White House Motor InnDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 21, 1971187 N.L.R.B. 1006 (N.L.R.B. 1971) Copy Citation 1006 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 70 Houston Corporation , d/b/a White House Motor Inn and Service Employees International Union, Local # 579, AFL-CIO. Case 10-CA-8258 January 21, 1971 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS BROWN AND JENKINS On August 28, 1970, Trial Examiner Benjamin A. Theeman issued his Decision in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Decision. The Tnal Exam- iner also found that Respondent had not engaged in a certain other unfair labor practice.' Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions to the Trial Examiner's Decision and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three-member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision, the exceptions and brief, and the entire record in the case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Examiner.2 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the Recommend- ed Order of the Trial Examiner and hereby orders that Respondent, 70 Houston Corporation, d/b/a White House Motor Inn, Atlanta, Georgia, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Trial Examiner's Recommended Order.3 I In the absence of an exception to the Trial Examiner 's failure to find this unfair labor practice, we adopt pro forma his conclusion 2 Respondent excepts in essence to certain of the Trial Examiner's credibility resolutions It is the Board's established policy, however, not to overrule a Trial Examiner 's credibility resolutions unless, as is not the case here, the preponderance of all the relevant evidence convinces us that they are incorrect Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc, 91 NLRB 544, enfd 188 F 2d 362 (C A 3) i In footnote 19 of the Trial Examiner's Decision, substitute "20" for "10" days TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE BENJAMIN A THEEMAN, Trial Examiner: The complaint,' as amended at the hearing, alleges that White House Motor Inn (Respondent or Motel) by (a) creating an impression of surveillance of its employees' union activities, (b) threaten- ing discharge, (c) threatening that it would be futile to have a union, and (d) unlawfully discharging employees Sarah Bailey, Salley Calhoun, Willie Mae Williams, Jessie Ellington, and Sarah Amey has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 151, et seq. (the Act). Respondent in its answer denies the unfair labor practices, admits the discharges, but alleges that the five employees were discharged forjust cause. A hearing was held after due notice before me, the duly designated Trial Examiner, on June 25, 1970, in Atlanta, Georgia. All parties appeared and were represented by counsel. They were given full opportunity to participate, adduce evidence, examine and cross-examine witnesses, and argue orally. Respondent submitted a brief which has been fully considered. Upon the entire record in the case and from my observation of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. BUSINESS OF RESPONDENT Respondent is a Georgia corporation engaged in the operation of a motor motel in Atlanta . During 1969, which year is a representative period of its operations , Respondent received gross revenues in excess of $500 ,000 from motel lodging and services provided to guests , of which amount more than 25 percent was received from guests who stayed less than 1 month . During the same period of time in the course and conduct of its business , Respondent received goods valued in excess of $50 ,000 directly from suppliers located outside Georgia . It is found that Respondent is and has been an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 11. THE UNION Service Employees International Union , Local #579, AFL-CIO (the Union), is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. i Based on a charge filed March 25, 1970, by Service Employees International Union, Local #579, AFL-CIO 187 NLRB No. 137 WHITE HOUSE MOTOR INN 1007 III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A The Issues The issues are sufficiently set forth in the Statement of the Case above B. Background The Motel operates in Atlanta, Georgia, with a staff of from 100 to 120 employees. Included is the housekeeping department with about 25 to 30 employees, of whom approximately 20 are housemaids. The five dischargees were employed by the Motel as housemaids. The maids work 6 days a week from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Each maid is assigned a quota of 14 rooms per day which are usually located in one section of a floor. An exception was Mrs. Bailey who was assigned the lobby, the mezzanine, and six rooms. There are days when the section contains less than 14 rooms In that case, the maid may be assigned rooms in another section to make up the quota of 14. In addition, the maids at their option are "sold" extra rooms over the quota of 14 to work on for extra pay. Generally, for the past several years there has been a shortage of maids at the Motel. Also the Motel has found it difficult to keep maids for any length of time. The turnover among maids has been very high, between 20 to 25 percent. Some of the maids quit without notice, somejust disappear, and others are discharged. To make up for the shortage and during the Motel's busy season, the maids have been asked to work overtime when needed. There have been periods when a maid may work overtime two or three times a week. Also, the maids have been asked to forego their day off every second week. In the latter instance, the maid would work 13 days in a row C. The Union Campaign Starting about December 3, 1969, the Union started a campaign to organize the service employees of Respondent. During that month employees Bailey, Calhoun, Williams, Ellingion, and Amey all signed union cards. For an unspecified period afterward Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Calhoun, and Mrs Williams spoke to the other maids at the Motel to get them to sign up. On March 5, 12, and 19 union meetings were held in the local YMCA, attended by six of Respondent's employees. Mrs. Bailey attended all three meetings. Mrs. Amey and Mrs Ellington attended the meetings on the 5th and 19th. Mrs. Williams attended the meetings on the 12th and 19th. Mrs. Calhoun attended the meeting on the 19th.2 On March 24, 1970, Mrs. Bostick, executive housekeeper of the Motel, discharged the five employees above listed. D. Credibility of Witnesses The findings of facts and conclusions in this Decision 1 The record lists Roberta Hunter as the sixth employee who attended the meetings d Among other duties, the inspectress inspects the work of the maids, criticizes its quality, and has the right to make them redo their work An inspectress is next in line for promotion to housekeeper 4 Bailey's testimony was "Well, she criticized me a time or two but I Just had to work and didn't pay it no attention " and "Well, I have been late a result from the resolution of the credibility of witnesses. The testimony of each of the five dischargees is in conflict with that of Mrs. Bostick. In the resolution of such conflicts, the testimony of the dischargees has been credited and that of Mrs. Bostick not credited unless otherwise indicated. In this resolution, the testimony of all witnesses has been considered as well as their demeanor. In addition, inconsistencies and conflicting evidence were considered. The absence of a statement of resolution of a conflict in specific testimony or of an analysis of such testimony does not mean that such did not occur. See Bishop and Malco, Inc., d/b/a Walker's, 159 NLRB 1159, 1161. Further, to the extent that a witness is credited only in part, it is done upon the evidentiary rule that it is not uncommon "to believe some and not all of a witness' testimony." N.L.R.B. v. Universal Camera Corporation, 179 F.2d 749, 754 (C.A. 2). E. Carrey Louise Bostick, Executive Housekeeper As stated above , Mrs. Carrey Louise Bostick was the executive housekeeper at the Motel who discharged the five named employees . She had been employed by the Motel since January 1969, when she started as a maid On September 1, 1969, she was promoted to inspectress.3 On March 3 , 1970, Mrs. Bostick became executive housekeep- er. As housekeeper , she had charge of and managed the housekeeping department . She had the right to hire and fire She kept the time records of the employees and had the right to require the maids to work overtime and to assign or "sell" them extra rooms. F. Sarah Bailey 1. Employment record Mrs. Sarah Bailey started working for the Motel on October 1, 1968, and worked there continuously until her discharge March 24, 1970. Previously she had worked as a night maid in one of the Atlanta banks. Her assignment was to clean the lobby, the mezzanine, and six rooms on the first floor. Frequently, there were weeks when she worked two or three nights' overtime because the Motel was "full." This was done at the request of the housekeeper then in charge. On occasion she worked the seventh day of the 6-day workweek. At no time was she absent from work. There were other times when the Motel was short of help. When requested Mrs. Bailey came in to work on her days off. For the period of time Mrs. Bailey was employed, she worked under a succession of six housekeepers, including Mrs. Bostick. None of the housekeepers previous to Mrs. Bostick complained about or cnticized her work. After Mrs. Bostick became inspectress and housekeeper, she criticized Mrs. Bailey's work once or twice about being slow and spoke to her about being tardy on the job. The criticism was not severe.4 Nor did Mrs. Bostick mention discharge. couple of mornings She had said. 'You're late Sarah, you're late Get around here and let's get through' " Bostick testified Sarah was entirely too slow and I had asked her to come in at 7 o'clock which she could not get there At 8 o'clock when she came in usually most of the people are in the office and it's very hard to clean an office with everyone in there at this time and if she wouldn't do that she would be standing around in the linen room I had asked her. I said, Sarah, have you gotten all the work done (Continued) 1008 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 2. Union activity In December 1969 Mrs. Bailey participated in the union campaign. She signed a union card and spoke to other employees to get them to join the Union. She attended all three meetings held in March. 3. Mrs. Bostick threatens Mrs. Bailey because of union activity Mrs. Bostick drove to and from work. Mrs. Bailey took the bus. There were evenings when Mrs. Bostick would give Mrs. Bailey a lift part of the way home. On March 13 this occurred. Mrs. Bostick told Mrs. Bailey that she knew who was at the union meeting because one of the employees had called her and told her. The same employee had told her "about everything that had happened." Mrs Bailey told her that she had attended the meeting and was not going to deny it. Mrs Bailey and Mrs. Bostick had another conversation on March 20, at the Motel. Mrs. Bostick told Mrs. Bailey the same employee had told her what had gone on at the meeting the day before. Further Mrs. Bostick told Mrs. Bailey that she had been told to "pull everybody's card" that had attended the union meeting and "they would be fired." Mrs. Bailey is credited as to these two conversations. Mrs. Bostick did not deny that they occurred nor that Mrs. Bailey told her she attended the meeting. Mrs. Bostick's response "No" to Counsel's question "I would like to ask you if you at any time ever said to Mrs. Bailey that you knew who all had attended a union meeting and what all was going on?" is not considered a denial of the two conversations set out in the text. Respondent in its brief under a section called "THE ALLEGED THREATS TO DISCHARGE" treats with these conversations. Respondent first sets out a paragraph citing Mrs. Bailey's testimony with regard to "pulling everybody's card." This is followed by another paragraph citing Mrs. Williams' testimony5 about Mrs. Bostick having her card pulled and reporting the union people to the "head man" and Mrs. Bostick "would get them away from there." The next paragraph contains only a statement that Mrs. Bostick "however, testified that she had never made such a similar statement as alleged by Mrs. Calhoun."6 Absent any indication of Respondent's purpose, the Trial Examin- er concludes that Respondent by placing these three paragraphs one after another wishes the Examiner to find that the denial by Mrs. Bostick of Mrs. Calhoun's statement is a denial of the Bailey and Williams statements. The Examiner does not so find. Neither the record nor Respondent has pointed out the connection between the statements made by Mrs. Bostick to Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Williams and that made to Mrs. Calhoun. Each statement was made at a different time under different circumstances. Accordingly, from the foregoing and on the record as a whole, it is concluded that Mrs Bostick's (1) March 13 and well then she would dust shrug her shoulders, no, and I would say let's go and get this work done I had criticized her several times for this She dust wouldn't do it " Bostick continued her testimony that she would "ask [Bailey] had she completed her work and she would say no and then it would be around 4 or 5 o'clock before she would even get to the guest rooms I said you dust do your work a little faster and see if we can get statement gave the impression that the Motel was keeping the employees' union activities under surveillance, and (2) March 20 statement was a threat to discharge the employees for participating in union activities. Each statement was in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 4. Mrs. Bostick discharges Mrs. Bailey Mrs. Bailey's version of her discharge, somewhat condensed, follows: On March 24, about 1 p.m. Mrs. Ellington came to Mrs. Bailey who was working on the first floor. She told her "don't you know you are fired.... Drop everything . . . and let's get dressed because you are fired." Believing what Mrs. Ellington said, Mrs. Bailey got dressed and waited in the linen room until 4 o'clock.? At that time Mrs. Bostick handed her her check and told her to leave the Motel because "y'all cannot wait on the inside." G. Salley Calhoun 1. Employment record Mrs. Salley Calhoun was employed by the Motel on two occasions. The first time was for about 1 year commencing in 1967. She quit of her own accord. She was rehired in October or November 1969 and worked continuously thereafter till her discharge March 24, 1970. She cleaned 14 rooms a day as assigned. The work was to make beds, clean the bathroom, vacuum, and dust. Mrs. Calhoun worked under other housekeepers as well as Mrs. Bostick. Mrs. Calhoun testified she was never criticized for her work, never asked to redo her work, and always called in when she was unable to come to work. 2. Union activity and Mrs. Bostick's threats Mrs. Calhoun signed a union card on December 3, 1969. She tried to get four or five other maids to sign up. Being unsuccessful she gave up. She attended a union meeting on March 19. On March 23, she was in the linen room with Mrs. Bostick and another maid Roberta Hunter. The following conversation occurred: A. Well, she asked Roberta Hunter, "Did you go to the union meeting?" And Roberta said yes, that she had went and she said, "What about you, Salley? Did you go?" And I said, "Yes, I went." And she stated and said, "A couple of y'all will have to go." And then Roberta said, Who are you going to let go? And she said, well, it was going to be some that attended the union meetings that she was going to let go and others she was going to keep and then when Roberta asked her who she was going to let go she said that that was all right because she had the names written down and that Mr. Carre' was going to pull a couple of our cards . . . and Mr. Cane' wasn't worried about the union coming in because he was going to fight . . . can be as smart as you can That's what she told me. it, because you can't get in at 7 and we are rushing to try to get the offices done and sometime it would be 8 30 and sometimes 9 when she would come in there And this is just entirely too late to start in the offices " 5 See sec H, 2, below ' See sec G, 2, below 7 See sec 1, 2, below WHITE HOUSE MOTOR INN 1009 A. After that we went back down to our floor and 13 A. She said where did the union man pick us up at. ... and I said he is picking us up on the street, and she said this is on the premises . . . and I said well, he picked us up on the street. She said, okay. As will be shown later, Mrs. Bostick denied that she ever said to Mrs. Calhoun "in the presence of Roberta Hunter that as a result of their attending a union meeting some would have to be let go and some would be allowed to stay." It is noted that Mrs. Bostick does not deny that she held a conversation with Mrs. Calhoun nor does she deny that she asked Mrs. Calhoun and Mrs. Hunter if they attended the union meeting. As with Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Calhoun is credited and Mrs. Bostick is not credited. Accordingly, from the record as a whole, it is concluded that Mrs. Bostick's statement on March 23 to Mrs. Calhoun and Mrs. Hunter constituted unlawful interrogation of employees about their union activities and a threat to discharge them for such activities in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 2. Union activities and Mrs. Bostick's threats On December 4, 1969, Mrs. Williams signed a union card. She told other maids what she had done and told them to sign cards because "it would help them out." She attended the union meetings on March 12 and 19. Mrs. Williams testified that on the morning of March 19, Mrs. Bostick came to her on the floor where she was working and the following conversation took place: A. Well, she came up to me and told me if I go to the union meetings she would have my card pulled... A. She reported-told me that she was going to have it reported to the head man. Q. Did she ask you any questions? A. Yes. She asked me if I had signed a card. I told her I did not know anything about it. Q. She ask you anything else? A. She asked me who all signed a union card and I told her I did not know. Mrs. Williams' undenied version of this conversation is credited.8 Accordingly, as in the instance of Mrs. Bailey, it is found on the record as a whole that Mrs. Bostick's interrogation of and threats to Mrs. Williams because of her union activities , as set out above , are violative of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 3. Mrs. Bostick discharges Mrs. Calhoun Mis. Calhoun's version of the discharge, in condensed form, follows: Mrs. Calhoun reported to work at the usual time and finished her 14 rooms; 13 on her own station and one on another station. After getting dressed she looked for Ellington and Amey. She found them sitting in the linen room with Mrs. Bostick. Mr. Sims (timekeeper) was also there. He told Mrs. Calhoun that Mrs. Bostick had "pulled a lot of cards and she's probably pulled yours too." Mrs Calhoun checked to see whether her card was gone. She went back to Mrs. Bostick who gave her her check saying, "See if the amount is right" and then how sorry she was. H. Willie Mae Williams I Employment record Mrs. Willie Mae Williams was employed at the Motel for 1 year when she was discharged on March 24, 1969. She worked for several supervisors prior to Mrs. Bostick. During that year she was asked to "redo" a room once. When asked she worked overtime and also worked on her day off. At no time did she refuse to work. In the past she had been complimented on her work. On March 23, Mrs. Bostick told her she "did good work." 8 See sec F. 3, supra, third paragraph 9 Sarah Amey is the fifth dischargee The testimony shows that Ellington and Amey were "inseparable " Generally what one did the other did also Unless otherwise indicated , the findings on Mrs Ellington are applit able to Mrs Amey They came from the Sheraton-Biltmore together and at the Motel thereafter frequently worked side by side They came to 3. Mrs. Bostick discharges Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams' version of her discharge is in essence as testified to by Mrs. Ellington. See section I, below. I. Jessie Ellington and Sarah Amey 1. Employment record Mrs. Jessie Ellington started working for the Motel in November 1969. Mrs. Sarah Amey came over at the same time.9 Both worked continuously until their discharges on March 24, 1970. Previously, she had been employed at the Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel in Atlanta for about 1 year. There her supervisor was Mrs. Burkhalter. When the latter became housekeeper at the Motel she called Mrs. Ellington, who shifted and went to work at the Motel. Mrs. Ellington has worked for six housekeepers at the Motel since Mrs. Burkhalter, including Mrs. Bostick. All the housekeepers complimented Mrs. Ellington on her work. Mrs. Bostick told her she "had the cleanest floor ." 10 Though Mrs. Ellington never worked overtime, she did work on her day off when asked. As stated before, this would mean that she worked a stretch of 13 days before getting a day off. There were many days when she did extra rooms over and above her 14 assigned rooms for extra pay, especially when the work together and left together It was common practice for the one to help the other in completing their daily stints , depending on which one finished first All the housekeepers were aware of their actions They joined the Union together and were discharged together 19 The last compliment she received from Mrs Bostick was I week before the discharge day 1010 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Motel was full and help was short. At no time was she criticized, or did she come in late. 2. Union activity and conversation with Mrs. Bostick Mrs. Ellington joined the Union on December 3 when she signed a card. She did not assist in organizing the Union but did attend the union meetings on March 5 and 19. On or about February 19, Mrs. Ellington and Mrs. Amey were working in one room together. Mrs. Bostick came and spoke to them. Mrs. Bostick said "the Union wasn't any good, that they would only give you a nickel raise and you would have to pay $15 a month fees, so by that you know its not any good." Mrs. Amey testified that during this conversation Mrs. Bostick also "told us she didn't care whether we had a union come in or not.. . . The General Counsel contends this conversation is violative of the Act. This contention is error. It is clear that Mrs. Bostick referred to the Union in a depreciatory manner. But the conversation contains no threat or coercive aspect. Under these circumstances, the conversa- tion is within the protection afforded by Section 8(c) of the Act. 3. Mrs. Bostick discharges Mrs. Ellington and Mrs. Amey Mrs. Ellington's credited version of the discharge on March 24 follows- A. We were loading our carts for work. There was one employee there, Sarah Bailey, came up on the second floor where I was working and said and told us that Mrs. Bostick was short of girls and asked us if we would buy any extra rooms and would we do so and I bought two extra rooms Q. What time was this? A. It was about 8:30? A.... because she didn't have any girls, and later on that afternoon around 2, a little after 2, Mr. Sims, the timekeeper . . told Sarah Amey and myself . . . that Carrey Bostick had come out there and .. had pulled five cards.... Q. Excuse me. Let me interrupt. Did he mention whose cards had been pulled? A. Yes. He said she had Sarah Bailey, Jessie Ellington, Willie Mae Williams, and 4e thought she had Salley Calhoun but he wasn't for sure, he said he thought it was Q. How did you get together with Bailey and Williams? A. I went up there first after Mr. Sims told us. Sarah Amey and myself went up to Willie Mae Williams who was up on the 6th floor working and we went down to Sarah Bailey who was on the 1st floor. I told Sarah Bailey that Mr. Sims said that Carrey had came out there and pulled her time card. ti Q. Why did you tell Sarah Bailey and Willie Mae Williams? A Well, because-the reason why I told them was because she did not know and I figured that, you know- Q. Did anybody tell you to tell her? A. No, they didn't Q. Go ahead. A. I just told her 'cause I wanted her to know what had happened to her. Q. And so what did you all do? A. We went down to the housekeeping department and Carrey Bostick told us, "Your check will be ready." No, while we was waiting- A. We wasn't for sure it was Salley's name. Mr. Sims said he wasn't for sure. Q. Did you go talk with her after you spoke with Mr. Sims? A. No, I didn't, and Salley came down to get some linen for her cart to prepare for the next morning. Salley wanted to know why we were sitting there and we told her that Carrey had pulled our cards and we told her that Mr. Sims thought she had hers. Salley went out there and asked Mr. Clark was her card in the rack. Q. Mr. who? A. Mr. Clark, the evening timekeeper. Mr. Clark told her no, that it wasn't there and Salley came back where we were. Mrs. Bostick told us, "Your check will be ready in a minute." And she went around the office and she picked the checks up. That was about-it was about 3.30 or something to 4 and she gave us our money and she didn't tell us anything so we didn't ask. She ask us would we please wait on the outside, we couldn't wait on the inside. J. Mrs Bostick's Version of the Discharges 1. Sarah Bailey Mrs. Bostick testified that she discharged Mrs. Bailey because (a) she was entirely too slow, (b) she would come in at 8 a.m. though she was asked to come at 7 a.m., (c) she would "just shrug her shoulders, no," when Mrs. Bostick asked her "have you gotten all your work done," and (d) she would take from 9 to 10 hours to do 8 hours' work even with assistance from Mrs. Bostick who got there at 7 a.m. and started cleaning the offices and the lobby. Mrs. Bostick testified that Mrs. Bailey did not like to work Sundays because she had to go to church and further that she refused to come to work on Sundays because her husband didn't want her to work weekends. In this respect Mrs. Bostick's testimony was equivocal. She stated in one instance, "I said well we all like to go to church ... when you taken the job you know we had to work Saturdays and Sundays . . . well go ahead and take it off then. You can't On cross-examination Mrs Ellington amplified this statement Q Then did the three of you go from the 6th floor to the Ist floor to discuss the situation with Mrs Bailey9 A Just one, myself WHITE HOUSE MOTOR INN make a person do something that he or she don't want to do." Later, she testified that Mrs. Bailey "constantly refused [to work weekends] whenever she was scheduled" but that she had never given her permission to take the weekend off. Also, Mrs. Bostick stated that she discharged Mrs. Bailey "for her work" not because of her refusal to come in on weekends. Then Mrs. Bostick stated that Mrs. Bailey's refusal to come in on weekends was part of the reason for the discharge "[b]ecause we needed her on Saturdays and Sundays when the house was full." Mrs. Bostick testified that for "quite some time . .. six months" Mrs. Bailey had come in between 8 and 8:30 a.m. though requested to come in at 7 a.m.; that the Motel had tolerated this condition for at least 6 months because she was an older maid; and that the situation had not changed on March 24 but Mrs. Bailey's disposition had gotten worse. However, Mrs. Bostick did not fire her because of the worsening disposition. What happened according to Mrs. Bostick, was "I was filled up and I just pulled her card." 2. Salley Calhoun Mrs. Bostick testified that she discharged Mrs. Calhoun because (a) her work was not up to par, (b) she would go from floor to floor and create disturbance at this particular time , and (c) she would get the other four and then they would get the rest of the maids together and if things didn't go the way these five wanted it to go, they would say, "we are not going to do it." She also testified that she "warned [Calhoun ] several times about her work . . . even asked her to go back and clean mirrors and clean the balconies." Further, Mrs. Bostick stated that Mrs. Calhoun did not always call in and report when she was sick or absent. Mrs. Bostick stated that the work of the five including Mrs. Calhoun's was not as bad prior to the time she became housekeeper. It was about a week after she became housekeeper that Mrs. Calhoun's work started to fall off and she began to create disturbances. On that day she asked Mrs. Calhoun to stay on her floor. Mrs. Calhoun said she would, but as soon as Mrs. Bostick left she did "it" again . The same thing occurred the next day. Then nothing occurred for the remainder of that week, except that Mrs. Bostick stated it stopped for "as long as you're looking at them."' Mrs. Bostick did not fire Mrs. Calhoun after the second day's disturbance, "Because we were short of help at this particular time, really." In addition to the three times mentioned above, Mrs. Calhoun created disturbances four more times , the last on the day of the discharge, March 24. Mrs. Bostick testified she waited until the 24th, because "they had not completed their work and we were short, the guests were complaining about their rooms and from one thing or another had just filled me up.. . . All five of them because they were congregating in the linen room.. . ." All five of the dischargees refused to take rooms "all the time." 3. Willie Mae Williams Mrs. Bostick testified she discharged Mrs. Williams for 11 The word in the transcript appears as "inacceptable." The transcript is corrected accordingly 11 This last statement may have referred only to March 1970 Though 1011 (a) disorderly conduct and (b) drinking on the job. Mrs. Bostick stated that previously, she had asked Williams not to drink on the job. Though, Mrs. Bostick never saw Williams drinking she testified that she knew Mrs. Williams was under the influence of whiskey three times. The first two times she spoke to Mrs. Williams about it but did not threaten to fire her even though she considered drinking on the job a very serious offense and deserving of discharge. The last offense occurred again the Saturday before March 24. Mrs. Bostick was off that Saturday. When she returned to work on Monday, she was given a report of Mrs. Williams' conduct. Mrs. Williams reported for work that Monday. Mrs. Bostick said nothing to her and permitted her to work because "we were short of help." She also permitted her to work on Tuesday March 24 but then decided to discharge her that day even though she "was still short of help." 4. Ellington and Amey Mrs. Bostick testified she discharged Mrs. Ellington and Mrs. Amey because they were inseparable.12 "They wanted to work together . . . the maids have different sections and the guest would be calling for their room and they wouldn't do them unless they do them together and I just couldn't do it. This is too much." Mrs. Bostick discussed this matter with the two, they would separate and then be back together again . Mrs. Bostick stated that they worked as a team after March 1970, although they had both always worked different sections on the second floor previously. She tried to split them up but they would get together again . When that happened she did not fire them because she was "trying to give them a chance really . . because they were there longer than I was I didn't want them to say that I came in and just fired them right then. You try to give a person a chance before you fire them I would suppose." However, she fired them on March 24 without speaking to them at all because "the house had not been completed, the guests were calling and I went upstairs to find out . . . they were not doing them . . . I came back downstairs and I pulled the cards because I was not going to take it any longer." Mrs. Bostick testified that Mrs. Ellington and Mrs. Amey would not work on different floors. It was pointed out to Mrs. Bostick that she might have been able to keep two good employees by putting them on different floors. She answered, "you don't separate" the two. She did not ask them to work separate floors because she knew them well enough. Her statement was that they would have quit first and this was not a guess , that both had previously talked of quitting but not because they were separated. Mrs. Bostick testified that Mrs. Ellington and Mrs. Amey never worked overtime. With regard to weekend work starting with January 1970 Mrs. Ellington and Mrs. Amey "particularly wanted to work like they wanted to work" and refused weekend work accordingly. On another occasion she testified that they never refused to take their turns on weekends.13 She also testified that Mrs. Ellington and Mrs. Amey particularly "didn't want to work on one on cross-examination the month of March was included in the period of refusal 1012 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD weekend and they would get with the rest of them and try to change it around and it became more than I could bear really." That "with all of it building up together," the weekend refusals constituted one of the reasons why she finally let them go. 5. The discharge of the five employees as a group Mrs. Bostick testified that the conduct of the five dischargees as a group caused her to discharge them as a group on March 24. On March 24 the Motel was busy and there was a shortage of maids. Instead of the normal complement of 20 to 21 maids, the Motel had about 17 There follows a resume of the different sections of Bostick's testimony dealing with this aspect of the discharge. On March 24 Mrs. Calhoun got together with the other four dischargees. If things didn't go the way these five wanted it to go they would say, "we are not going to do it. We won't take rooms." Then they got all the maids, the maids in a body to refuse to take rooms. In further amplification of the above, Mrs. Bostick testified: A. When they would go from floor to floor they would get together and go into the linen closets and they would have their discussions about what they were not going to do or what they were going to do and then they would go get the other maids and then they would all come downstairs and say what they were going to do and what they weren't going to do.14 Again Mrs. Bostick testified as follows: A. . . . You're supposed to come in at 8 o'clock and be ready to go out at 4:30. And they rejected this and dust would not do the work I had assigned to them and they just rebelled against doing it and at this particular time that I let all five of them go, the house was somewhat full and the guest kept calling for their rooms and I had to call up and ask them would they make the rooms and they just wouldn't do it and I pulled their cards that day. This is what happened. In March 1970 Mrs. Bostick testified that the five dischargees in a group, refused to accept orders or if I would send, I can't be everywhere and I would send and they would not accept them. They would not accept work orders that I would send to them from their inspectress or anyone at the time and I would go up and try to explain-you would have to just almost beg them to do or to take extra rooms or something. Now no one there is made actually to take over his portion of rooms, but if we would be short on help and would ask if they would help out then they would never want to do this at this particular time or they would say we are notjust going to do it or we are going to do our share and well you don't have your share, you don't have 14 rooms, well we're not going to do anymore. So this is it. 14 The testimony is general in nature and as given suggests that the occurence referred to, if it occurred, did not occur on March 24 i5 This question and answer highlights some of the inconsistencies in Mrs Bostick's testimony i6 Bostick's account of a complaint by one of the previous housekeepers was vague The precise nature or time of complaint is not clear No indication of a complaint from the housekeeper to management appears Under cross-examination Mrs. Bostick told the following story: A. I did it this date because they had not completed their work and we were short, the guest were complaining about their rooms and from one thing to another hadjust filled me up at this date. Q. All five of them? A. All five of them because they were congregating in the linen room. They would come from the 6th floor, pick up the 3rd floor and go to the 2nd floor. Q. Did you ask them what they were doing? A. No, I didn't, I didn't ask them. n # k f Q. You stated also among the reasons for discharg- ing Salley Calhoun was they would refuse to take rooms and do work? A. This is true. Q. You also said right after that that all of the maids would refuse to do this? A. All maids? Q. That's what your testimony was, all the maids would refuse to do this at times. I'm not saying all of the time, but at times? A. Well, yes, when you have overworked one maid then they think the others should do it. You, I, or anyone, if you take 20 rooms or 21 rooms and the others don't do it, you would refuse, so would I. Q. Probably so, but you said all of your maids at one time or another like these five refused to take rooms? A. Not all the time, sir, no. Q. These people did it all of the time? A. All of the time.15 6. Discussion of Mrs. Bostick's version of the discharge For the time that the five employees were with the Motel, they were aware of the line of succession in becoming a housekeeper. None complained of the fact that Mrs. Bostick became either inspectress or housekeeper. During that time but prior to March 1970 the work of the five gave rise to no complaint from any of the previous housekeepers or inspectresses, including Mrs. Bostick when she was an inspectress.16 Though the five maids were employees holding the records of largest employment, great reliability, and good efficiency, Mrs. Bostick never warned any of the five that she was going to discharge them though she had asked one or two to do their work better. On March 24, without saying anything to them regarding cause, she did discharge them. The vagueness of the reason for the discharge of five maids of this calibre casts serious doubt about the stated cause of discharge. As is evident from the portions of the quoted sections of She stated the housekeeper before her had asked her that "the very next time you are off you take them five with you And I said why me take them with me, because they didn't even carry out her orders and I said they give me the same trouble they give you " In explanation of the above Mrs Bostick continued, "Take them with me That means on my day off Maybe I should have stated it this way, sir" WHITE HOUSE MOTOR INN Mrs. Bostick 's testimony no clear picture is drawn of the misbehavior of the five employees on March 24. General statements are made that fuse March 24 with alleged occurrences of previous times. No specific disturbance created by any of the five is specified. The story told by Mrs. Bostick is inconsistent and contains many contradic- tions. On cross-examination Mrs. Bostick testified without referring to time or cause that "we suggested discharging them before [March 24] but being short of help they just didn ' t do it ." She then continues again vaguely that though short of help "[a ]t this particular time [March 24] I would not have discharged them either if I hadn 't gone up and so much of the work had not been done at this previous time and constantly thinking back." Another reason given for discharge was the refusal to take extra rooms. No maid was required to take extra rooms. Mrs. Bostick's story vacillated on this point as follows Q. You testified that one of the things was they refused to accept orders, they wouldn't except work orders? A Q. fi-ve9 A. Q. That's true. Is that one of the reasons you discharged all Yes. Yet you then said no one was required to take extra rooms? A. No one is required to take over his quota, but you must take 14 rooms, everybody is scheduled for 14 rooms. Q. I agree, but you said extra rooms specifically to Mr Hall, you said they wouldn't take extra rooms and that you fired them because they would not take extra rooms? A. I made a mistake there. Q. You didn't fire them because they refused to take extra rooms; did you? A. I fired them because they would not take their quota... . THE WITNESS: Every room, if you come in on your section you may not have 14 rooms, then you are supposed to take rooms wherever we schedule you to make up your 14 rooms. This is what they would call extra rooms. When I speak of over their quota I would say we would sell you rooms you see which means that you would have 14 rooms to make up your station and then the extra rooms which I stated was wrong, I should have said was selling rooms, nobody is compelled to buy any rooms at anytime. Q. I understand the difference. Then was it your testimony or is it your testimony now that these five rel used to even to accept their own 14 rooms? A. 14 rooms. This is what I am saying. If they didn't have them on their station. This is what I meant. Q. How often did this happen? A. Well whenever-it could happen twice a week It may happen three times a week. Q. So an average of two or three times a week they would refuse to take even their normal quota? A. They would refuse. 1013 Q. For how long had they been refusing, six months, while you were still inspectress? A. Well, yes, and no. May I answer that, too? Q. Would you explain the no part? The yes I understand. A. The no part is sometimes they would take them and they wouldn't swap and sometimes they would take them and they would swap. It all fell when we had-this is when they got to where they really wouldn't want to take the extra rooms. I keep saying extra rooms, take their quota, not rooms. This is what I should say. Q When did this start happening? A. In March. Q. Before that they had not refused to take extra rooms? A They refused some, but sometimes they would go ahead and take them. Q. Did they refuse to take these and I understand what you mean by extra rooms, their quota every day during 1970, March 1970? A. They were not there to take every day during that month , because the house may be low at this time and you would only do your quota, where it was 8 rooms or 4 rooms, you would have to have 14 rooms every day K. The Company Had Knowledge of the Employees' Union Activity Mrs. Bostick's testimony with regard to her knowledge of the union activity at the Motel was vague and contradictory. She testified that none of the employees mentioned anything to her about the Union "during the late months of 1969 and the first few months of 1970." Further, she stated that on the day of discharge, March 24, she "didn ' t know anything about the union ." When she was reminded that the union election had occurred on March 25 and the notices about it had been posted for 2 weeks previously, she changed her testimony to state that she "first got to know about the union when [her employer] . . . asked me to put up a bulletin on the board" about a week before the election . Bostick admitted to knowledge about the Union, "At the very end, yes." There appears little doubt and it is found on the record as a whole that Bostick and the Motel had knowledge not later than February 19, 1970, of the union activity among the maids at the Motel. As stated above in section I, on February 19, Mrs. Bostick told Mrs. Ellington and Mrs. Amey that she (Mrs. Bostick) did not care whether the Union came to the Motel or not. Respondent in effect admitted that this conversation occurred because on cross- examination of Mrs. Amey, Respondent placed extra emphasis on this statement Further, Respondent used Mrs. Amey's statement in its beef to show a lack of union animus on the part of the Motel and to support the testimony of Mrs. Bostick that "she had no objection to her employees joining a union." Finally, it is particularly significant that Bostick does not deny that she held the conversation on February 19, though she does deny that she told Mrs. Ellington and Mrs. Amey that "the union was no good and the most it would get them was 5 cents as compared to their having to pay $15.00 dues." Her stated 1014 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD reason for not telling them was she didn ' t "know what the union can get or how much you have to pay. I couldn't possibly say this to them." L. Mrs. Bostick Discharged the Five Maids for Their Union Activities Respondent has admitted to the discharge of the five maids. The issue is whether they were discharged for cause. It is concluded they were discharged for their union activities. It has already been found that not later than February 19, the Motel had knowledge of the union activity. On the credited testimony of Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Calhoun, and Mrs. Williams it has been found that Mrs. Bostick knew who attended the three union meetings in March. Also on the credited testimony of the maids, the record clearly shows that the five maids were threatened with discharge for their participation in or their continued participation in union activity. No reasons for their discharge were given to the five maids on March 24. Respondent argues that their previous history was just cause for their discharge. This is in error. The testimony of Mrs. Bostick has been set out at some length to show precisely that no cause for discharge can be found. The testimony in its entirety is vague, contradictory, general , and lacking in specificity. The events of March 24 as stated by Mrs. Bostick have neither clarity nor continuity. Mrs. Bostick stated that there were disturbances and congregations but states no particulars as to time or kind. The five testify to no disturbances, no congregations, and yield a coherent and cohesive story of the day's events. Mrs. Bostick states that the five did not finish their work. Mrs. Calhoun testified she finished her 14 rooms, 13 in her section and I in another girl's. The record shows that the five maids were employees for approximately a year and a half, an unusually desirable factor in an area where shortness of employment was customary. They were reliable and did their work well. Such shortcomings that they may have had were known to management and long condoned. Mrs. Bailey's slowness and tardiness had not been the cause for even a warning. The inseparability of Mrs. Ellington and Mrs. Amey resulted in praise in the past rather than criticism not because they were inseparable but because of the good work both yielded. Mrs. Williams' drinking and disorderly conduct were alleged as factors of her discharge. The record contains no support for this allegation. No significant evidence of disorderly conduct by Mrs. Williams was shown. The testimony shows that drinking, if Mrs. Williams drank, played no part in the discharge. On Monday, March 23, Mrs. Bostick was made aware by the office of Mrs. Williams' misconduct the past Saturday. But Mrs. Bostick permitted Mrs. Williams to work Monday saying nothing to her about the Saturday report and permitted her to come and work on Tuesday. Again, she said nothing to her. Mrs. Bostick admits she gave Mrs. Williams no reason for her discharge. The same formula applies to Mrs. Calhoun. Only after the Union appeared in the picture is there any attempt to claim that she was disruptive and noncooperative. And as an examination of Mrs . Bostick 's testimony will show, that story is vague and contradictory. It is clear that the five dischargees appear to have been the most active union adherents among the maids . The fault finding directed to them where no fault was found before comes too close to the time of the union meetings to be coincidental . It is found to be pretextual . Their discharge following immediately after the third union meeting and the lack of any cause for their discharges lead to the conclusion that they were discharged because of their union membership and union activity . It is so found. IV. THE EFFECT UPON COMMERCE OF RESPONDENT'S UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES The activities of Respondent set forth in section III, above , occurring in connection with Respondent 's opera- tions described in section I, above , have a close , intimate, and substantial relationship to trade , traffic , and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act, it is recommended that it cease and desist therefrom and take such affirmative action as appears necessary and appropriate to effectuate the policies of the Act. Having found that Respondent 's violations include discriminatory discharges, and that it is considered that there exists a danger of commission of other unfair labor practices , it is recommended that Respondent be ordered to cease and desist from infringing in any other manner upon rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act. Having found that Respondent discriminatorily dis- charged Sarah Bailey, Salley Calhoun, Willie Mae Wil- liams, Sarah Amey, and Jessie Ellington on March 24, 1970, it will be recommended that Respondent offer each of the dischargees a full and immediate reinstatement to her former or substantially equivalent position of employment, without prejudice to her seniority and other privileges and that each be made whole for any loss of pay she may have suffered as a result of Respondent 's unlawful conduct. Backpay for Sarah Bailey, Salley Calhoun, Willie Mae Williams, Sarah Amey, and Jessie Ellington shall be computed in the manner set forth in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289, with interest added thereto in the manner set forth in Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record herein , I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. White House Motor Inn is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Service Employees International Union, Local #579, AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. WHITE HOUSE MOTOR INN 1015 3. By engaging in the acts found and described above, Respondent has unlawfully interrogated employees about their union activities and has created among its employees an impression that Respondent has had the employees' union activities under surveillance, all in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 4. By threatening employees with discharge and otherwise interfering, restraining , and coercing its employ- ees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act, as found above, Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 5. By discharging Sarah Bailey, Salley Calhoun, Willie Mae Williams, Sarah Amey, and Jessie Ellington for their union activities, as found above, Respondent has discrimi- nated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of the said and other employees thereby discouraging member- ship in or activities on behalf of a labor organization, thereby engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 6. The aforesaid conduct constitutes unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law and the entire record and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following: RECOMMENDED ORDER17 White House Motor Inn, Atlanta, Georgia, its officers, agents, successors , and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Discouraging membership of any of their employees in Service Employees International Union, Local #579, AFL--CIO, or any other labor organization, by discharging or in any other manner discriminating against any employee in regard to hire, tenure of employment, or any other term or condition of employment because of their union or other protected concerted activity. (b) Interrogating its employees about their union activities, creating the impression that it has the employees' union activities under surveillance, or threatening employ- ees with discharge because of their activities on behalf of Service Employees International Union, Local #579, AFL--CIO, or any other labor organization. (c) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their right to self- organization, to form, join, or assist any labor organization, to bargain collectively with representatives of their own choosing, to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from any or all such activity. 2. Take the following affirmative action which will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer to Sarah Bailey, Salley Calhoun, Willie Mae Williams, Sarah Amey, and Jessie Ellington, respectively, immediate and full reinstatement to her former job or, if that job no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges, and make her whole in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy." (b) Notify the above-named employees if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of their right to full reinstatement upon application in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended , after discharge from the Armed Forces. (c) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents , for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due to Sarah Bailey, Salley Calhoun, Willie Mae Williams, Sarah Amey, and Jessie Ellington , under the terms of this Recommended Order. (d) Post at its Motel in Atlanta, Georgia, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 18 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 10, after being duly signed by the Company's representative, shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered , defaced , or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 10, in writing, within 20 days from the receipt of this Decision, what steps have been taken to comply herewith.is n In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Section 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions , recommendations, and Recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Section 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings , conclusions , and order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes is In the event that the Board's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD" shall be changed to read "POSTED PURSUANT TO A JUDGMENT OF THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS ENFORCING AN ORDER OF THE NATIONAL labor relations board." i9 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, this provision shall be modified to read : "Notify the Regional Director for Region 10, in wasting, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith." APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a trial at which all sides had the chance to give evidence, it has been decided that we, White House Motor Inn, have violated the National Labor Relations Act, and we have been ordered to post this Notice. The National Labor Relations Act gives you, as employees, certain rights, including the right to self-organization; to form, join, or help unions; and to bargain collectively through a representative of your own choosing. Accordingly, we give you these assurances: WE WILL NOT try to discourage you from becoming or being a member of Service Employees International Union, Local #579, AFL-CIO, or any other union by discharging any employee, or in any other manner 1016 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD discriminating against our employees in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any other term or condition of employment because of their union membership or activities. WE WILL NOT threaten any of our employees with discharge because of their union membership or activity. WE WILL NOT interrogate our employees about their union activities. WE WILL NOT create an impression among our employees that their union activities are under surveil- lance. WE WILL offer Sarah Bailey , Salley Calhoun , Willie Mae Williams , Sarah Amey, and Jessie Ellington, respectively, her former job or , if that job no longer exists , to a substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges, and make her whole for any loss of pay she may have suffered as a result of our discrimination against her. WE WILL notify Sarah Bailey , Salley Calhoun , Willie Mae Williams, Sarah Amey , and Jessie Ellington, respectively , if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of her right to full reinstatement upon application in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended , after discharge from the Armed Forces. All our employees are free to become or remain, or refrain from becoming or remaining , members of any labor organization. Dated By WHITE HOUSE MOTOR INN (Employer) (Representative ) (Title) This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. Any questions concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions may be directed to the Board 's Office, Room 701, Peachtree Building , 730 Peachtree Street , NE., Atlanta, Georgia 30308, Telephone 404-526-5760. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation