Waterman Steamship Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 29, 194878 N.L.R.B. 20 (N.L.R.B. 1948) Copy Citation In the Matter of WATERMAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION , REPAIR DI- VISION, EMPLOYER and UNITED ASSOCIATION OF JOURNEYMEN AND APPRENTICES OF T1-1E PLUMBING AND PIPEFITTING INDUSTRY, LOCAL 419, AFL, PETITIONER In the Matter Of WATERMAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION, REPAIR Di- VISION, EMPLOYER and SHEET METAL WORKERS INTERNATIONAL As- SOCIATION, LOCAL 412, AFL, PETITIONER In the Matter Of WATERMAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION, REPAIR Di- VISION, EMPLOYER and SEAFARERS INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NORTH AMERICA, MOBILE BRANCH, AFL, PETITIONER' In the Matter of WATERMAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION, REPAIR DI- vISioN, EMPLOYER and INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL No. B-505 , PETITIONER In the Matter of WATERMAN STEAMISIIIP CORPORATION, REPAIR DIVISION, EMPLOYER and INTERNATIONAL BROTIIERIIOOD OF BOILERMAKERS, IRON SHIP BUILDERS AND HELPERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 112, AFL, PETITIONER In the Matter of WATERMAN STEAMSI UP CORPORATION, REPAIR DIVISION, EMPLOYER and BROTHERHOOD OF PAINTERS, DECORATORS, AND PAPER- HANGERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL UNION No. 779, PETITIONER In the Matter of WATERMAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION, REPAIR DIVISION, EMPLOYER and UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 872, PETITIONER In the Matter of WATERMAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION, REPAIR DIVISION, EMPLOYER and INTERNATIONAL HOD CARRIERS, BUILDING AND COM- MON LABORERS UNION OF AMERICA, LOCAL 487,1 PETITIONER Oases Nos. 15-R-2234,15-R 4244,15-R-2245,15-R-2254,15-R-=2259, 15-R-2260,15-R-2257, and 15-R-2261, respectively. Decided June 29, 1948 ' The petition in this case Naas filed by International Hod Carriers , Building, and Common Laborers Union of America . Local 00 After the hearing , this labor organization moved to amend the petition by stukmg out the words Local No 00 from its name and substitut- ing therefor the words Local 487 It contends that after the filing of its petition , it rever ed a charter from its parent organization and at the same time was assigned the name Local 487 The motion is hereby gi anted 7SNLRB.,No5 20 WATERMAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION DECISION DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS AND ORDER 21 Upon separate petitions 2 duly filed, a consolidated hearing in these cases was held before a hearing officer of the National Labor Relations Board. The hearing officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed: After the hearing, the petitioning unions in Cases Nos. 15-R-2234, 15-R-2245, 15-R-2257, and 15-R-2260 moved for leave to withdraw their respective petitions. In each case, the petitioning union was the only union with an interest in the employees it requested. Under these circumstances, we shall dismiss the petitions in Cases Nos. 15-R- 2234, 15-R-2245, 15-R-2257, 15-R-2260. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 (b) of the National Labor Relations Act, the Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three-man panel consisting of the undersigned Board Members * Upon the entire record in this case, the Board finds : 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. 2. The labor organizations named below claim to represent em- ployees of the Employer. 3. Questions of representation exist concerning the representation of employees of the Employer, within the meaning of Section 9 (c) (1) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 4. Each of the petitioning unions, with the exception of the Hod Carriers, has requested a craft unit confined to employees within its respective craft jurisdiction. The Sheet Metal Workers seeks a unit composed of the sheet metal workers, their helpers, and apprentices. The Electrical Workers seeks a unit composed of the electricians, their helpers, and apprentices. The Boilermakers seeks a unit composed of boilermakers, shipfitters, riveters, chippers and caulkers, angle- smiths, drillers and reamers, punch and shear operators, rivet heaters, rivet buckers, bar furnacemen, tank testers, rivet testers, their ap- prentices and helpers. The Hod Carriers urges as appropriate a unit composed of all the Employer's laborers. The Employer, on the other hand, contends that the only appropriate unit in the repair yard is one embracing all the employees. There is also disagreement with 2 These cases were ordered consolidated by the Board on July 22 and 24, 1947, respectively * Chan m a n Herzog and Members Remolds and Jlurdock. 798767-48-vol 78-3 22 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD respect to the disposition of quartermen and leadermen, classifications which the petitioning unions would include in the respective units they desire and the Employer would exclude. The Employer's Repair Division is engaged in the business of re- pairing and converting vessels at Pier C of the Alabama State Docks, in Mobile, Alabama. More than 60 percent of the work of this divi- sion consists of voyage repairs which are performed away from the repair yard. These repairs are made while vessels are loading or unloading cargo and they are executed with all possible speed so that sailing schedules will not be interrupted. Orders for repairs may come from the vessels that have docked at various points along a 5-mile stretch in either direction of the repair yard or they may come from vessels in Gulfport, Mississippi, or Pensacola and Panama City, Florida. Trucks are used to transport employees and materials to these ships. There are approximately 1,400 employees in the Employer's Repair Division. For operating purposes, they are divided into 8 depart- ments, corresponding generally to traditional craft groups. The de- partments are known as the hull, sheet metal, electrical, carpenters, burners and welders, machinists, pipe, and painting. Of the 3 craft groups here sought, the hull department employs the group sought by the Boilermakers; the sheet metal department, the group sought by the Sheet Metal Workers; and the electrical department, the group sought by the Electrical Workers. Each department also employs some laborers and the Hod Carriers would represent all of them. Each department is supervised by a general foreman. The only history of collective bargaining at the repair yard con- cerns the employees in the machinist department and the employees in the burners and welders department. The machinists have been represented by the International Association of Machinists, herein called the IAM, since 1943. The burners and welders were represented by the United Brotherhood of Welders from 1944 to 1945, and since 1947 have been represented by the IAM. These bargaining representa- tives were all certified by the Board pursuant to Board-directed elec- tions.3 The separate unit requests of the Sheet Metal Workers, the Electrical Workers and the Boilermakers The units proposed by the Sheet Metal Workers, the Electrical i:'orkers, and the Boilermakers are each basically craft in character within the traditional craft jurisdiction of such labor organizations. 1 49 N . L. R. B. 555; 54 N L R B. 267; and 15-R-2142. WATERMAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION 23 The Employer, however, contends that the employees in the craft groups here requested are not sufficiently distinguishable from its other craft employees to warrant their recognition as separate bar- gaining units because (1) they work in proximity to other craft em- ployees, (2) they sometimes perform the functions of other craft groups, and (3) the wages, working conditions, and vacation privileges are the same for all the Employer's craft employees. The record shows that the Employer's craft workers perform their duties aboard vessels in gangs composed of the representatives of various crafts. The composition of each gang as well as its size varies, with the nature of the repairs to be performed on the vessel. Upon the receipt of a repair order, the foreman of each department employ- ing the necessary craftsmen is notified and he selects the employees who make up the repair gang. The Employer assigns a job super- intendent to each gang, to direct the work aboard the vessel. While the superintendent is under a duty to see that the repairs are properly executed, he has no authority to discipline employees. He reports whatever criticism lie may have of their work to their departmental foremen for corrective action. It appears that the Employer normally adheres to craft lines in work assignments. However, rt sometimes becomes necessary to assign a function normally performed by the representatives of one craft to the men of another craft. This is clue primarily to the fact that much of the work of the Repair Division is performed at a distance from the repair yard and the gangs are assembled before an inspection is made of the job to determine the type of craftsmen required. Despite their commingling with other craft employees and the fact that they may occasionally perform the functions of other craft groups, the three groups of craft employees here sought are distin- guishable from each other and from other employees of the Em- ployer. They are at all times subject to the ultimate control of their departmental foremen. Furthermore, they do the work common to^ their craft most of the time. Accordingly, notwithstanding the inte- grated nature of the Employer's operations, we are of the opinion that the craft employees sought by the Sheet Metal Workers, the Elec- trical Workers, and the Boilermakers, respectively, may appropriately constitute separate bargaining units. The unit request of the Hod Carriers The laborers whom the Hod Carriers would represent work in scat- tered places throughout the repair yard. They are unskilled and per- form the usual duties of such employees . Although they are respon- 24 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD sible to the foremen in the departments to which they are assigned, their conditions of work are the same. We find that these employees have common interests and that they constitute an appropriate bar- gaining unit. Leadermen and Quarter men: Leadermen have supervision over 6 to 12 employees while quartermen have charge of several leadermen. Quartermen may also be placed in charge of groups of employees. Neither the leadermen nor the quartermen engage in the work per- formed by the employees whose work they supervise. They have au- thority to recommend hiring, discharging, and promotions, and more- over, have exercised this authority. We find that the leadermen and quartermen are "supervisors" within the meaning of Section 2 (11) of the Act, and we shall, accordingly, exclude them from the units. We find that each of the following groups of,employees in the Em- ployer's Repair Division, excluding from each group leadermen, quar- termen, draftsmen, guards, clerical employees, and all supervisors, constitutes a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargain- ing within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act : 1. All sheet metal journeymen, sheet metal helpers, and sheet metal apprentices. 2. All electricians, electrician helpers, and electrician apprentices. 3. All boilermakers, shlpfitters, riveters, chippers and caulkers, anglesmiths, drillers and reamers, punch and shear operators, rivet heaters, rivet buckers, bar furnacemen, tank testers, rivet testers, their helpers, and apprentices. 4. All laborers. V. THE DETERIIINATION OF REPRESENTATIVES A few months before the date of the hearing, the Employer laid off a number of employees because of a decrease in its business due to reconversion to a peacetime basis. The Employer contends that it does not anticipate an increase in business to warrant _the rehiring of the laid-off employees. In fact, it anticipates that there will be a further reduction in force. As there is no reasonable expectancy of reemployment of these laid-off employees by the Employer, their ter- mination must be deemed permanent. Under these circumstances, we find them ineligible to participate in the elections hereinafter di- rected.4 ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the petitions for investigation and certifi- cation filed herein by each of the following labor organizations be 4 Matter of Cross Paper Products Corporation , 77 N L R B 149 WATERMAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION 25 severed from this proceeding and that they be, and hereby are, dis- missed : United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry, Local 419, AFL; Seafarers Inter- national Union of North America, Mobile Branch, AFL; Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, Local Union No. 779; and United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 872. DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS As part of the investigation to ascertain representatives for the pur- poses of collective bargaining with Waterman Steamship Corporation, Repair Division, Mobile, Alabama, elections by secret ballot shall be conducted as early as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days from the date of this Direction, under the direction and supervision of the Regional Director for the Fifteenth Region, and subject to Sections 203.61 and 203.62, of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations-Series 5, among the employees in the units found appropriate in paragraph numbered 4, above, who were employed during the pay-roll period immediately preceding the date of this Direction, including employees who did not work during said pay-roll period because they were ill or on vacation or temporarily laid off, but excluding those employees who have since quit or been discharged for cause and have not been rehired or reinstated prior to the date of this election, and also excluding employees on strike who are not entitled to reinstatement, to determine : (1) Whether or not the employees in unit 1 desire to be represented by Sheet Metal Workers International Association, Local 412, AFL, for the purposes of collective bargaining; (2) Whether or not the employees in unit 2 desire to be represented by International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local No. B-5b5, AFL, for the purposes of collective bargaining. (3) Whether or not the employees in unit 3 desire to be represented by International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America, Local 112, AFL, for the purposes of collective bargaining; (4) Whether or not the employees in unit 4 desire to be represented by International Hod Carriers, Building and Common Laborers Union of America, Local 487, AFL, for the purposes of collective bargaining. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation