Wagner Electric Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 31, 1977227 N.L.R.B. 1748 (N.L.R.B. 1977) Copy Citation 1748 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Wagner Electric Corporation and Local Union 903, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, Petitioner . Case 15-RC-5947 January 31, 1977 DECISION AND CERTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVE BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS FANNING AND PENELLO Pursuant to authority granted it by the National Labor Relations Board under Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , a three- member panel has considered the Employer's objec- tions to an election held on August 27, 1976,' and the Regional Director's report recommending disposition of same .2 The Board has reviewed the record in light of the Petitioner 's exceptions and supporting brief and the Employer's opposition, and hereby adopts the Regional Director's findings and recommenda- tions to the extent consistent with this Decision.3 The Regional Director recommended that the election be set aside, based upon Objection 7. We disagree. Petitioner is alleged to have made a material misrepresentation when, 2 days prior to the election, it circulated a handbill to the Employer's employees correctly stating that its contract with Westinghouse Electric Corporation at Athens, Georgia, provided for cost-of-living increases, but incorrectly stating the effective dates of those increases. Thus, the handbill stated that an increase of up to 12 cents per hour would be effective in November 1976, when the increase would not be effective until December 13, 1976; that an increase of up to 23 cents per hour would be effective July 11, 1977, when the increase would not be effective until December 12, 1977; and that an increase of up to 23 cents per hour would be effective July 10, 1978, when the increase would not be effective until December 11, 1978. The Regional Director concluded that the handbill misrepresented by a total of approximately 10-1/2 months the effective dates of cost-of-living increases, that the Employer had insufficient time to effectively reply, and that these misrepresentations required that the election be set aside. Under the test set forth in Hollywood Ceramics Company, Inc.,4 the Board will not set aside the election unless a misrepresentation constitutes a substantial departure from the truth at a time when the other party is prevented from making a reply so that the misrepresentation may be expected to have a significant impact on the election. Here there was no misrepresentation as to the level of the cost-of-living would be more than yearly, but merely misstatements of from less than 1 month to 5 months as to exactly when the three yearly increases were to be effective. We find that these misstatements are not such a substantial and material departure from the truth as to warrant setting aside the election.5 Accordingly, the objection is overruled. As we have overruled all of the objections, and as Petitioner has received a majority of the valid ballots cast in the election, we shall certify it as the exclusive representative of the employees in the appropriate unit. CERTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVE It is hereby certified that a majority of the valid ballots have been cast for Local Union 903, Interna- tional Brotherhood of Electrical Workers , AFL-CIO, and that, pursuant to Section 9(a) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , said labor organi- zation is the exclusive representative of all the employees in the following appropriate unit for the purpose of collective bargaining in respect to rates of pay, wages , hours of employment , or other terms and conditions of employment: All production and maintenance employees em- ployed by the Employer at its Lumberton , Missis- sippi , plant , excluding office clerical employees, guards , and supervisors as defined in the Act. i The election was conducted pursuant to a Stipulation for Certification Upon Consent Election The tally was 27 for, and 23 against, the Petitioner, there were no challenged ballots 2 The relevant portion thereof is attached hereto as an appendix. 3 In the absence of exceptions, we adopt pro forma the Regional Director's recommendation that all objections other than Objection 7 be overruled 4 140 NLRB 221, 224 (1962). S Member Penello agrees that the alleged misrepresentations do not warrant setting aside the election or directing a hearing , but so finds for the reasons set forth in his dissenting opinions in Ereno Lewis, 217 NLRB 239 (1975), and Medical Ancillary Services, Inc, 212 NLRB 582 (1974) Chairman Murphy also agrees with the conclusion that the election should not be set aside based on the above alleged misrepresentations inasmuch as the same result is reached under any view of the applicability or validity of Hollywood Ceramics, supra APPENDIX Objection No. 7: 2 During the course of the investigation, evidence was submitted by the Employer to show that the Petitioner on August 25, 1976, passed out to unit employees a handbill which it submits materially misrepresented the effective dates on which employ- ees who were represented by the Petitioner at another company (the Westinghouse Electric Corporation plant, in Athens, Georgia) were to receive cost of living increases for the years 1976, 1977, and 1978. A increases which were to be granted, or that such 2 Number assigned by the undersigned 227 NLRB No. 253 WAGNER ELECTRIC CORP. copy of Petitioner's handbill is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Attachment B. [Omitted from publication.] The portion of the handbill which the Employer claims to be materially misleading reads as follows: Effective July 12, 1976-.60¢ per hour for all employees plus an additional skill trades adjust- ment of .05¢ per hour to .50¢ per hour cost of living adjustment -Nov. 1976 up to. 120 per hour. Effective July 11, 1977-.25¢ per hour plus an additional cost of living up to .23¢ per hour based on the rise in inflation. Effective July 10, 1978-.25¢ per hour plus an additional cost of living up to .23¢ per hour. [Emphasis supplied.] The Employer's labor relations administrator, Lach- lan Cameron, stated that following the election of August 27, 1976, he contacted the labor relations department of Westinghouse at Athens, Georgia, and was informed that pursuant to the recently negotiated agreement, cost of living increases of $.12 per hour and $.23 per hour would be given effective December 1976 ($.12 per hour), December 1977 ($.23 per hour), and December 1978 ($.23 per hour). The Employer's plant manager, Melvyn Barham, stated that Petition- er's handbill was handed out on the afternoon of August 25, 1976, to its employees and that on either August 26 or August 27, 1976, it received a copy of the handbill.3 The Petitioner, through its International represen- tative (Herman Holley), who participated in the negotiations with Westinghouse, acknowledged that Petitioner's handbill contained inaccuracies pertain- ing to the effective dates whereby unit employees at the Westinghouse plant were to receive the aforemen- tioned cost of living increases. A copy of the relevant portions of the Westinghouse agreement entitled, "1976 SUPPLEMENT TO Agreement Dated as of the 25th Day of September, 1958 between Westing- house Electric Corporation and International Broth- erhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, Local 2109" (hereinafter referred to as the Westinghouse agreement), is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Attachment C. [Omitted from publication.] Examination of this agreement and, in particular, Section 1(c)(4) and (6) of said agreement (page 3) reflects that the effective dates for the above cost of living increases were December 13, 1976, December 12, 1977, and December 11, 1978, and not November 1976, July 10, 1977, and July 11, 1978, as represented by Petitioner. 1749 Although acknowledging the inaccuracies con- tained in Petitioner 's handbill , Holley stated that on the evening of August 25, 1976 , at a union meeting held at the National Guard Armory in Lumberton, Mississippi , he explained to the approximately 12 employees in attendance that the cost of living increases mentioned in Petitioner's handbill would be effective in December of the respective years (and not on the dates indicated in the handbill distributed earlier that day). The Petitioner also presented Jimmy Russ, business manager and financial secretary for its Local 903 , and employee witnesses A and B. Russ stated that he attended the meeting at the Armory but could not recall much , if anything, being discussed by Holley or any union representative about Petitioner's handbill. Employee witness A stated that he attended the meeting at the Armory and listened to what Holley had to say about the cost of living increases at the Westinghouse plant but was unable to recall anything being said about the effective dates when the cost of living increases would be made payable to employees. Employee witness B stated that he attend- ed the same meeting at the Armory during which Holley discussed some of the wage increases given to Westinghouse employees , but could not recall any- thing being said by Holley pertaining to the cost of living increases . Witness B further stated that Holley said that he would try to get the employees more money and, in this connection , was promising what Westinghouse employees had by way of wages. Holley further stated that on August 25, 1976, between 3 : 30 and 4:00 p .m., he and other representa- tives of Petitioner (Jimmy Russ, Charles Horhn, and Lewis Carter) handbilled the Employer 's plant with the handbill in question (Attachment B). Holley stated that on this occasion he personally gave a copy of the handbill to Supervisor Leonard Landrum (welding department ) and James Landrum , assistant plant manager. Neither Leonard Landrum nor James Landrum were presented as witnesses . However, the Employer did present Plant Manager Melvyn Bar- ham, who , as mentioned previously , stated that the handbill was handed out to employees on the evening of August 25, 1976 , and that a copy of it was received by him on either August 26 or August 27, 1976. In Hollywood Ceramics Company, Inc., 140 NLRB 221 at 224 ( 1964), the Board enunciated the principle governing misrepresentation of facts by parties to an election . The Board stated that an election will be set aside "where there has been a misrepresentation or other similar campaign trickery , which involves a substantial departure from the truth, at a time which prevents the other party or parties from making an effective reply, so that the misrepresentation , whether 3 The election was conducted on August 27, 1976, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 10 am 1750 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD deliberate or not , may reasonably be expected to have a significant impact on the election ." [Emphasis supplied .] In a more recent decision entitled Modine Manufacturing Company, 203 NLRB 527, 531 (1973), the Board reaffirmed the previous principle enunciat- ed in Hollywood Ceramics and stated that common- sense and administrative expertise should be applied to determine "whether the alleged misrepresentation is prima facie sufficient to justify either a hearing or a rerun election ." In light of the Board's decisions in Hollywood Ceramics, supra, and Modine Manufactur- ing, supra, I find that the issues presented by Petitioner 's handbill (Attachment B) are : 1) whether Petitioner 's leaflet involved a substantial departure from the truth ; 2) whether the Employer had an opportunity to make an effective reply; and 3) whether the misrepresentation could reasonably be expected to have had a significant impact on the election , i.e., whether Petitioner's misrepresentations had a tendency to materially mislead voters. Having considered the facts as presented by the parties in light of the Board 's decisions mentioned above, I find that Petitioner's handbill misrepresent- ed by approximately 10-1/2 months the effective dates whereby employees of Westinghouse were to receive cost of living increases over a period from December 1976 through December 1978. Consider- ing the fact that the Employer had a maximum of a single workday within which to reply, I find that the Employer was denied an opportunity to effectively reply to Petitioner's handbill especially since the plant under contract with Petitioner was not owned or operated by the Employer and there is no evidence to suggest that the Employer was or should have been aware of the Westinghouse agreement . See, e.g., Western Electric Company, Inc., 172 NLRB 563 (1968). Moreover, inasmuch as the handbill was distributed by Petitioner's International representa- tive who participated in the Westinghouse negotia- tions and should have been aware of its particulars, employees could reasonably be said to have credited Petitioner's statements contained therein and thus to have relied upon the misrepresentations contained in said handbill . Even assuming, as related by Petitioner Representative Holley, an explanation of the correct effective dates of cost of living increases under the Westinghouse contract was orally given the approxi- mately 12 employees in attendance at the Union's August 25th meeting, Petitioner did not issue any corrected handbills at any time prior to the election nor is there any indication that it contacted any other employees relative to its outstanding misrepresenta- tion. As stated in Modine Manufacturing Company , supra, the test applied to misrepresentation is not one of actual impact on the voter 's choice but whether the alleged misrepresentations had a tendency materially to mislead. In the present case , the undersigned concludes that the misrepresentations regarding wag- es contained in the handbill did have a tendency materially to mislead . Accordingly , the undersigned recommends that Objection No. 7, having merit, be sustained. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation