RequestCal. Super. - 6th Dist.September 25, 2018Request to D Modify E TerminateCH-600 Civil Harassment Restraining Order Party Seeking Modificatioanermination a. Your Full Name: Marissa Tayag b. E Protected person D Restrained person c. Your Lawyer (ifyou have onefor this case) Name: State Bar No.2 Firm Name: Clerk stamps date here when form is filédGeo" Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 11/8/2018 10:36 PM Reviewed By: A. Georgieva Case #1 8CH008375 Envelope: 2154704 gieva d. Your Address (Ifyou have a lawyer, give your lawyer’s information. Ifyou d0 not have a lawyer and want t0 keep your home address private, you may give a diflerent mailing address instead. You d0 not have t0 give telephone, fax, 0r e-mail.) Address: 2032 Southwest Expressway #35 Fill in court name and street address: Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara 191 N. FirstSt San Jose, CA 95113 City:San Jose State: CA Zip: 95126 F'l/ ' b .' Telephonez408 888-7450 Fax: I m case "um er Case Number: E-Mail Address: 18CH008375 Other Party a. Full Name: Jaime Teague b. Address (ifknown): City: Santa Clara StatezCA Zip: ® Current Order a_ The cuITent order is a/an: D Civil Harassment Restraining Order After Hearing (form CH- 1 30) D Order Renewing Civil Harassment Restraining Order (form CH-730) b. The current order expires on (date): December 19, 2018 c. E A copy of the current order is attached. ® D Request to Modify Restraining Order a. I ask the court to modify the current order as follows (specifi/ requested changes referring t0 the item number in order thatyou want t0 change 0r delete): D Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Attach a sheet ofpaper and write “Attachment 4a -Requested Changes ”for a title. You may useform MC-025, Attachment. Judicial Council of California, New January 1, 2018, Mandatory Form Code of Civil Procedure, § 527.60) Request to Modifleerminate Civil Harassment Restraining Order 9 (Civil Harassment Prevention) CH-600, Page 1 of3 Case Number: 18CH008375 b. I ask the court t0 modify the order because (explain below): D Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Attach a sheet ofpaper and write “Attachment 4b -Reasonsf0r Requested Changes ”for a title. You may useform MC-025, Attachment. ® E Request to Terminate Restraining Order I ask the court to terminate the current order because (give reasons below): D Check here ifthere is not enough Spacefor your answer. Attach a sheet ofpaper and write “Attachment 5- Reasons t0 Terminate Order”f0r a title. You may useform MC-025, Attachment. The issue that I had with the restrained party has been resolved through the assistance of the restrained party's attorney and we are now on the same page. Iwould like to move on peacefully because my daughter and the restrained party's daughter are sisters. NEWJMW 1' 2°18 Request to Modifleerminate CH-600y Page 2 0f 3 Civil Harassment Restraining Order (Civil Harassment Prevention) Case Number: 18CH008375 ® D Lawyer’s Fees and Costs I ask the court to order payment of my: a. D Lawyer’s fees b. D Court costs The amounts requested are:m Amount m Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ D Check here l'fthere are more items Put the items and amounts 0n the attached sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and write ”Attachment 67Lawyer ’s Fees and Costs ”for a title. Date: y Lawyer s name (zfany) Lawyer’s signature l declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws 0f the State 0f California that the information above is true and correct. Date: November 7, 20 1 8 A /'1/ Marissa Tayag } MW" / Type 0r print your name Sign your name I / New Jam” 1' 2°“ Req uest to Modifleerminate CH-600y Page 3 of 3 Civil Harassment Restraining Order (Civil Harassment Prevention) State: ZipC) ,121&4c Date ofBi Race jul Iq,iq1-i.. CH-11O Temporary Restraining Order Person in ® must complete items ®, , and ® only. Protected Person a. Your Full Name Your Lawyer ((fyou have one for thi 1case): Name: Self-Represented State Bar No Firm NameS Self-Represented b. Your Address (Ifyou have a lawyer, give your lawyer's information. Ifyou do not have a lawyer and want to keep your home address private, you may give a different mailing address instead. You do not have to give telephone, fax, or e-mail.): Address .Ud+t1WtS CfICIi City: State) Zip Telephone: Fax E-Mail Address: - LV'Y E 'M Clerk stamps date here when form is filed. Fill in court name and street address: Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara 191 N. FirstStreet 191 N. FirstStreet San Jose, CA 95113 Civil Courthouse - DTS Court fills in case number when form is filed. 0 0 Restrained Person.T Full Name Description: Sex: J M F Height: Weight: Hair Color: / 1ac- Eye Color: PJik. Acre: (ekr 6lei td Home Adzess (fknown) City: (.t7iiip1nciI Relationship to Protected Person 0 Additional Protected Persons In addition to the person named in ®, the following family or household members of that person are protected by the temporary orders indicated below: Sex Ae Household Member? Relation to Protected Person Pht's4 I 1 ' F Yes JNo (1f (Otithi F Yes J No tjifr. I) jYes No ] Check here f there are additional persons. List them on an attached sheet ofpaper and write "Attachment 3- Additional Protected Persons" as a title. You may use form MC-025, Attachment. The court will complete the rest of this form. Expiration Date This Order expires at the end of the hearing scheduled for the date and time below: Date: 0CT162018 Time: oO p. This is a Court Order. Full Name A Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) CH-11O, Page 1 of 6 (Civil Harassment Prevention) ROHCI [] PVERN-)' Essential Forms- Judicial Council of California, Revised January 1, 2017. Mandatory Form Code of Civil Procedure, §5527.6 and 527.9 Approved by DOJ r'r ceb.con, (uoi2ueAaJd U9WSSeJeH U1!3) 94OZd 'OWH3(Hoi-sI21o)ePo 6U!U!eJS9i £zeiodwej. .suuoV LAUaSS9 LUD U.UO AJoput1 LO1 Funur psa •japiO pnoo S! S!Qj ..I0p10 slql 421M poA.Ios u1oqJo s.Inoq j Ui421At ouop oq ISflUI sTql i0.1U0D .10 uoissossod ornpounui .inoc u suuo.Ig 104O .10 SUfl 1cU2 'i0UO2 2U0W0OJOJU0 M2 2 0 UT UJfl .10 '10[20p Ufl POSUOO!I 2 421M 01OS .10 02 lbS (i) :lsnl.0 no•q UOUTUflUIUJ2 .10 .10420 'sunsX2M .10420 cU2 UT .10 'OAT000J 01 1CJ2 JO OAT000J 'nq 03 (I1 .10 1cnq '0A24 'ssossod 'uMo ouuo °A UO!4!UflWWV PUB SWJBJ!flO JO SUfl ON 1UouJXo1du10 jo oou1d 10 owoq in0 1.uoiJ 10 01 u!o uio.g no luoAold ou soop iopo c2 tu-c2Is swj q ®ui uosiod 041 JO UOJPII4O 041 JO J0040S oqj' () ® U uos.iod 043 jo jooqos ota ri (c) :(i1oods') 10410 ri (6) uos.iod 043J0 002 jthp0M 10 qo1oqj T"(i) rn uosiod 041 JO 0O1T40A 04J () ® U! uos.iod 01J0 ouioq UT uos.iod 041 UT uosiod qou -. (z) JO UO.IpjT40 oqIJ0 0120 pjiqo jo oojd oqj' (L) ® U! uosod ou,j (j) :(eficIdv vq 1112tj) UJ0. i2M2 sp12i 1S201 12 i22S 1SflUi UOA :5M0110J SB Pe;UeJ6u!JBOH 111 Ulun pe!uea J pasenbe 1ON fl .iepi ABMV-AB1S ® Ui uosiod 041 1!' icq poos s.iod2d .ino1c 0A24 i2W noic '.I0A0M0H 1J0 S!41 01210!A lOU soop U2 0At0Jj2 S! 0S20 lifl0O 2 01 POlE j0l SlodEdjo oowos ioj uosiod .10420 10 .I0IU0S ss000id 2 .10 101(MEJ 2 fl0J41 2O21U0O UOIITIM 111J0020d q Q)Ec 2UOUI4OEIIV UO .I010 5142 JO U0 04112 P0402242 012 S.I0p.I0 20flU0O 1EUOS.I0d .10420 11 :(ãJs) 10410 ri (f7) 10p10 StJ1 0)12W 01 IOU 0SflE0 poo punoj S24 2.Ifl0O 041 'p0)10040 lOU S! () W011 S!q1JI U0i4E00I .10 SS01E suos.iod 0142 ul2lqo 03 U01202 CUE 0)j2j •SU0T.0 01U0140010 10420 q .10 'x2j q '0tSs0W IXOl icq 'p2111-0 icq 'pEW 0Ogj0101U!'l!EW 03EAUd .10 oiqnd q 'Ui3i1M UI '0U0qd0102 q 'uos.iod U! '01 p0311mb IOU 1n 'U!Pflj0UT ',cEM ift UT '11001!PU! .10 1c110011p 104110 'nosiod 04210211103 ç)5J.J 011jjO 0E0d 043 q.rnlsip 10 'Jo Ai.iodoid IEUOSIOd o.I4s0p '0snq2 ')14 '(0s!Mioqlo 10 icJ1EnX0S) lIflESSE 'U0420142 'IffEIS '0)f 1115 ')JOEI3E 'ISOIOUI '01EPIUJ1IU 'SSEIEH ri (1) UT p03Sij suos.iod p0100201d .10410 043 03 UE [] ® U! uosiod 04103 SUflJ2 UiM0Jj0J 041 0 301! ISflU1 fl0A E :SMOIIOI SB P9TUBJO,6U!JBOH 91.11 I!1Ufl p9!U0a fl pe;senbe IONJ:J: siepi PflPUO9 IBUOSiOd 'j'j o dn jo ouij iid '.nTO 9110 o dn .ioj pf o 3UOS oq iiu1 nbA 9u1p0 43At pa.n1qo pu PO2SOJJU uo no 's.Iap.!o osoq ioqo 301! op noAji toaq po3Ln1.1 $1! po"paqo £uu0dm93 943 p04U11.1 S1!4 3.11109 91JJ, :0 U! UOSJ0d LI1 Oj :ioqwnN S3 Revised January 1 2017, Mandatory Form CEB Essential Forns- CH-11O, Page3of6 (Civil Harassment Prevention) Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) (2) File a receipt with the court within 48 hours of receiving this Order that proves that your guns or firearms have been turned in, sold, or stored. (You may use form CH-800, Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored,for the receipt.) c. [J The court has received information that you own or possess a firearm. Possession and Protection of Animals Not Requested U Denied Until the Hearing LJ Granted as Follows (specify): a. J The person in is given the sole possession, care, and control of the animals listed below, which are owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by him or her, or reside in his or her household. (Identi)5i animals by, e.g., type, breed, name, color, sex.) b. J The person in () must stay at least yards away from, and not take, sell, transfer, encumber, conceal, molest, attack, strike, threaten, harm, or otherwise dispose of, the animals listed above. Other Orders Not Requested J Denied Until the Hearing J Granted as Follows (specify): U Additional orders are attached at the end of this Order on Attachment 9. To the Person nO: (Mandatory Entry of Order Into CARPOS Through CLETS This Order must be entered into the California Restraining and Protective Order System (CARPOS) through the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS). (Check one): a. U The clerk will enter this Order and its proof-of-service form into CARPOS. b. LJ The clerk will transmit this Order and its proof-of-service form to a law enforcement agency to be entered into CARPOS. c. J By the close of business on the date that this Order is made, the person in ®or his or her lawyer should deliver a copy of the Order and its proof-of-service form to the law enforcement agency listed below to enter into CARPOS: Name of Law Enforcement Agency Address (City, State, Zip) U Additional law enforcement agencies are listed at the end of this Order on Attachm,ent This is a Court Order. (uoiueAd UWSSJH IIA!D) 9O j'OIVH3(H31-s1313) iepio 6UUe.qse/cJeJodWej suuo:j1f WO I!ws] LED WJOd AiowpUe LO • icrnnuer pAa iapiQ flO3 e S! SiLJj •.IdCML 99S pjnoqs noi( 'uo!1Jop g .IEd1d o M0t MU3j ou op noijj suu0f/to2 v sjnoa iKM .ioi.woj sijo juo uAtoi.js .mo32 000 SQj3 °i wo icir ssocLmd s'uopvivpaa 'oo-cvi uuoj sn Aw °Aqo P3JM0U3j A4 oqM suosid iro pu no q pou2is 'pus suoi1joop Aq pu jg ui no& 'osuodsai 94 o uopp uj o no qiM i10&IuBq oq 1ojq 3J3 pnoo Bq 3IM ooTuBsJojoo1d p2fdu1o3 otr ii 7W1?1T efq auodsajj'o ,.z€i.iagfofooj 'ocz-HD uuoj us pujduioo pno &qBi.0soop oqM uosl9d uj, jj9s1noc su op OUUB0 fl0A Cu1ouB suos.iod.iiii uosid oq uo jiw q pos OZI-HD w.IOJ AB snw nox ui uos.iBdpos .ioouBjo!A pBu.Ii 10 poIJJU1 noswrp snbj3su0ds91 ino jg o ooj AuB ud o oABq OU op IIOA )BJ3 1fl0O 0141 42M 1j PUB 'SJ0AQ ULUV.L,7S0( ,7UaU1ssVJVH jpt.ij JoJ,7sdnba[ 0,7 asuodsa '0Zt-HC) ULIOJ mO JI 'puodso.i 01 UBM nOj4 •.iopi sq o puodsoi o MOq UJ0j 0 'SJ0pJQ U!U.WJJS0f JUOWSSVJVH l!&'J ofjsanba~t V 0,7 puodsa~t UV °H 'OdNI-OZI-HD ULIOJ pB0'J S10p10 IJ qO 6u!u!eJ4seI Lfl pee u8a9 A}4 OA Je4y JJfl03 04J0 )0J 0141 OE1U0O 'l0plo 9141J0 U0!BJflp oq fl0 puij 0I .70 '0UB1jO 0ApUB2sqns fl0T411M U!.IB0tT 0tj 3,B 1010 U1UTBI1S01 B 01111 PO1JOAUOO SBM2rnu1B.ITsoj iQBJodUI0j 0t41 1,Bt cJLI0A 0 1.JSIM fl0 10 3001.700 lOU Si SS01PB SJ14LJJ ® W03 U! SSOIppB oqm 32 JBW (q noi UO 0A10S oq ll!M l0plo 0141J0 doo B 'upB0lT 0q3 32 poflsS! S 032p U0132.I!dX0 0141 10J 3doox0 IOPIO U!U!.I3S01 1B10dm0J 51141 SB 01.1125 oq s 32141 .ioplo &1.u.13501 2 pue 'JocMe1 e q 10 uosiod ui ioqio uueoq oq e .ieodde 30U op no nq 'UUV0H Mfl030 ddL,70 '601-113 UUOJ PUB °PO U!U1B11S0)J c121Odui0j si 431M pou0s couosiod uooq OABI4 no(,j iepi JO eo!1u09 pu 6U!JBeH ;e e3ueieeddeuoN 6u!pJe6e 93!;ON os pip noA 32141 9A01d o no oiinboi jjM 111100 0uJ, 0A0qB ® W01 U p032S SB I°'11° .10 OABq nO1c 321j3 SUUB0J 10Lj30 .10 SIIIi2 IUE 'i3U0B IUOUJBOIOJUO MU! B 03 U! 1fl3 .70 '10f0p un 0103S .70 03 JJBS 3S11T.0 fl0A 011!J 000'1$ B 12d UB p2f 03 0 UBO fl0 'op nocjj 100JJ3U! SI .'0P10 S1141 0114M UOI3IUnUIUIB 10 'suueanj 10430 'sun2 33 0S1MJ0410 10 'OAI000I o3 10 oAIooaI 'Anq 03 iCi 10 nq 'ssossod '0A24 'uo 3ou1120 fl0 swieei JO SUfl9 GASH 1OUU3 flOA 0 U! uosiej Pou!eJ4SaI OLJ4 04 S93!40N PU S6U!UJeM COJAØ OJ3 .toaffo 1Vl3iTflr 1 .AUBJI '.I0p.Io SitJ3 03 P0402132 S0BdJO ioqwn () IOAIBM ooj U o pouo S! ® Ui uosiod ouj•q Ufl22S .70 'QOUOLO!AJO 320143 0jqp010B 'OOUOIO!A 11uItrn UO posuq S :osnB0o 021240 311043!M .JBPIO S!43 BA.I0S hUM 121.1512W .70 41U0tjS 0UJ peiepi 4°N II peepo UOSJGd peu!w;seJ (ISI!;oN) MOS o ee ON () :JeqwnN 0S23 Revsod January 1, 2017, Mandatory Form CfB eb.coan jFomis- (Civil Harassmnt Prevetion) Page5of5 Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) 75 Case Number: i8C 00 Whether or not you file a response, you should attend the hearing. If you have any witnesses, they must also go to the hearing. At the hearing, the judge can make restraining orders against you that last for up to five years. Tell the judge why you disagree with the orders requested. Instructions for Law Enforcement Enforcing the Restraining Order This order is enforceable by any law enforcement agency that has received the order, is shown a copy of the order, or has verified its existence on the California Restraining and Protective Orders System (CARPOS). If the law enforcement agency has not received proof of service on the restrained person, the agency must advise the restrained person of the terms of the order and then must enforce it. Violations of this order are subject to criminal penalties. Start Date and End Date of Orders This order starts on the date next to the judge's signature on page 4. The order ends on the expiration date in item ® on page 1. Arrest Required if Order Is Violated If an officer has probable cause to believe that the restrained person had notice of the order and has disobeyed the order, the officer must arrest the restrained person. (Pen. Code, § 836(c)(1), 13701(b).) A violation of the order may be a violation of Penal Code section 166 or 273.6. Agencies are encouraged to enter violation messages into CARPOS. Notice/Proof of Service The law enforcement agency must first determine if the restrained person had notice of the order. Consider the restrained person "served" (given notice) if (Pen. Code, § 836(c)(2)): • The officer sees a copy of the Proof of Service or confirms that the Proof of Service is on file; or • The restrained person was informed of the order by an officer. An officer can obtain information about the contents of the order and proof of service in CARPOS. If proof of service on the restrained person cannot be verified, the agency must advise the restrained person of the terms of the order and then enforce it. If the Protected Person Contacts the Restrained Person Even if the protected person invites or consents to contact with the restrained person, this order remains in effect and must be enforced. The protected person cannot be arrested for inviting or consenting to contact with the restrained person. The order can be changed only by another court order. (Pen. Code, § 137 10(b).) This is a Court Order. &inda' cq 'i-iij JflOD O4 U!UO qjo doo znoo pu 1U Si JpJQ U1UWJS1 IVJOthUdj s!qij -34B3!J!P3O S.)J8I3- (,i.ivcl szi jno ml li!' iazJ) 9JO9a6Ed 'OI.1.-H3 (uoi;ueAeJd 1UewSS.eH I!A!3) (HaL-s11o) iepio 6u!u!eAse £ieiod wej SULIOrJ woYq - inuass LED WJO4 AJO pULIQArnnur p9S!A Jap20 :pno B SI S!j puoJuo q snuiponssi 52Mouo'pnssi uq sq Jp.IO AUDoO.Id rn U!Ur.flS1 I!A!o .ioqO .io 'oI!uAn1 'J!uIEJ uo uq aioui jj :AapJQ zitJJ .io'IC11WVJ i jqtiojuo UU PJJ U! U!WOJ .Iop.IO rnur.nSJ U! jo SUU uio!uuOuOu uv -'°P°1!A!o unoqjuoo cUB JAO uwoaiojuo Ui oouopood so oso jEuiwu UTflSS! ipio AT1OO2OJd OUOIO!A ouSUTOp 'ipio 2D2UOO ou spnpU! sipio oqjo uoujj :JpQ .iopio A!2D1OJd o uiui.rsoi .Iq10 Cu .IOAO ouopooid SJ .IOp.IO Ai2OO2OJd 10 U!U!J1SO1 U! PPnIOU! Si 2U141 1pJo 2OtWOO-OU 'Odd Ou s Oij2J :daplQ P1UOJ °N -z: Sipio Jq2o1AO 2uuiaIoJu U! upozaid S4 2! 'SJp1O Auoo1O1d io uiur.soi .iq2O UE1 oA!2ou2sJ OIOW S! p (i OO-Od uuoj) p.yjoij e(u1uiq u si sipo oijo uo jj :j j :((q)c9 '(z)(LT)E8E9 § 'poj Wd Z9Et § 'po °d os) S9!4U011d 6uiMolloj eq; o 6U!pJ033e P9OIOJUO aq SflW siapio eq; 'penss uaeq seq epio 6u!u!eJseJ OUO UBLfl OJOW fl ;ueWooJOu3 iO Se!!JOud-SJepJO 6U!1O!IJUO3 :JeqwnN eSeO