Request to Enter Default FiledCal. Super. - 6th Dist.June 6, 2018Ciy-1L 3 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUTATTORNEY Hunt 8 Henriques, Attorneys at Law Michael S. Hunt, Esq. ¹99804 Janalie Hennques, Esq. ¹111589 Donald Sherrill ¹266038 151 Bernal Road Suite 8, San Jose CA 95119-1306 TELEPHONE NO. 408-362-2270 FAx No (optionai) 408. 362-2299 E-MAILADDREss (opnonal) info@hunthenriques.corn ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ sTREET AooREss 701 Ocean Street Room 110 MAILINGADDRESS clTY AND ZIP coDE Santa Cruz CA 95060 BRANCH NAME Santa Cruz Division PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, LLC FOR COURT USE DNL7 DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT'ENDALLP HEANEY CASE NUMBER I REQUEST FOR (Application) QQ Entry of Default QQ Judgment 18CV01627 For Use only in actions under the Fair Debt Buying Practices Act (Civ. Code, g 1788.50 et seq.) 1. On the complaint or cross-complaint filed a. on (date)i June 6, 2018 b. by (name)i Porffolio Recovery Assooates, LLC c. ~X Enter default of defendant (nsmes): KENDALLP HEANEY d. ~X I request a )udgment under Civil Code section 1788 60 and Code of Civil Procedure section 585 against defendant (names)i KENDALLP HEANEY (Testimony may be required. Check w¹h the clerk regarding whether a hsanng date is needed.) e. ~ Default was previously entered on (date): 2. Judgment to be entered. a. Demand of complaint* .. b. Interest... c. Costs (see page 3) . d. Attorney fees ...... e. TOTALS.......... Amount 1,376.14 $ $ 240.50 $ $ 1,616.64 $ Credits acknowledoed 000 $ $ ooo S $ 000 $ Balance 1,376.14 240 50 1,616.64 (* Must be established by business records, authenticated through a sworn deciarafion, submitted with this application. (Civ. Code, H 1 788.58(a)(4), 1 788. 60(a) )) 3. This action is not barred by the applicable statute of limitations (Civ. Code, 8 1788.56). 4. Requirements for the complaint. a. The complaint alleges ALLof the following (Civ. Code, ¹9 1788.58, 1788.60): (1) That the plaintiff is a debt buyer; (2) A short, plain statement regarding the nature of the underlying debt and the consumer transaction from which it ts derived; (3) That the plaintiff is EITHER the sole owner of the debt OR has the authority to assert the nghts of all owners of the debt; (4) The debt balance at charge-off and an explanation of the amount and nature of, and reason for, all post- charge-off interest and fees, if any, imposed by the charge-ofl creditor or any subsequent purchasers of the debt; (5) The date of the default OR the date of the last pavment; (6) The name and address of the charge-off creditor at the time of charge-off in sufficient form so as to reasonably identify the charge-off creditor, and the charge-off creditor's account number associated with the debt; Form Adopted fo Mandatory Use Judioal Counoi of California Civ-105 [Naw January I, 2018) REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT (Fair Debt Buying Practices Act) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll Page I of 3 Code of Civ t Piooaduia 5 585, C I Code, 8 178880 www courts ca gov 1261146.001 ELECTRONICALLY FILED Superior Court of California County of Santa Cruz 5/7/2019 2:08 PM Alex Calvo, Clerk By: Sandra Gonzalez, Deputy Pi AINTi F)PEiiTIGiNER, PGRTFGLiG RECOVERY ASSGCiAIES, L' DEFFiSDAN f/RESPGNDENT KE!SDA' P HEANEY CASE Nut«a 8 1SCV01627 C)V-'!05 (7j The name and la 1 knowc. address oi 8;8 debtor as mey appeared in the charge-op creditoys records pncr tff (8}TN. -ames apd addresses oi ail persons or enl.ties that purchp ed the debt after charge-o f, Including the plaintiff debt buyer, in ffflcienl form so as lo reasonably fdenrdy each such purchaser, and (9) Thai ihe plaintiff has compked with Cwil Code sectIOn 1788.52. b. A COPy Of the COmfaC! Or Othe." dOCument deSCnbed n CiVil COde SeCticn, 1788 52(bj 8 attaChed tO the COmPlaint. Documentation requirements for default judgment. ALL cf ihe following documents are submitted wi!h this for default !udgment (Cfv Code, E 1788.60(af-(c)): b A copy oi the contract or other document evidencfng the debtor's agreement to the debl, authenticated thfough a sworn declaration. see G.v.l code section 1788.52(b) regarding documen'.ation, including for revolvir g credit accounts. c Business record, aufhentfcated through a sworn declaration, to establish. (I ) That!he pla nt if is E!THER the sole owner ot the debt GR has the authontv Io assert the rights of ail owners of :fhe deb!: (2) The debt balance at ci arge-off, and an exp!Boa!IOP, of the amount and nature of, and reason for, ail posl- charge-off interest and fees. ii any. imoosed by the cnaroe-off creditor or any subsequer,t purcnasers Gf the (6) The date of ihe detau!i GR the date oi the lasr GaVmen!; l4) The name and address ol the charge-off rrerlitor Bi the lime of charge-off IR sufficient for... sr. BR to repsonabfy ideniify the charge-off creditor, and the charge-oti creditor's account number assomated with the debt; (5) The nan'.e and last known address of the debtor as they appeared in the charge-Gtf creditcr'8 eco ds pnor to !he sale of ',he debt; and {6) i:e nfan;es anc aooresses of all persons or erttiiies that purchased ihe debt afler charge-oii, nmudfng lhe plafntig deb: uyeq ln sufficient ionT: so as to reasonably denbfy each sue!; p"rchaser Date'i«lay 6, 2019 Donald Sherrili 8266038 ITTP 'PRII NNI I (I ) p Defauli entered as requested on (dale)f FOR COURT VSE O(VLY Clerk, by IsIGN UR G P'II* I oR ATTGRNEY oR PMINTl I p 6. Legal document assistant or unlawfu! detainer assistant (Bus. 5 Prof. code, g 6400 et seq.j. A legal document assistani or unlawful detainer assfstanl i ! dfd I )f I dfd not for comoensaifon give advice or assfsiance wffh this iorm ff dpcfafenr has fece «Beany nefp of pdff'ce )of pay !loot 8!898( docupfef f assis«an! Gr un)a«(u de'8'pef 8 sis af', 'id!e. a Assistant* name: b. St.eei address, city, and zfp code: c Telephone no.. d County of regfstration: e Regfst. ation r o. Ezpffes . I; fda!8) 7. I x j Declaraition under code civ. Proc.„5 585.5 ((or entry of de)aufr under code c'v: Proc, g 585(a),'. Tljs Bc!ion 8 ~ Is I X fisnol b ~ is ~xi ni on a contraci or inslal!ment Tais ior goods or sennces sub ect io Cfv. Code, 6 1801 et seq, IJnruhOn 8 condl'.IOPB SBBS GGIT!Pa 'I 8''b!Bc'. IG Cfv. Code, I) 2981 et Seq (Bees evenng MG!Of Vehicle .-,.*. Br ol}gs'fio forgo. 5-=, nc - I. Brs, o efdep Iona oi . prv! Subfsctlo 0 de G*,C, l f „-. Aclj. B!BS REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFALP T (Fair Debt Buying Pfacticea Act) PPQE P 3 T2RT 1@6 Dr, Sandra Gonzalez 5/7/2019X Civ-105 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, LLC DEFENDANT(RESPONDENT: KENDALLP HEANEY CASE NUMBER: 18CV01627 {2) To (specify names and addresses shown on the enveiopesj 111 EMELINE AVE SANTA CRUZ CA 95060 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing items in 6, 7, and 8 are true and correct. Date: May 6, 2019 Donald Sherrill ¹266038 8. Declaration of mailing (Code Civ. Proc., 6 587). A copy of this Request for Entry of Default was a. ~ not mailed to the llowing defendants, whose addresses are unknown to plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney (names)'. ~X mailed first class, postage prepaid, in a sealed envelope addressed to each defendant's attorn y of record or, if none, to~ each defendant's last known address as follows: (1) Mailed on (date)i May 6, 2019 KENDALLP HEANEY (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) 9. Declaration of nonmilitary status (required for ajudgment). No defendant named in item 1c of the application is in the military service as that term is defined by either the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App 6 3911(2) Or California Mihtary and Veterans Code sad(on 400(b). 5/6/201 9NOT ACTIVE 10. Memorandum of costs (required Ifmoneyjudgment requesfedj. Costs and disbursements are as follows {Code Civ Proc., 6 1033.5): a. Clerk's filing fees ..................... $ 181.00 b. Process server's fees.................. $ 59.50 c. Other (specify)I d. e. TOTAL. f M Costs and disbursements are waived. 240.50 g. I am the attorney, agent, or party who claims these costs. To the best of my knowledge and belief this memorandum of costs is correct and these costs were necessarily incurred in this case. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing items 9 and 10 are true and correct. Date: May 6, 2019 Donald Sherrill ¹266038 (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) Civ-ICS INaw Janvaiv I, 2018) REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT (Fair Debt Buying Practices Act) Paaa 3 af 3 1261146.001