Wilson & Co., Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 28, 194877 N.L.R.B. 959 (N.L.R.B. 1948) Copy Citation In the Matter of WILSON & Co., INC. and INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD or TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS, WAREHOUSEMEN AND HELPERS, LOCAL No. 667, A. F. L. Case 1170-15-C-1194.-Decided May P,8,1948 Mr. T. Lowry Whittaleer, for the Board. Messrs. Johm L. Cockrill, Richard C. Winkler, and M. TV. Meyers, of Chicago, Ill., for the Respondent. Mr. James W. Caldwell, of Tupelo, Miss., for the Uuion. DECISION AND ORDER1 On May 23, 1947, Trial Examiner Peter F. Ward issued his Inter- mediate Report in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices, in violation of Section 8 (1), (3), and (5) of the Aet,2 and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the copy of the Intermediate Report attached hereto. Thereafter, the Respondent and the attorney for the Board each filed exceptions to the Intermediate Report with a supporting brief, and the Respondent filed a reply brief. The Re- spondent has requested oral argument. Because the record and the briefs, m our opinion, adequately present the issues and the positions of the parties, the request for oral argument is hereby denied. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 (b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this proceeding to a three-man panel consisting of the undersigned Board Members.'" The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Intermedi- ate Report, the exceptions and briefs, and the entire record in the case, r The power of the Board to issue a Decision and Ordei in a case such as this. whore the charging union has not Complied with the filing requirements specified in Section 9 (f), (g), and (h) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, was decided by the Board in Matte? of Marshall and Bruce Company, 75 N I, H B 90 i The pros stuns of Section 8 (1), (3) and (5) of the National Labor Relations Act, wwluch the Thal Examiner herein tound were Violated, are contii,nod in Section 8 (a) (1), S (a) (3), and 8 (a) (5) of the Act, as amended by the Labor Management Relations Act, 1947 *Houston, Muidock, and Gray 77 N. L. It B, No 153 950 960 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Examiner, with the modifications and additions noted below. 1. We find, as did the Trial Examiner, that the Respondent has re- fused to bargain with the Union as the representative of its employees in an appropriate unit.3 The Respondent's letter of June 26, in reply to the Union's request to bargain, states that "we cannot evaluate your claim that you represent a majority of our employees." Under some circumstances this might be viewed as a request for proof of the Union's majority. In this case, however, the Respondent had ample reason to know that the Union represented a majority of its employees. This fact had been communicated to at least two of its four super- visors; 4 Foreman Springer had reported to Plant Manager Bender concerning the union meeting on June 23, which was presided over by Union Organizer Caldwell and attended by practically all the em- ployees; and Bender admitted that he saw the striking employees waiting outside the plant as he talked to Caldwell. Under these circumstances we find, as did the Trial Examiner, that the Respondent knew the Union represented a majority of its employees at the time the request to bargain was made.5 In addition, as the Trial Examiner found, the Respondent had already attempted to thwart organization of the Union by: (1) a wage increase timed and designed to coerce employees in their right to self-organization; (2) Colbert's threat to withhold wages on the day that union fees were to be paid; and (3) several instances of interrogating employees as to their union activities .13 Where, as in this case, an employer's request for proof of a union's majority is made after knowledge of such ma- jority is already in his possession, and against a background of co- ercive acts designed to cause disaffection from the union, it cannot be said that his request for proof was made in good faith. Such request made in bad faith may not serve as a, valid defense to the Respondent's refusal to recognize and bargain with the Union.7 2. We find, as did the Trial Examiner, that the strike, which was an economic strike at its inception, was transformed, into an unfair ' The Respondent , in its brief , contends that the "laboratory " employees should be ex- cluded as confidential employees . As there is no evidence that these employees have access to confidential information , we find this contention without merit 4 The Respondent, In its brief , admits that at least the "lower management officials" had knowledge of the Union ' s majority status prior to the request to bargain. 5 We do not rely, however, upon the strike as having proved the Union ' s majority because there is no evidence that it was sponsored by the Union 6In addition to the instances of interrogation relied upon by the Tiial Examiner in deter- mining that the Respondent violated Section 8 ( 1) of the Act , we find that on the day after the men joined the Union , Cook, a managerial representative, asked employee Culpepper if they had joined ; and, on that same day, Superintendent Neal asked employee Sullivan if the men had had a union meeting the night before 7 Matter of Robeson Cutlery Company , Inc, 67 N L R B 481 ; Matter of Pacific Plastic d Mfg Co , 68 N L R. B. 52 WILSON & CO., INC. 961 labor practice strike by the Respondent's unlawful refusal to bargain. By engaging in an unfair labor practice, the effect of which was to prolong the strike, the Respondent forfeited its right to replace per- manently the striking employees," and we shall therefore order the reinstatement, upon request, of those employees who were on strike on June 24, 1946,-and who have not already applied for and accepted reinstatement.9 The Respondent, in its brief, advances two objections to the rein- statement of any of the strikers which are not considered in the Inter- mediate Report. The Respondent contends : (1) that the strikers com- mitted sabotage while leaving the plant, and thus lost their right to reinstatement; (2) that the strike was illegal because of failure to give the 60-day strike notice required by the War Labor Disputes Act. As to the first contention, although there is evidence that certain switches were found pulled after the strikers left, which, if not discovered in time, might have caused damage, there is no evidence to connect this- incident with any of the strikers. As to the second contention, viola- tion of the notice requirement of the War Labor Disputes Act does not deprive strikers of rights under the National Labor Relations Act io The Respondent also contends that, if any reinstatement order is issued, it should exclude Hannah, McKinney, and Judd. Hannah and McKinney did not testify, but there was uncontroverted testimony by other employees that they were at work on June 23 and participated in the strike; and this is confirmed by the Respondent's employment record of that date. We see no reason, therefore, for excluding Han- nah and McKinney from the reinstatement order. As to Judd, the Respondent maintains that Superintendent Colbert caught him steal- ing cream on June 22, the day before the strike. Colbert admitted, however, that he did not discharge him at that time, and there is there- fore no evidence that Judd had lost his status as an employee of the Respondent at the time of the strike. Absent such evidence, we find no basis upon which Judd should be excluded from the reinstatement order, either as a matter of law or in the exercise of our discretion in effectuating the policies of the Act. THE REMEDY The Trial Examiner, among other measures designed to effectuate the policies of the Act, recommended that the Board direct the Re- eMatter of Vogue-TVrig/t Studios, Inc, 76 N L R. B. 773 ' As found in the Intermediate Report , Baugh lost his employment status prior to the stake, and is therefore not entitled to reinstatement. 1° Matter of Republic Steel Corporation, 62 N. L R. B. 1008; and see N. L. R. B. v. lialanta oo Stationery Co, 160 F. (2d) 465 (C. C A. 6). 962 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD spondent, upon request, to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive representative of the employees in the appropriate unit. Since the issuance of the Intermediate Report, however, the Act has been amended to preclude the Board from certifying as a bargaining representative any labor organization which, like the Union herein, has not complied with the provisions of Section 9 (f), (g), and (h) of the Act, as amended. Accordingly, our Order directing the Re- spondent to bargain with the Union will be conditioned upon com- pliance by the Union with the above-cited section of the Act, as amended, within thirty (30) days from the date of the Order herein." We find, as did the Trial Examiner , that William Saxon and Louishes Potter applied for and were denied reinstatement after the strike became an unfair labor practice strike, and that they had not been replaced while the strike was still an economic strike. We shall therefore direct that the Respondent reinstate them, to their former dr substantitilly equivalent positions,12 and make them whole for any loss of wages they may have suffered as a result of the discrimination by payment to each of them of a stun of money equal to the amount which he normally would have earned as wages from the date of the Respondent's discrimination against him to the date of the Respond- ent's offer of reinstatement, less his net earnings 13 during said period. The Trial Examiner found, and we agree, that Caldwell's request on June 24, 1946, that the strikers be reinstated, was conditioned upon the Respondent's reinstatement of Baugh. The Respondent's denial of reinstatcment was therefore not in violation of Section 8 (3) of the Act." Accordingly, we shall require that the employees other than Saxon and Potter renew their request for reinstatement. Although the Trial Examiner found that the Respondent violated Section 8 (1) of the Act by interrogation of employees and other acts of interference, restraint, or coercion, his recommended order did not contain any provision directed at such violations. We are convinced, upon the entire record, that the danger of the commission 11 Mattel of lta?shall and Bi ice Company , 75 N L R B 90 I` In accordance with the Board 's consistent mtei pretation of the term , the expression "fornmer or substantially equivalent position " is intended to mean " former position wshen- ever possible , but if such position is no longer in existence , then to a substantially equiva- lent position " See Matter of The Chase National Bank of The City/ of New York, San Juan. Puerto Rico , Branch, 65 N 1, It B 827, 829 'i By "net earnings" is meant earnings less expenses such as for transportation, ioou, and board , incurred by an emplovee in connection with obtaining work and vwonking else- wheie, which would not have been incurred but for his unlawful discrimination and the consequent necessity of his seeking employment elsewhere Matter of Crossett Lumber Company, S N L. R B 440 Monies received for work performed upon Federal , State, county, municipal , or other work -relief projects shall be considered as eannmgs Republ.c Steel Corporation-v N L R B , 311 U S 7 14 Matter of V-0 Milling Company, 43 N L B B 348 WILSON & CO., INC. 963 in the future of such acts of interference and of other unfair labor practices is to be anticipated from the Respondent's conduct in the past .1° We shall therefore order that the Respondent cease and desist from such conduct, and from in any other manner infringing upon the rights guaranteed to its employees in Section 7 of the Act. ORDER Upon the entire record in the case, and pursuant to Section 10 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Wilson & Co., Inc., Okolona, Mississippi, and its officers, agents, successors, and assigns shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to bargain collectively with International Brother- hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local No. 667, A. F. L., if and when said labor organization shall have complied, within thirty (30) days from the date of this Order, with Section 9 (f), (g), and (h) of the Act, as the exclusive representative of all the production and maintenance employees of the Respondent at its Okolona plant, excluding office and clerical employees, and all ,supervisors as defined in the amended Act, with respect to grievances, labor disputes, rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, or other terms or conditions of employment; (b) Discouraging membership in International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local No. 667, A. F. L., or in any other labor organization of its employees, by dis- criminatorily refusing reinstatement to any of its striking employees, or by discriminating in any other manner in regard to their hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of their employment; (c) Interrogating its employees concerning their union affiliations, activities, or sympathies, or in any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights to self-organization , to form labor organizations , to join or assist Inter- national Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local No. 667, A. F. L., or any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purposes of collective -bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, as guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action, which the Board finds w ill effectuate the policies of the Act: 11 See V 7. P, B v E'rpress Pubhsinng Company, 312 U S 426. 964 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (a) Upon request, and upon compliance by the Union with the filing requirements of the Act , as amended , in the manner set forth above, bargain collectively with International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local No. 667, A. F. L., as the exclusive representative of all its employees in the aforesaid appro- priate unit, with respect to grievances, labor disputes, rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, or other terms or conditions of employ- ment; (b) Offer to William Saxon and Louishes Potter immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and make each of them whole for any loss of pay that he may have suffered as a result of the discrimination against him by payment to each of them of a sum of money equal to that which he normally would have earned as wages during the period from the date of the Respondent's discrimination against him to the date of the Respondent's offer of reinstatement , less his net earnings during said period; (c) Upon application, offer to those employees who went on strike on June 23 , 1946, and continued on strike from and after June 24, 1946, and who have not previously applied for reinstatement, immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, dis- missing, if necessary , any persons hired on or after June 24 , and not in the Respondent's employ on that date. If, thereupon, despite such reduction in,force, there is not sufficient employment available for the employees to be offered reinstatement , all available positions will be distributed among such employees without discrimination against any employee because of his union affiliation or activities , following a sys- tem of seniority or other non-discriminatory practice to such an extent as has heretofore been applied in the conduct of the Respondent's busi- ness. Those employees, if any, remaining after such distribution, for whom no employment is immediately available, shall be placed upon a preferential list and offered reemployment to their former or substan- tially equivalent positions of work , in the order determined among them by such system of seniority or other non -discriminatory practice as the Respondent has heretofore followed ; (d) Make whole the striking employees, who have not previously applied for reinstatement , for any loss of pay they may suffer by reason of the Respondent 's refusal , if any, to reinstate them, by pay- ment to each of them of a sum of money equal to the amount which he normally would have earned as wages during the period from 5 days after the date of his application for reinstatement , less his net earnings during said period; WILSON & CO., INC. 965 (e) Post at its plant at Okolona, Mississippi, copies of the notice attached hereto and marked "Appendix A." 16 Copies of said notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for the Fifteenth Region, after being signed by the Respondent's representative, shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and maintained by it for thirty (30) consecutive days thereafter, and also for an additional thirty (30) consecutive days in the event of compliance by the Union with the filing requirements of the Act, as amended, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material; (f) Notify the Regional Director for the Fifteenth Region in writ- ing, within ten (10) days from the date of this Order, and again within ten (10) days from the future date, if any, on which the Re- spondent is officially notified that the Union has met the condition hereinabove set forth, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dis- missed insofar as it alleges : (1) that the Respondent discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of Clifford L. Baugh; (2) that the Respondent kept union meetings under surveillance; (3) that the Respondent threatened employees with firearms in order to secure information pertaining to the Union; and (4) that the Re- spondent discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employ- ment of those employees who went on strike on June 23, 1946, as a result of Baugh's termination of employment, by ordering them to check out and leave the Respondent's plant on that same day. APPENDIX A NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to a Decision and Order of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, we hereby notify our employees that : WE WILL NOT interrogate our employees concerning their union affiliations, activities, or sympathies, or in any other manner inter- fere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization, to form labor organizations, to join or assist INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS, CHAUF- 11 In the event that this Order is enforced by a decree of a Circuit Court of Appeals, there shall be inserted before the words "A DECISION AND ORDER" the words : "DECREE OF THE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS ENFORCING." 788886-49-vol. 77-62 966 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD FEURS, WAREIIOUSEDIEN AND IIELPERS, LOCAL No. 667, A. F. L., or any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through rep- resentatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. WE WILL OFFER to William W. Saxon and Louishes Potter imme- diate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to any seniority or other rights and privileges previously enjoyed, and make them whole for any loss of pay suffered as a result of the discrimination against them. WE WILL BARGAIN collectively upon request with the above- named Union as the exclusive representative of all employees in the bargaining unit described herein, with respect to grievances, labor disputes, rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, or other terms or conditions of employment, and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement, pro- vided said labor organization complies within thirty (30) days from the date of the aforesaid order of the Board With Section 9 (f), (g), and (h) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. The bargaining unit is : All production and maintenance employees engaged at our Oko- lona, Mississippi, plant, excluding office and clerical employees, and supervisors as defined in the Act. WE WILL, upon application, offer reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority and other rights and privileges, to the employees who went on strike on June 23, 1946, and continued on strike from and after June 24, 1946, and who have not previously applied for re- instatement. We will dismiss, if necessary, any persons hired on or after June 24, and not in our employ on that date. If there- upon, despite such reduction in force, there is not sufficient em- ployment available for the employees to be offered reinstatement, all available positions Will be distributed among such employees Without discrimination against any employee because of his union affiliation or activities, following such a system of seniority or other non-discriminatory practice to such an extent as has here- tofore been applied in the conduct of our business. Those em- ployees, if any, remaining after such distribution, for whom no employment is immediately available, Will be placed upon a pref- erential list and offered reemployment to their former or sub- stantially equivalent positions as work becomes available and before other persons are hired for such work, in the order de- WILSON & CO., INC. 967 termined among them by such system of seniority or other non- discriminatory practice as we have heretofore followed. All our employees are free to become or remain members of the above-named Union or any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT discriminate in regard to the hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment against any employee because of membership in or activity on behalf of any such labor organization. WILSON &C CO., INC., Employer. Dated------------------ By ------------------------- (Repiesentative ) ( Title) This notice must remain posted for thirty (30) clays from the date hereof, and for an additional thirty (30) days if the above-named Union has by that time complied with Section 9 (f), (g), and (h) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. INTERMEDIATE REPORT Mi 7'. Lowry Whittah;ei, for the Board. Messrs. John L GoeArill, Richard C Winkler, and M IV. Meyers, of Chicago, 111., for the Respondent. llr. James W. Caldwell, of Tupelo, Miss, for the Union. STATEMENT OF THE CASE Upon an amended charge duly filed January 6, 1947, by International Brother- hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local No. 667, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, herein called the Union, the National Labor Relations Board, herein called the Board, by its Regional Di- iector for the Fifteenth Region (Nevi 0,-leans, Louisiana), issued its complaint dated January 8, 1947, against Wilson & Co, Inc., herein called the Respondent, alleging that the Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the ineaning of Section S (1), (3) and (5) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the National Labor Ralations Act, 49 Stat 449, herein called the Act Copies of the complaint together with notice of hearing thereon were duly served upon the Respondent and the Union With respect to the unfair labor practices, the ccmplanit, as amended at the hearing, alleged, in substance, that the Respondent (1) by its officers, agents and representatii-cs, namely, B D Bender. T. S Colbert, 1-larold Neal, W E Springer and Frank Cook committed, authorized, instigated and acquiesced in certain acts of interference, restraint, and coercion;' (2) did on o_ about June 17, 1946, ' Such acts stated generally that the Respondent interrogated the employees concennng their Union desires, sympathies, membership dues, and Union meetings. kept Union meet- ings under surveillance , threatened and wan ned the employees that because of a union meeting they would receive their checks late in order to prevent paying Union dues, threatened and warned that active. union adheients would lose their fobs. put into ef- fect a ietroactive wage mciease and payment for oveitinne on the day the Union or- w zrd denied and ievoked certain euiploee privileges and custoins because of the advent if the Union , aed threatening employees with fireai ms to secure information pertaining to the Union 968 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD demote and assign Clifford L. Baugh to more arduous and less desirable work because of his union and concerted activities; (3) did on or about June 3. 1946, discharge certain of its employees because of their union and concerted activ- ities; z (4) by such acts, caused and provoked an unfair labor practice strike on or about June 23, 1946; (5) on or about June 24, 1946, refused and failed to rein- state all of said named employees with the exception of William W. Saxon and on or about June 28, refused and failed to reinstate said Saxon; (6) on or about June 23 and June 24, 1946, and at all times thereafter, dui fail and refuse to bargain collectively with the Union although the Union was the duly designated representative of its employees within a stated appropriate unit, and (7) by the acts described above, the Respondent interfered with, restrained and coerced its employees in the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act On or about January 22, 1947, Respondent filed its answer wherein it admitted certain allegations of the complaint but denied that it had engaged in the alleged unfair labor practices. Pursuant to due notice, a hearing was held at Tupelo, Mississippi, on various dates between February 11 and 22, 1947, before Peter F. Ward, the Trial Exam- iner duly designated by the Chief Trial Examiner The Board and the Respond- ent were represented by counsel and a union official appeared for the Union All parties participated in the hearing. Full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce evidence bearing upon the issues was afforded all parties At the close of the Board's case-in-chief. Respondent moved for a dismissal of the complaint. The motion was denied by the under- signed. At the close of the hearing, Respondent renewed its motion to dismiss the complaint and ruling thereon was reserved by the undersigned, and for reasons set forth below, is now denied. Also, at the close of the hearing, counsel for the Board moved, without objection, that the complaint be amended in formal matters to conform to the proof. The motion was granted The parties were afforded an opportunity to argue orally before, and file pro- posed findings and conclusions and briefs with, the undersigned Oral argument was waived by the parties and no briefs or proposed findings and conclusions have been filed with the undersigned From the entire record in the case, and from his observation of the witnesses, the undersigned makes, in addition to the above, the following : FINDINGS OF FACT I. THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENT Respondent is a Delaware corporation with its principal office and place of business located at Chicago, Illinois, and is, and has been, duly qualified and licensed to do business in the State of Mississippi, in which it owns and operates a plant at Okolona, Mississippi (its only plant involved in this proceeding), where it is engaged in the production, sale and distribution of cheese products. During the calendar year 1946, which is representative of all times material herein, the Respondent purchased raw materials consisting mainly of raw milk, valued in excess of $250,000, of which value approximately 5 percent was shipped to its 2 Allegedly discharged employees are as follows • Clifford L Baugh, Paris Bean, H. Royce Culpepper, 0 A. Hannah, Albert Herron, Felix Jones, Murry Jumper, Jr., Luther Excel] McKinney, William L. Morrow, Jake O'Barr, M T. Hatten, Louishes Potter, Odel Sample, L. E Sullivan , Ell! Judd and William W. Saxon. WILSON & CO., INC. 969 Okoloua plant from points outside the State of Mississippi. During the same period, the Respondent manufactured finished cheese products valued in excess of $250,000, of which approximately 95 percent was shipped from said Okolona plant to points outside the State of Mississippi. Respondent admits that it is engaged in commerce as defined by the Act. II. THE ORGANIZATION INVOLVED International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Help- ers, Local No. 667, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, is a labor organization admitting to membership employees of the Respondent. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Interference, g estratnt, and coercion 1. Sequence of events Prior to on or about June 1, 194G, there had been no union activity at the Respondent's Okolona plant. A union did exist at the Carnation Plant located in Okolona. On or about June 12, one of the Carnation Plant union members got in touch with employee Culpepper and discussed union organization at the Respondent's plant. The Carnation Plant employee delivered a number of union applications to Culpepper at the Respondent's plant in the presence of Harold Neal, an assistant superintendent. Neal was requested by Culpepper to say nothing about the matter. On or about June 12, and before Bean joined the Union, Neal asked him if he was going to join the Union. Bean replied in the negative.4 Neal also talked to Herron before the latter joined the Union, and addressing him by his nickname of "Steamboat" asked hiin if he were going to join the Union. When Herron replied, "I don't know exactly, Mr. Neal," the latter said, "Aw Steamboat." Neal also asked Hatten if he was going to join the Union. When Flatten replied, "I don't know sir," Neal suggested that Hatten wait a while before he joined. On June 22, Neal asked Hatten if lie paid his "Union dues last night." When Hatten answered "Yes," Neal merely laughed.' I Unless otheiwise specified , all events herein occurred in 1946. 4 This finding is based on Bean's credited testimony . Neal was asked if he ever asked Bean about the Union and replied , "I don't think so." Neal's credibility is further discussed below i This finding is based on Herron's credible testimony Neal ' s categorical denial is not credited See footnote next below U These findings are based on Hatten 's credited testimony Neal's categorical denial is not credited The credible evidence in the record indicates that Neal discussed unions in general and the Union herein with white employees Baugh, O 'Barr, Sullivan, Cul- pepper, Saxon and Fleming In his discussion with Baugh , which antedates the advent of the Union by some 2 or 3 weeks, Neal said, What this place really needs is a union to get the wages up, and get all these colored boys out and get a bunch of white boys in here so that the thing could be carried on like it should be and get the wages up. In his discussion with the white employees , after the advent of the Union , Neal made no effort to discourage them from joining other than to state that he did not believe in the Union . But he did seek to discourage the Negro employees from joining the Union and thereby, to some extent at least, sought to promote the ideas expressed to Baugh as above set forth. 970 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD On or about the evening of June 13,' a large majority of the plant einployee;S attended a Union meeting held outside and adjacent to the Cal nation Plant. All Respondent-employees present signed Union application cards After the Carnation Plant meeting, Culpepper went to the homes of Saxon, Ray Fleming, and Sample and procured their signatures to application cards On the day following the meeting, Baugh procured Jake O'Barr's signature to an application card. On the day following the initial union meeting, Culpepper discussed this meet- ing with Neal and told him that all of the employees who event to the meeting !oined the Union ° On the afternoon of that same day, Flank Cook, a managerial employee, talked with Culpepper concerning the Union meeting and asked if the employees had joined Culpepper told Cook that they had.° A Union meeting was schedule(] to be held on the evening of Fi iday, June 21, at O'Barr's house, for the purpose of having the employees pay initiation fees. Friday was the Respondent's normal pay day.'0 During the afternoon of such Friday, Thomas S Colbert, who became plant superintendent on or about June 1, told a,number of the Negro employees that their checks would not be paid that day and thus they would not have money with which to pay their initiation fees." The checks were however delivered before the employees left the plant on that day. At the meeting which was conducted by Earl Smith, it general organizer for the A F of L, and a former Carnation Plant employee, substitute(] for James W. Caldwell, who had charge of organizing the Respondent's plant, Smith collected dues from 171' employees On June 24, 1946, Caldwell collected vitiation fees from Muri y Jumper, Jr The record discloses that on or about March 1, 1946, the Respondent's Chicago office approved a wage increase, with overtime payments after 48 hours, applicable to its Okolona and certain other plants; that such increase in the amount of 10 cents per hour wwa to be put into effect in two parts, with the first 5-cent increase r ffective on or about March 1, and the second 5-cent increase to become effective after on or about GO days; and that the second raise put into effect at the Okolon.t 'Alost of the wituesses attending this meeting fixed the date as either June 13 or June 14 , AI E Springer, it foreman who joined the Union, fixed the date as of June 12 Front all the evidence the undersigned is of the opinion that the meeting was held on iithei June 13 or Tune 14 a Noal denied that Culpepper had told him that the emploiees had joined the Union and testified that Culpepper said they were "going to try to form a union " and that he had replied, "Well , it is all light with me" Neal admitted that he knew of Cul- pepper receiving union application raids from a Carnation Plant truck driver The nuclei signed is convinced that Culpeppei discussed the union meeting with him on the clay following the meeting, and credits Culpepper's version of the conversation Cook did not deny Culpepper's testimony in tins regard He testified) Q What was the conversation) A I don't remember how the conversation Caine about, but I do remember that he said they had all joined the Union . and also asked, if Air Bender [manager] knew about it I told him that I had heard him [Bender] mention it to tie and that lie did know about it Further along in his testimony, Cook aniended his ansiier to say,-"Mr Bender had mentioned that lie had heard rumors of the Union." ° Respondent's workweek ends on Thursday This finding is based on the credited testimony of O'Balr, Jones, Hatten. Herron, audl Morrow Colbert's categorical denial is not credited by the undersigned . Colbett's credibility is discussed further below '3 Fleming, McKinney. Culpepper, Baugh, Bean, Hannah, Potter, 'Morrow. Herron , Hatten, Jones, Sample, Saxon, Sullivan, O'Barr, Judd, and Foreman Springer WILSON & CO., INC. 971 plant was announced on June 21, the day on which the Union member employees were scheduled to meet and pay their Union initiation fees The raise was made retroactively effective as of June 14, the day on or about which the Union held its organizational meeting Respondent in effect contends that it put the second 5-cent raise into effect without knowledge of any Union activities on the part of its employees and after 2 or 3 weeks notice had been given The record does not support either conten- tion. With reference to an announcement of the second 5 cent increase, Bender testified, that 2 or 3 weeks betore the raise came thi ough, "I think I told Mr Neal that they were to get 5 cent an hour increase, and I believe he told the men" and that while the Respondent had a bulletin board in the plant no such announcement was posted. Bender's indefinite testimony above was not corroborated by that of Neal or any other witness The undersigned is convinced that if the Respondent had, in fact, notified any of its rank-and-file employees of the proposed increase prior to June 21, it would have been able to and would have produced positive testimony to such effect. The increase, retroactive to June 14, was put into effect on June 21, the clay set for the employees to pay their union initiation fees. That the Respondent knew of the Union's plans for a meeting on that date for such purpose is dis- closed by Colbert's statements, found above, that lie proposed to withhold checks of the Negro employees on June 21 so that they would not ham e funds with which to pay initiation fees" From the foregoing it is clear that although the Respond- ent's Okolona plant officials had known for more than 60 clays that the second 5-cent raise was to be granted, they ntithheld notice of it until June 21, the day the employees had set for payment of initiation fees, for the purpose, as the undersigned is convinced and finds, of inducing the employees to abandon self- organization and refuse to pay their initiation fees in the Union The Board has held "campaigning with wage increases" is a violation of Section 8 (1) of. the Act See Hatter of Hudson Hosiery Cornpa1rJ, 72 N L R B. 1434, and see cases cited in footnote No. 5, of this citation. While in the instant case the respondent was entitled to grant and an nouuce it wage increase and overtime pay plan during the Union's organizational cam- paign, it was not entitled to do so at the particular time and in the particular manner in which it did, since its action was manifestly tinted and designed to induce its employees to refuse to pay their initiation fees in the Union and thus i eject the latter as their representative for collective bargaining. 2 Conclusions Upon the basis of the foregoing and upon the entire record rn the case, the undersigned concludes and finds that, by Neal' s action in questioning Bean, Her- ron, and Hatten concerning their union activities. by Colbert' s statements to cer- tain Negro employees that their pay checks would be held to the end that they would have no funds with winch to pay their union initiation fees . and by the announcement of a retroactive pay increase on Julie 21, all as found above, the ]i During the afternoon of June 21 , Culpepper asked Foreman Springer , who had joined the Union, if he was gong to the meeting that night and pay his "union dues " Springer stated that he saw no point in going to the meeting since "All of the boys wieie getting a mice, and the colored boys would not show up to pay their dues and they would not have a niajority to pay them " The colored boys did show up at the meeting and paid their initia- tion fees , after winch Culpepper , O'Barr , and Earl Smith , the union official , went to Sin finger's home and collected his initiation fee. 972 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Respondent interfered with, restrained , and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, and thereby violated Section 8 (1) thereof. B. The alleged discrimination against Baugh On or about May 16, Baugh asked Bender if there were any vacancies in the plant. Bender replied that he needed a man to run the pasteurizer. When Baugh informed him that he had no experience in operating a pasteurizer, Bender stated that he would be taught to operate it and hired Baugh for the job. Superintendent Neal " was Baugh's immediate supervisor and had charge of his training until sometime in the forepart of June, when Colbert became superintendent. Baugh was among those who joined the Union at the Carnation Plant meeting on or about June 13. He received some application cards from Culpepper and secured the signature of Morton E. Springer, a mechanical foreman for the Respondent, James E Springer, a son of the foreman, and Jake O'Barr. On or about Friday, June 14, Baugh permitted a vat of milk to overflow with the result that there was a loss of some milk. On Sunday, June 16, while Baugh was taking his day off 's the Respondent placed Raymond Fleming, a brother- in-law of Neal, in charge of the pasteurizer. When Baugh reported at the plant on Monday, June 17, Neal told him to report to Foreman Springer for work, which he did. During the forenoon of that Monday, Baugh was assigned to work in the paraffin room. In the afternoon Baugh performed such tasks as Springer assigned him to Baugh told Springer that he felt like he had been "kicked" around, to which Springer replied : We will get along alright, . . . when they get ready to get rid of someone they generally shifted them out here on me to get rid of them . . . I will take care of you'0 On June 21, Baugh along with other employees attended the Union meeting at O'Barr's home and paid his union initiation fees. On Sunday, Baugh, as had been his custom during the preceding week, weighed and boxed cheese during the forenoon. In the afternoon he, along with James Springer, was assigned to do some outside painting. Sometime between 2 and 3 o'clock, the two painters took "time out" to smoke and went into the work shop where they found Springer, Sr., and Culpepper discussing and figuring the 14 Neal remained superintendent until on or about June 1, when Thomas S Colbert, a pre-war employee , became superintendent . While Bender testified that Colbert became superintendent about May 1, the record indicates that he was in error and that Colbert began to act as superintendent on either May 31 or June 1. 15 The plant operated 7 days a week . The employees took 1 day off each week. The "of day" was staggered so as to have a normal number of employees on duty each day. 16 This finding is based on Baugh 's credited testimony . Springer did not specifically deny making the above statement . He testified : Q. Now did you have a conversation with him that day? A. Yes, sir. Q What was that conversation'+ A Baugh came up to me and told me he felt like lie had been kicked around. Some- thing like that. And I told him that if he would keep busy we would get along fine. Of course , I didn't expect him to sit around on the job . To keep busy. On cross-examination Springer testified : Well , I believe I told him that they had his number or something like that ; he was likely to get fired if he didn ' t work better. WILSON & CO., INC. 973 cost of a vat of milk and the amount of, cheese it would produce. Baugh and James Springer joined in the discussion. While these four men were thus engaged, Colbert entered the shop and after learning the nature of the discussion, said : If you fellows are figuring up the profits of this stuff-I will tell you where the expense runs up. Colbert then referred to Baugh and James Springer in foul and obscene lan- guage and called attention to the fact that they were sitting down, doing nothing. Baugh then said, "Well, I don't see that you are hurting yourself around here." Colbert replied : Well, I am not supposed to work. I tell you what to do ; I give orders. Baugh then replied : You don't tell me what to do. I am working for Mr. Springer. He tells me what to do. Colbert then stated that he could tell Baugh what to do and ordered him to go to work. Baugh replied, "Mr. Springer tells me when to go to work." Thereupon Colbert told Baugh "to get up and go check out." Baugh again referred to Springer and stated, "Mr. Springer will tell me when to check out" ; and made no move toward returning to work." After the above exchange between him and Baugh, Colbert left the work shop. Baugh and James Springer then returned to their painting job. Shortly there- after, Colbel't, accompanied by Bender, returned to the plant and accosted Baugh at his painting job. Bender asked Baugh if Colbert told him to check out. Baugh said, "Yes, he did," and further said that he had also told Colbert that Springer was his boss and would tell him when to check out. Baugh added, "but if you want me to check out, I'll go check out." To this Bender replied, "Colbert told you and I'm telling you, go check out." Baugh then stated that he was being treated "dirty" and continued : First, I was pulled off the pasteurizer and put on every damn odd job you've got around here, first sweeper work and just the job of a flunkey. To this Bender replied, "Well, you couldn't run the pasteurizer. You spilt some milk." Baugh then asked, "When do I get my check?" Bender replied, "Come back Saturday and get your check." 18 Counsel for the Board contends, in substance, that Baugh was demoted on June 17, and discharged on June 23, because of his union membership and activities. 17 The record indicates that Colbert was employed for a time during May running certain laboratory tests before lie was installed as superintendent It was admitted in the record that no formal notice of Colbert's new position was given to the employees Colbert testi- fied that during the first week in June, Baugh asked him what his job was and that he re- plied that he was superintendent While Baugh denied asking Colbert what his position was, the record clearly indicates that Baugh knew Colbert was in charge of the plant on June 23 Baugh testified Q. Do you know what he [Colbert] was doing that Sunday? A No, sir I don't Mr. Neal was off that Sunday, and Mr Colbert was there in his place, I suppose. 18 Colbert and Bender testified that Baugh was told to "check out" merely in order to dis- cipline hint for his insubordination on June 23, for refusing to return to work when ordered to do so by Colbert. According to Colbert and Bender, it was expected that he would lose only the balance of the Sunday work-day and would return to work on the following day. Bender testified , however, that when Baugh asked for his check , Bender concluded that Baugh had quit and thereafter did not expect him to return the next day. 974 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The Respondent contends, in effect, (1) that Baugh's transfer from the pas- teurizer to other work was not a demotion in fact and was occasioned by Baugh's inefficient operation of the pasteurizer; and (2) that Baugh was not discharged but was told to check out because of his insubordination, after which Baugh voluntarily quit.19 As to Respondent's first contention, the record indicates that Neal was dis- pleased when Bender hired Baugh as a pasteurizer At or about the time Baugh was hired, Neal told Culpepper that Bender hired Baugh and he could train Min; that he (Neal) was going to have nothing to do with Baugh "whatsoever" about ,training; that he was going to show him how to operate it, and that was all he was going to show him. Neal also indicated to Saxon that he. was displeased with Baugh's employment and "wasn't going to try to train him" ; that-he was going to get rid of him " Neal added that he was just going to push Baugh "into harder jobs and see if he could fire himself."" In connection with Baugh's training, Neal testified in part: Q And did you tell him and show him what to do? A. I trained him; I did. Q. Did you have any difficulty with Mr Baugh in connection with his work as a pasteurizer A. No, sir, I didn't take a hand with that Q. Well, who did take care of that part of it? A. Well. I carried on with him a few weeks and turned it over to Mr. Colbert. Q Is that when he was superintendent? A. Yes, sir. Q. Well, did you observe Mr Baugh in the performance of his duties as a pasteurizer there between the middle of May when lie was hired, and June, around the middle of June's A No, sir Q Well, did you work near him or with him since? A Yes, sir Q Did it ever come to your attention that Mr Baugh was not making acid test? A Well, I didn't watch him on that, I carried him and learned him how to run a test on the vat, and in other words, I told him to watch me That's the way I had trained the man As above related, Neal's brother-in-law, Raymond 11leming, was placed in charge of the pasteurizer on June 16. Neal testified to no dereliction on Baugh's part, while the latter was under his supervision He testified that while he had knowledge of the spilt milk, he had no knowledge that Baugh was not making the acid tests, or that Baugh " Baugh received his check on June 29, together with a slip giving the reason for termi- nation of his lob as "voluntarily quit " 20 These findings are based on the credited testimony of Culpepper and Saxon While Saxon was not certain as to whether Neal made the statements before or after the employees joined the Union, the recoil indicates that Neal's responsibility for Baugh's training ceased on or about June 1, when Colbert became superintendent and Neal was demoted to assistant super- intendent Thus there would be ro occasion for Neal to train Baugh after June 1 Since Neal'A statements implied future action and responsibility on his part such statements must have been made prior to June 1 or some 2 weeks before Baugh joined the Union This con- clusion is fuithei confirmed by Neal's testimony quoted above. WILSON & CO., INC, 975 had let unpasteurized milk get into the vat, but stated that Calbeit had in- formed him of the latter two alleged incidents Colbert, on the other hand, testified to numerous alleged derelictions on Baugh's part. He testified that Baugh never ran an acid test or put it down right if he did run it; that he was negligent in adding coloring, rennet, and starter- milk, that Baugh, without authority, utilized the services of three-fourths of the Negro employees to add rennet and coloring used in the cheese-making process and to remove paddles from the vats ; that Baugh spent much unneces- sary time in the laboratory, loafing; and finally ran over a vat of milk with the result that, after a conference with Bender, Neal and himself, it was decided to transfer Baugh to work under the supervision of Foreman Springer Colbert further testified that lie had not called Baugh's attention to his many alleged derelictions, other than the spilt milk episode nor had he warned hun in con- nection therewith 21 As to Baugh's union activities, the record discloses that he ,joined the Union at the Carnation Plant meeting, secured the signature of the two Springers and Jake O'Barr to Union application cards, prior to his alleged demotion. Counsel for the Board contends, in effect, that Baugh was, to the knowledge of the Respondent's officials, the ringleader in organizing the Union, and that the Respondent first demoted and then discharged him because of his Union activities Jake O'Barr testified that lie did not attend the Carnation Plant meeting but signed a union card at Baugh's request at the Respondent's plant the following morning; that immediately thereafter, Neal called him outside the plant and asked him how lie felt toward the Union , that lie informed Neal that he had nothing against the Union, had belonged to one when he worked "at the rail- road"; and that Neal then stated that he wanted no union in the plant as lie "couldn't fire the niggers" when he got ready. O'Barr further testified that during this conversation, Neal asked hint if Baugh had said anything to him about the Union or had given him a slip to sign, and that he had replied in the negative. O'B-ur testified Q. Was that the truth? A Yes, sir,-no, sir He had given me the slip and I had signed a slip that m01 11inq with Baugh Q. Why didn't you tell Mr Neal, Mr Baugh had given you a slip. A I didn't want them, to do any more to hint titan tlici had already done" Q Did Mr Neal say anything else about Baugh? A Ile said he ought to fire hi;n for getting up that union. [Emphasis added ] 21 Colbert (lid not impress the undersigned as a credible witness While the undersigned believes that Baugh may have been guilty of sonic of the lapses nuth which he was accused. lie is convinced that Colbert greatly exaggerated both the number of the misdeeds and the times they allegedly occurred It would seem doubtful that Baugh had cried so many times in the approximately 12 days lie was under Colbert's supervision or that Colbeit would have spent the time necessary to note so many alleged errors Moreover, it would he unreasonable to expect an inexperienced employee to acquire the technical knowledge covei.ng the manufacture of cheese, that Colbert sought to require of Baugh in just a few weeps Finally it is incredible that Colbert would have ueprnnanded or warned Iiaugli on but one occasion, had the lattei been derelict to the extent testified to by Colbert By this answer O'Barr was undoubtedly referring to Baugh's transfer off the pas- teurizer The iecord clearly discloses that such tiansfer did not occur until at least a days after O'Barr signed the union slip at Baugh's request, in view of which the under- signed does not credit O'Barr's testimony concerning the alleged eonveis.ition between him and Neal on the day 0 Barr signed the union card 976 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The credible evidence in the record indicates that Culpepper and O'Barr were much more active in organizing the Union than was Baugh ; and the record further discloses that Neal knew that Culpepper brought the application- for-membership cards to the plant. The June 21 union meeting was held at O'Barr 's home at which time the employees.paid their initiation fees among whom were Fleming, Neal's brother-in-law, who lived in the same house as did Neal Both Neal and Fleming testified that they discussed the advisability of Fleming joining the Union. Thus it is most likely that Neal learned of the Union meeting at O'Barr's home. From the foregoing, it would appear that if the Respondent wished bti discharge the "ringleader" of the union movement, it would have selected either Culpepper or O'Barr before selecting Baugh for discharge. The record as a whole indicates that Neal's desire for removing Baugh from the pasteurizer may have been for the purpose of placing his brother-in-law, Fleming, in the position. Prior to his transfer Baugh operated the pasteurizer during forenoons only, and spent the afternoons at miscellaneous tasks. After his transfer he spent all of his time at such miscellaneous tasks He received the same rate of pay after the transfer as he did before Moreover, all employees were required to spend part of their time at odd or irregular jobs as the occasion arose. In the last analysis it is more reasonable to infer that Baugh was trau- ferred either to place Fleming on the pasteurizer or because of his inefficiency, than it is to infer that such transfer was occasioned by Baugh's union activities The record will not support a finding that Baugh was tiansferred front the pasteurizer because of union activities. This contention has merit. As to Respondent's second contention, based upon the undisputed testimony, it is clear that Baugh was guilty of insubordination, first, by refusing to return to his work when ordered to do so by Colbert and second, by refusing to "check out" when told to do so. This contention has merit Upon the foregoing and upon the entire record, the undersigned concludes and finds that, by, on June 17, transferring Baugh from pasteurizing to other types of work and by, on June 23, terminating his employment, the Respondent did not discriminate in regard to his hire and tenure of employment as alleged in the complaint. It is recommended below that insofar as the complaint so alleges, it be dismissed. C. The strike ; the alleged discriminatory discharges Immediately following Bender's orders for Baugh to "go check out," Baugh met Culpepper and Hannah and informed them that he had been "fired." Cul- pepper and other employees then went through the plant and passed out word of Baugh's alleged discharge . Some of the Negro employees were told that Baugh was fired, "and we are going out, we are all in the Union." 2i 2a This finding is based upon the credited and uncontradicted testimony of William M. Morrow , a part-time preacher , who had been employed by the Respondent during the sum- mer months over a period of 3 years Morrow was the only witness who expressly stated that attention was called to the fact that the employees were "going out" (because) "We are all in the Union " In this connection employee Sullivan testified ". , I didn't intend to go back to work until I found out what Baugh was fired for " Most of the other wit- nesses testifying in this connection merely stated that they heard "Baugh has been fired" and that they then assembled in the paraffin room. WILSON & CO., INC. 977 The employees were told to assemble in the paraffin room. Among the first to arrive was O'Barr'24 who said to Colbert, there present, that he had heard that Colbert had fired Baugh. Colbert answered "Yeah," and when O'Barr asked, "Why did you do that?", Colbert replied, "Well, he wasn't worth a damn." When Culpepper joined the group, he told Colbert that the group "did not think he had (lone the boy right," to which Colbert replied, Well, if you'all want somebody . . . 22 all the time and do nothing and draw pay and you'all do the work, all right then. Culpepper then stated that the employees did not see it that way and that they wanted "to see Bender." Immediately thereafter, Cook, who was present when the group began to assemble, left the plant along with Raymond T. Dollar, his father-in-law, in the latter's truck and started to look for Bender .26 They found Bender on the street and Cook informed him, "We are having a walk-out at the cheese factory." When Bender said, "You don't mean it"; and "where are the boys?", Cook replied that when he left the plant the boys were in the paraffin room, "signing out." 27 Bender, accompanied by Cook and Dollar, returned to the plant where he first donned coveralls, preparatory to completing the day's unfinished work, and went to the door of the paraffin room, where, according to Board witnesses, he stated, If you haven't signed out, sign out, get going and good bye. Bender's version of this incident was to the effect that after Cook had informed him that the men had walked out he returned to the plant and found the "make room" empty and then went to the paraffin room and found all employees there with the exception of James Springer and Foreman Springer. Bender testified : I walked to the door and asked them if they's quit, and some of them said, "Yes." I asked them if they'd check out and they said "Yes." I asked them what they were waiting for. When asked if he recalled whether the above were the exact words, Bender replied, "I believe it is." While these two versions may appear to be in conflict as to whether Bender asked the employees whether they had "quit" or had "signed out," they are not necessarily so. All but one of the employees had in fact quit their jobs and assembled in the paraffin room, where some of them, at least, had signed out; Bender was informed 24 Colbert testified that when O'Barr came into the paraffin room he asked for the loan of a pencil and said he was "checking out"; and when Colbert asked what the "trouble" was, O'Barr replied, "We don't like the way Baugh was treated." O'Barr denied having asked for a pencil or that lie "signed" out. The credible evidence discloses that the time sheet hung in the paraffin room ; that Hannah took it from its place and exhibited it at the union meeting held at Sullivan's room that Sunday night , and that it contained a number of employees' signatures Caldwell testified that he received a "sheet" of paper which he could not swear was the time sheet and that he saw Culpepper 's name on it . From the foregoing the undersigned is convinced and finds that O'Bair, Culpepper, and others "signed out" at the time they assembled in the paraffin room 21 Obscenity deleted 26 Bender had left the plant immediately after asking Baugh to check out '27 All Board witnesses testifying in this connection stated that they did not sign out as the time sheet was not in its customary place when they left the plant. The credible evi- dence indicates however that some of the employees had signed out (See footnote No. 24 above ) 978 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD by Cook that they had walked out ; when he arrived at the plant he found none of them in the make room; thus when he went to the paraffin loons door he knew, and believed that they had quit their jobs, for that day at least; so whether lie asked the employees if they had "quit" or if they had "checked out" would snake little if any difference, since either term, under the circumstances, would indicate that Bender wanted to know whether the employees had discontinued work for that day While the record discloses that Culpepper 28 had informed Colbert that the men wanted to talk to Bender concerning Baugh's discharge, it does not disclose that such request had been relayed to Bender after he reached the plant following Cook's report of the alleged walk-out, and before he went to the paraffin room door. It is undisputed that the subject of Baugh's discharge was not broached on this occasion Bender testified that he thought the men had quit because he had disciplined Baugh, that while he was not "mad," neither was he "per- tectly calm, . . cool, and collected," but was 'a little excited on this occasion " On the above and the record the undersigned is of the opinion and finds that when Bender went to the paraffin room on the occasion above referred to, he believed the employees had either quit in fact or had gone on strike because of his "disciplining of" Baugh; that at this time he was somewhat angry and did tell the assembled employees that if they had not checked out, "to check out and good-bye" ; and that by such statement he (lid not believe that he was discharging not did lie intend to discharge any of the employees so addressed Following Bender's statements above, O'Barr and the Negro employees left the plant by the way of the west door, without going to the shower room, while most, it not dl, of the white emplo} ees, went to the locker room, took a shower, and changed clothes there before leaving the plant. Springer was pi escnt in the paraffin room before the men began to assemble. When the first few arm ed he left the plant and went to a cafe across the street joi a cup of cctfee On his ietuin fioni the cafe he suet OBari• and the Negro einnloyees just as they left the plant Ile suggested to 0 Barr that the employees n cmain nearby for a few ninnies and he would talk to Bender "and maybe things would be all light and they would go back to work" Springer tailed to retiu•u in a fe.v nin utes, or at all Most of the Negro clap'oyee' and some of the w-h,te employees who were informed of Springei's suggestion, weileci for more than an hour before they left the N icimty of the plant -' Counsel for the Board contends in cffeet that the ehnplovees had merely aesein- bled in the paraffin room to discuss Baugh's terni,nation of employment with Bender; that they weie given no opportunity for such discussion by reason of Bender's abrupt and niandatoiy-ohdeis to sign out and get out; and the fact that any, if not most of them remained in the vicinity for some time with the hope and expectation of being called back to work, indicated that they had neither quit limb' jobs nor gone on strike, but were, as a result of Bender's order s to sign out and get out, discharged. The iespondent contends, in effect, that inasmuch as the employees had con- cen ledly left their jobs before the end of the workday, leaving pei^shable products hnica i'cd for, that they had in fact quit their jobs and lost thee' status as employees. Neither contention has merit The record clearly discloses that all production :w Colbeit denied that either 0 Barr of Culpeppei said that they wanted to talk with Bender on this occasion The undersigned does not credit this denial Springer te,,tified that it was 2 hours before lie got a chance to talk to Bender and then when lie suggested that Itendei try to get the boys back, the latter replied, "Let them i oine back on then own accord " WILSON & CO., INC. 979 and maintenance employees then on duty," except James Sponger, left their jobs and went on strike because of Bough's termination of employment. Since, as found above, Baugh's termination of employment, the motivating cause of the ,,tiike, was non-disc ininatory, the strike may not be found to have resulted at its inception from an unfair labor practice on the part of the Respondent Inasmuch as the strike grew out of a current labor dispute, the stokers remained employees of the Respondent within the meaning oL Section 2 (3) of the Act, and the strike became an economic rather than an unfair labor practice strike " Upon the above and the entire record, the undersigned concludes and finds. (1) by quitting their work at the time and in the manner described, the employees then on duty went on strike, (2) that the strike was, at its inception, an economic and not an unfair labor practice strike, (3) that by, on June 23, ordering the siriking employees to sign out and get out, Bender did not thereby discharge the assembled employees: (4) that at the time said employees left the plant on the evening of Jane 23 they were economic strikers who retained their status as employees of the Respondent; and (.;) by ordering said employees to sign out and get out of the plant as above set forth, the Respondent has not discnuunated in i egard to the hire and tenure of employment of said employees It will be recommended below that the complaint, insofar as it so alleges, be dismissed D. The refusal to bargain collectively. 1. The appropriate unit The complaint alleges that a unit composed of Respondent's production and ni:nntenance employees at its Okolona, Mississippi, plant, excluding office and clerical employees and all supervisory employees with authority to lice, pro- mote, discharge, discipline or otherwise effect changes in the status of employees or effectively recommend such action, constitute a unit appropriate for the pur- poses of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act. Counsel for the Respondent submitted job classifications which the Respondent contended constituted an appropriate unit for the purposes of collective bar- gaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act The unit thus contended for differs from that alleged in the complaint only in that the Respondent would exclude "laboratory employees" As to such employees, the record dis- closes that they test milk and test cream and cheese for fat and moisture. that t hey had no special training for such work at the time they were hired ; and that they were hired and trained on the job In addition, Bender testified that he knew of no re:,-,,n clay they should not be included with other production employees in "a u__it for bargaining purposes " The laboratory workers will be included in the appropriate unit as production employees The undersigned accordingly finds that the unit alleged in the complaint, as set forth above, at all times material herein constituted and now constitutes a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act "The iecord discloses that Saxon and Flenung, who were not on duty when the stile started, failed to ieport for work on Monday, and as detailed below, joined the strikers on that date '1 See .IeJfei y-De Wttt Insulator Co. v N L R. B , 91 F (2c1) 134 (C. C A 4) enforcing 1 N L R B 618, cent denied 302 U S 731 , Blau Diamond S S Coip v N L R B, 94 F (2d) 875 (C C A 2) enforcing 3 N L It B 84, N L R B v Recd it Piince Mfg Co, 118 F (2d) 874 (C C A. 1) enforcing 12 N L I{ B. 944, cert denied 313 U S 595 980 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 2. Representation by the Union of a majority in the appropriate unit The complaint alleges that on or about June 21, 1946, a majority of the employees in the above-described appropriate unit designated and selected the Union as their representative for the purposes of collective bargaining with the Respondent. The record discloses that as of June 21, 1946, the Respondent had a total of 21 production and maintenance employees including laboratory workers, on its pay roll. The record further discloses, without dispute, that a majority of said employees had signed union application and authorization cards between June 12 and 14, 1946.32 The record also discloses that a union meeting was held at the home of Jake O'Barr on the night of June 21, at which time those employees who had theretofore applied for membership in the Union paid their initiation fees in the amount of $6.25 each. Such payments were evidenced in the record by duplicate receipts issued to 16 33 non-supervisory employees, by Earl Smith, a general organizer for the A. F. of L., who substituted for Organizer Caldwell on this occasion and by a duplicate receipt issued to Murry Jumper, Jr., on June 24, 1946, by Caldwel1.34 The undersigned accordingly finds that on June 21, 1946, and at all material times thereafter, the Union was and now is the duly designated representative of a majority of the employees in the aforesaid appropriate unit for the purposes of collective bargaining with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment and other conditions,of employment, within the meaning of Section 9 (a) of the Act. 3. The refusal to bargain (a)' Sequence of events Following the walk-out and the ensuing strike of Sunday evening, June 23, certain union members got in touch with Organizer Caldwell and arranged with him to attend a meeting of the union members that night at Sullivan's room The meeting was held as planned with the result that Caldwell advised all of the employees who had left their work before quitting time on that day, together with Saxon and Fleming,35 to assemble at the cafe across the street from the Respondent's plant early on the next morning, Monday June 24, and that be would then talk with Bender in an effort to get all the employees back to work. Caldwell informed the employees that if Bender refused to take them back, the Union would file unfair labor practice charges against the Respondent. Pursuant to such plans the production and maintenance employees, except James Springer, and two laboratory workers, assembled at the designated cafe between 6: 30 and 7: 30 on Monday in their work clothes ready to go to work 3° Caldwell then went to the plant where he talked with Bender and told him in substance that he represented "the boys that left" work the day before ; that they.had all signed up in the Union; that the trouble had arisen in connection 33 Thirteen non-supervisory employees testified that they had signed union cards on or about June 13 93 Those who paid their Initiation fees on June 21 were Fleming, McKinney, Culpepper, Baugh, Bean, Hannah, Potter, Morrow, Herron, Batten, Jones, Sample, Saxon, Sullivan, O'Barr, and Judd 3' Foreman Springer testified that he had signed a union authorization card on or about June 12 and paid his initiation fee on June 21 when Smith and OBarr called at his home following the meeting at O'Barr's residence 35 Saxon and Fleming who had not been on duty when the walk-out occurred, were notified of the Sunday night meeting and attended it. 35 Saxon who had been instructed on June 22 to take a 2-day lay-off did not expect to return to work on Monday in any event, but was among those present at the cafe meeting. WILSON & CO., INC. 981 with Baugh's termination of employment ; and that if the Respondent put Baugh back to work the rest of the employees would return to work. Bender replied in substance that he did not know that Caldwell represented the employees ; that the employees had quit ; and that as long as they had quit, he did not have to take them back" During the conversation , Caldwell informed Bender that a "contract" had been mailed to him from the union headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee , and that he would get a letter from the Union that morning. The record discloses that Bender did receive the letter on that morning but after his talk with Caldwell. The letter written on the Union's letterhead, dated June 22, 1946, addressed to Bender, as superintendent, in care of the Respondent, read as follows : This is to officially notify you that we represent the majority of your em- ployees working at the Wilson Company Plant at Okolona, Mississippi. You will find enclosed a copy of a Contract for your perusal. We would like to hear from you immediately on a meeting, date and time, when we can set down and negotiate a Contract for these employees. I remain, Yours truly, (S.) J. L. BIGGERS, Secretary-Treasurer. The record discloses that on June 26, Bender replied to the Union letter as follows : DEAR MR. BIGGERS : I have received your letter of Saturday, June 22nd, in which you state that you represent the majority of the employees in this plant. You also included a copy of a proposed labor agreement covering this matter. This is to advise you that we have always assumed a neutral and impartial attitude towards our employes in regard to the subject matter of union activ- ities. In other words, we hire our employes to work for a specified rate of pay and expect a given quality of work. We have never inquired into the Union status of any of our employes ; therefore, we cannot evaluate your claim that you represent a majority of our employes. Furthermore, some of our employes may be members of labor organizations other than your own. For this reason we cannot voluntarily recognize your Union In view of this fact, I would say that the presentation of the contract of your proposal is premature. I trust that this answers your letter, and in the event you feel further action is necessary, the matter should be handled through regular channels Yours very truly, WILSON & Co. INC., (S) B. D. Bender The record discloses that on the night of June 23, Bender and Colbert attempted to engage a number of new employees to replace the strikers. While they pro- cured the promise of a number of men to report to work at the plant on June 24, 31 These findings are based upon a reconciliation of Bender and Caldwell's testimony. Caldwell testified that he asked Bender to take all employees , including Baugh , back to work and inferentially denied that he had imposed a condition to the effect that unless Baugh was returned to work , the other employees would refuse to return . Since it is clear that the walk -out and strike grew out of Baugh's termination of employment, the undersigned is convinced that Caldwell offered to have the employees return to work upon the condition that Baugh be reinstated. 788886-49-vol. 77 63 982 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD only two new employees reported on that day , namely Kenneth Bender, a ,,on of Manager Bender , who quit his job September 4, 1946 , and Abraham Hughes, who quit his job on June 25, 1946. Following the exchange of the foregoing letters, there was no further conuuuni-, cation between the Union and the Respondent , either written or oral . On July 31, 1946, the Union filed a charge alleging that in violation of Section 8 (1) and (3) of the Act , the Respondent terminated and thereafter refused to reemploy those employees named in footnote 2 above. (b) Issues; contentions; conclusions The Respondent in effect contends that, assuming the employees had retained their status as employees,38 that since the Union had submitted no evidence of proof of its claim of majority representation, the Respondent had no basis upon which to "evaluate" the Union's claim of majority representation and thus was under no obligation to recognize or bargain with the Union. The record discloses that, other than Caldwell's statement to Bender on June 24, and Biggers' letter which Bender received on that same day, each to the effect that the Union did'represent a majority of the Respondent's employees, the Union, as such, submitted no evidence, either written or oral, to the Respondent in further support of its claimed majority. (c) Events prior to the strike of June 23 indicatniq Respondent's h,nolcledge of, the Uniona's majority The record discloses that within a day or two after a majority of the employees had joined the Union as a result of the Carnation Plant meeting, Culpepper, as related above, informed Neal that all the employees who attended such meeting had joined the Union; that Frank Cook, admittedly a "management" employee, questioned Culpepper on the day following the Carnation Plant meeting con- cerning the meeting and asked if the employees had joined the Union and was informed that the employees "had all joined the Union"; that after joining the Union, Saxon, in a conversation concerning the Union, also informed Neal "We're all in it, and we'll get along all right" ; 39 that on June 21, Colbert threatened to withhold pay checks from the Negro employees in order to discourage them from paying initiation fees at the Union meeting to be held on that day , and that on June 22, at a time when Bender instructed Saxon to take a lay-off on June 23 and 24, Saxon stated to Bender, "I've always tried to work with you, and if 1 get in too much time and it suits you better [for Saxon] to take otf, . I'm willing to still work on with you " Saxon added, "This little organization we're in why, that ain't going to affect inc to keep me from doing the right thing and help carry on the business as I always have." Saxon ended his statement with Bender as follows, "I don't know much about it, what I'm in, what we joined, we joined up, but . . . we can all work on and go together and it probably will be 38 Respondent's contention that the strikers had lost their status as employees by leaving their jobs before quitting time on June 23 has been determined adversely to this contention in Section III C above 39 Neal denied that he had "a conversation with Saxon on June 13th about not believing in the Union." Neal was not asked whether Saxon had informed him that "We' re all in it [Union] . . ." and hence did not specifically deny Saxon 's statement to such effect. The undersigned is convinced and finds that the conversation occurred substantially as testified to by Saxon. WILSON & CO., INC. 983 better for us all. . . I still don't know much about it." To which Bender replied, "I don't either, but I wish I did know more " 40 (d) Events on and after June 23 indicating Respondent's knowledge of this Union's majority As found and detailed in Section III C, above, all the production and mallr- tenance employees except James Springer and two laboratory workers went on strike on the evening of Sunday, June 23. Following the strike "all of cheese hands" 41 attended a union meeting over which Caldwell presided. During the meeting it was decided that all employees there present would assemble at the cafe across the street from the Respondent's plant before working time on Monday, June 24, at which time Caldwell would call on Bender and attempt to have all of the employees returned to work. As set forth hereinabove, Bender refused to reinstate the employees when requested to do so by Caldwell. The record discloses that Foreman Springer, after helping Bender and others complete the day's work left by the striking employees, attended the June 23 night Union meeting at Sullivan's room. Following this meeting, Springer re- turned to the plant and informed Bender that he had attended the Union meeting ; that Caldwell was there and in charge ; and that plans had been made for the employees to meet at the nearby cafe the next morning and ask for their jobs back .12 (e) Concluding flndtu-gs on the Iefitsal to ba?gain Respondent , in effect , bases and justifies its refusal to bargain With tie Union on the contention that it lacked knowledge of the Union's majority. It is clear from the record however , that on or about June 14, the day after the Union 's organizational meeting, Neal and Cook learned from Culpepper that a majority of the employees had then joined the Union; and that on June 22, Saxon informed Bender that all the employees 4' had joined the Union Thus the Respondent had knowledge of the Union 's majority in advance of the strike 4'These findings are based on Saxon 's credited testimony Bender's veision was to the effect that lie was aware of "union activities at the plant prior to June 23rd, 1946, only as i unnors;" that he and Saxon had a conversation in the boiler room, in which Saxon "sand that the inen were ti,inlinq about getting a union in, the plant " ( Emphasis added ) Since the employees had, to Saxon's rersonal knowledge, already organized the Union and paid their initiation fees, it is doubtful that he would h:ne told Bender that they were "thtnl-mg about getting a union in the plant" Saxons quoted and credited testimony above, in wh.ch lie seeks to justify his union membership and to assure Bender that "it probably will be better for us all," indicates that lie may have felt that his 2-dav lay-ofC grew out of the fact that the Union had organized with him as a member On the fore- Loin:: and the iecoid the undersigned is convinced and finds that on June 22, Saxon m- fo:med Bender in words substantially as found above, that the Respondent's employees had in fact organized a union in the plant 41 Since James Springer did not join the strike lie was not present at the union meeting- The two laboratory workers did not join the Union. 42 This finding is based on Bender 's credited testimony . While Springer at first denied telling Bender of the employees ' plans for action on Monday morning , June 24, he finally testified that he told Bender about the meeting on Sunday night. Under all the circum- stances the undersigned is convinced that Bender learned substantially all that occurred at the Sunday night meeting, including the fact that Caldwell was in charge of the meeting and the fact that all employees except James Springer and the two laboratory workers attended the meeting. 4' James Springer signed a union membership card. When it came to paying initiation fees he announced that inasmuch as he expected to go to school in the fall , lie should not 984 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Assuming that the Respondent had any doubts of the Union 's majority before the strike of June 23, the strike , the events of the Union meeting on the night of June 23 ( which were reported to Bender ), and the meeting of all but three of the employees at the cafe opposite the plant on June 24 , together with Cald- well's statement that he represented the employees and Secretary Biggers' letter to the same effect, should have dispelled any doubt that Bender may have had as to the Union 's majority on the day he was requested to recognize and bargain with it." The Board and the Courts have frequently held that a union had proved that it was designated by a majority when a majority of the employees in the ap- propriate unit responded to the strike call and remained on strike for its dura- tion.96 In the Chicago Casket Company case 98 the Board referring to employees who had gone on, and remained on strike , said, "In so doing, these employees :affirmatively designated the Union as their bargaining representatives." In his letter of June 26 , Bender did not actually question the Union 's majority .status, but stated, in substance , that since the Respondent had not "inquired into the union status" of any of its employees it could not "evaluate" the Union's claim as a majority representative . Bender made no request for proof for such majority and failed to fix a date for meeting with the Union representative as requested. In the Crown Can Company case 44 the Court said in part : It is true, of course , that an employer may request reasonable proof that the union represents a majority of the employees , and in the absence of such proof he need not bargain , if he in good faith doubts the union ' s majority. N. L. R. B . v. Wm. Tehl Bottling Co., supra, and cases cited . In the instant case [Crown Can Co case] no inquiry was made or proof requested by the Respondent , so that it is now in no position to complain that the union failed to present convincing proof that it represented a majority. The foregoing and the record disclose that the Respondent had knowledge prior to the strike of June 23 that a majority of its employees had joined the Union; that such knowledge was amply confirmed is shown by the advent oL the strike, the union meeting on the night of June 23 , of which the Respondent had notice, and by the meeting of the employees held opposite the plant on June 24, together with Caldwell 's oral demand and Biggers ' written demand that the Respondent recognize the Union received on June 24 From all of which the undersigned finds that the Respondent 's claim that it lacked knowledge of such majority was not made in good faith. The undersigned accordingly finds that on June 24 , and at all times there- after, the Respondent refused to bargain collectively with the Union as the repre- sentative of its employees in the appropriate unit and thereby interfered with, be required to pay initiation fees. The promoters of the Union then agreed to waive his payment of dues for a time since he had been in the Army . He was informed , however, that in the event he did not go to school he would be required to pay dues . It appears that no attempt was made to include the women employed as laboratory workers in the Union at the time it was organized. 44 Fleming was the only striking employee who abandoned the strike and was reinstated. He returned to work on or about June 26. 95 The strike in the instant case had not been settled or abandoned at the time of the hearing Only 2 of the striking employees had made an unconditional offer to return to ww ork, and each offer was rejected. 45 21 N L . R B. 235; and see Stehlti d Co. Inc ., 11 N. L. R . B 1397; Theurer Wagon Works, Inc, 18 N L R B. 837; and Max Ulman, Inc., 45 N. L R. B 836. 4i 138 F. ( 2d) 263 (C. C. A. 8), rehearing denied November 9, 1943. WILSON & CO., INC. 985 restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. The undersigned further finds that the strike at the Respondent's plant from and after the Union's written request received by the Respondent on June 24, that the Respondent recognize and bargain with it, was prolonged by the Respondent's unfair labor practices in refusing to bargain col- lectively with the Union. The undersigned further finds that on June 24, Caldwell requested reinstate- ment for the striking employees conditioned upon the reinstatement of Baugh, whose employment had been terminated prior to the strike ; and that the request was denied. The Board has held 98 So long as the employees were unwilling to return to work tinder the condi- tions existing at the time the strike was called, however just the grounds on which their position was based, it cannot be said that the respondent was refusing to reinstate them. So in the instant case it appears and the undersigned finds that by refusing reinstatement to the strikers on June 24, 1946, pursuant to Caldwell's conditioned request for such reinstatement, the Respondent did not discriminate in regard to their hire and tenure of employment in violation of Section S (3) of the Act. E. The dlscrinviatorp refusal to reinstate William W. Saxon and Louishes Potter 49 Saxon had, prior to June 22, been employed by the Respondent for some 3 years and S months as a fireman." He joined the Union on or about June 13, and on June 21 paid his initiation fees. As found above, Bender required him to take leave on June 23 and June 24. After the strike got under way on June 23, Saxon was notified of and attended the union meeting held that night. He joined the strikers at the cafe opposite the plant on the morning of June 24. On or about July 5, 1946," Saxon, after consulting with Culpepper, went to the plant to request reinstatement to his job. He located Bender at the cafe above referred to, and told him, in substance, that he was ready to return to his job. Bender replied, "I can't use you, probably later on I can." Potter was employed by the Respondent some 5 or 6 weeks prior to June 23. He helped to paraffin cheese during the forenoons, and worked as a yard man during the afternoons. He was listed on the pay roll as a janitor. He joined the Union ; paid his union initiation fees ; and went out on strike with the other employees on June 23. It was admitted that "quite a little while" after Saxon had requested rein- statement to his job, that Potter went to the plant and asked Bender "for his job back," at which time Bender informed Potter that he had no work for him "right then." The issues; contentions; conclusions The Respondent in effect contends: (1) that the strike of June 23 began and continued as an economic strike; and (2) that inasmuch as it had replaced all strikers before either Saxon or Potter had requested reinstatement, they had 48 In re Pi cayman et al, 12 N L. R. B 640; see also in re V-0 Milling Company, 43 N L. R B 348. 41 Sometimes in the record referred to as "Lucian" Potter 50 Since his job as fireman did not require all of his time, Saxon performed different types of work during the intervals that he could safely absent himself from the boiler room "Both Saxon and Bender testified that the former asked for reinstatement to his former position about a "wtieek or 10 days' after June 23, 1946 986 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD lost their status as employees of the Respondent , therefore it was under no obligation to reinstate either Saxon or Potter. As to the first contention , the undersigned has found in Section III D, above, that the Respondent on June 24 , and at all times thereafter , refused to bargain collectively with the Union as the duly designated representative of its em- ployees in an appropriate unit ; and that the strike on and after June 24 was prolonged by the Respondent 's unfair labor practice in refusing to bargain col- lectively with the Union. This contention is without merit. As to the second contention„ the record discloses that between the evening of June 23 and prior to June 25, only three new employees 62 were hired, none of whom was hired as either a fireman or as a janitor. Inasmuch as Saxon's and Putters positions had not been filled prior to the commencement of the unfair labor practice strike they were entitled to reinstatement upon application, inasmuch as the plant continued in operation and their jobs were therefore available." This contention is without merit. Conclusions From the foregoing and the entire record the undersigned concludes and finds that by refusing on or about July 5, 1946, to reinstate William M. Saxon upon application , to his former or substantially equivalent position, and by refusing upon application to reinstate Louishes Potter,54 Respondent discriminated with regard to their hire and tenure of employment , discouraged membership in the Union, and interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. The complaint alleges inter elia that, in violation of the Act, the Respondent, (1) kept union meetings under surveillance; ss and (2) threatened employees with firearms in order to secure information pertaining to the Union. Upon a consideration of all the evidence introduced in connection with these two allega- tions, the undersigned is of the opinion that credible evidence in the record will snot support a finding to the effect that the Respondent was guilty of either charge. It will be recommended below that the complaint, insofar as it refers to these allegations, be dismissed. IV. THE EFFECT OF TILE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of the Respondent set forth in Section III, above, occurring in connection with the operations of the Respondent described in Section I, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States, and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. i2 Kenneth Bender was hired as a vat man on June 24 , and quit on September 24 ; Abraham Hughes was hired as a vat man on June 24, and quit on June 25 ; and Clone Whatley, Jr, was hired as a vat man on June 24 and at the time of the healing was still on the pay roll 63 See footnote 52 above. b4 The record is silent as to the exact time Potter made his application for reinstatement. The undersigned assumes that the Board's Compliance Division and the Respondent's representatives will be able to arrive at the approximate date on which Potter asked reinstatement. sa While Foreman Springer joined the Union and was present at the Union meetings held on or about June 14, June 21 , and June 23, there was no contention that he did so at the request of or on behalf of the Respondent . He did however make a report of the June 23 meeting to Bender on his return to the plant on the night of the meeting. WILSON & CO., INC. V. THE REMEDY 987 HaN ing found that the Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor prac- tices, the undersigned will recommend that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Having found that the Respondent, on June 24, 1946, and at all times there- after, refused to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive representa- tive of its employees in an appropriate unit, it will be recommended that the Respondent, upon request, bargain collectively with the Union. The undersigned has found that the unfair labor practices of the Respondent 1)rolonged the strike which began as an economic strike on June 23, 1946. In order to restore the status quo as it existed prior to the time that the Respondent 'committed the unfair labor practices, the undersigned will recommend that the Respondent, upon application, offer reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and x,rivileges, to those employees who went on strike and who have not previously 'applied for and accepted reinstatement, dismissing if necessary, any persons hired by the Respondent on and after June 24, 1946, and who were not in the employ of the Respondent on said date. If thereupon, despite such reduction in force, there is not sufficient employment available for the employees to be offered reinstatement, all available positions shall be distributed among such employees without discrimination against any employees because of their union affiliation or activities, following such a system of seniority or other non-discriminatory practice to such an extent as has heretofore been applied in the conduct of the Respondent's business. Those employees, if any, remaining after such distribu- tion, for whom no employment is immediately available, shall be placed upon a preferential list and offered employment to their former or substantially equivalent positions as such employment becomes available and before other persons are hired for such work in the order determined among them by such system of seniority or other non-discriminatory practice as has heretofore been followed by the Respondent. The undersigned will also recommend that the Respondent make whole those employees who went out on strike, and who have not previously applied for reinstatement for any loss of pay they may suffer by reason of the Respondent's refusal, if any, to reinstate them as provided above, by payment to each of them of a sum of money equal to that which he would normally have earned as wages during the period from five (5) days after the date on which he applied for reinstatement to the date of the Respondent's offer of reinstatement or place- ment on a preferential list, less his net earnings," if any, during such period. The undersigned has further found that the Respondent discriminated in regard to hire and tenure of employment of William W. Saxon and Louishes Potter, thereby discouraging membership in the Union. It will be recommended that the Respondent offer to both of the aforesaid employees immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions 64 without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and that it make °G Matter of Crossett Lumber Co , 8 N. L R. B. 440 , 497-8. 51 In accordance with the Board ' s consistent interpretation of the term , the expression "former or substantially equivalent position " is intended to mean "former position wherever possible , but if such position is no longer in existence , then to a substantially equivalent position ." See Matter of The Chase National Bank of the City of New York, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Branch , 65 N L R B 827. 988 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD each of them whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered by reason of the discrimination practiced against him by payment to him of a sum of money equivalent to that which he normally would have earned as wages, from the date of the refusal to reinstate to the date of offer of reinstatement, less his net earnings during such period. Upon the basis of the above findings of fact and the entire record in the case, the undersigned makes the following : CONCLUSIONS OF LAw 1. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local No. 667, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act. 2. All production and maintenance employees at the Okolona , Mississippi, plant of the Respondent, but excluding office and clerical employees and all supervisory employees with authority to hire, promote, discharge, discipline, or otherwise effect changes in the status of employees or effectively recommend such action, constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargain- ing within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act. 3. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local No. 667, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, was on June 21 and June 24, 1946, and at all times thereafter has been the exclusive representative of all the employees in the aforesaid unit, for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act. 4. By refusing on June 24, 1946, and at all times thereafter, to bargain collec- tively with International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local No. 667, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, as the exclusive representative of all its employees in the appropriate unit, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (5) of the Act. 5. By discriminating in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of William W. Saxon and Louishes Potter, thereby discouraging membership in International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Help- ers of America, Local No 667, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (3) of the Act. 6. By interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (1) of the Act. 7. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2 ( 6) and (7) of the Act. S. The Respondent's acts in terminating Baugh's employment on June 23, 1946, and Bender's orders to the striking employees to sign out and leave the plant on that same day, were not in violation of Section 8 (3) of the Act. RECOMMENDATIONS Upon the basis of the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, and upon the entire record in the case, the undersigned recommends that the Respondent, Wilson & Company, Inc., Okolona, Mississippi, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns shall: WILSON & CO., INC. 989 1. Cease and desist from : (a) Refusing to bargain collectively with International Brotherhood of Team- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local No. 667, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, as the exclusive representative of all its production and maintenance employees at the Okolona plant of the Respondent, but excluding office and clerical employees and all supervisory employees with authority to hire, promote, discharge, discipline, or otherwise effect changes in the status of employees or effectively recommend such action, with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours and conditions of employment ; (b) Discouraging membership in International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local No. 667, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, by refusing reinstatement to any of its employees or in any other manner discriminating in regard to the hire and tenure of employment or any condition or term of employment 2. Take the following affirmative action which the undersigned finds will effectuate the policies of the Act : (a) Upon request, bargain collectively with International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local No. 667, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, as the exclusive representa- tive of all of its employees in the aforesaid appropriate unit with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment and other conditions of employment ; (b) Offer to William W. Saxon and Louishes Potter immediate and full rein- statement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, without preju- dice to their seniority or other rights and privileges ; (c) Make whole the said William W Saxon and Louishes Potter for any loss of pay they may have suffered by reason of the Respondent's discrimination against them in the manner provided in the section entitled "The remedy" ; (d) Upon application offer to those employees who went on strike on June 23, 1946, and continued on strike from and after June 24, 1946, and who have not previously applied for reinstatement, immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, in the manner provided in the section entitled "The remedy" above; and place those employees for whom employ- ment is not immediately available upon a preferential list in the manner set forth in said section, and thereafter, in said manner, offer them employment as it becomes available ; (e) Post at its plant at Okolona, Mississippi, copies of the notice attached hereto marked "Appendix A." Copies of said notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for the Fifteenth Region, after being signed by the Re- spondent's representative, shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and maintained by it for sixty (60) consecutive days there- after, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material; (f) Notify the Regional Director for the Fifteenth Region in writing, within ten (10) days from the date of the receipt of this Intermediate Report, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply therewith. It is further recommended that unless on or before ten (10) days from the receipt of this Intermediate Report, the Respondent notifies said Regional Direc- tor in writing that it will comply with the foregoing recommendations, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board issue an order requiring the Respondent to take the action aforesaid. 990 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD It is further recommended that insofar as the complaint alleges (1) that the Respondent discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of Clifford L. Baugh ; (2) that the Respondent kept Union meetings under surveil- lance; (3) that the Respondent threatened employees with firearms in order to secure information pertaining to the Union; and (4) that the Respondent dis- criminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of those employees who went on strike on June 23, 1046, as a result of Baugh's termination of em- ployment, by ordering them to check out and leave the Respondent's plant on that same day, it be dismissed. As provided in Section 203.39 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, Series 4, effective September 11, 1946, any party or counsel for the Board may, within fifteen (15) clays from the date of service of the order transferring the case to the Board, pursuant to Section 20° 38 of said Rules and Regulations, file with the Board, Rochambeau Building, Wash- ington 25, D. C., an original and four copies of a statement in writing setting forth such exceptions to the Intermediate Report or to any other part of the record or proceeding (including rulings upon all motions or objections) as lie relies upon, together with the original and four copies of a brief in support thereof; and any party or counsel for the Board may, within the same period, file an original and four copies of a brief in support of the Intermediate Report. Immediately upon the filing of such statement of exceptions and/or briefs, the party or counsel for the Board filing the same shall serve a copy thereof upon each of the other parties and shall file a copy with the Regional Director. Proof of service on the other parties of all papers filed with the Board shall be promptly made as required by Section 203 65. As further provided in said Section 203.39, should any party desire permission to argue orally before the Board, request therefor must be made in writing to the Board within ten (10) days from the date of service of the order transferring the case to the Board. PETER F. WARD, Dated May 23, 1947. Trial Examiner. APPENDIX A NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to the recommendations of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, we hereby notify our employees that : WE WILL NOT in any manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our em- ployees in the exercise of their right to self-organization, to form labor organizations, to join or assist INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS, WAREHOUSEMEN AND HELPERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL NO. 667, (A. F. of L ), or any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. WE WILL OFFER to the employees named below, immediate and full rein- statement to their former or substantially equivalent positions without prejudice to any seniority or other rights and privileges previously enjoyed, and make them whole for any loss of pay as a result of the discrimination. Employees referred to above are : William W. Saxon Louishes Potter WILSON & CO., INC. 991 WE WILL bargain collectively upon request with the above-named union as the exclusive representative of all employees of the bargaining unit de- scribed herein with respect to rates of pay, hours of employment, or other conditions of employment, and if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. The bargaining unit is: All production and maintenance employees engaged at our Okolona, Mississippi, plant excluding office and clerical employees and supervisory employees with authority to hire, promote, discharge, discipline, or otherwise effect changes in the status of employees, or effectively recom- mend such action. WE WILL, upon application, offer reinstatement to their former or sub- stantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority and other rights and privileges, to the employees who went on strike on June 24, 1946, and thereafter, and who have not previously applied for reinstatement. We will dismiss, if necessary, any persons hired on or after June 24, and not in our employ after that date. If thereupon, despite such reduction in force, there is not sufficient employment available for the employees to be offered reinstatement, all available positions will be distributed among such em- ployees without discrimination against any employee because of his union affiliation or activities, following such a system of seniority or other non- discriminatory practice to such an extent as has heretofore been applied in the conduct of our business. Those employees, if any, remaining after such distribution for whom no employment is immediately available, will be placed upon a preferential list and offered reemployment to their former or substantially equivalent position as work becomes available and before other persons are hired for such work, in the order determined among them by such system of seniority or other non-discriminatory practice as we have here- tofore followed. All our employees are free to become or remain members of the above- named union or any other labor organization. We will not discriminate in regard to the hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment against any employee because of membership in or activity on behalf of such labor organization. WILSON & Co., INC., Employer. By --------------------------------- (Representative) (Title) Dated --------------------------- This notice must remain posted for sixty days from the date hereof, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation