World Publishing Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsOct 3, 1975220 N.L.R.B. 1065 (N.L.R.B. 1975) Copy Citation WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1065 World Publishing Company and Omaha Typographi- cal Union No. 190. Case 17-CA-5645 October 3, 1975 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND PENELLO On March 12, 1975, Administrative Law Judge Paul E. Weil issued the attached Decision in this pro- ceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel and the Charging Party filed exceptions and supporting briefs, and Respondent filed an answering brief and cross-exceptions.' Respondent also filed a motion to reject the Charging Party's exceptions as untimely? Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings,' findings, and conclusions,4 and recommendation of the Adminis- trative Law Judge. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommenda- tion of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby or- ders that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. i Upon the Administrative Law Judge 's granting of the General Counsel's motion to amend the complaint made at the hearing , Respondent sought permission of the Board for an interim appeal . The Board granted Respon- dent permission to appeal the Administrative Law Judge's ruling . We subse- quently denied the appeal on its merits . Respondent now requests the Board to reconsider its ruling . In the absence of a showing of prejudice to Respon- dent, and in light of the result in this case , we hereby affirm our previous ruling. 2 Upon the issuance of the Administrative Law Judge's Decision , the time for filing exceptions and briefs was set for April 4, 1975. The Executive Secretary's Office , in response to the Charging Party's separate requests, granted two extensions of time for filing-the first to May 2 and the second to May 9. On Friday , May 9, the Charging Party confirmed an early morn- ing telephone call to the Executive Secretary 's Office by sending a mailgram to the Board requesting a 3-day extension of time to Monday, May 12, to file exceptions "because of disruption of the community due to a tornado on Tuesday, May 6, 1975 a contingency not forseen by Charging Party." The mailgram was not delivered to the Board until after closing hours on May 9 and accordingly was not received by the Board until the morning of Mon- day, May 12 . On May 12 the Charging Party hand-delivered its exceptions and bnef to the Board . After acceptance of the Charging Party's exceptions and bnef , the Executive Secretary 's Office granted a request by Respondent for an extension of time to file cross-exceptions and an answering brief. Respondent asserts that the Charging Party's exceptions and brief were received by it on May 13 with an undated certificate of service , and that they were not mailed by the Charging Party's attorneys of record in Omaha, Nebraska , but rather by a Washington , D.C, law firm . Respondent moves the Board to reject the Charging Party's exceptions and bnef as untimely. In view of the extenuating circumstances present in this case , we feel it would effectuate the policies of the Act to liberally apply our filing deadlines. In our judgment, the Charging Party made a reasoned, good- faith effort to comply with our requirements . Accordingly, we shall grant the Charging Party's request for a 3-day filing extension to May 12, accept Charging Party's exceptions and brief, and deny the Respondent' s motion to strike. 3 In the absence of exceptions thereto, we adopt pro forma the Adminis- trative Law Judge's dismissal at the hearing of the allegation in the com- plaint that Respondent violated Sec 8(a)(5), (3), and (1) by failing to pay accrued vacation pay to strikers. 4 We find it unnecessary to pass upon the validity of the Administrative Law Judge's interpretation of sec 5(c) of the collective-bargaining agree- ment since the record otherwise amply supports the result which we reach herein. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE PAUL E. WEIL, Administrative Law Judge: On June 1, 1973, Omaha Typographical Union No. 190, hereinafter called the Union, filed with the Regional Director for Re- gion 17 of the National Labor Relations Board, hereinafter called the Board, a charge alleging that World Publishing Company, hereinafter called Respondent, violated Section 8(a)(5), (3), (2), and (1) of the National Labor Relations Act, hereinafter called the Act. On April 30, 1974, the Re- gional Director, on behalf of the Board's General Counsel, issued a Complaint and Notice of Hearing alleging that Respondent by insisting to impasse that certain employees were not within the appropriate bargaining unit and by refusing to bargain concerning that issue, by granting $500 bonus payments to certain nonstriking employees during the course of the Union's strike, and by failing and refusing to pay accrued vacation benefits to certain striking em- ployees violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act; by the failure to pay accrued vacation benefits, Section 8(a)(3) of the Act; and by all of that conduct, Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. By its duly filed answer, Respondent admitted certain allegations and denied certain allegations, denied the commission of any unfair labor practices, admitted that on or about May 11 bonuses were paid to six supervisory employees in re- turn for extra effort and work performed, and, as an affir- mative defense, alleged that the strike, which the General Counsel alleged to have been caused by the Respondent's unfair labor practices, was in fact caused and prolonged by the unfair labor practices committed by the Union. On the issues thus joined, the matter came on for hearing before me on August 22, 1974. All parties were present and repre- sented by counsel and had an opportunity to call and ex- amine witnesses and to adduce relevant and material evi- dence. During the course of the hearing the General Counsel moved to amend the complaint to allege that Re- spondent had engaged in a course of bad-faith bargaining and to amend the allegation with regard the payment of bonuses to conform with evidence adduced during the hearing. Upon my granting of the motion to amend, Re- spondent sought permission of the Board for an interim appeal which was granted. On the granting of the interim appeal the hearing was adjourned until the Board had ruled. The hearing resumed on December 16, 1974, and 220 NLRB No. 161 1066 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD was completed on December 17. At the close of the hearing the parties waived oral argument . All parties have filed briefs which have been carefully considered. Upon the en- tire record I in this case and in consideration of the briefs, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF RESPONDENT It is alleged and admitted that Respondent is a corpora- tion publishing a newspaper in Omaha, Nebraska ; that in the course and conduct of its business operations Respon- dent has an annual gross volume of business exceeding $200,000 ; and that it publishes nationally syndicated fea- tures and advertises nationally sold products. It is alleged, admitted, and I find that Respondent is an employer en- gaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 11. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION It is alleged , admitted, and I find that the Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 111. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES Background Respondent publishes the Omaha World Herald, a newspaper of daily circulation . At the commencement of negotiations for a new contract in November 1972, Re- spondent had approximately 900 employees, including ap- proximately 190 employees in its composing room repre- sented by the Union .2 The unit, as spelled out in the last preceding contract, included all composing room employ- ees and lists classifications in accordance with the claimed jurisdictions of the Union but without regard to whether employees in all classifications listed were employed by Respondent. The last contract signed between the parties was negoti- ated , commencing in 1971, and was agreed upon in July 1972, effective for the calendar year 1972. Shortly before November 1972 each party notified the other of their desire to negotiate changes in the contract and by November 8 had exchanged initial proposals concerning which on that date they met. By the time of commencement of negotiations Respon- dent had commenced the automation of its composing room. It was then publishing partly with "hot type" using linotype machines which were activated by perforated pa- 1 Respondent's motion to correct the transcript in certain particulars, without objection , is hereby granted. 2 The parties agreed that the Union had probably represented the Respondent's composing room employees for at least 50 years . No records apparently exist showing whether the Union has ever been certified by the Board as the collective-bargaining representative of the composing room employees but no issue has ever been raised with regard thereto. per tape punched by unit personnel. Respondent also was using so-called "cold type," in which the items to be print- ed are set up in print pasted on a mat and photographed. During the year 1972 Respondent had considered the em- ployment of a new device known in the trade as a scanner or optical character reader and other new equipment for typesetting and had discussed it during the negotiations for the 1972 contract . The discussion resulted in a memoran- dum of agreement which states as follows: During negotiations for the contract signed August 1, 1972, the following was agreed upon in lieu of changes in the jurisdiction section of the contract: The Employer agrees that for the duration of the ex- isting labor agreements , that should an optical charac- ter reader, cathode ray terminals or similar scanning- proofreading equipment be purchased for Composing Room use or production , said equipment shall be used on an experimental basis only. If during the life of this agreement the equipment is used for production pur- poses , its application shall be negotiated and agreed to by both parties to the existing contract. Failure to reach agreement shall not subject the question to any joint standing committee or arbitration procedure. In the fall of 1972 Respondent ordered new equipment including a scanner known as the ECRN. It was delivered in December and placed in a conference room not thereto- fore used for production purposes. In a negotiating session prior to the receipt of the scan- ner, Respondent's chief negotiator , William Donaldson, mentioned that it was expected or had been ordered and stated that initially it would be used for billing for the ad- vertising department but warned the union negotiators that, as they knew, it could be used for production purpos- es and suggested that they consult with their International concerning the position that they should be prepared to take. After the receipt of the scanner, Respondent com- menced experimenting with its use and prepared to handle the advertising billing with nonunion employees. Negotiations between Respondent and the Union con- tinued. There is no evidence that they were delayed by either party unduly and proposals and counterproposals were passed back and forth. On April 1, 1973, the Employ- er gave the Union a complete offer which it termed its "best offer" which was countered by the Union on April 4 with a counterproposal which it termed its best offer. Thereafter on April 13, Respondent gave the Union anoth- er offer which it deemed its "final offer" and which the Union took to its membership which rejected it. The Union came back 2 days later with a counter, final offer which the Employer rejected. By this time the prospective use of the scanner was one of the main points in contention between the parties al- though by no means the only serious impediment to agree- ment . Toward the end of April the Union announced its members would no longer work overtime. Overtime had until then been worked on a fairly regular basis and Re- WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1067 spondent contended that it could not put out its paper without a certain amount of overtime being worked. On May 4, 1973 , after an abortive negotiating meeting which ended in the parties agreeing that they were at im- passe , the union president called two "chapel " meetings of the employees in the unit during working hours , contrary to the custom in the plant and the contractual provisions. At or about 4 : 30 p.m ., Respondent 's president read a state- ment to the members of the day shift stating that Respon- dent would not continue with the employees refusing to work overtime and advising the employees that its lawyers were of the opinion that they were striking. President An- derson called upon the employees either to work overtime or leave the plant and as they left the plant other employ- ees moved into their job and continued the work necessary to put out the next edition . The Union has been on strike ever since . At a negotiating meeting held shortly after the commencement of the strike, Respondent advised the Union that the scanner was in operation and that produc- tion work was being done upon it. In the late spring of 1974, no meetings having taken place for about a year, Respondent notified the Union that it proposed to make a change in one of the benefits of which the employees in the unit had theretofore been par- ticipants. The Union countered with a suggestion that ne- gotiations resume and called upon Respondent to come forward with a new proposal for an entire contract. The Union and Respondent each made proposals; Respondent's proposal this time was far less palatable to the Union than its "best offer" or its "final offer" had been . The Union protested vigorously that the Respondent was proceeding in a negative fashion and declined to con- tinue the negotiating session . Apparently no further meet- ings were held up to the time of the hearing. Commencing with the payroll period ending May 15, 1973, Respondent paid bonuses varying in amounts from $40 to $1,750 to employees, supervisory employees, and managerial officials who worked during the strike. The General Counsel contends that the payment of these bo- nuses is an unfair labor practice. Discussion and Conclusions The Scanner Issue Although the unit description contained in the 1972 con- tract did not contain such language, the General Counsel alleges that the description should appropriately include: All full time and regular part time employees of the Respondent engaged in Respondent 's Optical Scanner Operation, including, but not limited to, copy typists and tape perforators. The General Counsel contends that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) by insisting to impasse that employees per- forming preparation and/or actual optical scanner work are not within the appropriate bargaining unit and by re- fusing to bargain from November 8, 1972, to the present. Respondent argues that it has bargained about the use of the scanner with the Union to an impasse and that upon reaching the impasse, the Union having engaged in a strike, Respondent was free to and did assign the work of the scanner to other employees. Prior to the advent of the scanner, the material appear- ing in Respondent's newspaper was handled in various ways. Material originating in the newsroom, other than by tapes from news services, was typed, handwritten, or other- wise produced in the newsroom, forwarded to the compos- ing room where, using perforating machines, unit members produced a tape which, in its turn, was fed into a computer which set the type and justified it. Proofreading was then done by unit members and the process went on from there. Classified advertising without pictures or other display characteristics were received in the advertising department sometimes by telephone to advertising salesmen, some- times by mail, sometimes brought in in the form of typed or handwritten copy. That which was telephoned in was typed by the salesman. Sometimes the handwritten copy was retyped by the salesman, and all the copy was then sent to the composing room where it followed the same course as news copy. Wire service copy came into Respondent's plant on tele- printers which produced a perforated tape. By contract Re- spondent was permitted to feed such tape received from UPI or AP directly into the computer; however other wire copy was required by the contract between the parties to be "rekeyboarded" which is to say processed by a unit member through the perforators for use in the computer. Display advertising was either received complete from a customer ready to be pasted up in one of the final pro- cesses of the composing room procedure or was composed by members of the unit using both the perforator for writ- ten portions of the display ad and other equipment for the addition of the "displays," which is to say pictures, draw- ings, or decorative material. When such material was re- ceived in finished form from the advertiser, according to another provision of the 1972 contract and contracts pre- ceding'that, the Union agreed that it might be used without the interposition of unit employees but that thereafter, at a time when unit employees had an opportunity while not engaged in production work, they were to set it up as though it were first produced in the composing room and make a reproduction of the advertisement as it went out or as near as possible thereto. This process, which is called "reproduction" by the Union and "bogus" by the Respon- dent, was not always promptly done and indeed over 1- 1/2 million lines of reproduction had been accumulated at the time of the negotiations with which we are here concerned to be done by the unit members at such time as they had leisure to do it. Editorial copy normally arrived at the composing room in typewritten form and was rekeyboarded on the perforat- ing machine by a unit member, thereupon following the same course as other written material. Prior to the 1972 negotiations when the perforated tape was fed into the computer, the computer could produce the copy either through a linotype machine in hot type or a photocomposition machine as cold type. 1068 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The perforating machine known as a TTS is operated by a keyboard almost identical to a standard typewriter key- board. Its use has normally been accepted to be within the jurisdiction of the Union representing the composing room since it supplanted the keyboard usage of the linotype ma- chine. The scanner in its turn largely supplants the TTS. It has no keyboard. Material to be produced in the newspaper, in the form of typewritten copy, is fed into the scanner which reads the copy electronically, feeds it into a specially pro- grammed computer , which is part of the scanner , which in its turn produces an unjustified tape similar to or identical with the tape produced by the TTS machine. This tape is then run through a computer where it is justified and pro- ceeds through other steps . It is possible also for the scanner to be attached directly to the second computer, eliminating the tape from the scanner . The typewritten sheet then is fed directly by electronic impulses into the computer which produces the photocomposition as its end result. The rec- ord does not reveal to what extent the intermediate tapes have been eliminated by Respondent's operation since the commencement of the strike. The testimony produced by Respondent indicates that the scanner is used not only for the production of the newspaper but for billing purposes and it may be used for other purposes. Accordingly, it would seem probable that the scanner is still producing tape which is then fed into the second computer. The typed material to be fed into the scanner for opti- mum efficiency must be typed on an IBM Selectric type- writer using a specified type face , a one time carbon ribbon to insure uniform blackness and must be done on clean white sulphite bond paper. Changes or corrections can be done with black felt tip pens which can be read by the scanner. Interlineations can be typed on the original copy but must be delineated with a black felt tip pen. Finally, the copy must be "coded" before it is fed into the scanner. Such coding instructs the final computer with regard to type faces, capitals or punctuation marks. Such coding is done by combinations of letters by the typewriter. Similar coding was done on TTS prepared tape. Using the scanner, if the advertising department, the edi- torial department and the news department all submit their product in the form of typewritten pages suitable for inser- tion into the scanner , nothing remains to be done other than the necessary coding and the physical insertion of the typewritten sheet into the scanner. Further, with minimal instructions the advertising agents, news gatherers , and ed- itorial staff can be trained to insert the codes so that noth- ing remains for the composing room employees of what formerly had been a large part of their operation, i.e., key- boarding or the typing of all printed matter on the key- boards, first of the linotype, then of the TTS, and now of the IBM Selectric typewriter. In the meeting of November 29, 1972, the sixth meeting between the Union and the Respondent in their attempt to negotiate a contract, the union negotiators stated that they were going to Colorado to check out some of the issues in negotiation with the representatives of the International. As the Union's spokesman said "I intend to find out just how much or how far some of these things can go." The parties agreed not to set an agenda for the next meeting until after they returned from Colorado. Respondent's ne- gotiator, Donaldson, suggested that they should get a posi- tion on scanners also, that one was on the way and Re- spondent initially planned to scan billing information but that there was no secret that it would do more. The Union's negotiator assured Donaldson that that was at the top of their list. The next meeting took place on December 6, 1972. At this meeting Donaldson asked the Union's negotiators if the ITU had formulated a policy on a scanner. He was answered that the Union was going into arbitration on it and that the Union claimed all input that goes into the scanner. Donaldson said that the Respondent took the op- posite view and pointed out that one was being installed to use immediately for billing, for classified advertising, and that there was a lot involved in getting it going but that they could see a lot of uses for it. The Union's chairman answered that the Union felt that the input language in the former contract was sufficiently strong to cover the scan- ner. The first definitive negotiating with regard to the scan- ner took place at the meeting of December 20. The union negotiators had reported on their negotiations to the union membership shortly before this meeting and had come away from the union meeting with the sense that the unit members were upset at the fact that the Respondent was training girls in another building who they believed were to operate the scanner. In the full scale discussion that fol- lowed, the union's negotiators took the position that all typed sheets that were to be fed into the scanner should be "keyboarded" by unit members. Donaldson on the other hand proposed that the typing be done in the departments in which the material originated, including coding and re- keyboarding of typed materials received from other sources. The Union argued that at least when material had to be retyped it should be done by unit members, but Don- aldson disagreed even to the point of stating that when corrections to advertisements were sent in by the customers they were to be made in the advertising department rather than the composing room. Donaldson pointed out that at the time the scanner was being used only for billing but that the next application might be in the newsroom and "if it works there would be a change in the types of work done in composing." The Union complained that Donaldson was in effect saying Respondent just didn't know how long it would take to get rid of the unit, and the Union asked "what is left?" Don- aldson answered "paste up and page make-up." When the Union asked how many people would be left in the unit, Donaldson answered "Your work is being eliminated in the use of a scanner." The parties then admitted that they were at an impasse and the Union suggested delaying until an International representative arrived to lead the Union in the negotiations. Donaldson finished the meeting re- questing that the Union let him know when the Interna- tional representative could be there and stating his availa- bility at any time. They agreed in any event to meet on December 29. When the parties met on December 29, 1972, the Inter- WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1069 national representative had not arrived and the Union's chairman stated that they were not prepared to make any moves and further stated that the Union felt that the big- gest issues to be resolved were reproduction and jurisdic- tion. International Representative William Wilson arrived in January and from that point forward he was a spokesman for the Union . He immediately attempted to ascertain from Donaldson what Respondent's plans were for the use of the scanner . On January 29, on a discussion of the use of the scanner , Donaldson indicated that firm decisions had not been made but that Respondent expected that the typ- ing, scanner-ready, would be done in the department from which the materials originated. Wilson asked him to pre- pare a proposal regarding the scope of the use of the equip- ment and its effect on the bargaining unit and Donaldson promised to do so. On February 1, Wilson received the memorandum, the parties had a caucus, and Wilson came back stating that he admired Respondent's courage but couldn 't believe that the memorandum contained Respondent 's ultimate posi- tion . Donaldson said that it was negotiable . The memoran- dum provided that advertising department employees would prepare the copy scanner-ready outside the compos- ing room and would operate the scanner, a supervisory employee would do the maintenance , news copy would be prepared outside the composing room and that scanner- produced material would serve as input for typesetting equipment . The memorandum ended in the statement "The above represents the present plans and in no way shall this be interpreted to limit the Employer's right to make changes, or use such electronic equipment in differ- ent ways." By the end of the February 1 meeting, Respon- dent had proposed a severance pay and attrition arrange- ment for employees displaced by the new technology, and had fairly clearly signaled its willingness to consider plac- ing the scanner in the composing room to be operated and maintained by unit employees , but Respondent hung fast on the typing of scanner-ready copy. Donaldson also pro- posed that unit employees do the mark-up-place code marks on the scanner-ready copy which instruct the com- puter as to type faces and make-up. The negotiation by this time had paired the consideration of the use of the scanner with the proposals regarding attrition and severance pay since it had become obvious that the use of the scanner would substantially reduce the amount of composing room work and the Union had stated that agreement on the use of the scanner would necessarily be contingent upon agree- ment on attrition and severance pay. In this discussion Re- spondent suggested the elimination of the backlog of re- production and of the accumulation of further reproduction on the theory that reproduction had been ne- gotiated and existed as a form of job security which would not be necessary if job security were otherwise guaranteed. When the Employer gave its "best offer" on March 21, it included a memorandum regarding the use of the scanner which provided that advertising copy be prepared outside the composing room but mark-up and all display advertis- ing would he done by the composing room; that compos- ing room employees would operate the scanner, which would be located in the composing room and they would do that portion of the maintenance not provided by the manufacturer; that news copy would be prepared scanner- ready outside the composing room; that the Employer re- serve the right to install typewriters in the composing room; and that the agreement should not be interpreted to limit the Employer's right to make changes in the use of electronic equipment in different ways in the composing room, including the right to install equipment in other de- partments to be used for other than composing room work. The "best offer" was rejected at a union meeting on April 1, 1973. The "final" offer was submitted on April 13 by Don- aldson who referred to it as "a full, firm and final offer." The parties went through the document and discussed it and the Union said the offer was unacceptable but it would be submitted to the memhership. The only serious issue of credibility in this proceeding resulted from this meeting. According to all of the union witnesses, Respondent' s "last offer" did not include the scanner memorandum that had been attached to the "best" offer. According to all of Respondent's witnesses, the scanner memorandum was at- tached to the "last offer." According to the Union's wit- nesses the only mention made in the discussion concerning the absence of a scanner offer was that, as the discussion was breaking up, one of the union committee stated resent- fully that the last offer did not even contain the scanner memorandum to which Donaldson answered "take it or leave it." According to all of the company witnesses, cor- roborated by Respondent's minutes of the meeting, no mention was made of the scanner memorandum through- out the meeting. I find that the scanner memorandum was meant to be a part of the last offer and that it may have been inadvertently left off the copies handed to the Union. I find further that the union negotiators did not consider that the memorandum was withdrawn. I predicate this finding,on the fact that, under the situation then existing, the primary issues between the parties were the use of the scanner and the attrition and severance proposals of Re- spondent. (Perhaps an issue of almost equal importance to the Union was the Respondent's proposal that the contract should no longer require the foreman to be a member of the Union and the addition of a no-strike clause. But from the tenor of negotiations to that joint I believe they had no significant impact on the Union's rejection of the contract.) Yet, the Union's negotiators made no significant mention of its absence although they had taken a caucus to read or consider the final offer and discuss it. Nevertheless neither at that meeting nor at the two meetings that followed the Union's rejection of the Company's final offer was any mention made by the Union's chief spokesman that the Company had no scanner offer outstanding. Under all cir- cumstances, it is unbelievable that the Union could have made no mention if it had understood that Respondent proposed a contract with no mention of the scanner which had become the central part of the negotiations. Whether the union officers who reported to the membership prior to the vote of the membership on acceptance of the contract 1070 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD indicated to the membership that no scanner language was contained in the final proposal on which they were voting is immaterial. I conclude that the General Counsel must fail in its con- tention that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) by bar- gaining to an impasse on the exclusion of employees per- forming perforation and/or actual optical scanner work from the collective -bargaining unit. The scanner issue is a textbook example of the effect of the elimination of manpower by machinepower. Prior to the use of the scanner all copy had to be prepared in one form or another in the departments responsible therefore, news, classified advertising, or editorial. The copy then had to be rekeyboarded by composing room personnel to pro- duce perforated tape which activated the computer which set the type. In essence, all copy thus had to be written twice, once by the producer thereof and once by the opera- tor of the TTS or other similar equipment. Using the scanner, on the other hand , makes it possible that copy could be written only once if that writing is done under the circumstances that the product is "scanner- ready." It is no more difficult for a secretary or an ad writer to type clean scanner-ready copy than for a compos- ing room employee. Respondent's thrust was to eliminate the double writing of this material . Its "best offer" on the use of the scanner provided that the coding was to be in- serted by unit personnel. The Union's "best offer" on the other hand would have required retyping every word that went into the newspaper, a duplication of all copy. In terms of the unit as it had been established the pecu- liar function of the scanner is to translate the raw copy from the writing in which it arrived in the composing room to a perforated tape. This is precisely the function thereto- fore accomplished by the unit personnel operating TTS perforators and this is the function which the machine eliminates. Although the Union could be said to have in- sisted that the girls who take ads , the secretaries in the editorial section, and the typists in the news department should be included in the unit, the Union 's real thrust was that the work being done by the scanner should continue to be done preliminarily by retyping by unit members. Much has been made in argument by the Union and by the Gen- eral Counsel that the Union has jurisdiction over the input to the computer but this language historically referred to input to the computer which sets type. That the scanner has as part of its mechanism a computer to enable it to translate optical images into coded tape was not within the contemplation of the parties when they negotiated Section 5(c) of the contract but in any event, the preparation of the input to the computer was performed by the scanner not by the employees who typed that which the scanner scans. I recommend that the complaint be dismissed insofar as it alleges a violation based on the bargaining concerning ju- risdiction. The complaint , as amended at the trial, alleges that Re- spondent failed and refused to bargain in good faith by its entire course of conduct during the 1972-74 negotiations. The General Counsel argues that Respondent has shown that it engaged in the negotiations without the intent or expectation of arriving at a contract with the Union and with the intent of causing the Union to engage in a strike and thus ridding itself of the Union and its members. The General Counsel contends that Respondent's posture in this regard is demonstrated by various factors including Respondent's failure at any time to make a contract offer that a self-respecting union could possibly accept; by its failure to bargain in good faith concerning the manning of the scanner and the jurisdiction of the Union; by its inter- ference with the employees in the unit; by publicizing to members of the unit and to the world at large a false pre- sentation of its bargaining position ; by its commencing, even before the parties started negotiations , the training of employees to take over the composing room work if the Union were to go on strike; and finally by its last offer delivered 14 months after the commencement of the strike which so reduced the offers it had theretofore made that the Union could not possibly have accepted it. At the first negotiating session, the Union's spokesman complained bitterly about the Employer's first offer and made a serious issue of almost everything in it . This offer provided for a 3-year contract rather than a 1-year con- tract; it dropped the designation of employees as appren- tices and journeymen and referred to them simply as em- ployees, it omitted the proofreading function from the composing room, it provided that all tape supplied by any news service, syndicate or feature, might be used by the employer without composing room work rather than mere- ly the AP and UPI tape as in the past. It deleted all refer- ence to the ITU laws which had theretofore been adopted to govern relations between the employer and the Union on conditions not specifically enumerated in the contract and deleted a provision that the ITU laws should not be subject to arbitration. It eliminated all the backlog of re- production and the obligation to reproduce copy and pro- vided broadly that nothing in the contract shall require the employer to do work which is not required for publication or that the Employer deems unnecessary. It eliminated a limitation on the number of split shifts that could be as- signed in the composing room , raised the workweek from 37-1/2 to 40 hours a week, removed the requirement that the foreman should be a member of the Union, and provid- ed for initial screening of applicants by the personnel de- partment , eliminating the custom in ITU shops of hiring from a "slip board" on which any traveling union member could insert his name and be put to work by the composing room foreman, provided that the foreman should be the sole judge of the employee's competency without review by the Joint Standing Committee. It eliminated the provision requiring that laid-off employees must be recalled by prior- ity. It eliminated the struck work clause under which Re- spondent had agreed not to require employees to execute work received from another employee having labor diffi- culties with the Union and it provided that the two chapel system under which the Union had separate chapels for day and night shifts, which caused problems in scheduling work in the evening . It also provided for a no-strike clause theretofore not to be found in the contract and provided for a zipper clause. WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY The negotiations commenced on a grim note with the Union's chairman suggesting that they skip the pleasantries and stating that he considered the Employer the enemy while Respondent , when the Union expressed anger at the initial proposal , stated "this is the year." It is not difficult to perceive Respondent 's position at the opening of negotiations . It was aware of the imminent re- ceipt of the scanner , although for tactical reasons it made no mention of the scanner in its proposal. The introduction of the scanner in the composing room necessarily meant that there would be a substantially curtailed need for unit employees. Respondent was aware that during the course of negotiations the scanner would arrive and that pursuant to the memorandum of understanding in the 1972 contract it would have to bargain with the Union about its use so that this year a contract would be very difficult to negoti- ate. In the negotiations for the 1972 contract the Union had threatened to strike several times , although historically this had not been a union that was prone to strike . Accord- ingly Respondent had cause to believe that in the instant negotiations it stood a greater chance of facing strike ac- tion than it had in the past . To this end it commenced training girls in another building to operate the TTS ma- chines with which its paper was then being produced. At the same time it is no secret and I take notice that other composing room units around the country were elim- inating the costly custom of reproduction and in various ways eliminating the backlog of reproduction that had grown in many newspaper establishments . The economics of modem newspaper publication have of course been greatly altered by the introduction of electronic devices which have eliminated need for the expertise of the jour- neyman employee in the composing room. Respondent, re- cognizing that it had an almost insuperable bargaining task ahead of it if it were to reap the financial benefits of the introduction of new machinery, determined , as Donaldson stated , "this is the year." The Union on the other hand had made a proposal pro- viding that all local advertisements should be made up by unit employees , that all training on new process equipment should be based on priority, and that no employee with priority should be laid off because of reduction of work caused by any new processes , and updating the ITU gener- al laws which were to be part of the contract. The proposal also provided that dischargees were to be continued at work until disputes concerning their status were settled by the joint standing committee; that if the Employer made changes and the Union grieved that the changes were to be rescinded until the joint standing committee ruled on the grievance ; for a cost-of-living allowance and a maximum wage raise within the limitations of the then existing ceil- ing; and for an increase in vacation benefits . The proposal added an additional paid holiday ; provided that the night- shift holiday shall be the eve of the holiday; lowered the workweek to 35 hours rather than 37-1 /2; raised overtime from time and a half to double time and the 7th day of work in a week from double time to 2-1/2 times straight time ; provided that scheduled changes for apprentices should be made only for training purposes and done only 1071 by the joint apprentice committee; provided for the estab- lishment of a first-aid station with a registered nurse on duty at all times; and provided a clothing and tool allow- ance for machinists . The Union's proposal also provided that the foreman would have to give 72 hours' notice of a change in starting time rather than 18 as in the past and provided that assistant chapel chairman as well as chapel chairman could not be disciplined for acts taken in perfor- mance of their duties as representatives of the Union. The Union wanted to add a picket line clause and to eliminate a provision that chapel meetings were to be held outside working hours, they also wanted improvement in paid-for days of bereavement and paid-for election duty compensa- tion to be the same as that made for jury duty. In addition the Union wanted a complete health and welfare plan as distinguished from the Company's group hospitalization plan then in existence and wanted the adoption of the ITU pension plan as well as a continuation of the Employer's present pension plan. In the early part of the negotiations the Employer made no economic proposal but when it finally made one it was substantially the same as the Union's. It must be recalled that at this time there was a limitation imposed by the President and both proposals provided for the full amount that could be granted. The General Counsel relies on certain language in Board cases, quoting language orginally uttered in a circuit court decision, that bad faith can be inferred from an offer that is so poor that no self-respecting union could accept it. This is an interesting and sometimes helpful observation but by no means has risen to the status of a doctrine in Board law. The fact is the law requires that the Employer shall bargain in good faith with an intention to reach a contract and history has shown that the ultimate terms of the contract normally depend on the "muscle," which is to say the economic power, of one party over the other. Dur- ing the years that newspapers could not publish without the expertise of the composing room employees repre- sented by the Charging Party, the Charging Party was able to get contracts that were extremely favorable to it; con- tracts that, like the 1972 contract, removed from the em- ployer any right to determine who its employees should be and contracts that provided for the reproduction of materi- al which came into the employer's hand ready for pub- lishing. But there is no law that says that when economic power shifts from the Union to the employer that the em- ployer cannot retrieve some of the economic benefits that it lost in the prior contracts. That is the situation here. With the introduction of the scanner, the Employer was for the first time physically able to publish a newspaper with- out the'expert services of the ITU members, particularly in tanning its linotype operation, and other hot metal pro- cesses . With the growing automation in the newspaper in- dustry, Respondent had achieved no-strike clauses in its contracts with other unions which enabled it to limit the industrial battlefield to the members of the ITU. Although Respondent had achieved considerable eco- nomic power, nevertheless I find it bargained in good faith with the Union. It did not, as in the case of the Columbia 1072 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Tribune cited by the General Counsel ,3 simply tell the Union that the situation was changed and here was its pro- posal, take it or leave it. It bargained hard and over a lengthy period of time , but in an effort to secure agreement it dropped many of its demands, retaining by the date of its last offer only the most basic changes it wanted , including, in addition to preparation of input for the scanner , the use of all TTS tapes supplied by news services , syndicates and features, the elimination of reproduction , the elimination of the requirement that the foreman must be a member of the Union, and the addition of a no-strike clause . The give and take of bargaining had resulted in agreements includ- ing the adoption of the ITU laws and a new paragraph providing that situation holders who were working on Jan- uary 1, 1973, could not be discharged to reduce the force because of the introduction of new machinery or produc- tion devices , but limiting such guarantee to the normal re- tirement age of 65 years and the continuation of the con- tractual relationship between the Company and the Union. I believe and find that Respondent showed throughout the course of negotiations its willingness to consider the wel- fare of the unit members and to negotiate in good faith for provisions of the contract which it wanted to excise or change. Accordingly, I find that when the strike began it was an economic strike not caused by any unfair labor practices of Respondent. However, the General Counsel argues that the July 1974 offer of the Respondent clearly reveals its intention to get rid of the Union. If the situation had stayed the same throughout the strike it could well be said that the General Counsel is right. The offer of 1974 was, from the Union's standpoint, substantially worse than Respondent 's final of- fer immediately before the strike. But the situation did not stay the same . Respondent's witnesses testified that it would not have had the scanner in complete operation un- til mid-1975 by the timetable it was prepared to follow. Due to the strike however , Respondent had immediately begun to phase out its hot metal operations , those requiring greater expertise , and pushed the use of the scanner so that it was in full use by November 1974 and the hot metal operations had ceased entirely. The dire forebodings of the union negotiators prior to the strike that typists could not do a satisfactory job had been disproven and Respondent has been successfully publishing its newspaper using un- trained or relatively untrained help. The insistence throughout negotiations by the Union that all journeymen be trained in the various activities had given way to the use by. Respondent of specialists to do the various jobs, per- sons trained to do but one job and left on that job. In short the economic background against which Respondent was negotiating had substantially changed during the period of the strike and it had a right to capitalize on the fact by negotiation for the conditions under which it had found it could successfully operate . I reject the General Counsel's argument and find that Respondent at all times negotiated with the intention of reaching a contract if it could, al- 7 Columbia Tribune Publishing Company, 201 NLRB 538 (1973). though it surely engaged in hard bargaining in every sense of the word. Respondent was willing to take a strike to achieve its primary purpose of operating the composing room according to its concepts of efficiency and it is no violation of law for it to capitalize on its ability to restruc- ture the activities in the composing room to more economi- cal standards. I shall recommend that the complaint be dismissed insofar as the allegation of bad-faith bargaining is contained therein. The Bonuses The General Counsel contends that Respondent lacked business justification for giving so many bonuses in such sizable sums and over such an extended period of time, especially in light of the fact that previous "emergencies" requiring overtime did not give rise to bonuses when unit personnel were in the composing room . General Counsel argues that the bonuses interfered with the nonunit em- ployees' Section 7 rights to honor the picket line and im- peded the strikers' future option of going on strike. The record is clear however , that bonuses were not paid to rank-and-file employees who replaced the strikers . Bonuses were paid to composing room supervisors and to employ- ees who shifted from other jobs and worked large portions of overtime with great diligence to get out the paper during the initial months of the strike. A review of the Respondent 's records of bonus payments reveals that large amounts of bonuses were paid during the first weeks of the strike . No promises were made to pay bonuses and they came as a complete surprise to the employees who received them . The large bonuses that were paid were paid to super- visory and managerial personnel . Furthermore, there is no evidence that the distribution of bonuses was brought to the attention of the strikers , at least during the period dur- ing which they were paid , and it appears that it was not until the midpoint of the trial that the Union was even aware that bonuses had been paid other than one time at the beginning of the strike . Under the circumstances, it is hard to see how the bonuses could have operated to demo- ralize the striking employees. As far as the nonunit employ- ees' Section 7 rights to honor the picket line was con- cerned, bonuses were not paid until they had refused to honor the picket line and had worked exceptionally hard to keep the newspaper publishing. I find the cases cited by the General Counsel irrelevant to this issue . They deal with bonuses granted to unit personnel who crossed the picket line or with promising benefits to strikers to break their own picket lines . Neither situation exists here . The Union would have me find a violation predicated on the payment of expenses paid to employees who came from other cities to work in the composing room . The record reveals that I warned the parties throughout the hearing that I would find no violations other than those alleged in the com- plaint . The General Counsel does not contend that pay- ments of the expenses of the strikebreakers was a violation. Most of those to whom expenses were paid were not em- ployees as such but were borrowed from other employers and returned to the employment of other employers. They WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY never became replacements as such. Those who became replacements were paid expenses only for the period of time from their arrival until they were able to find housing in Omaha . I reject the Union 's contention in this regard. I have found that Respondent committed none of the unfair labor practices alleged in the complaint and accord- 1073 ingly I recommend that the complaint be dismissed in its entirety.4 - 4In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board , the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations , be adopted by the Board and become its findings , conclusions and Order , and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation