W L Molding Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsNov 27, 1984272 N.L.R.B. 1239 (N.L.R.B. 1984) Copy Citation W L MOLDING CO 1239 The W L Molding Company and Local 609, United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastics Workers of America, AFL-CIO Case 7-CA-22223 27 November 1984 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN DOTSON AND MEMBERS ZIMMERMAN AND HUNTER On 5 January 1984 Administrative Law Judge Norman Zankel issued the attached decision The Respondent filed exceptions to which it attached its memorandum to the administrative law judge The National Labor Relations Board has delegat ed its authority in this proceeding to a three member panel The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and attached memorandum and has decided to affirm the judge s rulings, findings and conclusions as modified, and to adopt the recommended Order as modified The judge found that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the National Labor Rela tions Act by refusing to provide the Union with relevant information and reasonable access to the plant for the purpose of investigating grievances and policing compliance with the collective bar gaining agreement In addition to denying the Union any access to the plant the Respondent re fused to provide unit employees names addresses pay scales and timecards notes from physicians that employees were required to submit when going on or returning from sick leave and informa tion concerning the subcontracting or transfer of unit work Although the Respondent excepted to the judge s conclusions that the Respondent violat ed Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by refusing to provide access to the plant and each of the request ed items of information the Respondent stated the basis for its exception only with respect to subcon tracting information Thus neither in its exceptions nor in its attached memorandum did the Respond ent give the Board notice of specifically what it ob jected to in the judge s other findings of violation Section 102 46(b) of the Board s Rules and Regula tions provides (b) Each exception (1) shall set forth specifi cally the questions of procedure fact law or policy to which exceptions are taken, (2) shall identify that part of the administrative law judge s decision to which objection is made (3) shall designate by precise citation of page the portions of the record relied on and (4) shall state the grounds for the exceptions and shall include the citation of authorities unless set forth in a supporting brief Any exception to a ruling finding conclusion, or recommen dation which is not specifically urged shall be deemed to have been waived Any exception which fails to comply with the foregoing re quirements may be disregarded In the absence of any explanation for the Respond ent s exceptions to matters other than subcontract ing information we find that the Respondent s ex ceptions are insufficient to put in issue any of the judge s other findings of violation See Aitoo Paint ing Corp 238 NLRB 366 (1978) See also Singer Co v NLRB 429 F 2d 172, 180-182 (8th Cir 1970) NLRB v Daniel Construction Co, 731 F 2d 191, 198 (4th Cir 1984) The Respondent contends that the Union waived its right to information regarding subcontracting Article III, section 3 of the current collective bar gaining agreement provides Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed or interpreted to restrict the right of the Corn pany to subcontract production set up and maintenance work or to restrict the transfer of tools, equipment and materials which rights are vested with the Company and are not sub ject to the grievance and arbitration procedure provided for in this agreement 1 In concluding that the Respondent violated Sec tion 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by refusing to fur nish information on subcontracting the judge relied on two grounds First the judge stated that although disputes over subcontracting might not be arbitrable under the agreement arbitrability is not an issue for the Board to decide and information on subcontracting is relevant and necessary to enable the Union to decide whether a question of arbitra Nifty concerning subcontracting exists Second the judge found that the subcontracting information was relevant because of its bearing on other possi ble contract violations and that at the very least the requested information would have provided the Union with some ability to determine to what extent if any unit jobs might be vacant or elimi nated We find merit in the second ground and therefore find it unnecessary to reach the first On 1 November 1981 the unit employees went on strike when their prior collective bargaining ' It is not clear that the production set up and maintenance work referred to in the subcontracting clause encompasses all unit work That issue need not be reached under our view of this case As noted in the Respondent s exceptions the collective bargaining agreement also Includes a management rights clause which was not re scinded when the subcontracting clause was made part of the current agreement 272 NLRB No 196 1240 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD agreement expired 2 The strike continued for over 10 months until 12 September 1982 the effective date of the current collective bargaining agree ment In a letter of understanding dated 8 Decem ber 1982 the Respondent set forth the agreed ar rangement for the return to work of striking em ployees 3 The letter provided that employees hired during the strike would not be terminated to make room for returning strikers, but that strikers would be recalled to available job openings consist ent with the recall provisions of the collective bar gaining agreement 4 Strikers were not recalled to work until August 1983 almost a year after the strike ended In the months before the strikers were recalled union representatives complained that the Respond ent was not compl3 ing with the agreement to recall strikers to available job openings Among other things union representatives expressed con cern over reports that management was performing unit work in violation of the contract that current employees had been transferred out of their classifi cations to perform unit work for which they were ineligible and that the Respondent was not posting available jobs and was deliberately maneuvering to avoid recalling strikers Grievances were filed over management s alleged performance of unit work to avoid recalling strikers and the alleged transfer of employees out of a closed department into ma chine operating jobs for which they were ineligi ble 5 The Union requested access to the plant and other information bearing on the availability of jobs for strikers and on the allegat ons that the Re spondent was deliberately frustrating strikers recall rights under the agreement In this connection the Union sought information on subcontracting and the transfer of equipment and machinery out of the plant The Union s representatives explained that they had received reports that machines were being moved to another plant and suggested that the Respondent was subcontracting or transferring unit work to avoid recalling strikers In addition 2 The typographical error in the judge s decision placing the date of the strike and expiration of the collective bargaining agreement on 11 November 1981 is hereby corrected 3 The letter of understanding is Included in R Exh 1 as an attachment to the current collective bargaining agreement Accordingly the Judge s statement that the record contains no explicit evidence of a striker recall agreement would appear to be in error 4 An exception was made for bargaining committee members who were to be given seniority preference in recalls 5 Contrary to the judge s finding the record shows that the Union pressed to arbitration and won the grievance of May 1983 alleging that management was performing unit work to avoid recalling strikers Earlier grievances concerning the performance of unit work by management or ineligible employees were withdrawn by the Union before arbitration al legedly because the Respondent s denial of access to the plant made it impossible to gather sufficient supporting data the Union stated that if machines were being moved out the employees previously working on those machines must have been reclassified and their new jobs should have been posted By letter dated 9 March 1983 the Union's attorney asked the Respondent to afford access to the plant and to fur nish information on the transfer and subcontracting o' all unit work and equipment to I N N Manufac tunng Company North Star Company or any other companies The Respondent denied the Union s request for information on subcontracting and transfers of unit work on the ground that the collective bargaining agreement allowed the Respondent full freedom to subcontract work and transfer equipment It also denied the Union s requests for plant access and denied or only partially granted the Union s other information requests As the judge noted, a broad discovery type standard is applicable to requests for information relevant to a union s functions of negotiating and policing compliance with a collective bargaining agreement NLRB v Acme Industrial Co, 385 U S 432 437 (1967) General Motors v NLRB 700 F 2d 1083 1088 (6th Cir 1983), NLRB v Rockwell Standard Corp, 410 F 2d 953, 957 (6th Cir 1969) [lit is not the Board s function in this type case to pass on the merits of the Union s claim that Re spondent breached the collective bargaining agree ment or committed an unfair labor practice NLRB v Rockwell Standard Corp 410 F 2d at 957 Thus the union need not demonstrate actual in stances of contractual violations before the employ er must supply information Boyers Construction Co 267 NLRB 227 229 (1983) Nor must the bargaining agent show that the information which triggered its request is accurate nonhearsay, or even ultimately reliable Ibid The Board s only function in such situation is in acting upon the probability that the desired information was rele vant and that it would be of use to the union in carrying out its statutory duties and responsibil Ales NLRB v Rockwell Standard Corp, 410 F 2d at 957 quoting NLRB v Acme Industrial Co 385 U S at 437 Accord General Motors v NLRB 700 F 2d at 1088 6 Applying the broad discovery type standard ap plicable here we conclude that the information re quested by the Union on subcontracting and trans fers was relevant to possible contract violations 6 Contrary to the Respondent s suggestion the Union s statutory func tion of policing the collective bargaining agreement is not limited to in vestigating already filed grievances but includes as well evaluat[ing] a possible grievance Rockwell Standard Corp 166 NLRB 124 132 (1967) enfd 410 F 2d 953 957 (6th Cir 1969) See Curtiss Wright Corp 145 NLRB 152 153-154 157 (1963) enfd 347 F 2d 61 (3d Cir 1965) W L MOLDING CO 1241 Thus the striker recall agreement might be con strued to prohibit deliberate efforts to avoid recall of strikers by subcontracting or transferring unit work out of the plant Moreover the collective bargaining agreement (art III sec 4) explicitly provides Neither the Company nor any of its agents will exercise discrimination interference re straint or coercion against any members of the Union on account of such membership And the term union membership may be construed to in clude all forms of union activity including strike activity See Radio Officers v NLRB, 347 U S 17 39-40 (1954), NLRB v Fleetwood Trailer Co 389 U S 375 (1967) As noted, the Union had received reports that the Respondent was violating the contract by per mating management to perform unit work by transferring ineligible employees into available unit jobs, and by failing to post job vacancies The Re spondent had denied the Union access to the plant and relevant information that would have enabled it to verify those reports In addition the Union had received reports that the Respondent was moving machines out of the plant and transferring them to another plant Accordingly, we find that the Union had a good faith concern that the Re spondent might be evading its obligation to recall strikers to available jobs consistent with the con tractual recall procedure Further support for the bona fide nature of the Union s concern is provided by the undented testimony of Union Vice President Nora Duff that the Union processed to arbitration and won a grievance alleging that management was performing unit work to avoid recalling strikers In the Circumstances we find that the requested mfor 'nation on subcontracting and the transfer of unit work to other plants was relevant and reasonably necessary to the Union s function of policing corn phance with the contract Assuming as the Re spondent contends that article III section 3 of the collective bargaining agreement removes from the contractual grievance and arbitration procedure disputes over subcontracting and transfers as such we find that it does not waive the Union s statuto ry right to information relevant to determining whether striker recall rights were being deliberate ly defeated through the discriminatory subcontract ing and transfer of unit work We therefore affirm the judge s finding that the Respondent s refusal to furnish subcontracting in formation violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act As noted, we have adopted the judge s other unfair labor practice findings, in the absence of any valid exception We also adopt the remedial relief recommended by the judge, subject to the following modifica tions The order provision requiring the Respond ent to cease and desist from violating employee rights in any other manner is modified to in any like or related manner because in our view the Respondent has not been shown to have a proclivi ty to violate the Act or a general disregard for em ployees fundamental statutory rights See Hickmott Foods, 242 NLRB 1357 (1979) In addition we have added a provision to the affirmative relief rec ommended by the judge directing the Respondent to furnish relevant information concerning the sub contracting or transfer of unit work Although the judge found the denial of subcontracting informa tion unlawful his recommended Order inadvertent ly omitted language requiring the Respondent to furnish it Finally we have conformed the notice to employees in accordance with the above modifi cation of the Order ORDER The National Labor Relations Board adopts the recommended Order of the administrative law judge as modified below and orders that the Re spondent, The W L Molding Company, Portage Michigan its officers agents successors and as signs shall take the action set forth in the Order as modified 1 Substitute the following for paragraph 1(b) (b) In any like or related manner restraining or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act 2 Substitute the following for paragraph 2(a) (a) Furnish, on request to the Union the names addresses wage scales timecards and doctors sick leave notes for all employees in the unit found ap propriate herein and information concerning the subcontracting or transfer of unit work relevant to the Union s performance of its statutory functions 3 Substitute the attached notice for that of the administrative law judge APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has ordered us to post and abide by this notice Section 7 of the Act gives employees these rights To organize To form, join, or assist any union To bargain collectively through representa lives of their own choice 1242 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD To act together for other mutual aid or pro tection To choose not to engage in any of these protected concerted activities WE WILL NOT refuse to bargain collectively with Local 609 United Rubber, Cork and Linoleum Workers of America, AFL-CIO by refusing to supply relevant information on request WE WILL NOT refuse the above named Union reasonable access to our plant in Portage, Michi gan, for the purpose of policing implementation of its collective bargaining agreement with us and in vestigating grievances WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Sec tion 7 of the Act WE WILL on request furnish the above named Union with the names addresses wage scales timecards and doctors sick leave notes for all the employees in the appropriate bargaining unit identi tied below and with information concerning sub contracting or transfer of bargaining unit work rel evant to the Union s performance of its statutory functions The appropriate unit is All production maintenance and shipping em ployees employed by us at our Portage, Michi gan plant but excluding office clerical employ ees, guards and supervisors as defined in the National Labor Relations Act WE WILL on request grant the above named Union reasonable access to our Portage, Michigan plant for the purpose of policing how we imple ment the collective bargaining agreement for the employees in the appropriate unit described above and for investigation of their grievances THE W L MOLDING COMPANY DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE NORMAN ZANKEL Administrative Law Judge This case was tried before me on November 17 1983 ' at Kalamazoo Michigan The charge was filed by the Union on June 9 The complaint was issued on July 14 The complaint alleges that the Employer unlawfully refused to bargain in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the National Labor Relations Act (the Act) by failing to comply with the Union s requests for information claimed necessary and relevant to the performance of its collective bargaining obligations Specifically it is al leged that the Employer did not submit doctors notes for employees on sick leave and timecards of unit em ployees names and addresses and wage data of all unit I All dates are in 1983 unless otherwise stated employees and information on transfer and subcontract mg of unit work Also the complaint alleges the Ern ployer had failed to permit union representatives access to the Employer s Portage Michigan plant to observe production The Employer s timely answer denies it committed any unfair labor practices On the entire record including my observation of the demeanor of witnesses and after consideration of the briefs filed by the Board s General Counsel and the Em ployer I make the following FINDINGS OF FACT I JURISDICTION The parties stipulated the record reflects and I find that the Employer a Michigan corporation with an office and place of business at 8212 Shaver Road Por tage Michigan has been at all times material engaged in the manufacture nonretail sale and distribution of molded plastic parts During the calendar year immedi ately preceding issuance of the complaint a representa tive period the Employer manufactured sold and dis tributed products in excess of $50 000 in value at its Por tage plant which products were shipped from that plant directly to points located outside of Michigan The Em ployer is and at all material times has been an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2) (6) and (7) of the Act It was stipulated the record reflects and I find that the Union is and at all material times has been a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act II THE APPROPRIATE BARGAINING UNIT The parties stipulated and I find that the following employees constitute a unit appropriate for collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act All production and shipping employ ees employed by the Employer at its Portage Michigan plant but excluding office clerical em ployees guards and supervisors as defined in the Act III THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A The Facts Since 1960 and at all times thereafter the Union has been the designated exclusive collective bargaining rep resentative of the employees in the unit found appropri ate above and has been recognized as such by the Em ployer Jack Crofoot at all material times has been the Em ployer s personnel director and a supervisor of the Em ployer within the meaning of Section 2(11) of the Act Since about February 25 and on various dates thereaf ter the Union orally and in writing requested the Em ployer to furnish it with the timecards for all employees working in the unit for specified periods of time W L MOLDING CO 1243 The Employer furnished the Union with two partial sets of timecards One set was for the pay period ending April 2 The second set of timecards covered the pay period ending May 28 Since about March 9 and on various dates thereafter the Union orally and in writing requested the Employer to furnish it with the names addresses and pay scales of all unit employees Since about March 9 and on various dates thereafter the Union orally and in writing requested the Employer to furnish it with information on transfer and subcon tracting of all molding and secondary work and equip ment to I N N Manufacturing North Star Company or any other company The parties stipulated that the Employer has failed and refused to furnish the Union the names addresses and pay scales of all unit employees Also the Employer agreed it has failed and refused to furnish the Union in formation on transfer and subcontracting of all molding and secondary work and equipment to I N N Manufac turing North Star Company or any other company The Union and Employer currently are parties to a collective bargaining agreement covering the unit em ployees and effective September 12 1982 to September 12 1985 Article III section 3 of that agreement pro vides Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed or in terpreted to restrict the right of the Company to subcontract production set up and maintenance work or to restrict the transfer of tools and equip ment which rights are vested with the Company and are not subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure provided for in this agreement A prior collective bargaining agreement between the parties expired on November 11 1981 2 On that date the unit employees went on strike The strike continued until September 12 1982 the effective date of the current col lective bargaining agreement Striking employees were not recalled to work until August 1983 During that period the Employer operated with strike replacements In August Leota Michielson and Nora Duff the Union s president and vice president respectively returned to work During the entire period November 11 1981 to the date these two employees returned to work in August no Union representative entered the operating area of the plant Nonetheless since at least January 1983 Crofoot and union officials met at least once monthly to discuss matters relevant to unit employees Such meetings customarily were conducted during the term of the expired collective bargaining agreement 2 The 1978-1981 collective bargaining agreement did not contain a subcontracting or transfer clause such as in art III sec 3 of the 1982- 1985 agreement Instead the expired contract provided Article III Section 2—Company Authority The management of the business and operation of the plant and the authority to execute all the various duties functions and responsibilities incident thereto is vested in the Company The exercise of such authority shall not con flict with this Agreement or the supplements thereto The record establishes the following chronological scenario regarding the various information and plant access requests and the Employer s responses 3 January 6 Michielson requested Union access to the plant during a joint meeting between the parties She told Crofoot access was necessary to (1) police the Employer s adherence to the 1982-1985 agree ment and (2) to investigate the accuracy of reports that management personnel were performing bar gaining unit work 4 Crofoot said he would check on it January 17 Richmond wrote the Employer re questing to enter (the Employer s premises) to see that the company is living up to the contract We have reason to believe the company is working management is not replacing people that are on sick leave quitting and being fired with union employees as was agreed to in the contract We have reason to believe the Company is deliber ately maneuvering to keep from calling union mem hers back to work January 25 The parties met Union noted no re sponse to January 17 letter was received Duff orally repeated access was needed to investigate re ports of management performing unit work Also on this date Union orally asked whether ma chines had been removed from the plant 5 Union also said it received reports that job vacancies were being filled by transfer without recourse to the contractual bidding procedure Crofoot responded only to the access request He said he would let the Union know about it in the future January 29 Richmond wrote Crofoot The letter re iterated the previous request for plant access and specified it was being made pursuant to Article I section 2 of the contract [That provision entitled Harmony expresses the parties intention to pro mote harmonious working relations between them ] February 9 Union filed grievance over improper transfer of employees [Art VIII sec 12 provides for bidding to fill vacancies ] 2 This sequence is derived from a composite of relevant documentary evidence and the testimony of Duff and the Union s recording secretary and its chief steward Nina Richmond and _Margaret Kiser respectively Each General Counsel witness was uncontradicted in her material testi mony Though offered an opportunity to present witnesses to testify in its behalf the Employer rested its case without calling any witness I fully credit each witness who testified based upon demeanor supporting docu ments plausibility and internal consistency 4 Art III sec 1 of the 1982-1985 contract provides Production work shall not be done by Supervisors except in the discharge of their duties in cases of emergency and when It is necessary for instructions Supervi sors who run samples shall do so for the purpose of checking out set ups and machines and not for the purpose of running regular production 5 The Union believed some equipment had been removed to another plant of the Employer in Elkhart Indiana 1244 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Also on this date Crofoot wrote Richmond in re sponse to her January 29 letter Crofoot asserted the Employer acknowledges the responsibility of Local 609 in such matters and suggests that Union and Company representatives discuss the question of accessibility at the next regularly scheduled meeting between them February 24 The parties met Michielson asked whether Employer had a response to access request Crofoot said no Duff asked under what terms and conditions the Employer would permit access Cro foot asked whether a specific problem existed which caused the Union to request access Duff said the Union officials had already described those situ ations Crofoot commented giving Union access to the plant would disrupt the work force Union suggested access be afforded only to Union presi dent and not its entire bargaining committee Cro foot rejected that proposal He said there isn t any problem in there The Union repeated its access re quest Crofoot said he had no authority to grant the request The Union asked for the identity of such authorizing official Crofoot did not respond The Union also raised the problems of management doing unit work lack of job posting for bids and employees working outside their classifications Crofoot simply denied there was any problem February 25 Crofoot wrote Richmond The letter states regarding the access requests the Company feels it would be appropriate that such action begin with a request for Union representation initiated by the employees desiring Union representation In addition it is suggested that if the committee feels that its obligation for employee representation presents a problem to the committee it would appear that the question of employee representation might be alleviated by the election of Union officers or stewards within the group of employees current ly involved in full time employment Also on Feb ruary 25 Richmond wrote Crofoot The letter re quested production of all time cards for unit em ployees on the payroll for the month of February The Union offered to pay copying costs Its request asserted that information is needed to process a grievance [At that time the February 9 grievance discussed above was pending ] March 9 The Union s attorney John F Foley wrote Employer Attorney Edward R Freeberg That letter requested the Employer to furnish copies of time cards of unit employees names ad dresses and pay scales of those employees informa tion on transfer and subcontracting of all unit work and equipment to I N N Manufacturing Company North Star Company or any other companies and access to the plant by Union stewards and commit tee persons Early March At a grievance meeting the Union re quested production of unit employee time cards to verify employment status It was asserted the infor mation was necessary to process a grievance Some time after the March grievance meeting the parties met again for their regular monthly meeting Then the Union again asked for plant access That request was denied March 27 Union filed grievance over management performing unit work April 11 Attorney Freeberg wrote Attorney Foley He responded to Foley s March 9 letter Freeberg stated that the union stewards and corn mittee persons would be granted plant access after notice to Crofoot to meet with employees to in vestigate grievances The letter also stated that Requests beyond this scope should be communicat ed to Jack Crofoot and where responsible and within the scope of the union s duty proper accom modations can be made As to time cards and employee names addresses and pay scales the letter proposed a sampling week (undefined) and that if employees notify Crofoot of objections to dissemination of that infor mation Crofoot would so advise the Union Regarding subcontracting information the letter as serted the Employer complied with its duty to bar gain over that issue when it negotiated its right to subcontract without recourse to the grievance pro cedure [See art III sec 3 supra ] April Sometime after receipt of Attorney Free berg s April 11 letter the parties met The Union asked that the Union committee be granted access to the plant to determine the number of employees operating machinery Crofoot denied that request Once again Duff suggested that only one Union of ficer be granted access Crofoot said he did not see any problem existed and he had no authority to grant the request The Union asked for Unit employee time cards as serting they were necessary to verify the amount of overtime being worked The Union representatives complained that excessive overtime might be delay mg recall of former strikers The request was denied Crofoot showed the Union notes signed by employees in which they claimed they (the em ployees) did not want the Union to have access to their time cards May 27 The Union filed a grievance over manage ment doing unit work The March 27 and May 27 grievances were with drawn by the Union assertedly because it was unable to procure sufficient information to support them due to the inability to obtain access to the plant B Analysis—Duty to Supply Information An employer s duty to bargain in good faith includes the obligation to provide information that is needed by the bargaining representative for the proper performance of its duties NLRB v Truitt Mfg Co 351 U S 149 (1956) The duty to supply information unquestionably extends beyond the period of contract negotiations and W L MOLDING CO 1245 continues throughout the life of the contract so far as it is necessary to enable the bargaining representative to administer the contract and resolve grievances or dis putes NLRB v Acme Industrial Co 385 U S 432 (1967) The right to receive information arises by operation of the NLRA itself on an appropriate request and the scope of the right is limited only by considerations of relevancy Ellsworth Sheet Metal 224 NLRB 1506 1507 (1976) In determining whether an employer is obligated under the statute to supply particular requested informa tion the Board need only find a probability that the de sired information is relevant and it will be of use to the Union in carrying out its statutory responsibilities This is a discovery type standard and allows the Union access to a broad range of potentially useful information for the purpose of effectuating the bargaining process and ad ministering the contract NLRB v Acme Industrial Co supra at 437 fn 6 NLRB v Rockwell Standard Corp 410 F 2d 953 957 (6th Cir 1969) Westinghouse Electric Co 239 NLRB 106 (1978) In the Westinghouse decision (at 107) the Board observed It is well established that a labor organization obli gated to represent employees in a bargaining unit with respect to their terms and conditions of em ployment is entitled to such information from the employer as may be relevant and reasonably neces sary to the proper execution of that obligation (Vertol Division Boeing Company 182 NLRB 421 NLRB v Wham Machine Works 217 F 2d 593 (C A 4 1954) cert denied 349 U S 905 (1955)) The right to such information exists not only for the purpose of negotiating a contract but also for the purpose of administering a collective bargaining agreement The employer s obligation in either in stance is predicated upon the need for such infor melon in order to provide intelligent representation of the employees (F W Woolworth Co 109 NLRB 196 197 enfd 352 U S 938 (1956)) The test of the union s need for such information is simply a show mg of probability that the desired information was relevant and that it would be of use to the union in carrying out its statutory duties and responsibil ities (Acme Industrial supra at 437) The Union need not demonstrate that the information sought is certainly relevant or clearly dispositive of the basic negotiating or arbitration issues between the parties The fact that the information is of probable or po tential relevance is sufficient to give rise to an obli gation on the part of the employer to provide it (The Brooklyn Union Gas Company 220 NLRB 189) The appropriate standard in determining the potential relevance of information sought in aid of the bargaining agent s responsibility is a liberal dis covery type standard (Acme Industrial supra) 1 Names addresses and pay scales The parties stipulated and documents in evidence sup port the stipulation that this information was requested and refused Such information is presumptively relevant SEMCO Printing Center 265 NLRB No 73 (not report ed in Board volumes) Summer Home for the Aged 226 NLRB 976 (1976) enf granted in part denied in part and remanded 599 F 2d 762 (6th Cir 1979) Viewlex Inc 204 NLRB 1080 (1973) NLRB v F W Woolworth Co supra Though it is not necessary that the Union demonstrate the relevancy of such information Abbey Medical 264 NLRB 969 (1982) the instant record contains evidence it clearly was relevant Thus until the union officials were returned to work in August there was no representative of the employees on the premises to obtain the informa tion Without it the Union could not evaluate the Em ployer s implementation of the contract because it could not determine what jobs were held or vacant for any reason This made it impossible to police the bidding and posting provisions of its contract The union officials protested it needed the information for that very reason On the above I find that the Employer refused to bar gain in violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by failing and refusing to provide the Union with the names addresses and wage rates of the unit employees 2 Timecards The record reflects both written and oral requests for timecards of the unit employees The Union offered to pay duplication costs The Employer only partially com plied with the requests and then provided incomplete in formation In Colt Eagle 210 NLRB 495 496 (1974) a union requested the employer to furnish certain informa tion among which were timecards which the union claimed was necessary to effectively process grievances The Board held the employer refused to bargain when it failed to produce those records Here the Union told the employer the timecards were needed to verify the number of employees at work and the amount of overtime being worked by them It was asserted the timecards would enable the Union to effec tively process pending grievances though there is no al lusion to the precise grievances to which that informa tion would have related There is evidence not previous ly discussed which shows the Employer had complied with identical requests under its previous collective bar gaining agreement 6 The circumstances persuade me that the timecards would have revealed information which probably could have been effectively used by the Union in grievance processing The standards set forth in Acme Industrial are thus satisfied With that information the Union could have determined whether vacancies existed for job post ing and bidding among other things (The record strong ly suggests there was some agreement for recall of former strikers but no explicit evidence in this connec tion was adduced ) It could have more readily ascer tamed the merits of pending or potential grievances Accordingly I find that the Employer s refusal to pro 6 The General Counsel in her brief argues this deviation from past practice separately comprises an unlawful unilateral change which though not alleged should be found to be a violation of Sec 8(a)(5) In view of my findings on the complaint allegations with respect to the re fusals of information I deem it unnecessary to enter such a separate find mg It would not enhance my order 1246 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD vide the timecards constitutes a violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act 3 Access to the plant As noted earlier the Employer operated from Novem ber 1981 until August 1983 with an employee comple ment consisting in whole or in part of striker replace ments It was not until August that any official had been returned to work Thus for approximately 20 months the Union had no direct means by which it could obtain information relevant to its bargaining obligations A new collective bargaining agreement had been negotiated but the Union was left with no way to police implementation of its terms The first request for access to the plant was made on January 6 Then the Union advised Crofoot the request was based on a need to check into contract adherence and to investigate reports that management was perform ing unit work The various subsequent oral and written requests for plant access were consistently denied or re sponses were delayed I find the Employer s February 25 written suggestion that the union conduct new elections of officials from among the group of employees cur rently working in full time employment particularly derogatory of and inconsistent with the Union s bar gaining obligations and collective bargaining principles That attempt to interfere with internal union affairs tends to show the Employer was determining the Union s need for information on its own (the Employer s) terms of rel evance This is clearly contrary to the Acme Industrial standards Patently the Union had a need to obtain in formation Actual grievances had been filed Potential existed for other grievances Yet the Union had no direct means to procure essential information It is true that alternative methods were available for the Union to receive information Evidence not prey' ously discussed shows there were friends or relatives of union officials at work early in 1983 However such in formation if obtained was sure to be spotty The Em ployer s failure to provide the other information such as employee names addresses wage data and timecards simply exacerbated the impact of the denial of access Earlier cited cases establish the Union s requests for plant access were proper in the instant circumstances The availability of working employees as secondary sources of information does not exonerate the Employer from its statutory duty to supply information New York Times Co 265 NLRB 353 (1982) and cases cited at 353 Though Crofoot asserted the Union s presence would disrupt operations no specific evidence was presented to support that assertion On the above I find that the denial of access to the plant for the purposes of policing contract implementa lion and investigation of grievances violative of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act 4 Subcontracting information Admittedly the Employer refused to supply subcon tracting information It argues the Union waived its right to such information by agreeing to article III section 3 of the 1982-1985 contract (The full text of which ap pears above in sec III A) Such information is relevant to the Union s bargaining obligations It is based on a union s concern for preserva tion of bargaining unit work National Woodwork Mfrs Assn v NLRB 386 US 612 (1967) Markle Mfg Co of San Antonio 239 NLRB 1142 (1979) LeLand Standard Junior University 262 NLRB 136 (1982) Waivers of the right to information must be clear and unmistakable Hearst Corp 113 NLRB 1067 (1955) Hughes Tool Co 100 NLRB 208 (1951) A waiver cannot be found by implication Skyway Luggage Co 117 NLRB 681 (1957) It is true that the 1982-85 subcontracting clause re moves that issue from the grievance and arbitration pro visions of that agreement However that fact does not resolve the instant Issue In Safeway Stores 236 NLRB 1126 fn 1(1978) the Board commented before a union is put to the effort of arbitrating even the question of ar bitrability it has a statutory right to potentially relevant information necessary to allow it to decide if the under lying grievances have merit and whether they should be pursued at all If the instant Employer had engaged in subcontracting it is possible that activity could not be recognized as arbitrable under the contract s terms However arbitrability is not an issue for the Board to decide PPG Industries 255 NLRB 296 297 (1981) I conclude the information on subcontracting requested in the case at bar is relevant and necessary for the Union to determine whether a question of arbitrability existed Moreover in view of the Employer s refusals to provide the names addresses wage rates and timecards of unit employees and denial of plant access the subcontracting information potentially could have yielded information by which the Union could make an intelligent appraisal of whether or not grievances other than over the subcon tractmg issue had merit At the very least the informa tion would have provided the Union with some ability to determine to what extent if any unit jobs might be vacant or eliminated I find nothing in the contract s sub contracting clause which suggests the Union waived its right to grieve over subjects unrelated to subcontracting or to present the issue of arbitrability to be addressed Accordingly I find the Employer s failure to comply with subcontracting information requests in the instant circumstances constitutes a violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) 5 Doctors notes The Union made repeated requests for physicians notes for unit employees going on and returning from sick leave The evidence shows the Employer requn ed employees to submit such notes Contractually (art X sec 4) those notes are mandated The notes were used by the Union to police implementation of the contract s bidding procedures (see art IX sec 12) There is no dispute that the Employer refused to comply with the Union s various requests outlined in the factual narrative in this decision The denials were based on the Employer s receipt of signed statements from the employees which indicated opposition to the Employer s W L MOLDING CO 1247 divulging of that information Relevance is not seriously disputed by the Employer The Employer impliedly contends albeit without ex plication it was privileged to withhold the doctors notes because of the employees instructions and its confiden nal character (The confidentiality position equally ap plies to the information requests for wage data names and addresses and timecards ) That the doctors notes were relevant does not neces sarily trigger the obligation to produce them Not all rdl evant information need be disclosed Emeryville Research Center v NLRB 441 F 2d 880 885 (8th Cir 1971) The law requires a balancing of interests including the exami nation of the circumstances of each case and the need for disclosure (Detroit Edison Co v NLRB 440 U S 301 314 (1979)) In Detroit Edison the Supreme Court bal anced the union s interest in obtaining information rele vant to contract administration against the employer s in terest in maintaining security of psychological test ques tions answers and scores It upheld the employer s refus al to supply that information In the instant case the Union clearly was not interest ed in any information contained in the doctors notes which might have revealed specific ailments results of medical examinations diagnoses or prognoses It merely wanted to confirm the fact that employees were actually carried on sick leave If the notes contained specific medical information such matter readily could have been excised by the Employer prior to delivery Such ex cision would remove any possibility a claim of confiden tiality is valid All that would remain in effect is a group of records which would identify employee leave status In North American Soccer League 245 NLRB 1301 (1979) the Board held that the union had the right to review information concerning names of physicians and player injury reports among other things The Board left undisturbed the reasoning of Judge Harold Bernard Jr that the health connected information was an integral part of the players working conditions and therefore a legitimate union concern I grant that the Soccer League case presents by the nature of the sports industry a set of more compelling circumstances than that before me for disclosure of doctors notes Nonetheless the Soccer League case does indicate that medical privilege asser tions do not alone suffice to license withholding of such information In any event the information requested by the Union herein was for employment status not medical reports of the employees Indeed no probative evidence was ad duced in this case to show that the doctors notes con tamed such private information as might be considered confidential All that appears in this case is the bare un supported claim of confidentiality The totality of circumstances herein persuade me there is no merit to the claim that any of the information re quested particularly the doctors notes could be with held lawfully from the Union On balance I conclude there is insufficient evidence to show the doctors notes were not subject to disclosure Upon the above I find the Employer s refusal to comply with the Union s re quests for that information violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1 The Employer is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2) (6) and (7) of the Act 2 The Union is a labor organization within the mean ing of Section 2(5) of the Act 3 All production maintenance and shipping employ ees employed by the Employer at its Portage Michigan plant but excluding office clerical employees guards and supervisors as defined in the Act constitute an appropri ate bargaining unit 4 By failing and refusing to provide the Union with unit employees names and addresses wage scales time cards doctors notes and subcontracting information and by denying the Union access to the Portage plant all between January and August 1983 the Employer un lawfully refused to bargain in violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act 5 The above unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of the Act THE REMEDY Having found that the Employer engaged in certain unfair labor practices I find it necessary to order it to cease and desist and to take certain affirmative action de signed to effectuate the policies of the Act That order will make provision for the Employer to comply with the various requests of the Union for information and access to the plant I consider the refusal to provide plant access and in formation in the instant circumstances tantamount to a rejection of the Act s collective bargaining principles Not only did the Employer thwart the Union s ability to police its contract but it also interposed its own terms of relevance on to Union s requests and suggested alteration of internal Union procedures These events in my view represent a total disparagement of the collective bargain ing process As such they are considered sufficiently egregious to warrant a broad proscriptive order Hick mott Foods 242 NLRB 1357 (1979) Therefore the Em ployer will also be ordered to refrain from in any manner interfering with restraining or coercing em ployees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the entire record I issue the following recommend ed 7 ,. ORDER The Respondent W-L Molding Company Portage Michigan its officers agents successors and assigns shall I Cease and desist from 7 If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Board s Rules and Regulations the findings conclusions and recommended Order shall as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules be adopted by the Board and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all pur poses 1248 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (a) Refusing to bargain collectively with Local 609 United Rubber Cork Linoleum and Plastics Workers of America AFL-CIO by refusing to supply relevant infor motion and denying plant access on the Union s request (b) In any manner interfering with restraining or co ercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act 2 Take the following affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act (a) Furnish on request to the Union the names ad dresses wage scales timecards and doctors sick leave notes for all employees in the unit found appropriate herein (b) Grant the Union reasonable access to the plant at Portage Michigan on request to investigate the Em ployer s implementation of its collective bargaining agreement with the Union and to investigate grievances (c) Post at its Portage Michigan plant copies of the attached notice marked Appendix 8 Copies of the notice on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 7 after being signed by the Respondent s author ized representative shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt and maintained for 60 consecu tive days in conspicuous places including all places where notices to unit employees are customarily posted Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to ensure that the notices are not altered defaced or coy ered by any other material (d) Notify the Regional Director in writing within 20 days from the date of this Order what steps the Employ er has taken to comply 8 if this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals the words in the notice reading Posted by Order of the Na tional Labor Relations Board shall read Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the Nation al Labor Relations Board Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation