself, today. o20ll Well5FargoBank,N.A.A rightsreserved.lvlemberFDlC. ABLENE S BEMEZ ForAccount End ng ln 8580 Page 3 ol3 Redeem your points for valuable rewards Congratulations, you have enough points to choose a reward today Select gift cards, cash rewards, brand-name merchandise, or airfare" for travel an''where and anltime - redemptions start at just 650 points. You can browse hundreds of rewards, redeem your points, and check your points balance at, o r c all L-9Q O - 6 42 - 47 20. Enjoy your rewards - you've earned them. Choose rewards from any of these great categories: . Gift Cards ' Charities . Cash Rewards ' Green Rewards . Travel 'SPorts & Leisure . Electronics 'ToYs & Games . Home & Garden n:':n-mot2,ooooon lo " 1-'pr' \ '1" r"oqo oo{ ob"Fd- ed"' i:l"nit,.:r".. " ,,Lyc.ol'o,,i"r .. ."'.,"ts 'h,^l I.."j""1..1'- 'i t. 'oollrt tl- "o,1/ O zonWeli'FmsolaDk,N A. All qhc cslRld Me bdrDlc lcc'i05304 WELLS FARGO vrsA Balance Summary + Purchas6s salance Translers & statemenl Billing Period Ending in 8680 nl/t1120 11 lo 02110120 11 $134 30 $514 58 $0.00 $21.32 $392.84 TTY lor H€ar ns/Speech lmpair€d: oulsido th€ US Cal Colect; l AaO-642-4720 1-800-419'2265 1-925-825-7600 send Generallnquiries Tol Po Box 10347 Des lMohes A 50306-0347$0.00 $0.00 $33.88 $4,500 $4 466 Payment lnformation PO Box 30036 Los Ang€les CA,90030-0086 s33 33 $15.00 031a712011 Late Paymonl Wa rning; ll we do not rec6ive yo! I M nimu m Paymenl by o3/07l2ol 1 , you mav hav6 lo Pav a ate lee up to $2s Minimum paymenr warningr ttyou make onry th6 minimurn paymeileach period, you vrllpay rnore in inter€sland llwilltake you longer lo Pay ofl your lr you make no addilional charges using this card and each month you pay... And you willend up paying an estim.led lolal ol,,, onlv lh€ minimurn paymonl $34 1477 -286-2108 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program summary Bewards Pr€vious Baanc6: credil Card Poinls Earn€dl ch6ck card Poi s Earn€d: 3 651 393 113 4157 a reward lhat s!ils yourstyle. You'lllind gitt cards, cash rewards,lravel, rnerchandhe and even Trackyourpoinls balance or gel more infomralion al wwwWellsFarsoR€ or by callins 1-877-517-1358 Transactions 01/13 01/13 01/13 01/13 01112 01/14 0l^3 0t/14 o1/14 01/l4 01/16 01/16 01/18 01/18 olEO a1120 01121 01121 01/23 01123 Detach and mailwilh ch€ok payabLe loViells Fargo . WELLS FARGO CARD SERVICES PO BOX 30086 LOS ANGELES CA 90030.0066 74465420E0A86A6VF 74465420E0A86A98S 24761970030E0N|M70 24717050048S6DV7V 74465420Goa8lr,iVER6 74465420110461QV9V 74465420KEHMSSJYO 24071050[i4KAEGESQ 24i64070N6DSNN2HB 24071050T4K95L749 ONLINE PAYMENT oNLINE PAYI,,IENT UPPER CRUST PIZZA Q68 SANTA CBUZ CA BONESIO LAUOB STORE SANTA CRUZ CA ONLINE PAYI'iENT ONL NE PAYIVENT ONLINE AOVANCE U,SAVE LIAUOBS SANTA CBUZ CA SAFEWAY STORE 00019299 SOGUEL CA MOTIV SANTA CRI.JZ CA 051 119 0o 20.00 22 00 32S 20.00 213.46 80.22 15 00 NOTCE' SEEFEVERSESIDE FOR [lPORTANT NFORMATONABOUTYOL]RACCOUNT -3580 $33 33 915.00 o3t07t2411 ,tJ. ,i ,: , rt,tl, rl,llr, ,,,,,,, t,lr,,I' rltr, q lr,,1, tl,,, rrl, t,r ARLENE S FEMEZ 3107 E8 N LN saNTA CRUZ CA 95065'2004 Check h€re and see reverse lor address and/or phone number co(eclion. ,I tl t, ,, rl, rtll tl,t,ll lt,lrh l, tI h,,, rllh llrlt,,ll l, IMPORIANT INFORMATION ABOIJT YOIJR ACCOUNT Bltlino Rishts SJmmtry '^"-,"i.a;i-oa:,i.; r';e;bu'"IdD nr cr h;r;ihai,no6 6Fdontr,olonlort ".LaGr' r ''do !:oiI opc!sa6 o] q\a n vour bl1s,1a w, (si Nor.6 ) p'or : iii.iijii"? irjil;'i,tii;;;ivli;i,;';eih.. E m E' ".s"; E:o::.;li::;,i;tJ ; IdL oo;, dj(oo rdo " lorr''5 ron or "_Idi", ,;;,;:.r,:;".-p;;.""**e'" "'."t"'l:i':;::{ "n:;1; ; ';" ' " ht'o ' b ' T" o 5' ;;.^in.;'.:.;;i;..;;4""."ild"--r"-ao n"r,i'illi:vl:.:Jtio"i"po'ero orrr^d hso(46 ". "'fiii.;':;;::"'' o;rh;; pr6"i:":,ie i"-'o opste"" "ii"l'tii " o.. oiis a6 .." " d6 . o ,o , o o,0_t ' " a.ongr."s,q-a+"..'-il.:;p;i.;;;"'. r^d. j.-""to'o$ 6roiaoi6roanvo puerrh @{'nsooc mrturol -h" *o' b-"':o'!a'o'Fa'"'B''d'b1 cuslomdr s.rvico Monitoring, sorio€LseNoonbankemProvsota idr€m'&dryslPeNlorerosNUdquaqiorserukg INFOFMACI6N IMPORTANTE SOBRE SU CUENTA F6sumond.0616chosdEFactulaci6n'slcl6q!€haydLo'io'ioJensd4ladodscUedla(un'Eiio.).osreeslLamashldmD]dnsobloll.i, Liu-.i,,-""., u-s m-.- .".0 o";;;;;; r, "o--k o (;*"";;oi^i-jir-i"L""d a;".'*'* '.*. a-"" "iio6;"-i.r""':ii q'i-aii:oi i:i'; c 'e;i;: n ;6d61De$ m "_ilii,is';e r; i"i i.,,m 'e'- . ir6divdiro o oi,16a,es de: ;;;';#.1;i;:;ii;ii;;;"iiii iiir'uiGf ;;;+"**e' qadot peqr h6 oo ! o e!04 'a'oo o n' m. m"oo* o"ainbrs a ,.;po;i: +j,;; i;;; ;;io;.; ;; o e,i -. Fb, s o,'i o a"r6posledoc0,9odLrod o "'o " " ot " " " " ". "i-.i";;o; r' '" "sB o''' " : ;e;,;i,i'ff .;;;i: ;'; ;: n.rar v sr: " " q " -,,a ko,t@d"";;';;::ocqo.qoE ss"o- F oaoo."-.;;;c;"ijiJiJJi"n"o* c ooai-@n 6e m uio;d"' tntormaclon o. a\ 50';; ;;; i.*:';;;". ; ; :.q +re, a.o''o eo, -rii;": o4s/: 3 .qs ..Jq-;''d;pl.;o;'.;;;d;;".ouoo".'"*"q.u"Ji',j"".].1on!io:;;,on;rcrcoEe.lodo@b.!".for;.dae.'Lde'ooooooem'd.-"ooiod'16 Pddos. -o5 Fdo6 d^Cono m0"o *;1,,.dd".*""". .ae. d-ro",e.i. d o.var. po I ;B$o rrso6a .o!oJqo6e ;;-;"pddo',ni,6eamr,G,G.Lss!1sr^ad:6o:tri;:ios.rlai'o06Paoon(o'br60raodGao'o-dsddrai5orser_c_d @" ""r -- , mD5 * - ,;;;:;!i';'"":r:-''o:o:;; " 6 sri' do ; b "o h .roqJa. (,,,d,es r,p,opoa o,o. t,i".i"ii".mn*o' -d".q@- " F0" -N --, r;":;a:;. "4* -ioo-''**"'o a o*- i"; ; ;. ;;;;; "oiidl€oG F,u.i kran,aDno.o@o r:rc d;!iq-6 e i" c s- pc@ \,u' J r- ;i"d^^.""..eadi c,tmo ca lculamos su saldo. u d'aroprodsdo(hcruvsndoiuwso@Prat P'ramasmrormmdnacor€ ComoEvrlar Paoar lnl€ros€s sobr6Comptas -aFo n.06\e . ;;ij::;;;l; ;i;: i;;;;;-d;;;; , :'!"" - "- ,ooie . *roo-co".- Chang6ofAddr€BsFom-[youraddr6$hadchang€d providoyourcomprdlenewaddrdssbelow. Besu€h.he.kboxonrc\@6€sde.rcoup.nandencDssinlhednrcloP6 .r.vd; please usc ths 6acLLon onv lor addres chanqss I you hav€ ony qussl ons p €aso csllilE lo] lr€o cuslohsrseNlce numbel on llro x.nlollh s slalomoil Fii,i,iirario Je Camlio ae oiieci6n - s, su I ro,cin racamb;do, pbporon€ nrevadi,emroncohpdlaabajo.Asoqk€sodeindLcar6rcusdroardo6oder.updnv rux_tp*:*ilil: -"H$i il:\"::.:_fT:*ilR::- *l_Iill 50t,.Po(d".oc, .oo-o/ i^;"b - a-n.^a r-d nind iu HOME WELLS FARGO vrsa H Eg Stalemenl Billing P€riod Ending in 8580 01 t I 41201 1 lo 02h0 1201 I Transactions (Continued,,,) fnns P@t Retercnce Nunbet 01123 01123 24431050P6oYLPQJV 01t27 01127 74465420V0A802XGD a1127 a1127 7 4465420VaABDZZKZ 01/29 o1/29 7446s420YEHIV8T50F o2b4 a2lo4 24l640713EQ51LSTZ Fees ROS]E II]CCANN S NC SANTA CRUZ CA ONL NE PAYMENT ONL NE PAY['{ENT ONL NE ADVANCE BOFDERS BKS&MUO1OO387O SANTA CNUZ CA 333.00 2,OO 17 oO .32 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD $0.00 lnterest Charged INTEREST oHARGE ON PURoHASES 0 00 NTEREST CNARGE ON CASH ADVANCES O.OO TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD SO.OO 2011 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHABGED IN 2011 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGEO N 201 1 $0.00 9o oo lnterest Charge calculation Your Annual Percenlage Rale (APR) s the annualint€r€sl ral€ orl your account PURCHASES CASH ADVANCES 23 490/" $0.00 $0.00 Billing Cycle 2A 2e $o.oo $0.00 Wells Fargo News Your YearEnd Credil card Summarv is now available online pl6as€ romember to download your copy by Aprl 1 5 20 1 1 . To access yoLrr s ummery, simply sisn on at click on lhe Account Servrc6s Tab ard s€tecthe Cr€dir Card Solvice Cenler link. lyou n6ed helpaccessing your summary, pleasocall'rs at 1400-8424720. AFLENE S REI'IEZ For Accounl Ending n 8530 Page 3 of3 + . [\l? = ]:H?:" Little things add up When it comes ta eo.rning rewards Your morning cup of coffee That weekly trip to the gas station Lunch with co-workers When it cones to ealning lewards points with ycur Welis Fargo card, virtually every purchase counts - even the small ones,* In fact, you may be sutprised atjust how fast your points add up when you use your card lor everyday purchases. Using your card really pays off Log on to or call 1-877-517-1358 to redeem your points. WELLS FARGO vrsa Slaloment Billing Period Ending in 8680 12h412010 to0thy2011 Balance Summary + Purchas€s Baance Translers & .$0.51 $194.93 $70.98 $1100 $33972 $0.00 $0.00 $134 30 $4 500 24-Hour Customer Servc6l TTY for H€aring/Speech mpair€d: Outside Lhe US Cal Collecl: J'400.642-4720 1-8oO'.119-2265 1-925-825-7600 send General lnqu iries Tol PO Box 10347, Dos [4oires A 50306-0347 $4463 $134.30 $ls.oo 0210712011 PO Box 30036 Los Ang6l€s CA 90030'0036 Late Payment Warning I fwedo not roceiv€ your Minimum Paymenl by o2l07l2011 you may have lo pay a aleleeupto$25 n4inimum Payment Warning I lryou mako only lh€ mnimum paymenteach p€riod, you wlLlpay more in lnter€stand lwiltak€ yo! longer lo pay ofl yolr Payment lnformation ,l-a77 -2a6210A lhis And you will end up paying an estimated lolal ol,., add ional cha.ges using $J40 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary CrediL Card Poinls Earn€d: Ch€ck Card Points Eanred: 3,105 319 227 3,651 We ofer more rewards choices so you can choose a roward lhalsulis yoL. slyle. You llrind s llcards T6ck yourpojnls balance or €el more informalion ai wW.Wei sFa€ or by ca ling 1-877-517-1358. Transactions 12h9 1419 12121 1421 12121 12121 12/24 12124 12129 12/29 12Aa 12/3a 1213A 12/3A 12BA 12/3a 01/03 ot/03 01/09 01/09 01/12 41112 WELLS FARGO CABD SERVICES PO BOX 30036 LOS ANGELES CA 90030-0036 2441290PHWGN961lr4A 24071o5PLWPQS583Y 2444573PLGBT6gBR1 2449398PN61EHWN42 7446542P\N0A-tZE4YD 7!07105PXWP0T96H2 7446542PXOA8DKKOX 7!46542PX0A8DK5NS 7446542A4EH|JA7VP 5 24164070460SNFQT6 24{45730DOOBDL17V BAYAREA SK BUS-REC CNXN925,680.4386 CA SHIEKH SHOES #80 CAPITOLA CA ITIACY'S EAST 1358 SANTA CLABA CA ROBERTTALBOTTG LROY CA ONL]NE PAY[4ENT SHIEKH SHOES '30 CAPITOLA CA ONL NE PAYMENT ONL NE PAYIIIENT ONL NE ADVANCE SAFEWAY STO R EOOOO64O3 APTOS CA MACY'S EAST #364 CAPITOLA CA 119.00 70.9S 42.61 21.85 l1 00 1i9 44 15.84 53.93 7098 4l 00 10000 NOT CE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPOBTANT INFOBt\,rAT ON ABOUT YOUR ACCOIJNT oelach and mailwith check payableloWells Fargo I85so $134 30 $l5.oo 0210712011 ,:." ,'' = .::: rl, t,lt,t, r,,,, r,lr , t,ll,rth r,lrlr,,l,t, ,l, rl,,ltrl r l, ARLENE S BEMEZ 3107 ERIN LN sANTA CRUZ CA 95065-2004 ' check here ad se @verse loraddr€ss and/or phor6 number correclion. r,t, trIl, fl tr, |,r|,rrrr|,|,||rIr||r,,llt,,r,llh tllh rl,I, htl ]MPOFTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT PoBo;e:NMoies.d.d06.v2,^;r!lr%rdi,,rodc io-'o/ r\-:-6lqora'Toc\,'1 ae.. 'q n you rarlor (awilL6i NoLtd) p,ov nnnor'300r\'3 d" q.nro'u6"nr".!on o.or(t oa -ronirmra'ro-be ss d!'os d, Nctbe Abaut EtsdnnE chsckcanra rlmod yo!8ur'o zeuseL^e'Lo!53a r.r,;do' I4k".ss oa'o onrou o"r *e'o.oNe\o-r Da,renl and to r sakn@ Fa4$n Irou nierd ro pay b.ra46 by lhadlsdab each monih. ws cqslomor s€rvloo Moniloring. some @!rs brssen bsikamproy€os a nd to.oded bva9eRsoE Lo ensurequa ivorsoryice INFORI,IACI6N IMPORTANTE SOBRE SIJ CUENTA R€somon d6 Ddrdchos d6 FacturacL6n. s c@ quo hayars0n e orsi suedadod6 clenla (un'Enoo o transaccidn qlaapard.66i su sladodE ;o.{'a;/oo e@ ar.roa@ro (ro_ r e1q i-p"F En sucada (una Nolica.di porE ilo ), porravo,hdqa a 6susds inro dacdn runo aa-rcmqlaoe o.5: lnlorm.ci6n ds cradilo. Av so c s r! o"b66dd . -"'cue+f.bin r@ d;s'tsdo i on.d"!q e6srarad avia sabrc caDntsnrdschdq|es us com rormdd pagoi us ed nos da ar a idomscbi d3 5u chequealn d6 Gi fdr lid Eob (-o1a d_'rioa!oterrt"adde c6ho calculamos Su Saldo. u darroprcmedo0aduvendonu4as.ffp'0s)' P0rafr{s nlo'm4dia@' Cdmo Evrlqr P€qar lnl€ros€s sobro Codprss. b F€da ds venc Change ol AddreEe Form provded p sass uso rh s sscLion Formulario de Cambio de adi0nl6Lo sno sobr€anoio Por qo\rrT!6dYtt6Y*!*"T*]*i'"**. *- t* -. |,*L- *r - .t*i* :*.._J r T")*rl*i ) '[ i , *t IL -l- '- --j i .* t- | g- i*-:- t-- J WELLS FARGO vrsA statemenl Billing Period Ending in 8580 12114120 10 to 0 t h312011 Transactions (Continued...) Irans P6t Relercnce Nunbet Fees TOTAL FEES FORTHIS PERIOD $().OO INTERESTCHABGEON PURCHASES O.OO NTEREST CHARGE ON CASH AOVANCES OOO TOTAL INTEREST FORTHIS PERIOO SO.OO Cra.tils Chatg.s lnterest Charged 201't Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED N 2011 iOTAL INTEREST CHARGED N 20]] $ooo 90.00 lnterest Charge Calculation Yolr Annual Percentaqe Rate {APR) is lho sinualinletest raleon your accounl PURCHASES CASH AOVANCES 10 65% $o oo go00 Days in Billing Cycl! 31 31 $000 s000 Get more out of your card without leaving your chair Check out the online Credit Card Service Center today Now you can manage your Wells Fargo@ Credit Card24/7. Sign on to We s F ar g o Online" at With just a few clicks, you can: . Pay your credit card bill . Switch to online only statements . Have ongoing bills paid with your card . Add credit card fealures like Rapid Alefis . Transfer other balauces to your cr-edit card . Request additional cards ' Put a pictule on your credit card . Track your expenses and much more It's that simple. See for yourself, today (n 2ol 1 Wells Fargo Bank, N,A. A I r ths reserved. fi4ember FDIC ABLENE S REMEZ Cable Recurring bills Recurring rewards It's that simple When you pay your regular bills with your WeIIs Fargo Rewords@ Card, you earn l- point per dollar spent just as you do with all your purchases.* Take a look at the points you can earn. Utilities 1,380 points Cell phone 720 points Internet serwice provider 480 points Gym membership 42O points 900 Total That's almost 4rOOO points & 5r€or just for paying your existing bills with your card! Visit WellsFargo. com/creditpay to set up your recurring payments today. $115 $60 $40 $35 $7s @'ffiEEdl mffi +Rewards Points areearned on netpurchases only(puachases minus teturns/c red itt, Rewa tds Points arenot earned on transact{ohs uslng a Personal ldentification Number(PlN), o2010 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.All rights reserved. Member FDIC. ARLENE S FEIIEZ r Online banking customers Sign on io Online Banl(ing at view or Downloed Yeer End Summary Aacatedunder Manase Yaur Money) For Aocount Endingln 8580 Page 4 ol4 No more sorting through receipts or bulky paper siatemenis-vour persorralized Year End Summaryitemizes your 2010 l/elh forgo Credir Ca-d tre rsac tiorrs lor FREE. You canviewyour summary onljne and print it in just a few clicksl Use your summary to review a11 ofyour 2O1A Vr/etLsfa.goCredir 'ard o r^ra .', separaie househoLd lrom business expenses, plan your 2011 budget and identify items ihat may be tax deductibLe. Please note that we are no longer mailing paper copies ofthe Year End Summary, but you can quickly and easily acce6s your information online; r No online banking? Our Online Banking access is convenienr and lreel To sign up, go to wellsfargo,com, theni Select Sign Up Now Once enrolled in Onlin," Banking, your summary wi)l be viewable online lrithjn 2 to 3 days. Then, sign on ai where you can access your Year End Summary. Your Year End Summary is available online Don't miss out Your FREE Year End Summary is only available online from January 15 to April 15, 2011. Ifyou need assistance accessing Online Banking, please see your localbanker or contacr Credit Card Customer Seryice at 1'B00'642"4724. O2ll l \\,clJ lar0oBank,NA.A! thBr€5erved ^4ririt{,rIUla WELLS FARGO vrsa Slalemenl Billing Period Ending in 8580 1 11 131201 0 lo 121 13 12010 Balance Summary + Purchas€s, Balarce Transfers & $300.26 $614.08 $10.00 $290.13 $7.6s $26.00 $0.63 '$0.51 s4 500 24-Hou C!slomer Service: TTY lor H€arins/Sp@ch mpairedi OuLside the US CallCollecti 1-400-642-4720 1.300.419-2265 1.925 325-7600 Send General hrquiries Tol PO Bor r0347 D€s Moines A 50306.0347 $4,500 Payment lnformation -$0.51 01/a712011 lmponant lntormalron PLEASE DO NOT PAY, AS OF TH S STATEMENT DATE YOUR ACCOUNT HAS A CREOIT BALANCE Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary Bewards Pr€vlous Balance: Cred i Card Poinis Earn€d: ch6ck Card Poinls Eahed: 2,912 I 185 3,105 cash r€wards,lravel, merchandise and even charilabeconlibutions Track your points baanc€ or 96l nror€ information al lvw.WellsFarooR€wards com or byol ns 1'877'517-1358. Transactions 11114 11/14 1t /16 1t/16 11t22 11t22 11/29 11/29 11/30 11/30 12101 121a1 12/02 12t02 121A2 12102 121a2 12102 121A3 12103 1AO4 12104 12105 12105 Fees 11/29 12/O1 11/29 12,01 WELLS FARGO CARD SERVICES PO BOX 30086 LOS ANGELES CA 9OO3O.OO86 7t465a2NF0A36X7FY TAI6S42NKOASEAFKH 7446542NPOA87GJRE 7446542NYEHl,t6DYSR 2401339NZO3M5V9ZO 7446542P0EHlM6EJB4 7446542P00A8QEG48 7446542P1043H482R 7446542P1043H4R9L F55S300P1000M4337 7446542P30495SK56 7446542P4043AGoY7 ONLiNE PAYN'ENT ONLINE PAYN4ENT ONL NE PAYMENT OVEBDBAFT TO- TKNOODLE #7 GILROY CA OVERDRAFT TOI ONLINE PAYMENT ONLINE PAYMENT ONLINE PAYMENT CASH ADVANCE FEE BEFUNO ONLINE PAYMENT ONLINE PAYMENT 265.13 7.65 25.00 OVERDRAFT PROTECTION FEE 15 OO OVERDRAFT PRO-IECT]ON FEE 10 OO TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD $25.00 26.00 275 AA 274 65 1o 00 21 6i J.04 NOTCE: SEE REVERSE S DE FoB r[4PoRTANT NFoRMATON ABoUT YoUR AccOUNT IssEo _9051 a11o712011 YKG 4 u, hr, rlt lr,, Jlr tIltl, rltrl, rltl lrI rtlrlr,lIlr,r, I tl ARLENE S REIMEZ 3107 ER N LN sANTA CRUZ CA 95065-2004 . _.r Ch€ck h€r€ and see reverse lor address and/or phone r Lrmber corroclion. tlI lltl ,, u I ll,l,,, l,,fl tI,I, trlllI rI rl,r rtrlr l,r IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUIYOURACCOUNT po. Bo-x 527 DesMdB ri5o3b6{ Yolmaynoltus6iieoLhormmr('idudns d e dd6ms0. tu'dor4 sw li you,ktrd(3 wd'en N01.o l, prcv @1o'reFn, aa;dii_:o G.s"1,d'orrc o c r ho . "d.1 I td " N. r Lo -"' /rr''br dop hs iaymi,dm y'mh'yd b btsE an ErcL ro ioi rhs p'ym6 threa (3)bus €s dsvsberorc Lhe a! ';"TBr' /an,,m' d,s orq s6_;'noaro(duso o orron.-1 mn. orio'.dr aon'o! "rc,d-Ld.8 o.p"oi crodlt lnlo nallon. NolcE: w €ugvlh'nUeilylhefrrepon' '"b orw. .rrqdo -nd rTr4 r,belmord;-o f 6's od,- 04. B"ro co1'o d1oP"';T iaikn€Fae"et iYo! eidroF Hos roAvoid Paylnq lniereslon Purchtsos. Ye' schodusd Pay oarvouro rebd,;.€6yhed!eda "mo-n,.*;"!.h.rcapp,l'ms1ls'o'Jodiarccdj Customor SeRlcs Monltorihg id€.ddedbystpe boa b enrrc qld ry ot sNrcs INFORMACI6N IMPORTANTE SOERE SU CUENTA Ro6um.nd€Dor€chosdeFactlracL6n.s'cGecshayalcLinqdr€^sue{adodecueaGnErd)osnicisramrs d'm3cdish,6 En3u6 atuia Noti€ci6nFrEs o),porravo, ndlya aiou€nk nromac6n: 'Unade{npcdnd!]Eroryk6l M rs ri,!.i olemc, r Fdrmc ado a Fsars! csnk dB rarFb dd 'e ro demane€ aubmeiiG dsdo sucuEibd r6oanos t3s{3)dks habior 3ncsd lnlormacl6n de Credllo AvEa s.bB canvaEi,n da ahaquesEl6dl,ae, Arp'oporcbn unchq tarere,snca€roddnodB su.i6nra cdmo cslculamos su sa{do odsroPrcmedo(rBlymdon6vascompct Paranirinromss6race G6mo Evltar P.gar lntorosos sobre Compras. L5 Fedade venc Monito.oo del Sedlclo al cll6n ChEnge ofAddross Form lryouradd/essrraschansed prcvldsyourconpl6lenewed.lrcssbeow. Be su,e lo deck box on reveGe s nry loraddrcss chansos llyou havoaiy queslons p ease c mberon lrre konlol lhrs slatenrenl Fo.mularlo d€ Camblo de Dlreccl6n - s sudGccidnhacan c6n@nrpe13abajoAsegir6sedendicarscuadroadorsod6clpdny ir:qjr { .ril.& r, r;a.:-+: riF.r' r,.E,r' rtr -,l ! I r{ ..ll.Ef riF t,.! f, hr'a-E l I r'? : Fr!fF-3-!r.3 i i i E I I il $ u ll r ! c I I rl I hll I ll I q 11 u .;.J!- J.- J.*-r"*!*I.-JL .-i-. J-J!*J --X - I - l" - L -:L -:,-",1, f --J.-"I !- L-.f,-.11..,L...t WELLS FARGO vrsA statemenl Billins Period Ending in 8580 1 1 I 111 2010 lo 1 21 13 12010 Transactions (continued...) Irans Post Refe/enc. Numbet Cte. ts charg$ Interest Charged INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES O OO INIEREST CHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES O 53 2010 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED IN 201O TOIAL INTEBEST CHABGED IN 20IO $25.00 $0.79 lnterest Charge calculation You.Ann'ral Percentage Rale (APR)16 the anrualini€resl ral€ on your account PURCI-]ASES CASH ADVANCES OVEFDAAFT AOVANCE 10.65% 23.49% 23 49'L so.0o $0.00 $26.54 Billing cycle 31 31 31 90.00 $0 00 $053 Wells Fargo News n ih6 seoilon ofyour siaiomenLtlued 2010 Totalo YeaFTo-Date, Lhe TOTAL FEES cHARGED N 2010 may notincud€ lh€ folowlns fees Check Fe6, Retu med lGm Fee, Belurn€d Paymen I Feo, Phone Pay F6e or Rush CaId De lvely F6e) il they wote assessed lo your account period ol January 1 2o1o - Fgbeaty 22 201 0. To oblaln ljlai in lormalior, pleas€ cor lact Customer Service lor sssistafco Fast. Informative. Free.' Introducing Wells Fargo" Rapid. Alerts Receive fast credit card tran6action alerts directly onyour mobile device' Wells Forgo Rapid Alerts is a free'new service that lets you monitor your Visa credit card activity, track your spending even help prevent fraud. Here are just a few of the alerts you can sign up for: . Transactions over a certain dollar amount . Transactions made or-rtside the United States . Declined transactions . And more Sign up for Wells firrgo Rapid Alerts today, Visit https://rapidalerts.wellefargo,com - 1t's easy and it's free' .," c.151t- t a " FrL {liLi "ru,r!..1!crJe!ueJ L, tl,eLL.arrtriA ,J 'n.b'..:. AL'toertnrt on,1rc' !.r'!.."n,1c I a ! J o"r'.A.!.r,"..,.s irl,n. h.'.si' '.1'd.0"' oa"c"mo ' ^ r"')F^t' l'Ah'. i"a* ",1/... Arln1^l',. IIPJ P- l .iz0lowellsrarsoBafk N.A.Allrish*rcierved. LcClS/209 ABLENE S BE[4EZ For Accoufi Endirg n 8580 Page 3 ol4 Hry CHANGE IN TERMS NOTICE:Pleose reod colefully. December 2010 From time to time, Wells Fargo makes changes to the lVells Forgo Rewordso program Terms and Conditions and the availabiJity of redemption options. The following changes willtake effect February 1,2011 The following replaces the corresponding language rn the Grms and Conditions, which previously indicated that the numbar of points to be redeemed is eqllvalent to the ticket cost divided by.0125, rounded up lo the nearest whole pointl Points may be redeemed for airl]ne tickets by calling the Rewards Customer Servjce Center' The number of points to be redeemed is equrval€nt to the ticket cost divided by ,01, rounded up to the nearest whole poini. A minimum of 25,000 points must be redeemed, regardless of the cosi ofthe ticket,lfthe number of points required to redeem fur a trcket exceeds your redeemable points, you may charge the balance of the ticket cost using )Dur accouni. AVISO SOBRE CAMBIOS EN LOS T6RMINOS: leo detenid@rnenre. Diciembre de 2010 De wez en cuandqWells Fargo realiza cambios en los T6rminos y Condicionesyen la disponibiiidad de las opciones de canje del programa de recompensas h/ells Fargo Rewordso Los siguientes cambios entrardn €nvigencia a parrt del1de frbrero de 2011 EI texto correspondiente en los T6rminos y Condiciones que anteriolmente rndicaba que el nrimero de puntos a canjearse es equivalente al costo del bcleto dividido por 00125 y redondeado al pr6ximo punto entero serd reemplazado porelsigulente: Los puntos pued€n ser canjeados porboletos a6reos llamando al Centro de Servicio alCliente del programa Rewards. El nlimero de puntos a canjearse es equivalente a1 costo delboleto dividido por O.O1y redondeado alpr6ximo punto eniero. Debe caniearse un minimo de 25,000 puntos, sin impofiar el costo delboleto. Si el nimero de puntos que se requieren para canjear elboleto excede el nfmero de sus puntos canjeables, ustedpodrS cargar el saldo delcosto dei boleto a trav6s de su cuenta, Together we'll go far at 201o r{rdlsI Eo B:nkNA.Allrisl,srcs:ned.l4enb€rrDiC. Gr 20lO wcllg ldco B l, N.'r. Todos los dercclps Eredd-Jor Mnrbro f DIC ARLENE S FE['EZ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK For Acoount End ng ln 6500 Page 4 al4 H M or ccount m I 8 ol c1 I N O $9$b YKG l 7 7 3(‘11513 D NPACE a :‘E 4 10 558A ZUUC‘ C731 DIDL'vae/Er WELLS FARGO vtsa Balance summary $o0o 9737 76 $0.00 $20000 ga27 76 $10.00 $0,26 s300 26 $4,500 Ending in 8680 10 I 1 4120 10 to 1 1 I 12120 1 0 Send General lnquiries To: PO Box 10347, D€s Mo nes A 50306-0347 24'HourC!sloher S€ruic6: TTY ror Hoarlng/speech mpalred: oulsrde lh6 US CallColl€cl 1-600.642-4720 1-800.419-2265 1-925.625.7600 $4,199 Payment lnformation S3oo 26 Send Payments To: 51 5 OO PO Bor 30086, Los Ang€ es CA, 90030-0036 12107/2010 Lale Paymenl Warning I It we do not receiv€ you. Minimurn Paymer I by 1 2/07l2ol o you may have to pay a late f€e up to 925. lvlinimum Paymenl Warningr lyou makeorly the mh mum paymenteach p6riod, you wilpay mor€ ln inl€restand ilwiliake yo! lonqer no additjonar charses usinq And you \dillend up paying an eslim.ted tol,lof..- Only th€ mlnimum paymenl 23 monlh(s) $335 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary Credil Card Poinls Earned: Ch€ck Card Polnts Earn€d: 1,972 112 Earn More Mal@ Bonus Polnisi 2,912 We offermore rewards choices so you can choos€ a reward lhal slits you slyle. You llfind glftcards, cash reward6,lravel, merchand se and even charllable conlrlbulons. Track yourpojnts balance or gel more inlormallon al or by calling 1-877-517-1358. Transactions 10/16 10/17 10/17 10/20 10121 10/23 10125 10/25 1al2a 1Al2g 10/29 10/16 10117 10/17 10t17 10120 10t21 1A123 t 0/25 1a125 1Al2A 1Al2A 1o/29 trt, n, rltlll, ,,,,, r,I,l,llt,t, rtlr, rl,,,r, ,,, ttltltl, WELLg FARGO CABD SERV CES PO BOX 30086 LOS ANGELES CA 90030.0036 2449813MJLE7D5N7L 2449S13MJLE7D5N7L 2401339|VK01Y9A6L4 2449398[rK6 ] KYOAAE 2416407M\4J10114KK 7446542MPEHMSQSO8 7446542lVS0A90VVDV 7446542lrlV0A7V6TKo 7446542MV0ASOW6eB 2416407MY6DSMV83K 2449804lVY4XG8DPlW 2461043MZO3PY2ELA WET NIGHTCLUB SAN JOSE CA WET N GHTCLUB SAN JOSE CA VAGABOND NN SAN JOSE SAN JOSE CA CSJ CONVNT1ON CTR GARAGE SAN JOSE CA uNtoN 76 00370304 G LROY CA ATIV CASH AOVANCE 0533D CAPITOLA CA ONLINE PAYMENT ONLINE PAY]IIENT ONLINF PA\'lVENT SAFEWAY STORE OOO]9299 SOGUEL CA VERIZON WRLS MYACCI 800-9220204 CA ROSS STORE 418 SANIA CRUZ CA 20.00 75.00 77.97 17 50 29 42 200 00 160 6l 148.14 19174 200 o0 1ooo0 NOTCEi sEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IITIPORTANT NFoRMAT oN ABOUTYOUB ACCOUNT Delach and mailwlth check payabl€ toWolls Fargo Accounl Number 16560 Nevv Balance $3oo 26 f,4lnimum Payment $15.00 Payment Du€ Dale 121a7t201a .- 5.' a ARLENE S REMEZ 3107 ERIN LN sANTA CRUZ CA 95065-2004 Check hsre and seo reverso ror address and/or phone number cotreclion. t,, , rl,,lr, fl 1,,l I r' ' rl' lrl' ltl lJl" ' ' tt't t' ttt, ll IMPORIANT INFORMATJON ABOUTYOUR ACCOUNT p.o.8ox 522, Des Moh6s. As0305o Yo! maynoltGusneorht mfns (nd!d rs rcnl orrhs daLommL) burdo 4 sow rn vour 3lror k wriLlen Ndr@') p,ov LhEo (3) bus n,$ d3F b€1016 rho a! 5^ " 8," b . uo .,,oP.. ""."-n;nnssnd ro-o01hooo@. p,opo'9 orsaarc.. drPucr'os3 3, c 16dlt lnlom atlon. NoTicE. w euswLhauno,Vlh8nr€0od PaymonG co^iom io Parme s ."on ^o- r, qoo .oB'. NatE6 Abart Eb.ttnr chBdx Conve How lo Avold Poylng lnl€rost on Purchases. Ytu, sd€d! ed Pay * 6r.hi4'yo! Bronouchassiryo! a pr, r ;, . fa. -Li6o. "m orL tNFoRMAct6N ti.!poRTANTE soBRE su cUENTA R€sumon do Do.ochos do Fdclursci6n. s'cE!qLahayarsiu€.rcr4a6B&6 flb(un Erc.). ,olasepad3bnpm o mmo rs sea sme 6 (oqlo nduFrbmmosar ruoqc! ed4 perc a MsromFeeR iNsdorcchd. req nostes13) d as hdbies a esd lnformacl6n de C16dllo GdrddGpo^bia6trher6tds bs str alediad6 'ecLb. Los Paoosen hd Ayisa sob9 aanveEi6n 'te chaquds C6mo Cslculamos Su Saldo. Lr d aio prorod D( rclyeido nuevas6np6O. P a n* nrohE.dna'ec C'imo Evilar Pagarlntoroses sobro ComPras L3FadsdevaM Monitorso del SeRlolo al Cllen ,r'.q]r trri{.*I...: t-r-F,.a.F riE..q..' t. r.t. r t r.9.r. F. E F.-rF..B.!.q1 liE.t.f .q - t l. ! ! ! il ll tr lI li I t I I .l I r li l: I ll ! J d **.J - J- x-.I -.t -.I.-&-!r- J--Jr.- l.- tr.- I -.t,-;1,-iL.J- -'r lr-J".J l.-.I.- t.-iL -[.-s WELLS FARGO vtsa Ending in 9580 10t14t2010 lo I th2l20l0 Transactions (Continued...) 1o/30 1o/31 10/31 11102 11/03 11104 11/04 111O7 1o/30 10/3i 1o/3i 11/O2 1l/03 |/04 11/a4 111a7 7446542N00A8GF0G7 2416407N16DSMFASD 24445OON2ELNQGBKB 7446542N30A8JEDTX 2442733N4LM892VRK 7446542N5048JW7EK 7446542N5048JW8Y2 7446542N80A3BFVZE ONL NE PAYI/ENT SAFEWAY STOREOOOO7997 SANTA CRUZ CA CVS PHARMACY #933J SANTA CRUZ CA ONL NE PAYMENT SAVE[4ART#702 CAPIT CAPITOLA CA ONL NE PAYt4ENT ONL NE PAV\4ENT ONL NE PAYI4ENT 33.93 46 1S 50.00 Fees 14121 14121 200.00 1oo oo 17.34 CASH ADVANCE FEE 1O.OO lnterest Charged NTEBEST CHABGE ON PURCHASES O.OO NTEBESTCHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES O 26 TOTAL INTEREST FORTHIS PERIOD $0.26 2010 Totals Year-to.Dat€ TOTAL FEES CHARGED IN 201O TOTAL INTEBEST CHARGED N 201O $10 oo $o 26 lnterest Charge Calculation You Annual Porconiage R6te (APR) is Ih. annlal ni6r€slraie on your sccounl PURCHASES CASH ADVANCES $o o0 913 51 Ailling Cycle 30 30 $0.00 $0.26 Wells Fargo News n lhe soclion oiyou slaiem€nl liued 2010 Tolals YeaFlo-Dale ih6 TOTAL FEES CHARGED N 20lO rnay nol include the lollotvlng le6s Ch€ck F€o R€trrned lt€m Fee, Returned Paymenl Fee, Phone Pay F€e, or Rlsh Card Deivery Foe)ir lheywere assessed loyouraccourt potiod ol Janlary I , 2Oi O - Fabtuaty 22 201A. To oblqin lhat ii lormalion, pl€ase con tacl Cusiomer Serylce lor assistanc€. AFILENE S BEMEZ For Accouni Endn9 h s5so Page 3 of4 Something for everyone Holiday shopping at the Earn More Mallt site Cut the stress of your holiday shopping. Visit the Earn More MalL site at and stretch your doliars by shopping at over 6oo top-name retailers. Enjoy earning bonus points on every purchase', plus exclusive discounts and free shipping offers at hundreds of merchants. . . Apple Online Store . Barnes & . . Dell Home . . tands'End . . . . . Stumped for gift ideas? Choose from our seiection of over 5oo gift cards-and have it shipped for free! Bonus points, great selection, improved search options. Why not make your holiday shopping more relaxing and rewarding? Sign on to, click the Eorn More MalI tab, and start shopping nowl rRewatds Points are earned on net purchases only (purchases minus letulns/credits), Rewards Points are not earned on transactlons using a Personalldentification Number (PIN). fi4erch ants and offers are subject to change. o2010 Wells Farqo Bank N.A.All rights reserved. Member FDIC. ARLENE S BEMEZ Money Management Tip Here's how you can take more control ,of your spending Payyour monthly bills with your Wells Fargo Credit Card Your Wells Fargo' Credtt Card can help you manqge your spendtng by paying your bills aatomatico,lly. And sett;ng it up is qs eqsy qs l, 2,.3, r. V sir Clic[ on rl,' l'le//s Io'9o' or Lalei/s lo.9o Mas'olcsrd'l "l,.. z Choose iom Lhe list of partrcipa irrg merc|"nt".ll the merch.nt yo.!e lool' nq lor doe.n t,lype r lre name of tn" m.r' unt in lha se.rch 6"1d. caLl the merchant directly, or visif their websiie. , 3. Requesr "u,omctic brlling to your talel/s fbrgo Cr^dr C"'d. Ybur Wells Forgo CreditCard a)sogivesyou access to My spendi4g -Report ltfl Budget Watch, our ftee Qnli4e money$anagement taol. For Accounl Ending r 8530 Page 4 of4 Earn valuable rewsrds points At e rewards cusiomet ybu earnrewardg points for paying bills w-itir your ltlel/s.Forgo Credit Card. Your valuabLe rewards pornts ean add up las,. To sign up for recurring payments, visit wellsfargo,coE/cvedttpay today. WELLS FARGO vrsA SlalemenlBilling Period Ending in 8680 08 I I 412010 I o 0gh2 1201 0 $0.00 $69 50 $0 oo $0.00 969.s0 .24-HoL. Cuslomer sorvic6: TIY lor Hearing/Speech lmpan€d: Oulside lhe US CallCoLect: W6k Fargo Onln€@: 1-400.642-4720 1'800.419-226s 1-925'825'7600 $0.00 $0.00 $000 $4 500 Send General Inq'riri6s Toi Po Box 10347 o6s l{lornes A 50306-0347 Balance summary + Purchases BalancelransieG & $4,500 Payment lnformation $0.00 $0.00 1010712010 Wells Fargo Rewards@ Program Summary crodlt Card Points Earned. check Card Poinls Earned: ,562 70 156 1,788 Earn l/1016 Mall@ Bonus Poinls: Earn vauable rewardswilh lhe WeLs Farso Rewards@ program. simp y lse your cards toryourev€ryday purchases and walch yourpoints add up iasl. Wo otr€r mor€ rcwards choices so you can choose a r€ward lhal suits you slyle. You'llfind sill cards, cash €bal€s, tnvel. merchand se and even chaitabls contibulLons Formore inlomalion or io review your redemption opliofs sign on lo or callus al 1-877-517-1358. W€ orier morc rewards choices so you can choose a reward thal suils you. style. You'lliind gin cards, cash rebales,lrav€1, merchandlse and even or by calling 1-877-517-1358. Transactions oa/25 04125 oet25 08125 08/25 08/25 04127 04t27 oal2s 0al2e Fees 24 1 6407 KYMXXS H75 2422443122\3ogY A4 2442733KXLM88ZBOG 7446542L10A8VN1S7 7446542LIOAAEHENY STARBUCKS USA 00053751 FRESNO CA PANDA EXPRESS 7O5 FRESNO CA FOODN4AXX #414 FRESN FRESNO CA ONL NE PAY[4ENT CtedlE Chary$ 7.50 13.06 44.94 ig 94 20.56 IOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD NoTlcE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IN4PORTANT NFOR[4ATON ABOUTYOUB ACCOUNT E8580 $0.00 $0.00 WELLS FARGO CARD SERV CES PO gOX 30086 LOS ANGELES CA 90030-0086 so o0 1010712010 YKG 4 Amounl Enclosed rrltlI rll,lt,l, hlltrlt| |l lr,ll h I tru,,, tltlIr,ll r,I llll ARLENE S HEr',lEZ sANTA C F UZ CA 95065-2004 ,lrt, t,,I,Ir, rtrtl, rl,t, trtltlr, , t, t,ltlItlUt, rl trltlll ch6ck h6re and see r€verse loraddr€ss and/or phon6.umb€r correcliof. IMFORIANT INFORMATION ABOUTYOURACCOUNT 9!!'!s Rlqhls summ.ry. o..4 L!,1 ,qo.f iro r-- o-ar s,!i' or ''s ." "r " , 'i no'€ "rn,ou'rs erGv bnNde1.0'o! hreo (3) hcinss days e6k 1he 3!roro,i; paymmrts scnd!kdjo c r - ' ot'd.d o' v g'''"e'1d*; orc0"4 o €nrP5 B rPJ. Cr.dltlnlo'matlon. \oT a-. i o r' o F%;1: 0F 0"" "" "r'';;;_""ridsLLyhd' yo! w rMdroibvd rar(co.'4o4 htu1ro,po..da, s'dp"'n{'{$'d!'.dosJ['ll&'. Ho*toAvoldPgylng JnrdroslonPurchasos,o.\."0 o'"1f'b- -' or tns cn:" .no",o Cusromdrsddtco Monhoring. aid.scdd6d Dy $paryisoB bsns,equdly ore,cs. INFORI!!AC16N IMPORTANTE SOBRE SIJ CIJENTA RosumondoDerochosdeFacturscl6n.srcr6EqkhayaolnercrensueeadocscusnLatun.Eno/) o . bfe.rrynmmbsdbrc!e r",41;e,do@r,o P",.5_"m e;":ri;,"No!. ;;;;,i;;;;;;;, ," add d ao qL6"'o re!- doc e4od'os 5r n PaF ad r @ . t tralta.,-nt 3t s,to de r.,srrr \ used nbl$ (r C6oo Calculomos Su Saldo omp,at.p anes nbmE.dn,.o C6noEvJErPaga' lnte,esessobroCompras .aF6r.oo,, 3r" '.o, ,; ":".;..,. ChangeofAddrossForm-tryouraddrssshaschansod EbeowEesurotodrsckboxoi, provid6d Pkseusethsseclononyroraddrcsschangos. ryouhaveanyquosriois,preasse rheroLLto6cu6bmerseryconumboronostmnlorlllssLalsment. Formularlo de Cambio do Dlroccl6tr - sisudnecc6n ha c6mb adoi proporciona su nuova d r6cci6n mmpreta abalo. assLrrcse deadljnl6o€ne$breanexoPorravorusossrassccbi$am6n sireoeprcgunias,pofravorrame0 i'1- I- tr*l''t-il-rl-"a']' j," i"il i-T-x-'f*$-n li]'-I r"r"r'il"r'i'.JL J!.J-,t, r,! - - r.,Ji,. J- J - t. t..,i,.r!..i. i I:. i,.l i - E,.n *L -il.-r WELLS FARGO vtsA stalemenl Billing Period Ending in 8580 08h4J2010 to 09/12l2o t0 Transactions (Continued...) frarE Post Reletence Numhet lnterest Charged Ctedlts Charyes INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES O.OO INTERESTCI]ARGE ON CASH ADVANCES O.OO TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD Sl),(](] 20'l0 Totals Year-to-Date TOTAL FEES CHARGED ]N 2O1O TOTAL NTEREST CHARGED IN 201O $0.00 $000 lnterest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percenlage Rale (APR)ls th6 annualinterest rale on your accounl. PURCHASES CASH ADVANCES s0.a0 s0.oo Days in Billins Cycle 3o 30 s0 00 $0 00 Wells Fargo News n ihe soction of your slalomonl liu6d 2010 Totals Year-To -oale th€ ToTAL FE E s cH ARG E D N 20 1 o may not incrud6 rh€ fot owiis lees (Returned Ch€ck Fo6 Relorn€d lt€m Fee, Returned Paymen I Fee Phon€ Pay F€e, or Rush card D€lrv€ry Fee) ir th6y were ass€ssed ro yoLrr accoli r ior ths time P€riod olJanuary l,2010 _ Febrlary 22.2010. To oblah lhal informalion, please coflactCustomer Service forqssisiance. Fast. Informative. Free.' Introd.ucing Wells Fargo' Rapid Alerts Receive fast credit card transaction alerts directly onyour mobile devlce, Wells Forgo Rapid Alerts is a freelnew service that lets you monitor your Visa credit card activity, track your spending even help prevent {raud. Flere arejust a few of the aierts you can sign up for, ' Transactions over a certain dollar.amount . Transactions made outside the United States . Declined transactions . And more Sign up for Wells Forgo Rapid Alerts tcday, Visit https://rapidalerts.wellsfargo,corn - it's easy anri it's free, ' ' ' , , ,.nh, q.ol"oi,.r/.. ft,r O.1...'3., ' .r, rnt,.'rE! .... ..,, rd,, +"p t,,.J,,y Po5, haroed LIte r.i(fr q1 l(.ncro'!.c'vAl'dp.nd.d,n".,q%."rr.(,nJ.o.'.qc,..rh dr.Al.,.,,,vren", o,.v_,tFt ", rl .c"'€ ra 1.l.d.l ,"1"i.",.o1,'.r ..n." ..'jqL"i,r nr',AtA..!.,. !mtr v".,t, '0r4 1! Fl P al p "vo20ro\{ollxfuooll?Dk N.a. all rishe icsu ved Lccrs72o9 ffi: ffit ,wffi**. For 24-Houi Custoner Service Call we1ls Fargo On]lne I !-soa 642-412A t-800-4L9-2265 7-925-e25- 7604 PERCENTAGE TDD fo! Hearing/speech Impaired: ouLside the IJs call adllc.F: Accoun! Numbe. - esso Statement Clo6ing Date Available credit or/12/1A $4, s0o $4,500 send GenelaL Inqui)rie6 To: I'JELI,S FARGO CARD SERVICES PO BOX 10347 DES MOINES- IA 50306 Send Paymencs To: l,lELLS FARGO CARD SERVICES PO BOX 30035 LOS ANGE'ES. CA 90030-00Sri account summary Plevious BaLance + Purchases & other Charges + Cash Advances + FINANCE CIiAftCE welLs Fargo Reuards program summary Rewalds Previous Balance i Credit Card Poinls Ealned This Month Check Card PoinLs Ealned This r'lonth: .00 .00 .00 .00 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 $0 5o Palmenr rnfolmaLion scheduted Hinimun PaymenL scheduLed Palmenl Due Dace $0. $0. a2/ as/ 10 108 103 Tota1 Availabte Pointe: 27\ RaLe Infolmalion YOUR RATE IIAY VARY ACCORDINC TO THE TERMS OF YOUR AGREEiIENT fype of Balance PURCHASE (S) CASH ADVANCE (S) CHARGE ComposiLe ANNUAL pERCENTAGE RATE 23.498 Days i. Bilting cycle OO Notice !.bout Electronic Check conve.sion when you plovide a check as paymeDt, you authoiize us eithe! Eo use informarion from your check to nake a one-cime elecLronic fund tlansfer from your account or !o proce6s rhe paymenc as a check lransaccion, when ve use informahion flom your check to make an elec[lonic fund Eralsfe!, funds may be Nithdlawn from you! account rhe same day we receive your payment, and you will not leceive you! check back from your financial insrituLion, 5596 0000 vFD ! 1 1 rAO772 lage 1 of 2 5583 2000 C9sl o1BH5596OOOOOOOO - s0.00 scheduled Mininrum Palmenl $0,00 Scheduled palren! Due Dace A2/aa/aa VFD4 l"lELLS EARCO CARD SERVICES PO BOX 30086 tos ANGELES, CA 90030-00€6 ARIENE S REMEZ 310 7 ERTN LN Additional InformaCion Regarding ff::H:"i's::,."ffi ImPortant Informahion 8580 12 /ra 5533 2000 C951 o18H559600000000 Fe offei mole levralds choices so you can choose a reward thaL sulLs you! slyle. You'11 fi.d gifc caids ca6h rebaces, travel, nerchandise and even cha!irabte conLiibutions. Tlack your poinLs balance or get more lnformaLlon ac !4 e, or by caLling 1 8?? 517-13se 5596 0000 vFD 1 100r12 For 24-Hour CusLomer Service Call TDD for Healing/speech Impaired: oucside rhe us calL colleccl wells Falgo onLine : I AAA 642 4720 l-eaa-419-2265 | 925 e2a-1640 - s53o StaEemenl closing DaCe rr/ra/o9 $4 $4 5oo Available ciediL Send ceneral Inquirjes To: I.IELIS FAiGO CA.RD SERVICES PO BOX 1034? DES I'OINES. IA 50306 send Paymencs Toi WELLS FARGO CARD SERVICES PO BOX ]OOE6 LOS AIiIGELES, CA 9OO3O-OO8€ Accolnt sumfrary Falmeni: lnfolmarion Previous Batance $o.oo Nep Ealance - credits $o.oo scheduled flininrum pay enl - PalmenLs $0,00 Scheduled PalTenE Due DaLe + Purchases & Othe! Charges 90,00+ Cash Advances SO, OO + FINANCE CHARCE $O, OO = New Balance So oo RaLe Infolmation YOIIR IIATE l'lAY VARY ACCORDING TO 1HE TIRMS OF YOUR AGREETjENT Colfesponding Daity ANNUAJ FINANCT $0.00 $0.00 12 /A1/ 09 PERCENTAGE .06435t DaiIy Type of Balance PURCIIASE (S) CASH ADVANCE (S) 23 .49* $0. o0 s0.00 composite AN\VAL pERCENTAGE Ri\TE 23.499 t'letls Fargo Nes6 Days in Eilling cycle 00 Nohlce Abouc Electronlc Check conversion l'Jhen you provide a check as pa'men!, you auchorize uE eiEhe! ro use infolmation from your checkto Nake a one Lime ele.tronic fuld lransfer from your accoun! or Lo process rhe p;ymenEas a check Eransaction. when vre u6e informalion flom your check Lo make a; electronic- fund rransfer, funds nay be wiLhdrawn from your accounL and you vitl not receive youi check back fron yclr finan.ial insriruaion. 5596 0000 VFD 1 7 7 091110 page 1 of 1 5583 2OOO C951 O1BH5596OOOOOOOO IiAVE YOU RECEIVID YOUR NEI,I I'JELLS FARGO CREDIT CARD? PLEASE CALL 1-€66-537-8424 TO CONFIRI! RICIIPT OF YOUR CARD, - s0 00 Scheduled Minimum ?alment gO. OO scheduled pa)menr Due Date 12/o-J/a9 I,1]ELLS FARGO CARD SIRVICES PO BOX 30086 tos ANGEIES, CA 90030 00A5 AJII,ENE S REMEZ 310 7 IRIN LN SANTA CRUZ CA 95065 2004