Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 9, 2016AYIOIWEYORPAIOYWNHOUIAEIORNEYrAIHO,EIOIOEN wlffldfflwAOONI'eoffrey R. Hudson, 052486 Law Office of Geoffrey R. Hudson P.O. Box 2547 Napa, CA 94556 IEIEPNONE Rod 707-285.0900 AlloRNEYFUAEFN A Cross Complainant SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,COUNTY OF Superior Courl ol California, Santa Clara County 191 N. First Street Sen Jose, CA 95113-1090 FOR EOUAFUEE Of IY POS-010 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: StCHENG MEI CASE Hudewl OEFENOANTMEGPoNOENT VIP MOTORS OF CALIFORNIAINCORPORATED, 16CV292508 RHINO.O FHONO I PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS 5158638 1. At Ihe lima ot sen/ice I was a citlcen of Ihe United Slates, el least 16 years of age snd nol e peny to tha ection. ~i++ 2. I served cooies of: First Amended Cross-Complaint Summons, First Amended Crass-complaint 3. a. Party served: NBS Auto Of California, A California Corporation ti. Person Served: OEE FRANKLIN3NIGLER. Person Avlhcriled To Accept SEIVIOE Ol Process 4. Address where the party was served 1053 Sinclair Fronta9e Road Miipitas, CA 95035 5. I served Ihe party b, by substituted service. On (date)I'08/21/2018 st (lime)'10 35AM I left lhs documents lisled lnilem 2 with or in the presence oh Robcrl Williams - Person in Charge Of Office (I) (business) a person at least 'IE years ol age apparently in charge at Ihe ollice or usual place of business ot Ihe person lo be served. I informed him or her of Ihe general nature ol the papers. (4) A declaration ot maiTlng is attached. 6. Ths 'Notice lo Ihe Person Served'on Ihe summons) was completed as Iollowa ')(t85 Adl&)fCalifornia, A California Corporation under: CCP 416.10 (corporation) 7. Person who senred papers a. Name: b. Address: One Lc al ~ 194.Marin Thomas J. Bowman, Jr 9 604 Redwood Blvd It223 Novalo, CA 94947 c Telephone number: 415-491-0606 d. The tee lor ssnrice was: $ 91.75 e. I snc (3) regisiered Cslilornla process server. (i) Employee or independent contractor. Iiil Reoistratlon No. 25 (Iii) County SANTA CLARA 6 I declare under penssy ol perjury under Ihe laws ol the United sisles ol Amerce Effd IAE slats ol csi lorna Qsplhcavegoing is true and correct, Osis: 08/21/2018 Thomas J. Bowman, Jr OIAHE OF PEAEOH WHO EEAVEO PAP EN El / C I IC .IA Nd I(IllIO PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS PLS 1223104fl Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 10/2/2018 9:14 AM Reviewed By: System System Case #16CV292508 Envelope: 2010840 16CV292508 Santa Clara - Civil System System AlTCRNF 1 OR PART n I«OUI ATTORNEY IN«fle P(fAN«enf Geoffrey R Hudson, 052486 Law Office of Geoifrey R Hudson P O. Box 2547 Napa, CA 94558 AIToflNEYFQR funnel C rOSS COmOlainant «Pena««fnenn Inn«Penner p«nepn, fene. Santa Clara - First Streel 191 N. First Street San Jose. CA 95113-1090 PLAINTIFF. SICHENG MEI fief( Ne NF'eel« TC LE pnone NO 707-265-0900 5158638 OEFENOANI VIP MOTORS OF CALIFORNIA INCORPORATED, et al. PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL ! CASE NUMSER: 16CV292508 BY FAX I am a citizen of the Uniled States, over the sge of 18 and nol a party lo the within action My business address is 504 Redwood Blvd., Suits 223 Novato, CA 94947. on osf2(f20( 8, after substituted service under section ccp 415 20(a) or 415 20(b) or FRcp 4(e)(2)(BI or FRcp 4(h)(1)(B) was made (if applfcabie). I mailed copies of the: First Amended Cross-Complaint Summons, First Amended Cross-complaint to Ihe person lo be served al Ihe place where Ihe copies were left by placing a true copy thereof endosed in a sealed envelope, with First Class postage thereon fully prepaid, in Ihe United Slates Mail at Los Angeles, California, addressed as follows: NBS Auto Of Californi, A California Corporation DEE FRANKLINSHISLER 1053 Sinclair Frontage Road Milpitas, CA 95035 I am readily familiar with lhe firm's praclice for collection and processing of documents for mailing Under that praclice, it would be deposited wlthm the United States Postal Service, on Ihat same day, with postage thereon fully prepaid, in the ordinary course ol business. I am aware that on motion of Ihe party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more lhan one (I) day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. Fee for Servfce: $ 91.75 One Legal ~ 194-Marin 504 Redwood Blvd fr223 Novato CA 94947 I declare ( ~ Micr ncn fh( f I'ncfiury un(lcr ihc la(YL oi'he Lfnucd 5iaics of America an(l IIIC suuc ul I (ill(If(I(f1illu Ill(: liucgluulg LL u LIC lln(l fun fC('I nflit II'I'll lllls dcclaraliun un c(rculcft(m (fa ' 3liilial Lo( Angeles, ( aliiornia. Torres Olff 12231045