Waycross Machine ShopDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 29, 1959123 N.L.R.B. 1331 (N.L.R.B. 1959) Copy Citation WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1331 producer, processor , or manufacturer , or to force or require United States Plywood Corporation , or any other employer or person, to cease doing business with The Mengel Company or any other person. LOCAL UNION No. 751, UNITED BROTHER- HOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO, Labor Organization. Dated------------------- By------------------------------------------- (Representative ) (Title) NORTH COAST COUNTIES DISTRICT COUNCIL OF UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS OF AMERICA , AFL-CIO, Labor Organization. Dated------------------- By------------------------------------------- (Representative ) (Title) UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO, Labor Organization. Dated------------- ------ By------------------------------------- (Representative ) (Title) CALIFORNIA STATE COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS. Dated---- --------------- By------------------------------------------- (Representative ) (Title) Dated------------------- ------------------------------------------- (BRYAN H. OLDPIELD) Dated------------------- ------------------------------------------- (B A. BROWN) Dated----- -------------- ------------------------------------------- (JOSEPH F. CAMBIANO) This notice must remain posted for 60 days from the date hereof , and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. E. L. Dell, Jr., trading as Waycross Machine Shop and Inter- national Brotherhood of Boilermakers , Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers , AFL-CIO. Cases Nos. 10-CA-2890, 10-CA-2995, and 10-CA-3050. May 29, 1959 DECISION AND ORDER On August 18, 1958, Trial Examiner John C. Fischer issued his Intermediate Report in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the copy of the Intermediate Report attached hereto. The Trial Examiner also found that the Respondent had not engaged in certain other unfair labor practices and recommended that the complaint be dismissed with respect to such allegations. Thereafter, the Respondent and the General Counsel filed exceptions and the General Counsel filed a sup- porting brief. 123 NLRB No. 163. 1332 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The Board has reviewed the rulings made by the Trial Examiner at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Inter- mediate Report, the exceptions and brief, and the entire record in this proceeding, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Examiner only to the extent that they are consistent with this decision. 1. We agree with the Trial Examiner that by the following inci- dents the Respondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced em- ployees in violation of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act : 1 (a) At the end of November or the first part of December 1956, Leon Dell, when asked by employee O. C. Simmons who was dis- charged on February 18 or 19, 1957, whether the respondent planned a layoff, replied that Simmons was "a regular hand" and that he (Dell) could not see why it -would not be wise to go ahead and pur- chase another automobile because the Government contract the Re- spondent was working on would last through March, "if this other thing did not come in-you know what I mean." (b) On February 3, 1957, the first day of a 1-week shutdown of the Respondent's plant, Keefer Dell advised Irving Amerson, who was discharged on February 25, 1957, and other employees to get employ- ment elsewhere if they could. The next day Keefer Dell asked a group of employees including Amerson and Willard O'Neal, who was discharged on February 26, 1957, "Why didn't we drop this union stuff . . . quit listening to the propaganda . . . and he would hate us to get into any trouble." (c) Early in March 1957, when employee Leroy James Henley was being hired, he was asked by Lawton Dell, a supervisor, whether he belonged to the Union. (d) After employee Henley was hired, E. L. Dell asked, "Which side of the fence [Henley] was on" and asserted that if Henley would stick with E. L. Dell he would not regret it. (e) During the first 2 weeks in April when employees Henley and Lamar Lee were summoned to the office of E. L. Dell, they were told he "would not sign [a union contract] under any circumstances whatsoever." 1 The Trial Examiner also found that two other violations occurred in September or October 1956 , when E. L . Dell and Leon Dell , Respondent ' s general manager , in state- ments to employees Ernest P. Vaughn and James R. Burkett threatened to close down the plant and replace employees if the Union "came in." As these statements may have taken place prior to October 8, 1956, which marked the commencement of the 6-month statutory limitation period permitted by Section 10(b) of the Act, we rely upon them for background purposes only. The Trial Examiner also dismissed three 8(a) (1) allegations concerning threats and promises of benefit made to employees by It. L. Dell and Keefer Dell, plant production manager. We find it unnecessary to pass upon these findings of the Trial Examiner as the incidents would be cumulative. WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1333 (f) When employee Joseph Worthington was hired on May 1, 1957, E. L. Dell asked whether Worthington belonged to the Union and what the latter -would do in the event of a strike. E. L. Dell then stated he would close the doors of the plant before he signed a union contract. (g) Some time after the Union's strike, which extended from May 27, 1957, to September 25, 1957, employee Burkett inquired about getting back to work and was told by E. L. Dell that he thought he saw Burkett on the picket line and Burkett would have to wait before he would put Burkett back to work. 2. The Trial Examiner found, and we agree, that Henry F. Gladden, Willard O'Neal, and Leon Smith, three known union adherents, were discriminatorily discharged on January 30, February 26, and March 14, 1957, respectively, during the period when the Respondent was making a series of coercive statements which clearly demonstrated its union animus. The Trial Examiner correctly concluded that the reasons given by the Respondent for the terminations, namely, Gled- den's slowness in his work and excessive absenteeism, the elimination of O'Neal's job, and Smith's failure to report promptly his absence due to illness, were all pretexts for punishing these employees for their activities on behalf of the Union. The Trial Examiner found that Irving Amerson, Ernest P. Vaughn, and O. C. Simmons were lawfully discharged by the Respondent in February 1957, despite the pattern of coercive conduct set forth above. We disagree. The record shows that these three employees were lead- ers in the Union's organizational campaign. Amerson was active in distributing union cards to other employees. Following the election of February 1, he advertised his union sympathies by wearing a union button conspicuously. Vaughn was a member of the Union's nego- tiating committee. Simmons, a member of the same negotiating committee, was one of two employees who originally contacted the Union and persuaded other employees to become members. All three employees were summarily discharged following the Board-conducted election of February 1 in which the employees voted for union repre- sentation. As to Amerson and Vaughn, the Respondent contends that they were discharged because their jobs as acetylene welders had been abolished. Thereafter, such jobs were to be performed by me- chanical seam welders, a less skilled occupation. Although the hourly rate for the new jobs was substantially less than that for acetylene welding, 'both Amerson and Vaughn informed Keefer Dell that they would' like to' operate the new machines. Dell made no reply. In- stead of considering two of its own employees, available and willing to perform the new type of welding, the Respondent hired employees from the outside to perform such work. Thereafter, when Amerson inquired about employment with the Respondent, Keefer Dell inter- 1334 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD rogated Amerson concerning his continued adherence to the Union. Upon learning that Amerson was still a union member , Dell replied, "You go talk to them." As to Simmons, the Respondent takes the position that his discharge on February 18 or 19 was due to his un- satisfactory work as a vertical welder. It appears from the record that on one or two occasions prior to November 1956, Simmons had failed a vertical welding test conducted by the U.S. Navy. At that time , however, the Respondent took no action against Simmons. Rather, the record shows that Simmons was assured by the Respondent that his job was safe as long as the Union did not come in. On November 2, 1956, Simmons passed the Navy vertical welding test. Simmons, a welder since 1942, had received schooling in his trade and was apparently performing a satisfactory job for the Respondent. The record also shows that Simmons secured a vertical welding job with another company after his discharge by the Respondent. Never- theless, following the election of February 1, the Respondent made good its threat and discharged Simmons on February 18 or 19. In view of the foregoing, we conclude, contrary to the Trial Exam- iner, that Amerson, Vaughn, and Simmons were discharged in viola- tion of Section 8 (a) (3) and (1) of the Act. We shall therefore order them reinstated with back pay.2 3. The Trial Examiner found that the Respondent did not refuse to bargain in good faith on May 20, 1957, as alleged in the complaint. We disagree for the following reasons : The Union won the election on February 1, 1957. After holding two bargaining meetings in March and early April 1957, respectively, Re- spondent Counsel E. Kontz Bennett promised that he would furnish the Union with a contract that the Respondent would be willing to sign. Soon after the second meeting Bennett received a latter, dated April 2, 1956, from Union Representative Fred F. George stating that if a reasonable agreement was not reached by May 3, 1957, the Union's membership would be forced to take a strike vote. After waiting several days for the Respondent's contract, George telephoned Ben- nett who replied the Company considered the Union's letter a threat. George explained to Bennett that the letter was written to comply with the laws of Georgia which required unions to give employers 30 days' notice of intent to strike. Bennett then renewed his promise to submit a contract but did not set a date for doing so. Upon failing to receive any contract from the Respondent, George called upon the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service in a num- ber of vain attempts to arrange a third bargaining session during the remainder of April and most of May. The Union thereupon called its strike for May 23. 2 However , In accordance with our usual policy, we shall exclude the period from the date of the intermediate 'Report to the date of the Order herein in computing back pay. Fry Products , Inc., 110 NLRB 1000. WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1335 On May 20, 1957, Clifford L. Stave, who was assigned by the Union to replace George, called off the strike and went to see E. L. Dell. Stave was referred to Bennett whom he saw on May 24, 1957. In the course of his cross-examination of Stave as to this conference, Bennett admitted he told Stave, "We could not bargain with the union because of the threat that had been made in Mr. George's letter." (Emphasis supplied.) Bennett repeated this admission twice at the hearing as well as in the Respondent's answer to the complaint. Immediately after the conference with Bennett, Stave went to the office of E. L. Dell whom he was not permitted to see. Stave then called a strike for May 27, 1957. During the course of the strike 3 Stave made further efforts to resume negotiations. On June 5, 1957, Stave wrote E. L. Dell expressing a willingness to negotiate a con- tract. No reply was received. In mid-July, Stave went to the office of E. L. Dell but did not succeed in seeing him. In the latter part of July, Bennett, according to Stave, stated E. L. Dell's position : "No contract, period, and there is no union." On September 20, 1957, more than a month after the Union filed an 8(a) (5) charge, Stave again wrote the Respondent requesting nego- tiations but received no response. During the course of the strike, Stave made two or three calls to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to no avail. It is clear from the foregoing that after receiving the Union's letter of April 2, 1957, the Respondent was determined not to bargain with the Union. Thus, Respondent Counsel Bennett admitted the Respondent's refusal to bargain because of this letter. As noted above, E. L. Dell in early April and May 1957 gave expression to this position when he told the employees that he would not sign a union contract under any circumstances and that he would close the doors of the plant before he signed. In addition, the Respondent's antago- nism to bargaining with the Union was amply demonstrated by its conduct in ignoring the Union's repeated efforts over a 6-month period to resume negotiations after the meeting of early April 1957. More- over, the threats to close down the plant if the Union came in, the interrogation of employees, and the discriminatory discharges of six active union adherents make all too plain the Respondent's strong opposition to dealing with the Union in good-faith negotiations. Finally, although we do not in any way condone the two strike in- cidents involving employee misconduct, we find they were too few and isolated to warrant the Respondent's refusal to carry out its obliga- tion to bargain with the Union. 3In this 4-month period , employees Buddy Parker , William Carmichael , Buster Car- michael , and Gene Gill participated in the beating of nonstriker Doyis Music . Employee Jesse Davis threatened nonstriker Elzie D . Franks with a whipping if he continued to work during the strike. 1336 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Accordingly, we find, contrary to the Trial Examiner, that follow- ing the Respondent's receipt of the Union's letter of April 2, 1957, the Respondent refused to bargain in violation of Section 8 (a) (5) and (1) of the Act. 4. Union Representative Stave on September 26, 1957, wrote a letter to E. L. Dell making an unconditional request for the reinstatement of the strikers. Stave also wrote that the individual strikers would make a personal appearance to reaffirm the request for unconditional reinstatement. The record shows that, with 1 possible exception 4 none of the 58 strikers were reemployed. The Trial Examiner held that, in the absence of an 8 (a) (5) viola- tion, the strike was an economic strike and the Respondent accord- ingly had no obligation to reinstate the strikers, all of whom were permanently replaced. As we have found that the Respondent un- lawfully refused to bargain and as the record shows that the em- ployees struck in protest against this refusal, we find, contrary to the Trial Examiner, that the strikers were unfair labor practice strikers and as such, except for the five who engaged in misconduct during the strike,' were entitled, upon unconditional application, to reinstate- ment and back pay whether or not they were replaced.' Moreover, the futility of personal application was demonstrated by the lack of success of virtually all of the 35 strikers who applied for reinstate- ment at the Respondent's plant. Accordingly, we find that the Re- spondent was obligated to rehire the strikers when the Union made unconditional application on their behalf on September 26, and that the Respondent's refusal to do so violated Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act. We shall therefore order the Respondent to offer the following strikers immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions and make them whole for any loss of pay suf- fered as a result of the foregoing discrimination against them.' Willie Lee Barber Willie Courson Charles E. Beverly James A. Curl Paul B. Booth Stafford R. Davis, Jr. George Pierce Campbell Troy Davidson Willie W. Campbell Billy Dawson James A. Carter William G. Dixon Ira E. Cox Arthur Dryden William A. Cox Franklin Dubberly Elmer Cox Benjamin F. Ellis James R. Connor Reams I. Farley Gerald F. Courson William Fussell Alt is not clear from the record whether striker Kenneth Altman was reinstated. In the event he was not reinstated , his name is added to the list of strikers set forth below. 5 See footnote 3. 9 White's Uva lde Mines, 117 NLRB 1128, 1130-1131. 7 See footnote 2. WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP Tom Gable James R. Grantham Earl D. Grantham Pirkle Hall Leroy J. Henley Norman Herrin James C. Johnson John E. Jordan Cecil King Walter C. Lankford Lamar E. Lee Primas Lemon Mack Mercer Cecil Pittman Walter J. Ratliff Allen Rigdon Wilbur Rigdon Arthur L. Scurry Sylvester Scurry Quinton Smart Jimmie Steward Raymond Strickland Carl L. Sweat, Jr. Wallace Sweat Jarrell Tanner John C. Tatum, Sr. John C. Tatum, Jr. Troy Thornton Willie D. Trull Joseph B. Worthington 1337 ORDER Upon the entire record in this proceeding and pursuant to Section 10 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, the National Labor Rela- tions Board hereby orders that the Respondent, E. L. Dell, Jr., trad- ing as Waycross Machine Shop , Waycross , Georgia, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from : (a) Discouraging membership in International Brotherhood of Boilermakers , Iron Ship Builders , Blacksmiths , Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization , by discriminatorily dis- charging or threatening to discharge employees who are engaged in union or concerted activities , by warning or advising employees that the plant would be shut down before the Union would be recognized or by discriminating against employees in any other manner in regard to their hire or tenure of employment , or any term or condition of their employment. (b) Refusing to bargain collectively with International Brother- hood of Boilermakers , Iron Ship Builders , Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive representative of employees in the certified appropriate unit. (c) In any other manner interfering with, restraining , or coercing its employees in the exercise of the right to self -organization, to form labor organizations , to join or assist International Brotherhood of Boilermakers , Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths , Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization , to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing , and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection , or to refrain from any or all such activities, except-4o the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement 1338 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of em- ployment, as authorized in Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act. - 2. Take the following affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act : (a) Offer the following employees immediate and full reinstate- ment to their former or substantially equivalent positions and make them whole for any loss of pay suffered as a result of the discrimina- tion against them in the manner described above : 8 Irving Amerson Norman Herrin Willie Lee Barber James C. Johnson Charles E. Beverly John E. Jordan Paul B. Booth Cecil King George Pierce Campbell Walter C. Lankford Willie W. Campbell Lamar E. Lee James A. Carter Primas Lemon Ira E. Cox Mack Mercer William A. Cox Willard O'Neal Elmer Cox Cecil Pittman James R. Connor Walter J. Ratliff Gerald F. Courson Allen Rigdon Willie Courson Wilbur Rigdon James A. Curl Arthur L. Scurry Stafford R. Davis, Jr. Sylvester Scurry Troy Davidson O. C. Simmons Billy Dawson Quinton Smart William G. Dixon Leon Smith Arthur Dryden Jimmie Steward Franklin Dubberly Raymond Strickland Benjamin F. Ellis Carl J. Sweat, Jr. Reams I. Farley Wallace Sweat William Fussell Jarrell Tanner Tom Gable John C. Tatum, Sr. Henry F. Gladden John C. Tatum, Jr. James R. Grantham Troy Thornton Earl D. Grantham Willie D. Trull Pirkle Hall Ernest P. Vaughn Leroy J. Henley Joseph B. Worthington (b) Upon request, bargain collectively with International Broth- erhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive representative of all the employees in the certified unit with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other conditions of employment, and, if an . 8•F: W. Woolworth Company , 90 NLRB 289. WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1339 understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. (c) Preserve and make available to the Board or its agents upon request, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social- security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all records necessary or useful to analyze the amounts of back pay due under the terms of this Order. (d) Post at its plant in Waycross, Georgia, copies of the notice attached hereto marked "Appendix." I Copies of said notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for the Tenth Region, shall, after being duly signed by the Respondent's official representative, be posted immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by the Respondent for a period of at least 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Re- spondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for the Tenth Region in writing, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply therewith. MEMBER BEAN took no part in the consideration of the above Deci- sion and Order. ° In the event that this Order is enforced by a decree of a United States Court of Appeals, there shall be substituted for the words "Pursuant to a Decision and Order" the words "Pursuant to a Decree of the United States Court of Appeals, Enforcing an Order." APPENDIX NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to a Decision and Order of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify our employees that : WE WILL NOT discourage membership in any labor organization of our employees by discharging any of our employees or in any other manner discriminating in regard to their hire or tenure of employment, or any term or condition of their employment.. WE WILL NOT in any manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization, to form labor organizations, to join or assist any labor organiza- tion, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from any or all such conduct, except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership 1340 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD in a labor organization as a condition of employment as author- ized in Section 8(a) (3) of the said Act. WE WILL bargain collectively upon request with the Interna- tional Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Black- smiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive repre- sentative of all the employees in the certified unit and, if any understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. The bargaining unit is : All production and maintenance employees, including leadermen, but excluding office clerical employees, guards, professional employees, foremen and other supervisors as defined in the Act. WE WILL offer the following employees immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent posi- tions without prejudice to any seniority or other rights and priv- ileges previously enjoyed, and make them whole for any loss of pay suffered as a result of the discrimination employed against them : Irving Amerson Earl D. Grantham Willie Lee Barber Pirkle Hall Charles E. Beverly Leroy J. Henley Paul B. Booth Norman Herrin George Pierce Campbell James C. Johnson Willie W. Campbell John E. Jordan James A. Carter Cecil King Ira E. Cox Walker C. Lankford William A. Cox Lamar E. Lee Elmer Cox Primas Lemon James R. Connor Mack Mercer Gerald F. Courson Willard O'Neal Willie Courson Cecil Pittman James A. Curl Walter J. Ratliff Stafford R. Davis, Jr. Allen Rigdon Troy Davidson Wilbur Rigdon Billy Dawson Arthur L. Scurry William G. Dixon Sylvester Scurry Arthur Dryden O. C. Simmons Franklin Dubberly Quinton Smart Benjamin F. Ellis Leon Smith Reams I. Farley Jimmie Steward William Fussell Raymond Strickland Tom Gable Carl J. Sweat, Jr. Henry F. Gladden Wallace Sweat James R. Grantham Jarrell Tanner WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1341 John C. Tatum, Sr. Willie D. Trull John C. Tatum, Jr. Ernest P. Vaughn Troy Thornton Joseph B. Worthington All our employees are free to become, remain, or refrain from be- coming or remaining members of the above-named Union or any other labor organization, except to the extent that this right may be affected by an agreement in conformity with Section 8(a) (3) of the Act. E. L. DELL, JR., TRADING AS WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP, Employer. Dated---------------- By------------------------------------- (Representative ) ( Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 days from the date hereof, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. INTERMEDIATE REPORT STATEMENT OF THE CASE These proceedings, brought under Section '10(b) of the National Labor Relations Act as amended (61 Stat. 136), herein called the Act, and consolidated by order of the Regional Director of the National Labor Relations Board, were heard in Waycross, Georgia, pursuant to due notice, between February 10 and April 2, 1958. Upon charges filed by the Union, the Regional Director for the Tenth Region, on behalf of General Counsel, issued a consolidated complaint against Respondent upon basis of charges filed by the Union, alleging that Respondent E. L. Dell, an individual, trading as Waycross Machine Shop, had engaged in and was engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)-(1), (3), and (5) of the Act. Answers to the complaint filed on behalf of the Respondent denied the allegations of violations of the Act. The General Counsel and his representatives at the hearing are referred to herein as General Counsel, and the National Labor Relations Board as the Board. E. L. Dell, trading as Waycross Machine Shop, is referred to as Respondent or Waycross plant. International Brotherhood of Boiler- makers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, is re- ferred to as the Union. Respondent Waycross in its duly filed answers and motions denied generally the commission of unfair labor practices as charged, and affirma- tively pleaded that the Union precipitated an economic strike by refusing to bargain in good faith with Respondent on rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other conditions of employment. At the hearing, before the duly designated Trial Examiner, General Counsel, Respondent, and Union were represented by counsel. Full opportunity was afforded all parties to examine and cross-examine witnesses, to present oral argument, at the close of the hearing and thereafter to file briefs as well as proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. Oral arguments were had by counsel, and briefs were submitted to the Trial Examiner. Other motions upon which rulings were reserved are disposed of hereafter. Upon the entire record in the case and from my observation of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENT The Respondent is an individual, operating a machine shop and plant at Waycross, Georgia, where he is engaged in the production of bombs and similar items of defense pursuant to a written contract from a defense agency on one or more orders of the armed services of the United States, which contracts are for amounts aggregating annually more than $100,000. I find, therefore, that Respondent Waycross Machine Shop is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 1342 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD If. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Allegations of complaint detailed by General Counsel General Counsel Fenton's opening statement explicates the allegations and charges of the Union. His statement was as follows: The charging union began an organizing drive in Respondent's plant in September, 1956. We expect to show that during that same month, during the week the organizational campaign began, the Respondent made several threats to shut down his plant before he would deal with or operate with the Union; that shortly after the Union filed its petition to represent these em- ployees, the Respondent made further threats to individual employees that their job tenure would become unlikely or that there would be a good deal of in- security if they choose to be represented by this Union; that the day before the Board ordered the election here, which was held on February 1, 1957, the Respondent discharged Mr. Henry Gladden who had been one of the key men in the Union's campaign and had made the initial contact with the Boilermakers Union. Mr. Simmons was also one of those employees who helped to check the eligibility list before the election; that during the layoff of approximately a week which occurred immediately after the election, Respondent told a num- ber of the employees that if they did not stop listening to the Union's propa- ganda they would get themselves in serious trouble; that on February 49th Respondent laid off 'O. C. Simmons who, together with Mr. Gladden, had made the initial contact with the Boilermakers representative and brought him down to Waycross Machine Shop with Mr. Simmons, and he was also an observer at the election; that on February 25, Amerson and Vaughn were laid off; on February 26, William O'Neal was laid off, and on March 19th, Earnest Pete Vaughn was laid off. During this period, we expect to prove that Re- spondent continued to engage in a campaign of interrogation and of unlawful hindrance; that, following the Union's certification on February 11th, the Union was able to get only two bargaining sessions until the strike, which occurred on May 27; that shortly before the strike Respondent flatly refused to resume negotiations or to negotiate any contract with the Union; that the strike which occurred on May 27 was, therefore, an unfair labor practice strike; that when this strike was called off on September 26, that the Union made un- conditional application for reinstatement of those strikers and that in addition, most of the strikers made individual applications on the 27th of September or shortly thereafter and that none of them have been rehired to this date. These charges of the General Counsel were the subject matter of his case-in-chief, and must be proven by a preponderance of the evidence adduced by him. Respondent's Case (Orientation) Respondent Counsel Kontz Bennett's opening statement to the Trial Examiner covers the matter included in his answer and the several motions directed to the pleadings before the case came on for hearing. None of the motions were in the nature of dilatory tactics. Counsel Bennett argued: We would like to make an explanation of our position. With reference to the statement of the attorney for the General Counsel that there were threats to close the plant down about the time the election took place, the evidence will show, and it is contended by the Respondent, that he did shut his plant down for a week; he had a charge filed against him by the Board. The charge was examined and he was exonerated from the charge. It appears that he performs contracts for the Navy in building practice bombs and that his contract expired about the time of the election; that he had to do refinancing, re-set his machines, and do other work which properly took a week's time and that this was usually his practice whenever one contract expired and before another one began, so that he was fully exonerated for the closing of his plant for a week after the election occurred. In other words, it was for economic, business, contract reasons, and the Board itself examined it and exonerated him. Now, we contend further that after the election, and I think the evidence will clearly show that the Respondent Employer began negotiations in good faith WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1343 with the Union which was elected to represent the employees ; that prior to the beginning of negotiations that, on request , the Company furnished lists of em- ployees, hiring-in dates , rates of pay, and other information requested by the Union ; that the two bargaining sessions rather than being characterized as limited to-which I think the attorney for the General Counsel has no right to constitute or characterize them,-actually the two sessions were entered into with good faith , normal bargaining procedure took place; we have the contract that was proposed by the Union and the counter-proposals made by the Respond- ent; and then we set out in our Answer that at the time the second session was held, that a Mr. C. L. Stave, who was the organizer for the Union, wrote a letter in which he threatened the Respondent and gave him an ultimatum that he must sign a contract or else. I would like to read that letter. It will become a very focal part of the issue in this case. I want to apologize to Mr. Stave,-the letter was signed by Mr. Fred F. George. There were two [union] organizers here. Mr. George was one and Mr. Stave was the other one. Actually, this letter was signed by Mr. George. This is directed to me as attorney for the Waycross Machine Shop: [reading] "This is to notify you that we have been meeting since February 21, 1957, attempting to negotiate a working agreement with the Waycross Machine Shop, and if a working agreement is not reached by May 3, 11957, the membership will be forced to take strike action in accordance with our Interna- tional Constitution and Bylaws." It is the contention of the Respondent that on account of the threat contained in that letter that he did at that point stop bargaining with the Union. A strike occurred on May 27, which Respondent contends was an economic strike be- cause of the failure to reach a contract agreement due to the coercive action of the Union's representative. It is the further contention of the Respondent that the places of the striking employees were permanently filled and the plant continued to operate. For that reason none of them have been reemployed. With reference to subsequent demands to begin negotiations, we will be in a position to show that violence occurred at the plant at places in which the union organizers were present; took no steps to stop it, did not repudiate such violence in the newspapers or otherwise , and we set out in our Answer specific instances where employees were beaten with sticks and pipes as they left the plant, by the striking employees at or near where the International Representa- tive of the Union was present; and we say that on account of this violence on the part of the striking employees, aided and abetted by the International Repre- sentative, that the Union forfeited its right to any further bargaining with the Respondent. We will be in a position to show that as to some of these strikers who engaged in violence, they have already entered pleas of guilty in our local courts to violations of the Criminal Law and disturbing the peace, and that charges are pending against others of the strikers. So that, summarizing it generally, Mr. Trial Examiner, we say we are not guilty of any of the charges made, that the strike was economic and we are not under a duty to employ people who went out on strike unless their places could be filled-unless they had places that were not already filled by other employees. Now, one sharp issue in the case which I think would be proper to call to the attention of the Trial Examiner, is in the matter of the application for rein- statement of the striking employees. The petition alleges some 71 people in its paragraph IX whom the General Counsel charges went out on strike. There are a number of people on that list who did not go out on strike. There are nu- merous errors in that list. Then the General Counsel, to perpetuate the error, says that all of the said people in paragraph IX applied unconditionally for reinstatement when the strike was called off. So there are not only errors about those who went on strike but also a great majority of the people in paragraph IX did not ever apply for employment again at the plant. At the time the strike was called off, conferences were held according to the evidence which will be developed, between Mr. Stave who is in court, and myself, who am attorney for the Company, in which it was agreed that any person who desired reemployment would report to the plant and file an application for reinstatement, and a few of them did do that. Most of them did not but it is just thrown in that everybody that went on strike re-applied because Mr. Stave says they did. 1344 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD We feel that there are numerous errors that will have to be corrected in what is actually said. We feel that the issues will be drawn on whatever points in the case are at issue. The Issues In addition to his opening statement above set forth, General Counsel, in his brief to the Trial Examiner, sets out the issues as he sees them as follows: In addition to the resolution of evidence respecting alleged violations of Section 8(a)(1), this case presents only two issues: (1) Whether Respondent discriminatorily discharged Henry Gladden, O. C. Simmons, Ernest Vaughn, Irving Amerson, Leon Smith and Willard O'Neal. (2) Whether Respondent bargained in good faith with the Charging Union. The subsidiary question of Respondent's duty to reinstate the strikers, of course, depends upon this. Respondent Counsel Bennett in his brief, under statement of facts, reaffirmed his contentions as set forth in his opening statement, and further charged that in addition to other illegal conduct on the part of the Union, the Union also illegally carried on an original effort to conduct a secondary boycott, attempting to block shipments into Respondent's plant. Background of the Dell Company This case is a saga of a smalltown business organized in the South after World War I and during the depression. Economic conditions were hard and might be compared to those obtaining in the South during the Reconstruction period. About 25 years ago, the Respondent, E. L. "Shorty" Dell, and one John Gibson "decided to go into the machine shop business and we agreed that each would put in a $125 to buy some used machinery . I would put in the labor . . . we started repair- ing various break downs around Waycross as far as machinery was concerned. We would work on anything from an alarm clock to a locomotive; and we did . then after approximately 2 years, I bought Mr. John Gibson's partnership out and from that time on I continued to do repair work, welding, and just continuously to grow until the present day operation." E. L. "Shorty" Dell was the son of a blacksmith, as were his four partner brothers. "Shorty" Dell took into the organization Owen Keefer (0. K.) Dell and made him production manager over all the plant. "Shorty" made his brother, Frederick Leon Dell, general manager. His sister, Amelia Dell Mobley, was his bookkeeper. Lawton Dell, who did not testify, was the other Dell. Truly, this was a family company. All were machinists and personally participated in the operations. As the Company grew, it hired and trained local "turpentine work- ers," farmers, and other employable townsmen to do specific jobs in welding and allied crafts. Advent of the Union do 1946, the Waycross Machine Shop got its first defense contract by competitive bidding under the Walsh Healey Act on an Air Force assignment. At the time of the Boilermaker Union organizing campaign, Waycross was under contract to the U.S. Navy to fabricate and weld hatch covers and 25-pound practice bombs and apparently had had no experience with labor unions-local or national. On Satur- day, September 8, 1956, Respondent's employees Henry Gladden and O. C. Simmons drove to the Brunswick, Georgia, headquarters of the Union and indicated their desire for unionization of Respondent's plant. The next day, Sunday, Fred F. George, Jr., and William J. Bailey, district representatives of the Union, contacted Gladden and Simmons in Waycross. Gladden and Simmons signed cards authoriz- ing the Union to represent them, and were given additional authorization cards with which to solicit other employees in the plant. They returned many signed cards to the union officials. The following day, which was Monday, Mr. George and Mr. Bailey met with Mr. Dell and two of his brothers and told him they were going to pass out literature and that "we are going to run a clean campaign and an open campaign." "He told us to stay off his property. . We told him we would abide by that and to my knowledge [George] none of the men ever went inside the gate." Based upon a petition filed by the Union on October 5, 1956, the Board, on January 3, 1957, in Case No. 10-RC-3669, directed an election to determine whether "all production and maintenance employees including leader-men but excluding office clerical employees, guards, professional employees, foremen and other supervisors of Respondent's plant desired to be represented for purposes of collective bargaining by the Union. The Regional Director for the Tenth Region, on February 10, certi- fied the Union as the representative of the employees in the unit. WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1345 The Company Grants a Wage Increase Three days after the Union filed its representation petition , Respondent granted a 10-cent general wage increase to all of its employees . Respondent admitted that this was the first such general wage increase since the minimum wage was increased to $1 per hour . This brought the average wage up to $1.17. E. L. Dell testified: I don't know whether I received a Petition that day or not [October 8], but I do know we did the same as Scapper Dryers and Ruben Brothers , all in the same week gave their workers a 10 cent an hour across the board raise ." He explained that at this time the cost of production was going down and production rising, and it enabled them to pass the benefits on to their employees "as we have always done." The Election and Alleged Lockout On February 1, 1957, an election was held under Board auspices and the Union won by secret ballot-66 to 28. On the afternoon of the election, February 1, after counting of the ballots, about 6:30, it was called to the attention of Dell, according to the testimony, "that a sufficient amount of bombs had been produced to fulfill the contract in full, plus the coverage of 11/2 percent overage." A shutdown of the plant resulted at that time, and continued during the following week. Dell stated that this shutdown was purely coincidental, with no intention of trying to punish the Union or resist the Union or to punish the people who may have voted for the Union. He explained that this was necessary in order to rearrange the machinery to take care of the new contract, stating: "We even had to make new jigs and new methods of producing this new experimental bomb casting." Dell further explained that the contract was not set to expire on a given date, but when a certain number of 25-pound practice bombs were completed; he knew several days beforehand-perhaps a week beforehand-that they were approaching the termination of that contract, but he did not inform any of the employees of this. He testified that they (Dell brothers) discussed this possibility, but Counsel Bennett told him "that a wire award for the new bomb contract might come in, and if it did we wouldn't have to shut down, but if I posted such a notice on the bulletin board that I might be told by the Labor Relations Board I was threatening the employees." It appeared that Respondent received authority for this new contract by way of a telegram on February 3, but did not receive the official contract until about February 15. Dell had to have financial aid before he could meet his payroll, which ran approximately $10,000 a week. It was necessary to assign the contracts to the First National Bank in order for the bank to advance any money on the contract. "I am not financially able to be able to handle any work of any size without outside financial help." Dell also stated that the date of the election was originally set for January 15, 1957, in which case the dates of the election and the shutdown would not have coincided. The Respondent, however, was charged with a "lockout" by Union Representative George. The charge was investigated and the Company was "exonerated from that charge both in the Atlanta Regional Office, and the Washington, D.C. office." Bargaining Begins-Chronology On February 5, 1957, Union Representative Lloyd Russell wrote to Respondent Dell requesting "a list of all employees' names, showing their classifications, and wage rate as of February 1, 1957, and secondly, the date that each employee became an employee of the Company." This letter also advised Respondent that there would be a three-man negotiating committee for the shop, assisted by the Union's staff officers. Respondent was admonished not to make any changes in wages, classifications, or working conditions without considering the International Union. On March 4, 1957, Respondent's counsel, E. Kontz Bennett, submitted requested information to Russell on all concerned employees, stating: "Mr. Dell is working on counterproposals to your contract. I personally am in Federal Court this week, but would like to suggest firm dates March 11, 12th until noon, or 13th & 14th." Representative George had submitted, in the middle of February, a prepared pro- posed contract-"a more or less standard contract, that we used throughout our industry, and I personally, took a copy of that to Mr. Bennett's office." Bennett then asked for time to study the contract and go over it with Mr. Dell, or for Mr. Dell to go over the contract. 508889-60-vol. 123--86 1346 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The First Meeting On March 18, 1957, the first negotiating meeting was held. A neutral place was agreed upon-the Railroad Y. M. C. A. where most bargaining sessions in Waycross are held-and the parties were able to discuss only about half of the provisions of the "standard" contract which the Union had submitted in the middle of February. The Company forthwith agreed to some of these sections , and they set aside items not agreed to. Dell testified that a wage scale was discussed "and that is where Mr. George informed me I would pay more money or wouldn 't be operating." George testified that wages were one of the last things they got into on the contract. George denied that he made such a threat to put the Company out of operation. Thus was presented a fundamental conflict . On the basis of the demeanors of these two witnesses under oath on the stand , the Trial Examiner credits Dell in this conflict.' It appeared patently absurd to say that the question of wages did not come up at the first negotiating meeting, particularly when the company pay was averaging only $1.17 per hour, and the union scale , in the appendix A of its standard contract (which had been in the possession of, and under study by, the Company for more than a month ), ran from $1 . 35 minimum for laborer up to $2.35 per hour for layout man, maintenance mechanic , welder and burner, and welder and fitter . ( Waycross had none of these classifications-even supervisors ( the Dell brothers ) did ma- chinist work.) The Company 's Proposed Contract Prior to the second meeting , which after two postponements was held on April 3, the Company had furnished the Union with a "counter -proposed contract" which covered matters agreed upon in the first bargaining meeting, but omitted, principally, the wage scales , classifications , seniority rules, and group insurance . In this counter- contract , Respondent recognized the Union as the bargaining agent of its employees. Obviously , the Company intended to negotiate on these matters when they arose in considering the remaining half of the proposed union contract. The First Threat Cogent testimony anent the wage discussion and George 's threat was adduced by Counsel Bennett in his interrogation of Dell, as follows: Q. Now, Mr. Dell, at this second bargaining session you had a conversation with Mr. George , when he had stepped out of the room to answer a telephone call or something ; what was that? A. The thing that is most outstanding in my mind about what the bargaining put together is the manner in which Mr . Fred George made the statement after I told him that on any contract that we may get together on, which could not involve any more money because I had contracts with the government, that had been attained on a highly competitive basis, and that we had won the contract by a matter of three mills , and I told him then that any contract we negotiated would have to be no more money involved so far as labor was concerned. In turn Mr . Fred George said to us in there: "I hope you don 't think we are fool enough to :be down here trying to negotiate a contract with you when we can't get any more money for our boys ." I said: "That is what we are doing." He said: "I am here to tell you right now we are putting you out of business before we will let you get away with any such thing as that." George, questioned by General Counsel Fenton as to whether he had made these statements , testified: I believe the Dell boys have , and if they haven't they are entitled to it, a copy of our Constitution , and I am not attempting to put Dell out of business in any way. We have to live up strictly to our Constitution and we operate that way, and each and every member of the local out at that plant had to vote i The Trial Examiner does not credit George's testimony in this phase ( contract de- mands ) of the case . Nevertheless , it does not follow that simply because one does not believe a particular thing to which a witness testified everything he says must then be rejected . Judge Learned Hand stated the rule thus : It is no reason for refusing to accept everything that a witness says , because you do not believe all of it; nothing is more common in all kinds of judicial decisions than to believe some and not all . [N.L.R.B. v. universal Camera Corp., 179 F. 2d 749 (C .A. 2).] WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1347 by two-thirds majority in order to ever call a strike in that plant, and as far as wages were concerned, that was one of the last things we got into on the contract, and Mr. Dell said he would bring us a copy of his-exactly what type of records it was, I don't know-whether it was his income tax or what it was- to prove to us he couldn't pay us any more money and we offered to accept that and to look at his evidence that he could not pay any more money. We never received that. Dell, questioned in this connection, replied that he heard George makes no such offer, stating: "No, Mr. George didn't indicate he would go along with us in any way about any wage agreement at all." Rather, he credibly quoted George as tell- ing them at the bargaining meeting that a union welder in Savannah could earn $3.65 per hour. Questioned about whether there was any discussion on bidding any future con- tracts on the basis of a higher wage scale and letting the current contracts go at the present scale, George testified that "one of the boys on the negotiating committee said: Well, the next time you bid a contract you had better bid it for more money so that we can receive more money." At the second meeting on April 3, the rest of the proposed standard contract was considered, and the Company agreed to furnish the Union with a contract that they would sign and the Union was going to examine the contract before negotiations were continued. Thus, a third meeting was not scheduled. The Trial Examiner credits Dell's version because it appeared obvious that George was equivocating and evading the frank truth. Evidence of his subsequent deceptive conduct verified this conclusion. The "Cotton Picking Hands" Impasse The right of the Dell brothers to work as machinists in their own plant con- tributed directly to a contractual impasse. In this connection, Fred L. Dell testified that there was no fighting at either meeting "but George got pretty angry when it was brought out in one of his articles that none of us Dell boys could touch any more wrenches, and we would have to keep our cotton picking hands off of them." (These were fighting words to the Dells.) George testified in this connection: "The statement was made as we were going through our proposed contract, and we carry that as -a standard clause in our con- tract. We cannot represent supervision; we represent the working people and we intend to represent them to the best of our ability, and doing that, we should be en- titled to do the work; supervision has the right to oversee, supervise, instruct and so forth, and I said: `other than that, supervision is to keep their cotton-picking hands off the work'; but I will say again there was no anger in the statement." (The Trial Examiner credits George's version that there was no anger in his statement, but it was testimonially apparent by the way Fred Dell spoke that the Dells felt outraged at such a limitation placed on their "cotton-picking hands.") [Emphasis supplied.] Fred L. Dell declared that all the five brothers have been working people, and still work in the plant, that all the brothers are in the plant among the employees most of the time. Whether there is a conflict in the above versions is not controlling. The Trial Examiner finds that four of the Dell brothers-excepting possibly E. L. "Shorty" Dell-capably worked at machinist benches, did welding and/or performed any other operations necessary to accomplish their Government contracts. As they held up their hands to take their testimonial oaths, or as they sat at the counsel table, hallmarks of manual labor were evident for all to observe-reasonably the effects of handling machinists' tools. To deprive the proprietors of a small, family machine shop of their right to work would likely cause an impasse and, the Trial Examiner finds, did constitute an insurmountable factor in an impasse reached between manage- ment and the Union. Union's Letter Threatening a Strike At the meeting of April 3, another meeting was not definitely scheduled, because the Company had promised to submit a contract acceptable to it, which contract George said the Union was going to study. Several days later, George called Re- spondent's counsel, Bennett, and inquired when the Union could expect the contract. Bennett informed George that his letter of April 2 had been received and was con- sidered a threat. This letter reads: This is to notify you that we have been meeting since February 21, 1957, attempting to negotiate a reasonable agreement with Waycross Machine Shop, 1348 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and if a reasonable agreement is not reached by May 3, 1957, the membership will be forced to take strike action in accordance with our International Con- stitution and By-Laws. The letter showed that copies had been sent to John C. Getreu, then Regional Director for the Tenth Region of the National Labor Relations Board; to Ben Hucitt, Commissioner of Labor for the State of Georgia, as well as Cecil S. Massey and A. J. Eberhardy, vice presidents of the Charging Union. This letter had a devastating, if not paralyzing, effect on the bargaining negotia- tors. Regarding this letter, dated April 2 but postmarked April 3 (Respondent's Exhibit No. 14), E. L. Dell testified that while they were trying to reach a contract at this negotiating meeting, on April 3, "they did not have the benefit of that letter." George said the letter was already in the mail before the meeting. Queried by Counsel Bennett: "Why didn't you bring the letter down to the meeting if you had written it, and present it to us there," George answered: "I figured you had the letter when we had the meeting." (The Trial Examiner believes this to be an un- truth.) (Representative Stave, however, said the lettter George wrote was not an unusual technique, but "a policy we follow." "There is no intent or threat and every place I have been they do not state it as a threat.") George continued: "I told him at the time the letter wasn't written with any intentions of a strike. The letter was written complying with laws of the state of Georgia giving them 30 days and putting us in a position where we could, if necessary, carry on a legal strike. He informed me they considered it a threat, even if we didn't consider it a threat. . . . And that the company was taking the position of a little boy that was threatened and that for us to do whatever I felt necessary, that they considered that a threat." Q. (By Counsel Bennett.) You wrote this letter as a threat that unless we took action on a contract you would strike? A. (George.) Absolutely not and I told you that over the phone. Q. And didn't I tell you I didn't work very well under threats . . . ? A. I don't remember your saying that. George further testified: "We were unable to schedule a meeting with the company and we hadn't made any progress with the company. We had won an election on February 1st and at that time we had not been able to do anything with the company at all." Further: "Due to the fact that we were unable to get a meeting scheduled with the company and complying with the laws of the State of Georgia, it requires us to give the company thirty days' notice of any intent to strike and stay in accord- ance with our Constitution and By-Laws of the International Brotherhood." George's quoted reasons for writing the letter are untruthful because negotiations had been proceeding in an orderly fashion, considering all of the factors, emotions, charges, countercharges, threats, discriminatory discharges, and all the other strife- except violence-which had characterized this union organizing campaign from its inception. (These matters will all be developed, including a bitter strike, herein- after.) In spite of all these untoward circumstances, the Company was bargaining in good faith, as is evidenced further by the fact that Counsel Bennett, even after designating the letter a breach of good faith, was willing to furnish a copy of their ideas of a contract. However, he could not set a date. Federal Conciliation Commission Enters Picture The next step, taken sometime in April by George, was to contact a Mr. Duncan of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service for the purported reason to "call upon that agency to help and assist us [the union] to carry on negotiations when negotiations have broken down. . . . " George and Bennett each had separate conferences with Commissioner Duncan in Waycross, to no avail; it was evident that the Company and the Union had reached an impasse as a result of the Union's contractual demands upon management. The Trial Examiner finds that the Union, through George, had submitted a con- tract to Respondent Dell "that was going to be it," and followed that ukase with a letter threatening a strike within 30 days unless the Company complied. This letter was written the day before a scheduled bargaining meeting, but not mailed in time to reach Respondent and alert it of the Union's intention to strike. The reason advanced by Representative George, that he wrote the letter in order to comply with Georgia law, is found to be a specious one-obviously so when he did not mention it at the second meeting-when management was trying to bargain in good faith. The Union is not charged with bargaining in bad faith, but this deception is tantamount to such. Certainly, its action constitutes "unusual circumstances" and WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1349 caused an impasse which eventually precipitated an economic strike against the Respondent-expensive to all persons and parties concerned. Alleged Refusal to Bargain After May 20 Clifford A. Stave, district representative, on orders of the International Union, relieved George on May 20, 1957.2 Section 8 of the complaint charges: On or about May 20, 1957, the Respondent refused, and at all times thereafter has con- tinued to refuse, to bargain with the Union as the exclusive representative of all the employees in the aforesaid unit. Admittedly, the Respondent Company was not guilty of a refusal to bargain up to this time. Nevertheless, when Stave took over on May 20, he found that a strike had been called by George for May 23. Obviously, such a strike called would be an economic strike. Therefore, the question to be decided, at this point, is whether the strike called 1 week later, May 27, was an economic strike. Upon his arrival in Waycross, on May 20, Stave called off this strike, aware that there was no refusal to bargain up to this point. Stave's version was: I found there had been a strike scheduled, May 23d, the following Thursday and . . . we wanted to see what we could do to adjourn this strike. . . . So I went out to the plant to see Mr. E. L. Dell. That was on Monday, immediately upon arriving in here, shortly after. I met with him in the office and we discussed the situation and I asked him if he would meet with us to resume negotiations. He stated he knew nothing in regard to unions or labor and that he was leaving it entirely up to his attorney, Mr. E. Kontz Bennett.. . I tried to see Mr. Bennett but he was out. . . . The first time I contacted him was, I believe, the 25th, the Friday of that week, and in Mr. Bennett's office I spent about an hour. He was very courteous and we discussed the problems at hand and I asked him about resuming negotiations. He asked me why such a large organization as ours would bother with such a small shop. He said a union would not fit into the shop, that the company could not go along with the seniority provisions and they could not give an increase. I advised him as far as I had known, so far they had had a few meetings and seemed to be going along all right and why couldn't we get together and resolve these differences. He mentioned some increases and I said the company had made no offer of increases and I said we were not interested in bankrupting the company, that we were only interested in fair treatment and Mr. Bennett stated: "No, no con- tract." He was very courteous about it. [Emphasis supplied.] upon leaving Mr. Bennett stated to me: "I realize you can file an unfair labor charge against us. Are you going to do it?" I said: "Mr. Bennett, I don't know yet." That ended that meeting for that week and the strike was then called on May 27th because there was no alternative for it. Further regarding the meeting with Bennett on May 25, Stave said: "I advised him the strike had been called off, that we did not want a strike; we wanted to resume negotiations. . . . I have never yet had to call a strike and this was the first one." (Stave has been working with the organization since about 1949, and has had authority to call strikes since 1951 or 1952.) The cogent testimony which demonstrates, to the Trial Examiner at least, that the Respondent, by its attorney in law and fact, was still bargaining in good faith right up to the time when the Union called its strike, is to be found in the colloquy on cross-examination by Attorney Bennett of Stave. This portion of the record ap- pears as follows: Q. (By Mr. Bennett.) Now, Mr. Stave, going back to the conference which was held in our office about May 20th, the date that you first came here, didn't we discuss pretty fully the set-up that Mr. Dell was operating under, the fact that he had Navy contracts to fulfil? A. Yes, sir, we did discuss that. Q. And wasn't it brought out in the conference that Mr. Dell only got those contracts after he made competitive bids against other people for the contracts? A. That is what you stated, yes, sir. George denied that he was relieved because of the letter, but said his services were required in Brunswick, Georgia. There is evidence in the record that George was in- experienced; but Stave supported George and his conduct. Stave denied that Attorney Bennett told him that he, Bennett, had talked with Cecil S. Massey, International vice president, as to what was done "and Mr. Massey said he regretted that." 1350 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Q. And was it not stated that the present contract that he had was based on a certain labor scale as to part of his bid and he could not change that during this contract? A. At that time you stated that and I stated that is nothing new. That happens in numerous plants throughout the country. Q. We went into all that very frankly? A. Yes. Q. In a very friendly way? A. Yes, I will state that. Q. And we went into a business set-up and I stated fully why he could not grant any wage increases at that time? A. Yes; you did not state he could not grant any wage increases. You said he could not afford to put out any more money. Q. Let me refresh your recollection very carefully and see if you are not mis- taken in saying I ever told you that there could be no contract between Mr. Dell and the Union. What I told you was that we could not bargain with the union because of the threat that had been made in Mr. George's letter; isn't that what I told you? A. No, sir, that is not what you told me. You told me definitely and I can remember this because when I left you emphasized I could file an unfair labor practice charge because you did not bargain. You said that contract would not fit into that shop and Mr. Dell would not sign any contract with any union. Q. Assuming I told you that you could file an unfair labor practice charge, is it possible to file that because a contract isn't signed? A. I beg your pardon. I wish you would read that. Q. Failing to sign a contract is not grounds for an unfair labor practice charge, is it? Mr. FENTON: I object; Mr. Stave is not a lawyer. Mr. BENNETT: He is a very experienced labor representative and he is dis- cussing-this is on cross examination and I brought out what he said I said about a charge. TRIAL EXAMINER: If he knows he may answer. The WITNESS: Repeat the question. Q. (By Mr. Bennett. ) Mr. Stave, isn't it true that the Taft-Hartley law does not require either party to make a concession or to sign a contract, but does require both parties to bargain in good faith; isn't that right? A. It requires the parties to bargain. Q. But does it require them to make a concession or sign a contract? They must bargain in good faith, isn't that right? A. They must bargain in good faith. Q. Yes. A. As far as the other part would go, I am not right up on that so I can't answer in regard to that. Stave testified that after he left Mr. Bennett's office on Friday, he tried to see Dell again, but was informed Mr. Dell was too busy to see him. (The Trial Examiner was convinced that Stave went through this motion for the purpose of laying a foundation for a charge. Dell had already told him that Bennett was his spokesman.) It would be not only illogical, but absurd to credit Stave's assertion that a lawyer of Bennett's reputation, with his long and distinguished career involving labor- management relations law, both in State and Federal matters, would dogmatically state to a union representative: "No, no contract!" Bennett tried to keep bar- gaining alive. It is clear from a study of the entire record that Respondent had recognized the Union, and was willing to sign a suitable contract with it, but could not bargain with the Union which itself was not bargaining in good faith-evidenced by its demand for its terms, backed up by its threat of a strike. This action by the Union created an impasse. The Strike Stave left Counsel Bennett's office on Friday possibly undecided whether to file charges of unfair labor practices with the Board, or to call a strike in order to bring the Respondent to the Union's terms. As previously indicated, there were various examples of implicit violations of Section 8(a)(1) involving interference, restraint, and coercion, as well as several discriminatory discharges violative of Section 8(a)(3). Instead, Stave followed George's formula and called a strike, thereby endorsing that course which had created an impasse. WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1351 On Monday, May 27, 1957, the strike began. This was an economic strike as dis- tinguished from an unfair labor practice strike. About 60 employees joined in the strike, and went out on the picket line. Respondent proceeded immediately to replace them permanently with new employees. This permanent replacement of economic strikers Respondent had the legal right to do. It had important Govern- ment contracts to fulfill and had the right to try to survive when its striking em- ployees exercised their rights to withhold their labor. Charged Mental Atmosphere Preceding the Strike At the outset of this report, the contentions of the Union and the Company were laid before the reader by the recitation of the original opening statements of counsel. It will be recalled that the General Counsel asserted that: As soon as Respondent became aware of the Union's intention of organizing the plant, officials of management threatened to shut down the shop before operating under a union; supervisors threatened the job tenure of individual employees; the day before the Board-conducted election, Respondent fired Henry Gladden who had made the original contact with Boilermakers Union; the Respondent shut down the plant for 10 days immediately after the count of the votes showed the Union to have won by a three to one majority and was charged with a lockout; thereafter for weeks the Respondent interrogated employees as to their union affiliations and threatened them with reprisals; five more prominent union adherents were discharged; and the Company refused to bargain with the Union. Respondent's counsel affirmatively denied the alleged unfair labor charges, and admitted that the plant was closed for a week, but that Respondent was exonerated by the Board from the charge of "lockout." The accepted explanation was that Respondent had finished one Navy contract, and before beginning another Government contract had to close down in order to retool and reset plant machinery, as well as to arrange for the refinancing of the new operation. Also, the date of the Board election had originally been scheduled for a 2 weeks prior date, therefore, the shutdown was coincidental. Re- spondent counsel also argued in considerable detail the good-faith efforts of the Company to negotiate with the Union on a contract, only to be met with threats. of bankruptcy, ultimatums demanding compliance with terms and conditions impos- sible of performance by Respondent, and failure of good-faith bargaining by the Union. Thus it was under these mental conditions and emotionally charged atmos- phere-right or wrong, true or false-that all parties concerned went into or became involved in the strike. The Burden of Proof and Proceeding Just as the General Counsel was charged with carrying the "burden of proof" in establishing his allegations of unfair labor practices, so fell on Respondent the "burden of proceeding" in the strike phase of the case. The reason for this latter role derives from Respondent's answer and is shown implicit in portions of Respondent's brief, reading as follows: Respondent further contended that the charging union had forfeited its right to demand bargaining because of its alleged conduct, following the strike of May 27, 1957, in setting up illegal picketing lines at the entrance to Respond- ent's Waycross, Georgia, plant, and that the Union engaged in mass picketing,. beating of non-striking employees with sticks and pipes and other dangerous instruments and following non-striking employees from the plant of respond- ent to their homes and threatening them with violence and harm and otherwise engaging in a course of action of terrorism. The Respondent specified numerous specific instances of the illegal conduct of the Union setting out names and dates and places of such occurrences. The Respondent further charged that in addition to other illegal conduct on the part of the Union, the Union also. illegally carried on an original effort to conduct a secondary boycott, attempt- ing to block shipments into Respondent's plant by rail, express and truck service.. The Picket Line Is Formed The. strike took form on Monday morning at the plant with the congregating of some 40 or 50 strikers at the plant. A picket line was formed under the supervision of Union Representative Stave. Stave advised both County Sheriff Lee and Chief of Police Ball of Waycross of the date and time of the strike and that the plant would be picketed in an orderly manner by striking employees. Stave testified that there was no obstruction of traffic, and no interference with people going in or out of the plant, that he never saw any picket physically interfere with any nonstriking em- 1352 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ployee, or heard foul or obscene language used. Eight picketers, who testified, sup- ported Stave's testimony. E. L. Dell had a different version, however. Dell testified "there was a lot of profane Language used on that strike line out there . . . as the different trucks would come in to make deliveries and pick up deliveries, the striking boys would get in front of the trucks or stand in their way to where they couldn't get in and out, and that is where I chose to put a policeman on our front door in order to have a policeman on duty in case any trouble of any kind showed up, that he could clarify it and keep our production line fed with these trucks and carriers coming in and out of our plant." He later testified he arranged to hire policemen "immediately upon the boys getting beat up when they left the plant when the strike went on." He testi- fied he made arrangements for one man only to be there. He could not tell the number of policemen who were there: "It would vary. If there was a big crew of the union's strikers out there I notice that there would be quite a few policemen out there and if there weren't many strikers out there I would notice there wouldn't be many policemen out there." Chief Ball stated that no violence on the picket line came to his attention. He testified: "I think that the parties on both sides were displeased at the conduct of the pickets and at the conduct of possibly some of those who were not on the picket line who may have been working, and that was our main purpose in trying to have peace and order out there and I told Mr. Stave and several of the other pickets that it was not our purpose to settle a strike or be involved in it in any way, that our job was to see that we had peace and quiet." Chief Ball stated that almost from the beginning of the disturbance he had one or more officers near the entrance all the time, from 7 o'clock in the morning until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, usually, with exception of Saturday. He testified: "As I set out in this charter, it [the city charter] puts the responsibility on me to see we do have peace and quiet if it is possible to have it and, as a rule, when we do have a disturbance the people involved, in this case Mr. Dell, ask for protection and I told Mr. Dell that I would be glad to furnish off-duty men and that it would be necessary for him to pay them and that our rate of pay was $2 per hour, and that I then posted a notice on the bulletin board in the lobby of the police station making this work available to any off-duty policeman who was desirous of extra income, that they certainly need beyond their pay." Policemen worked extra duty at the plant for the 17 weeks of the strike. First Incident of Violence Even though there was no violence on the picket line itself, certainly violence, originating from the strikers congregated near the line, occurred on the second day of the strike, May 28. The victim was nonstriker Hoyt Summerlin. The facts in this situation were: Eugene Leverett testified that on May 28, 1957, about noon, he, Ted Jordan, Jack Layton, and James Courson were leaving the plant for lunch in Hoyt Summerlin's car when a Mercury full of boys came by, and about 4 or 5 blocks from the plant, these boys stopped and told them to pull over. "They stopped and started yanking the door open and beating the side of the car. . Finally this boy snatched the front door open and started beating on this Hoyt." Hoyt was driving and "finally he got the car cranked and we pulled on off and we went to the Sheriff's office and reported it." They did not swear out a warrant. Bennett stated that warrants were sworn out by him in this case. James Courson testified that they waited until about 12:30 before seeing the sheriff, talked to the sheriff, and got back to the plant about 1:15 p.m. E. L. Dell testified that he observed the incident, and cited it as one of his reasons for asking for police protection for himself and his -employees. Fred L. Dell testified that Summerlin came back in the plant beaten up: "He was very excited and probably very scared because he barely could speak." Two of the assailants were identified as Bill and Buster Carmichael. Second Incident of Violence The second incident involved the brutal beating of a nonstriking employee, Doyis Music, by four striking employees. Doyis Music testified that when he was leaving the plant at 5 o'clock on May 29, two cars followed him. He did not know any of the boys in the first car, but the boys in the second car were Buddy Parker, Gene Gill, Bill Carmichael, and Buster Carmichael. Parker admitted he beat up Doyis Music and was fined $100. The other three received a 4-month suspended sentence. At the time of the beating these boys were not members of the Union, but joined shortly thereafter. Stave testified that he engaged Lawyer J. Edwin Peavey to represent-themfin the'city court of Waycross. Stave said he'paid :the-lawyer's"fee,-. but that the boys paid the fine. WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1353 Car-Following Episodes There were other incidents of strikers following nonstrikers from work and threatening them with violence. Some were reported to the police or to the sheriff. E. L. Dell testified: "On several occasions my employees called me at 5 o'clock who said they had been chased by strikers who hollered at them and tried to stop them on the road between our place and Waresboro, that they had threatened them and called them dirty names because they were working while the strike was on." He testified that during the early days of the strike he saw considerable chasing of cars from the parking lot across the street from the plant: "When the boys would be on their way home. . . . As I would be seated in my office which is right across the street I heard a lot out there. As somebody would go out of our gate . . . some of the striking employees would yell `Yonder he goes; there he goes; let us get him;' and three or four would jump in the car and run after them." Stave testified that he never saw strikers following workers in cars. Elzie D. Franks, a nonstriking employee and a Baptist minister, testified that he had been living in Waresboro, which is about 12 miles west of the plant on U.S. 82. "One afternoon as I left the shop to go home from work there was a fellow told me they were going to work me over because of my going through their picket lines and I started home. Then I stopped up the road and waited because I didn't want to go into the community; I waited about thirty minutes for them to come on and they didn't come so I went ahead on to where I was staying at the present time and went in a little country store there." Reverend Franks was sitting there drinking milk when a car drove up and a boy got out of it and walked to the door and said: "Preacher, we want to see you." He walked outside the building "and two other cars were over there and they began to tell me what they were fixing to do. . . . They were not using very nice language." A Mr. Dyson, father-in-law of one of the boys, "walked to the dor and told his son-in-law he had better get in the car and go home and two or three of the other fellows from the community then came up and we called the sheriff and had the sheriff come out and escort me back into town, and I stayed in the hotel." He spent two nights at the hotel and drove to Tifton the third night "because of their threatening to do me bodily injury." He named strikers Jesse Davis and the Chancey boy. Dell also testified regarding two instances where his car was followed late at night when he left his office "one time approximately at 2 o'clock in the morning and the other about 1:30 one morning. One morning I was followed by a dark- colored car; I can't tell you whose car it was or who was in it. . . . It took off from being parked across the street from my office and followed me to my house." He said he was bumped twice by the car following him. Stave testified he had not heard about this, but admitted following Mr. Dell in his truck out to the Waycross Air Base. His reason was to find out whether the equipment loaded on the truck was to be stored or shipped. "We were interested in seeing how much shipment they were getting out. In other words, to see how effective the strike was." When Dell stopped and turned around, he stopped and turned around. Carl F. Sweat, Jr., testified that he and a striker, a boy from Blackshear, were called in by the sheriff .for following a man; said the sheriff had a call he had beaten somebody up in Waresboro; and denied Bennett told the sheriff to let him go: "I don't recall your saying `Let him go' because there was no charge against me to hold me." Picketing-Ingress and Egress to the Plant There was considerable testimony concerning ingress and egress through the picket line. Cogent testimony illustrates the situation in this connection. I. C. Joyner, local agent of Terminal Transport Co., and Archie Callaham, local agent for Great Southern Trucking Co., testified they did not have any trouble getting shipments in or out of the plant, although F. L. Dell testified one truck was stopped for about 20 minutes and another for about 30 minutes. Joyner stated that Stave came to his house during the time they were delivering to the plant, and Stave explained that they asked the truckers to respect their picket lines. (Stave was. present during the first 9 days of the strike, and was then relieved by George for a period of about 2 weeks.) George testified that he asked Mr. Morris of the Rail- way Express not to cross the picket line. He testified: "The only people I asked at all to honor our picket line was the Railway Express Company, the Railroad and the man who threatened to whip me when he slid up in front of Mr. Dell's shop."' The latter refers to Robert H. Myles, who is in the contracting and contract hauling business. It appears he took a bulldozer part to the plant to be repaired and left it together with his trailer. Shortly after it was delivered to his premises on the 1354 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Jacksonville Highway " a gang of the union personnel came to the premises and accosted one of my men ," according to Myles. At the time Myles was out of town, but the employee, Noah Charles Davis, testified that they said they had reason to believe the trailer was loaded with bombs, and quoted them as saying : "I am going to have all your trailers and trucks blackballed up and down the road and put on the unfair list." He identified one of the men as Stave and Myles identified Mr. Stave as the man who had threatened to blackball them, but Mr . George testified Myles threatened him and not Stave , and Lamar Lee testified that Myles invited George, not Stave, to settle the difference in a fight. There was testimony regarding an incident where the police were called when George D. Justice , an employee of the Company , was attempting to unload a van- load of bombs , and was able to get the trailer up to the boxcar only with great difficulty because picket Lamar Lee had his car parked in the way. Chief Ball testified ". . there is a siding back of the Waycross Machine Shop and adjacent to Tapley-Walker Concrete where the Waycross Machine Shop un- loaded materials and various other things and loaded some, I suppose , finished prod- uct to be shipped out , and we had several calls out there and as a result of these calls, we sent officers out there every day during the time that the railroad switch engine would be working that area there. . "On one occasion two pickets , and I don't recall their names, were standing on either side of the railroad track about on the cross ties and the switch engine wouldn't attempt to go through because I suppose of hitting the pickets and I asked them to move off . . . and they did." Ball testified as to an incident when Mr. Stave was standing on the edge of the street in the center of the track and he escorted him off . Ball testified : "I don't say I took him off bodily. I led him off and I think I made a statement that I wasn 't going to lead him off any more , that if he did it any more I would make a case against him and bring him to trial ." On cross-examination , Stave denied this incident . His testimony was: Q. (By Mr. Bennett. ) Mr. Stave, I believe you say that in response to one of Mr. Fenton's questions that you never saw anybody interfere with a truck or a train or anything like that coming into the plant, isn't that what you said? A. Yes, sir; that is correct. Q. I don't suppose it would be possible for you to see yourself interfere with a train; you could make that statement and still interfere with one , yourself. A. I would appreciate it if you would be more definite in what you mean. Q. Isn 't it time that you got on the track and wouldn ' t get off and the police bodily picked you up and lifted you off the track , so that the train could pass on? A. No, that is definitely not true. Q. Nothing like that happened? A. No, sir ; no one has ever picked me up bodily and taken me off the track. Q. Did the police say they would have to do that before you got off the track? A. No. Q. Tell us about that incident where you were on the track and wouldn't get off but finally did get off when that train came in and was trying to spot a car. A. It is impossible for me to tell you about that incident because there was no such incident. Ball testified that the only person he had any argument with was Mr. Stave. He testified , "Well, iI informed him I was not elected by the Commission and that if he would take care of the picketing that II would take care of the policing and I believe I made the statement that I hoped the town didn't shrink up so that there wouldn't be room for both of us because I planned on staying here." Stave's version was: This incident here, it might be personalities ; Chief Ball at one time remarked to me, he said : "I understand you are trying to get the people to vote against me." He said: "5I have news for you . II am not elected ; I am appointed." I said: "I understand that but I understand the City Council is elected and they appoint you." He said: "Don't make this town too small for the both of us." Q. Is it true you were doing what you could to see that Chief Ball did not become the next chief of police in this town? A. The only thing I have done in regard to any of that was to tell the people and tell my people that it was part of our civic duty to register and vote and get people in there to represent them properly , and that it was in our . opinion WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1355 and that of every man, I think , on that line, that Chief of Police Ball was taking an undue interest in the strike at the Waycross Machine Shop and trying to exercise law and enforcement in there which was not called for. The Only Arrest The only arrest made on the picket line was that of Willie Cooper, a Negro, for carrying a gun . This case was held in abeyance for several months and "nolle prossed." Stave arranged bail for Willie Cooper and had anattorney represent him. Strike Called Off On September 26, 1957, Stave wrote a letter to Dell , which informed Dell that at a meeting of Local No . 653, held on September 25, 1957, it was voted to call off the strike , and that it would be officially called off as of 6 p.m. on Friday , Septem- ber 27, 1957. The letter reads: The employees , shown on the attached list, hereby individually make an unconditional request and apply for reinstatement to their former or substan- tially equal positions . These men are immediately available for reinstatement and are ready, willing and able to return to work. In addition to this formal request the individuals named on the attached list will make a personal appearance to apply for reinstatement and to reaffirm their request for unconditional reinstatement. Section 9 of the complaint lists 74 employees who allegedly went on strike, and section 11 alleges that employees named in paragraph 9 unconditionally applied for reinstatement. Respondent counsel contends that "many names were `thrown in' who did not go on strike and many more did not apply for reinstatement." Stave testified: "As to the majority of those employees it was no guess.. . . There might have been a few in there which were in doubt in the back of my mind and rather than deprive a man of the rights guaranteed him I entered his name. There may be some names on that that shouldn't be on it but it was my intention to try to protect the people who had come out. . . . There were employees discharged because of their joining the Union . I put down their names in the hopes we could arrive at some solution as to them too." During the proceeding General Counsel moved to strike 16 names from the com- plaint. Presumably these 16 were not strikers as 2 of them, Wilfred Boatwright and David C. Jernigan, testified they were not strikers. Those withdrawn were: Wilfred Boatwright, William C. Bryson, Zack Buckholtz, Richard C. Griffin, Jesse Hampton, David C. Jernigan, Oscar Lee, Norman Leggett, Claudie Rogers, William P. Rowell, Wilbert Rowell, Jazy B. Shafers, Rudolph Smith, Bobby F. Spikes, William J. Strickland, and Hulon Thrift. Of the remaining 58, there were 35 who formally reapplied for reinstatement, and exhibits were introduced to prove this. The Company arranged to take these appli- cations. In fact, Stave testified that Bennett asked him: "How is this going to be handled? We would like to know how the people can come in and arrange it so that the people can set up a place in their outer office a place for the employees to register?" Neither E. L. Dell nor Mrs. Mobley knew whether any of those who :applied for reinstatement were rehired , but Kenneth Altman testified he got his job back. All told 34 of the strikers testified. Of the 23 who did not formally make appli- cation for reinstatement, 11 testified , and only 2 of these claimed to have reapplied, although some of them said they went back to the plant seeking jobs. George P. Campbell and Stafford R. Davis were the two who claimed to have reapplied though no exhibit was introduced to verify this . Of the 12 who did not testify and where exhibits were not introduced to show they reapplied , the testimony does not sustain the belief that they did make application for reinstatement , and George Campbell specifically testified that his brother, Willie W. Campbell, did not reapply. With the exception of Troy Davidson , the testimony shows all were strikers. During the Strike Stave testified that shortly after he arrived he called the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service and attempted to get their services , but to no avail , but did not indicate whether this was before of after the strike began : On June 5, 1957, after the strike began , Stave wrote a letter to Mr. Dell advising him "that we are still 1356 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD willing and waiting to meet with you in regards to negotiating a Contract." There was no reply. This letter was written during the first 9 days of the strike, and Stave admitted passing Attorney Bennett several times on the elevator, while he was en route to Attorney Peavey's office. Asked if this was good timing to ask for bar- gaining negotiations while "you people are beating up men," Stave replied, "If they can refuse to bargain when I go to see an attorney, then I don't know what has happened." Stave testified the Company attempted to get an injunction against the strike. The date of this injunction is unknown, but is presumably about this time. In the middle of July, Stave went to see Mr. Dell and was told Dell was too busy to see him. Upon leaving his office he went to see Dr. Blanton, the Com- pany's doctor, but was told he had no interest in the Company. In the latter part of July, he called upon Bennett asking "if there wasn't something that could be done to resume negotiations," and asking him to contact Mr. Dell. Stave testified Bennett replied by telephone either that day or the next and said, "I am sorry . . . Mr. Dell says: "No contract, period, and there is no union." 3 On August 8, 1957, the Union filed an unfair labor charge against the Company. On September 20, 1957, Stave wrote another letter to Dell requesting a meeting and received no reply. Asked by Counsel Bennett if this letter was written in good faith he replied, "Yes. . Sometimes people have a change of heart." Stave denied he wrote this letter for the purpose of building evidence in this case, stating he did not know whether the case would be filed because he did not know whether the Regional Office would accept the charges. Stave admitted he had attempted to get the Navy to cancel Mr. Dell's contract. "There had been reports that work coming out of the shop was faulty, and I advised the Navy of the same. I am a taxpayer, and that is part of my duty." Although Stave knew Dell had turned this matter over to his attorney, he continued to address two letters to E. L. Dell and saw him once. Respondent's Final Contention The Respondent charges that the Union refused to bargain in good faith with Respondent and as a matter of law forfeited its right to bargain. Respondent quoted the Labor Management Relations Act (29 U.S.C.A. section 158, pp. 258, 260) as follows (Section 8): (b) It shall be an unfair labor practice for a labor organization or its agents . . . (3) to refuse to bargain collectively with an employer. . . . (d) For the purposes of this section, to bargain collectively is the perform- ance of the mutual obligation of the employer and the representative of the employees to meet at reasonable times and confer in good faith with respect to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment, or the negotiation of an agreement, or any question arising thereunder, and the execution of a written contract incorporating any agreement reached if requested by either party, but such obligation does not compel either party to agree to a proposal or require the making of a concession. [Emphasis supplied.] Conclusion on Refusal to Bargain The Trial Examiner has found that the Union foisted upon Respondent its own contract and demanded compliance with its terms which were repugnant to Respondent and impossible of performance if the Company was to remain solvent. It has been found that the Respondent has at no time prior to the strike refused to sit down and bargain with the Union in good faith in en effort to reach a satisfactory contract. Except during the strike violence when emotions ran rampant, Respond- ent's spokesman, Attorney Bennett, not only has been willing to sit down with union representatives, but has assured the Union that he, as spokesman, would deliver Respondent's conception of a satisfactory contract. During the time of strike violence only, 13 days, Respondent delayed, but has not refused to sit down and discuss terms. The justification for delay in this interim was, in Respondent's mind, a time not propitious nor conducive to amity. Even during this time, Respondent Spokesman Bennett advised the Union that he would submit a contract and bargain. Respondent would not, however, agree to terms dictated by the Union. Further, the Union had lost its majority in the unit with the permanent replacement of the strikers. Because this strike was an economic one rather than an unfair labor 3 The Trial Examiner simply did not believe Stave's testimony in this instance. It was incredible and unbelievable that an experienced labor-relations legal expert would confess without' avoidance his client's case in main. WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1357 practice strike, Respondent had the right to, and did, permanently replace them. (Cf. Henry Heide, Inc., 107 NLRB 1160.) The evidence shows that the Union represented only one or two of the employees who replaced the strikers. Since under the law these economic strikers could not vote in a Board-conducted election, having been permanently replaced, it is believed that the facts set forth in the record present such "unusual circumstances" as to justify the Respondent in failing to bargain with the Union after the strike was abandoned, even through the certifica- tion year had not yet elapsed. Violations of Section 8(a)(1) The complaint alleged that Respondent E. L. Dell personally on or about January 31, March 5, and April 1, 1957, and by his supervisors on about the dates set opposite their names, interrogated employees at the Waycross plant concerning their union membership, sympathy and desires and the union membership sympathy and desires of other employees: Assistant Manager Owen K. Dell, January 30 and February 1; Plant Superintendent Lawton Dell, March 1; Assistant Manager Lloyd Dell, April 1. Further, Respondent E. L. Dell on December 18, and Plant Manager Lawton Dell on January 28 and 29, threatened employees that their job tenures would become uncertain in the event a majority designated the Union as their collective-bargaining agent. General Counsel amended the complaint on April 28, 1958, alleging that E. L. Dell interrogated employee J. B. Worthington about May 1 concerning his union membership and sympathies and threatened to shut down his plant before he would sign a contract with the Union; and that about October 15, E. L. Dell interrogated employee James Burkett concerning his union membership and activities. Respondent denied the allegations. The Situations A day before the election, January 31, E. L. Dell questioned employee D. C. Jernigan about the election, and asked him, "How do you think it is going to turn out?" Jernigan quoted Dell as saying, "You don't know what they are going to do, those union men have big talk but they don't understand what they are doing.. . . Those union men can't make me pay you more than I pay now because I take these jobs under contract and I am not going to lose money on it. . . . I have enough work to last the rest of the year. . If it comes I can't guarantee anything." He said the repair crew is what he had when he started and before he would lose money that he would just use that. (Jernigan's testimony was suspect. Jernigan was on parole, guilty of armed robbery; discharged May 14 before the strike.) E. L. Dell testified that Jernigan asked him: "How do you reckon work is hold- ing up?" Dell told him: "I thought it was holding up pretty well, that I had other contracts that I had not signed yet in my drawer in my office for additional work that would probably run us for a year or more," but that was about the extent of the conversation with Jernigan. Q. At that time did you ever threaten not to sign a contract or to continue employment of people in Waycross to Mr. Jernigan , because the union had tried to organize your plant? A. Definitely not; I have never said that to any employee or anyone else. Charles F. Davis testified he overheard this conversation in the restroom between Mr. Dell and Jernigan: "He said in there that he had three contracts in there, on his desk and they would last for a good while in there, and he said if everybody would give him his pay, a week's pay, for a week-everybody in there, he would be ahead where he wouldn't have to borrow money to pay the men off and he said in there again about that election: `Let your conscience be your guide.' . He said in there that if everybody would vote, No, that we would still have a job in there and he wouldn't have to close down the plant." Davis was subpenaed to testify. He went to work before Christmas 1956. The above is not found to be violative of Section 8 (a) (I). The instances alleged as occurring on March 1, March 5, and April 1 are: Leroy James Henley quit work and was not there at the time of the election, but went back to work the first week of March 1957. He testified Lawton Dell "asked him if he belonged to the union the day he hired him." He said: "I was at the water fountain one day and E. L. Dell came and asked me which side of the fence I was on and I told him the same thing I told Mr. Lawton, that I hadn't thought too much about it, and he said `If you will stick to me you won't regret it if some- thing did come up.' " In early April, E. L. Dell called him and Lamar Lee into the office and told them he had a letter from the Government that he couldn't work 1358 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD a man over 8 hours a day. Henley said: "If we turned in 350 casting, our 8 hours were made . he wanted us to work on when we got our production, to 5 o'clock and work straight time and not pay us overtime like he had been paying us. Further he also stated about this union business coming up again, and he told us that he had a union contract in his desk drawer and he wouldn't sign it under any circumstances whatsoever, that the wages and conditions in it were outrageous." Lamar Lee testified that "E. L. Dell called me and James Henley and Rex Strickland in his office and told us he wanted more production. Our production was 300 then and he told us he wanted us to keep on with production after that." Asked if Mr. Dell said anything about the union on this occasion, he replied: "I just know something about him saying he wasn't going to sign the contract." The foregoing testimony is credited by the Trial Examiner and found to be violative of Section 8 (a)( 1 ) of the Act. The January 30 and February 1 incidents involving O. K. Dell's alleged interro- gations are: Wm. V. Carter, who is now working for Waycross, denied that any supervisor or official had mentioned the union to him. General Counsel attempted to question him regarding an affidavit he had given to the effect that on Wednesday before the Friday on which the election was held Keefer Dell came to him and asked him: "What do you think about the union coming in here?" His reply was: "Well, I will tell you, I don't know too much about this union. I worked under union conditions and sometimes union conditions are a good thing." Carter said he couldn't read or write except his name, but "if anybody spelled a word I can write it." In other words, he apparently wrote the statement, but he couldn't read it. He recalled giving a statement to an agent of the Board, but denied telling him that Keefer Dell had asked him what he thought about the union. He said he signed it because he was told signing it was necessary to draw unemployment compensa- tion-after election at the time the plant was closed. This is dated February 6, 1957, during time of layoff and is typewritten. His writing ended: "I have read this 2 page statement and it is true and correct." The above evidence is not found to be an 8(a)(1) violation. Thomas C. Sauls quoted Keefer Dell as saying, on the "morning of the election," the following: "If you mess around the union you will get in trouble." His reply was: "I said that was my business if I was a member of the union or was not a member of the union." Keefer Dell denied this, and explained that Sauls asked to be made an observer at the election but Keefer advised him that the place was filled. No violation of 8(a)(1) is found. Thomas Sauls went to work during January 1957, and was fired February 22, 1957, was unemployed for a while, and now is working for a drive-in theatre. He was subpenaed to testify. He went on strike and was in the picket line, but never sought reinstatement, as he had no rights as a striker. He rolled bombs in from the yard into assembly lines. He said there were no hard feelings between him and Dell-he hadn't told anyone about this conversation with Dell. He had a union button but didn't wear it and didn't know what he did that could have made Dell feel he would be messing with the Union. Joseph Worthington testified that E. L. Dell asked him if he belonged to the Union when he was hired, about May 1, 1957. He replied: "Yes," and Dell asked him "what I would do in case of a strike and I said: `What the biggest majority would do. If the biggest majority walked out I would walk out.' He said he had a contract, and he pulled out a bunch of papers and said that was a union contract and he would close the doors before he signed it." He admitted that Dell went ahead and hired him. This testimony is accepted and found to be a threat within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. James R. Burkett testified to two instances of interrogation by Leon Dell. One occurred before the Union came in, and the other occurred after the strike ended.. Burkett testified that during the latter part of September, Leon Dell "asked me what I thought about the union and I said I never worked under the union before and he asked me if it would go in, and if it did there would be nothing but skilled men left. . He said I didn't have to hit the clock, that it was being repaired but if the union came in I would have to." Burkett reported that after the strike ended, he and Donald Smith went to see Dell about getting back to work, a couple of weeks after he had applied for rein- statement, and "he asked me if I thought there was anything wrong with the union. He said he thought he saw me on the picket line. I said `Yes, but that didn't mean I belonged to the union.' He said he would have to wait before he put me back." Burkett was laid off in November 1956 because the contract ran out, he said, but Respondent counsel questioned him asking if he was not laid off for venereal disease. Both of these instances constitute violations of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1359 In September or October, E. L. Dell had a conversation with Ernest P. Vaughn. Dell sponsored a radio program for Mr. Vaughn. They were in the radio station and "he told me my daddy, an old buddy who used to be a union man out on the job, he was out working a locomotive one time and he had to remove a pipe off of the locomotive, and he had to wait for a union man to come and move it, so he said he was tied down where he couldn't carry on his work at that time, and he had to wait for several hours, and he said he couldn't put up with such thing around his shop. . .. I believe he [Dell] said there he didn't approve the union. . . He said if there was a union in there he would have to close down the shop and he said he could hire more men in the shop in the place of the fellows. . . The fellows he would have to replace would be out of a job." Vaughn admitted Dell didn't threaten him in connection with the union. Dell's version was that "Pete" Vaughn asked him about the union: "Is it going to hurt you very much?" Dell's reply was that he didn't know much about the union. "The only thing I know about a union is what your dad told me when I was working under him years and years ago." He then related the story to Pete. Dell replied "no" when asked if he told Vaughn he would be fired if he voted for the union. Dell said he knew Vaughn was a union man. "I was talking to him two years before he came to work for me and he was telling me of his union activities." The Trial Examiner accepts Vaughn's version and finds a violation of Section 8(a)(1). About the last of November or the first of December 1956, O. C. Simmons, who was considering trading cars, asked Leon Dell whether they planned on a layoff or just what was the situation. "He said I knew the lay-out of the shop and that I was a regular hand at the time and that he couldn't see why it wouldn't be wise to go ahead because this present contract we were on would last through March, if this other thing don't come in-you know what I mean." Simmons took it to mean the union. Under the circumstances obtaining, this was a threat violative of Section 8(a)(1). Further Alleged Violations Section 18 of the complaint charges that on February 5 Keefer Dell urged em- ployees of Respondent to quit listening to the "union propaganda," and threatened that they would get in trouble unless they followed such urging. On the Tuesday following the election, while the shop was shut down, a group of employees, includ- ing Charles Davis, Irving Amerson, and Willard O'Neal, went out to the premises seeking information on when operations would resume. Charles Davis testified: "Mr. Keefer came outside and he said we had better get us a lawyer to advise us about that stuff, the union, he said, or we will get ourselves in hot water." William O'Neal testified that Keefer Dell "told us we had better get a lawyer to advise us and quit messing around before somebody got into trouble." Irving Amerson testified that they reported to work Monday morning and met Keefer and E. L. Dell and "Mr. Keefer told us they were out of material and it would be from a week or maybe six weeks before they would get any, and advised anybody who could get employment to do so." Q. Did you thereafter go back to the plant for work? A. He told us to come in the following Friday and pick up our pay checks and when he did a slip was on our pay checks to report back to work the next Monday. Q. During the lay-off did you make any further trips back to the plant to see if they would be open during the week? A. Yes; the day after we went back and asked him did he have any-We met Mr. Keefer out in front and asked him did he have any material or know when he would get it and he said: "No." He said why didn't we drop this union stuff and quit listening to the propaganda and get a lawyer, and he would hate to see us get into any trouble." Amerson said Ratliff, Vaughn, and Booth were standing with him. Willard O'Neal testified that they went out on Monday and quoted E. L. Dell as telling them "he was short of material and that he would appreciate it, he appreciated our work and that at the time being, he didn't have anything else to do, and if we could get a job anywhere else to go ahead and do it because he didn't know how long he would be closed down." Owen Keefer Dell testified that the men said: "The union man told us we were supposed to go to work this morning." His reply was: "If you men would go get yourselves a lawyer to advise you what your rights are and quit listening to the propaganda we would all be better off." Keefer explained that the union had been putting out propaganda sheets. (Respondent's Exhibit No. 43-one put out 1360 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD January 3.) Keefer Dell denied that he threatened men with discharge. He also said he did not threaten them that they would not be rehired, made no statement that the plant would be permanently closed. Keefer explained that every man returned to work the following Monday. The Trial Examiner does not accept Keefer Dell's denials and explanation but rather resolves the evidentiary conflicts in favor of these employees. Accordingly, on the evidence , a violation of Section 8(a)(1) is found. Alleged Solicitation to Undermine the Union Section 19 of the complaint charges that the Respondent, on or about February 15, 1957, solicited an employee at the Waycross plant to attempt to undermine the union, promising such employee a 25-cents-per-hour wage increase and permanent employment for engaging in such activity. Willard O'Neal, one of the members of the "negotiating committee," reported a time when he was called to the office of E. L. Dell, and Dell asked him what he thought about the union. "I told him I thought the union was a good thing, that I had belonged to it out in the railroad shops." Dell offered him a 25-cents-per-hour raise and assurance of his job if he would discourage union activities in the plant. O'Neal said: "I couldn't do my fellow-employees like that." Dell said, "Well, there is nothing I can do about that then." Dell testified in this connection: "I have never heard a man under oath tell a bigger lie in my life . . . that man has never been in my office." The Trial Examiner resolved the credibility conflict in Dell's favor for three simple reasons: (a) such an offer would be out of character with company wage policy; (b) Dell could not have done it and gotten by with it in view of the temper in his plant ; and (c ) on the basis of testimonial demeanor , Dell impressed one as the more truthful witness. Thus, this is found to be no violation. (Note that O'Neal was one of the 8(a)(3) and will be dealt with later.) Alleged Discriminatory Discharges Section 15 of the complaint alleges that Respondent discharged, and thereafter failed and refused to reinstate, the below-listed employees because of their mem- bership in and activities on behalf of the Union, and because they engaged in con- certed activities with other employees for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. These employees and the dates of their discharges are as follows: Henry T. Gladden, January 30, 1957; O. C. Simmons, February 10, 1957; Irving Amerson, February 25, 1957; Ernest Vaughn, February 25, 1957; Willard O'Neal, February 26, 1957; Leon Smith, March 14, 1957. Respondent denied that these employees were discriminatorily discharged and plead affirma- tively that the discharges occurred before the strike and that the record contains detailed evidence that each and every discharge was for cause. The mental atmosphere prevailing in the plant at the times of these discharges, it will be recalled, was charged with emotion. Two employees, complaining of low wages and having other grievances, speaking for and on behalf of fellow em- ployees, traveled to Brunswick, Georgia, and importuned Boilermaker Union officials to come to Waycross and establish a union in Respondent's plant. The union repre- sentatives came, secured members, petitioned the Board for an election and won by a three to one majority. The Union charged management with a "lock-out," charged management with "dragging its feet in bargaining negotiations," and threatened to strike. Respondent objected to the Union's coming in, resented the employees who fo- mented the union organization, interrogated, threatened, and coerced employees during the campaign and after the election. The Respondent's officials were aggrieved at the union official's unreasonable contractual demands and threats to bankrupt or put the Company out of business. Thus, it was in this untoward atmosphere that these discharges occurred. Dischargee Gladden became a welder in 1937, and went to work during the latter part of June 1956 as an heliarc welder. He was earning $1.35 at time of discharge. Gladden began to advocate a plant union immediately after being hired, was one of the two who contacted Organizer George, solicited memberships, checked eligi- bility of voters for the election, and openly consorted with Boilermakers Representa- tives George, Bailey, and Russell in front of the shop, and in the presence of Leon Dell. Gladden was discharged on January 30 at 3:14 p.m. by Leon Dell on the charges of absenteeism, having a 30-minute conversation with another employee (Ratliff) on company time the day before he was fired, and being behind in his work on the day he was fired, and being 3 minutes late in returning from the toilet WAYCROSS MACHINE SHOP 1361 at the "3:00 o'clock break." The Trial Examiner considered all the testimony behind the charge of absenteeism and found it satisfactorily explained by his own and his wife's illness. The conversation with Ratliff took place 3 or 4 weeks prior to that time, and even then Gladden was working. Further, he was never criticized for his work by any supervisors. As to being 3 minutes late in returning from the restroom, other employees were later and not rebuked. The severe treatment toward him was disparate as compared to treatment of other employees, and was occasioned by his known union activities. Immediately upon his discharge he went to work for Savannah Machine & Foundry at $2.68 and is presently earning $2.77 per hour. It is found that Gladden's discharge was discriminatory, occasioned by his union activities and Respondent's union animus . This is a violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. O. C. Simmons was the one who, with Gladden, contacted the Union and helped to organize it. He was an observer at the election and was appointed on the "nego- tiating committee" at the end of January, although he attended no sessions as he went on another job. He was fired by F. L. Dell on grounds that his work was un- satisfactory, namely, he could not do vertical welding and had failed Navy weld- ing tests . General Counsel argues in his brief that Simmons had been welding since 1942, and had received schooling in his trade, that he had passed on November 2 the Navy vertical welding test, that he went to Savannah and secured a job requiring a greater amount of vertical welding. . Dell credibly testified that Simmons was accustomed to doing "flat welding," and when all that type of welding was exhausted he was put on "vertical" welding. He was unable to satisfactorily perform "overhead" welding so Dell said to him: "Go over and practice the rest of the day on vertical welds" which he did. Navy Welding Inspector Vana checked his welds and characterized them as not being "up to par." Dell testified that he was behind in his contract and that when Simmons admitted he could not do better, Dell discharged him. The Trial Examiner accepts this ex- planation which is supported further by the fact that Inspector Vana testified that Simmons had flunked Navy tests previously, and Simmons admitted that he had failed on vertical welding. It will be recommended that this count in the com- plaint be dismissed. Irving Amerson was hired in June 1956, as a laborer, although he had been an acetylene welder for 10 years, having been trained under the G.I. Bill. He was making $1.35 per hour as a welder at time of discharge. He joined the Union, dis- tributed union cards, sticking them in employees' gloves. He wore a union button after the election . He was discharged, late in the afternoon when he finished a par- ticular job, by Keefer Dell who told him he was being replaced by a mechanical welder. Dell testified: "Because we changed the procedure of welds from acetylene to a mechanical seam welder and a seam welder did not require the skill of an acety- lene welder." It appeared that Amerson's welding partner Vaughn had been let go earlier in the afternoon when he had finished his portion of the work. The reason assigned to both was that they were being replaced with a mechanical spot welding machine, for which operators could be hired for $1 per hour. This con- stitutes a valid reason for Amerson's discharge. It will be recommended that this count in the complaint be dismissed. Ernest "Pete" Vaughn (son of "Shorty" Dell's friend who taught Dell welding) had been employed on three former occasions by the Company. Vaughn was doing acetylene welding on "shrouds" with Amerson at $1.35 per hour when terminated. Vaughn was a member of the negotiating committee and had been a union man for some years. Later, he told Dell that he was willing to work for $1 per hour. How- ever, Dell had hired, according to Ratliff, one Wally Sweat, as new man for the machine. The same reasoning applies to Vaughn as did to Amerson. Respondent replaced them with men at $1 • per hour. Accordingly, it will be recommended that this count be dismissed. Willard O'Neal was hired on July 3, 1956, at $1 per hour. He was an observer at the election and was on the negotiating committee. He was terminated on Feb- ruary 2:6. His job was threading lugs at $1.10 per hour. After the shutdown following the election, O'Neal was assigned to drilling holes in bombs on a new machine. He worked on this machine for 11/2 weeks when the Company brought in a new man , Norman Leggett, whom O'Neal taught to operate the new machine. O'Neal was then returned to his old job of threading lugs and worked for a week, when he was discharged. The reason assigned by Lloyd Dell was that "under the new contract the lugs came already threaded." The Trial Examiner, after review- ing all of the evidence on this phase of the case, concluded that O'Neal was trans- 508889-O0--vol. 123=87 1362 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ferred back to threading lugs, after training a replacement on the boring machine, in preparation for his discharge, based on Respondent's union animus. This dis- charge is obviously suspect on the record, and does not enjoy the presumption of the business policy of the Amerson and Vaughn discharges. General Counsel's theory and statement of facts is sound. Accordingly, it is found that O'Neal's discharge was discriminatory and violative of Section 8(a)(3). Leon Smith went to work for the Company in 1956. He worked on a "crimping" or bending machine at $1.10 per hour. He joined the Union, attended meetings, and wore his union button on the job. He worked March 14 (Wednesday) and stayed home Thursday, the 15th. The closest telephone was several miles away as was the home of their nearest neighbor, James Curl, who also worked for the Com- pany. The Company had a rule that prospective absentees should report in before 8 a.m. Swift's wife was to contact Curl and tell him to report Smith's illness. Mrs. Smith missed Curl who had already started for work but she reported her husband's illness with "flu" to Curl's wife. She asked Curl to notify the Company, and pick up Smith's check. Curl reported the illness Friday morning and picked up Smith's check. When Smith reported for work on Tuesday, his card was not in the rack and he quoted Lawton Dell as saying: "We have another man in your place, and it is one of those things." Smith had been absent only once before, and he had never been warned. In view of the fact that the reason was explained to the Company, at the earliest possible time, as being Smith's illness, and since the Company did not come forward with any explanation for such a harsh penalty, the Trial Examiner came to the conclusion that it took this opportunity to eliminate a known union adherent. This is found to be a discriminatory discharge violative of Section 8(a) (3). Reinstatement of Strikers 8(a)(3) Sections 12 and 13 of the complaint charged that Respondent refused and con- tinues to refuse to reinstate the striking employees because of their membership in and activities on behalf of the Union in violation of Section 8(a) (3). The Trial Examiner has heretofore found and held that the strike was an economic strike and that Respondent permanently replaced them and, further, has agreed to rehire the strikers when jobs are open. Although there have been few replacements, this is not a refusal to reinstate. Therefore, it is unnecessary to deal further with those allegations. IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of Respondent set forth in section III, above, occurring in connec- tion with the operations of Respondent set forth in section I, above, have a close,' intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead and have led to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY As it has been found that the Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices, it will be recommended that the Respondent cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. It has been found that Respondent violated the Act by discriminating with respect to the hire and tenure of employment of various employees named herein. It will be recommended that Respondent make them whole for any loss of pay they may have suffered by reason of Respondent's discrimination against them, by payment to each of them of a sum of money equal to the amount each would normally have earned as wages from the date the discrimination occurred against them, until such time as they were reinstated or are offered reinstatement , less their net earnings during that period .4 Should it be necessary, Respondent shall dismiss any replacement hired after dates of discriminatory discharges The pay loss involved, if any, shall be computed in the manner established by the Board in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289. In addition, I will recommend, in accordance with the Woolworth decision, that Respondent, upon request, make available to the Board and its agents all records pertinent to an analysis of amounts due as back pay. Since Respondent has restrained, coerced, and interfered with its employees in the exercise of their rights under the Act, and has also committed acts of discrimina- tion with regard to the hire and tenure of employment of its employees-the latter a form of unfair labor practice which has been held to "go to the heart of the Act"- 4 Crossett Lumber Company, 8 NLRB 440. 6 Crowley's Milk Company, Inc. (Paterson Division), 102 NLRB 996. AMERICAN STEEL BUILDING COMPANY, INC. 1363 I am convinced that there is a danger of a repetition by Respondent of unfair labor practices directed against its employees. In order, therefore, to make effective the interdependent guarantees of Section 7 of the Act, to prevent a recurrence of unfair labor practices, and thereby minimize industrial strife which burdens and obstructs commerce, and thus to effectuate the policies of the Act, I will recommend that Respondent cease and desist from in any manner infringing upon the rights guar- anteed employees in Section 7 of the Act.6 Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, and upon the entire record in the case, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent, E. L. Dell, Jr., trading as Waycross Machine Shop, is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. By discriminatorily discharging Henry F. Gladden, Leon Harvey Smith, and Willard O'Neal, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a) (3) of the Act. 3. By interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a)( 1 ) of the Act. 4. The aforesaid labor practices in paragraphs 2 and 3 are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 5. The Respondent has not violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act by refusing to bargain as alleged in the complaint. 6. The allegations in the complaint charging Respondent with discriminatory discharge of O. C. Simmons, Ernest Pete Vaughn, and Irving Amerson be dismissed. [Recommendations omitted from publication.] 6May Department Stores v. N.L.R.B., 326 U.S. 376, affg., as mod . 146 F. 2d 66 (C.A. 8), enfg. 53 NLRB 1366. American Steel Building Company, Inc. and International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Black- smiths, Forgers and Helpers , AFL-CIO, Local 469. Case No. 39-CA-888. May 29, 1959 DECISION AND ORDER On March 16,1959, Trial Examiner David London issued his Inter- mediate Report in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and . take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the copy of the Inter- mediate Report attached hereto. Thereafter the Respondent filed exceptions to the Intermediate Report and a brief in support thereof. The Board 1 has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed.' The Board has considered the Inter- I Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 (b) of the Act, the Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three-member panel [Members Rodgers, Bean, and Fanning]. 2 The Respondent has excepted, inter alia, to the Trial Examiner' s ruling refusing to require the General Counsel to make available to the Respondent an oral statement made to a field examiner by witness Jenkins and reduced to writing, but neither signed nor seen by the witness. The Board's rules require the production of a written statement by 123 NLRB No. 166. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation