Wadley HospitalDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 29, 1978238 N.L.R.B. 829 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation WADLEY HOSPITAL Texarkana Memorial Hospital, Inc., d/b/a Wadley Hospital and Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO. Cases 16-CA-7266 and 16 CA 7330 September 29. 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS MURPHY ANI) TRL ESDAtI. On May 26. 1978, Administrative Law Judge Bruce C. Nasdor issued the attached Decision in this pro- ceeding. Thereafter. Respondent filed exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and has decided to affirm the rulings. findings, and conclu- sions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein.' ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified be- low, and hereby orders that the Respondent, Texarkana Memorial Hospital. Inc., d/b/a Wadley Hospital, Texarkana, Texas. its officers, agents, suc- cessors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, as so modified. I. Insert the following as paragraph l(b): "(b) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act." 2. Substitute the attached notice for that of the Administrative Law Judge. I The Administrative Law Judge inadvertently failed to provide in his recommended Order and notice that Respondent cease and desist from in ans like or related manner interfering with, restraining. or coercing its em- ployees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them hy Sec 7 of the Act. We have modified this recommended Order and notice accordingly. APPENDIX No'i('i- To EMPLo YEi s POSriEl) BY ORDER 01: 1IIL NAIO()NAI. LABOR REI.ATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government Wl \ll.l N)I require that any employee take part in an interview or meeting without union representation if the employee requests such rep- resentation and if the employee has reasonable grounds to believe that the matters to be dis- cussed at such interview or meeting may result in his or her being subject to disciplinary action. WE WIL.L NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. TEXARKANA MEMORIAL HOSPITAI, INC., D/B /A WADI)IEY HOSPITAI DECISION SlArFiMEN1I OiF HIE CASE BRt ( C. NASDOR, Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard before me at Texarkana, Texas. on November 10 and II11, 1977. The charge in Case 16 CA 7266 was filed by the Communications Workers of America, AFL CIO (herein called the Union), on June 13. 1977. and the origi- nal and first amended charges in Case 16 CA 7330 were filed by the Union on July 15 and August 22. 1977. respec- tively. The order consolidating cases. consolidated com- plaint, and notice of hearing issued on August 24. 1977. TIhe complaint alleges that the Respondent-L-mployer vio- lated Section 8(a)( 1 ) of the Act by requiring two employees to participate in disciplinary meetings without the benefit of union representation, after said employees requested same. The complaint also alleges that Respondent independently violated Section 8(a)( l)and (3) of the Act by the discipline of an employee. the discharge of an employee, and the issu- ance of a written warning to an employee. The Respondent. in its answer. denies the allegations. Upon the entire record. including my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses, and after due consideration on briefs, I make the following: FINI)IN(;S OF FA( T i. JL. RIS)ICI ()ON The complaint alleges, Respondent admits, and I find that Respondent is a Texas corporation engaged in the op- eration of a hospital at Texarkana, Texas. During the pre- ceding 12 months, which period is representative of all times material herein, the Respondent in the course and conduct of its business operations has received goods and materials valued in excess of '$50,000 directly from suppliers located outside the State of Texas. During the same period of time. the Respondent received gross revenues in excess of $100,000 for its services. The Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2). (6), and (7) of the Act. 11. ItlE lABOR OR(ANIz/A lIiON The Communications Workers of America. AFL CIO. is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 238 NLRB No. 109 829 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 111. rIHE ALL.EGED UNFAIR LABOR PRAC'Il(CiS The Issues 1. Whether the Respondent terminated the employment of Donna Culpepper because of her membership in or ac- tivities on behalf of the Union. 2. Whether the Respondent forced and required Lou Ann Karr to participate in a disciplinary interview without the benefit of union representation, after she had requested same. 3. Whether the Respondent reprimanded employee Linda Anderson, under its no-solicitation rule, for soliciting employees to sign union cards during working hours in a working area, although Anderson contended she had not been engaged in said solicitation. 4. Whether Respondent discriminatorily threatened Samuel D. Whitaker with discharge because of' his union membership, activity, and/or affiliation. 5. Whether Respondent forced or required Samuel D. Whitaker to participate in a disciplinary interview without the benefit of union representation, after he had requested same. Background The Union began its organizational campaign in April 1976. On April 25. 1976,' T. O. Parsons, International rep- resentative, advised A. L. McElmurry, Respondent's pres- ident, that the following named employees and officers were designated and authorized to represent the Union in mat- ters affecting the employees: Ann Halter, president: Samuel D. Whitaker, vice president; and Lou Ann Karr, secretary treasurer. By letter dated May 21, 1976. Parsons advised McElmurry that certain employees would comprise an in- hospital organizing committee. The letter sets forth the names of some 45 employees. 'The approximate number of employees in the unit is 666. On June 9. 1976. the Union filed petitions for two units, one a unit of registered nurses only and a second involving services and maintenance em- ployees. The unit involving the services and maintenance employees is the unit involved in this proceeding. An elec- tion was held on September 2, 1976, wherein the majority of votes were cast against the Union. Thereafter, the Union filed objections, and the rerun election was conducted on September 9, 1976. On March 22, 1977. the Union was cer- tified as the exclusive representative of the employees in the services and maintenance unit. Negotiations for a collec- tive-bargaining agreement commenced between the parties on July 13, 1977. Issue I Donna Culpepper testified that she began her employ- ment with Respondent on April 1, 1977. as an administra- tive control clerk (AC('). 1Her employment application indi- cates as a relative currently employed by the hospital Sherrie Hill, her sister. The employment application also reflects that the first 90 days of employment are probation- The date on G.C. tixh. 2 appears as April 25. 1977, an obvious error. ary and that an individual can be released during this pe- riod without cause. Culpepper, in her testimony, acknowl- edged that she read this information, which appears above her signature. After being hired. Culpepper and five or six other ACC trainees entered a program consisting of classwork and on- the-floor training. The classwork was one-haltf day on each working day and consisted of studies of body functions, medical abbreviations, and other areas directly related to the functions an ACC must perform while on the unit. The class lasted approximately 4 weeks, and, according to the testimony of Culpepper, examinations were given almost every day. Culpepper's testimony and the documentary evi- dence received in the record reflect that she failed each and every examination. Culpepper testified that on May 11, 1977, 2 Allen Bur- bage. supervisor of administrative control clerks, psychiat- ric attendants, surgical orderlies, and floor orderlies, coun- seled Culpepper that he had nurses' complaints as to her performance on the floor in the unit and told her that she would have to improve her work. Burbage gave Culpepper a document which the Respondent utilizes, known as a de- velopment review, wherein her deficiencies are set forth and she is advised in writing that she will be given time to dem- onstrate she can perform the duties and learn the classwork of an ACC. Failing this, upon further review, she will be terminated. Culpepper read and signed the document on Mav 6, 1977. On May 11, 1977, Culpepper was assigned to work with Supervisor Donna Lovil, whose title was Charge ACC. They were to work on the fifth floor. a familiar floor to Culpepper in view of the fact that on May 8, 1976. her mother, a patient on that floor, had passed away. Accord- ing to Culpepper's testimony, at the lunchbreak Donna Lovil advised her that she [Culpepper] must have lunch with her because Burbage preferred it that way. Culpepper testified that at lunch Lovil proceeded to ask her personal questions, among them whether her mother had died on the fifth floor the year prior, to which Culpepper responded affirmatively. Culpepper testified further that she was then asked by Lovil if she (Culpepper) was Ann Halter's 3 niece, to which Culpepper responded affirmatively. Culpepper states she was then asked whether Ann Halter was her aunt, and she acknowledged this to be the fact. On May 13, Cul- pepper was called in to Burbage's office. according to her testimony. Burbage advised her that she wasn't showing accuracy in the completion of her work, that an incident report had been written about her, and that nurses had made complaints. Burbage gave her the option of either being terminated or quitting; she advised him that he could do whatever he wanted to about the situation. She also told Burbage she was being treated unfairly. On May 17. Cul- pepper received a letter advising her that she had been ter- minated. Donna Lovil has been employed by Respondent for 2 years and holds the position of Charge AC(', a supervisory position. As such, she assists in the training of student ACC's in their on-the-job training in the units. The correct date was May 6 1 Ann Halter was president of Ihe local and a sister of the deceased. 830 WADLEY HOSPITAL. Lovil testified that she had received complaints from nurses and ACC's regarding problems that Culpepper was encountering both in the classroom and on the unit. In this regard, she (Lovil) transmitted certain memoranda to Bur- bage, setting forth Culpepper's various problems and lack of progress. Lovil testified that she had written other memo- randa to Burbage regarding other ACC trainees in addition to Culpepper, and there is documentation in the record of same. Lovil testified that no one instructed or asked her to take Culpepper to lunch: rather. they went to lunch together because they both happened to be free at the same time. Lovil testified that she did recall asking Culpepper if she was related to the woman who had passed away I year prior and had been a patient on the fifth floor of the hospi- tal, but she denied asking Culpepper if she was related to Ann Halter. Allen Burbage testified that he requested Lovil to put Culpepper on her schedule for a few days and report back to him if she was improving. He testified further that during the 4-week period Culpepper was in training he, on several occasions. discussed the problems she was having. He fur- ther testified that Francis Harris, a classmate of Cuipep- per's and an ACC trainee, tutored C'ulpepper because she was doing so poorly. Harris, who had superior grades, was at the top of her class. Additionally. Burbage testified that other ACC's in the past had been fired for poor classroom marks, and he specifically named two individuals. Francis Harris. an ACC for 7 months, testified in cor- roboration of Burbage's testimony that she did indeed tutor Culpepper. Harris testified: When I was studying with her [Culpepper]. I would think I would be getting it over, but, then I would ask her questions and it wasn't sinking in. I guess you would say. She just couldn't seem to understand it. Paula Stuart, another ACC, had been working for Re- spondent for approximately 3 years. During the course of Culpepper's training, Stuart spent time working with her on the unit. Stuart testified: She [Culpepper]., didn't grasp everything we tried to teach her. She was kind of slow in catching on to everything. We would have to tell her several times about the same thing, trying to get it right and she didn't catch on too well. Stuart then went into specifics -- that Culpepper had prob- lems filling out requisitions correctly for lab and X-ray work and had problems answering call lights. Issue 2 Lou Ann Karr has been employed by the Respondent as a licensed vocational nurse since January 9, 1976. Karr is the secretary treasurer of the Union, is on the bargaining committee, and has served as an in-house union organizer. On June 13, 1977, at approximately 8:30 p.m., Karr was requested by her supervisor, Jo Ann Keasler, to report to the nursing office as soon as possible. When she arrived. Keasler informed her that she wanted to talk about a situ- ation which occurred on Wednesday, June 8. 1977. Karr testified that she specifically asked Keasler if this was a counseling, because she had never experienced one in the past, and Keasler responded affirmatively. Karr then re- quested the presence of a union representative, specifically. Ann Halter. When Karr and Keasler learned that it would take Halter a half hour to attend this counseling. Keasler told Karr to procure someone else who was presently on the premises. Thes agreed that Frankie Owen, another commit- tee person, would represent Karr in the meeting. Keasler instructed Karr to make arrangements for the meeting, re- turn to her work station, and. after completing her work. page Keasler. After Karr complied with Keasler's instruc- tions, she telephoned her to inform her that Frankie Owen was ready to meet with them. Karr testified that Keasler responded that it would just be the two of them who would be present at the counseling. Karr asked if she could not have a union representative, to which Keasler responded that it would be just the two of them. When Karr arrived at the office, Keasler presented her with a "special report" which states, inter alia, that the type of patient neglect Karr allegedly participated in does not meet the standards of the hospital and would not be toler- ated. Furthermore, if there was any reoccurrence of this type of nursing care, Karr would immediately be termi- nated. Karr signed and dated the special report under protest. Keasler's version of the episode conforms to Karr's. Keasler also testified that after the initial meeting with Karr, she called Mr. Boyd, the hospital's vice administra- tor. informed him of the situation, and asked if she should allow Karr to be represented. According to Keasler's testi- mony, Boyd replied that she did not need to allow Karr to have representation. in view of the fact that there was no collective-bargaining agreement. Thereafter, by Keasler's own admission, she denied Karr the right to have union representation at the meeting. Issue 3 The parties seemed to be in essential agreement as to what transpired between Linda Anderson. a licensed voca- tional nurse also, and her supervisor. Margaret R. White. a registered nurse. Anderson testified that she is a member of the Union but holds no office or position with the Union. On Mas 18, 1977. Anderson was called into White's of- fice. When she entered the office. White handed her a coun- seling form. which reveals, as drafted by White, that it was brought to her attention that Anderson was actively solicit- ing union cards during working hours. in a working area, in violation of the Respondent's no-solicitation policy and rule. The notes continued that Anderson was called to White's office and the matter was discussed with her. She was advised that a further violation of this hospital policy would result in further disciplinary action, including termi- nation. The document is signed by White and Anderson. According to Anderson's testimony. White told her that she (White) had been told by three different people that Anderson was handing out green cards (union cards) to people. There was further discussion that Anderson. ac- cording to White, was telling employees that the) would get their insurance tfor nothing if the Union got in the hospital. Anderson told White she wanted to be confronted with the 831 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR REL.ATIONS BOARD) individuals because it was not true. She told White that the reason she thought she was being counseled was because she was good friends with Ann Halter and ate lunch with her each day. According to Anderson's own testimony, she was also counseled about the manner in which she per- formed a hospital function which involved a cancer drug. Apparently, she did not want to perform this function and had advised an RN that she was not trained to handle this drug and that it was not in her job description. Issues 4 and 5 Samuel Whitaker, a psychiatric attendant in the hospi- tal's psychiatric unit, has worked for Respondent approxi- mately 3 years. He is supervised by Burbage and worked the II p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. Whitaker testified that he is presently the vice president of the Union and serves on the bargaining committee. He is also supervised by the house supervisor and the registered nurse in charge of the unit. Whitaker, who works on the fourth floor, testified that on June 2, 1977. at approximately 6:30 a.m., he was instructed by Staff Nurse Lenore Brosius to take a urine specimen to the laboratory on the first floor. While returning from the laboratory, he passed near the personnel office, where he saw Ann Halter. According to Whitaker, he went over to her and spoke to her: they then walked back to the elevator together and took it, she to the third floor, and he back to the fourth floor. He stated that he had been gone from his work station fobr 10 minutes. When Whitaker reported for work on his regular shift that night, he was called to the office by Burbage. When Whitaker arrived at the office, Burbage handed him a spe- cial report and told him to read the document. According to Whitaker's testimony, he did not complete a reading of the document but stopped in the middle of the page. Bur- bage tried to get Whitaker to sign the form, but Whitaker refused. Burbage then called in the house supervisor, Eleanor Pyle, and read the report to Pyle. Whitaker contin- ued to refuse to sign the special report, and when Burbage again read it to him, Whitaker interrupted and stated that he wanted union representation. Burbage testified that after Pyle left the office, Whitaker started to walk out and turned and asked him if he (Bur- bage) was refusing Whitaker union representation. to which Burbage stated that he didn't know anything about the policies of the hospital regarding union representation. Whitaker repeated his request twice, and Burbage repeated that he knew nothing about the policies of the hospital re- garding union representation. Burbage testified that the nursing coordinator, McDon- ald, was an individual who observed Whitaker socializing near the personnel office rather than remaining in his unit. He testified further that when told of this situation by Mc- Donald (he wasn't sure if she wrote a memorandum to him), he talked to a supervisor, Dorsett. and an orderly who confirmed the report. It is clear from Whitaker's own testimony that the unit he worked in is locked because some of the patients become violent and could be potentially dangerous. Furthermore, the primary reason for Whitaker's presence in that unit is to provide a male presence to help protect patients and em- ployees, particularly female employees, who work there. Whitaker testified that when he takes his half-hour lunch he has been instructed to call an orderly to take over his station but that he has no such instructions when he takes urine specimens to the laboratory. The evidence as a whole reveals that he has been instructed to take a urine sample to the laboratory only on this one occasion. The evidence re- veals that generally taking urine specimens to the lab would be performed by patient-care aides. In addition, this was not an emergency. and the sample could have remained on the fourth floor until the next morning (lab technicians do not work on the night shift). According to Burbage. the policy of the hospital is that when a psychiatric attendant leaves a closed unit, he is to get permission from a supervisor or charge nurse, and he is to get a replacement. Furthermore, according to the testi- mony and the documentary evidence. Roy Moore, a charge orderly, in an evaluation on May 12, 1977. counseled Whit- aker specifically about leaving his station unattended. The "Developmental Review" reveals that "he has been told not to do this (leave his station), unless the house supervisor has given specific permission." According to Moore's testi- mony, Whitaker read this evaluation in its entirety, and Moore went over each and every item with him. Moore testified that Whitaker. upon reading the evaluation, com- mented that it wasn't fair and he wasn't going to sign it. Analysis and ('onclusion Issue I 'Ihe record. in toro, contains no evidence of any hostility towards the Union. Nor is there a scintilla of evidence that the Respondent was attempting to set up or find some pre- text to rid itself of Culpepper.i To the contrary. the uncon- tradicted testimony discloses gestures on the part of Re- spondent and its agents to encourage and aid Culpepper to improve. General Counsel's theory is that ('ulpepper was termi- nated solely because she wsas the niece of Ann Halter, pres- ident of the local. In my view, the weight of' the probative evidence does not support this theory. Culpepper, by her own admission, never apprised man- agement of her union sentiments or the fact that she was a union member. 1There is no evidence whatsoever to estab- lish that management had knowledge of these factors. In- deed, Culpepper did not even state on her employment ap- plication that she was related to Ann Halter. It is clear that an ACC occupies a rather sensitive posi- tion. An ACC keeps all patients' records, transcribes the physicians' orders, requisitions medicines, tests, and treat- ments, and in some cases prepares patients' surgery records. Culpepper's testimony reflects that her classwork was di- rectly related to the everyday duties of an AC('('. Paula Stu- art confirms this fact and stated additionally that she didn't think she (Stuart) would have been able to do the work had she ftailed all of' the tests in class. It is clear that ('ulpepper failed each and every test and even after receiving special tutoring was unable to improve. At the end of the 4 weeks of training, C('ulpepper was counseled by Burbage and told ' Culpepper's sister worked at the hospital and was not fired 832 WADLEY IOSPITAI. that she would he terminated if' she did not show improve- ment. Donna Lovil, who made no bones about her antiunion sentiments and the fact that she participated in an anti- union rally. impressed me as being a completely credible witness. She and Burbage testified that she had been in- structed to carry Culpepper on her schedule and report her progress or lack of same back to Burbage. In this regard. she did just that: wrote various memoranda to Burbage indicating Culpepper's difficulties with the work. I do not view the fact that Lovil and Culpepper ate lunch together on one occasion as anything significant to the issue. Respondent submits that the hospital would have been derelict in its duties had it retained Culpepper in this posi- tion although she was unable to properly perform the job, thus possibly endangering patients' treatments and medica- tions. I am in complete accord with Respondent's position in this regard and will recommend that the allegations in the complaint involving Culpepper be dismissed Issues 2 and 5 'Ihe Respondent and the ;Union met for the first time on July 13. 1977. in an effort to negotiate the terms of a collec- tive-bargaining agreement. Prior to this time, Respondent's wages, benefits. and working conditions remained un- changed, including the conditions of employment set forth in Respondent's handbook. "'Personnel Policies." It is the position of Respondent that it had difficulties and problems with the mechanics of representation at the employee interviews. In this regard. Respondent points to testimony by union representatives that there were no stew- ards appointed to represent employees. Moreover, accord- ing to the testimony,. one of the first agreements reached in the initial bargaining session was an interim method for employees to utilize with respect to grievances. There is a section in the Employer's Policies Handbook captioned "Appeal Procedure." It provides a rather de- tailed four-step procedure for processing complaints or grievances, similar to the kind of grievance procedures con- tained in negotiated collective-bargaining agreements save for one element. i.e.. the presence of a union. The Respon- dent contends that there was no way. prior to July 13, that it could have responded to a request by an employee for union representation during a disciplinary interview. It con- tends further that on July 13 that conundrum was remedied by an agreement between the Uinion and the Respondent that the Parties and employees would follow the grievance or appeal procedure set forth in said handbook. Further- more, if that procedure didn't work, then, according to the testimony of a union representative, as agreed to by the Respondent, the problem would be taken up at the bargain- ing table. Respondent does not concede that there were actually requests for union representation during these disciplinary interviews and questions whether such representation was actually requested. I think it clear that representation was requested. In my opinion, the case (tI' N .1.RB. . 1. W'eingarten, Inc.. 420 UI.S. 251 (1]975. is controlling in this area. T'here. the Supreme Court affirmed the Board in finding a violation of Section 8(a)( I) of the Act b) denying an employee's re- quest that a union representative be present at an investiga- tory interview. which the employee reasonably believed might result in disciplinary action. Although initially Whit- aker and Karr may not have known the reason they were called to the office, they did learn from the supervisors in- volved otf impending potential discipline when their super- visors read the documents to them and had them read said documents. Although the testimony of Whitaker was rather confused and evasive, I am convinced that he was well into the intersiew and had read at least part oft the document when he asked tor representation. I see no evidence to indi- cate that Whitaker or Karr waived their rights to union representation. The tact that the Union had not actually designated indi- viduals as shop stewards, in my view. does not save the Respondent harmless or relieve it of the affirmative duty to allow the employees representation. The record is clear, and Respondent was aware,. that the Union had designated per- haps 45 individuals as officers and committee members. In- deed. the letter from Parsons, the union representative. to 1cElmurrN. president of the hospital, specifically states: To help you understand our intent and meaning, we beliese the management must permit employees the right to consult with their union representatives prior to an employee's disciplinary interviewv. In addition, upon request b, an employee, management must per- mit a union representative to be present during any disciplinary interview. 'Ihis letter is dated April 25. 1977.' TIhe record contains nothing to reflect that the Union abrogated this intention as set forth in said letter. In my opinion the Respondent, bh refusing the employ- ees representation, was not engaging in any flagrant anti- union act but rather was misreading and misapplying the law. AccordinglN, I find and conclude that Respondent. by its refusal to allohw Whitaker and Karr to has-e union repre- sentation during the disciplinary interview s. violated Sec- tion Xia)( l ) of, the Act. Issue 3 The General Counsel bases his theorN in three of the five issues herein on the fact that individuals were related to, a friend of, or seen talking to Halter, president of the local. Thus, Respondent is alleged to have engaged in violations of Section 8(a)( I ) and (3) when it reprimanded Anderson for engaging in the solicitation of union cards during pro- hihited periods of time because she ate lunch with Halter. General Counsel does not attack the validity of the rule itself, although he indicates that the written reprimand rep- resented an overls broad application of the rule. I conclude that the General Counsel's theory and alter- nate theory are both tenuous and without merit. The evi- dence reeals that certain individuals reported to manage- ment that Anderson had been soliciting union cards in a work area during worktime. Supers ision investigated the charges. although perhaps not making an in-depth investi- 'As 'tated ea.rher. the date should he 1976 833 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD gation, and concluded that Anderson should be counseled by a supervisor. When White, her supervisor, discussed the matter with Anderson, she denied that she had solicited union cards. White reviewed with her the hospital's no-dis- tribution and no-solicitation rule and further stated that a future violation of the rule could result in disciplinary ac- tion. I will recommend that this allegation of the complaint be dismissed. Issue 4 The evidence is unrefuted that there was a written rule stating that psychiatric attendants must remain on the closed unit and that Whitaker was specifically made aware of this rule. Furthermore, there is a procedure to be fol- lowed if it becomes necessary for a psychiatric attendant to leave the closed unit. The evidence indicates that Whitaker violated this rule, but assuming, arguendo. that Whitaker was simply following the instructions of a superior, and re- turned to his duty station in a reasonable period of time, there is nothing to suggest a pretext or a contrived effort to harass or discriminate against Whitaker because of any union activity or because of the fact that he holds a union office. I would have to view Whitaker's case in a complete vacuum to find merit to this allegation. As stated hereto- fore, there is absolutely no evidence of an)y antiunion ani- mus, nor is there evidence of any independent violations of Section 8(a)( 1) of the Act other than what I would consider the technical violations discussed infra. In addition, it should be mentioned that pursuant to writ- ten hospital policy, Whitaker's conduct could have resulted in immediate discharge, rather than the disciplinary warn- ing. Had Respondent wanted to seize upon an incident to rid itself of Whitaker, this was its opportunity. Accordingly, I will recommend that this allegation of the complaint be dismissed. CON( I USIONS ()F LAW 1. The Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By denying Karr's and Whitaker's requests for union representation in interviews from which they could reason- ably conclude that their job security was in jeopardy, Re- spondent interfered with, coerced, and restrained employ- ees in the exercise of rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act and thereby engaged in. and is engaging in, unfair la- bor practices proscribed by Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 4. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 5. The Respondent did not terminate the employment of Culpepper in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act. 6. The Respondent did not engage in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act by its reprimand to Anderson. 7. The Respondent did not engage in violations of Sec- tion 8(a)(1 ) and (3) of the Act by issuing Whitaker a written warning. THF. REMEDY Having found that Respondent engaged in unfair labor practices, I shall recommend that it be required to cease and desist therefrom and to take certain affirmative action designed and found necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record in this case, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER' The Respondent, Texarkana Memorial Hospital, Inc., d/b/a Wadley Hospital, Texarkana. Texas, its officers. agents. successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Requiring any employee to take part in an interview or meeting without union representation, if such representa- tion has been requested by the employee and if the em- ployee has reasonable grounds to believe that the matters to be discussed may result in his or her being subject to disci- plinary action. 2. Take the following affirmative action designed and found necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post at its hospital, in Texarkana, Texas, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."7 Copies of said notice, to be provided by the Regional Director for Region 16, after being signed by an authorized representative, shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it fbr 60 consecutive days thereafter, in con- spicuous places, including all places where notices to em- ployees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (b) Notify the Regional Director for Region 16, in writ- ing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps it has taken to comply herewith. IT IS ALSO ORDEREDI) that the complaint be dismissed inso- far as it alleges violations of the Act not specifically found. 6 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board. the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings. conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. I In the event that this Order is enforced by a judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order oif the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National L abor Relations Board." 834 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation