Abstract of JudgmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.October 7, 20168/24/2017 Marlen Pineda EJ-OO‘I ATTORNEY 0R PARTV WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Nana oddrass. and State Bar numbnr)‘ Alter recordmg‘ ralum Io‘ Laura D‘Anna Bar No. 266] I3 PROBER a. RAPHAEL 20750 VENTURA BLVD‘. SUITE 100 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91364 TEL NO' 818-227-0100 FAX no (opunnal): 513.227.0537 E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional) m ATTORNEY [I] JUDGMENT C} ASSIGNEE FOR CREDITOR OF RECORD suvsmon coun‘r or CAuFonNIA. couu'rv or SANTA CRUZ STREETADDRESS 70l Ocean StreeL Room HO MMUNG ADDRESS Santa Cruz. CA 95060 CITY AND ZIP CODE BRANCH MAME Main Courthouse FOR RECORDER '3 USE ONLY PLA'NT‘FF? RAY FEDERAL CREDITIINION DEFENDANT: ALFONSO MARTINEZ CASE NUMBER: l6CV02596 ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT-CIVIL AND SMALL CLAIMS [:] Amended FOR counr USE ONLY I'LIrsuaIt tn mania Government 1. The [E judgment creditor E] assignee of record applies for an abstract ofjudgment and represents the followi a, Judgment debtor‘s Name and last known address Alfonsn Maninez 485 Holohan Road Apt 226 Watsonvillc CA 95076 b. Driver's license no. [last4digits} and state: 4077 CA :Unknown seal. llfilillumia Gummult Code 0 Social security no. [last 4 digits]: 4129 d‘ Summons or notice of entry of sister-state judgment was Alfonso Martinez 485 Holohan Road Apt 226 Watsonville, CA 95076 2. Z] Information on additional judgment debtors is shown on page 2. 3‘ Judgment creditor (name and address): Bay Federal Credit Union c/o Probcr & Raphael 20750 Vcntura Blvd“ # IOO. Woodland Hills, CA 9l364 08‘61 Angus! 10, 2017 LAURA D'ANNA (TVPE on PRlNT NAME) - -' retard. The Elmira-16c sfinaIure and ME 55815111], the Clerk Hi the "9? Gait hereby certifies this dun-Halt mratelv reflect the ul’flcial cnurt and on this ducumm‘l have the Ema uflidity 31d Iapl force and effect as in original clerk's finals! ind can! C] Unknown “1501:51- personally sewed or {nailed to (name and address): 4, [:| Information on additional judgment creditors is shown on page 2. 5. Cl Original abstract reoor d in this county: a. Date: b. Instrument No.1 C(S/IGNATURE OF APPLKZANY OR ATTORNEY) 6. Total amount ofjudgment as entered or last renewed: $ 8.454.49 7‘ All judgment creditors and debtors are listed on this abstract. 8. 3. Judgment entered on (date): June 112017 b. Renewal entered on (date): 9. [:| This judgment is an installment judgment. [SEAL] 10. E An :] execution lien :1 anachment lien is endorsed on the judgment as follows: 3. Amount: 5 b‘ In favor of (name and address): 11. A stay of enforcement has a. [K] not been ordered by the court. b. [:1 been ordered by the court effective until (date): 12. a. [X] I certify that this is a true and correct abstract of the judgment entered in this action‘ This abstract issued on (date .' b, E] A certified copy of the judgment is attached. M “W0 UK K? ] Clerk. by '1 cult-an wufi. , Deputy f:;7;:.“g§;::;°;,’g:$:;§3U" ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT-CIVIL 'V'dW” "”6”“ mm on EJ-OO! [Rov Ju6y1,2014] AND SMALL CLAIMS M.010-467 Cons of Cm!Procoauraégj478080418;i Santa Cruz PLAINTIFF: DEFENDANT: BAY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION COURT CASE NO ALFONSO MARTINEZ 16CV02596 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ADDITIONAL JUDGMENT CREDITORS: 13. Judgment creditor (name and address): 14. Judgment creditor (name and address): 15, E] Continued on Attachment 15. INFORMATION ON ADDITIONAL JUDGMENT DEBTORS: 16. Name and last known address _ 17. Name and last known address Driver's license no. [last 4 digits] and state: Driver's license no. [last 4 digits] and state: Unknown Unknown Social security no‘ [last 4 digits]: [:1 Unknown Social security no. [last 4 digits]: [:} Unknown Summons was personally sewed at or mailed to (address): Summons was personally served at or mailed to (address): 18. Name and last known address 19. . Name and last known address Driver's license no. [last 4 digits] and state: Driver's license no. [last 4 digits] and state: Unknown Unknown Social security no. [last 4 digits}: [:3 Unknown Social security no. [last 4 digits]: |:] Unknown Summons was personally sewed at or mailed to (address): Summons was personally served at or maiied to (address): 20‘ :1 Continued on Attachmem 20. EJ~OO‘ {Rev July I, 2014] ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT-CIVIL AND SMALL CLAIMS Pig. 2 0' 2