Order FiledCal. Super. - 6th Dist.September 7, 2016‘Doouoxmgmmp-a NNNNNNN ooqoxmhmmgg'Gaza-QGESEZS ELECTRONICALLY RECEIVED MP 11/22/2016 1:32:42 PM Edward L. Chun, SBN 147403 Penrose Chun & Gorman LLP 1200 Pacific Avenue, Suite 260 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Telephone: 831) 515-3344 Facmmrle: ( 31) 515-3308 echun@pcg-llp.com - 3513' fimCLERK L‘ Attorneys for Defendants Gary and Teresa Bruce DEPUW’ SANTA CRUZ COUNTY ' MARLEN PINEDA- SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA INlAND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ ROBERT LINDOW, Case No. 16CV02332 Plaintiff, ORDER TO CONTINUE MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION v. GARY BRUCE AND TERESA BRUCE, Defendants. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, based on stipulation and agreement by and between the parties, the declaration of Edward L. Chun, and for good cause showing, that the hearing on the Motion for Preliminary Injunction set for November 29, 2016 be postponed and continued to January 17, 2017. Dated: ”/‘32/[0 a G V JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT PAUL P. BURDECK Lindow v. Bruce, et a1. 1 SCCSC Case No. 16CV02332 Order to Continue Motion for Preliminary Injunction