U.S. Telefactors Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsNov 19, 1990300 N.L.R.B. 720 (N.L.R.B. 1990) Copy Citation 720 300 NLRB No. 87 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 1 We find no merit in the Respondent’s contention that Patricia McCarty’s failure to increase her hours at the Franz Demo Agency constituted a failure to mitigate damages. McCarty held this part-time job both before and after her discharge. It involved work totally unlike her work for the Respondent, and the terms and conditions of the employment were not substantially equivalent to those previously enjoyed with the Respondent. Since it was thus not the kind of job she would have been obligated to accept in the first instance in order to mitigate damages (NLRB v. Madison Courier, 472 F.2d 1307, 1318– 1319 (D.C. Cir. 1972), and cases there cited), her failure to increase her hours with Demo (and instead to spend that time in searching for a substantially equivalent job) clearly does not constitute a failure to mitigate. If McCarty had chosen to increase her hours with Demo, only that additional income would be included within interim earnings, Isaac & Vinson Security Services, 208 NLRB 47, 50–51 (1973). U.S. Telefactors Corporation and Professional, Technical and Clerical Employees Union, Local 707, affiliated with the National Production Workers Union. Case 13–CA–27948 November 19, 1990 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN STEPHENS AND MEMBERS CRACRAFT AND OVIATT On June 29, 1990, Administrative Law Judge Wal- lace H. Nations issued the attached supplemental deci- sion. The Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief, and the General Counsel filed an answering brief. The National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the supplemental decision and the record in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the judge’s rulings, findings,1 and conclusions and to adopt the recommended Order. ORDER The National Labor Relations Board adopts the rec- ommended Order of the administrative law judge and orders that the Respondent, U.S. Telefactors Corpora- tion, Chicago, Illinois, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Order. Jessica T. Willis, Esq., for the General Counsel. Keith Harrington, Esq., of Chicago, Illinois, for the Respond- ent. SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE WALLACE H. NATIONS, Administrative Law Judge. On September 7, 1988, the Professional, Technical and Clerical Employees Union, Local 707, affiliated with the National Production Workers Union (Union) filed a charge against U.S. Telefactors Corporation (Respondent) alleging violations of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act (Act) in Case 13–CA–27948. On September 26, 1988, complaint and notice of hearing issued in Case 13–CA– 27948 alleging that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act by discharging Alice Brinda, Delores J. Nash, Cheryl L. Wren, Ann Saye, Michelle Geihm, Melissa Storer, Cynthia Gonzales, Jeanne A. Neupert, Patricia McCarty, and Wendy Gonzales because of their protected concerted activi- ties. On November 8, 1988, General Counsel filed a Motion for Summary Judgment with the Board in Washington, D.C., based on Respondent’s failure to timely answer the com- plaint. On March 31, 1989, the Board issued its Decision and Order in Case 13–CA–27948 granting General Counsel’s Motion for Summary Judgment and ordering Respondent to offer full and immediate reinstatement to the 10 dis- criminatees named above, make each whole for any loss of earnings suffered as a result of their unlawful discharges, re- move from Respondent’s records all references to the unlaw- ful discharges, provide written notice to each discriminatee that such reference was removed, and provide written notice that the unlawful discharge would not be the basis for any future personnel action against the discriminatee. On October 27, 1989, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit entered its judgment enforcing in full the Board’s Decision and Order in Case 13–CA–27948. On January 30, 1990, the Regional Director for Region 13 issued a compliance specification and notice of hearing setting forth the amount of backpay owed to each of the 10 discriminatees. On February 8, 1990, the Regional Director issued an order scheduling hearing, which scheduled the hearing to commence on April 17, 1990. On February 23, 1990, Respondent filed its answer to General Counsel’s com- pliance specification. Thereafter, on April 7, 1990, Respondent filed its motion to extend the date of the hearing. Pursuant to Respondent’s request, hearing was rescheduled to a date Respondent indi- cated it would be available, May 14, 1990. Respondent was notified by phone on April 10, 1990, as well as by letter sent via FAX on May 10, 1990, and certified mail on May 11, 1990. Respondent filed a second motion to extend the date of the hearing which was undated but was received by the Regional Director on or about May 10, 1990. Respondent’s request was denied by Judge John M. Dyer, associate chief administrative law judge in his Order dated May 10, 1990. Respondent was again informed that hearing in Case 13– CA–27948 would begin as scheduled at 11 a.m., May 14, 1990, by General Counsel on May 11, 1990, during a phone conversation regarding settlement. Respondent and its counsel failed to appear for hearing at 11 a.m. on May 14, 1990. Upon my request, General Coun- sel telephoned Respondent’s counsel’s office and was in- formed that Respondent’s counsel was in another court on a different matter. After informing me of this development, General Counsel was requested by me to again phone Re- spondent’s counsel’s office and inform Respondent’s counsel that the hearing would commence at 12 p.m. that day, and further, that failure to appear would constitute waiver of its appearance in this proceeding. General Counsel so informed Respondent’s counsel. Respondent failed to appear or give notice of reasons therefore. Hearing commenced at approxi- mately 12 p.m. and concluded at approximately 1:54 p.m., at the conclusion of General Counsel’s case. Based on the evidence adduced at the hearing and on the record as a whole, I make the following 721U.S. TELEFACTORS CORP. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS As noted above, Respondent did not appear at the hearing. However, several issues were raised by Respondent in its an- swer herein and these will be addressed below. These issues are: 1. The discriminatees failed to disclose all interim earn- ings. 2. The discriminatees failed to mitigate Respondent’s backpay liability by failing to make a reasonable search for interim earnings. 3. Backpay tolled on the date Respondent offered rein- statement to each of the 10 discriminatees and not, as Gen- eral Counsel contends, on the date reinstatement was waived or the date each discriminatee actually returned to work. A.Discussion of Issues 1 & 2 and Related Fact Findings Under both Board law and the Board’s Rules and Regula- tions governing compliance proceedings, Respondent bears the burden of proof to show willful loss of earnings, failure to make a reasonable search for interim employment, failure to disclose all interim earnings received or other facts to di- minish Respondent’s backpay liability. Mastro Plastics Corp., 136 NLRB 1342, 1346–1347 (1962), enfd. as modi- fied 354 F.2d 170 (2d Cir. 1965), cert. denied 384 U.S. 972 (1976). Any uncertainty must be resolved against Respondent who made the uncertainty possible and the backpay claimant must receive the benefit of any doubt. Southern Hospital Products Co., 203 NLRB 881 (1973). Respondent presented no evidence in support of its claim that the discriminatees failed to make a reasonable search for interim employment and failed to disclose all interim earn- ings beyond its assertion of this claim in its answer. Simi- larly, with the exception of its claim in its answer, Respond- ent failed to produce any evidence in support of its claim that the discriminatees did not disclose all of their interim earnings. Although General Counsel had no affirmative burden to submit evidence to document interim earnings claimed by the discriminatees or their search for interim employment, the record contains ample evidence on these issues including job search lists submitted by each discriminatee showing times, dates, and places each applied for employment as well as re- sponses or offers received. Additionally, each discriminatee gave unrefuted testimony regarding their job search efforts and the results of those efforts. A summary of this evidence is set forth below with respect to each discriminatee. I find from the evidence that each of the 10 discriminatees made a reasonable search for interim employment, thereby miti- gating Respondent’s backpay liability. After being discharged by Respondent, each discriminatee searched for interim employment. Ann Saye testified that she sent resumes, applied in person and filled out job applica- tions for various employers listed in her job search list and made part of the record as General Counsel’s Exhibit 8. Companies at which she sought employment include Allstate Steel Corp., Dreyer Medical Center, National Controls, and Sun Coast Corporation. Her job search began when she was discharged by Respondent in August 1988 and continued until she resumed employment with Respondent July 7, 1989. Saye did not receive any offers of employment during this period. After being discharged by Respondent in August 1988, Cheryl Wren applied for employment at various enterprises including Pheasant Run, Mercy Center Hospital, and other employers listed in her job search, made part of the record as General Counsel’s Exhibit 15. Wren did not receive any offers of employment between her discharge by Respondent and Respondent’s offer of reinstatement in April 1989. Wendy Gonzales testified that she used a local newspaper and job service to find interim employment after her dis- charge by Respondent in August 1988. Gonzales applied to Sentel Cable and Royal Insurance among other employers listed in her job search list, made part of the record as Gen- eral Counsel’s Exhibit 18. Gonzales began working for Tem- porary Services International in March 1989. Temporary Services International was the only source of interim em- ployment income Gonzales received between the date of her discharge by Respondent and the date she waived reinstate- ment June 28, 1989. Gonzales’ gross backpay was offset by the interim earnings she received. After being discharged by Respondent in August 1988, Cynthia Gonzales applied for work as a telephone operator, receptionist, and office worker at various employers named in her job search list, made part of the record as General Counsel’s Exhibit 21. Gonzales received an offer of employ- ment through Temporary Services International which placed her with AT & T in February 1989. This was Gonzales’ only source of interim income between her discharge and June 28, 1989, the date she waived reinstatement. Gonzales’ gross backpay was offset by the interim earnings she received from AT & T. In paragraph IX(b) Respondent asserts that Michelle Geihm did not intend to return to work after the birth of her child on November 28, 1988, and claims therefore that her backpay should end as of that date. Respondent presented no evidence in support of this position. After her discharge by Respondent in August 1988, Michelle Geihm sent resumes and applied in person to various employers listed in her job search lists, made a part of the record as General Counsel’s Exhibits 27 and 28. Geihm was unavailable for work from November 28, 1988, through January 5, 1989, because she gave birth to her second child. Geihm credibly testified that she was physically capable of working on January 5, 1989, and again began sending resumes and applying for employ- ment. The mere fact that Geihm was pregnant during the backpay period does not warrant the conclusion that she was unavailable for work or that she would not return to work after giving birth. Wayne Trophy Corp., 254 NLRB 881 (1981). Geihm had no interim earnings; however, her gross backpay was offset by the amount she would have earned during the period of maternity leave (November 28, 1988– January 5, 1989). Alice Brinda applied for employment at Fair Realtors, J.B. Industries, and Saratoga Hotel among other places named in her job search list, made part of the record as General Coun- sel’s Exhibit 31. Brinda worked for Guardian Express from November 1988 through April 1989. Guardian Express was Brinda’s only source of interim income and her gross back- pay was offset by this income. Jeanne Neupert sent resumes and applied in person to var- ious employers listed in her job search list, made part of the 722 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD record as General Counsel’s Exhibit 36. These employers in- clude General American Door and Country Companies Insur- ance. Neupert began working for Porvey McKee on or about November 24, 1988, and is currently working there. Her earnings from that company were used to offset the amount of backpay owed Neupert by Respondent because of her un- lawful discharge. Melissa Storer worked part-time 20 hours per week for Respondent from May 1988 through her discharge in August 1988. Storer also worked part-time 20–25 hours per week for Eltron Research during the period she worked for Respond- ent. Storer was also a full-time student during this period. She did not increase the number of hours she worked for Eltron Research after being discharged by Respondent. After her discharge, Storer worked these additional part-time jobs: Lord & Taylor (August 20, 1988 through March 11, 1989), Blockbuster Video (October 1988), and several babysitting jobs in February 1989. Earnings received from Lord & Tay- lor, Blockbuster Video, and the babysitting jobs were used to offset the amount of backpay Respondent owes Storer. Earnings from Eltron Research were not considered interim earnings to be deducted from gross backpay because Storer held that job prior to her discharge. The Board has consist- ently held that second job earnings normally are not consid- ered as interim earnings to be deducted from gross backpay, particularly where, as here, the claimant held the second job prior to discharge. Calson Tower Geriatric Center, 281 NLRB 399 (1986); Vinson Security Services, 208 NLRB 47, 50, 51 (1973). In paragraph IX(i) of its answer, Respondent asserts that Storer was injured and unavailable for work during a portion of the backpay period thereby diminishing Respondent’s backpay liability. Respondent presented no evidence that Storer would have been unavailable for work due to her in- jury. Storer sprained her ankle March 11, 1989. She testified that she quit working for Lord & Taylor at that time because her job as a salesclerk required her to be on her feet all day. Storer continued attending school and working for Eltron Re- search throughout the period of her injury. She testified that her injury would not have precluded her from working as a telephone operator for Respondent because she would not have been required to stand. I find from the evidence that Storer was available for work as a telephone operator and therefore entitled to backpay throughout the entire period which began with her discharge in August 1988 and ended June 28, 1989, when she waived reinstatement. In paragraph IX(e) of its answer, Respondent claims that Patricia McCarty did not accurately set forth all interim earn- ings she received from Franz Demo Agency, but submitted no evidence in support of this position. McCarty’s interim earnings are fully documented and supported in the record by interim earnings reports submitted by her employers during the relevant period. (G.C. Exhs. 39, 42, 43.) During the time Patricia McCarty worked for Respondent, she also worked part-time, two shifts per week for Franz Demo Agency. After Respondent discharged McCarty in August 1988, McCarty continued working for Franz Demo Agency but did not in- crease the number of hours or shifts per week. McCarty testi- fied that she did not increase those hours because that em- ployer did not offer benefits or insurance. McCarty applied for work through an employment agency as well as directly to employers named in her job search list, made a part of the record as General Counsel’s Exhibit 41. McCarty worked for Service Corporation in December 1988, and earned $120. McCarty began working full time for Jones InterCable in February 1989. Earnings received from both of these em- ployers were used to offset Respondent’s backpay liability. Earnings received from Franz Demo Agency were not de- ducted because McCarty held this job prior to her August 1988 discharge by Respondent and she did not subsequently increase the number of hours worked for the agency. Calson Tower Geriatric Center, supra; Vinson Security Services, supra. In paragraph IX(f) of its answer, Respondent claims that Delores Nash failed to disclose interim earnings received from her employment at American Cab Company. Again, Respondent failed to submit any evidence in support of this position. After Respondent discharged Delores Nash in Au- gust 1988, she applied for work at various employers listed in her job search list, made a part of the record as General Counsel’s Exhibit 52. Nash continued working for her hus- band’s company, American Cab, as she had previously when she worked for Respondent. Nash received no compensation from American Cab and she had no interim earnings from the date of her discharge in August 1988 until she waived reinstatement on or about June 30, 1989. Interim earnings are defined as payment for work or services performed. NLRB Compliance Casehandling Manual, Section 10604.1. B. Discussion of Issue 3 and Related Fact Findings The final issue Respondent raised in its answer was the date backpay tolled. Respondent maintains that backpay tolled on the date Respondent made offers of reinstatement to the 10 discriminatees by letters dated April 20 and 28, 1989 and not, as the General Counsel contends, on the date each discriminatee either waived reinstatement or resumed employment with Respondent. Respondent further contends that in the event the backpay period tolled on the date rein- statement was waived, General Counsel’s compliance speci- fication did not set forth the correct date such waiver oc- curred. Respondent argues reinstatement was waived on the dates the discriminatees willfully failed to report to work and by their failure to respond in a timely manner to Respond- ent’s offer of reinstatement. The undisputed facts are as follows. Respondent dis- charged the 10 discriminatees on August 15, 1988. Pursuant to the Board’s Order, Respondent offered each discriminatee reinstatement by letters dated April 20 and 28, 1989. Neither letter set forth a date to return to work, but did require the discriminatees to respond to the offer of reinstatement by May 5, 1989. Patricia McCarty waived reinstatement by her letter dated May 3, 1989. Each of the remaining nine discriminatees ac- cepted Respondent’s offer by their individual letters. Andrew Knee, president of U.S. Telefactors, met individ- ually with Ann Saye, Cheryl Wren, Michelle Geihm, Alice Brinda, Jeanne Neupert, Melissa Storer, and Delores Nash, during the middle of May 1989 to discuss the number of hours each would be available to work weekly, shift avail- ability, and training schedules. No definite start dates or training schedules were decided upon during these meetings. According to each of the discriminatees, Knee advised them that Respondent would contact each of them during the fol- lowing week to give them a definite schedule. However, con- 723U.S. TELEFACTORS CORP. 1 The sole exception to this conclusion is my finding that Delores Nash’s backpay was tolled on June 30, 1989, rather than on December 15, 1989, as claimed by General Counsel. 2 Under New Horizons, interest is computed at the ‘‘short-term Federal rate’’ for the underpayment of taxes as set forth in the 1986 amendment to 26 U.S.C. § 6621. trary to this statement, Respondent did not advise the discriminatees of the training schedule and start dates until 4 to 6 weeks later, by letter dated June 19, 1989. Discriminatees Michelle Geihm, Jeanne Neupert, Cynthia Gonzales, Wendy Gonzales, and Melissa Storer waived rein- statement by their individual letters dated June 28, 1989, be- cause Respondent had scheduled each of them to work shifts for which they had previously informed Respondent they would be unavailable. Alice Brinda waived reinstatement by letter dated June 30, 1989, because she had been scheduled to work hours she had previously informed Respondent she was unavailable. Contrary to Respondent’s position, the evi- dence shows and I find that each of the discriminatees re- sponded to Respondent’s offer of reinstatement in a timely fashion and those who chose to waive reinstatement did so only because of Respondent’s failure or refusal to cooperate with these discriminatees in the matter of scheduling. Ann Saye returned to work July 7, 1989. Cheryl Wren returned to work June 30, 1989. Discriminatee Delores Nash did not appear at the hearing because she had been hospitalized the previous day. In her affidavit, Nash testified that she had completed her scheduled training with Respondent on June 28 and 29, 1989, but was unable to return to work on June 30, the day Respondent had her scheduled to return. Nash advised Respondent that she could not return to work until July 7, 1989, because Re- spondent did not timely notify Nash of her schedule, and she had prior commitments. On or about June 29, in Nash’s opinion, Respondent advised Nash that she would be fired if she did not return to work on June 30. On that occasion, one of Respondent’s supervisors advised Nash over the phone that if she did not report for work as scheduled, she would be ‘‘done for,’’ and advised Nash to contact the NLRB for advice. Nash again informed Respondent that she wanted to return to work; however, was unable to reschedule her pre- vious commitments due to Respondent’s short notice and therefore could not return to work until July 7. Nash did not return to work on June 30 or July 7 because of prior commit- ments and because she believed that Respondent had termi- nated her employment, although she admitted that she had never been formally told this. Nash attempted to waive rein- statement by letter dated December 15, 1989. However, I be- lieve Nash actually waived reinstatement on or about June 30 when she failed to report for work as scheduled and never followed up on her conversations with Respondent’s super- visor. She was unable to report for work on the date sched- uled because of her work commitment to her husband’s busi- ness, for which she was not paid and for which no interim earnings have been deducted from her gross backpay. I do not believe that Nash can take both positions. That is, her work for American Cab is unpaid and cannot constitute in- terim earnings, but that it can constitute a valid excuse for not reporting to work as scheduled and thus avoid tolling backpay. I have sustained her position with respect to interim earnings, but cannot also sustain her position with respect to the date her backpay period ended. Board law clearly holds that the backpay period is tolled on the date of actual reinstatement, the date of rejection of that offer, or in the case of discriminatees who did not reply to the offer, on the date of the last opportunity set by the Employer to accept the offer of reinstatement. American Mfg. Co. of Texas, 167 NLRB 520, 521 (1967); Vinson Security Services, 208 NLRB 47 (1973); NLRB Compliance Manual Section 10536 fn. 8. Thus, the evidence shows Patricia McCarty’s backpay period ended May 3, 1989, when she re- jected Respondent’s offer. The backpay period for Michelle Geihm, Jeanne Neupert, Cynthia Gonzales, Wendy Gonzales, and Melissa Storer ended when each waived reinstatement by letter dated June 28, 1989. The backpay period for Alice Brinda ended by her letter waiving reinstatement dated June 30, 1989. As found above, Delores Nash’s backpay period ended on June 30, 1989, the last date set for by the Respond- ent to accept the offer of reinstatement. Ann Saye resumed employment with Respondent July 7, 1989; however, her backpay period ended June 30, 1989, because she was on va- cation from June 30, 1989, until July 7, 1989, and thus was unavailable for work. Cheryl Wren resumed employment with Respondent June 30, 1989, thereby tolling her backpay. Due to a clerical error, General Counsel’s compliance speci- fication incorrectly lists July 7, 1989, as the date backpay ended. Total backpay through June 30, 1989, is $7176 plus interest. In conclusion, Respondent failed to produce any evidence in support of its allegations that the discriminatees failed to make a reasonable search for work, failed to disclose all in- terim earnings, or that the date of waiver of reinstatement by the discriminatees which tolled the backpay period was any- thing other than that claimed by General Counsel.1 Respond- ent admits that General Counsel’s compliance specification is correct in the method used to calculate backpay including for each discriminatee their hourly wage rate, number of hours worked, weeks or days in the pay period, and quarterly gross earnings. I therefore conclude that the 10 discriminatees be awarded backpay in the amount set forth in Appendix A to this Supplemental Decision and that Respondent be ordered to pay such sums. THE REMEDY For the reasons set forth above, I find that Respondent’s obligations to the discriminatees herein will be discharged by the payment to them of the respective amounts set forth in Appendix A. Such amounts shall be payable plus interest to be computed in the manner set forth in New Horizons for the Retarded, 283 NLRB 1173 (1987).2 The gross backpay figures in Appendix A detail gross backpay, interim earnings, and net backpay figures plus in- terest calculated through the second quarter of 1990 (June 30, 1990). These figures are based upon General Counsel’s compliance specification, as amended to show Delores Nash’s backpay period ending June 30, 1989. It is also noted that the compliance specification erroneously lists Jeanne Neupert as working only 30 hours during the first and second quarters of 1989. She actually worked 40 hours during each week of those periods. The compliance specification cor- rectly calculated her backpay based upon 40 hours each week of each quarter. Accordingly, Neupert’s net backpay remains as shown. 724 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 3 If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Board’s Rules and Regulations, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules, be adopted by the Board and all objec- tions to them shall be deemed waived for all purposes. On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the entire record, I issue the following recommended3 ORDER The Respondent, U.S. Telefactors Corporation, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall make the individual discriminatees involved in this proceeding whole by payment to them of the following amounts denoted as ‘‘Total Amount Due’’ together with interest to be computed in the manner get forth in the remedy section of this decision, and con- tinuing until the amounts are paid in full but minus tax with- holding required by Federal and state laws: Name Net Backpay Calculated In- terest on Backpay through 2d Qtr., 1990 (June 20, 1990) Total Amount Due Cynthia Gonzales $4,062 $525 $4,587 Wendy Gonzales 4,560 561 5,121 Patricia McCarty 9,957 1,218 11,175 Delores Nash 8,096 847 8,943 Jeanne Neupert 2,886 405 3,291 Ann Saye 4,416 462 4,878 Melissa Storer 2,695 257 2,952 Cheryl Wren 7,176 751 7,927 Alice Brinda 2,249 312 2,562 Michelle Geihm 11,368 1,684 13,052 APPENDIX A BACKPAY SUMMARY Yr./Qtr. Total Gross Backpay Net Interim Earnings Net Backpay Holiday Interest on Backpay Total Amount Due BRINDA, ALICE 88/3 $455 $0 $455 $90 $545 88/4 2,275 1,915 360 61 422 89/1 2,275 2,626 0 0 0 89/2 2,275 841 1,434 161 1,595 Totals $7,280 $5,381 $2,249 $312 $2,562 GEIHM, MICHELLE 88/3 $1,960 $0 $1,960 $387 $2,347 88/4 2,240 0 2,240 381 2,621 89/1 3,640 0 3,640 519 4,159 89/2 3,528 0 3,528 397 3,925 Totals $11,368 $0 $11,368 $1,684 $13,052 GONZALES, CYNTHIA 88/3 $1,232 $0 $1,232 $187 $1,419 88/4 2,288 0 2,288 285 2,573 89/1 2,288 1,746 542 53 595 89/2 2,218 3,252 0 0 0 Totals $8,026 $4,998 $4,062 $525 $4,587 GONZALES, WENDY 88/3 $1,120 $0 $1,120 $170 $1,290 88/4 2,080 0 2,080 259 2,339 89/1 2,080 720 1,360 132 1,492 89/2 2,016 3,024 0 0 0 Totals $7,296 $3,744 $4,560 $561 $5,121 MCCARTY, PATRICIA 88/4 $4,095 $88 $4,007 $499 $4,506 88/3 2,835 0 2,835 431 3,266 725U.S. TELEFACTORS CORP. APPENDIX A—Continued BACKPAY SUMMARY Yr./Qtr. Total Gross Backpay Net Interim Earnings Net Backpay Holiday Interest on Backpay Total Amount Due 89/1 4,095 1,452 2,643 256 2,899 89/2 1,449 977 472 32 504 Totals $12,474 $2,517 $9,957 $1,218 $11,175 NASH, DELORES 88/3 $1,232 $0 $1,232 $187 $1,419 88/4 2,288 0 2,288 285 2,573 89/1 2,288 0 2,288 222 2,510 89/2 2,288 0 2,288 153 2,441 Totals $8,096 $0 $8,096 $847 $8,943 NEUPERT, JEANNE 88/3 $1,680 $0 $1,680 $255 $1,935 88/4 3,120 1,914 1,206 150 1,356 89/1 3,120 3.555 0 0 0 89/2 3.024 3,741 0 0 0 Totals $10,944 $9,209 $2,886 $405 $3,291 SAYE, ANN 88/3 $672 $0 $672 $102 $774 88/4 1,248 0 1,248 155 1,403 89/1 1,248 0 1,248 121 1,369 89/2 1,248 0 1,248 84 1,332 Totals $4,46 $0 $4,416 $462 $4,878 STORER, MELISSA 88/3 $700 $317 $483 $58 $441 88/4 1,300 888 412 51 463 89/1 1,300 626 674 65 740 89/2 1,260 34 1,226 82 1,308 Totals $4,560 $1,865 $2,695 $257 $2,952 WREN, CHERYL 88/3 $1,092 $0 $1,092 $166 $1,258 88/4 2,028 0 2,028 252 2,280 89/1 2,028 0 2,028 197 2,225 89/2 2,028 0 2,028 136 2,164 Totals $7,176 $0 $7,176 $751 $7,927 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation