Urban N. Patman, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 30, 1972197 N.L.R.B. 1222 (N.L.R.B. 1972) Copy Citation 1222 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Urban N . Patman, Inc. and Provision House Workers Union Local No. 274, AFL-CIO. Case 21-CA-10108 June 30, 1972 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS JENKINS, KENNEDY, AND PENELLO On February 7, 1972, Trial Examiner James R. Hemingway issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief, the General Counsel filed cross-exceptions with supporting brief, and the Respondent filed an answering brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the Trial Examiner's Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the Trial Examiner's rulings, findings, and conclusions, only to the extent consistent herein. The Trial Examiner found that Respondent's unilateral change of the wage rates and fringe benefits of the employees in its precooked foods department during the term of the collective-bargain- ing agreement, without complying with the provi- sions of Section 8(d) of the Act, violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1). In making this determination, he concluded, for reasons set forth below, that the issue involved herein could not be arbitrated within the terms of the contract. We disagree. The Union contends that the present sausage industry agreement covers Respondent's precooked foods department employees as well as the sausage department employees and, therefore, on June 22, 1971, when Respondent recalled its laid-off pre- cooked foods department employees at lower wages and fringes than they were enjoying prior to layoff, it violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. Respon- dent, on the other hand, maintains that the pre- cooked foods department employees are not covered by the contract, so that after consulting with the Union, which it did, it could lawfully change the wages and fringe benefits it had been paying those employees. The essence of the dispute, then, is whether the present contract covers the precooked foods department employees and, in our opinion, can best be resolved by arbitration. The grievance machinery provisions of the contract state, in part: I Collyer Insulated Wine, A Gulf and Western Systems Company, 192 NLRB No 150 2. No employee covered by this Agreement shall be demoted, suspended, dismissed or otherwise disciplined without just and sufficient cause. Should any action by an Employer cause an employee covered by this Agreement to become aggrieved, such employee shall orally or in writing make his complaint to the Union. . . . 4. In the event the parties are unable to resolve any dispute through the grievance procedure set forth in Section 2 hereof, either party may demand that the dispute proceed to arbitra- tion. . . . 5. The findings of the arbitrator shall be binding upon both the Union and the Employer provid- ing, however, that the arbitrator shall not have the authority to change, alter or modify any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement. No controversy regarding hours or wages shall be subject to arbitration hereunder and the provi- sions of this Article shall not in any way interfere with the right of any party to seek relief at law, in equity, or before any administrative tribunal where a controversy regarding hours or wages exists. The Trial Examiner concluded that the Board could not defer to arbitration for three reasons: (1) section 2 of the grievance provisions requires that an employee must file a grievance in order for the dispute to proceed to arbitration, and no such grievance was filed in this case; (2) the issue involved herein is one of wages and section 5 indicates that the parties contemplated no arbitration of such a dispute; and (3) the contract clearly shows that arbitration was not intended as an exclusive forum for resolving contract disputes. As to 1, the filing of a grievance is not a prerequisite to deferral for, in the lead case of Collyer, i no such grievance had been filed. As to 2, we find merit in Respondent's contention that this dispute is arguably one of whether the contract covers the precooked food department employees, and not one of wages. Moreover, arbitrability of such disputes is properly determinable by an arbitrator. As to 3, section 5 merely reserves to the parties access to an administrative tribunal where a controversy regarding hours or wages exists, but does not apply, by its terms, to a contract coverage dispute as involved herein. We believe, therefore, that this dispute is properly one for deferral within the meaning of Collyer and warrants our requiring the parties to honor their 197 NLRB No. 150 URBAN N. PATMAN, INC. contractual grievance and arbitration obligations. We shall, accordingly, dismiss the complaint in the present case but shall retain jurisdiction to entertain an appropriate and timely motion for further consideration upon a proper showing that either (a) the dispute has not, within reasonable promptness after the issuance of this Decision, either been resolved by amicable settlement in the grievance procedure or submitted promptly to arbitration, or (b) the dispute has been duly found by the arbitrator not to be arbitrable, or (c) the grievance or arbitration procedures have not been fair and regular or have reached a result which is repugnant to the Act. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board orders that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed; provided, however, that: Jurisdiction of this proceeding is hereby retained for the limited purposes indicated in our Decision herein. MEMBER JENKINS, dissenting: For the reasons ably expressed by the Trial Examiner, and for the reasons Member Fanning and I have expressed in prior dissents to the majority's action of deferring statutory issues to arbitration, I would not so defer but would determine the case on the merits-as I conceive our duty under the Act requires us to do. TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE JAMES R. HEMINGWAY, Trial Examiner: This case was tried at Los Angeles, California, from November 3 to 5, 1971.1 The charge was filed on June 28, and the complaint was issued on August 3. Respondent filed an answer on September 9. The principal issues are whether or not Respondent and the Union had contracted concerning a certain group of employees not specifically mentioned in an existing collective-bargaining agreement and whether or not a unilateral reduction in pay for such employees constituted a violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. Briefs were filed by the Respondent and the General Counsel. Each also filed a motion for corrections in the transcript, and the General Counsel filed an opposition to one correction requested by Respondent. Ruling on these motions is contained in Appendix B [omitted from publication ]. Upon the entire record, including my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses, and upon due consideration of the briefs filed by the General Counsel and the Respon- dent, I make the following: I Dates herein are all in 1971 unless otherwise stated 2 The findings in this section are based on admitted allegations of the FINDINGS OF FACT 1. JURISDICTIONAL FACTS 1223 Respondent is a corporation with its principal place of business in Los Angeles, California, where it is engaged in the business of selling and supplying meat products to restaurants and schools.2 During the calendar year 1970, Respondent, in the normal course and conduct of its business operations, sold and shipped goods, products, and services valued in excess of $50,000 directly to customers located outside the State of California. Respondent concedes and, I find, the Board has jurisdiction, and it will effectuate the policies of the Act to assert jurisdiction in this case. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION The Union is, and has been at all times material herein, a labor organization representing certain employees of Respondent under two collective-bargaining agreements. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Refusal to Bargain 1. Background Prior to 1968 Respondent's principal business had been sausage manufacturing, with some fresh meat processing. In the year 1968, Respondent started a precooked foods department. The department was started on a small scale (two employees) early in 1968 on a trial basis with equipment limited to a single broiler. As the market for such food products proved good, the department was expanded a little at a time . Equipment was added in 1969 and thereafter, and the number of employees was steadily increased. By the end of 1968, Respondent had 20 employees in this department. By 1971, Respondent's sausage manufacturing and packing business, contrary to the trend in the precooked foods department, had declined. Respondent then had approximately 13 employees in what had once been its main operation. On the other hand, the precooked foods department had expanded to a point where, at peak in 1971, Respondent employed approxi- mately 44 employees there. 2. The appropriate unit The complaint alleges and the answer admits that the appropriate unit consists of all production employees, including a long list not necessary to repeat in detail here. The list was copied from a collective-bargaining agree- ment. Respondent is a member of a multi-employer bargaining association known as Associated Meat Jobbers of Southern California, herein called Meat Jobbers. The Union and Meat Jobbers have for many years negotiated collective-bargaining agreements for employers and em- ployees engaged in the fresh meat business of processing complaint 1224 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD beef, lamb, and pork into uncooked steaks, hamburgers, chops, and roasts for sale to such buyers as restaurants.3 In past years, Respondent's principal business was in the processing of pork (and some beef ) into sausage , bacon, ham, hot dogs, and corned beef. The Union also represent- ed Respondent's employees engaged in this phase of the business, but it did not negotiate an agreement covering it with the Meat Jobbers or with the Respondent. Instead, it negotiated an agreement covering workers engaged in this phase of the business with a group of independent sausage industr- employers described in the Union's agreement as Indep, gent Sausage Kitchens, who had a bargaining agent then than the Meat Jobbers-one who did not represent the Respondent. Members of the Meat Jobbers (including the Respondent) who have sausage operations and who are not represented by the agent of the Independent Sausage Kitchens have usually authorized Meat Jobbers to adopt the Union's independent sausage industry agreement on their behalf. The Independent Sausage Kitchen contracts for the years 1967 to 1976 and its succeeding one for 1970-73 covered employers classi- fied under the following departments: sausage department, pork processing department, lard department, and fresh meat and shipping.' These contracts provided for a union shop. As stated, the Respondent in 1968 started what gradually developed into a precooked foods department.5 Whereas the Respondent started it on an experimental basis, it enlarged and improved the machinery and capacity. In 1969, Respondent installed at a substantial cost a mechani- cal system with increased capacity. During 1969 and 1970, Respondent's sausage business declined. As sausage department employees would be laid off, the Respondent would, if there was room, offer them jobs in the precooked foods department. By May 1971, there were only 13 employees in the sausage department, but at peak production there were 44 employees in the precooked foods department. The record does not show what proportion of these started in the sausage department and what proportion was hired from outside. From the start of the precooked foods department, although neither existing union contract specifically mentioned employees in the precooked foods department, Respondent paid the employees in the latter department at a rate for each job most nearly equal in function to that under the sausage industry agreement. Donald Patman, Respondent's treasurer and manager of the precooked foods department, testified that job functions and skills in the precooked foods department were different from those in the sausage department, but there was a similarity, and many of the jobs in the precooked foods department could be described with the same titles as those in the sausage department. Under the Union's Independent Sausage Kitchens contract, the wage rates were determined by 3 Respondent's relations with the Union began in 1932 Except for background purposes , this agreement between the Union and the Meat Jobbers, which was binding on the Respondent, is not relied on by the parties in this case 4 Presumably the latter department was included for employers not bargaining through the Meat Jobbers 5 Precooked foods concern the preparation of such cooked foods as cooked hamburger patties, meatballs , chicken-fried steaks , and pork chops assigning "bracket numbers" to each job and then listing rates of pay for each bracket number. The wage rates for employees in the precooked foods department were fixed by the Respondent on the basis of comparablejobs found in the sausage contract. For example, meat grinders in the precooked foods department (although the job might entail somewhat different functions) were paid at a bracket rate such as meat grinders would receive in the sausage department. For jobs in the precooked foods department that had no equivalent in the sausage department, such as quality control inspection and packing and boxing of precooked foods, rates were unilaterally set by the Respondent by assigning bracket numbers to those jobs and paying the rate for such bracket as was listed in the sausage contract. In August, September, and October 1970, the Union and Meat Jobbers engaged in negotiations for a new meatcut- ters contract. Respondent's attorney, Kenneth Simon, represented the Meat Jobbers. During this' period, having some information that its competitors were able to underbid it because they had lower wage rates, Respondent requested Simon to discuss with the representatives of the Union the need for negotiating a special set of rates and fringe benefits for employees in the precooked foods department during negotiations of the sausage contract, which were also then in progress. When Simon mentioned to union representatives the need for a consideration of separate rates for the employees in the precooked foods department, he was told that there could be no discussion of that matter because there were more important items on the bargaining table. I deduce that the Union did not wish to consider a problem that affected only one of a large number of sausage makers before negotiations were completed on the general agreement. The Union and the Independent Sausage Kitchens reached agreement on a new contract in November 1970, and the union membership, which included employees of Respondent, ratified that agreement on November 28. The exact schedule of events is not clear, but during November 1970 President Patman telephoned Robert Cook, executive secretary of the Union, and told him he had a tremendous problem and wished to discuss it with Cook. Cook told Patman that he would get in touch with him. When Cook did not do so, Patman attempted on five different occasions to reach him but got no answer. Later he heard that Cook was ill. Respondent learned of the ratification of the sausage industry agreement in early December 1970. Although Respondent had not been involved in its negotiations and although the Meat Jobbers had not yet signed that agreement on behalf of Respondent, as it had been accustomed to do, and although the agreement did not contain rates for certain of the job titles in the precooked foods department, the Respondent, nevertheless, in De- These products Respondent sold to a new line of customers, such as school cafeterias and company commissaries over a large portion of the country, whereas Respondent 's other products were sold to more local customers, such as restaurants The sales methods also differed Instead of dealing directly with customers, the practice in precooked foods was to deal through a broker who would submit bids to school districts or other prospective buyers, who would let the contract to the low bidder Bids were taken once or twice a year or sometimes three times a year URBAN N. PATMAN, INC. cember 1970, gave wage increases retroactively (as called for by the sausage agreement) as well as other benefits called for by that agreement not only to its employees in the sausage department but also to those in its precooked foods department. It deducted union dues, paid health and welfare sums, contributed to retirement, pensions, dental care plans, paid change of clothes time, etc., for precooked foods employees as well as for sausage department employees. President Urban Patman of the Respondent testified that the reason he did this was to "have a minimum amount of trouble [with the union] until we could resolve [with the union] the problem in the precooked foods department."6 3. Unilateral changes During the early part of 1971, the Respondent ascer- tained that it not only was losing bids but that it was suffering operating losses. From the summer of 1970 on, it was experiencing difficulty in bidding successfully on contracts for precooked foods because its competitors were underbidding the Respondent. The biggest precooked foods processor competing with Respondent was Pronto Foods, a Chicago company, which got a contract with Los Angeles schools, underbidding the Respondent. Through his connection with National Association of Processed Food Manufacturers, Treasurer Patman learned that Pronto's rates were in some instances less than half those of Respondent, and gradually he learned that none of Respondent's other competitors in the precooked foods business paid higher rates than Pronto. As time passed, he would gradually pick up such information on occasions when the Respondent would lose bids. Respondent's competitors had collective-bargaining agreements, in most instances, with labor organizations unconnected with the Union or with the parent labor organization with which the Union was affiliated. On March 9, 1971, President Patman learned that Custom- Redi Foods, a competitor, believed to be owned by a company called Butcher Boy, was selling its precooked foods operation in the Los Angeles area. Patman was invited to that plant as a prospective purchaser. He went there and learned that Custom-Redi was paying, under a union contract, the same wage rates as Pronto and another precooked food producer (Larry Sandwiches) in the Los Angeles area. He also learned that Butcher Boy, at another precooked foods operation, this one in Riverside, a city about 50 miles east of Los Angeles, had a contract for the same rates as in Los Angeles, and that the Riverside contract was with the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen, the parent organization of the Union. He further inquired and learned that Pronto (in Chicago), a major competitor, also had a contract with the Amalga- mated Meat Cutters. Later in March, when Jesus Munllo, a business agent for the Union, was visiting Respondent's plant with Jim Zahans, the Union's president and business agent, in connection with a grievance, President Patman requested that they come to his office. When they were there, Patman 6 Urban Patman testified that "ever since I have been in this Union, and this has been over 35 years-I always talked to the head man," who in 1970 was Cook I interpret this statement to mean that Patman, in his business, 1225 told them what he had learned about the rates under contracts which competitors had with various labor organizations, including the two with the Amalgamated. He told them that he had $500,000 in equipment for the precooked foods operation that would have to stay idle unless he could get a contract that was equal to that of his competitors. Zaharis said that they understood the Re- spondent's problem. He told Patmanthat the Union would find it difficult to tell the workers that they would have to take a cut in pay and fringe benefits but said that he would take the problem to Cook, the executive secretary for the Union, and ask him to schedule a meeting with Patman. Cook arranged such a meeting in late April, and, pursuant to such arrangement, Cook and Zaharis met with President Patman . Patman told the Union representatives that it was economically impossible to exist on a total package of $5.05 (including fringe benefits), which he was paying, as against $2.48 paid for the same thing by his competitors. Cook said that he sympathized with Patman but that he had no authority to change the existing contract. However, he said that he would see the International's representative and get in touch with Patman later. Following his meeting with Cook and Zaharis, Patman telephoned his attorney, Simon, told him that the Union appeared to be friendly, and asked him to see what he could work out with the Union. Simon met with Cook, Zaharis, and Murillo on May 12. Simon again related the Respondent's situation and the unfairness of the Union's International having contracts with competitors at much lower rates. He requested the Union to get him copies of such contracts. Cook testified that Simon at this meeting had said that the Respondent's proposal would apply only to new employees. Simon denied making such statement and testified that he had only requested negotiations for rates considering the jobs in the precooked foods depart- ment as newjobs. In a subsequent meeting, a proposal was made that, if an agreement were reached respecting lower rates for the precooked foods jobs, such rates would apply only to the newer employees and that the older ones (those originally working in the sausage department) would be given an opportunity to transfer back to the sausage or fresh meat departments so as to retain the higher rates provided under the sausage agreement . Simon testified that there had been some discussion in one of the meetings about the possibility of protection to be given to some of the older employees so that the new rates would not apply to them. I find a basis for a possible misunderstanding as to the meaning of "old" and "new" employees. Cook told Simon that he was going to talk with an International representative of the Union named Osslo on May 14, and he would see if he could get approval of the proposal for lower rates. Cook did, on that date, meet with Osslo and told him the problem. Osslo, as quoted by Cook, said they could agree on lower rates for employees thereafter to be hired. Cook told Osslo that was all that the Respondent wanted. On May 18, Simon telephoned Zahans about another had had contractual relations with the Union for 35 years His attempt to have a minimum amount of trouble with the Union, I find, referred to a desire to remain on amicable terms with the Union 1226 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD meeting. Zaharis urged Simon to telephone Cook. Simon did so, and another meeting was arranged for May 28. On that date they met, and Cook gave Simon'copies of the contracts that Simon had requested. Simon said that he would like to study them to make a comparative analysis, that he would meet with Patman the next day, and that it was necessary that the matter be resolved quickly, because the Respondent, by June 4, had to submit a bid on the Los Angeles District School System contract. The Respondent and the Union agreed to resume their meeting on June 2. It is undisputed that the Respondent has an annual layoff in June. Even earlier than June, production had fallen off in the precooked foods department to a point .where it was necessary to lay off the second and third shift employees. The first shift employees were laid off at the end of the day on Friday, May 28. Between that date and June 2, the Union notified the laid-off employees of each of the shifts, 44 in number, that there would be a meeting on the night of June 2. During the day of June 2, Simon met with union representatives Zaharis and Murillo (Cook was out of town until later in the day) and presented a proposed agreement based on rates and fringe benefits contained in the agreements of competitors. He gave the Union listed rates for five classes of employees and indicated the fringe benefits that he would propose. The Union again raised the question of protection of rates for old employees. Simon gave the names of five employees who had been in the precooked foods department since 1968 and who were to retain their rate of pay. Simon had discussed this subject with Patman on May 29, and Patman had said that he could not have employees working side by side with separate wage rates, one being higher than the other, but Patman had said that he could transfer the older employees at the higher rates into other operations than precooked foods so that they could maintain their high rates. Simon conveyed this information to the Union's representatives, Zaharis and Munllo, at their June 2 meeting. They said that they would present it to the membership for vote that night. On Cook's return to town on the afternoon of June 2, he learned of the Respondent's proposal and telephoned Simon to ask why only five employees were to remain at their old rate. Simon told him that was the Respondent's proposal. That evening the three representatives of the Union met with the 21 laid-off employees who had attended. Cook told the employees that the Respondent, because of competition, was desirous of operating at the rates which had been submitted to the Union that day. He told them that, if the Respondent could not meet the competition, it would have to close that department. On being questioned by an employee about whether or not they did not already have a contract, Cook told them that they had.7 When the matter was put to a vote, the employees voted against accepting the Respondent's proposal. Later, Cook tele- 7 Cook apparently did not mention the fact that the Respondent's representative had not yet signed the sausage agreement He gave evidence of presuming that the contract came into existence as soon as the Union's membership had ratified it, even though the Respondent was not a party to negotiation of the sausage contract 8 Simon testified that Richman told him that he would recommend phoned Simon and informed him of the vote. Simon's only comment was, "We have a problem." On June 3, Simon spoke with Lionel Richman, the Union's attorney, and explained the Respondent's problem and the employees' rejection of the Respondent's proposal. On that day and thereafter for a couple of weeks, Simon and Richman discussed various courses that the parties might take to solve the Respondent's problem, without which, it was believed, the Respondent could not reopen its precooked foods operation. A proposal by Simon for arbitration was, for a time, taken under consideration but was ultimately rejected by Richman.8 They discussed a possible RM petition. The basis of such a filing was not revealed, but it could presumably have been based on a possible claim of representation by the Teamsters. This plan was abandoned as too dangerous because the Teamsters might win the election. In his talks with Richman, Simon had advanced the argument that, as to the employees in the precooked foods department, there was no contract, so Richman suggested that, if Simon thought he could sustain his theory that there was no contract, Richman would file a charge of violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act and, if the Regional Director should find that there was no contract in existence and would refuse to issue a complaint, Richman would accept his decision without appeal, and he could then tell the Union that there was no contract .9 As appears, the Union filed the charge in this case on June 24, 1971. However, the Regional Director did not dismiss the charge. Subsequently, on August 31, 1971, a complaint was issued. Meanwhile, on June 20, after a conversation with Patman in which Patman told Simon of the urgency of planning a reopening if the Respondent was to reopen at all, Simon advised him that article IV, section 12 of the sausage agreement (which provided that "in the event that there are new jobs or classifications or new machines they shall be subject to immediate negotiations . . .") justified his claim to a right to negotiate new rates. Simon thereupon drafted a letter, dated June 22, and addressed it to the precooked food employees last laid off, telling them that the annual layoff, which began on May 31, would end on June 25, but that, because the Respondent was losing money in the operation, it could reopen only with employee wages and benefits which did not cost more than its competitors were paying. The letter continued by setting out the wages and fringe benefits that precooked food employees would receive after June 28. These were the same as those which had been presented to the Union on June 2 and had been rejected by the employees that night. The letter also informed the employees that anyone who had worked for Respondent before the annual closing would receive the rate provided for employees who had worked for 6 months regardless of the length of time the addressees had actually worked, with only newly hired employees beginning at the "start" rate. They were informed that if they wished to work in the precooked arbitration of the dispute to the Union, and that it was on this expectation that he had authorized the Meat Jobbers (employer representative of Respondent) to sign the sausage agreement The signing took place on June 17 9 The evidence does not fix the date of this conversation, but Richman thought it was in mid-June URBAN N. PATMAN, INC. foods department, they should report for work at 7:30 a.m. on June 28, 1971. According to Simon, he saw Richman on June 21, 1971, and told him that he had drafted the aforesaid letter and was calling the employees back on the basis of that letter. According to Simon, it was on this occasion that Richman rejected arbitration as a solution to the Respondent's problem. On June 28, approximately 17 of the 19 employees recalled returned to work. The remaining two vacancies were filled by calling the next seniormost employees. The wages, economic benefits, and other condition of employ- ment outlined in the June 22 letter were instituted and were continued thereafter. They were still in effect at the date of the hearing. Virtually all of these wages and conditions are less than those listed in the contract between the Union and,the Independent Sausage Kitchens of Los Angeles -less than 50 percent in some cases and close to 50 percent for others. On an occasion after June 28 (the record was not clear on the exact date), Simon asked Cook if there could be some intermediate position between the rates Respondent was instituting and the full contract rates. Cook said he was going to speak to Osslo when he would be in San Diego for a meeting and that he would ask Osslo about a possible intermediate position. On October 5, 1971, Simon encountered Cook again at a Federal Mediation Service office during proceedings in a matter not concerning the Respondent, and, at that time, Cook told Simon that Osslo had said there could be no intermediate position. There is no evidence of any other attempt to reach accord before the hearing. B. Arguments and Conclusions The General Counsel argues that the Union's 1967 sausage industry agreement covered the precooked foods department employees when that department was initiated in 1968, because the Respondent paid wage rates listed in the contract and applied all other provisions of the sausage industry agreement to the employees in that department; because some employees were transferred from the sausage department to the precooked foods department; and because thejob duties were, if not the same, at least similar to those of the sausage department employees. Although the General Counsel does not expressly so state, his argument seems to suggest that the precooked foods department constituted either a growth of, or an accretion to, the existing unit .10 The Respondent does not dispute the description of the unit alleged in the complaint to be appropriate and does not argue that there was no accretion. On all the evidence, I conclude that the precooked foods department, although preparing different finished products and having slight variations in functions, 10 Although the employees in the fresh meat department were covered by the Meat Jobbers contract while the sausage department employees were covered by a separate contract between the Union and the Respondent, the Respondent , by admitting the allegations of the complaint (which describes the appropriate unit as composed of all employees listed in both the sausage industry agreement and the Meat Jobbers agreement) admits that there was a single unit The unit described in the complaint did not, however, expressly include one or two positions in the precooked foods department 1227 must, nevertheless, under Board precedent be regarded as an accretion to the existing unit. tt The Respondent also argues that the Union's independ- ent sausage employers' agreement was not signed by Respondent or its agent until June 17, 1971, and that by that time the Respondent and the Union had already undertaken to try to work out a separate arrangement for the precooked foods department, thus demonstrating that that contract did not cover the precooked foods employees. The General Counsel, on the other hand, argues that the Respondent, although not having signed the agreement formally, had tacitly adopted it when, in December 1970, it implemented the provisions of the 1970-73 agreement by giving a retroactive wage increase to not only its sausage employees but also to its precooked foods employees and also gave effect to all other terms of that agreement as to both groups of employees. Many of the Respondent's arguments made in an effort to maintain that it did not refuse to bargain, such as that it did not withdraw recognition but continued to deal with the Union, that it never modified or terminated any "applicable" existing contract, that an impasse was reached before it instituted the new wage rates and other terms of employment for the employees in the precooked foods department, all presup- pose that Respondent was not bound, before signing, by the independent sausage employers' agreement. However, despite the fact that that agreement was not signed on behalf of Respondent until June 17, 1971, the Respondent readily admits that it was already bound by that agreement from December 1970 as to all employees covered under it except the precooked foods employees, thereby admitting that the actual signing of the agreement was not a prerequisite to a binding agreement. Although the Respondent did, in the fall of 1970, notify the Union that it desired to discuss the rates of pay of the precooked foods department employees, it did not suggest to the Union that those employees were not in the collective-bargaining unit or would not be covered by the independent sausage industry agreement or that it would not go along with that agreement, when reached, until the Union had reached agreement with the Respondent on rates for the precooked foods department. Instead, as had been its custom for many years, it considered itself bound by the independent sausage industry agreement as soon as it was informed that it had been ratified by the Union's membership, regardless of any delay in signing the formal agreement. I find, therefore, that the Respondent's delay in signing the Union's sausage industry agreement did not prevent that agreement from binding the parties thereto.i2 The Respondent argues that, although a contract between the Respondent and the Union may have existed, it did not yet exist for precooked foods employees because the contract contained a provision (article IV, paragraph 12) of (as for example, the quality control inspector) which are not specifically mentioned in the sausage industry agreement 11 Borg-Warner Corp, 113 NLRB 152,231 F 2d 237 (C A 7), cert denied 352 U S 908, Hudson Pulp and Paper Corp, 117 NLRB 416. 12 Hutrlg Sash & Door Company, 151 NLRB 470.474: General Asbestos & Rubber Division, Raybestos-Manhattan , Inc, 183 NLRB No 27: Conway's Express, 87 N LR B 972, enf'd 195 F 2d 906 (C A 2) 1228 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the contract that had not yet been complied with by the Union, to wit: 12. In the event that there are new jobs or classifica- tions or new machines they shall be subject to immediate negotiations ... . If the Respondent could have invoked this clause for the precooked foods department, it could have done so under the 1967-70 agreement, which contained the same lan- guage. But it did not seek to do so. Its delay in seeking negotiations to fix such rates can be explained only on other grounds. Most of the jobs in the precooked foods department had the same titles as those in the sausage department. The functions of these jobs, though not identical, were similar enough to lead to the conclusion that they were covered by the same rates. Only in the case of one or two jobs was there a new category which the contract rates might arguably be said not to cover. But a failure or delay on the part of the Union to meet and agree with the Respondent on the rates for those jobs would not nullify the contract as to the precooked foods employees generally. In view of the fact that the rates of the precooked foods employees appeared to be determined by the terms of the 1967-70 sausage agreement, the Union could assume that there was no pressing need for setting a separate scale for those employees when the 1970-73 sausage contract was being negotiated. Respondent's voluntary act of adopting the changes effected in the latter agreement, even as to precooked foods employees, gives every indication of an understanding that the independent sausage industry agreement was applicable to such employees. The evidence shows that the negotiating of lower rates for the employees in the precooked foods department was a matter of some concern to the Respondent before December 1970, but this concern only began materially to move the Respondent to serious action during the early part of 1971 (long after it had adopted the independent sausage industry contract) as the Respondent gradually learned of the rates being paid by competitors in the precooked foods business, and the Respondent's concern expanded to a fervor when the Respondent learned not only how much lower were the rates of competitors but also learned that one of the unions contracting for such lower rates was the parent organization of the Respondent. This is what really spurred the Respondent to press the Union to agree to special rates for its precooked foods employees. In other words, the Respondent's conduct of giving effect to the sausage industry agreement in 1970 and its conduct starting in March 1971 gives rise to the conclusion that the Respondent was seeking relief from an existing agreement rather than negotiating one that had not previously covered the precooked foods employees, and the Respondent's attitude suggested that it thought the Union owed it relief because of the better agreements made by the Union's parent organization with competing precooked foods employers. The sausage agreement did not contain a so-called favored nations clause, so the lower rates of competitors (even if such a favored nations clause could have been invoked when lower rates are contained in a competitor's contract , not with the Union itself, but with the Union 's parent organization) was not a legal ground for reopening the contract. The Respondent also advances the argument that a clause in the contract provided for arbitration and that the Board should defer to arbitration as it did in Collyer Insulated Wire. 13 In that case , the Board reviewed earlier decisions and quoted with approval from Jos. Schhtz Brewing Company, 14 where the Board said: Thus, we believe that where , as here , the contract clearly provides for grievance and arbitration machin- ery, where the unilateral action taken is not designed to undermine the Union and is not patently erroneous but rather is based on a substantial claim of contractual privilege , and it appears that the arbitral interpretation of the contract will resolve both the unfair labor practice issue and the contract interpretation issue in a manner compatible with the purposes of the Act, then the Board should defer to the arbitration clause conceived by the parties. The arbitration clause in the contract between the Union and the Respondent is not so clearly invocable as it was in the Collyer or Schltz cases. True , the agreement between the Respondent and the Union contains a provision: 4. In the event the parties are unable to resolve any dispute through the grievance procedure set forth in Section 2 hereof , either party may demand that the dispute proceed to arbitration ... . Section 2 , referred to above , deals with employee griev- ances and it contemplates that the aggrieved employee shall initiate the grievance procedure . Until an employee files a grievance , the dispute cannot proceed to arbitration. In the instant case , there is no evidence that any employee had filed a grievance with the Union as required by the agreement . The agreement further expressly provides: 5. The findings of the arbitrator shall be binding upon both the Union and the Employer providing , however, that the arbitrator shall not have the authority to change , alter or modify any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement. No controversy regarding hours or wages shall be subject to arbitration hereunder and the provisions of this Article shall not in any way interfere with the right of any party to seek relief at law , in equity, or before any administrative tribunal where a controversy re- garding hours or wages exists. The meaning of the clause prohibiting arbitration of a controversy regarding hours or wages could be clearer as to parties contemplated as having a controversy , but since this provision would be contrary to the one for arbitration in cases where an employee files a grievance (which could certainly be over wages due), the above clause can be read logically only as prohibiting arbitration of a dispute between the employer and the Union as to hours or wages which did not arise as a result of a grievance filed by an employee. Even if the contract did contain a provision for arbitration , the Board would not be obliged to defer 13 192 NLRB No 150. 14 175 NLRB 141 URBAN N. PATMAN, INC. thereto. It could exercise its discretion to decide the case under the provisions of the Act.15 However , in the case at hand , not only does it appear that the parties had contemplated no arbitration of wages in a dispute raised by the Respondent , the contract clearly shows that the parties did not (as was the case in Collyer) contemplate arbitration as an exclusive forum for resolving contract disputes. On all the evidence , therefore , I find that the contract provisions for arbitration do not require or even permit arbitration of the dispute at hand. Hence, the Collyer decision is inapplicable to the instant case in any event. The Respondent also contends , in effect , that , if it be found that there is in existence a contract which sets wage rates for employees in the precooked foods department when the Respondent's act of unilaterally fixing lower rates was a breach of contract which, says the Respondent, the "Board should not and will not adjudicate ." However, if the Respondent 's conduct is of a kind condemned by the Act, the Board is not ousted from jurisdiction simply because the Respondent 's act also constitutes a breach of contract . 16 The Respondent 's act of unilaterally changing the 'wage rates and fringe benefits provided for by the contract without concurrence of the Union is not only a breach of contract but also a violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act . Section 8 (d) of the Act expressly imposes on each party to a contract an obligation to refrain from modifying the contract without complying with the notice and waiting requirements set forth in that Section . Although the Respondent gave the Union notice of a proposed change, the Respondent does not contend here that it complied in full with Section 8(d) of the Act. The Respondent 's argument that it did not refuse to bargain about the change in rates because it did, in fact, meet with the Union and discuss such change until an impasse in bargaining was reached presupposes that the Union had a duty to bargain about such change and a duty to reach an agreement to modify the contract, but Section 8(d) of the Act also expressly provides that the duties imposed by that section are not to be construed as requiring either party to discuss or agree to any modifica- tion of the terms and conditions contained in a contract of fixed term "if such modification is to become effective before such terms and conditions can be reopened under the provisions of the contract ," here not earlier than 60 days before the expiration of the 1970-73 agreement. Where there is no duty to bargain , and where there is no right unilaterally to modify a contract during its term, an impasse occasioned by a refusal of one party to modify an agreement does not leave the proposer of modification free to make the change unilaterally . 17 Were it otherwise, there could be no binding force in any contract . Even if, to the Respondent's proposed alteration , the Union countered with an offer of a smaller change , such counteroffer would be conditioned on acceptance and would. not , before acceptance , extinguish the Respondent 's duty to maintain the terms of the contract in force until the terminal date 15 Gateway Transportation Co, Inc, 193 NLRB No 1 16 N L R B v C & C Plywood Corp , 385 U S 421, Office & Professional Employees International Union, Local 525 v N L.R B, 419 F 2d 314 (C A D C), Bastian Blessing Division of Golconda Corporation, 194 NLRB 1229 thereof . A contract can effectively be modified only by mutual consent. I conclude and find , therefore , that Respondent 's act of unilaterally modifying its agreement with the Union with respect to wage rates and fringe benefits of employees in the precooked foods department constituted a refusal to bargain within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case , I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. The Union is the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of all the employees in the following appropriate unit: All employees in Respondent 's sausage and pre- cooked foods departments , exclusive of Operating Engineers , Teamsters , office and clerical workers, nonworking foremen , and supervisors as defined in the Act. 4. By unilaterally changing the wage rates and fringe benefits established by a collective-bargaining agreement between the Respondent and the Union effective October 1, 1970, for a three-year term , and by failing to comply with the provisions of Section 8(d) of the Act, Respondent has engaged in, and is engaging in, unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. 5. By the conduct described in section 4, above, Respondent has interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 6. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act, I shall recommend an order that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. I shall recommend that Respondent cease and desist from making any changes in the terms and conditions of any current collective-bargaining agreement between the Respondent and the Union without first reaching agreement with the Union concerning such changes . With respect to the affirmative action, I shall recommend an order that the Respondent , on request, revoke its unilaterally instituted wage and fringe benefit plan for the employees in its precooked foods department and restore the original contract rates of pay and fringe benefits. It will also be No 95 17 C & S Industries , Inc, 158 NLRB 454. Kinard Trucking Company, Inc, 152 NLRB 449 1230 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD necessary that the Respondent restore the situation to that which existed prior to the unilateral change . This will necessitate that the Respondent make whole all affected employees for any loss they have suffered by reason of the unlawful unilateral reduction in wage rates and fringe benefits from the date of the institution of such unilateral change on June 28 , 1971, until the first of the following events occurs : ( 1) Rescision by Respondent of its unilater- ally instituted wage and fringe benefit plan and the restoration of the original rates paid prior to the May 28, 1971, layoff ; (2) the expiration of the Union 's Independent Sausage Kitchen Contract in 1973 ; or (3) the effective date of any modification of that contract as to rates of pay and fringe benefits which may be reached as a result of negotiations between the Respondent and the Union. I shall further recommend that the backpay be computed on a quarterly basis in the manner set forth in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289, including interest on the sums due computed in accordance with the Board's decision in Isis Plumbing & Heating Co.,, 138 NLRB 716. [Recommend Order omitted from publication.] Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation