Weldship Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsNov 15, 1977233 N.L.R.B. 464 (N.L.R.B. 1977) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Weldship Corp. and Local 773, International Brother- hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America. Case 4-CA-8733 November 15, 1977 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS JENKINS, PENELLO, AND MURPHY Upon a charge filed on June 9, 1977, by Local 773, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, herein called the Union, and duly served on Weldship Corp., herein called the Respondent, the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board, by the Acting Regional Director for Region 4, issued a complaint and notice of hearing on June 29, 1977, against Respondent, alleging that Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) and Section 2(6) and (7) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. Copies of the charge, complaint, and notice of hearing before an Administrative Law Judge were duly served on the parties to this proceeding. Respondent failed to file an answer to the complaint. On August 2, 1977, the General Counsel, by counsel, filed with the Board in Washington, D.C., a Motion for Summary Judgment and for issuance of a Board order. Subsequently, on August 9, 1977, the Board issued an order transferring the proceeding to the Board and a Notice To Show Cause why the General Counsel's Motion for Summary Judgment should not be granted. Respondent failed to file a response to Notice To Show Cause and the allega- tions of the Motion for Summary Judgment stand uncontroverted. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. Upon the entire record in this proceeding, the Board makes the following: Ruling on the Motion for Summary Judgment Section 102.20 of the Board's Rules and Regula- tions, Series 8, as amended, provides as follows: The respondent shall, within 10 days from the service of the complaint, file an answer thereto. The respondent shall specifically admit, deny, or explain each of the facts alleged in the complaint, unless the respondent is without knowledge, in which case the respondent shall so state, such statement operating as a denial. All allegations in the complaint, if no answer is filed, or any 233 NLRB No. 65 allegation in the complaint not specifically denied or explained in an answer filed, unless the respondent shall state in the answer that he is without knowledge, shall be deemed to be admitted to be true and shall be so found by the Board, unless good cause to the contrary is shown. The complaint and notice of hearing served on the Respondent specifically states that unless an answer to the complaint is filed by the Respondent within 10 days of service thereof "all of the allegations in the Complaint shall be deemed to be admitted by it to be true and may be so found by the Board." Further, according to the uncontroverted Motion for Summa- ry Judgment, on July 18, 1977, counsel for the General Counsel was advised by Respondent's president by telephone of its intent not to file an answer to the complaint. In accordance with the rule set forth above, the allegations of the complaint are deemed admitted. We accordingly find as true all averments of the complaint and grant the Motion for Summary Judgment. On the basis of the entire record, the Board makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENT Respondent is a Pennsylvania corporation with a facility at Hellertown, Pennsylvania, where it is engaged in the business of dismantling and rebuild- ing compressed trailers and the manufacture of truck skids. During the past year Respondent sold and shipped goods valued in excess of $50,000 from its Hellertown, Pennsylvania, facility directly to custom- ers located outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- nia. We find, on the basis of the foregoing, that Respondent is, and has been at all times material herein, an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act, and that it will effectuate the policies of the Act to assert jurisdiction herein. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED Local 773, International Brotherhood of Team- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 464 WELDSHIP CORP. II1. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Representation Proceeding 1. The unit The following employees of the Respondent constitute a unit appropriate for collective-bargain- ing purposes within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All production and maintenance employees employed by Respondent at its Hellertown, Pennsylvania, facility, but excluding all office clericals, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. 2. The certification On May 3, 1977, a majority of the employees of Respondent in said unit, in a secret ballot election conducted under the supervision of the Regional Director for Region 4, designated the Union as their representative for the purpose of collective bargain- ing with the Respondent. The Union was certified as the collective-bargaining representative of the em- ployees in said unit on May 19, 1977, and the Union continues to be such exclusive representative within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act. B. The Respondent's Refusal To Bargain Commencing on or about May 24, 1977, and continuing at all times thereafter to date, the Respondent has refused, and continues to refuse, to recognize and bargain with the Union as the exclusive representative for collective bargaining of all employees in said unit. Accordingly, we find that the Respondent has, since May 24, 1977, and at all times thereafter, refused to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive representative of the employees in the appropriate unit, and that, by such refusal, Respon- dent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of Respondent set forth in section III, above, occurring in connection with its opera- tions described in section 1, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relationship to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of com- merce. V. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) and (I) of the Act, we shall order that it cease and desist therefrom, and, upon request, bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive representative of all employees in the appropriate unit, and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. In order to insure that the employees in the appropriate unit will be accorded the services of their selected bargaining agent for the period provided by law, we shall construe the initial period of certifica- tion as beginning on the date Respondent com- mences to bargain in good faith with the Union as the recognized bargaining representative in the appropriate unit. See Mar-Jac Poultry Company, Inc., 136 NLRB 785 (1962); Commerce Company d/b/a Lamar Hotel, 140 NLRB 226, 229 (1962), enfd. 328 F.2d 600 (C.A. 5, 1964), cert. denied 379 U.S. 817 (1964); Burnett Construction Company, 149 NLRB 1419, 1421 (1964), enfd. 350 F.2d 57 (C.A. 10, 1965). The Board, upon the basis of the foregoing facts and the entire record, makes the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Weldship Corp. is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Local 773, International Brotherhood of Team- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. All production and maintenance employees employed by Respondent at its Hellertown, Pennsyl- vania, facility, but excluding all office clericals, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act. 4. Since May 19, 1977, the above-named labor organization has been and now is the certified and exclusive representative of all employees in the aforesaid appropriate unit for the purpose of collec- tive bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act. 5. By refusing on or about May 24, 1977, and at all times thereafter, to bargain collectively with the above-named labor organization as the exclusive bargaining representative of all the employees of Respondent in the appropriate unit, Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. 6. By the aforesaid refusal to bargain, Respon- dent has interfered with, restrained, and coerced, and 465 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD is interfering with, restraining, and coercing, employ- ees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed to them in Section 7 of the Act, and thereby has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(I) of the Act. 7. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the mean- ing of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Weldship Corp., Hellertown, Pennsylvania, its offi- cers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to bargain collectively concerning rates of pay, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with Local 773, Interna- tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Ware- housemen and Helpers of America, as the exclusive bargaining representative of its employees in the following appropriate unit: All production and maintenance employees employed by Respondent at its Hellertown, Pennsylvania, facility, but excluding all office clericals, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Upon request, bargain with the above-named labor organization as the exclusive representative of all employees in the aforesaid appropriate unit with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment, and, if an under- standing is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. (b) Post at its facility in Hellertown, Pennsylvania, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."' Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 4, after being duly signed by Respondent's representative, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respon- dent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (c) Notify the Regional Director for Region 4, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps have been taken to comply herewith. In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT refuse to bargain collectively concerning rates of pay, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with Local 773, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, as the exclusive representative of the employees in the bargaining unit described below. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL, upon request, bargain with the above-named Union, as the exclusive representa- tive of all employees in the bargaining unit described below, with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment, and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agree- ment. The bargaining unit is: All production and maintenance employ- ees employed by Respondent at its Heller- town, Pennsylvania, facility, but excluding all office clericals, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. WELDSHIP CORP. 466 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation