W.R. Grace & Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 30, 1980247 N.L.R.B. 698 (N.L.R.B. 1980) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD W. R. Grace & Co., Construction Products Division and General Truck Drivers, Chauffeurs, Ware- housemen and Helpers, Local No. 270, a/w Interna- tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Ind. Case 15-CA-6108 January 30, 1980 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS JENKINS, PENELLO, AND TRUESDALE On August 13, 1979, Administrative Law Judge Robert C. Batson issued the attached Supplemental Decision in this proceeding.' Thereafter, the General Counsel filed exceptions and a supporting brief, and Respondent filed cross-exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Supplemental Decision in light of the excep- tions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein. 1. In its original Decision and Order the Board found, inter alia, that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act by failing to bargain over the effects of its decision to discontinue its Monokote operation and to lay off four employees. As a remedy therefor, the Board ordered Respondent, inter alia, to bargain over the effects of its decision and to provide backpay to the four laid-off employees in a manner similar to that required in Transmarine Navigation Corporation and its subsidiary, International Terminals, Inc., 170 NLRB 389 (1968). Consequently, Respondent was ordered to pay the four laid-off employees amounts at the rate of their normal wages when last in Respon- dent's employ from 5 days after the Board's decision until the occurrence of one of four specified condi- tions, including the subsequent failure of the Union to bargain in good faith.2 In the instant proceeding, the Administrative Law Judge found that the Union, in fact, subsequently failed to bargain in good faith. In so doing, he concluded that a Transmarine remedy I The Board's original Decision and Order is reported at 230 NLRB 617 (1977). Thereafter. the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit entered its judgment enforcing the Board's Order in part at 571 F. 2d 279 (1978). The four conditions as set forth in the Board's Decision were as follows: (I) T]he date Respondent bargains to agreement with the Union on those subjects pertaining to the effects of discontinuation of the Monokote operation and layoff of employees and over its changing of work schedules: 247 NLRB No. 94 imposes a more stringent test for timely good-faith bargaining by both parties than the test applied for general bargaining orders. We agree with the Administrative Law Judge that, consistent with the provision of a Transmarine-type remedy, which terminates an employer's backpay liability if the union should cease to bargain in good faith, a union's failure to respond timely to employer proposals evidences a lack of good-faith bargaining. We also agree that here, as of August 10, the Union's failure to respond to Respondent's proposal contained in its August 5 letter was untimely, that the Union's failure to respond timely constituted a breach of its obligation to bargain in good faith, and that, as a consequence, Respondent's backpay liability was tolled on August 10. In so doing, however, we do not understand the Administrative Law Judge to be proposing, nor would we adopt, a per se rule that failure to respond within 5 days to a proposal is untimely. Indeed, the timeliness of a response can be determined only by reference to the facts and circumstances of the particular case. Here, for example, on July 27, 1977, during a telephone conversation with the Union, Respondent proposed to give laid-off employees 3 weeks' backpay. By its August 5 letter to the Union, Respondent in substance repeated this offer. However, the Union failed to respond either to the July 27 offer or to the repetition of that offer in the August letter, despite the admission of the Union's business agent that he knew "within a couple of days" of August 5 that the employees in fact had decided to reject the offer. Given these circumstances, we are satisfied that by August 10 the Union had sufficient opportunity after receipt of the August 5 letter to consider and respond to Respondent's proposal. Indeed, the Union failed to initiate any contacts with Respondent after receipt of the August 5 letter, and, when Respondent sought to renew negotiations on various dates in late August, September, and October, the Union neither revealed that Respondent's offer had been rejected nor attempt- ed to bargain over the matter by making counterpro- posals. Accordingly, it is apparent, as found by the Administrative Law Judge, that the Union's course of conduct after receipt of Respondent's August 5 letter was totally at odds with its obligation to bargain in good faith and was intended to serve the Union's interest in seeking to increase Respondent's backpay liability. (2) a bona fide impasse in bargaining; (3) the failure of the Union to request bargaining within 5 days of this Decision or to commence negotiations within 5 days of Respondent's notice of its desire to bargain with the Union; or (4) the subsequent failure of the Union to bargain in good faith . . . [230 NLRB at 619.] 698 W. R. GRACE & CO. 2. The Administrative Law Judge found that the backpay period for three of the four discharged employees was 5 weeks. However, he limited the backpay period for employee Solomon James to 4 weeks, based on his finding that James obtained substantially equivalent employment 4 weeks into the Board-ordered negotiating period. In this connection, the Administrative Law Judge apparently concluded that the number of weeks of backpay liability under a Transmarine remedy is tolled if an employee obtains substantially equivalent employment during the nego- tiating period. Contrary to the Administrative Law Judge, James is entitled to backpay for the entire 5 weeks. A Transmarine remedy establishes a set number of weeks of backpay liability based on the period from 5 days after the Board's decision until the occurrence of one of the four specified events, noted previously. These weeks are then applied in full to the time period following termination of employment, unless substan- tially equivalent employment was found during that period.' Here, backpay was tolled on August 10, resulting in 5 weeks of backpay liability. Therefore, the relevant question here is whether James obtained substantially equivalent employment less than 5 weeks after his layoff, not whether he found such employ- ment during the negotiating period, which was over a year after his layoff. Consequently, only if James had obtained substantially equivalent employment 4 weeks after layoff; i.e., on June 18, 1976, would the number of weeks of backpay liability become 4 rather than 5. Inasmuch as James obtained substantially equivalent employment on August 2, 1976, a year before the negotiating period, but still more than 5 weeks after his layoff by Respondent, we find that he is entitled to backpay for the full backpay period.' Having found that James' backpay period is 5 rather than 4 weeks, the amount of backpay due him must be recalculated. James earned $150.40 per week when last in Respondent's employ. In the 5-week backpay period he would have earned $752. His admitted interim earnings during the 6 weeks remain- ing in the second quarter of 1976 after his layoff was $301, five-sixths of which is $250.83. The amount of backpay due James is therefore $501.17. We shall modify the Administrative Law Judge's recommended Order accordingly.' ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the Respondent, W. R. Grace & Co., Construction Products Division, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, except that the amount of backpay to be paid to Solomon James shall be $501.17, and Respondent shall pay interest from the commencement of the backpay period until the indebtedness has been dis- charged in accordance with American Compress Ware- house, Division of Frost- Whited Company, Inc., 156 NLRB 267, 276 at fn. 35 (1965), enfd. 374 F.2d 573 (5th Cir. 1967); Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962); and Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977).' ' In accordance with Transmarine. the remedy in the Board's original Decision herein provided the following limitation of the amount of hackpay: [I]n no event shall the sum paid to any of these employees exceed the amount each would have earned as wages from the time Respondent terminated its Monokote operation to the time each secured equivalent employment elsewhere, or the date on which Respondent shall have offered to bargain, whichever occurs first: provided, however. in no event shall this sum be less than such employees would have earned for a 12- week] period at the rate of their normal wages when last in Respondent's employ. The Administrative Law Judge erroneously stated that James obtained substantially equivalent employment on August 2, 1977. ' Respondent excepts to the Administrative Law Judge's failure to deduct the entire amount of severance pay which each employee admittedly received from the backpay due him. The Administrative Law Judge prorated the severance pay over the 6 weeks remaining in the second quarter of 1976 after 'the layoffs, consequently deducting only five-sixths of the entire amount of severance pay from the backpay due. Severance pay is properly considered as interim earnings. Southern Colorado Power Co., 13 NLRB 699, 718 (1939); The Press Co.. 13 NLRB 630, 648 (1939). Further, it is the Board's practice, when it is unclear in what week during a quarter an employee received interim earnings, that such earnings be prorated over that entire quarter. East Texas Steel Castings Co.. 116 NLRB 1336, 1346-47 (1956). Inasmuch as the record does not clearly establish when in the second quarter of 1976 the severance pay was paid to the employees, the Administrative Law Judge acted properly in prorating these amounts. ' The General Counsel excepts to the Administrative Law Judge's failure to award interest on the amount of backpay due the four employees. It is Board policy to include interest on backpay awards (see, generally. Isis Plumbing d Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962); Florida Steel Corporation., 231 NLRB 651 (1977)), and the Board. in fact, has done so in Transmanne-type awards. See, e.g.. Caltrans Systems. Inc.. 245 NLRB No. 90 (1979); Globe Security Services, Inc.. 229 NLRB 460 (1977); Summit Tooling Company. 195 NLRB 479 (1972). The Board's original Order. which did not include interest. has been enforced by the court of appeals. However. in such circumstances the Board. with court approval, in the exercise of its discretion has awarded interest from the date of the administrative law judge's supplemental decision adjudicating the amount of the total net backpay obligation as well as from the commencement of earlier periods. Compare, e.g., Local 138. International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO (Nassau and Suffolk Contractors' Association. Inc.). 151 NLRB 972 (1965), enfd. in pertinent part 380 F.2d 244 (2d Cir. 1967), and Burnup and Sims. Inc.. 157 NLRB 366 (1966). enfd. 383 F.2d 987 (5th Cir. 1967). with American Compress Warehouse, Division of Frost-Whited Company. Inc.. 156 NLRB 267, 276 at fn. 35 (1965), enfd. 374 F.2d 573 (5th Cir. 1967), and Fibreboard Paper Products Corporation. 180 NLRB 142, 147. 170 (1969), enfd. 436 F.2d 908 (D.C. Cir. 1970). We find no circumstances here which warrant limiting the award of interest to the period following the Administrative Law Judge's Supplemental Decision. Therefore, we have modified the recommended Order to provide for an award of interest on the net hackpay obligation from the commencement of the backpay period. SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION ROBERT C. BATSON, Administrative Law Judge: This supplemental proceeding was initiated by the National Labor Relations Board's Acting Regional Director for Region 15 (New Orleans, Louisiana), pursuant to Section 699 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 102.52, e seq., of the Board's Rules and Regulations, as amended, by the issuance of a backpay specification and notice of hearing on October 4, 1978.' The backpay specification was further amended at the hearing. Respon- dent filed a timely answer to the Board's pleading pursuant to Section 102.54 of the aforesaid Rules and Regulations. On May 15, 1978, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit entered judgment' enforcing in part the Board's Decision and Order' in this matter, directing Respondent herein to, inter alia, upon request bargain collectively with the Union concerning the effects of the discontinuation of its Monokote operation and the layoff of unit employees, and to provide backpay to Solomon James, John Cunningham, James Fox, and Louis Morgan as set forth in the Board's Decision. As pertinent here, the Board ordered Respondent to pay employees James, Cunningham, Fox, and Morgan, amounts at the rate of their normal wages when last in Respondent's employ from 5 days after the date of its decision until the occurrence of the earliest of the following conditions: (I) The date Respondent bargains to agreement with the Union on those subjects pertaining to the effects of the discontinuation of the Monokote operation and layoff of employees; ... (2) a bona fide impasse in bargaining; (3) the failure of the Union to request bargaining within 5 days of this Decision or to commence negotiations within 5 days of Respondent's notice of its desire to bargain with the Union; or (4) the subsequent failure of the Union to bargain in good faith, but in no event shall the sum paid to any of these employees exceed the amount each would have earned as wages from the time Respondent terminated its Monokote operation to the time each secured equiva- lent employment elsewhere, or the date on which Respondent shall have offered to bargain, whichever occurs first; provided, however, in no event shall this sum be less than such employees would have earned for a 2-week period at the rate of their normal wages when last in Respondent's employ.' The specification alleges that the backpay periods are the calendar quarters between May 20, 1976 (the date of termination), and February 17, 1977 (the date by which the four affected employees had secured substantially equivalent employment). Respondent contends that the backpay period commenced on July 5, 1977 (5 days after the date of the Board's Decision), and was interrupted until July 27, 1977, because the Union did not commence meaningful negotia- tions until that date, and that the backpay period ended on or about August 10, 1977, when the Union discontinued bargaining in good faith. The issue raised with respect to the commencement of the backpay period is more illusory than real. The backpay period for the purpose of computing the amount of backpay due is measured from May 20, 1976, the ' This case was heard by me on May 14, 1979, at New Orleans, Louisiana. '571 F.2d 279 (5th Cir. 1978). ' 230 NLRB 617 (1977). ' The Board's original Order contained a typographical error which stated "would have earned for a 20-week period .... " On motion of Respondent for Clarification of the Decision, on August 3, 1977, the Board issued its Order Clarifying its Decision, wherein it substituted "would have earned for a 2-week period ... " date of termination. However, for the purpose of determin- ing the length of the backpay period the date of July 5, 1977, 5 days after the date of the Board's Order, must be considered the beginning date and continuing until the occurrence of the earliest of the four conditions set forth in the order. The principal issue litigated is the length of the backpay period. As heretofore noted, Respondent contends that the backpay period was terminated not later than August 10, 1977, at which time the Union ceased bargaining in good faith or, in the alternative, a bona fide impasse had been reached. The General Counsel argues that the earliest of the four conditions terminating the backpay period was the obtaining of substantially equivalent employment. Upon the entire record in this case, including my observation of the testimonial demeanor of the witnesses and upon consideration of briefs filed by the counsel for the General Counsel and Respondent, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT The facts, by and large, are not in dispute. The Board's Order issued on June 30, 1977.5 On July 6 the Upion's local business agent, Robert C. Louis, hand delivered to the office of Respondent a written request to commence negotiations for a collective-bargaining agreement and specifically re- quested bargaining over the effects of the discontinuation of the Monokote operation as provided in the Board's Order.6 On July 8 Andrew Partee, Respondent's attorney, tele- phoned Louis and, in substance, advised him that Respon- dent was undecided as to whether to test the Board's Order in the court of appeals and advised Louis that the Company was filing a motion to clarify the Board's Order with respect to the typographical error heretofore noted in footnote 3. Partee advised Louis that the Employer desired to bargain over the effects on its employees arising from the cessation of the Monokote operation as provided in the Board's Order. Louis advised Partee of his scheduled vacation and request- ed that commencement of negotiations be deferred until his return on or about July 25. Partee objected to such delay in the commencement of negotiations, and Louis agreed to try to get another representative to handle the matter. Louis arranged for another business agent, Noland Le- Blanc, to meet with Partee and so advised Partee, scheduling a meeting for July 12 at Partee's office. At the July 12 meeting in Partee's office were Partee and R. Timmons, southern products division manager for the Employer, and LeBlanc for the Union. Partee advised LeBlanc that he was still undecided about testing the Board's Order in the court of appeals but stated that he wanted to bargain over the effects of the cessation of the Monokote operation. LeBlanc 'All dates hereafter are 1977, unless otherwise indicated. ' Respondent makes no contention that the Union's request to bargain, although not made until July 6, 6 days after the issuance of the Board's Order, is untimely. It is noted that July 4 is a national holiday and should be excluded from the 5-day requirement of the Order. Moreover, Respondent's counsel stated that he did not receive a copy of the Board's Decision and Order until July 5. 700 W. R. GRACE & CO. stated that he wanted to negotiate a contract for all the employees.' Partee advised LeBlanc that he was bargaining only about the effects of the cessation of the Monokote operation as required by the Board's Order. LeBlanc agreed to the limited negotiations and made an offer that the four affected employees be returned to work in order of seniority with backpay until such offers were made and argued that under the Board's Order each of the four employees was entitled to a minimum of 20 weeks' backpay. Partee declined the offer and contended that the "20 week" backpay was a clerical error which he would move to correct. While it is not entirely clear, it appears that Partee countered with an offer of 2 weeks' backpay to each employee which had already been paid as severence pay.' In any event, LeBlanc advised Partee that he could not accept any offer for the employees since he did not know them and did not know how to contact them and stated that he would have Bob Louis call Partee when Louis returned from vacation.' About July 19 Partee telephoned LeBlanc and inquired if LeBlanc had contacted the employees with respect to his offer or if LeBlanc had another offer. LeBlanc advised Partee that he did not know how to contact the employees and that he would relay Partee's offer to Louis when Louis returned from vacation on July 25. By letter to LeBlanc dated July 22 Partee set forth the substance of what had transpired at this meeting.'0 Upon Louis' return from vacation on July 25 he tele- phoned Partee and reaffirmed the Union's position that the employees be placed on a preferential rehire list. Partee declined, asserting that in the opinion of Respondent two of the employees had made themselves unemployable by threats made to the plant manager after their termination. Louis promised to relay Respondent's position to the employees. On July 27 Louis again telephoned Partee and advised him that the employees were unwilling to accept any offer that did not include a preferential hire to the first available job at the plant. Partee declined, and Louis proposed 3 weeks' additional backpay. Partee told Louis that if a preferential hire was essential then they were at impasse. Louis stated that this was not necessarily the Union's final offer, and that he would like to talk to the employees some more. Partee told Louis that if they would forgo preferential hire the Company would be receptive on money. Louis did not thereafter contact Partee regarding this matter. At the hearing Louis testified that he thought he could get the employees to accept the 3 weeks' backpay, but they declined it and told him that "they wanted to go all the way with it and get as much out of it as they could." On August 5, after trying to reach Louis by telephone, Partee sent a letter to Louis wherein he supplied Louis with data showing the severance pay the Company had paid the employees, which the employees had apparently denied, and their unemployment compensation records. Partee conclud- ed the letter as follows: ' The Board, in its Order, certified the Union as the exclusive collective- bargaining representative of all employees in the appropriate unit and issued its traditional bargaining Order. ' LeBlanc testified that he construed Partee's offer to be an additional 2 weeks' pay in order to settle the case. I attempted to reach you today and am anxious that we bring this matter to a conclusion. As you know, we have a basis under which we believe both James and Cunningham have forfeited any rights to reinstatement. We feel that their compensation already received is already greater than that provided in most collective bargaining agreements. Nonetheless, if a compromise with respect to the circumstances of a preferential hiring list can be made, we will seriously consider the payment of an additional week or so of pay. Louis did reply to the letter, and there was no further effort by the Union to bargain over the effects of the discontinuation of the Monokote operation. However, ac- cording to Partee, on August 29 he telephoned the Union's attorney, John Ormond, whom Louis had indicated he would consult with respect to the Union's legal position. Partee reviewed the negotiations with Ormond, and Ormond stated that he "would look into the matter" and get back with Partee. Ormond did not contact Partee. On September 7 Partee again called Ormond, and Ormond told him that he had discussed the matter with Louis, and they had decided to let the employees decide whether to accept the Company's proposal. Partee told Ormond that in the unlikely event that the Company resumed the Monokote operation he would agree to rehire the four employees in lieu of the preferential hire in the remaining operation. Ormend agreed to relay this offer to the employees and advise Partee. On September 12 Partee again contacted Ormond and was advised that Louis had recommended that the employees accept the Company's last offer, but they had not gotten a reply-Partee heard noting further from the Union or its attorney. On October 14 Partee wrote another letter to Louis wherein he, inter alia, reiterated the Company's offer of 3 weeks' additional backpay and reinstatment in the event that the Company resumed the Monokote operation. He con- cluded the letter with, "[i]f the above offer is not accepted within a reasonable time, we will assume that you have rejected it and we have reached impasse on the issue." There were no further communications between the parties. At the hearing the General Counsel amended the specifici- ations with respect to John L. Cunningham by admitting an additional $947 in interim earnings from odd jobs such as cutting grass, laying slab, and hustling trucks. The amount was admittedly an estimate and was spread over the entire alleged backpay period. The counsel for General Counsel also stated that it had come to her attention that Cunning- ham had been offered a job on August 31, 1976, by Plywood Panels Incorporated with a rate of pay of $3.10 per hour, which he had declined." At the hearing the counsel for the General Counsel declined to take a position on whether the offered job was substantially equivalent and backpay should be tolled from that time or whether his failure to accept the offer, although not substantially equivalent, amounted to a wilfull loss of earnings which should be subtracted from gross backpay. However, in her brief she argues that the job ' The findings with respect to this meeting are based principally on the testimony of LeBlanc. 'O At the hearing LeBlanc took issue with some of the language in the letter, but such does not affect the above findings as to what transpired. " According to Cunningham, he was offered only S2.80 per hour. 701 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD was not substantially equivalent, and Cunningham was not required to accept the job to mitigate his loses. Cunningham testified that he was offered only $2.80 per hour, that he declined the job because he was making more money by intermittently cutting grass, digging slabs, and "hustling trucks," and that the job would interfere with his search for better employment.' 2 Lowell Higdon, personnel manager for Plywood Panels, was called by Respondent, and he testified that while he did not recall whether he offered Cunningham a job, if such offer had been made, as admitted by Cunningham, it would have been for a forklift driver position. Such position, under the wage scale of the collective-bargaining agreement, would earn $3.10 per hour to start and go to $3.35 per hour in 60 days. I credit Higdon's testimony that the job offered to Cunningham would pay $3.10 per hour to start and graduate to $3.35 per hour in 60 days. Analysis and Conclusions The principal issue raised by Respondent's answer to the backpay specification and litigated at the hearing is whether one of the four conditions spelled out in the Board's Order which would terminate backpay liability occurred prior to the employees' obtaining substantially equivalent employ- ment. The General Counsel contends that none occurred. Respondent argues that the Union failed to bargain in good faith not later than August 10 or, in the alternative, an impasse was reached over the Union's insistance on prefer- ential rehire. In support of their respective positions both the General Counsel and Respondent cite Section 8(d) of the Act, which defines the phrase "to bargain collectively" as "the performance of the mutual obligation of the employer and the representative of the employees to meet at reason- able times and confer in good faith with respect to wages, hours and other conditions of employment . . . but such obligation does not compel either party to agree to a proposal or require the making of a concession .... " The General Counsel argues that Respondent has not established that the Union failed to meet at reasonable times or confer in good faith on the mandatory subjects of bargaining or proved that an impasse had been reached on this subject matter. On the other hand, Respondent contends that which constitutes meeting "at reasonable times" and "conferring in good faith" are determined by the circumstances of each case. He further argues that "conferring in good faith" means the exchange of meaningful information and a desire to reach an agreement and the timely rejection or acceptance of any proposal and the communication to the other party proposals which would be acceptable to it. Thus, the General Counsel urges that the same tests should be used to determine whether a party is bargaining in good faith in all cases whether the bargaining involves a complete collective-bargaining agreement or, as here, a limited subject of bargaining pursuant to a Board order which spells out stringent time goals for the commencement of such bargaining. Respondent contends otherwise, arguing " The testimony of Cunningham concerning his earnings from his "odd jobs" appears to be in conflict with the General Counsel's admitted earnings from those jobs. However, in view of my findings and conclusions set forth below that the backpay period terminated on August 10, 1977, I need not that the Board's Order herein gives substantial guidance to the proper construction of the terms "meeting at reasonable times" and "conferring in good faith" in the circumstances of this case. I agree with Respondent. Neither the counsel for the General Counsel or Respondent cites any case where the Board has had occasion to establish the tests to be applied in determining whether the parties bargained in good faith pursuant to an order of this kind, which is based upon the Board's Order in Transmarine Navigation Corporation, 170 NLRB 389 (1968), nor have I found any such case. As the Board noted in its decision, the qualified backpay remedy is designed to place the Union in an effective bargaining position, since the Employer failed to bargain at a time when bargaining might have been meaningful in easing hardships on the terminated employees. Thus, with backpay accruing for the affected employees from 5 days after the date of the Board's Order, an employer is induced to immedately enter into meaningful negotiations over the effects of its action on the employees rather than engaging in hollow pro forma discussion which is so often the case when the subject matter is a fait accompli. While this remedy provides a tool for the union not found in the traditional bargaining order which assures meaningful bargaining by the employer, it also imposes a more stringent duty on the union to timely request and enter into bargaining with the employer. It is clear from the decision in this case that the Board intended to impose a more stringent test for timely, good- faith bargaining on both parties in their negotiations over the effects on employees of the discontinuation of the Monokote operation, than the test applied in its general bargaining Order. Here, there are, in effect, two bargaining Orders. The Board certified the Union as the exclusive representative of the employees in an appropriate unit and ordered Respon- dent to "[u]pon request, bargain collectively with the union." No arbitrarily fixed time was given the Union in which it must request bargaining or in which it must commence negotiations after the Employer notified it of its desire to bargain. However, the Order to bargain over the effects of the discontinuation of the Monokote operation required the Union to request bargaining within 5 days of the date of the Board's Order and to commence bargaining within 5 days of the Employers' notification of its desire to bargain. The penalty on the Union for the failure to comply with either of the above is the forfeiture of the tool the Board, with court approval, has given it to achieve meaning- ful negotiations; i.e., the running of backpay. Thus, the Board has defined the meaning of the term "meet at reasonable times" as provided in Section 8(d) of Act as applied to this kind of Order and remedy. The "5 day" requirement imposed on a union to request bargaining and to commence bargaining after an employer indicates a desire to do so is not limited to the initial contacts but constitutes'a continuing obligation on the union to timely respond to the employer's proposals. A failure to do so constitutes a failure to bargain in good faith within the decide whether Cunningham's testimony as to his earnings from the odd jobs is sufficient evidence of such additional earnings to warrant adding such amounts to the admitted interim earnings. 702 W R. GRACE & CO. meaning of condition (4) as set forth in the section of the Board's decision entitled "The Remedy." Viewing the facts of this case against the foregoing analysis of the bargaining obligation imposed upon both parties by the Board's Order in this case, I find and conclude that the Union satisfied its initial duty to request bargaining within 5 days from the date of the Board's Order by its written request hand delivered to Respondent on July 6. Respondent timely offered to bargain over the effects of its discontinuation of the Monokote operation when Partee telephoned Louis on July 8 and informed him that the Company wanted to bargain on this matter even though it had not decided whether to appeal the Board's Order. The parties entered into good-faith bargaining on July 12 when LeBlanc, in Louis' absence, met with Partee and Timmons at Partee's office. Respondent argues that this meeting did not constitute good-faith bargaining because LeBlanc did not have the requisite "ability, knowledge, and authority" to conclude an agreement. Accordingly, it contends that good- faith bargaining did not commence until Louis returned from vacation on July 25. LeBlanc, while not the representative most familiar with the case, was an experienced union representative and negotiator. Louis had discussed the Board's Order with him and instructed him as to the proposal that the Union wanted to make. True, LeBlanc testified that he did not know the effected employees or how to contact them with Respon- dent's offer and ascertain whether they wanted to accept it, it is clear that LeBlanc was sufficiently familiar with the case and had sufficient authority to conduct good-faith negotia- tions on behalf of the Union. As argued by Respondent, it is clear that in its Order the Board envisioned "expedited negotiations" on this subject matter. However, expedited negotiations does not mean that the Union must accept or reject Respondent's offer on the spot" or engage in mara- thon negotiations until agreement is reached. As with any other negotiations the parties are entitled to time in which to consider offers and consult with the unit employees and others with respect to Respondent's offers and its own proposals. In my view, LeBlanc had the authority to, and did, engage in meaningful negotiations with Partee on July 12 and in Partee's telephone call to him about July 19. As heretofore noted, upon Louis' return from vacation on July 25 he telephoned Partee and reaffirmed the position that the employees be placed on a preferential hire. Partee declined, and Louis agreed to advise the affected employees and report back to Partee. On July 27 Louis again called Partee and advised him that the employees had rejected the offer because it did not contain a preferential hire. Louis ultimately proposed 3 additional weeks' backpay, and Partee appeared to agree if the employees would forego preferential hire. Louis testified that he proposed this to the employees and they refused to accept. However, he did not thereafter advise the Employer that the offer had been rejected. After more than I week had elapsed Partee wrote Louis requesting that they bring the matter to conclusion-in effect seeking to bargain further. Louis did not reply. In fact, the Union initiated no further communications with the Employer and offered no explanation for its failure to do so. Louis vaguely It appears that LeBlanc did reject Respondent's offer of 2 weeks' backpay, which it contended it had already paid, without reinstatement or preferential rehire. testified that he thought the Union's attorney was handling the matter. However, it is clear from the testimony of Partee that Ormond was not familiar with the case when he contacted him on August 29. Partee had to review the bargaining with him, and Ormond stated that he would look into the matter." I find and conclude that by failing to timely advise Respondent that its last offer was rejected and failing to timely respond to Respondent's August 5, letter which indicated its desire to bargain on the subject, the Union failed to bargain in good faith and did not thereafter resume good-faith negotiations. Accordingly, the backpay period terminated on August 10. 1 am convinced that the failure of the Union to pursue negotiations after August 5 was not merely negligent representation but a deliberate attempt to build backpay. This is evidenced by Louis' testimony that when the employees rejected the Company's July 27 offer they told him "they wanted to go all the way with it and get as much out of it as they could." Louis does not say what efforts he made to get as much as he could. Clearly, he felt that he would get more backpay by avoiding bargaining with the Company than he would be engaging in good-faith negotiations as required by the Board's Order. I find no merit in the General Counsel's argument that Partee's contacts with Ormond in late August, September, and October precludes a finding of bad faith prior to October. It must be remembered that the Company did not have a response to its last offer. Moreover, the Company should not be penalized for attempting to achieve meaning- ful negotiations long after the Union ceased bargaining in good faith. Nor was there a duty on the Company to attempt to reestablish negotiations with the Union on May 15, 1978, when the court refused to enforce that portion of the Board's Order requiring a preferential rehire list. THE REMEDY For the reasons set forth above, I find that Respondent's obligation to John L. Cunningham, James Fox, and Louis Morgan will be discharged by the payment to them of the sum of money they would have earned when last in Respondent's employ for the period of time equal to that period of time between July 5, 1977, and August 10, 1977, and to Solomon James the sum of money he would have earned for the period of time equal to the period of time between July 5, 1977, and August 2, 1977, the date on which he obtained substantially equivalent employment. For the purpose of computing the amount of backpay due the backpay period shall start from May 21, 1976. At paragraph 13 of the backpay specification which summarizes the amount of backpay claimed to be due, it is alleged that such amounts should be computed with interest thereon comput- ed at 6 percent per annum in accordance with Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962) and Florida Steel Corporation. 231 NLRB 651 (1977), "pursuant to such Order and Judgment." In its answer Respondent enters a general denial of paragraph 13 but cites reasons relating only to the summary of the amounts of backpay due and does not address the request for interest. Contrary to the assertions of ' Ormond did not testify or appear at the hearing. 703 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the General Counsel, neither the Board's remedy or Order, or the judgment of the court enforcing the Order in relevant part provides for any interest to accrue on the backpay. The failure to provide for interest in this case is obviously not an oversight, for the Board did not order interest in Transma- rine, supra, or Royal Plating and Polishing Co., 160 NLRB 990 (1966), both of which dealt with similar facts. Although Respondent did not specifically deny the request for interest here, in my opinion I have no authority to enlarge the Board's Order by providing for interest on the backpay due where the Board did not order such in its original Order. As heretofore indicated, the backpay period for Cunning- ham, Fox, and Morgan is 5 weeks. For simplification of the backpay due James, I find it to be 4 weeks. These periods run from May 21, 1976. According to the quarterly computations of backpay alleged by the General Counsel, which is not disputed, 6 weeks remained in the second quarter of 1976. For further simplification of computing the amount of backpay due each individual, I shall assume that the admitted interim earnings during the quarter, which includes the severance pay given at the time of termination, were earned in equal amounts each week. John Cunningham: Cunningham earned $152.40 per week when last in Respondent's employ. In the 5-week backpay period he would have earned $762. His admitted interim earnings for the 6 weeks remaining in the second quarter of 1976 is $610, five-sixths of which is $508.30. The amount of backpay due Cunningham is $253.70. James Fox: Fox earned $148.40 per week when last in Respondent's employ. In the 5-week backpay period he " In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 would have earned $742. His admitted interim earnings for the 6 weeks remaining in the second quarter of 1976 is $297, five-sixths of which is $247.50. The amount of backpay due Fox is $494.50. Louis Morgan: Morgan earned $152.40 per week when last in Respondent's employ. In the 5-week backpay period he would have earned $762. His admitted interim earnings for the 6 weeks remaining in the second quarter of 1976 is $305, five-sixths of which is $254.15. The amount of back pay due Morgan is $507.85. Solomon James: James earned $150.40 per week when last in Respondent's employ. In his 4-week backpay period he would have earned $601.60. His admitted interim earnings during the 6 weeks remaining in the second quarter of 1976 is $301, tw-thirds of which is $200.66. The amount of backpay due James is $400.94. ORDER" The Respondent, W. R. Grace & Co. Construction Products Division, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall pay to the following named employees the amounts set opposite their names as provided in the section of this Supplemental Decision entitled "The Remedy." John L. Cunningham James Fox Louis Morgan Solomon James $253.70 494.50 507.85 400.94 of the Rules and Regulations. be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 704 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation