Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 8, 2018AT TOITNI Y (da I'ARTY WITHOUT A I IORNLY (yn nM ante Iin»new .(n In(nn TRAVIS H 1/VH)TF)ELD, 195108 Law Office of Travis Whitfield Z055 Junction Avenue, 138 Saii Jose, C:A LJo131 FLI.PRONE NO (408) 879-9039 T»yoer i Y i OR,NT»T Plaintiff suPERIOR C:OURT OF cALIFORNIA, CCIITNTY OI- Supe(ior Court of C:alifornid, Sdntd Clar i C'ounty 191 N I-I(st Street San Jose, C:A 9511:1-1090 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER Jeffrey M Aichete OFI:I.NITANI(akspoNOENr Pacific Gas f(( Electnc Company, et ai (.1 E NL(MEER 18CV3Z3156 POS-010 N o Fin(do PROOf Ol- SERVICE Of- SUMMONS A t-»o» (- » I » f(.n(» dn t;u(. Idy (.O. d . d dy e a. i se(ve(t (.oni(es oi, Civil Case Cover Sheet, Summons, C:amp(aint for Breach of Contract, Civil Lawsuit Notice 3 a Pa(ty served PaCifiC GaS and EleCtnC tn I erson serve(i Linda Y H Cheng - Person AL(thortzed to Accept Service of Process Addr(',, where the party vyes seived 77 Beaie Street, Z4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 I so(ve(l tli(.'dlty by substituted service. On (date) pZ/I-T/Zp18 dt lt((»L) 3 ppplvt I left the documents I sted in item(? w(th oi p»eence «D;Try t Slitllli - C!IC:I'I - I I'ISOIT lll C Ital I'c C)l ()I'I IOL.: (1) (i>us(ness) a person at least 1B years of ege eoporently In clnorge ot the off(ce or usual piece of business of tiie person Io be served I informed him or her of the cieneral nature of the pape(s (4) A der laration of mailing Ts attdchecc G The 'otice to the Per.,on Sr.rv(.ri" (on the r,urrin-on,) v,as (.ornplete(i a, fr>llew 1 ARIItP. AMand Electnc und(. I CCI'16.10 (corporation) y Person who .,(.rved pap( (, Nemo J Alan Constant b Address One Legal 194 fvtorin 504 Redwood nivri ii??3 Novdto CA 94(34/ T(.ter(hone numbei 415-'191-GGQ('l The f( e for .(.(vie(. vya- S 140.00 I om (3) rag(std rrd Californie prnr ess s(.r ver. (I) EI(lldtoyoe or ITTLIOULULIcntoo'Ttlactoc (»I Reoistration No. 2015-i?0011(J9 (N() County San F'encisco S. I deeidIC LIO(i( I Pe(Tell'y'f PP(ILI(y'inder tiie I (YE OI ti'e I/Rited Stetee Of Ame(ICO en I the Giaie Of Cal(fOrn(a that Ihe fOreqc(na IS tr(ie and CO reri. ruditc 0Z/13/Zp)8 J Alan Constant iaMI Ul- In Rs(T(d YMII() siRv( FT ('n P IR 0 0 I- 0 I SERVICE 0 I S U IVI 0/l 0 N S I s I ( IN* I Ln(L ( OL/1 'I '730041 E-FILED 2/15/2018 2:08 PM Clerk of Court Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara 18CV323156 Reviewed By: R Jimenez Envelope:1225471 At teat(EY Ltt't(STY (v(T I t(t t A (i'tt(NLY (N( tn ~ I(i «kfnna TRAVIS H VVHITF ELD, 195108 Law Office of Trav!8 VVhitfteld 2055 Junction Avenue San Jose, CA 95131 A'Oi(t(EV Eoa fvnt«) P air)tiff (1((tin«mant(a (1 nein«i tt;,tn in n ai (firn(ttl if any Santa Clara - First Street 191 N. Ftrst Street San Jose, CA 95113-1090 it I I eefy lt: 'f«T (408) 879-LJ039 7049 Tf('f O( 'tf(TU LON.Y Lf()Nit( I-lJeffrey M. AicheleL' I- E N O A I ' Pacific Gas 8, Electric Company, et al CASE NUMECN PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL I 8CV323156 BY FAX I ar» a cit zen of tho Utiited States, over trio age 0 18 ainu f«ot '3 palty to I'i(t within let(on MV b()st)less aclctfess Is 504 Redwoocl Blvcl, Butte 223 i(tovato CA 04947 On 02/13/2018 after substitutecl service under section CCP 415 20(a) or 41 5.20(b) or I RCP 4(e)(2)(B) ot FRCP 4(h)(1)(B) was made (tf applicable), I mailed copies of the: Civi Case Cover Sheet, Summons Complairit for Breach of Ccntract, Civil 'wsuit Notice to the person to be served at the place where the copies were left by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope, with First Class postage thereon fully prepaid, in the United States Mail at Los Angeles, California, addressed as follows; Pacific Gas and Electnc Linda Y.H. Cheng 77 Beale Street, 24th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 am readily farni iar vnth the firm's pinctice for collectioc and processing of documents for mai ing Under that practice, it wcu d be d posited within thc United tate.sf I natal Scrvtc:f., on th;il come c!ny with ooctogo thereon tul'y p epoid, in the ordinar'/ course of business I am aware that on motion of the pa;ty seIA/ed, servic:e is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is mote than one (1) day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit ee for Service $ «0 oo One I eris) - )94-tvlarin 504 in'eo(vood 8lvc! I/223 l(toy ale, CA 94947 I (le(' it c iin(lei pci) ills (tl,tet lii)(»»clet Ihe Itin s (tl Ihe I I»lie(l . il iles (yl y(li»'I ti'll ft)1(l ll)C'if tli'llL ftl tl(vt)1)(I )lift) Ihu Iltlul)(()lip IS lrt)L')1)d Ctti)UL!I ()ltd ilt il t,its;ILLI ir i)fit» ((;tv ONLY»le(l tt» 02/I 3/Blil 8,'(I I.(is A»i'el( N I ':tlil(tint i. 4:;. Khaii iVVott (OL/r 1', i 30041