Wickes LumberDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 8, 1978237 N.L.R.B. 322 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation [)EC(ISIONS OF NA lIONAl, I ABOR RELATIONS BOARI) Wickes Liumber, a I)ivision of The Wickes Corpora- tion, d/b/a [Home Lumber & Supply Company and Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers Local Union No. 533, affiliated with Inter- national Brotherhood of TIeamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and HIelpers of America. Cases 32 CA 120 (formerlv 20 CA 12134) and 32 RK( 17 (formerly 20 RC(' 13882) August 8, 1978 DE('ISION. ORDER, AND I)IREC('IION B3 MtiMBI:RS JI NKINS, MIV RPll AN\) RI )AI )i I On March 22. 1978, Administrative I las JudgIe Jerrold II. Shapiro issued the attached l)ecision in this proceeding. IThereafter. Respondent filed excep- tions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National I.abor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Ilabor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings.' rec- ommendations. and conclusions ' of the Administra- tive l aw Judge to adopt his recommended O()rder. ()R )E R Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National I abor Relations Act. as amended, the National .abhor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Iaaw Judge and hereby orders that Respondent, Wickes Lumber, a Division of the Wickes Corporation, db/ ha Home lIumber & Supply Company, Reno, Nevada. its officers, agents. successors, and assigns. shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. DIREC TION It is hereby directed that the Regional l)irector for Region 32 shall, wvithin 10 days from the date of this Decision, open and count the ballot cast by Richard Manz in the election conducted in Case 32 RC 17 on February 8, 1977, and prepare and cause to be served on the parties a revised tall, of ballots. If the revised tally reveals that P'etitioner has receiveed a majority of the valid ballots cast, the Regional I)irec- tor shall issue a Certification of Representative. Hlowcver. if the revised tally shows that Petitioner has not received a miajority of the valid ballots cast, the Regional Director shall set the election aside, dis- miss the petition, and vacate the proceedings. I 11, R.o ilei.nt hais exc 1tel d t,, crtlin Lrcdihdhilt findigs m.ade hb the - llhLnl" tlll c I .,. .lutidtgc It , h t ii hard's elahhshed poilcs not tio . er- llt1 AS '11xk 1tllalr t tl, i C I i, Jtlt i c i ' C , t C llllt l% 1 ith respect to credbihdit? ll -1 th, 1c.ea. Iprcporldicr a c . of I ll , tlhe rcei.ant e',ience con\llnc.es us ihiit r e ro cILlttl Trl, :ic 1 1I1TC HL . 5TtC S tandard lrL 1 iali P-r dm s. Io a . 91 \I RB '44 195( i, Iid i188 I 2d 62 t( A 3 195i1 ) We have tcarefulls c Ili[td [h. ec,, idi ,d find ni bash, for reteroing hi, findings R, t1l-delle llei .ih,i ext hc c.pl .Icd iwt, lllI. t1l the Adminlstraul: e l.;la Phlio to rC.hi i. 1I I lE/ g.C tI h, b allo ts a,t hs tiaip. Knudsn , aInd I ;tr ;,dM Re i'ondenlt .Licrts t ht cse chailleniges ere not prroperls be- 1Ii. tihc \kdminlmritllXe la Jndve ili thiat hls reolutin oIf the challenges vl. il IhI tIIc of Cl iic lOtc L and Li Kitce tq i lrCilenti In this connecltin Rc. ,piindcnlt i.lllltlll that the h sl fl ls I Ic e ,ha llne these ballt , that }l iish p I n. Klqil II,t I -I , .l toI d I i J crC nclot ctiplo\uees in the election dlme had been ltstiallned h. the Reglilnall I)lrector prior to the consoll- idated heLiTtig lnaiSuch aI the ,\dmliilitri.tIIe I kin JudLe suslained Respondenl's chal- Inc, iito tihe. h.llots .. l i, Ila.slip. ias.oo;,d ;inld Knudson and hence in thlc ;inatie if a.nN shoiulgi of pieludtce to Respondent in colnnectlrin lith [ti lS. ile. ict find it lnlitle esiarx t') palss ,n the exceptilon - c mre ir t itii it the ,dnnllsmtl.l ,t I.aw Judge's conclusion that the Inftr- .:rlltlmi nii illTTi B 1i t 111l iiffliia t oif iiteL xedri dispatcher Klim Peterlin '- I . twl aifCt O ti.t h Ce lt i i tile ic te We therefore find it unlletessari to I''- potr the .madnnlsh l lHt iof the affidait I)ECISION STAII MI NT OF TIHE CnSE JI RRI I) H SIAPIRO. Administrative Law Judge: This consolidated proceeding is based upon unfair labor prac- tice charges and a representation petition filed by the above-named labor organization. The initial charge upon which the unfair labor practice proceeding is based was filed November 11. 1976. and was amended November 22, 1976, cehruarv 18. 1977. March 10. 1977. and MaN 17, 1977. The (;eneral C(ounsel of the National Labor Rela- tions Board. herein called the Board, by the Regional Di- rector of the Board, Region 32. issued an amended com- plaint in the unfair labor practice proceeding on October 31, 1977, alleging that the above-named employer, herein called the Respondent. has engaged in unfair labor prac- tices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the National l abor Relations Act. herein called the Act. Re- spondent filed a timely answer denying the commission of the alleged unfair labor practices. In the representation proceeding the Union filed a repre- sentation petition November 11, 1976, seeking an election among a unit of the Respondent's long-haul drivers. Pur- suant to a Decision and Direction of Election issued Janu- ary 11. 1977, by the Board's Regional Director, a secret- ballot election wxas conducted on February 8, 1977. The tally of ballots shows that of the approximately 10 eligible voters. 3 cast ballots for and 3 cast ballots against the Union. There were four challenged ballots sufficient to af- fect the results of the election. The Respondent and the Union filed timely objections to the election. Thereafter, on June 7, 1977, and November 9, 1977, respectively, the Regional Director issued a "Supplemental Decision" and an "Amended Supplemental Decision and Order Consoli- dating Cases and Notice of Hearing on Objections and Challenges" which in substance dismissed the Respon- 237 NLRB No. 54 322 HOME LUMBER & SUPPIY CO. dent's objections in their entirety. dismissed part of the Union's objections, ordered a hearing before an Adminis- trative Law Judge to resolve the four challenged ballots and the Union's objections which had not been dismissed. and ordered that the hearing be consolidated with the un- fair labor practice proceeding involsed herein. Ihereafter. on November 15 and 16. 1977, and December 6. 1977. a hearing was held in this consolidated proceeding. Upon the entire record, from my observation of the de- meanor of the witnesses, and haing considered the post- hearing briefs, I make the following: FINDINGS OF F ,\( I I IrHF BtISIMNSS o(r RiSP(NDI NT The Respondent, Wickes L umber, a Division of the Wickes Corporation. d 'bha }tome lumber & Suppl ('om- pany. is a Delaware corporation with an office and place of business in Reno. Nevada, where it is engaged in the retail and nonretail sale of lumber products. During its past cal- endar year Respondent received over $500.000 in gross rev- enues and sold and delivered goods Ialued in excess of $50,000 directly to customers located outside the State of Nevada. Respondent admits, and I find. that it is an emplover engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 11 THE LABOR ORCGANIZ\IlON INkOI iFD Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers Lo- cal Union No. 533, affiliated with International Brother- hood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, herein called the * nion, is admittedly a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2t5) of the Act. III THF Al I EGFD t NIF-R lA BOR PRA( I( IS A. The Issues The essential questions presented in the unfair labor practice case are whether Respondent laid off nine long- haul drivers because of their union activities. ' threatened employees with a loss of their employment if the) support- ed the Union, told an employee that the long-haul driers had been laid off because of their union activities, interro- gated employees about their union sympathies, discharged long-haul driver Richard Manz because of his union activi- ties and/or because he gave testimony for the Union in the repesentation case, discriminated against long-haul drivers Lewis Cunningham and Paul Ramos in their work assign- ments because they supported the Ulnion, 2 and, if Respon- The ct)mplainl alleges Ihal Responidelr alisoi idltled the .Mi h? rclflu4 lig to reinstate one nf the nine laiid-ff eniplosees . ack llalshp, behc.ite of hi, unifon atrtllhes Al the starl of the lle.lrine I orannled the (ilcne.l ( ,otlletII unopposed motlionl I(l dlslliss this allegation bah ed tl}'..ll 11tC (ienieral (Cotlll- sel's representaliton that his Itlal plep.ar.ation had rckealcd thati Resp ldt. i in facl had offered HiItslip reintinte init oi oir a.hb u I)c. elbct be I 1- 7 dent engaged in some or all of these alleged unfair labor practices. is Respondent obligated to remedy its miscon- duct by recognizing and bargaining with the Union as its long-haul drivers' exclusive bargaining representative. B. The Serring Respondent sells lumber and related products at its place of business located in Reno. Nevada. The group of employees employed in the Reno facility who are involved in this proceeding are the long-haul drivers. The parties stipulated that on November 3, 1976.' Re- spondent emplox ed 13 long-haul drivers. It is also undis- puted that on November 2 nine of them signed cards stat- ing the card signers authorized the Union to represent them in collective-bargaining negotiations. The same eve- ning long-haul driver Young. who earlier that day was so- licited to sign a union card but had refused, phoned Re- spondent's sales manager. Thomas Davis. at his home and. in substance, informed Davis that another long-haul driver had solicited him to sign a card for the Union which Youing had refused to do and that union cards were being circulated around the Compans's yard for the other long- haul drivers' signatures.4 The next day. November 3. Re- spondent laid off 9 of its 13 long-haul drivers, the ones who had signed union cards. The names of these employees are as follows: L ewis Cunningham. Richard Eastwood., Jack Hayslip. led Knudson. John Oberholzer. Richard Manz, Paul Ramos. Robert Rogers, and Howard Zumbaugh. On November I I the Union in Case 20- RC 13882 filed a petition swith the Board's Regional Director seeking a representation election among the Respondent's long-haul drivers. On December 13 the Regional Director conducted a hearing in this matter. One of the witnesses who testified for the IUnion was long-haul driver Richard Manz. He was discharged 2 days later. A secret-ballot election in a unit of long-haul drivers was held under the Regional Director's supervision February 8. 1977. which resulted in a tie vote with four challenged ballots being determinative. (. T/hc Indcpentlnr I iolattriot of Sectionl 8(a)(1) i. Conduct attributed to Thomas Davis Cunningham, a long-haul driver. testified that approxi- mately 4 davs before the February 8. 1977, representation election he accompanied Sales Manager Davis 6 on busi- I he com plaintI .II I C al ico, imilar kIIalufl dsrlillnallon again st Mar- Jili Brt, it . ItI i lletge, l¢i .,l di,Lritlllllirl .igalIlnSt I ei.ls ( nlnntingh.all and tl';li Rairlo n ct onnechttie n t lI h Iheir pa.rking prlxlt ees In his potl-hearirng brief the (eltere. l ( ouninel itkn'leda, )h;al Ithe record dores nolt supptort Ihesc alleg;lion-s arid reqLrelsi thait Ihe! be dismissed I shall recommend ihat Ihesc p.irtrtio.s if the comiipll.it be d:it.,ssed. nt:nie.. othertl e rtated lIl idates herein refer air 1970 4Bsed pI"' l t i ornipsec if tIle te,rlnlolil x n f D[)als nd "'oung I find it lintIleciesar Ii the rlehluilhn f .illn, f Ihe t~sue. herein to decide ' hether as liong-haul drtver ( tinningh mrn testifed. ' Oung Inforlned l)a'is about the [I Ion'i o ir twnd ilah l]n calllllpi gill ie he afiernoo rilil on Nossember 2 rtlh- er lh.lri the C\clrllig I reco.ltlzc thefre is i. dlisptie ibhtllt hether [i alv, d ta l s Iild t ff If aI ir i the pin for The rel,,lls s.et forth helovi Ihait alsoos d ais Iaid off t[).tAIs 1i h I t1l.le1 .If IiIC ( OlrlpIll IsI" III IItt Irtl ckilie oPeiilpet rl and Is ilIIltt ll e i tI .t Wlls t. t stIJlp.n[l r lid ill .Igenrt of Respitldclit 323 I)F.( ISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ness to one of the Company's lots where the drivers park their trucks, at which time Davis told Cunningham he had heard rumors that if the Union were voted in, Wickes. Re- spondent's parent corporation. would probably sell the trucks or transfer the trucks to California. Ramos, a long-haul driver, testified that on January 15. 1977, Davis stopped him as he was leaving the company office and asked why Ramos and the other drivers had signed union cards. Ramos explained to Davis why the drivers, including Ramos. had signed union cards. Davis replied, according to Ramos, that if the U[nion succeeded in getting into Respondent that Respondent could sell its trucks. Davis did not specifically testifv about the aforesaid conversations. Rather he generally denied interrogating long-haul drivers about their union sympathies or that he warned them that Respondent would go out of business or sell its trucks if the Union succeeded in its organizational campaign. In presenting the above-described testimony C('unningham's and Ramos' demeanor impressed me favor- ahly. On the other hand, when Davis voiced his general denials and when he otherwise testified. I was not im- pressed by his demeanor. Cunningham and Ramos gave their evidence with an air of candor and sincerity. swhereas l)avis not only failed to address himself to the specific con- versations, but in making his general denials was not a convincing witness. In crediting Cunningham and Ramos over Davis. I have also considered the following factors: Cunninghamr at the time he testified was working under Davis' supervision and gave his testimony in l)avis' pres- ence: ('unningham's and Ramos' testimonv is mutualls corroborative insofar as they each testified that l)avis indi- cated that a union election victory could result in the sale of the long-haul trucks; there was nothing in Ranmos' and Cunningham's description of Davis' remarks to suggest that their testimony was fabricated. Also, in crediting Cunningham's and Ramos' testimony. I have considered that each has a financial interest in the outcome of this proceeding and that later on in this D)ecision, in the case of Cunningham. I have discredited other portions of his testi- mony. Nonetheless, recognizing that I ani not an infallible observer and that perhaps the significance of demeanor. like beaiuts. is in the eve of the beholder. I credit (Cunning- ham and Ramos for the reasons set forth above. particu- larlv because they impressed me as candid and sincere skit- nesses when they gave their aforesaid testimony shereas. in voicing his general denials, Dav is did not inmpress me in manner and demeanor as being a credible witness. Based upon the foregoing I find that on approximatelN Iehbruar 4. 1977, Sales Manager Davis warned long-haul driver (Cunningham that if the long-haul drivers voted for the 1:nion. Respondent would probahbl sell its trucks or transfer its trucks to California. I ikewsise. I further find that on January 15. 1977. Davis warned long-haul driver Ramos that if the Union succeeded in organizing the long- haul drivers that Respondent could sell its trucks. These statements constitute a veiled threat that Respondent would discontinue its long-haul trucking operation, thus causing the long-haul drivers' termination. if the'N voted iil the scheduled representation election for the I nioln. It is a threat to take action solely within the power of Respondent and obviously was not based upon any economic pre- diction, and was calculated to interfere with, restrain, and coerce the long-haul drivers from exercising their statutory right to support the Union. By engaging in this conduct, I find, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. I also find that on January 15, 1977, Davis asked long- haul driver Ramos why Ramos and the other long-haul drivers had signed union cards. This interrogation placed Ramos in the position of having to involuntarily reveal his feelings and attitude toward union representation. It took place in the context of Davis' contemporaneous illegal threat that Ramos and the other long-haul drivers would be terminated if they supported the Union. In addition, the inteirogation had no legitimate purpose, nor was Ramos gien any assurances against reprisals but instead was threatened with termination if he continued to support the Union. In the light of all of these circumstances, I find Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by Davis' interrogation of employee Ramos about his union sympa- thies. See CBS Records Division of CBS, Inc., 223 NLRB 709 (1976). 2. Conduct attributed to Raymond Rassbach C(unningham, one of the long-haul drivers who was laid off herein, returned to work on or about November 16. ( unningham testified that on Friday, November 19. after work. while making a purchase in the store located directly across from Respondent's premises he had a brief conver- sation with Cabinet Shop Manager Rassbach 7 in the pres- ence of the store owner. Rassbach, according to Cunning- ham, made the follow ing statement: "I finally got the scoop on why you guys got laid off . . . lilt's because you signed them union cards." When Cunningham stated he had been recalled to work, Rassbach replied, "They must has e found out 'ou lwas not involved in it." On direct examination. Rassbach denied having a con- versation with Cunningham on November 19 or that he had made a statement to Cunningham on that date about the la' off of the long-haul drivers. On cross-examination, he admitted he had a conversation with Cunningham in the store, but that it took place about 2 weeks before Novem- ber 19. And. when asked what he said to Cunningham, he testified: "I believe. at that time, I might have asked . . . Cunningham what the situation was with the truck driv- ers" "1 think I asked [Cunningham] what's going on with the truck drivers because there was talk running around the ';ard and I w.as kind of curious. [Cunningham] replied and told me that he just got in and he did not know anything about it ... I asked [Cunningham] if he heard what was going on sith the truck drivers. There was a possibility that there was talk going around the place. I was curi- ous. 1I asked [Cunningham] what in the world's happen- ing or lhat's going on . . I didn't say that I knew any- tlhing about a layoff or an thing because I didn't, but I knew something was happening." The reason Rassbach Rik.lclhll L -l th rwC ili.ll l i f R ipondentCs cabinet shrp and is admitted- [ .t i pctl l ,i -l.l , ,nld .i liive11 or Respondent. lte h1t, e'en enplot - cL iliit[! }It utpci lTI tlotlt t h {le ark long-haul divers 324 HOME LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. testified he had concluded "something was happening" was "there was talk in the yard that the trucks were stopped. I mean I know that they' were not working be- cause the trucks were not rolling. They sit right out beyond my window there." And, when asked whether he discussed with Cunningham the fact that the trucks were not moving and what was happening to the long-haul drivers. Rass- bach testified: "It's possible that could have come out. It's been so long ago. I didn't even remember the incident till somebody brought it up." Based upon the foregoing I find that on November 19 Respondent, through Cabinet Shop Manager Rassbach. in- formed long-haul driver Cunningham that Cunningham and the other long-haul drivers had been laid off because they signed union cards. 8 This statement was calculated to restrain and coerce Cunningham from supporting the Union. By engaging in this conduct. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. 3. Conduct attributed to Dik Buxton On February 8, 1977. long haul driver Cunningham act- ed as the union's observer at the representation election held that day. The credible and undenied testimon' of Cunningham is that on February 8, after the election. Chief Mechanic Buxton 9 spoke to Cunningham in the presence of two other employees and asked whether Cunningham had changed his vote. Cunningham answered in the nega- tive. The law is settled that postelection inquiries into the manner in which an employee has voted in a Board-con- ducted representation election is an illegal intrusion upon the privacy of the voting process. N..I..RB. v. I.ouianla Manufacturing Companv. 374 F.2d 696. 701 (C.A. 8. 1967). This is especially true in the instant situation where Buxton's interrogation of Cunningham occurred in the context of Respondent's unfair labor practices. Accord- ingly, I find that Respondent on Februar, 8. 1977. violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by interrogating (Cunningham about how he voted in the Board-conducted representation election. In concluding that Buxton illegally interrogated Cun- ningham I have considered that the amended complaint did not date this violation as having taken place on Febru- ary 8, 1977, rather it alleged it took place "on or about I reach hi, concluslion on ite basis of ll\ ohserxsi.ion f the dei c,ii loti of Cunningham and Rassbh;h shile itetifini ( unrllngh.nil . xho. as ell) plosed hs Respondent when he testified. ga< hia , letinion' \ in i sir.ihliff- ward manner with an air of candor iand SInLerlli. In his b;asitlng anid dc meaner Rassbach did noit nipre,,s nic a a sincere it.lie.s tSircxC[ his testilnon Awas not gi;en in a collincling minlner. ralther. he saicluIi. anid evasivels testified. " helieve I mnght ha'e asked [( unlninlghlmlll , " think I asked lCunnimirhaml.' Also Rissbhah'is lestlinin rlins [.ile irl thai I am skeptlcal Ihat Raisshbach. a member of superiolin. aiier hcersi'in that the ('ompan.'s long haul trucks were .out o)f i.1,ni/ilsslnl. , ,ulrd not ]li.'e salisfied hi, curiosii, about the fiiater hb quesiinini olne ic h i fillk. superslsors ,ho had personal knlt, sIedigc of this uhbleit,. rather th. ilt lltn until the end of the workdas and Ihen quectlonlng ( uinnilgh.lil In .hTlL.l_ so general "what In the Aorld's happening or wh.iat's ,izI .on" i 1:t t preclude Ihe possibilhit of air inl elli*cnil c.0n reat.ii.n Buxton is adtmttedls .1 stitLlor- superxssor .ind ai icin i f Rg.c t ,, dent iHe exercises jOlit isLlIpersIl- .l 'i.t 1Cr the I0.ll i hll rl ls 0 .tili SStAC Manaiger DI)ali December 6. 1976." In my, opinion the variation between the date on which the unfair labor practice actually oc- curred and the approximate date on which it was alleged to have occurred is not substantial enough so as to have mis- lead Respondent. so that Respondent did not present eit- dence to controsert Cunningham's testimony which, I note, was not objected to by Respondent. In m, view the finding that Buxton illegalls interrogated Cunningham on February 8, 1977, was "fairl, comprehended in the lan- guage of the complaint.." '.I..R.B. v. Scenic Sportsiear. 475 F.2d 1227 (C.A. 6. 1973). 4. Conduct attributed to }Hector Feliciano Cunningham testified that in December while working in the compan,'s sard he overheard Work in I Forem.an Felliciano, mi who was standing 4 feet awai from wkher e Cunningham was working, talking to two yard emplosees. Cunningham testified Feliciano told them that "if the_ got any wild ideas [about voting for the I'llioln] the same thiny would happen to them that happened to [the line driisersl." Cunningham did not place this remark in its context, nor did he describe the remainder of the conersitonm. I-elicl- ano specifically denied making these remarks. I shall recommend that the portion of the complaint which is based upon Cunningham's aforesaid testimony be dismissed. I hase reached this conclusion on the basis of the demeanor of both witnesses while testifying. Feliciano impressed me as the more trustworthy witness.' Moreover. David Boneck, one of the employees to whom Feliciano was allegedly directing the remarks overheard by Cunning- ham, was not called as a corroborating witiness even though he testified for the General Counsel in support of another allegation. 5. Conduct attributed to Robert Quigles On l ebruarv 7, 1977. after working hours. representa- tives of Respondent met with its yard employees for the purpose of dissuading them from supporting the I eamsters union. During the meeting Respondent's representatives made it quite plain to the employees that Respondent was opposed to union representation and would oppose it using eser, lawful aind proper means at its disposal. The com- plaiint alleges that during this meeting Robert Quigley, the director of industrial relations for Respondent's parent cor- poration, who is admittedly an agent of Respondent. threatened emploees with discharge if they supported the Union. David Boneck. a yard employee. testified that the spokes- persons for Respondent at this meeting were [)irector of Industrial Relations Quigles and Robert Kierdorf. the mnil- ager of industrial relations for Respondent's parent corpor.i- tion, who is admittedly an agent of Respondent 3Boneck I it c ntill' t f.or.orkiii troltlli , he siupcrises Respondetl ts al drt-ir crF 1 1a d lift dip Crs : 111d ,s .adiittedll .1 mltll r super\ l, r .mid ain iieCilt iof Re pondcntrr. i arhter I tredelt'd ( iillllgilltH l' u C lstill l I/ corille i w f sill t Co.lliCr i ,l11 .i hie ,lsil Sailes i.n ger I),. u. nd ('binetl Shop Manteier Ras'- irlh II--u-ccr Tegardl.e the iltrill ..rils ristilon I tnl of the eliloil.rl tillt 1 i tcllolr V.,I, e i lt.r. l' hilc gic ltflrcs I)E (ISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOAR[) further testified that Quiglev and Kierdorf each told the employees that if they supported the Union thec eventually would be "phased out" and if they engaged in a strike they would be replaced and "eventualls the', would be phased out. Kierdorf specifically denied that the aforesaid comments were voiced by himself or Quiglex or by ans company rep- resentative who attended this meeting. Moreover, he tcsti- fied that Quigley was not present. but was several hundred miles away in Modesto, California. 2 and another company representative read a prepared speech to the employees verbatim. Ihe text of the speech, which is in evidence. does not contain the remarks which Boneck attributed to Quig- ley and Kierdorf. Boneck was unable to give a phssical description of Quigley. lie testified that the onls time hc had ever observed Quiglev was at this meeting. I shall recommend that this portion of the complaint which is based upon Boneck's testimony be dismissed. I have reached this conclusion on the basis of my observa- tions of the demeanor of both witnesses while testifying. Kierdorf impressed me as the more trustworthy witness. 1). Ihe I ioll Sion of ecion 8(a)(3) anl (I) of the A c4 I. The alleged discriminatory layoffs On November 2, nine of Respondent's long-haul drivers signed cards designating the Union as their collective-bar- gaining representative. The same evening Respondent. which was opposed to union representation for its employ- ees,13 learned the Union had commenced an organizational campaign among its long-haul drivers and was soliciting them to sign union cards. I ess than 24 hours later on No- vember 3. Respondent laid off the nine drivers who had signed union cards. 14 The four who did not sign cards were not laid off. The layoffs. which took place in the middle of Respondent's workweek. were effected abruptly with no advance warning. Thereafter, on November 19. (Cabinet Shop Manager Rassbach, in violation of Section 8(a)( I ) of the Act, told long-haul driver Cunningham that the reason for the layoffs was that the long-haul drivers had signed union cards. Also, Sales Manager Davis, following long- haul drivers Cunningham's and Ramos' return from layoff. violated Section 8(a)( 1) of the Act. by warning them that if the long-haul drivers voted for the Union in the scheduled representation election that the long-haul drivers would be terminated. 1 t his lestiltioi s as coirroborated hs ; h l l i , l.I h hic i ll. I e I Cs that alt I ehIuairsy 7. 19t77, Qulglec was registered in I Modeto. ('aliforitia. hotcl Ithe prepared speech uhich a rcpras uhired ;i, chief iechanic ;approxinltels? the first week of Sepern- her 197l 326 HOME LlUMBER & SUPPI Y ( O. town on that date. Also Davis testified. "Logan told me to set the equipment down that was not feasible to run." which is contrary to Logan's testimony that Buxton was given this authority and that Davis was so informed. Regarding the reason for Respondent's decision to la)off the employees. Logan testified that at the time of the lavoff there was work for the employecs who were laid off to perform and business conditions had absolutel' nothing to do with their layoff, but they were laid off "to satisfy Bux- ton," so Buxton could repair the trucks. Likewise Davis testified that at the time of the layoffs there was work for all of the long-haul drivers and there would not have been any layoffs but for the fact that the Company was having problems with its equipment. I recognize that Respondent's counsel in questioning Logan asked: "Aside from the rail factor that you have alluded to [referring to the fact that it was less expensive for Respondent to use rail transporta- tion than its trucks], were there an) other factors that en- tered into your mind when you made the decision to shut down the trucks." And. Logan answered: "We have a bud- get that we operate each department under and for some months our budget had exceeded almost double what had been appropriated for operation of trucks during the past several months. Also at the same time, our city had an- nounced a sewer moratorium about the same time." Inso- far as counsel's question indicated that L ogan had testified that the decision "to shut down the trucks" and la' off the employees was influenced by the fact that it costs less to use rail transportation than truck transportation. the ques- tion assumes facts not in evidence. Logan at no time testi- fied that this was an economic consideration which influ- enced him to direct Buxton to "shut down the trucks" that needed repairs. Likewise, Logan's answer to the question is completely at odds with his testimony and Davis' testi- mony, described supra, which omit any indication that the decision to "shut down the trucks" and layoff the drivers was influenced by budgetary considerations or because business was slack due to the cit)'s moratorium on sewer construction. Regarding the manner in which the employees were se- lected for layoff. Logan testified that the reason particular employees were picked was that the trucks they were as- signed to were the ones removed from operation. Likewise. Davis testified that the only reason the nine drivers herein were selected for layoff was that the trucks that were as- signed to them were the ones which needed repair work, whereas the four employees not selected for layoff "had the 4 runable trucks." This resulted in the four most senior drivers being retained. It was not a conscious result based upon selection by seniority', rather Davis testified. "as it turned out the four senior drivers had the 4 runable trucks." According to Davis. the employees were selected for layoff pursuant to Respondent's usual policy whereby each driver is permanently assigned a particular truck and trailer and, regardless of seniority, is not afforded bumping rights when his truck becomes inoperable. Rather, a driver whose truck is out of order normally does not work until the truck is repaired, unless Respondent has extra equip- ment available. To recapitulate, in defense of the layoffs Respondent's representatives Logan and Davis testified that the la'offs were occasioned by the fact that the trucks assigned to the drivers who were laid off had been removed from service to be repaired and that the decision to remove them from operation was made prior to the Respondent's knowledge of the union activities. I reject this defense for the follow- ing reasons: (1) Logan and Davis were not convincing witnesses. 'lheir demeanor was unimpressive. Because of this I am extremely reluctant to give their testimony any credence, particularly inasmuch as both of them were only secondary actors in the action which resulted in the layoffs. The prin- cipal actor was Chief Mechanic Buxton. It was Buxton who, as described supra, supposedly caused Logan on Oc- tober 29 to order the removal of the trucks from operation which resulted in the lawoffs. Also, it was Buxton who in effect supposedly selected the drivers for layoff, which se- lection resulted in all of the union card signers being laid off but none of the nonsigners. Nevertheless. Buxton, the chief protagonist behind the layoff, and the person best qualified to testify in support of Respondent's defense. was inexplicabl? not called to testify' though available to so do. I therefore draw the adverse inference that, had Buxton been called, his testimony would not have corroborated Davis' and Logan's and would not have supported Respon- dent's defense. (2) Respondent's defense that the layoffs were ordered b) Logan on Friday. October 29, is highly suspect. Signifi- cantly, as described supra. L.ogan and Davis gave wholly inconsistent accounts of their purported conversation deal- ing with the layoffs. Moreover, Logan's account of his pur- ported conversation with Buxton which supposedly trig- gered the layoffs was not corroborated by Buxton. I am persuaded that if, as Logan and Davis testified, they in fact conferred about the layoffs prior to Respondent's knowl- edge of the union activities. their testimony concerning this conversation would not have been contradictory. Likewise, I am persuaded that if, as Logan testified, he instructed Buxton on October 29 to "shut down" the trucks for re- pairs. Buxton would have been called to corroborate this significant fact. Further support for the conclusion that the decision to lay off the drivers was not made on October 29, prior to the union activities. is drawn from the fact that work was assigned to drivers who were laid off on Mon- day., November 1. and Tuesday, November 2. Respondent failed to explain why, if on Friday, October 29, a decision had been reached to shut down its trucks for repairs and lay off the drivers that the decision was not implemented until November 3, hard on the heels of its knowledge of the union organizational campaign. (3) I'he record does not support Respondent's conten- tion that the removal from operation of the trucks for re- pairs caused the layoffs herein. First. aside from Logan's and Davis' bare assertions that the trucks assigned to the employees who were laid off were in fact the subject of repair work or safety checks, Respondent came forward with no evidence to support this defense. Admittedly. Lo- gan and Davis lacked personal knowledge about this sub- ject. In fact. Davis, in conceding he was without such per- sonal knouledge. testified that Chief Mechanic Buxton was the person who had this information and further testified. "Buxton has reports of what he did to each piece of equip- 327 Dl ('IS IONS OF NA IONAI. .ABOR REIAl I()ONS BOARD ment." I am convinced that, if the trucks and trailers in- volved herein were repaired or otherwise inspected during the period they were removed from operation and this vas the reason they were removed from operation, either Bux- ton and/or these records would have been produced by Respondent. Respondent did not explain Buxton's absence or its failure to produce the reports referred to by I)avis. In addition, the inference that the trucks were not '"shut down" so that Buxton could perform repairs or safety checks is reinforced by the undisputed fact that during the period in which they were shut down the trucks were parked in a storage yard, not oswned by Respondent. locat- ed several miles from Respondent's premises. Respon- dent's unexplained failure to park the trucks at its own premises where they normally are parked and where Bux- ton is located does not jibe with its purported intent to have Buxton repair the trucks or conduct safety checks. Finally. Ramos and Cunningham. two of the laid-off driv- ers. credibly testified that when thev returned from la yoff neither one was able to observe that there had been anN mechanical work done on their respective trucks. Indeed, Cunningham testified that his truck was a new one which needed no work. (4) Respondent's contention that it remosved 9 of its 13 long-haul trucks from operation for repairs or safets checks does not sound plausible. T'here is no evidence that as of November 3 Respondent's fleet of trucks ' as in such a state of disrepair that it was necessary to remove 9 out of 13 trucks from operation at the same time. There is no indi- cation that Buxton suggested to L.ogan that Respondent shut down virtually its entire long-haul operation. l.ogan's testimony indicated that Buxton onlI suggested that L.ogan allow him to hire an additional mechanic to assist in main- taining the trucks. Since the record estahlishes that it wras not possible for Buxton to work on more than one or two trucks at one time, it is not surprising that Buxton did not suggest the wholesale shutdowv n of RCsponlenlt's long-ha;ul trucking operation. The lack of sense for Respondent to remove 9 of its 13 long-haul trucks from operation for re- pairs at one time. while Buxton could only sorik on I or 2 trucks at one time, is reinforced b? I Loani's admission that on November 3 Respondent had ample work to keep its long-haul drivers busy and that. because of this. Respon- dent wanted its trucks to he repaired as soon as possible so that the drivers could return to work. (5) Respondent's contention that the reason for the la!- offs herein was to conduct safet, and mechanical checks on the drivers' trucks not previoulsly evaluated bh Buxton is belied by the fact that one of the trucks remodved from service on November 3 and taken to a storage ,arid and locked up was the one assigned to longi -hlaul driver last- wood. This truck had been idle since at least October 23 when E.astwood ceased working and went on a medical leave of absence. I find it difficult to believe that if Buxton. as Ixogan testified, was so concerned about the state of the trucks, including the one assigned to [.astswood, that he would not have conducted a safert check or repaired this truck during the 10-day period prior to the lax off sIwhile the truck was not being used (6) Even if certain trucks and trailers had to be remo,,ed from operation and their drivers laid off due to repairs or safety checks. Respondent failed to explain the basis for the selection of the nine drivers who were chosen for lay- off. TIhus. as noted vilpra. all nine drivers who signed union cards on November 2 were laid off the next day. Respon- dent's \witnesses, Iavis and Logan, testified in effect that this was a mere coincidence. that these drivers were select- ed for layoff bh Buxton based upon the fact that their trucks needed to undergo a safety check or be repaired. Yet. Respondent failed to produce either Buxton or the records he kept to substantiate this claim. Based upon the foregoing, I am persuaded that the eco- nonmic defense advanced by Respondent to justify the lay- offs herein does not withstand scrutiny. I further conclude that when the insubstantial nature of Respondent's defense is considered in the context of the facts which make up the (ieneral Counsel's primal fcie case that this bolsters the conclusion that Respondent intended the wholesale layoff of the long-haul drivers to be a show of force, a display of power, to discourage union iactiv'ity among this group of employees at the outset. I therefore conclude that Respon- dent violated Section 8(a)(l) and (3) of the Act by laying off the employees herein and thereby discriminated against these employees as a group. 2. Ihe alleged discrimination against Cunningham and Ra mos ai. 7I1/ Il a't.s F'our of the long-haul drivers who were illegally laid off \lani. Oberholzeri Ramos, and Cunningham re- turned to s ork and. of these, only Ramos and Cunning- hIllm conltilnued in Respondent's employ for a significant length of tllre. 1 The General Counsel contends that after their recall Resprondent discriminated against Ramos and ( unnillgn11m in the assignmient of swork which resulted in a loss of sasiges. I 1 facts are as follows. Respondent's lon it-haul drivers are paid by the mile. I he! are normalll N dispatched to their jobs by seniority and, over anll extended period of time, those employees with the most sctiiorit should receive more of the better paying aisignments alnd hence earn more money than the less se- nior emplosees. Ca unlinghainl credibly testified, in this re- gard. that seniorits determinces hich drivers are assigned swork and further testified that because of this the senior drivers noritills\ eain more mlonev than the less senior ones because "the newest gus s usualls get in our lan- guage wke call theml muck runs Ireferring to short mileage runsl." Cunlillghalm's testimon, wssas essentially corrobo- rated bs Manal;lger of Industrial Relations Richard Kier- dorf. visho testified that seniority pla)s a "major factor" in the dispiatch of the long-haul drivers. The use of seniority e 5 111.CC a t' if ,r .i'h i l [1I .Ic' lplposc oI' \I fI dL tis ur.il lll l f u l :]l~ ll lbi h [,l]/ ;i k¢.,11 .iAr t IIC tl r IC ic l ,lI illd ~ T [I c chS I dl eti cd lit a ttIhe Atlt 11th A illl k11.Itl im . l; ll ., 11 ' l li tC'f Ul 1h il1\ .f ,ile elltlll led to Cl lll C it lrli J ltil. ;fli IdleI t , ti l oI r 1o allether Respoildelit 'i,ii A\-.It if ltlk Li/L iv idlts of Ct h Illcrli hel to the gritp Seec R,I,A, len ( , m/,,:l/l ( ,.,e<,,/e.,,/ I/)~,,i 2 ~1%" \ RBl $1 (19? } klld t i.cs ied LII ir \ lllind Iti, \tnIllN ,,r, i tlr 'fu [l d5 ' i Il m tli.d v, ithfl 1 [ilnt lh of lhi, CtktI I.] ()A cli l]/c tI/Iui, r ll t ql t i . tttil fler kir l les' J hit 2 `eeks 328 1HOMNE I.UMBER & SULPPL Y (O. in assigning the available work does not result in a signifl- cant disparity between the dris ers' earnings when o4lrk is plentiful, but from November or earl' December to earl: May the amount of work available drops off consideriabls and during this period, as Sales Manager Davis testified. "the senior drivers will get trips, and the junior drivers can- not live on what they are making and they will go find employment elsewhere." Davis also testified that during the time material herein, by the middle of December, there was only sufficient work for six or seven long-haul drivers. In short, the record indicates that, generally speaking. there should, over an extended period of time, be a correlation between the earnings of the long-haul drivers and their rid- ative seniorit' and that this is particularl\ true during the winter months. During the period starting in Januars 1977. Railos ' ho began work May 4, 1976. was fourth on the long-haul driv- ers' seniority roster and C(unningham who began work Sep- tember 1. 1976, was fifth."e During the first quarter of 1977 (Januar! through March), six long-haul drivers worked for Respondent for more than 4 weeks who had less seniorit, than either Ra- mos or Cunningham. I heir names and dates of hire follow: Brown, December 16. 1976:; Mlait,; Janurai\ 28. 1977: Saunders. January 31, 1977: Ross, Februar\ 28. 1977. Wil- mer. March 2, 1977; and Maher. March 9. 1977. An exami- nation of Respondent's payroll records for this quarter re- veals that all six of the less senior drivers earned more money than Ramos and Cunningham 19 During the second quarter of 1977 (April through June). Respondent employed five long-haul drivers with less se- niority than either Ramos or Cunningham. Iheir names and dates of hire are as follows: Mavits:. Januar 28X. 1977: Ross. Februars 28. 1977: Maher. March 9. 1977: Wilner. March 2, 1977: and lIong. March 24. 1977. An examina- tion of Respondent's payroll records for this period reeals that all five less senior drixers earned mo)reC mone thian Ramos and all but one, Masit,. had greater earnings than Cunningham. During the third quarter of 1977 (Jul\ through Septern- ber) Respondent had in its employ, the sa. ne fie long -haul drivers with less seniorits than Ranmos an d (.lnllillnngha;l as were employed during the preceding quarter. An exanmina- tion of Respondent's pa roll records reseals that in the third quarter all of the less senior drivers earined more money than Ramos. but all earned less mones than C'un- ningham. ()heli2 llcr h.adl !l1nr1oc n110t1t\ tldllr li lll ll l hutll l }U 1 kcd 1]c s [hl-,11 2 eek . filer relurnitle froil hlr Ia ff t Sinte none f the css c,, enor dirlers :..k.. l. ¢ ti l ltire ijtliltCr I h1mi cio)mpared Iheir ealrningllp s th ithe crlrlllt .-f Rnlls .ndi (t l lnlll /.t[ll !) uc nv ine lli thtI partitular fp.!rio]i pcli'd da. llllg xtIhih thle Ric tl. t./1 plo) cs v.crt tclljlt o,.cd In tile -,, ,, L1i11l ,II, s t il' StlTlo t, 2"i n 19e 7, ill fmlpariln hil earlnillg I. ll) R:.Ir ' and ( jlill lllh I ll [ Id include the p wAs l r[priodl enrifl*l Januilmir\ "t 1 i"- hc xu.n- , 11l\ .113 emplo,,ec for I da~ durulvg tnl~ pelrid b. t'llialilc finlihns untd discus.sion (I ) Ramos Ramos, in Januars 1977 after his return to work form the layoff, in response to Sales Manager Davis' illegal in- terrogation indicated that he favored the Union. Thereaf- ter. he earned less mones from January 1977 through Sep- tember 1977 than virtuallv everyone of the less senior long-haul drivers even though over an extended period of time Respondent's method of dispatching drivers normally should result in the less senior employees earning less mone, than a more senior employee. particularly during the slack w inter months. On the other hand, the record also indicates that senior drisvers who do not desire to work as frequentls as less senior drivers will not earn as much as the less senior drivers. In Ramos' case, an examination of Respondent's pa Nroll records for the time period prior to the union acti ities indicates Ramos' earnings, in a number of cases, were less than the earnings of less senior drivers for extended periods of time. In addition. Ramos testified in effect that he was not discriminated against in work assignments after being recalled from laNoff and that his earnings did not suffer. Under these circumstances. I am persuI;ded that the whole record establishes that the dispar- it\ between Ramos' and the less senior drivers' earnings was not caused hb discriminatory work assignments, but is consistent with Respondent's treatment of Ramos which predated the I nion's organizational activities. Based upon the foregoing. I shall recommend that this allegation of the complaint be dismissed insofar as it pertains to the discrim- ination against Ramos. (2) Cunningham I am persuaded Respondent discriminated against Cun- ninghaim in assigning him work because of his union sym- pathies and activities. Following Cunningham's return to work from being discriminatorils laid off, almost all of the less senior long-haul drivers earned more money than he did for 6 consecutive months, January through June. de- spite the fact that during such an extended period of time there should normally hbe a correlation between earnings and seniorits 2.' This should hai e been especiall, true from .I;anu;ar through earl Mas w hen seniorits is even more importa;nt in work assignments due to a lack of work. Not onl\ did this disparity between Cunningham's earnings and the earnings of the less senior drivers start immediately after Cunningham was laid off because of his union activi- ties but. as I hasve found previously, early in 1977 Cunning- ham indicated to Respondent that he was an avid union adherent wvho hid soted for the Union in the representa- tion election. Ihese circumstances in their entirety per- suade me that the General Counsel has proven that Re- spondcnt illegall? discriminated against Cunningham during the first and second quarters of 1977 in assigning him work a.nd as a consequence he earned less money than he normalhl would ha,e earned. It 1liCK Rillin . hltet tti.- ll IhCI il c l 1 [I, t lilll1). Ilit ( illlnlTgh ittll had 1[h ""'t -111k t ri , m]\ ..IIIN . 1- - rqtt i '5iIc\ 11 . 1i i Cemrpl,\r 'C Uli leh s Nenl1 rll\ 329 I)EC( ISIONS OF NATIONAI. LABOR RELATIONS BOARI) The conclusion that Respondent discriminated against ('unningham so as to cause him to earn less money than he normally would have earned is bolstered hb the unusually large number of assignments made to ('unningham for trips to Empire, Nevada, immediately following Respon- dent's knowledge that he was an avid union adherent who had voted for the UJnion in the representation election. Thus, Cunningham was the Linion's election observer at the February 8, 1977, representation election and following this election, in response to Chief Mechanic Buxton's ille- gal interrogation, Cunningham indicated he had voted for the Union. )uring the remainder of i:ebruary and in March and April 1977, ('unningham received 31 different job assignments, 15 of them to Impire., Ncada, which is a distance of 212 miles round trip.21 A 16th assignment was to Sparks, Nevada, a distance of 6 miles. Cunningham credibly testified that before the election, during his 5 months of employment, he only rarely was assigned the Empire trip, but normlally was assigned sub- stantially longer trips. ('unninghamll further credibly testi- fied that his postelection assignments to Empire weiere un- usual inasmuch as, at the same time he w\as being assigned the Empire trips, long-haul drivers with less seniority were being assigned to longer trips which paid more money. Re- spondent presented no evidence to controvert this testi- mony and the disparity between Cunningham's earnings with earnings of the drivers with less seniority during this period corroborates his testimony. Respondent's failure to explain its disparate treatment of Cunningham in connection with the Empire assignments, the timing of these assignments coming hard on the heels of Respondent's knowledge that he had voted for the Union and wa.s a leading union adiherent, and ('unningham's previous illegal lasoff on account of his union activities convince me that Respondent in making the Empire assignments. rather than longer trip assign- ments, to Cunningham was motivated by a desire to penal- ize him for voting for the nion. This discriminatory work assignment reinforces the conclusion that the reason for the disparity between his earnings and those of the less senior drivers for the first 6 months of 1977 was ai result of Respondent's discrimination against him because of his union activities. ( unniighanit testflieCd that I r the ' -I 2 1IIIl)ti s 1 ll i l tC clCtiL ,I hc was continuotlos assigned the I lllplrc rnill whcrc a, ilib diil'cr tirp.it 1hii- mitted to Respondent show that dulring this 2 I 2 Ionilh pcit .d. I chrillar,, through April 22, he received 28 woirk '.imsinlcni.i 15 iof whichl Cie to Inmpire. In assessing ( unninghainls crcdihilits I hase carelulls cO,,ildcled whether this testiminy is indicadllt c of . ploclhlit toi cx.taggci e thus I.lak- ing his testimony il generail unrcliihle As I h ave mindlliitcd prciIuusis, ( Ull- ningham. who is still cmployed h Respoidcnlt testified with 1anI .r of Can- dor alid sincerits ind ilplessecd miC ill gn[ICld ais tilLlsworih, witlness Recognizing that oftlen a: witilcss' IiIprCSsie denliianor like hke;lt,. lIes ill the ec of the hcheldcr. i ;ai pcrsuoldcd th.at hil caiggtclili.ll houit tlhi frequency of his ,iasl. il lll c t Jil t I cli l iC d os rlel i IIIFIil/I ( ulilriStulli i .ll i oiverall credihilits. In this rcgard. I .ai (i tfcile pimio that thc itlpatt ol suddenls receiving I lmpire a.issgltliclli otcil S( peclcCnt of (he titli iiil 2-1 2-1iloith period. uheicils dtllrlg hii s 1 ri v pT i iS I llt lths of CIplllplsnl ct1 1 he was rarel a;lssigned to I llle, u.S c.lculte Itd i lla h 1iCt ipsliS ac of tililC ti leave ihe impression in ( unninrhlll itld hiat this iwas c'-ctlliall s tile onlb iasignlment heing llidC t 1u l illii dtlli th l 2 I 2 Ilitlllh periodl Respondent failed to produce sufficient evidence to re- hut the General Counsel's prima facie case. Respondent offered into evidence the March 25. 1977, affidavit of dis- patcher Kim Peterlin. who died prior to the hearing, which was taken by Respondent's counsel in connection with this litigation. Respondent urges that this affidavit tends to prove that in dispatching Ramos and Cunningham that Respondent did not change its dispatch procedures so as to discriminate against them. The General Counsel objects to the admission of this affidavit as inadmissible hearsay. I agree with the General Counsel. There was no opportunity for the Gjeneral Counsel to cross-examine the affiant, nor in m s view was the affidavit admissible under Rule 80()4(b)(5) of the Federal Rules of Evidence, for I do not think the affidavit has equivalent circumstantial guarantees of trustworthiness. In the event, however, that I have erred in excluding it. I note that while the affiant generally states 'there has been no change in my scheduling procedures since September or October 1976" the affiant fails to ex- plain wuh Cunningham. after being recalled from his ille- gal layoff, earned leas money than several long-haul driv- ers with less seniority for 6 consecutive months. Likewise. the affiant fails to explain why, immediately after Respon- dent's discovery that Cunningham was a leading union adherent and had voted for the Union, Respondent abruptly and contrary to past practice assigned him num- erous trips to Empire rather than assign him the longer, more financially rewarding trips which were assigned in- stead to less senior emplovees. In short. the information contained in the affidavit does not refute the essential ele- ments of the General (Counsel's prima facie case. Based upon the foregoing I find that during the first and second quarters of 1977. in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (I ) of the Act, Respondent discriminated against Cunning- ham in the assignment of work because of his union sym- pathies and activities, thereby causing him to suffer a loss of earnings. 3. Manz' discharge a. The f/acts As I have found previously Manz, Ramos, and Cunning- ham were the only laid-off long-haul drivers who returned to work for any significant length of time. Manz returned during the week ending November 20 and worked for less than a month before he was discharged. The General ('ounsel contends that the discharge violated Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (4) of the Act. The facts are as follows. On Saturday., December 11. Manz was assigned a lum- ber delivery to Respondent's facility in Mammoth Lake. (alifornia. On route he also made a delivery to contractor Wayne l ong. Manz' son accompanied him. While unload- ing the truck at Momrnmoth Lake. Respondent's manager of that facility, Bob Greenwood, observed Manz' son and told Manz that his son should not have been with him. On Monday, December 13, Manz did not work. He testi- fied for the Union in the Board hearing that day in connec- tion with the Ulnion's representation petition for an elec- tion among Respondent's long-haul drivers. Manz was one of three long-haul drivers who testified on behalf of the 330 HOME LUMBER & SUPPL.Y CO. Union. 22 Present for Respondent at this hearing was Sales Manager Davis. On Tuesday, December 14. Manz worked. On Wednesday, December 15. Manz again worked and when he returned that afternoon from his assignment was assigned another trip for the following day. Manz immedi- ately began to prepare his equipment for the scheduled trip, but was momentarily interrupted by Chief Mechanic Buxton who, in substance, told Manz that it was against the Company's rules and regulations for Manz to haul pas- sengers. After making this statement, Buxton instructed Manz to continue with his work. But. 5 minutes later, Bux- ton instructed Manz to go into Davis' office to pick up his paycheck. Manz complied. Dais told him he was dis- charged. Respondent's long-haul truck operation is under the ju- risdiction of the United States [)epartment of I ransporta- tion which maintains rules and regulations with which in- terstate motor carriers, like Respondent, must comply. One of these rules in effect prohibits drivers from carrying un- authorized passengers in their trucks. In addition. Respon- dent's insurance coverage for its trucks prohibits its drivers from carrying passengers. Thus, it is not surprising that since December 1973 Respondent has maintained a rule which prohibits its drivers from carrying passengers other than fellow employees. 2t Ordinarily employees of Respondent are not abruptl' discharged for violating Respondent's work rules, hut are first given oral and written warnings for rule infractions. In fact Respondent has notified its employees that they will not be discharged for work rule infractions "unless there have been previous oral and written warnings, except where the cause for discharge is so aggravated that there can be no real argument about immediate termination of employment." It is undisputed that Manz' misconduct of carrying his son as a passenger was a first offense and that Manz was the only long-haul driver ever disciplined for carrying an unauthorized passenger. I here is evidence that Respondent's representatives have condoned the carrsing of nonemployee passengers by the long-haul drivers. In 1976, prior to the layoffs herein. long-haul driver Ramos was assigned a Saturday trip, at which time Sales Manager Davis suggested that Ramos take Ramos' wife along for company.4 Likewise, late in October 1976, or earlN No- vember 1976, long-haul driver Hayslip. who had just been hired by Respondent and was preparing to go out on his first assignment, asked Chief Mechanic Buxton, who with Davis jointly supervises the long-haul drivers, whether it was all right for him to carry a passenger. Buxton told him it was all right to take a passenger.'2 Hayslip took a friend of his along on this trip. t2 Ihe IwiO other witnesses were lonF-haul irl crs Knudsoin and ()herhol- Zer lr Ihere is a sharp coznfltlt aitonig the eser.al' ese tcaliled Iht Respoln- dent and the General ( ounsel ,:hether Respondent's rule iitadl relu:1on including the rule itgalnsl ¢arrinlg p. isengerr .w ere posted dulrll t tic InilC material hereon. I hase noit rc, l,,ed this dispute he.aucll Its esi.l, ton. iIrl ii\ opinilon. does nol effect the outcolmne of the ulttliltlte ,sule iBirl..ed herllil Based upon Ramnos credible tcsilnlln\. t)a.ils specificalll idemed en- gaging In this conduct Ramos Impressed me as the more IriLtiirlhtl u.Ni ness Ba.sed upon the credible antd undenled tei trllToi ln IO i lip b. L Ititmate findings and discussion The record reeals Manz violated Respondent's work rule prohibiting the long-haul drivers from carrying non- nemployee passengers and was ostensibly discharged for doing this. It would seem this should end this matter, but in cases of this sort we have repeatedly cautioned, as stated byv the court in '.I..R.B. v. Aver Lar Sanitarium, 436 F.2d 45, 49 50 (C.A. 9. 1970): . . . the cases are legion that the existence of a justifi- able ground for discharge will not prevent such dis- charge from being an unfair labor practice if partially motivated bh the employee's protected activity: a business reason cannot be used as a pretext for a dis- criminators firing . ... The test is whether the busi- ness reason or the protected union activity is the mov- ing cause behind the discharge . . . . In other words, would this employee have been discharged but for his union activit's? [Citations omitted.] Here I am persuaded for the reasons set forth below that Manz' breach of Respondent's no-rider rule was seized upon b' Respondent as a pretext to justify his discharge and that the moving cause behind his discharge was Re- spondent's union aninius. Respondent discharges employees without a prior warn- ing. as it did Manz, only in those extreme situations "where the cause for discharge is so aggravated that there can be no real argument about immediate termination of employ- ment." In the instant case, Manz did not engage ;n such aggravated and gross misconduct so as to warrant the dras- tic and precipitate action of discharge. While I do not con- done his misconduct, I am persuaded that during the nor- mal course of business it would not have provoked the extreme response of discharge. I recognize that it is im- proper for the Board or the courts to second guess the manner in which an employer enforces its work rules; how- ever, aside from the nature of the offense which does not impress me as being a capital one warranting discharge, the record reveals Respondent does not regard a violation of its no-rider rule as sufficiently serious to warrant discharge for the first offense. Thus, the manager of Respondent's Mammoth Lake facility only saw fit to casually mention that Manz was acting improperly in carrying his son as a passenger and did not even communicate this misconduct to Manz' superiors.2? And, an even more significant indica- tion that Respondent does not regard an initial breach of its no-rider rule as a capital offense warranting the penalty of immediate discharge is further illustrated by the fact that, as described vupra, the persons who jointly supervise ~ Sale, Manilager I)a isltestified that he learned about Manz' misconduct frotm colntractor Wal tie I )ie. not from the manager of Responden's Mlam- mioth iake fatiliis Da).is testified that L ong. "a fer eI da," after Mant' [)eceinher II l dellers. mentioned to l)asls that Manz in making the deliv- cr s wis a icc.iptpallred h\s .i .ung bos. Long was not called as a wislness t) coirroilhoral I[)ais. uho in testilfing about his consersatlon usith Long uas not nci lilnti l () O the Iliporl ilt mlrtter of shen I ong guie him this infir- iiihton, 1)D'.i ',1i. ClX tIstflied I"a fets da.is," after the dehIsers and. upon CiTose e lttlltl Iaii1 u.hetI) aked to he Inrre speciflic. aguels eslsvsels tesIll- tied "I \ould isa It u .ould Ie he seen the 10th and Il5h or I.th of Decem- her'- Ild. ushin .a ked ho,, iong befoerc Manz' terminalion the con.ersahllon s.th I onec to...k laiel hestitaniils tenified. " I. ould .is ,ine da\ at the most I ti, ,ell 331 )DE (ISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the long-haul drivers have permitted long-haul drivers to carry passengers in their trucks in derogation of Respon- dent's no-rider rule. Also significant in evaluating whether Manz' infraction of the no-rider rule was the real reason for his discharge is Respondent's failure to call as a witness the person who made the decision to discharge him. Davis testified that he merely authorized Manz' discharge and it was Chief Me- chanic Buxton who made the decision to discharge Manz. Buxton, who is still employed by Respondent. did not testi- fy and no explanation was offered for his failure to testi- fy.27 I therefore draw the adverse inference that had Bux- ton been called his testimony would not have corroborated Davis' and would not have supported Respondent's de- fense. Based upon the foregoing. I find Respondent's ostensi- ble reason for discharging Manz was not its real reason, but that Manz would not have been discharged during the normal course of business for his violation of Respondent's no-rider rule. I further find that. when the pretextual na- ture of the discharge is considered in the context of Manz earlier discriminatory layoff and the timing of the dis- charge coming as it did hard on the heels of Respondent's knowledge that Manz was still supporting the Union,-h it establishes that Respondent's union animus was the mov- ing force behind Manz' discharge. It is for these reasons that I conclude that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act by discharging Manz. The complaint also charges Respondent with violating Section 8(a)(4) of the Act on the theory that the discharge was motivated in part because Manz gave testimony for the Union in the representation case. There is insufficient evidence to support this contention. although the timing of the discharge makes it suspect in this regard. However. while Manz' appearance as a witness for the Union in the representation case obviously informed Respondent that he was a zealous union adherent. I am not persuaded that it was animus toward Manz for so testifying. as contrasted to Respondent's union animus. which prompted his dis- charge. Accordingly. I shall recommend this portion of the complaint be dismissed. IV liIIt R[i RS-N I , Ii ION ( \SI A. 7lie Oth/c lion.s The Union's objections in the representation case re- ferred to me for decision allege in substance that (I) Re- spondent threatened to sell its equipment and discontinue its long-haul operation if the long-haul drivers supported the Union, and (2) laid off the nine long-haul drivers be- cause of their union activities. Also before me as objection- able conduct, even though it is not specifically included in the Union's objections. are Respondent's unfair labor prac- tices found herein which occurred between November I 1 '7 s indicated preLiouL It i undiLpulLtcd uthat aLppito ILatIC. I I months prior to Manin' dllLargc t13l\tIon ;lIL vc¢d I. I -lL i -IMt i I, ItI I{ L!II it pl sellger i ln ,lolatilln of Rcspndent's l 11- TidCt LtllC Respondent learned Ihlm ,lIhTn Saik Mana\t.li 1)L.' lhei\cld Sailn tIestils ilfor tile t IllLo aL tile I)ce lhcL iI j C. C IL L It ll Jlt l the date the Union filed the representation petition, and Flebruarv 8. 1977. the date of the representation election. See Pure (them (CpoXoration, 192 NLRB 681 (1971). Lpon the basis of the findings and conclusions of law previously set out in this Decision, wherein I found that Respondent during the critical period committed several unfair labor practices, I conclude that by engaging in these unfair labor practices Respondent prevented the employ- ees from freely exercising their choice of collective-bar- gaining representative in the February 8, 1977 election.29 B. 71The (hallenge. In the Iebruary 8, 1977. representation election the tally of ballots showed that of approximately 10 eligible voters, 3 cast ballots for and 3 cast ballots against the Union. I here were four challenged ballots, sufficient in number to affect the results of the election. Three of the challenged ballots were cast by Jack Hayslip, Ted Knudson, and Rich- ard Eastwood whose layoffs on November 3, 1976, have been found herein to have been unlawful. The fourth chal- lenged ballot was cast by Richard Manz whose layoff on November 3. 1976, and discharge on December 15, 1976, have been found herein to have been unlawful. The Re- gional Director has referred the validity of these four chal- lenges to lme for decision.?L Regarding the challenges to Knudson's and Hayslip's ballots the record establishes that following their unlawful la'soffs each was offered full reinstatement prior to the date of the election. When the, failed to respond to these offers. Respondent discharged thlem on December 15, 1976. There is no contention that their discharges were unlawful. Under these circumstances, I shall recommend that the challenges to the ballots of Knudson and Hayslip be sustained. Regarding the challenge to Eastwood's ballot the record reveals that at the time of his unlawful layoff he was absent from work on a medical leave of absence and because of this his recall was conditioned upon his obtaining a satis- factory medical release from a physician. On several occa- siIons after his layoff. but before the date of the election. Respondent offered Easts ood full reinstatement provided he submitted a satisfactorv medical release. Eastwood was discharged on December 15. 1976, after he had failed to submit such a release. There is no contention that his dis- charge was unlawful. Under the circumstances. I shall rec- ommiend that the challenge to Eastwood's ballot be sus- tained. Regarding the challenge to Manz' ballot, the record re- veals that he was reinstated following his unlawful layoff but, as found previousl., was discharged on December 15. 1976, in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. Accordingly, I shall recommend that the challenge to his ballot be overruled. I'1 r JLic lh/ this CI1l, lllN I hl1. L 1h 10 , 1e reieCd poip nl tIh dIlscrlllllinatorN lol\1 1 H I'[ L.t lltl" inL[llillls lble h i llt-r r IIC ltll ill (L II( lIlllfIu lll, lIldasmltlll 1I [lhP Co l ,dct ., LLCu t Illslidc ilthe rlllal tiiLC period I Il clct Rc Lon d l l 'l . !tclIt 11I1 thill IIL thallcnL es 0of tlIxlip, KIlud oI11 Lr i atI s.ooi ,,. LlO piopcl, el , iLr TlLe lor dcisLi ,LL 332 HOME LUMBER & SUIPPI Y CO. C. Recomrli'lindaotion Based upon the foregoing. I shall recommend that the Regional Director open and count the ballot cast by Rich- ard Manz in Case 32-RC 17 (formerlx Case 20 RC 13882). and prepare and serve on the parties a revised talls of ballots. If the revised talkl reveals that the Union has received a majority of the v:alid ballots cast. the Regional Director shall issue certification of representative. How- ever, if the revised tally shows that the Union has not re- ceived a majority of the valid ballots cast, the Regional Director shall set aside the election results, dismiss the peti- tion, and vacate the proceedings. CON( I t SlONS (OF I.^ A I. The Respondent, Wickes Lumber, a Division of T he Wickes Corporation. d /b;'a Home Lumber & Supply ('om- pany, is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Teamsters, Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Hlelpers Local Union No. 533, affiliated with International Brother- hood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers of America. the I nion herein. is a labor organiza- tion within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By interrogating employees about their union ssmpa- thies, by informing an employee that employees had been laid off because of their union activities. and bhy threaten- ing employees that if the emploNees supported the Union that Respondent would discontinue its long-haul opera- tion, Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)( I) of the Act. 4. By discharging Richard M1anz because of his union sympathies and activities, Respiondent has engaged in un- fair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(la)(1) and (3) of the Act. 5. By discriminating against L.ewis Cunningham in the assignment of work because of his union sympathies and activities. Respondent has engaged in unfair labor prac- tices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) and ( I ) of the Act. 6. By laying off the employees named below because of their union activities, Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act: Robert B. Rogers Paul A. Ramos John H. Oberholzer Ted H. Knudson Howard Zumbaugh Lewis Cunningh.am Richard Eastwood Richard Manz Jack Hayslip 7. The afotresaid unfair labor praictices affect conmercce within the meaning of Sectiotn 2(6) and (7) tof the Act. -I H Ri FIn r) Haaving found Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices violatixe of Section 8(a)(l) and (31 of thile Act. I shall recommend that it cease aind desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action in order to effectuate the policies of the Act. Haiting found that Respondent on or about November 3. 1976, unlawfully laid off Robert Rogers. Paul Ramos, John Oberholzer. led Knudson, Howard Zumbaugh. Lewis Cunningham. Richard Eastwood, Richard Manz. and Jack Ilayslip. I shall recommend that Respondent of- fer Robert Rogers and Howard Zumbaugh immediate full reinstatement to their former positions or, if these posi- tions no longer exist, to substantially equivalent ones, with- out prejudice to their seniority and other rights and privi- leges. and make them and Paul Ramos, John Oberholzer, Fed Knuldson, . Lewis Cunningham. Richard Eastwood. Richard Manz, and Jack Hayslip whole for any loss of earnings the', max have suffered by reason of such discrim- inationl 2 bs payment to the aforesaid Rogers and Zum- baugh of a sum of money equal to that which they normal- IN would have earned as wages from the date of their lai,offs to the date of said offers of reinstatement; by pay- ment to the aforesaid Ramos. Oberholzer. Knudson, Cun- ningham. Eastwood. Manz, and Hayslip of a sum of money equal to that which they normally would have earned as waiges from the date of their layoffs, to the date thex were offered reinstatement or were reinstated. 3 3 less the net earnings, if an,. of each of the aforesaid discrimina- tees, respectivelyx earned during the said period or periods. Backpay shall be computed in the manner established by the Board in F. Ht. Woolworth Companv. 90 NLRB 289 (1950). and with interest thereon as prescribed by the Board in Florida Steel C'orporation. 231 NLRB 651 (1977). See. generalks. I..v Plumbing & Heating Co.. 138 NLRB 716 1962). Iiaving concluded that on December 15, 1976. Respon- dent unlawfully discharged Richard Manz. I shall recom- Ihc reoli doe , IT ibl ,a 1d thai Rc.pondent has satisfied its rein- , ( i itm ,nI lo , a . d dli.Clillinilaes Rosers, and uiumhaugh [ reject RcolndlniC,, .Intentien 1Iha1 its November 1 I. 1976. fIrnm letter sent to all iline of Ihe dlstiillinattes ws;ls sufficient to toll it, reinsltlement obligation irid 1 cl prie,,nt , fithiel increa..e in it, piotential h.ckp.i liabhiliis The lc[Icl lch 1i, pertllnnt pi.rl nlfornms the nine discriminatees that "four dll ers ldl 1 liv h.ic an opporrlunilt Ii return from lavoff iIn a temporars hibl" .lad lurtiiher inllricts them. "If ,ou are Interested in returning to work pile lrc i eplinc Tie t1ii .ice ,I- c.me into the iffice," does not constitute a .pii. l . Ini tlllUl,t,..l Iffer of reinilemnt ietrn t shh cniiploiees i.ho ha.e lbeci didflinriliaeeril I lid off ti centitled I. receine See Rea Tr-r Ating ( 'no p-,, /In, I',i NI RB S20. C26 1 1969) ikewise. I do. not bhellee ?u/tihi.h stateenlnl Ihia he *ould nc er return to work for Respondent. nil.rle hCli hic A, itl, informed Of his dlcirtllalllintl r lasff. reliees Repion- dlci t I ii i r tllcllathn It} i ffer hiit reinstatenent where. .is here. it is plain l ZIiiLi ?umh i', -riltent c ,iti pruwked hx Respondent% unfair labor pr ictic anid thcre is no e, ldencr e Ihal Respondent relihe upon this (ate- rlilil II 1i1 inikinLn .i a.lid iffer of relnstatemenl I he rccO,id csahilhc, tht Res pondent made .offer. if reinstatenent to d,!riiiiiiic.lc Rnlli., ()hetrhoier Kniudson. ( unnlllnharlt. . st. ood. N.tui lnd d[{sili ll .11 thi M\.ll.ti Ramos Cuintingh.arn and Oherhoi7er . t1In[i]\ tcd lrICd, ,' Ork the rect ord ailso reeals thii these offers were ifliicnt i¢ i sti f, Repiondent'i reinstatement obligatilon aind hence toll it, h.lckpas hih.lhlD I1 III 'lloCCtnr) ,ith the discrimin.ators lasiff of these seen dlllll rii[L'CtC l Bsut I l ithe lcorid 1i tll clear a.s It the exact daues ihen Ll-nh .liid licirls. lltilci t offers ;cre m lade or the discrlrillllatees relurned to -. rk. I shAi ] .-c tihe ICoLlaiion if (hls cuesion for Ite ico lpl.liance si.ge if Ihli pIr.c(lotc.lri Rcsplindct i.1 ,ll ha.ce ain opportunits during the conilphaince stage if thi, proceeding It deilotisirale that for some or all if the dlstrltilnatorils, I.lid-oli CllltplocCs lthete i not w.srk a.ailabhle durine Iheir respective back- pr;i period, ind lhati dt. Iinlllie Fai r, .... d isiuld I, IaI h.ie vmrked dur- cll Ils ii itk].ipj pI)I'd hCCiLNC hCt ' Ouis n .a nledica.l lei'.ve of aibsence 333 DE (CISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD mend that Respondent offer him immediate and full rein- statement to his former job or. if it no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent one. without prejudice to his se- niority and other rights and privileges, and make him whole for any loss of earnings he may have suffered by reasons of the discrimination against him, by payment of a sum equal to that which he normally would have earned from the date of the unlawful discharge to the date of said offer of reinstatement, less his net earnings. if any, during that period. Backpay and interest thereon shall be comput- ed in the manner prescribed in F W. Woolworth C(ompanv, supra, and Florida Steel Corporation, supra. See, generally, Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., supra. Having concluded that during the first and second quar- ters in 1977 Respondent unlawfully discriminated against Lewis Cunningham in work assignments, I shall recom- mend that Respondent make Cunningham whole for the loss of earnings suffered as the result of this discrimination. with interest thereon. As the unfair labor practices committed by Respondent were of a character which go to the very heart of the Act, I shall recommend that it cease and desist therefrom and from in any other manner interfering with the rights of employees guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act. V I..R.B. v. Entwistle Mfg. Co., 120 F.2d 532, 536 (C.A. 4, 1941). The General Counsel also seeks a remedial bargaining order. The law is settled that where a representation elec- tion has been conducted such an order is appropriate if the Union at one point of time was designated as the collec- tive-bargaining representative by a majority of the employ- ees in an appropriate unit, Respondent engaged in miscon- duct sufficient to set aside the election, and the Respondent committed unfair labor practices which had "the tendency to undermine majority strength and impede the election processes." 34 N.L.R.B. v. G('scl Packing Co., Inc., 395 U.S. 575. 614 (1969). In the instant case Respondent, as I have found supra, engaged in misconduct sufficient to vacate the election. Also, the record establishes that immediately prior to Re- spondent's unfair labor practices a majority of the employ- ees in an appropriate unit signed cards designating the Union as their collective-bargaining representative. In this regard, the parties agree that all of Respondent's long-haul drivers, excluding statutory supervisors, constitute an ap- propriate bargaining unit. It is undisputed that on Novem- ber 2. 1976, a substantial majority of the long-haul drivers employed in this unit, 9 out of 13, signed cards which un- ambiguously recite that the card signer authorizes the Union to act as the employee's representative for the pur- poses of collective bargaining. There is no evidence that any of these cards are invalid. Based upon the foregoing and the nature and the extent of Respondent's unfair labor practices found herein. I am of the opinion that the Union is entitled under N.L.R.B. v. Gissel Packing Co., supra., to a bargaining order. Thus, at 14I he fact that in the representaltioll proceding herein I am reclm- mending that the Regioanl Director issue .a certlficatlion of represenlalllne to the tinion if the revised tall of hballots results im a unioin rlalOilti does nol preclude the issuance of a remedial hbarp:inling order (;lari :tilurihwirl old Michael 1 alsh, ei ai , a ( aliorinia Linmild Partnerrhil, d. h e h lh t/,ddli ('rmpant, 231 NIRB 383 ( 1977) the outset of the Union's organizational campaign. Re- spondent, in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act, laid off 9 of the 13 unit employees in order to discourage the employees from supporting the Union. This illegal con- duct carried a message, the meaning of which could not have been misunderstood by the unit employees. If any employee failed to receive the message, this was soon remedied bv Cabinet Shop Manager Rassbach's illegal statement to one of the employees that the employees had been laid off because of their union activities. And, if em- ployees still had any doubts as to the extent Respondent was prepared to go to defeat the Union's organizational effort, this doubt was removed by Sales Manager Davis' illegal threat made to two of the employees that, if the eniplosees supported the Union. Respondent would dis- continue its trucking operation thus causing them to lose their jobs. Finally., upon recalling Manz and Cunningham from their illegal layoff and learning that Manz and Cun- ningham vwere still aid union supporters, Respondent vio- lated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by discharging Manz and discriminating against Cunningham in the as- signment of work. I am persuaded that these unfair labor practices clearly "had the tendency to undermine the majority strength and impede the election processes." N. L.R.B. v. Gissel Packing ('o., .supra at 614. Under these circumstances a bargaining order is warranted not only to protect the employees' right to determine freely whether they desire union representa- tion. but also to insure that Respondent does not profit from its own wrongful conduct. The Holding Company. su- pra, and cases cited at footnote 9. Moreover, I shall recom- mend that Respondent's bargaining obligation commence as of November 3. 1976. the date on which Respondent committed its initial violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act and "embarked on a clear course of unlawful con- duct." Trading Port Inc., 219 NLRB 298, 301 (1975). Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact. conclu- sions of law, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act. I hereby issue the following recom- mended: ORDER 35 Respondent, Wickes Lumber, a Division of The Wickes Corporation, d/b/a Home Lumber & Supply Company. Reno, Nevada, its officers, agents. successors, and assigns, shall: 1. ('ease and desist from: (a) Discouraging membership in, or activities on behalf of, Teamsters, Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers Local Union No. 533, affiliated with International Brother- hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, or any other labor organization, by discharging or laying off its employees, or otherwise dis- criminating against them in any manner with regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of em- " In the reenr no exceptlrinsare filed as prok ided h? Sec 1i02 46h f the Rules and Regulations Ilf the Naiinal I .ahor Relatrio, Board the fiindIrls. cnc lu- iorns, and recommended Order herein shall, as pro) ided In Sec 10t)2 48 lthe Rules and Regulations. he adopied bh the Board and bec iomle its findirigs. conclusions. and Order, and all ohbjections thereto shall he deemed ;aIied for all purposes. 334 HOME LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. ployment because of their union membership or activities. (b) Interrogating employees about their union member- ship, union sympathies. or union activities. (c) Threatening employees with discharge or layoff if they support the above-named labor organization or any other labor organization. (d) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is neces- sary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Recognize, effective from November 3. 1976, and. upon request, bargain collectively and in good faith with Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers Local Union No. 533, affiliated with International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers of America, as the exclusive representative of all employees in the appropriate unit. with respect to rates of pay. wages. hours, and other terms and conditions of emplo yment. and. if an understanding is reached. embody such under- standing in a signed agreement. The appropriate bargain- ing unit is: All long haul drivers of Respondent employed at its 250 Chisolm Street, Reno. Nevada. location, excluding all other employees, guards. and supervisors as de- fined in the Act. (b) Offer Robert Rogers. Richard Manz. and Howard Zumbaugh immediate and full reinstatement to their for- mer jobs or, if those jobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent ones, without prejudice to their seniority and other rights and privileges, and make the aforesaid employ- ees and Paul Ramos, John Oberholzer. Ted Knudson. Lewis Cunningham, Richard Eastwood, and Jack Hayslip whole for any loss of earnings they may have suffered as a result of the discrimination against them, in the manner set forth in the section above entitled The Remedy." (c) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination or copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, per- sonnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amounts of backpay due and the rights of reinstatement under the terms of this Order. (d) Post at its place of business copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 36 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 32, after being duly signed by Respondent's representatives, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Rea- sonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced. or covered by any other material. (el Notify the Regional Director for Region 32. in writ- ing, within 20 days from the date of this Order. what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. Ir Is Ft RHFER ORDFRED that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed insofar as it alleges that Respondent violated the Act otherwise than as found herein. I 15 Is: RltKtR i)IRi Tti) that the Regional Director for Region 32 shall, within 10 days from the date of this Deci- sion, open and count the ballot cast by Richard Manz in Case 32-RC-17 and prepare and serve on the parties a revised tally of ballots. If the revised tally reveals that the Petitioner has received a majority of the valid ballots cast. the Regional Director shall issue a certification of repre- sentative. However, if the revised tally shows that the Peti- tioner has not received a majority of the valid ballots cast, the Regional Director shall set aside the election results, dismiss the petition, and vacate the proceedings. ' In the esenl that this Order Is enforced hb :a Judgment of a United Statec ('iourt of Appeals, the .,ords in the notice reading "Posted hs Order of the Na.lillall I.ahbor Relallon, Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgilent if the t nired States ( ourl of Appeals Enfircing an Order of the Niionil I habor Relatlon Boardr APPENDIX Not( F To EMPLOYFES Postil BY' ORDIR OF THE NAIIONAI LABOR REI u.TIONss BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing at which both sides had the opportunity to present their evidence, the National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the law and has ordered us to post this notice. We intend to abide by the following: Section 7 of the Act gives all employees these rights: To organize themselves To form, join, or help unions To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing To refuse to do any or all of these things. WIF s1'1. NOT discourage membership in Teamsters. Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers Local Union No. 533, affiliated with International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, or in any other labor organization of our employees, by discharging or laying off any of our employees or by discriminating in any other manner n regard to their hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of their employment. W wit i 'Noi interrogate our employees about their union membership, sympathies, and activities or threaten our employees with discharge or layoff if they' support the above-named Union or any other union. WI- witn l o in ans other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in exercising their rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. WL wtii. offer Robert Rogers, Richard Manz, and Howard Zumbaugh immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs or. if those jobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent positions, without loss of se- niority or other rights previously enjoyed. and will make them and Paul Ramos. John Oberholzer. Ted 335 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Knudson. Lewis Cunningham. Richard Eastwood, and Jack Hayslip whole for any loss of earnings suf- fered because of the discrimination against them. to- gether with interest. WE WILL recognize, effective from November 3. 1976. and, upon request, bargain collectively and in good faith with Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehouse- men and Helpers Local Union No. 533, affiliated with International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers of America, as the exclu- sive bargaining representative of all employees in the appropriate unit with respect to rates of pay. wages. hours of employment. and other terms and conditions of employment, and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. The appropriate bargaining unit is: All long haul drivers employed by us at our facility located at 250 Chisolm Street, Reno, Nevada, ex- cluding all other employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. WI( KEiS LUMBER, A DIVISION OF THE WICKES CORPORAIION, d/b/a HOME LUMBER & SUPPLY COM- PAN5 336 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation