Union Switch and Signal Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 19, 194563 N.L.R.B. 974 (N.L.R.B. 1945) Copy Citation In the Matter Of UNION SWITCH AND SIGNAL COMPANY and AsSOCIA-, TION OR UNION SWITCH AND SIGNAL SALARIED EMPLOYEES, AFFILIATED. WITH THE NATIONAL FEDERATION OF SALARIED UNIONS Case No. 6-R-1091.-Decided September 19, 19.¢5 Thorp, Bostwick, Reed & Armstrong, by Mr. Donald W. Ebbert, of Pittsburgh, Pa., for the Company. Mr. R. W. Allison, of Pittsburgh, Pa., for the Association. Mr. Leo Turner, of Pittsburgh, Pa., for the CIO. Mr. Jack Mantel, of counsel to the Board. DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION STATEMENT OF THE CASE Upon a petition duly filed by Association of Union Switch and Signal Salaried Employees, affiliated with the National Federation of Salaried Unions, herein called the Association, alleging that a ques- tion affecting commerce had arisen concerning the representation of employees of Union Switch and Signal Company, Swissvale, Penn- sylvania, herein called the Company, the National Labor Relations Board provided for an appropriate hearing upon due notice before Allen Sinsheimer, Jr., Trial Examiner. Said hearing was held at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on May 17, 1945. The Company, the Asso- ciation, and United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of Amer- ica, CIO, herein called the CIO, appeared and participated.' All parties were afforded full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce evidence bearing' on the issues. The Trial Examiner's rulings' made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. All parties were afforded an opportunity to file briefs with the Board. ' On February 6, 1945, Union Switch and Signal Workers Association advised the Board that it had ceased to maintain any membership among the Company's employees and had no interest in the instant proceeding. 63 N. L. H. B, No. 155 974 0 UNION SWITCH AND SIGNAL COMPANY 975 Upon the entire record in the case, the Board makes the following : FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE COMPANY Union Switch and Signal Company is a Pennsylvania corporation having its principal office and only plant at Swissvale, Pennsylvania, where it is engaged in the manufacture and installation of railway signal and control apparatus, car retarders, and locomotive brake rig- ging and castings. During the past year, the Company purchased raw materials, consisting of pig iron, scrap and non-ferrous metals, bronze, brass and copper strips, bars and sheets, castings and insulating wires, valued in excess of $1,000,000, of which approximately 50 percent was shipped to its plant from points outside the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania. During the same period, the Company manufactured fin- ished products valued in excess of $1,000,000, of which over 50 percent was shipped to points outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Company admits, for the purposes of this proceeding only, that it is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. U. THE ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Association of Union Switch and Signal Salaried Employees, affi- liated with the National Federation of Salaried Unions, is a labor organization admitting to membership employees of the Company. United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, affi- liated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations, is a labor organ- ization adlxlitting to membership employees of the Company. III. THE QUESTION CONCERNING REPRESENTATION The Company has refused to grant recognition to the Association as the exclusive bargaining representative of any of its employees until the. Association has been certified by the Board in an appropriate unit. A statement of the Board Regional Director, introduced into evi- dence at the hearing, indicates that the Association represents a, sub- stantial number of employees in the unit hereinafter found appro- priate.2 We find that a question affecting commerce has arisen concerning the representation of employees of the Company, within the meaning of Section 9 (c) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 2 The Regional Director reported that the Association ' submitted 407 authorization cards, and that 379 cards bore names of persons appearing on a current pay roll of the Company which contained the names of 774 employees within the unit alleged by the Association to be appropriate. - 976 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Iv. TIIE APPROPRIATE UNIT The Association seeks a unit of all salaried, office, clerical, and tech- nical employees, excluding supervisory and all other employees. The CIO contends that all shop clerks and Traffic Department clerks should constitute a separate appropriate unit, and that all chasers, storerooiri attendants, and matrons, whom the Association would include in its unit, should remain in the production and maintenance unit which it currently represents.3 Aside from these employees, the CIO evinced no interest in representing any of the other employees sought by the Association. The Company's position with respect to the constituency of the unit is in accord with that of the Association, except that they are in dispute concerning certain employees hereinafter discussed whom the Company would exclude because they exercise supervisory, confidential or managerial functions. As a result of the prior certification, the chasers, storeroom at- tendants, and matrons have been represented in collective bargaining by the CIO for the past 4 years as part of a plant-wide unit of production and maintenance employees. The Association would include all chasers, one storeroom attendant, and two matrons in the unit it-seeks, because these employees are paid on a salary basis. Although some of the other storeroom attendants and matrons em- ployed by the Company are hourly paid, their respective duties are the same. We consequently see no reason to distinguish between them merely on the basis of the method by which they are paid. In view of our prior unit finding and the bargaining history predicated thereon, we shall exclude chasers, storeroom attendants, and matrons from the unit hereinafter found appropriate. The shop clerks and Traffic Department clerks, whom the CIO asserts should constitute a separate bargaining unit, work in the various factory offices of'the Company, as do several other groups of factory clerical employees included in the unit sought by the Associa- tion. There are 12 departments, other than the Traffic Department, located in factory buildings which employ clerical workers whose duties and interests are substantially the same as the shop clerks and Traffic Department clerks. The only apparent reason for the CIO's request for a separate unit confined to 2 of the various groups of plant clerical employees is that its membership has been extended only to these employees. Although the Board has found appropriate units 3In May 1941, the Board certified the CIO as the exclusive bargaining agent for all the Company's production and maintenance employees, including chasers and storeroom attend- ants, but excluding , among others , office, clerical, and technical employees flatter of Union Switch and Signal Company, 31 N L R B 545 The record in the present proceed- ing discloses that the Company and the CIO included matrons in their subsequent bargain- ing negotiations. UNION SWITCH AND SIGNAL COMPANY 977 composed of departmental or other homogeneous groups of employees pending more complete organization on a broader basis , it has not found appropriate a unit composed of an arbitrary grouping of employees such as sought herein by the CIO . ' Furthermore , the Association has submitted a substantial showing of representation among all of the factory clerical employees , including the shop clerks and Traffic De- partment clerks . The Board customarily will not predicate its unit finding on the extent of one union 's organization where, as here, organization of the employees by a rival union has been effected on the basis of a broader anti more appropriate bargaining unit. We are of the opinion, therefore , that the separate unit requested by the CIO is inappropriate. As stated above, the Company and the Association are in accord as to the general composition of a unit comprised of office, clerical, and technical employees . They are also in agreement that the messenger in the Personnel Department and the employees listed in Appendix A, with the exception of those hereinafter discussed , should be included in the unit ; and that 'dl other employees in the Personnel Department, all employees in the Transportation and Research Department , except the transportation engineers , all employees on the private salary roll and in the Works Manager's office, superintendents , employees in the Inspection Departme n t, Brake Division , Foremen-Foundry Divi- sion, Watchmen Department , Case Wiring Department , Machining Propellers Department , and the employees listed in Appendix B, with exception of those hereinafter discussed , should be excluded as super- visory, confidential , or managerial employees. Employees whom the Company would exclude as supervisory Departmental Chief Shop Clerks: The parties agreed to exclude the Chief Shop Clerk and the Assistant Chief Shop Clerk who are in charge of approximately 100 shop clerks, which includes the 22 Depart- mental Chief Shop Clerks, whom the Company would exclude from the unit. The Departmental Chiefs, whose pay is customarily more than 50 percent higher than that of the employees under their re- spective supervision, give instructions and assign work to from 1 to 14 employees, and are responsible for the performance of the work in their departments. The amount of time spent by the Departmental Chiefs in supervising the employees varies in accordance with the number of shop clerks under their control. However, the record is clear that each of them has the authority effectively to recommend the discharge, discipline, or change in status of employees. One De- partment Chief, A C. Friedrich, testified that the Company never ° See Matter of California Shipbuilding Corp . 57 N. L R B 1791 978 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD informed him that he was supervisor. He stated, nevertheless, that at a time when he was in charge of only 1 shop clerk who was not performing the work properly, Friedrich recommended that the em- ployee be discharged, and the recommendation was followed by the Company. He also stated that he had recommended pay raises for employees under his supervision, which the Company granted. Since it appears that the Departmental Chief Shop Clerks fall within our customary definition of supervisory employees, we shall exclude them from the unit.5 James Mitchell, who is classified as a clerk in the Stores Depart- ment, acts as assistant to the department superintendent. The only time that Mitchell assumes supervisory duties is during the absence of both the superintendent and assistant superintendent. Such oc- casions arise only in emergency situations, as the two superintendents are rarely absent at the same time. Because Mitchell exercises super- visory authority only at sporadic and infrequent intervals, we are of the opinion that he is not a supervisory employee within the'Board's customary definition thereof. Accordingly, we shall include him. In the Engineering Department there are two engineers, C. S. Snavely and H. G. Witmer, whom the Company would exclude. Snavely was formerly in charge of a section, but is now assigned to a position in which he has no employees under his supervision. Witmer spends a negligible part of his time in directing the work of one part- time employee. We find that neither Snavely nor Witmer is a super- visory employee; we shall include them. The assistant supervisor of the Electrical Division, Drafting Di- partment, perform supervisory duties only in the absence of the di- vision head which normally occurs only during the latter's vacation or illness. He receives the same pay as the other non-supervisory employees in the department. We are of the opinion that this em- ployee is not a supervisory employee; we shall include him. R. D. Friel, a Catalog and Publicity Clerk in the Publicity Depart- ment, has one girl working under his direction. The record does not indicate that Friel has effective authority to recommend the discharge, discipline or changes in the status of this employee. We shall include him. David S. Anservitz is classified as a Chief Clerk in the G. O. and File Department. He is not in charge of any employees and is re- sponsible to the Chief of the Order Division, whose supervisory func- tions he assumes only during the latter's absence due to illness or vacation. Because lie is not a regular supervisor, but acts only in- frequently in that capacity, we shall include him. ' See Matter of General Motors Corporation , Chevrolet Transmission , Saginaw Division, 58 N L. R B. 895. 0 UNION SWITCH AND SIGNAL COMPANY 979 From the evidence adduced at the hearing we are of the opinion and find that the following persons, whose status is also in dispute, possess authority to recommend effectively the discharge, discipline, or change of status of employees : Production Department, Order Clerk Super- visors, A. H. Jones and C. C. Ackerman; Production Record Clerk Supervisors, D. L. Glasgow and John Napolitano; Supervisor of Mu- nitions Ordering, W. J. Morrissey ; Supervisor of Special Production Record Clerks, S. M. Dunlap; and Supervisor of Recording and Requi- sitioning of Material Purchases, John F. Wallace; Traffic Depart- mient, Chief Clerk, C. E. Sellers; Telephone Department, Chief Telephone Operator,; Engineering Department, Group Leader Engi- neers ; 6 Drafting Department, Supervisors, Lang, Johnston, Savko, Morrow, and Treharne; Research Department, Research Engineers, Sorenson and Hedding; Specification Department, Interpreters K. Glasgow and Vogeley; Tabulating Department, Supervisor, Key Punchers; Purchasing Department, Assistant Purchasing Agent and Buyers;' General Engineering Department, Wiring 'Plan Designer, Louis P. Lersth; Publicity Department, Chief, Drafting Division; Sales Department, Expediter H. G. Willson; Patent Department, Chief Draftsman; and G. 0. and File Department, Chief General File Clerk, F. X. Gorham, and Supervisor, B. Wright. We shall exclude the foregoing employees from the unit. Employees whom the Company would exclude as confidential The Company would exclude Lucille White, Secretary to the Chief of the Time-Study Department, Virginia McKechnic, Secretary to the Chief of the Publicity Department, and Mary Heazlett, Secretary to the Advertising Manager. In the performance of their secretarial duties these employees acquire information relative to confidential labor relations matters. We shall, therefore; exclude them. Jeanne F. Hoffman, a clerk in the Construction and Maintenance Department is responsible for all personnel records maintained in connection with the Company's plant-protection force. In accord- ance with our practice, we shall exclude this clerk because she is en- gaged in personnel work in the performance of which she acquires information pertaining to confidential labor relations matters. The Company and the Association agreed to exclude all of the em- ployees in the Relief and Pension Department except the stenog- raphers and clerks, whom the Association would include. These employees have access to and utilize the records of this department O The parties agreed to exclude three of the Group Leader Engineers . Bernard E. Ohagan, T. J Omera, and W. C. ilicWhirter. These employees also exercise managerial functions in that they have authority to determine sources of purchasing supplies and can commit the Company financially. See Matter of Hudson Motor Car Company, 55 N L R B 509. 662514-46-vol 6i 63 980 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD which deals with matters relating to workmen's compensation and disability claims. Although the records contain some information which might appear in personnel records, they are concerned- pri- marily with matters relating to the functions of the Relief and Pen- sion Department. Accordingly, we shall include the stenographers and clerks.8 Telephone Operators: These employees perform the usual duties indicated by their title. They would not, in the normal course of their duties, acquire confidential information in regard to the Com- pany's labor relations; we shall include them. Receptionist: This employee is- on the pay roll of the Construction and Maintenance Department. She works at the main entrance to the general office building where she identifies all visitors and directs them to the person upon whom they are calling. Although she exer- cises discretion in admitting visitors who do riot have appointments, her duties are not confidential within the Board's customary defini- tion. We shalhinclude her. Pay Clerks: There are two of these employees in the Paymaster's Department who prepare various records relating to the Company's pay rolls. We shall include them in the unit since access to pay-roll in- formation, of itself, is not sufficient to bring an employee within the Board's definition of a confidential employee.' Tabulating Machine Operator: Clyde O. Brugh is employed in the Tabulating Department where his duties afford access to salary rate changes. Because this information does not relate directly to matters concerning the Company's labor relations, we shall include him. Employees whom the Company would exclude as managerial Sales Engineers and Transportation Engineers: These employees are required to have- full knowledge of the Company's apparatus and signal system. They conduct direct negotiations with railroad firms which purchase equipment and they exercise considerable judgment in their authority to commit the Company in the quotation of prices and de- livery dates. We are of the opinion that the duties of the sales engineer and transportation engineers are of a managerial nature. We shall exclude them.10 Time-Study Observers: There are eight of these employees in the Machine and Tool Design Department who study and analyze manu- facturing operations and job performance. They make recommenda- 8 We shall also include the bookkeepers in the Accounting Department, all of whom the Company would exclude because they have access to and use the records of the Relief and Pension Department. See Matter of American Steel Wire Company, 58 N L R. B 253. ° See Matter of Aluminum Company of America, et at, 61 N L. R. B 1066. 10 See footnote 9, supra UNION SWITCH AND SIGNAL COMPANY 981 tions as to both job rates and incentive rates , which are generally fol- lowed by the Company . On occasion , they are called into grievance meetings involving determination of disputed rates. In view of the managerial and confidential responsibilities of the time-study observ- ers, we shall exclude them.- Tool Designers and Tool Engineers : These employees work in the same department as the time -study observers . Their duties are to de- sign and lay out new tools and equipment to be used in the manu- facturing operations . Although the rates of pay may be indirectly affected by their operational status in connection with the tooling re- quirements , the tool designers and tool engineers make no recom- mendations with respect thereto . We are of the opinion that they are not managerial employees ; we shall include them. Engineer , Research Department : This employee performs a study of shop problems dealing with materials and processes , but does not participate in the setting of rates of pay. The record does not indi- cate that the duties of this employee are of a managerial nature. Ac- cordingly , we shall include him. Jubal Cordwell : This employee is classified on the pay roll as In- terpreter of railroad orders in the Specification Department. He was formerly a supervisor , but now is engaged in revising description lists .and standardization work. The record presents no facts which show that Cordwell performs either supervisory or managerial duties; we shall include him. We find that alloffice, clerical , and technical employees of the Com- pany,12 including shop clerks , and the messenger in the Personnel Department , but excluding confidential employees, time-study observ- ers in the Machine and Tool Design Department , sales engineer in the Sales Department , transportation engineers in the Transporta- tion and Research Department , the Chief Shop Clerk , Assistant Chief Shop Clerk, and Departmental Chief Shop Clerks,13 chasers , store- room attendants, matrons, all other employees in the Personnel De- partment and the Transportation and Research Department , all em- ployees on the private salary roll and in the Works Manager's office, superintendents; employees in the Inspection Department, Brake Division , Foremen-Foundry Division , Watchmen Department, Case Wiring Department , Machining Propellers Department,14 and all other supervisory employees with authority to hire, promote, dis- charge, discipline , or otherwise effect changes in the status of em- "See Matter of Micanzold Radio Corporation , 58 N L R. B. 888 12 Included within the unit are the employees listed in Appendix A. 13 Doel, T. F Clark, Dunn, Whitlatch, Friedrich, Lonergan, Walton, Schrimser, Granger. Hartwick, MacGregor, Houck, Lauerman, Duff, McAlinney, Herbold, Halloran, Jackson, Caskey, Chuchko, Mellor, and Kelly. 14 Excluded from the unit are the employees listed in Appendix B 982 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ployees, or effectively recommend such action, constitute a unit appro- priate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act. V. THE DETERMINATION OF REPRESENTATIVES We shall direct that the question concerning representation which has arisen be resolved by an election by secret ballot among the em- ployees in the appropriate unit who were employed during the pay-roll period immediately preceding the date of the Direction of Election herein, subject to the limitations and additions set forth in the Direction. DIRECTION OF ELECTION By virtue of and pursuant to the power vested in the National Labor Relations Board by Section 9 (c) of the National Labor Rela- tions Act, and pursuant to Article III, Section 9, of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations-Series 3, as amended, it is hereby DIRECTED that, as part of the investigation to ascertain representa- tives for the purposes of collective bargaining with Union Switch and Signal Company, Swissvale, Pennsylvania, an election by secret. ballot shall be conducted as early as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days from the date of this Direction, under the direction and supervision of the Regional Director for the Sixth Region, acting in this matter as agent for the National Labor Relations Board, and subject to Article III, Sections 10 and 11, of said Rules and Regu- lations, among the employees in the unit found appropriate in Sec- tion IV, above, who were employed during the pay-roll period im- me 1iately preceding the date of this Direction, including employees who did not work during the said pay-roll period because they were ill or on vacation or temporarily laid off, and including employees in the armed forces of the United States who present themselves in person at the polls, but excluding any who have since quit or been discharged for cause and have not been rehired or reinstated prior to the date of the election, to determine whether or not they desire to be represented by Association of Union Switch and Signal Salaried Employees, affiliated with the National Federation of Salaried Unions, for the purposes of collective bargaining. CHAIRMAN HERZOG took no part in the consideration of the above Decision and Direction of Election. UNION SWITCH AND SIGNAL COMPANY APPENDIX A Signal Department Clerks Messenger Messenger-File Clerks Machine and Tool Design Department Tool Engineers Typists Tool Designers Production Department Clerks File Clerks Typists Messenger Traffic Department Clerks Typists Construction and Maintenance Department Draftsmen Receptionist Telephone Department Telephone Operators Stores Department Clerks, including James Mitchell Dining Room Assistant Cooks Engineering Department Engineers, including C. S. Snavely Engineering Assistants and H. G. Witmer Laboratory Technician Service Engineers Stenographers Circuit Checkers Clerks Assistant Supervisor, Division Checker Draftsmen Blueprint Trimmer Detailer Tracer Typist Clerk Drafting Department Electrical Office Clerk Draftsman and Checker Stenographer Blueprint Machine Operator Blueprint Room Clerk Blueprint File Clerk Messenger Photostat Operator 983 984 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Research Department Research Engineers Laboratory Assistants Janitor Electronics Engineer Instrument Engineers Materials and Process Engineer Engineers, including C. E. McCoy Stenographer and Clerk Chemist Specification Department Interpreters of R. R. Orders, in- File Clerks eluding Jubal Cordwell Duplicator Operators Clerks Interpreters, Small R. R. Orders Typists Messenger Stenographers Paymaster's Department Pay Clerks Bookkeepers Bookkeeping Machine Operators Typist and Clerk Timekeeping Department Comptometer Operators Payoff and Change of Rate Clerk Posting Clerks Cost Department Invoice Clerks Payroll Checker Cost Estimators Clerk, Revises Bills of Materials Clerk, Revises Time Study Rates Clerk, Revises Estimate Costs Accountant, Journals and Ab- stracts Clerk, Revises Standard Costs Clerk, Special Orders Clerk, Special Orders and Prop- erty Plant Record Comptometer Operators File Clerk, Chief Typist Junior Clerk Clerk, Prices M. and S. Cards and Shipments File Clerk Clerk, Cost of Shipments Clerk, Index and Price Cards Posting Clerk Tabulating Department Tabulating Machine Operators , Key Punchers including Clyde O. Brugh Typewriting Punch Operator Purchasing Department Expediters Stenographers Clerks UNION SWITCH AND SIGNAL COMPANY Chemists Chemical Laboratory Stenographer Engineering-Bralce Division Draftsmen, Brake Division Order Clerk Design Engineers Typist Blue Printer and Tracer General Engineering Department Wiring Plan Designers Diagram Typists General Engineers Secretary Translator Diagram Draftsmen Messengers Engineer Vault Attendant Stenographers General Engineer Interlocking Department 985 Publicity Department Catalog and Publicity C 1 e r k Catalog and Copy Typist (R. D. Friel) Assistant Publication Distribu- Circuit and Catalog Draftsmen tion and Recording Clerk Copywriter Catalog Draftsman Sales Promotion Department Artists Assistant Photographer Editorial Writer Price Department Billing Clerks Assistant Chief Billing Clerk Assistant Chief Estimating Clerks File and Order Clerk Price Clerks File Clerk Accounting Department Bookkeepers Bookkeeping Machine Operator Stenographer Typists Typists and Clerks Office Girl Clerks Patent Department Stenographers Assistant or Junior Draftsman 986 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD G. O. and File Department Chief Clerk (David Anservitz) Messengers Clerks Stenographers Assistant General File Clerk Stenographers and Clerk Typists and Clerks Teletypist and Typist File Clerks Clerks Stationery Department Treasury Department Typists and Clerks Typist-Messenger Stenographers and Clerks 'City Messenger Clerk Clerks General Office Miscellaneous Outside Construction Department Relief and Pension Department Stenographers APPENDIX B Signal Department Foremen Secretary to Superintendent of Assistant Foremen Signal Dept. (Albert J. Roth) Assistant Superintendent Secretary to Works Manager (Mil- Methods Engineers dred E. Ross) Machine eC Tool Design Department Chief, Time Study Department Chief Tool Designer Secretary to Assistant Works Manager ( Marie M. Kelly) Secretary to Chief, Time Study Department (Lucille J. White) Production Department Assistant Superintendent of Production (Earl L. Harrold) Assistant to Superintendent (Byron W. Light) Secretary to Manager of Production Department (Dorotha L. Moore) Order'Clerk Supervisors (A. H. Jones and C. C. Ackermann) Production Record Clerk Supervisors (D. L. Glasgow and J. Napo'litano) Supervisor of Munitions, Ordering (W. J. Morrissey) UNION SWITCH AND SIGNAL COMPANY 987 Supervisor of Special Production Record Clerks ( S. M. Dunlap) Supervisor of Recording and Requisitioning of Material Purchases (John F. Wallace) Traffic Department Foreman, Packing and Shipping Chief Clerk Secretary to Foreman (Faye W. Chaney) Construction and Maintenance Department Assistant Superintendent Secretary to Superintendent of Foremen Building and Grounds (Norma Assistant Foremen Buffington) Supervisor Clerk (Jeanne F. Hoffman) Telephone Department Chief Telephone Operator Stores Department Chief Order Clerk Supervisors Assistant Superintendent of Store Storekeepers Supervisor Receiving Department Secretary Dining Room Head Cook Engineering Department Section Engineers Assistant to Chief Engineer (C. C. Buchanan) Group Leader Engineers (Ber- nard E. Ohagan, T. J. Omeara, W. C. McWhirter, W. B. Wells, H. G. Blosser, Leo L. Buck, L. R. Allison, N. C. Shaw, Branko Lazich, Kenneth M. Hughes, W. H. Jones, J. W. Logan, Jr., Arthur E. Dodd, C. L. Goodlin, P. K. Eckhardt) Office Secretary Drafting Department Chief Draftsman Assistant Chief Draftsman Supervisors (James J. Marshall and H. R. Smith) Supervisor, Tracing Department (Frank C. Lang) Typist Supervisor (Anna E. Johnston) Blueprint File Supervisor (Eliz- abeth Savko) Blueprint Room Supervisor (Ade- laide Morrow) Supervisor, interlocking Division (R. W. Treharne) 988 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Research Department ' Superintendent, Research Labo- Secretary to Superintendent ratory (Paul N. Bossart) Research Engineers (Andrew So- Communications Engineer renson and L. K. Hedding) Specification Department Chief Interpreters of R. R. Orders (K. Assistant Chief Glasgow and R. Vogeley) Secretary to Assistant to General ,Manager (F. Morrow) Paymaster's Department Paymaster Secretary to Paymaster (Ethel E. Assistant Paymaster Cordwell) Timekeeping Department Supervisor, Time Office Cost Department Supervisor, Cost Estimators Factory Accountant Chief Clerk Assistant Factory Accountant Supervisor, Invoice Division Secretary to Factory Accountant Tabulating Department Chief Supervisor, Key Punchers Assistant Supervisor of Depart- ment Purchasing Department Purchasing Agent Assistant Purchasing Agent Assistant Director of Purchases Buyers Chief Chemist Chemical Laboratory Engineering-Brake Division Chief Draftsman Manager, Brake Division Assistant Chief Draftsman Secretary to Manager Chief Order Clerk General Engineering Department Section Heads Secretary Department Supervisor Wiring Plan Designer (Louis- P. Chief Clerk Lersch) UNION SWITCH AND SIGNAL COMPANY Section Head Interlocking Department 989 Publicity Department Department Chief Secretary to Department Chief Chief, Drafting Division Sales Promotion Department Advertising Manager Secretary to Advertising Manager Assistant Advertising Manager Price Department Chief Estimate Clerk Chief, Price Department Chief Billing Clerk Expediter Chief Clerk Sales Department Secretaries Stenographers Accounting Department Chief, Billing Division Secretary Chief, Voucher Division Patent Department Patent Attorneys Chief Draftsman Secretary G. O. and File Department Chief, Order Department Supervisor , Mailing Section (B. Chief, General File Clerk Wright) Stationery Department Buyer General Office Miscellaneous Chauffeur Relief and Pension Department Medical Examiners Nurses Assistant to Superintendent Secretary (Howard G. Hilt) Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation