U.S. Divers Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsOct 13, 1961133 N.L.R.B. 968 (N.L.R.B. 1961) Copy Citation 968 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Larry Mason , thereby discouraging membership in the above Union , Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 ( a) (3) of the Act. 4. By interfering with , restraining, and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a) (1) of the Act. 5. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. [Recommendations omitted from publication.] U.S. Divers Company and General Truck Drivers , Warehouse- men & Helpers Union , Local 235 and Calvin Kirby and William J . Lollis. Cases Nos. 21-OA-3983, 21-CA-4056-1, and 21-CA-4056-2. October 13, 1961 DECISION AND ORDER On March 20, 1961, Trial Examiner Herman Marx issued his Inter- mediate Report in the above-entitled proceedings, finding that the Re- spondent had engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the Intermediate Report attached hereto. The Trial Examiner also found that the Respondent had not engaged in other unfair labor practices alleged in the complaint and recommended that such allegations be dismissed. Thereafter the Re- spondent filed exceptions to the Intermediate Report and a brief in support of its exceptions. The Board 1 has reviewed the rulings z of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Inter- mediate Report, the exceptions and briefs, and the entire record in these cases, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recom- mendations of the Trial Examiner. ' Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the Act, the Board has delegated its powers in connection with these cases to a three-member panel [Chairman McCulloch and Members Rodgers and Leedom]. 2 During cross -examination of Tames Sutton , Respondent asked the witness for the names of employees who had attended a union meeting at Lollis' home on the night before Sutton's discharge and the names of employees who had signed union authorization cards on the day of the discharge . General Counsel objected on the ground that the disclosure of names of employees who had indicated interest in the Union might result in subsequent discrimination against them Respondent argued that if given the names of other em- ployees at the union meeting questioning of such employees might reveal that Sutton had not received any union authorization cards that night and thus would serve to attack his credibility Also, if the names of employees who had signed authorization cards were revealed Respondent would show that it had not discriminated against them and that Sutton was not attending to his duties on the day of his discharge but was spending his time obtaining signatures to the union cards . The Trial Examiner ruled that he would not permit Respondent to cross-examine Sutton as to the names of employees who had either attended the union meeting or had signed union authorization cards unless they had been identified or referred to in the direct examination . Respondent has excepted to 133 NLRB No. 88. U.S. DIVERS COMPANY ORDER 969 Upon the entire record in these cases, and pursuant to Section 10 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the Respondent, U.S. Divers Com- pany, Santa Ana, California, its officers, agents, successors, and as- signs, shall : 1. Cease and desist from : (a) Discouraging membership of any of its employees in General Truck Drivers, Warehousemen & Helpers Union, Local 235, or in any other labor organization, by discharging any individual, or in any other manner discriminating against any individual in regard to his hire, tenure, or any term or condition of employment, except as author- ized by Section 8(a) (3) of the Act, as modified by the Labor- Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. (b) Interrogating any employee with respect to any employee's activity, membership, or interest in any labor organization in a manner constituting interference, restraint, or coercion in violation of Section 8(a) (1) of the Act. (c) Directing, requesting, or inducing any of its employees, or in any other manner suggesting or proposing to any employee, that such employee propagandize or engage in any activity on behalf of, or against any, labor organization seeking support from, or to represent, any of its employees. (d) Attempting to induce, or proposing or in any manner sug- gesting to, any of its employees that they bargain, contract, or other- wise deal with the Respondent through any representation plan, group, or committee initiated or sponsored by the Respondent, or to which it has contributed any support or assistance. (e) In any other manner 9 interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist any labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, and to refrain from any or all of such activities, except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment, as authorized in Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act, as modified by the Labor- Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. 2. Take the following affirmative action which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act : these rulings . The rulings of the Trial Examiner as to the scope to be allowed in cross- examination were in the allowable area of his discretion . 3 Wigmore, Evidence , see. 983 ( 3d ed ., 1940 ). Accordingly , they are hereby affirmed. 8 N.L.R .B. v. Entwistle Mfg. Co., 120 P. 2d 532, 536 (C.A. 4). 9-10 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (a) Offer to James Sutton immediate and full reinstatement to his former or a substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to his seniority and other rights and privileges, and make him whole in the manner and according to the method set forth in the section of the In- termediate Report entitled "The Remedy." (b) Preserve until compliance with any order for reinstatement or backpay made by the National Labor Relations Board in this pro- ceeding is effectuated, and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records relevant to a determination of the amount of backpay due, and to the reinstatement and related rights provided under the terms of this Order. (c) Post at its place of business in Santa Ana, California, copies of the notice attachedhereto marked "Appendix."' Copies of said notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for the Twenty-first Region, shall, after being signed by a duly authorized representative of the Respondent, be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (d) Notify the Regional Director, in writing, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps have been taken to comply herewith. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dis- missed insofar as it alleges violations of Section 8(a) (3) in the dis- charges of William J. Lollis and Calvin Kirby. * In the event that this Order is enforced by a decree of a United States Court of Appeals , there shall be substituted for the words "Pursuant to a Decision and Order" the words "Pursuant to a Decree of the United States Court of Appeals , Enforcing an Order " APPENDIX NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to a Decision and Order of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify our employees that : WE WILL NOT discourage membership by any of our employees in General Truck Drivers, Warehousemen & Helpers Union, Local 235, or in any other labor organization, by discharging any indi- vidual, or in any other manner discriminating against any in- dividual in regard to hire, tenure of employment, or any term or U.S. DIVERS COMPANY 971 condition of employment, except as authorized by Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act, as modified by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. WE WILL NOT interrogate our employees with respect to any em- ployee's activity, membership, or interest in any labor organiza- tion in a manner constituting interference, restraint, or coercion in violation of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. WE WILL NOT direct, request, or induce any of our employees, or in any other manner suggest or propose to any employee, that such employee propagandize or engage in any activity on behalf of, or against, any labor organization seeking support from, or to represent, any of our employees. WE WILL NOT attempt to induce, or propose or in any other manner suggest to, any of our employees that they bargain, con- tract, or otherwise deal with us through any representation plan, group, or committee initiated or sponsored by us, or to which we have contributed any support or assistance. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their right to self- organization, to form, join, or assist any labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choos- ing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, and to re- frain from any or all such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment, as authorized in Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act, as modified by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. WE WILL offer James Sutton immediate and full reinstatement to his former or a substantially equivalent position, without prej- udice to his seniority and other rights and privileges, and make him whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered by reason of his discriminatory discharge. All of our employees are free to become, remain, or refrain from becoming or remaining members of any labor organization, except to the extent that this right may be affected by an agreement in con- formity with Section 8(a) (3) of the National Labor Relations Act. U.S. DIVERS COMPANY, Employer. Dated---------------- By------------------------------------- (Representative ) ( Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 days from the date hereof, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. 972 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD INTERMEDIATE REPORT AND RECOMMENDED ORDER STATEMENT OF THE CASE The complaint in this proceeding, issued by the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board, herein called the Board, alleges, as amended, that U. S. Divers Company, herein called the Respondent or Company, has discriminatorily discharged three employees, James Sutton, Calvin Kirby, and William J. Lollis, in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended (61 Stat. 136 et seq., 73 Stat. 519 et seq.; referred to herein as the Act); has, in addition to the dis- charges, engaged in conduct constituting interference with, and restraint and co- ercion of, employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act; and has, by such conduct, violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act.' The Respond- ent has filed an answer which, in material substance, denies the commission of the unfair labor practices imputed to it. Pursuant to notice duly served by the General Counsel upon each of the other parties, a hearing upon the issues in this proceeding has been held before me, as duly designated Trial Examiner, at Los Angeles, California. The General Counsel and the Respondent appeared through, and were represented by, respective counsel and par- ticipated in the hearing; and all parties were afforded a full opportunity to be heard, examine and cross-examine witnesses, adduce evidence, file briefs, and submit oral argument. I have read and considered the respective briefs of the General Counsel and the Respondent filed with me since the close of the hearing. No other party has filed a brief. Upon the entire record, and from my observation of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. NATURE OF THE COMPANY'S BUSINESS; JURISDICTION OF THE BOARD The Company is a California corporation; maintains its principal office and a plant in Santa Ana, California; and is there engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling diving equipment. In the course and conduct of its business during the year immediately preceding the issuance of the complaint, the Company shipped products valued in excess of $50,000 from its business location in California to points outside the State. By reason of its interstate shipments the Company is, and has been at all times material to the issues, engaged in interstate commerce within the meaning of the Act. Accordingly, the Board has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding. It. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED General Truck Drivers, Warehousemen & Helpers Union , Local 235, herein called the Teamsters Union , admits individuals employed by the Company to mem- bership ; exists, in part, for the purpose of dealing , on behalf of employees , with em- ployers concerning wages, hours of employment , and other conditions of employment; and is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Allegations of interference , restraint, and coercion The General Counsel's allegations of interference, restraint , and coercion, apart from the discharges , are to the effect that the Company , through its "traffic manager," Edwin Swan , and its "production foreman ," Robert Nyquist , interrogated employees regarding union activity , urged and directed employees "to bring the AFL-CIO into the plant" in order to thwart organizational activities on behalf of the Teamsters Union , and "held a private election at the Respondent 's plant, during working time, to determine if the employees wanted the (Teamsters ) Union or a company union"; and that the firm's vice president , Joseph Wheeler , urged employees "to sign a con- 1 The complaint, as amended, is based on a charge filed with the Board on April 28, 1960, by General Truck Drivers, Warehousemen & Helpers Union, Local 235 in Case No. 21-CA-3983; a subsequent amendment thereof ; a charge filed by Kirby on June 14, 1960, in Case No 21-CA-4056-1 ; and one filed by Lollis on June 21, 1960, in Case No 21-CA- 4056-2. The cases have been duly consolidated pursuant to Section 102 33 of the Board's Rules and Regulations Copies of the charges, including the applicable amendment ; the complaint, as amended ; and the order of consolidation have been duly served upon the Respondent U.S. DIVERS COMPANY 973 tract" with the Company without the Teamsters Union . Swan supervises the re- ceiving, shipping , and warehouse activities of the Santa Ana plant ; Nyquist oversees its production and maintenance work; Wheeler participates in the management and direction of the plant ; and each of the three is, and has been at all times material to the issues , a supervisor within the meaning of the Act. The background of the relevant allegations begins with a meeting at Lollis' home on the evening of April 20 , 1960, attended by a number of the Company 's employees, including Lollis and Sutton , and by three representatives of the Teamsters Union. The upshot of the discussion was a decision to organize employees at the Santa Ana plant, and , to that end, to endeavor to secure from the employees the execution of cards which , by their terms , would have the effect of authorizing the Teamsters Union to act as the signatories ' bargaining representative . Lollis and Sutton signed such cards that evening, and each subsequently engaged in organizational activities at the plant that will be described at a later point. On May 9, 1960 , the Teamsters Union filed a representation petition with the Board , seeking certification as the bargaining representative of a specified bargaining unit of the Company's employees . A hearing was held on the petition on June 8, 1960, and the matter was pending before the Board at the time of the hearing in the instant proceeding. Several days after the filing of the petition , Lollis, who worked in the shipping de- partment , and thus under Swan 's supervision , had occasion to talk to the latter about a customer's order, and in the course of discussion that followed Swan asked Lollis what he thought of "the AFL-CIO," and whether he had considered endeavoring to find out from the organization what it could do for the employees . Lollis replied in the negative. (As used by Swan, the term "AFL-CIO" had reference to a labor organization named United Rubber , Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America, AFL-CIO, which, for convenience of description , will be referred to below as the Rubber Workers Union.) 2 On the following day, on an occasion when Lollis , another shipping employee, William Zuniga , and the shipping department foreman , Mark Gittins , who is Swan's subordinate , were in the traffic manager's office , Swan inquired of Lollis and Zuniga whether they had thought of communicating with the Rubber Workers Union to ascer- tain what it could accomplish . Both Lollis and Zuniga replied , in substance , that they would not communicate with the organization , and Lollis asked Swan why the Com- pany should "try to bring in" the Rubber Workers Union if the firm, at the same time, was "fighting the Teamsters ." Swan responded that he thought the Rubber Workers Union was "a better union." He then stated that he had once worked for a firm that had a "company contract" with its employees , and that the arrangement had worked well, and he suggested that the Company 's employees try such an arrangement if they did not wish union representation . At one point or another during the dis- cussion (probably toward its end, as one may gather from Lollis ' testimony), Swan asked Lollis and Zuniga what conditions in the plant had led to sentiment for union representation, and the employees replied that there was dissatisfaction over overtime and wages, and that "personal grievances" existed . Swan expressed some opinion about these matters, and told Lollis and Zuniga that they "were in line for bigger things" in the plant , and would not be limited to shipping duties.3 2 The record contains allusions to "AFL-CIO Rubber Workers," "CIO," "AFL-CIO," "AFL--CIO union," and variants of these descriptives. There can be no doubt, in the con- text of the whole record, that these characterizations refer to the Rubber Workers Union, and, in the interest of clarity , that name will be used in findings below in lieu of the characterizations mentioned. 3 Findings as to the two conversations involving Swan, described above , are based on Lollis' testimony . According to Swan , the first discussion between himself and Lollis on the subject of unionization was on the occasion when Lollis, Zuniga, and Gittins were in the office . Swan's version of what was said there on the subject is that Lollis asked him "what . . . the rumors ( were ) about the union coming into the company"; that he replied that "he didn 't know" ; that Lollis voiced dislike for unions and the hope that "the union didn't get in"; and that he (Swan ) said that the management "had noth- ing . . . to say" about the matter , and that if Lollis desired unionization he should select "a union of his choice and get it." Gittins gave a scant version of what was said testify- ing to little more regarding the incident than that either Lollis or Zuniga said that he was not "in favor of the union." I am unable to base findings on the relevant testimony of either Swan or Gittins . For one thing , Zuniga supports Lollis' account of the office discussion in substantial measure, testifying that Swan "made the remark in front of us that he would like to see somebody push the AFL -CIO." It should be borne in mind in that connection that it was the Respondent that called Zuniga, and that he gave the 974 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD In or about the same week in which Swan spoke to Lollis and Zuniga, representa- tives of the Rubber Workers Union met with several of the Company's employees at the home of one of their number, Alfred Bennett, who performs maintenance work at the plant and, at the time involved, had minor supervisory duties.4 The meeting had been arranged by Bennett, and the union representatives attended at his instance. He had heard several days earlier (by "rumor" from Lollis or one employee or another, according to Bennett) that the management was in favor of having the Rubber Workers Union organize the employees. The upshot of the meeting was that Bennett and other employees present were given authorization cards of the Rubber Workers Union, and that Bennett undertook to circulate the cards among the Company's employees, and to solicit them to sign the authorizations. He engaged in such distribution on the following day.5 In his testimony, Bennett in effect denied that he was prompted by the management to engage in organizational activities on behalf of the Rubber Workers Union. While I have some doubt about the plausibility of this denial in view of Bennett's supervisory functions, albeit they were minor in nature, and of the evidence that the Company had a preference for the Rubber Workers Union over the Teamsters Union and sought to promote interest among employees in the former, the record does not, in fact, establish that Bennett engaged in his activities at the instance of any of his superiors in management. There is, however, credible evidence that Nyquist, who is Bennett 's supervisor, sought to induce Kirby, who was also subject to Nyquist's supervision, to promote sentiment for the Rubber Workers Union among the employees. This occurred about the date of Swan's discussion with Lollis and Zuniga. On the occasion in question, Nyquist opened a conversation with Kirby by alluding to the fact that the Teamsters Union was endeavoring to become the employees' bargaining representative; and then denounced that organization and its leadership; praised the Rubber Workers Union, expressing a preference for it as the "right union" for the employees; and, pointing out that Kirby's work required him to move "freely" among the employees, besought Kirby to tell them that the Rubber Workers Union "is the best union," convince them "to vote" for the organization, "and at the same time . . . run down the Teamsters." Kirby replied that he would do what he thought best, and after some additional derogatory remarks about the Teamsters Union, Nyquist told Kirby to secure some authorization forms of the Rubber Workers Union from a plant "subforeman" named Carney, and distribute them to employees. Kirby subsequently spoke to Carney about the Rubber Workers Union, but did not otherwise comply with Nyquist's requests.6 quoted testimony under interrogation of its counsel. For that matter, as will appear, there is substantial evidence, in addition to Lollis' testimony, that the Respondent pro- moted the idea of entering into a "company contract" with a committee representing its employees. This evidence gives corroborative support to Lollis' testimony imputing a proposal of that type to Swan In sum, of the several versions of what Swan said on the subject of unionization, I find Lollis' testimony the most credible, and have made corre- sponding findings 4 Bennett performed such supervisory functions as telling the plant janitor "what to do," but the evidence does not establish that he was a supervisor within the meaning of Section 2(11) of the Act. 5 The record does not establish the precise dates of Bennett 's organizational activities, but he admittedly engaged in them after the Teamsters Union filed its representation peti- tion on May 9, 1960, and one may fairly conclude from the record as a whole that he engaged in the activities between that date and May 18, 1960, when the Rubber Workers Union filed a representation petition with the Board I think it likely that Bennett's organizational work took place within a few days after Swan's discussion with Lollis and Zuniga O Findings as to the conversation between Kirby and Nyquist are based upon Kirby's testimony Nyquist described a number of conversations between himself and Kirby on the subject of unionization According to the sense of Nyquist's testimony, what took place, in essence, was that Kirby plied Nyquist with questions such as what the latter thought of unionization, whether it was "good for the company," and whether the produc- tion foreman "knew anything about the union" ; and that Nyquist made applicable replies such as that he had no opinion about unions "one way or the other," that selection of a union was up to Kirby, and that he (Nyquist) knew nothing about "the union." I do not believe that Nyquist's remarks took the disinterested turn he describes, and, instead, credit Kirby's relevant testimony because (1) there is ample reason to believe, as one may con- clude from the testimony of the Respondent's own witness, Zuniga, that after the Teamsters Union filed its petition , the management wished "to see somebody push" the Rubber Workers Union in the plant; and (2) the record, apart from Kirby's testimony, as U.S. DIVERS COMPANY 975 The Rubber Workers Union filed a representation position with the Board on May 18, 1960, but withdrew the petition 2 days later. The evidence does not establish the reason for the withdrawal. About 2 or 3 weeks after the filing of the Teamsters Union's petition, and thus some days after the withdrawal of the petition of the Rubber Workers Union, Nyquist summoned to his desk a number of "subforemen" (or "leadmen," as they are also described in the testimony) who worked under his supervision; 7 stated that plant employees could "try to get . bargaining power" and enter into "a contract" with the Company (meaning, plainly, an agreement governing terms and conditions of employment); said that employees from other departments were going to elect representatives to meet with Wheeler; and expressed the view that employees under his supervision should also elect a representative to take part in such a meeting. About the same date, Swan similarly proposed to shipping department employees that they select a representative to meet with Wheeler.8 These remarks by Nyquist and Swan were soon followed by a secret ballot election in the plant, resulting in the selection by the employees of a committee of four representatives, including Zuniga. As is evident from the election suggestions made by Nyquist and Swan, and as the testimony of Zuniga, who was called as a witness by the Respondent, makes clear, the election was held at the instance of the Company. Within a few days (apparently about the beginning of June), the four representa- tives, upon the initiative of Nyquist, conferred in a private office he provided, discussing employees' needs and grievances among themselves as a preliminary to submitting them to Wheeler. The meeting which was held during working time for which the representatives were paid their customary wages by the Company, lasted several hours, and during its course, the committee, as one of their number, Wade Walker, testified, wrote down "what we wanted on a piece of paper," but resolved "to see what the management (meaning Wheeler) would have to offer first" before advancing any proposals. Later that day, in the afternoon, again upon Nyquist's initiative and arrangements he made, the committee met during its members' paid working time with Wheeler in the latter's office. It would serve no useful purpose to explore the points of difference and of similarity among the several accounts of what took place at the meeting, for there is no material dispute as to certain operative features of the discussion. These are that the committee, through one or another of their number, asked Wheeler what he proposed to do for the employees; that Wheeler, as he testified in effect, was noncommital, but stated that he assumed that if he were in the place of the committee, he would "be asking for better wages, better working conditions, better retirement plans, and so forth"; that committee members then voiced grievances pertaining to such matters as promotions, classifications, and wages; and that Wheeler, as he testified, although making no commitments, "agreed" that the Company "could very well raise the level of . wages," and that "some of the working conditions were not the best," and stated that he thought the employees "would find that the company would be very cooperative with them when the present turmoil was over, and whether they (employees) decided to bring a union in or whether they decided to do their own bargaining with the company themselves or through their own rep- resentatives, .... they would find the company would be as generous as we could possibly afford to be and still maintain a competitive position in the diving industry." That same afternoon, soon after the close of the meeting in Wheeler's office, Nyquist "took" Walker back to his (Nyquist's) desk; handed him some paper, made a typewriter available for him; told him to prepare ballots bearing two legends, one reading "union contract" and the other "company contract"; and stated that Walker "could meet" with production employees, inform them of what Wheeler had said, make his own comments thereon, and that "then we would have an election." As the evidence makes clear, the "election" contemplated by Nyquist was a choice by will appear later, establishes that management personnel, including Nyquist, were hostile to the Teamsters Union's efforts to become the representative of the employees, and took steps to counter such efforts. 7 The "subforemen" appear to have minor supervisory functions . The General Counsel makes no claim, nor does the record establish, that they are supervisors within the mean- ing of the Act. 8 According to Lollis, Swan' s proposal was made "somewhere around" the middle of May. The record contains no more precise statement of the date. Judging by the period when Nyquist spoke to the "subforemen," and by the sequence of events, I think it probable that Swan's proposal, like that of Nyquist, was made at some point after the withdrawal of the Rubber Workers Union's petition, and quite likely toward the end of May. 976 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the employees, through the use of the ballots Walker was told to prepare, between a "union contract," that is, as the record as a whole persuades me, an agreement negotiated by the Teamsters Union as the employees' representative, and a "company contract," or, in other words, an agreement made between the Company and its employees, without union representation or participation. The ballots were prepared, in conformity with Nyquist's directions. Toward the end of the workday, committee members went from department to department, addressed the employees in each as a group, giving them an account of what had taken place at the meeting with Wheeler; and distributed ballots in each represented department, telling the employees to mark them to indicate a choice between "union contract" and "company contract." The employees voted, folding their ballots and depositing them in a box provided for that purpose. The group discussions in the several departments and the balloting were conducted during paid working time of the employees affected. After the polling was completed, the ballots were taken to Swan's office where they were tabulated in the presence of Swan, Nyquist, and committee members. The record indicates that a majority of those voting marked their ballots in favor of a "union contract." There can be no doubt, particularly bearing in mind Nyquist's role in the matter, that the poll was sponsored and arranged by the Company, notwithstanding the fact that employees conducted it. In short, the employees who did so were but the Company's instruments, and, hence, it will not be permitted, as it seeks to do in the brief, to shift responsibility for the poll from itself. Turning, now, to conclusions to be drawn from the foregoing, the evidence leaves me in no doubt that the Respondent was hostile to the effort of the Teamsters Union to become the employees' bargaining representative, and took steps to counter and thwart this aim, endeavoring, to that end, to induce employees to favor the Rubber Workers Union and, alternatively, endeavored to engineer a bargaining and contractual relationship between itself and the affected employees as a means of shutting out the Teamsters Union, despite the fact ,that that organization's repre- sentation petition was on file with the Board and awaiting the Agency's disposition. Some of the Respondent's activities directed to its goal were not unlawful. Thus, Swan's inquiries of Lollis and Zuniga, several days after the filing of the Teamsters Union's petition, whether they had considered communicating with the Rubber Workers Union, were in effect expressions or intimations of opinion about the com- parative virtues of the two organizations, and thus privileged comment within the purview of Section 8(c) of the Act. I take a similar view of Swan's suggestion to Lollis and Zuniga that the employees try a "company contract" (or a "company union," a term that Lollis uses interchangeably with "company contract" in quoting Swan) if they did not wish representation by an outside union. These conclusions regarding Swan's comments are not altered by the fact that it was obviously his aim to dilute the interest of employees in the Teamsters Union and to supplant it with interest in an organization or a bargaining method that the Respondent favored. Nor am I able to attach operative weight to the fact that during the course of his discussion with Lollis and Zuniga, Swan told them that they "were in line for bigger things" in the plant. It is not clear that this remark was a promise of benefit made to induce adherence to the Rubber Workers Union or interest in a "company contract" or "company union." The comment appears to have been made toward the close of the discussion in a context of statements by Lollis and Zuniga expressing dissatisfac- tion with the plant's wage scale, and one may reasonable construe Swan's remark as a reassurance to Lollis and Zuniga that the Company had a high regard for them and that they would rise above a wage scale with which they were discontented. On the other hand, Nyquist's remarks to Kirby went much beyond privileged expressions of opinion about the Teamsters Union and the Rubber Workers Union, for in addition to stating his views of these organizations, the production supervisor sought to recruit Kirby to perform organizational work on behalf of the Rubber Workers Union during working time, going so far as to tell the employee to secure that organization's authorization forms from a "subforeman"and to distribute them to employees. Had Kirby complied, he obviously would have been an instrument of unlawful assistance by the Company to the Rubber Workers Union, and of con- sequent interference with the exercise of rights guaranteed employees by Section 7 of the Act; and I think it no less plain that the effort to induce an employee to be- come such a tool was no mere expression of opinion but an act of interference with the free exercise of Section 7 rights. By such interference, the Respondent violated Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. I think it clear, too, that some of Wheeler's remarks to the committee, and the poll that followed Wheeler's meeting with the group, abridged Section 7 rights of employees. Contrary to the Respondent's view of the matter, as expressed in its brief, it is not at all decisive that Wheeler used no threats, for Section 8(a)(1) U.S. DIVERS COMPANY 977 forbids interference with , as well as restraint and coercion of, employees in the exer- cise of their statutory guarantees . Nor am I able to agree with the Respondent's claim that Wheeler did no more than express opinions to the committee. The full measure of his remarks becomes apparent upon consideration of the committee 's origin and the sequence of events that followed his meeting with the group . The committee , it is important to bear in mind, was formed at the Com- pany's instance, and notwithstanding the fact that the committee members were elected by the employees , functioned with the Company 's support, as is indisputably established by the evidence that the members were paid by the Company for time they spent in the committee 's functions , and that the election of the members, the talks they gave to employees in connection with the subsequent balloting, and the later poll itself, were held during time for which the participating employees were paid by the Company . Clearly, too , the Company 's aim in instigating the forma- tion of the committee was to have it serve as the employees ' bargaining agent. Ny- quist's own testimony makes it clear that the meeting with Wheeler was arranged with a view to bargaining , for, according to Nyquist 's account, he told the com- mittee before the meeting that he "was glad that they could finally get together as a group ( at Nyquist 's instance , by the way ) so that they could bring all their grievances together and to submit them to management." Viewing the meeting between Wheeler and the committee against the background of the committee's origin and intended function , it is clear that Wheeler used the occasion as a vehicle for planting among the employees the idea of entering into a "company contract" with the management or, in short , of rejecting union repre- sentation in favor of representation by the committee . This conclusion is not altered by the fact that Wheeler told the group that the Company would be "very coopera- tive" with the employees "whether they decided to bring in a union or . . de- cided" to deal with the Company directly or through the committee . In view of the Company's role in the formation and functioning of the committee , and of the pur- pose for which the group was brought into being, one may entertain a doubt, to say the least, that this profession of disinterest was anything more than postured lip service to neutrality , but whether one takes that view of Wheeler's remarks or gives them literal meaning, the operative fact is that Wheeler gratuitously injected into the meeting the idea of having the committee serve as the employees ' bargaining agent , thus, in effect, planting among the committee members a proposal that the employees bargain with the Company through a committee sponsored and sup- ported by the Company, an arrangement to which Nyquist , as is obvious , applied the term "company contract ," in the direction he gave Walker for the preparation of the ballots. Clearly, too, the idea was advanced by Wheeler for the purpose of having the committee spread it among the other employees , as is evident from the fact that Nyquist lost little time after the close of the meeting in setting in motion, through Walker , who was a "subforeman ," as well as a committee member , machinery for relaying Wheeler's views to employees , and for the conduct of the poll (which, by the way , does not appear to have taken into account the possibility that em- ployees might desire neither a "company" nor a "union contract"). In sum, the evidence establishes , and I hold , that the committee was sponsored and supported by the Company for the purpose of having it serve as the bargaining agent of the employees , and thus as a device for thwarting selection of the Team- sters Union as the employees ' bargaining agent; 9 that bearing in mind the origin of the committee , the support given it by the Company , and the use to which it was put, Wheeler 's gratuitous injection into the meeting of the idea of bargaining be- tween the Company and the committee was tantamount to a proposal that the em- ployees use a bargaining agent sponsored and assisted by the Company, albeit the idea was advanced with professions of neutrality and disinterest as to the bargaining agent used ; that the proposal was put forward as part of an overall design by the Company to establish the committee as the employees ' bargaining agent and was, therefore , an act of interference with the employees ' right of untrammelled choice of a bargaining representative ; that by such interference the Company violated Sec- tion 8(a)(1) of the Act ; that particularly taking into •account the Company's use of committee members to relay Wheeler's idea to employees and to poll the latter as to their choice between a "company contract" and a "union contract ," the Com- pany's role in sponsoring and arranging the poll, like Wheeler's conduct in injecting 9In the absence of an appropriate allegation of the complaint , I make no finding that the Respondent 's role in initiating and supporting the committee separately violated the Act. Findings as to the activities of the Company in that regard are, needless to say, relevant to a determination of the propriety of the conduct imputed to Wheeler in the complaint , and of the subsequent poll. 624067-62-vol . 133-63 978 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD his idea into the meeting with the committee , was an implementation of the Com- pany's design and , notwithstanding its abortive results, constituted "interference with the employees ' right of self-organization ; and that by such interference the Company violated Section 8(a) (1) of the Act.io B. The discharge of Sutton Sutton was employed in the Santa Ana plant as its janitor from the early part of March 1960 until April 21, 1960, when he was discharged under circumstances to be described later. He was subject to some direction by Bennett , the plant's maintenance man, and both, in turn , worked under Nyquist's supervision. As janitor, Sutton had access to a room which was connected to the men's restroom by a door, and contained janitorial and other supplies. Only Nyquist and Sutton had keys to the supply room. Plant procedure required that the room be locked when not in use. At the meeting held at Lollis' home on April 20, 1960, Sutton, in addition to sign- ing a card designating the Teamsters Union as his bargaining agent, agreed with others at the meeting that he would bring a quantity of such authorization blanks to the plant and store them there for use in the contemplated organizational cam- paign. To carry out the arrangement, the union representatives at the meeting gave Sutton some 40 or 50 such cards, and on the following morning he brought the cards to the plant and hid them on a shelf behind some supplies . Ile secured signatures for a number of cards that day, some during working time, and put the executed cards in a separate group in the hiding place. During the mid-morning rest period of April 21, Walker, having heard that Sutton had the cards, sought out the janitor in the men 's restroom to obtain one of the authorization blanks, and the two employees, accompanied by a third who had also asked Sutton for a card in the restroom, then proceeded to the adjacent supply room where the janitor gave each of his companions a card from his hidden store. The rest period ended about that point. As Sutton handed over the two cards, he saw Nyquist in the restroom through the open door, and thereupon walked into the restroom, shutting the door and leaving Walker and the other employee behind. Hard upon Sutton's appearance in the restroom, Nyquist went to the door, unlocked it, told the janitor to return to the supply room, entered it with Sutton, and asked what was "going on" there. Walker said that he had come to the supply room to get a light bulb, and the other employee who had sought a card stated that he was there to get a clean smock . Nyquist directed these two employees to leave the supply room, stating that he would see them later, and following their departure, he criticized Sutton for "goofing off" and admitting the other employees to the supply room, and asked Sutton whether he did not "like working for this Company any- more," and what "beef" he had. Sutton replied that the Company was "fine" except for the "starvation wages" it paid, and that one "can 't live on them." Nyquist stated in effect that he would decide later whether to discharge Sutton , and directed the latter to resume his work." According to Sutton, shortly before lunch that day, as he was returning to the supply room from a janitorial errand in the plant's "front office," to which Nyquist had dispatched him, he saw Nyquist and Bennett , both "grinning very broadly," emerging from the supply room. Thereupon, Sutton testified, he entered the supply room, and observed that the supplies behind which he had hidden the authorization cards were in a state of disarray, and that the cards, which he had left in two 10 1 find no merit in the Respondent's claim, advanced in its brief, that the poll could be regarded as a violation of the Act only if viewed as unlawful interrogation of the em- ployees, and that such a view is precluded because of the "secret ballot" used What this overlooks is that the poll had the effect of presenting a proposal to the employees that they "contract" with the Company through a committee sponsored and supported by the management, and was part and parcel of a plan to maneuver the employees into rejection of union representation in favor of representation by such a committee. The case of N L R B v. Roberts Brothers, 225 F. 2d 58 (C A 9), cited by the Respondent, and upon which it relies, is in my judgment plainly distinguishable upon its facts, and is thus inapposite here 11 Findings as to what took place in the supply room after Nyquist entered it are based on a composite of applicable portions of the testimony of Nyquist, Sutton, and Walker. There are variances among them such as, for example, Nyquist's claim that there were three employees, in addition to Sutton, in the supply room, instead of two, as Sutton and Walker testified. The differences are not such as to alter the results in this proceeding, and the composite, in my judgment, substantially reflects what took place on the occasion in question U.S. DIVERS COMPANY 979 separate piles, one consisting of executed authorizations and the other of unsigned cards , were "all mixed up ." In his testimony, Nyquist in effect denied that he had entered the supply room with Bennett that day or was aware that Sutton had been "passing out union authorization cards." Bennett testified in similar vein , stating that he was away from the plant on purchasing errands for the Company in Santa Ana during the entire morning in question.12 There is no dispute that Nyquist discharged Sutton on April 21 , although there is conflict in the testimony as to the time , Nyquist claiming that the dismissal took place about 11:15 a.m. and Sutton stating that it occurred about 3 p.m. It is also undisputed that Sutton , as both he and Nyquist testified in effect, punched his time- card shortly after Nyquist informed him of his discharge . The important question is whether Nyquist made certain remarks to Sutton on the occasion in issue. According to Sutton , he asked Nyquist for the reason for the dismissal; the latter replied , "You know why," and asked for plant keys in Sutton 's possession; and Sutton stated that he would have to go to the supply room for his belongings. Then, Sutton testified , they proceeded to the supply room where he collected his belongings, including the authorization cards, and gave Nyquist the keys. According to Sutton's account , as he extracted the cards from their place of concealment Nyquist remarked; "Now you know why." Nyquist denied that Sutton asked for the reason for his discharge ; that he saw the authorization cards while he and Sutton were in the supply room after the dis- missal; and that he made the remark , "Now you know why." According to Nyquist, following the dismissal , he accompanied Sutton to the supply room where Sutton did no more than pick up his lunch pail and surrendered his keys to Nyquist. Describing the purported basis for Sutton 's discharge , Nyquist gave testimony to the effect that in the early part of Sutton 's employment as janitor, the latter did well, continuing for awhile "to put out under close supervision ," but that as time went on, he wasted time talking to other employees , and the quality of his work diminished; that Bennett , Sutton 's immediate supervisor , and management personnel , including Francois Villarem , the Company 's executive vice president and general manager, Wheeler , and Swan voiced complaints about Sutton ; that he (Nyquist) spoke to Sutton "numerous times" concerning shortcomings in the latter 's performance; that about a week before Sutton 's termination , Wheeler told him ( Nyquist ) that Villarem "had complained quite vigorously" about Sutton , and that "something was going to have to be done and we were going to have to watch our step , going to have to lack Sutton up , see if we could do something about it "; that he had been told by "all (his) superiors" that he had "probably made a mistake '.' in employing Sutton , and urged by them to discharge the janitor ; 13 and that Sutton 's conduct in admitting the other employees to the supply room precipitated a decision by Nyquist to put into effect the proposals of his superiors that Sutton be dismissed for shortcomings in his performance. Clearly, whether or not any of Nyquist 's portrayal of supervisory or managerial complaints about Sutton , and of deficiencies in Sutton 's work prior to April 21, is credible , if Sutton 's version of what was said to him at the time of his discharge and what took place in the supply room thereafter is true, the dismissal was precipitated by Sutton 's organizational activity , and hence was unlawful . This is necessarily so, for, if Sutton 's version of what occurred is correct , it is evident , in the context of events , that Nyquist 's statement , "You know why ," in response to Sutton's re- quest for a reason for his discharge , and the supervisor 's subsequent remark, "Now you know why," made while Sutton was removing the authorization cards from the' supply room , were tantamount to statements that Sutton was being discharged for uninn activity. The credibility question presented is not easy of resolution for the conflict arises from the testimony of but two witnesses , one sharply pitted against the other. Nevertheless , in the perspective of the whole record , I believe Sutton. This view of the matter is the product , in the main , of an overall appraisal of Nyquist and Sutton as witnesses . Upon my observation of Sutton and consideration "A sales slip ( Respondent ' s Exhibit No. 9) Issued to Bennett , according to his testi- monv , by a hardware store on the morning in question gives some corroborative support to Bennett 's claim that he was absent from the plant on the morning of April 21 , but, bear- ing in mind that the store is only some 5 miles from the plant and that Bennett admittedly used a car on his purchasing errand , the slip does not establish that he was away the entire morning 13 Nyquist quotes his superiors as "telling me in effect that, 'Bob, you have probably made a mistake here Let's do it ' " The evident sense of this testimony in the context in which it appears is that Nyquist ' s superiors told him that hiring Sutton had been a mistake and that the Company should discharge Sutton. 980 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD of his testimony as a .whole, I do not-think that he is given to evasiveness, descriptions shaded to suit his purpose, or exaggeration . I cannot say as much for Nyquist, for he did not appear to me to be as frank as he should have been at a number of material points , as illustrated by the examples that follow. The evidence leaves one in no doubt that Nyquist played a major role in the Company's effort to plant the idea among the employees, in the face of the pendency of the Teamsters Union's representation petition before the Board, that they bargain with the Company through a committee that the management initiated and assisted-a method of dealing that would subvert basic premises of the Act; yet Nyquist's testi- mony would lead one to believe that he regarded the Teamsters Union and organi- zational efforts on its behalf with detachment and disinterest . This implausible vein in his testimony appears in his claim that his first intimation of any union activity in the plant came during the afternoon of April 21 when an employee (whose name, Nyquist stated, he could not remember) said that he had "heard there's been some union activity in the shop"; and that he (Nyquist) said "Oh!" at that and "kept on walking." Such an attitude of disinterest runs counter, in my judgment, to the evidence of Nyquist's role in instigating the formation of the committee and what it subsequently did. In fact, quite apart from Sutton's account of Nyquist's activities on April 21, there is good reason to believe that the Teamsters Union was much on Nyquist's mind soon after he spoke to Walker and another employee in the supply room, for either later that day or on the next, Nyquist summoned Walker to his desk, and, after discussing a business matter , the supervisor asked Walker if the latter had anything else to tell him . This, after some exchange ( apparently of a fencing nature) between the two men, led Walker to ask, "You mean about the union?" and Nyquist said "Yes." Walker then stated that the Teamsters Union "would be a good deal," and that he held a "withdrawal card" from the organization. At this, Nyquist re- marked that he had seen other business establishments that "were a lot worse oft" than the Santa Ana plant, and that he "hated to see the Teamsters Union get in." 14 Moreover, implausibility appears in Nyquist's testimony, contrary to that of Kirby, which would make it appear that in discussing the Teamsters Union with Kirby, he followed the line of expressing neutrality regarding the employees ' choice of a union, and of replying to inquiries by Kirby about the Teamsters Union with statements that he knew nothing about the organization . This posture of detachment does not quite jibe with the hard fact of Nyquist 's major role in the creation of the employees' committee , its dealing with Wheeler , and the poll that followed. It appears to me , also, that there are earmarks of exaggeration and a tenuous vein in Nyquist 's criticism of Sutton 's performance prior to April 21. In substance, he depicts Sutton 's work as deficient for most of the 6 or 7 weeks of the latter 's employ- ment as janitor , picturing Sutton as spending too much time "in the toilet area . and around the (plant) coffee machine"; portraying himself as observing Sutton doing excessive talking "daily" or, in other words, wasting time every day, and as admonish- ing Sutton "numerous times" for work deficiencies ; and describing criticism of Sutton not only by Bennett, but by "all my superiors." All this naturally prompts one to inquire why Nyquist did not dismiss Sutton sooner than he did , and it is of some moment that in reply to such a question, during his testimony, Nyquist proffered the explanation that he "liked" Sutton and "thought he (Sutton) could make the grade." This response appears to me to be more the product of convenience than of truth, and I believe it likely that the real answer is to be found in the fact that Nyquist's criticism of Sutton 's performance is much overdrawn. What is more, the claim that Sutton wasted time talking to others while on duty has a tenuous cast, for Wheeler, Nyquist's superior, admitted that he himself followed the practice of "shooting the breeze " with Sutton each day, during working hours, upon encountering the janitor "any place" in the plant ; and Nyquist , in similar vein, stated that "on different occasions during the day. (he) would stop and talk" with 14 Findings as to the conversation between Nyquist and Walker are based on Walker's testimony which I credit. Nyquist in effect denied making the statements imputed to him, testifying that he had never talked to any of the Company's employees "about any union by name " I do not credit the denial For one thing, the very nature of Nyquist's role in the formation and functioning of the committee points to a conclusion that he "hated to see the Teamsters Union get in," and it is thus plausible that he would express that attitude, as Walker testified For another matter, as described earlier, Nyquist de- nounced the Teamsters Union to Kirby, and sought to recruit the latter to work against the organization, and to engage in activity in the plant on behalf of the Rubber Workers Union This conduct gives added corroborative support to Walker's relevant testimony. Nyquist's professions of disinterest in the Teamsters Union contribute to my conclusion that he was not a forthright witness, and that his version of what passed between him and Sutton is not a reliable basis for findings U.S. DIVERS COMPANY 981 Sutton (meaning, from the context, that Nyquist also followed the practice of spend- ing working time daily "shooting the breeze" with Sutton about matters unrelated to work). Significantly, too, although Wheeler, much like Nyquist, claims in his testi- mony that he "daily" observed Sutton loafing in the men's restroom and the coffee machine area, he admittedly never admonished Sutton for "loafing" or "talking too much" or "for not doing his work." Upon my observation of Wheeler, I do not be- lieve that he would have exercised such forbearance if he had actually seen Sutton loafing frequently. Nor am I able to attach any weight to an intimation by Nyquist that Bennett com- plained to him about Sutton on "numerous" occasions. According to Nyquist, he could "only remember one specifically," and that was a complaint by Bennett that he "continually (had) to get after him (Sutton) to speed him up, try to make him move faster, to get his work done, to get this trash out of here." Nyquist admittedly never did anything about this alleged complaint; one may reasonably infer from this that he did nothing about the "numerous" complaints he intimates he received from Bennett, but states he cannot remember "specifically"; and the vagueness about the "nu- merous" times Nyquist claims Bennett spoke to him about Sutton, and the production supervisor's admitted failure to do anything about Bennett's alleged criticism, whether voiced once or many times, lead me to believe that the testimony describing such criticism is the product of afterthought. In the light of what has been said, I am unable to escape the conviction that much of the criticism leveled against Sutton is a posteriori embroidery designed to bolster the claim that Sutton was discharged for lawful cause, and this characteristic of Nyquist's testimony not only militates against acceptance of his account of what he said to Sutton at the time of the discharge and thereafter in the supply room, but bolsters a conclusion that the reason put forward by the Respondent for, the discharge is but a pretext designed to conceal an unlawful motive for the dismissal. This view is supported, too, by the substantial evidence of Nyquist's hostility to the Teamsters Union, and of his disposition to interfere with the free exercise by the employees of their right of self-organization. For the reasons stated, I am unable to place reliance upon Nyquist's version of what passed between him and Sutton at the time of the latter's discharge and during their subsequent visit to the supply room. I credit Sutton's account of what took place on those occasions.15 The findings made above warrant an inference, and I conclude, that at some point on the morning of April 21, Nyquist held the belief or suspicion that the supply room was a site of union activity; 16 that later that morning Nyquist confirmed the belief or suspicion by locating Sutton's cache of authorization cards there; that he attributed responsibility for the presence of the cards in the supply room to Sutton because of the latter's special access to the room and his possession of one of the two keys to the area; and that he discharged Sutton because of the janitor' s possession of the cards or, in other words, because Sutton had engaged in activity on behalf of the Teamsters Union. By reason of the dismissal, the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) of the Act, and interfered with, restrained, and coerced employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act, thereby violating Section 8(a)(1) of the statute. I hold, too, that the interrogation of Walker was unlawful, noting in that regard, that I am unable to view Nyquist's conduct in the premises as merely an isolated episode of a de minimis character. The Respondent has interfered with the free exercise of its employees' statutory right of self-organization in a number of respects, going so far as to employ the coercive instrument of discharge to frustrate this right, is In evaluating Nyquist's credibility, I have taken into account testimony by Villarem that "on probably three occasions," when he went to the men's room he observed "at least four or five people" in the supply room, "talking, laughing, . . and, obviously, . . . not working" ; and that he complained to Wheeler about Sutton, and told liim to put a stop to the "meetings" in the supply room. Accepting this testimony, it does not alter my con- clusion that testimony by Nyquist, such as his claim that Sutton's performance was deficient for most of the period that he worked at the plant, and that he (Nyquist) daily observed Sutton loafing, has a substantially exaggerated content, and that this character- istic militates against acceptance of Nyquist's account of what he said to Sutton on the occasions in question. 261 think it quite likely that the belief or suspicion arose or was bolstered by some observation made by Nyquist at the time he was in the men's restroom while Sutton was handing authorization cards to Walker and another employee. Significantly, in that con- nection, Nyquist sought to draw out Walker "about the union" not long after the episode in the supply room. 982 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and against that background, it is but rational , in my judgment , to take the view that the inquiry was a projection of the Respondent's policy of interfering with Section 7 rights of its employees, particularly as it is quite likely that the interrogation, in view of its timing and that it was addressed to one of the two employees to whom Sutton had given cards in the supply room, was an outgrowth of Nyquist's belief that union activity had taken place there. In short, as a result of the interrogation, the Respondent interfered with the exercise of employees' Section 7 guarantees, and thereby violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. C. The discharge of Lollis Lollis began his employment at the Santa Ana plant on March 22, 1960, worked successively in the stock and shipping departments , and was terminated on June 10, 1960. As noted earlier, it was at Lollis' home that some employees of the Company and representatives of the Teamsters Union met on April 20, 1960, to plan union organization of plant personnel. The representatives came to the meeting on Lollis' initiative. On the day following the meeting, and again some 2 or 3 days later, Lollis passed out some authorization cards to employees at the plant. There is no evidence that any supervisor or other responsible management representative was aware of any of these activities prior to Lollis' termination. On or about May 31, 1960, during the course of a conversation with Swan and Gittins, Lollis, as he testified in effect, expressed a belief that the Teamsters Union would become the employees' bargaining representative, and intimated that he regarded the prospect with favor because of the organization's "bargaining power." 17 It is undisputed that the Company had a reduction in force at its Santa Ana plant on June 10, 1960, and that some 14 employees, including several in the shipping department, were laid off that day. According to Swan, he was instructed by Wheeler to make a selection of those to be laid off on the basis of "skill and ability and sen- iority," and Lollis was one of those selected, although his work was "good." The General Counsel maintains that Lollis was chosen for the reduction list because of his union activity and sympathy, and, in support of the claim, points to the fact that an employee named Foy Phillips, who, like Lollis, worked at "picking and packing," was retained although he had less seniority than Lollis. -Swan testified, in explanation of the retention of Phillips, that he was initially hired with the intention of making him a "supervisory trainee," and Phillips' work, for which he received a higher rate than Lollis, entailed, unlike the latter's duties, some special knowledge of Government and export requirements. The evidence will not support the General Counsel's thesis. As pointed out earlier, there is no proof that the Company had knowledge of Lollis' union activity, and, thus, to emerge with a conclusion that Lollis' termination was unlawful one would have to base it on the evidence that some 10 days before the staff reduction he expressed some approval of the Teamsters Union to Swan. That is, I think, too slender a reed to support an inference that Lollis' selection for the layoff list was rooted in a discriminatory motive. The reed grows no stouter because of the retention of Phillips in preference to Lollis, for I think that the choice, upon the record made, is at least as consistent with a lawful motive as with an unlawful one. In short, the General Counsel has failed to carry the burden of proving that Lollis' discharge was unlawful, and I shall therefore recommend the dismissal of the relevant allegations of the complaint.18 D. The discharge of Kirby Kirby entered the Company's employ in February 1960, worked in the assembly department, which was under Nyquist's supervision, and was among those included 171 do not credit testimony by Swan and Gittins denying that Lollis made the remarks he imputes to himself I am persuaded from Gittins' demeanor and some testimony he gave following his denial that he has little or no recollection with respect to the incident in question, and, as pointed out in a prior footnote, both he and Swan gave testimony regarding 'a conversation with Lollis and Zuniga that I am unable to credit As that credibility determination suggests, I do not believe that Swan made a reliable disclosure of all that passed between him and Lollis with respect to union matters " In reaching my conclusion regarding Lollis' termination, I have taken into account his testimony that on the day of the force reduction, but before he was notified of his layoff, in the course of a conversation that began with talk "about a diving trip and . led into discussion of the union," he told one Al Smith, who had some sales managerial functions , that if he became a union "steward or chief steward or something like that, U.S. DIVERS COMPANY 983 in the reduction in force that took place on June 10. Initially , his work consisted of "unskilled labor," but, although only 19 years of age , he was promoted to the status of "subforeman ," which he held at the time of his termination . He received two increases , each 10 cents an hour, during the course of his employment , and was given an award of $20 and a letter of commendation by the Company for making a suggestion for improvement in production. Kirby, as he testified credibly, favored the Teamsters Union during its organiza- tional campaign in the plant , and discussed the organization in approving vein with other employees. Nyquist gave testimony to the effect that the day before the staff reduction, Wheeler told him to prepare a register of employees under his supervision in the order of preferment on the basis of skill, ability, number of dependents, and senior- ity; that such a register was prepared; that Kirby was rated 24th of 30 employees in the order of preferment for retention; that he was so rated because during the last month of his employment, he loafed, worked at a reduced pace, and talked ex- cessively; and that he was among those laid off because of his numerical rating. It is undisputed that several days before the layoff, Kirby was reprimanded by Nyquist in writing for "excessive talking," and warned that he would be dismissed if he con- tinued "in the same pattern." The General Counsel, pointing to Kirby's wage increases, promotion despite his youth, the commendation, the fact that his work as "subforeman" required him to talk to employees who worked "under him," and the lack of any evidence that the Company looked into the reason for his talking, maintains , in effect , that the repri- mand was contrived to serve as a pretext for Kirby's inclusion in the staff reduction, and that he was included because of his support of the Teamsters Union and not because of the reasons assigned by Nyquist. Taking into account the undoubted fact that the Company expressed high regard for Kirby by promoting and commending him, and against the background of de- ficiencies in Nyquist's testimony, previously described, I think that one should ap- proach his criticism of Kirby and the reasons he gives for Kirby's termination with caution. However, the General Counsel has the burden of proving an unlawful motive by evidence of preponderant weight, and this includes, as an essential in- gredient of the claim that Kirby was discharged because of his support of the Teamsters Union, proof that the Company had knowledge of his union attitude. If one is to conclude from the record that such knowledge existed, the inference must be drawn from one or the other, or all, of three incidents. One of these in- volved a conversation between Kirby and Walker, in which they discussed the de- sirability of convincing employees in the plant that the Teamsters Union did not have certain bad characteristics attributed to it. Nyquist was standing at a point some 14 to 15 feet away at the time. Another incident involved a discussion in the plant toolroom between Kirby and an employee named Jaako Raivio concerning ad- vantages that could be derived from representation by the Teamsters Union. While this was in progress, Raivio, who was facing in the direction of the toolroom door, which was to Kirby's rear, noticed Nyquist standing in the doorway some 10 or 12 feet away. Both employees stopped talking, and Nyquist left the area, saying noth- ing. The third incident occurred several days before the staff reduction and en- tailed a discussion, lasting about 5 minutes, between Kirby and an employee named Rebecca Berkey, in which he expressed approval of the Teamsters Union and spoke of benefits it offered. The conversation closed when an assistant to Nyquist named Tom Ruggles approached Kirby and Berkey and told the latter to return to work. Shortly thereafter, Nyquist orally rebuked Kirby for talking to Berkey, and this was soon followed by the written reprimand, mentioned previously.19 In his testimony, Nyquist denied that he overheard any discussion "concerning unions" between Kirby and any of the three employees with whom Kirby had the conversations described above, and that he knew at the time he prepared the list for the force reduction that Kirby supported the Teamsters Union. There is no firm basis in the record to support a finding that Nyquist was suffi- ciently within earshot to overhear what was said in any of the conversations in question, or that Ruggles overheard the discussion between Kirby and Berkey. Hence, to conclude that Nyquist or any other member of management knew or (he) would fight every grievance right down the line " This testimony does not, in my judgment, add material weight to the General Counsel's thesis regarding the discharge. 19 Kirby and Nyquist differ as to the terms of the oral rebuke, but in neither version is there any substantial indication that Nyquist was aware that the conversation between Kirby and Berkey involved union matters Whichever version one accepts, it is evident that the terms of the oral rebuke had reference to the fact that Kirby had spoken to Berkey. 984 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD suspected that Kirby engaged, during any of the discussions, in promoting or ex- pressing support for the Teamsters Union (or even, for that matter, that unioniza- tion was the subject of the conversations) would entail speculation. Needless to say, guesswork is not a permissible basis for findings, and thus, there is insufficient evidence that Kirby was discharged because of his support of the Teamsters Union. Nor is there sufficient basis for a thesis, intimated, rather than concretely ex- pressed, in the General Counsel's brief, that Kirby was discharged because he did not comply with Nyquist's solicitation that he propagandize among employees in favor of the Rubber Workers Union, and against the Teamsters Union, and engage in organizational activity on behalf of the former. Here, too, acceptance of the General Counsel's theory would rest on a guess. The sum of the matter is that the General Counsel has not sustained his burden of proving that an unlawful motive underlay Kirby's termination. Accordingly, I shall recommend that the relevant allegations of the complaint be dismissed IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of the Respondent set forth in section III, above, occurring in con- nection with the operations of the Respondent described in section I, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States, and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices violative of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act, I shall recommend that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Having found that the Respondent discharged James Sutton on April 21, 1960, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act, I shall recommend that the Re- spondent offer him immediate and full reinstatement to his former or a substantially equivalent position,20 without prejudice to his seniority and other rights and priv- ileges, and make him whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered by reason of his discharge by payment to him of a sum of money equal to the amount of wages he would have earned, but for the said discharge, between the date of his dismissal and the date of a proper offer of reinstatement to him as aforesaid; and that the said loss of pay be computed in accordance with the formula and method prescribed by the Board in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289, to which the parties to this proceeding are expressly referred. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, and upon the entire record in this proceeding, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. U. S. Divers Company is, and has been at all times material to this proceed- ing, an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act. 2. General Truck Drivers, Warehousemen & Helpers Union, Local 235, is, and has been at all times material to this proceeding, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By discriminatorily discharging James Sutton, as found above, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act. 4. By interfering with, restraining, and coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act, as found above, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 5. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 6. The evidence does not establish that the Respondent has violated any of the provisions of the Act by laying off or discharging Calvin Kirby and William J. Lollis. [Recommendations omitted from publication.] 20 In accordance with the Board 's past interpretation , the expression "former or a sub- stantlally equivalent position " is intended to mean "former position wherever possible, but if such position is no longer in existence, then to a substantially equivalent position." The Chase National Bank of the City of New York, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Branch, 65 NLRB 827. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation