Unimedia Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 10, 1978235 N.L.R.B. 1561 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation UNIMEDIA CORPORATION Unimedia Corporation and Automotive Teamsters, Chauffeurs and Miscellaneous Employees Local No. 165, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of Ameri- ca. Case 20-CA-12529 May 10, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND MURPHY On November 23, 1977, Administrative Law Judge Richard J. Boyce issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the Respondent filed excep- tions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions2 of the Administrative Law Judge3 and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge, and hereby orders that the Respondent, Unimedia Cor- poration, Auburn, California, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. I The Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibili- ty unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (C.A. 3, 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. 2 Chairman Fanning and Member Jenkins agree with the Administrative Law Judge that the layoff of Vivian Wood was violative of the Act. However, their conclusion rests on their finding that Wood was an employee-not a supervisor-within the meaning of the Act and that her layoff for antiunion considerations was therefore violative of Sec. 8(a)3) and (I) of the Act. Wood was employed as a lead person in the subassembly department, and she reported directly to Production Manager Zapper. Wood testified that she spent 80 percent of her time performing production work, 10 percent doing paperwork, and 10 percent overseeing the setup of other employees' work. Like other employees, she punched a timeclock and was paid for overtime, Wood had no authority to suspend, discipline, or discharge employees, and she could not authorize overtime. Wood did participate, at the direction of Zapper, in the interviewing of job applicants and the evaluating of employees. However, based on the uncontradicted testimony of Wood and Zapper, it is clear that Zapper made all final decisions as to hiring and evaluating, frequently changed employee evaluations done in pencil by Wood, and independently reviewed actions taken by Wood. Zapper also directed Wood as to making work assignments and determining priority work. Based on the foregoing, Chairman Fanning 235 NLRB No. 215 and Member Jenkins find that the evidence fails to demonstrate that Wood exercised a degree of independent judgment in regard to directing or evaluating employees sufficient to establish that she was a supervisor within the meaning of the Act. 3 Member Murphy adopts the Administrative Law Judge's rationale and conclusions with respect to Vivian Wood in its entirety in the absence of exception thereto. Accordingly, she finds it unnecessary to join in fn. 2, supra. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE RICHARD J. BOYCE, Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard before me in Sacramento, California, on July 18-21, 1977. The charge was filed February 25, 1977, and amended March 23, by Automotive Teamsters, Chauffeurs and Miscellaneous Employees I ocal No. 165, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America (Union). The complaint issued April 28, was amended during the hearing, and alleges that Unimedia Corporation (Respondent) has violated Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5) of the National Labor Relations Act (Act), as amended. The parties were permitted during the hearing to intro- duce relevant evidence, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to argue orally. Posttrial briefs were filed for the General Counsel and for Respondent. 1. JURISDICTION Respondent is a California corporation engaged at a plant in Auburn, California, in modifying television receiv- ers for educational and industrial uses. Its annual sales directly to customers outside California exceed $50,000. Respondent is an employer engaged in and affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. II. LABOR ORGANIZATION The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 111. ISSUES The complaint alleges that Respondent committed vari- ous verbal acts in violation of Section 8(aX)( in February and early March 1977; that it discharged five employees ' on February 11, 1977, and four more2 on February 25, 1977, in violation of Section 8(aX3) and (1); and that it has refused to recognize the Union as the representative of its production and maintenance employees since February 9, 1977, in circumstances constituting a violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1). The answer denies any wrongdoing. 1 Elizabeth Dunford, Vickie Klar, Kenneth Mullins, Mary Pearson, and Vivian Wood. 2 Steven Currell, William Goff, Steven Hickok, and William Moss. 1561 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD IV. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Facts Background: As mentioned, Respondent is engaged in the modification, or "jeeping," of television receivers. It used only Sony brand receivers, in 9-, 12-, 15-, 17-, and 19- inch sizes, at relevant times. Its usual source of supply is Norcal Electronics, Inc., a Sacramento firm. Respondent came into existence in 1970, manufacturing fiberglass television consoles in Hayward, California, near San Francisco. It began to modify receivers in 1971, and moved to Auburn, in the Sierra foothills, in July 1974. The founder and corporate president is William J. McLaughlin. His wife, JoAnn, is vice president and treasurer. The two of them own all of the Company's outstanding stock. They also own the plant premises, which they lease to the corporate entity. In November 1976, McLaughlin told Graig Zapper, Respondent's production manager at the time, that he had moved the Company to Auburn "to get away from the rat race and the union problems" of the bay area, because of the lower wage levels around Auburn, and because Auburn is "such a beautiful area to work in." Preorganizational chronology: By July 1976, according to McLaughlin, Respondent had incurred "an ungodly back- log" of orders, causing concern that it was getting "a bad name in the industry." It then had 12 or 13 production employees and, in addition, contracted out most of the subassembly of printed circuit boards to the Nevada County Rehabilitation Center, a workshop for the handi- capped. The subassembly function consists of building circuit boards and assembling input panels. The produc- tion process then is completed by assembly employees, who adapt the "stuffed" circuit boards to standard receivers. To deal with the backlog, Respondent created the position of production manager in July, and embarked upon a plant expansion project a month or two later. Zapper was hired as production manager. He began an immediate buildup of the work force, to a peak of 34 on about December 1, in part by establishing an in-plant subassembly department in lieu of the arrangement with the rehabilitation center. The expansion project meanwhile moved ahead. It was about 90 percent finished by the time of the hearing, enlarging the floor area from 4,800 to 7,200 square feet and enabling installation of automated sheet metal equipment. In November 1976, Respondent engaged Richard Rhodes, a self-employed business consultant in the nearby town of Nevada City, to evaluate its fiscal procedures. Rhodes' examination revealed that Respondent's proce- dures were "very poor," and on November 12 he submitted a written report recommending a number of corrective measures. Rhodes thereafter was retained as an ongoing financial consultant, on an hourly basis. He concluded, after delving 3 According to a graph attached to Zapper's analysis, previously mentioned. 4 According to a report prepared by Rhodes incidental to the NLRB's investigation of the charge herein. I Thus, starting in mid-December, Zapper canvassed the country for as many of this receiver as could be obtained, to meet pending orders; by letter further into Respondent's situation, that it was in a "very poor cash-flow position." At or about the same time, Zapper did an analysis disclosing that the profit margin in the fiscal year ending October 31 had been only 3 percent and that two of the lines actually had lost money. Rhodes consequently recommended, in November or December, that outside financing be sought to generate operating capital, and began "driving home the need for a price increase" as well. Respondent applied to the two Auburn banks for loans and to Norcal Electronics for relaxation of its $80,000 credit limit. Both loan applications were rejected, Rhodes seeing Respondent's small profit margin as the reason, but Norcal raised the credit limit to $130,000. Whether or not on Rhodes' recommendation, it also was decided that the payroll had become excessive, so attrition was permitted to lower it by nine in December. Complicating the picture, Respondent received unofficial but authoritative word in December that Sony was to discontinue production of its 9-inch receiver. The Sony 9 inch, while not Respondent's most popular adaptation, figured in about 17 percent of dollar sales in the just ended fiscal year,3 and in about 30 percent of numerical sales in the last calendar quarter of 1976. 4 Although official notice of the discontinuance was not to be received from Norcal until February 2, 1977, Respondent began preparing for the eventuality in December.5 By late December, Rhodes had evolved from a financial consultant to an active participant in management general- ly. He told McLaughlin at that point that the Company was "out of hand," and that consideration should be given to reorganization and layoffs. He felt, among other things, that the subassembly department was underproductive and that it might be well to restore that function to the rehabilitation center, which seemingly had done it more economically. On December 31, Rhodes and McLaughlin worked up a new organization chart, reallocating manpow- er and responsibility among Zapper, Karol Freed, the chief engineer, and David Rigg, just hired as materials manager. The chart was implemented January 2. As January progressed, Rhodes testified, "It really became more and more apparent that the company was in very bad financial condition"-that it was "rapidly going downhill." It was known by then, he continued, that November and December "had not been very good months," and he and McLaughlin "may have had prelimi- nary discussions" concerning the trend's persistence through January even though final figures were not in. January invariably is a poor month, according to McLaughlin. At length, on January 25, Rhodes and McLaughlin decided to lay off five assembly and subassembly employ- ees as of Friday, January 28. Selection of the five was made January 27, after consultation with Zapper, Freed, and Rigg, and the move proceeded as planned. There is no contention that this layoff was improper. of January 5, 1977, he informed Respondent's customers of the discontin- uance and the attendant possibility that "orders may be delayed." As it turned out, enough were found not only to meet existing orders, but also to accept new ones as late as February. In addition, quoting from Rhodes' testimony, McLaughlin "was looking for alternatives to the 9-inch as early as December." 1562 UNIMEDIA CORPORATION McLaughlin recalled that Rhodes thought the layoff necessary because of the cash flow situation and argued for the liquidation of the subassembly department, while he regarded the loss of the 9-inch Sony as the overriding consideration and favored retention of subassembly in the belief that its "constructive" possibilities had not been exhausted. The cash situation suffered additional aggrava- tion on January 27, according to Rhodes, when Norcal Electronics lowered Respondent's credit limit from $130,000 to $120,000. This assertedly forced Respondent into a pay-on-delivery posture as a practical matter, the new limit already having been exceeded. On January 28, following the layoff, McLaughlin pre- sided over a meeting of the remaining employees, during which he led them on a tour of the plant, spoke of new products being developed, and talked expansively of Respondent's fine future. He depicted the layoff as elimi- nating "dead wood," and, characterizing those remaining as "the cream of the crop," assured them that their jobs were secure-that there would be no more "weeding out." McLaughlin tempered his enthusiasm, however, citing the loss of the 9-inch Sony as a troublesome circumstance and cautioning that there probably would be no raises for a year or so. Rhodes did not attend this meeting. The organizational activity: The prospect of a year without raises did not sit well with the employees. The Union was contacted and an organizational meeting was held February 4 in an Auburn restaurant, attended by 12 employees and 3 officials of the Union. Also in the restaurant at the time, but not attending, were Zapper and Rigg. One of the Union's officials, Arthur Rose, told Zapper before the meeting that Zapper could not attend because he was a part of management. Rose presided over the meeting, which lasted about 2 hours. He described the structure of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, said that the Union could obtain improved wages and benefits for Respondent's employees, and explained organizing procedures. Authori- zation cards eventually were distributed, Rose stating that, by signing, the employees would be authorizing the Union to represent them. He elaborated that the Union would demand recognition from Respondent on the basis of cards, and that the cards also would be used to support an NLRB election petition. Rose urged that the employees, in addition to signing cards, perfect their memberships in the Union at the earliest opportunity. He said that those joining before a ratification vote on a bargaining contract with Respondent would have to pay only $20 to join-a $6 initiation fee, plus a first month's dues of $14-as against the customary $100. The authorization cards, all identical, were in this form: Authorization for Representation Under the National Labor Relations Act I, the undersigned employee of COMPANY authorize Teamsters Organizing Committee, Division of Local 165, Sacramento, affiliated with INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS, WAREHOUSEMEN AND HELPERS, to repre- sent me in negotiations for better wages, working conditions, fringe benefits and job security. This authorization supersedes any similar authority previously given to any person or organization. My Signature DO NOT PRINT My Address Phone STREET City Dept. Date Present Wage THIS CARD IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL All 12 in attendance signed and turned in cards during the meeting. They were Ronald Bizzell, Steven Currell, Elizabeth Dunford, William Goff, Steven Hickok,6 Vickie Klar, Betty Montgomery, William Moss, Michael New- man, Mary Pearson, Stuart Walmsley, and Vivian Wood. Another, Kenneth Mullins, signed and turned in a card on February 7. 7 His signature was solicited by Wood, who told him that, by signing, he would be designating the Union as his representative. On February 7, the Union sent this letter of demand to Respondent: Automotive Teamsters, Chauffeurs & Miscellaneous Employees, Local Union No. 165, 716 - 19th Street, Sacramento, Calif., 95814, has been authorized by a majority of your employees to represent them for the purposes of collective bargaining on wages, hours and working conditions in the following unit: UNIT EMPLOYEES: All production, assemblers, tech, etc. EXCLUDING: Guards, management personnel, clerical and supervisors as defined by the National Labor Relations Act. We hereby offer to submit the authorization cards signed by your employees to an impartial person for examination and count. We respectfully request that your company recognize this Union as exclusive repre- sentative of the employees as authorized and that negotiations on the terms and conditions of a collective bargaining agreement commence at the earliest possible date. Respondent received the letter February 9. Its comple- ment at that time, management and nonmanagement in all categories, consisted of 24 people. Of the 13 card signers, counsel stipulated during the hearing that all but Vivian Wood were in the demand unit, Respondent contending and the General Counsel disagreeing that Wood was a supervisor and thus out. Four of the nonsigners- 7 Mullins inadvertently dated his card January 7 instead of February 7. ADDRESS 6 Hickok's name is erroneously spelled Hickock in the transcript. 1563 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD McLaughlin, Zapper, Freed, and Rigg-indisputably were supervisors. A fifth nonsigner, Kevin McLaughlin, plainly was outside the unit as the son of the sole shareholders. 8 It is clear, leaving unresolved the disputed status of several other nonsigners, plus Wood, that a majority of the employees in the demand unit had signed before the demand.9 The allegedly unlawful February 11 layoff. On Friday, February 11, Respondent laid off another five employees- Elizabeth Dunford, Vickie Klar, Mary Pearson, and Vivian Wood, all subassemblers, plus Kenneth Mullins, an assem- bler and sheet metal worker. The subassembly department thus was eliminated, although, as will be seen, Klar returned to work the following Monday and continued to do some subassembly work. This layoff is alleged to have been unlawful. Those being laid off learned of their selection at or about 10 a.m. on February II, when Zapper called them to his office in a group to give them their final checks and letters of recommendation. He told them the layoff was occa- sioned by an overstock of subassembly parts, and that they were invited to an employee meeting afterwards for particulars. Their checks and letters had been hurriedly prepared that morning. McLaughlin recalled that "it was a very hurried day because we had so much work that we had to get done"; JoAnn McLaughlin, enlisted to assist, testified of its being a "very busy" morning; and Zapper remembered that the shortness of time "caused errors in some of the checks" and prevented some of the letters of recommendation from being done by the time he had summoned the employees to his office. In addition to the checks and letters, this notice, drafted in rough by McLaughlin the night before, was prepared and posted the morning of February 11: February 11, 1977 TO ALL EMPLOYEES: UNIMEDIA has experienced additional delays in changing over to a replacement nine-inch model for the SMT-9 and UMT-9 Series. We have experienced similar delays in getting the new ULT Series into production. We presently find ourselves with an inven- tory of subassemblies (2 months) sufficient for phase out of the present SMT/UMT 9 and the present UMT 17 and UMT 19. We plan to discontinue the UMT-12 series shortly and have announced the discontinuance of the UMT-15. In order to prevent the small profit factor we have experienced recently from going negative, we unfortu- 8 A conclusion disputed by Respondent during the hearing, but conced- ed in its brief. See, generally. Cerni Motor Sales, Inc., 201 NLRB 918 (1973); Parisoff Drive-In Market, Inc., 201 NLRB 813 (1973). 9 In patent disregard of the stipulation of counsel, and without explica- tion, Respondent contends in its brief that Bizzell should be excluded. It further contends in its brief, on an expectation-of-recall theory, that those laid off January 28 should be included. That issue was not litigated, the plain sense of the stipulation being to remove those people from consider- ation. Because of the conclusivity to be given stipulations, these contentions are rejected. E.g., The Kroger Co., Houston Division, 211 NLRB 363, 364 (1974). s0 On February I , early in the morning, Rose and another union official nately must implement an additional cut back in the PC assembly area. We appreciate your support and hope you under- stand the present predicament which is created by Sony's policy of cutting products that we use from their product line without prior notice. We are desperately looking for alternate stable sources of product to prevent repeat situations in the future. We have prepared letters of recommendation for employees that will be laid off and have marked their personnel files for rehire. Sincerely yours, William J. McLaughlin The employee meeting mentioned by Zapper convened in late morning of February 11. It lasted about 30 minutes, with Rhodes doing most of the talking. He used no notes. Rhodes introduced himself as Respondent's financial adviser, then declared that this latest layoff was an economic move necessary to give the engineering depart- ment time to get new product lines together. He stated that the action also was indicated by an overstock of subassem- bly parts, by the loss of the Sony 9-inch, and by Respon- dent's "very critical economic times" in general. He then embarked upon a detailed recital of economic data, speaking of "lagging" accounts receivable, a lack of purchase orders, the $10,000 credit reduction imposed by Norcal, and a reputed $30,000 deficit incurred in the November-through-January quarter. Rhodes' recital, however, was not one of unrelieved bleakness. To forestall employee "bolting and running," as he put it, he mentioned new products that were being developed, voiced the hope that there would be no more layoffs, and "stressed very strongly the fact that the company would survive." The union situation surfaced about halfway through the presentation, when Rhodes called attention to the Union's demand letter and read a telegram received from the Union that morning.' 0 After stating that the layoff had nothing to do with the demand and acknowledging the employees' right to organize, Rhodes declared that he saw the Union as "a problem" since, in his opinion, Respon- dent was in no financial condition to pay union wage and benefit levels. Building on that theme, he proclaimed that Respondent would not accept a union, that there are legal ways to avoid doing so. He elaborated that Respondent could "roll over and die," emerging as a research-and- development or engineering laboratory with no production employees, or could use an all salaried production crew. sought to meet with McLaughlin at the plant. They had learned the day before that another layoff was in prospect, and they told McLaughlin of their concern that Respondent not commit unfair labor practices. McLaugh- lin would have none of it, peremptorily demanding that they leave. In the same vein, the Union sent this telegram, received by Respondent the morning February I I: Please be informed that any action you may take regarding your employees and our members could possibly be an unfair labor practice, and could result in a prison term, a fine, or both. We recommend that you consult a labor attorney before taking any action. 1564 UNIMEDIA CORPORATION One way or another, he reiterated, the Company would "survive this crisis." A question-and-answer period followed, during which Kenneth Mullins reminded McLaughlin of his cream-of- the-crop remark and assurances of job security on January 28, and asked what had happened. McLaughlin replied: "The Union happened." Rhodes quickly interjected that McLaughlin meant it takes money to pay legal fees to fight unions, and that that was the reason for the layoff. Rhodes ended the meeting by saying that Respondent wanted the employees to rethink their feelings about union representation over the weekend, then devote the first hour of work Monday morning to reexamining their sentiments collectively. " Moments before the meetingjust described, McLaughlin and Rhodes summoned Betty Montgomery, Respondent's most senior employee, to McLaughlin's office, where, as McLaughlin remembered, "we kind of presented the speech to her that we [later] presented to the rest of the employees." In so doing, Rhodes told Montgomery that Respondent was financially unable to deal with a union, and McLaughlin told of a friend whose business had gone broke allegedly because of a union.'2 Rhodes showed Montgomery some "facts and figures" purporting to depict Respondent's economic distress, adverted to the problems posed by the loss of the Sony 9-inch, and said that Respondent's doors "could be closed" because of the Union. 13 And February 11, after the employee meeting, Zapper heard JoAnn McLaughlin report to her husband that she had just returned from a market where a number of the employees had gathered, and that it appeared that they were "all against us." She asked: "What's going to happen, Bill? Are we going to lose the company?" McLaughlin replied that he did not think so; that Respondent had "various options," one of which would be to "cut back to the bone and allow our accounts receivable to wash over us while we wait out this union problem." 14 The record is in conflict concerning the deliberations that preceded the February 11 layoff. Rhodes testified that he and McLaughlin seriously considered the idea during a meeting of the two on Friday, February 4. The meeting had been prompted, he continued, by verification that Respon- dent had incurred a November-through-January deficit exceeding $30,000 and was "losing money in virtually every phase of business," and by the February 2 receipt of " This credited version of the meeting is an amalgam of the nmutually reinforcing testimony of Zapper. Steven Currell, Elizabeth Dunford, Steven Hickok, Vickie Klar, Betty Montgomery, Kenneth Mullins, Mary Pearson. and Vivian Wood. Rhodes admittedly stated that Respondent "would operate in virtually any form that it had to to exist, even if that meant limiting production" or using management "out there on the line." He asserts, however, that those remarks were in the context of Respondent's overall economic dilemma, not the union situation. rhis, of course, does not square with his professed concern, when addressing himself to the economic picture, that he hold forth a sufficient prospect of job security to keep the employees from "bolting and running." Rhodes denies saying that Respondent would not accept a union, or that he linked the layoff to Respondent's need of money to fight the Union. That the latter point was made is indicated not only by the preponderance of testimony about the meeting, but also by McLaughlin's admittedly saying during the meeting that "it costs lots of money to contest labor disputes," by Respondent's thereafter posting notices on the bulletin board detailing the Norcal's "official" notification about the Sony 9-inch receiver. That "was the first time," Rhodes averred, "that I really became cognizant of the fact that, without a 9-inch television set, Unimedia would be in a lot of trouble." It had become apparent, he elaborated, that Respondent's "livelihood virtually demanded that we secure additional 9- inch sets." On February 7, after thinking on it over the weekend, Rhodes stated, he and McLaughlin decided to eliminate the subassembly department on February 11, and to tell Zapper, Freed, and Rigg on February 8. The supervisors were told on February 8, according to Rhodes, and he and McLaughlin began plans that same day for an all-employee meeting on February II enabling Rhodes to explain the Company's action. Rhodes denies knowing of the union activity when the decision was made, stating that his first knowledge came with news of the Union's demand letter. McLaughlin's testimony of the prelayoff deliberations, although doubtless intended to coincide with and reinforce that of Rhodes, succeeded only occasionally. He testified at one point. consistently with Rhodes, that they contemplat- ed the decision on February 4 and that it was "finally made" on February 7; and that major considerations were the "quite shocking" revelation of the $30,000 deficit and formal word that "the 9 was dead." McLaughlin further testified, however, that Rhodes recommended elimination of the subassembly department because of an overstock of subassembly parts as revealed by an inventory purportedly done by Zapper February 2-a notable omission from the Rhodes version. McLaughlin testified elsewhere that he and Rhodes met "about a week" after the January 28 layoff and that the decision to effect a second layoff "must have been [made] at that meeting," there being no intimation that the process spanned two meetings separated by a weekend; and yet elsewhere that the decision was made on February 8. The discrepancies multiplied and worsened with McLaughlin's assertion that Zapper and the other supervisors first were told of the decision on February 4, then that it was on February 7, then that "I'm not clear on my dates," and finally: "I don't recall a meeting with Mr. Zapper." At still another point, McLaughlin testified that Zapper, Freed, and Rigg "were told about the layoffs" during a manage- ment meeting the morning of February 11. McLaughlin. mounting legal expenses of the antiunion effort. and by McLaughlin's uncontrovertedly hewing to that theme in conversations with Steven Hickok, detailed below. 12 Similarly, in two instances in November 1976, McLaughlin told Zapper about the labor problems of a friend in the bay area. McLaughlihn vowed both times that there was "no way" he would allow a union in hi, plant. '3 That Rhodes made the remarks attributed to him is based on Montgomery's credible and uncontroverted testimony 14 Zapper is credited that this exchange occurred, the denials of the two McLaughlins notwithstanding. As will be shown later, McLaughlin's credibility was badly flawed much of the time. Nor was Mrs. McLaughlin particularly convincing. She testified that her husband never discussed his attitude towards unions with her before February II, and that she did not know what his attitude was. While this perhaps is possible, it is so unlikely in the circumstances as to suggest that her paramount concern while testifying was not the truth. Zapper's testimony, in contrast, was believable because of his overall demeanor and its richness of detail. 1565 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD like Rhodes, denies knowledge of the union activity when the decision was made.15 The point of sharpest evidentiary conflict surrounds an alleged management meeting on February 10. Zapper, the General Counsel's principal witness, testified that McLaughlin, Rhodes, Freed, Rigg, and he met in McLaughlin's office that day-he could not recall if morning or afternoon-in reaction to the Union's demand, received February 9. McLaughlin and Rhodes deny that there was such a meeting. Freed, as is later developed, tends to corroborate Zapper. Rigg did not testify. Zapper testified that Rhodes opened the meeting by saying that he supposed everyone knew by then about the Union's letter, after which the letter was discussed. McLaughlin presently wondered aloud who the "perpetra- tor" might be, as Zapper recalled, triggering a round of speculation concerning those for and against the Company vis-a-vis the Union. Zapper continued that various names "were tossed back and forth," with McLaughlin expressing the belief that Betty Montgomery "probably wasn't in- volved," and that Stuart Walmsley probably was not either, "because he was almost like a member of the family." The meeting eventually focused upon possible alterna- tives, according to Zapper, with Freed suggesting that Respondent might become a research-and-development operation, and "farm out the [production] work." Zapper stated that someone else raised the idea of production tasks being done by management personnel, and that Rhodes advocated laying off as many as possible who might vote for the Union, expanding that, if "handled properly," it would appear as "an extension" of the January 28 economic layoff. Another alternative, that of recognizing the Union, received lip service, according to Zapper. Zapper recalled that McLaughlin favored Rhodes' layoff idea, echoing Rhodes that it would eliminate union votes should there be an election. With that, Zapper continued, he and Rigg were told to inventory subassembly stocks that evening, and the meeting ended seemingly without a final decision. As indicated, Zapper received significant corroboration from Freed that the meeting took place and that it approximated Zapper's description. Freed, one of Respon- dent's witnesses, testified on cross-examination, before retreating into a shell of resolute and self-impeaching nonremembrance, that there was a management meeting after the union demand, "to determine what its [Respon- dent's] position should be with respect to the employees' interest in a union," and that they "possibly" discussed 1s McLaughlin's testimony was punctuated by an overnight recess. Upon resuming the second day, he testified that he had had memory problems the day before because he had neglected to take medication for a "high blood pressure condition." The discrepancies in his testimony, however, were not confined to the first day. Further, absent confirmation by competent medical authority, it would be inappropriate to give less than full face value to the first-day record he made. IF Freed explained his claimed inability to recall this way: "I don't usually remember a lot of details of things that are not related to engineering and electronics. It's a peripheral thing and I have a memory of relevances. If something is not really important to me and not really relative, it exists, it happens, and it's gone. That's essentially it." 17 There is no evidence that the January 28 layoff was accompanied by comparable turmoil. "who among the employees wanted the Union and who didn't." In augmentation of their denials concerning the meeting, Rhodes and McLaughlin testified that Rhodes visited the plant only briefly the morning of February 10, and then in the company of another Rhodes client, a plumber by the name of Dan Wheat. McLaughlin, although "rather frus- trated" at "taking the time out to entertain somebody from the outside"-"we had a lot of things happening at Unimedia"-supposedly took Wheat on a quick tour of the plant, after which they all journeyed to the site of a new home McLaughlin was building, to discuss some work Wheat was to do. Then they returned to the plant, so the story goes, whereupon McLaughlin briefly showed the Union's letter to Rhodes, beyond earshot of Wheat, after which Rhodes and Wheat departed at about lunchtime. Wheat, called by Respondent, corroborated Rhodes and McLaughlin. That afternoon, according to Rhodes, he called on Respondent's corporate attorney about the Union's demand, but did not return to the plant. Neither Rhodes' appointment book nor his February billing of Respondent reflects a February 10 meeting. Zapper is credited regarding the February 10 meeting, and Rhodes and McLaughlin perforce are discredited in their renditions of prior deliberations leading to an earlier layoff decision. As noted before, Zapper's demeanor was convincing and his testimony rich in persuasive detail. Freed's corroboration, although spare, must be given especial weight because of his manifest reluctance and eventual refusal to say anything that might redound to Respondent's detriment,I beyond which Rhodes' and McLaughlin's stories of prior deliberations are flawed by inconsistencies on fundamental matters, McLaughlin in particular betraying a dearth of testimonial reliability. Finally, the turmoil on February II dealing with the paperwork component,s 7 coupled with McLaughlin's rough drafting of the notice to employees just the night before, suggests a freshly minted decision.18 There is no dispute that McLaughlin, Rhodes, Zapper, Freed, and Rigg met in McLaughlin's office the morning of February 11, in advance of the layoff. It was at this meeting, according to McLaughlin at one stage of his testimony, that Zapper, Freed, and Rigg "were told about the layoffs." Consistent with that, Zapper testified that he tendered a written inventory report he and Rigg had prepared the night before, and that Rhodes announced, after looking at it, that a layoff of the subassembly department, plus Mullins, "would be in order." 19 Rhodes 1i This is not to ignore the alibi involving Wheat, or the voids in Rhodes' appointment book and February billing. The Wheat alibi, if credited, accounted only for the morning of February 10, whereas Zapper could not recall if the meeting was morning or afternoon; and Rhodes exuded far too much sophistication to leave a self-incriminating "paper trail." Although now practicing his livelihood in a small town, Rhodes has had years of high- level corporate experience-with Bechtel Corporation, in a division respon- sible for its business ethics worldwide, as controller for Dart Industries, and as controller for Boise Cascade Corporation. t9 The implication being that the inventory showed an overstock of subassembly parts. Zapper credibly testified in explanation of the docu- 1566 UNIMEDIA CORPORATION or McLaughlin also announced-this being undisputed- that there would be an employee meeting later in the morning at which Rhodes would justify the layoff. They then discussed Respondent's "ongoing need" for some subassembly work, according to Zapper, and he recommended retention of Vivian Wood, the most senior subassembler. McLaughlin excepted to that, prompting Zapper to mention Vickie Klar, she having had both assembly and subassembly experience. McLaughlin agreed, instructing Zapper, as Zapper recalled, to "catch her in the parking lot before she gets out and have her report to work Monday morning." Zapper testified that, in this same meeting, speculation arose anew about the union sentiments of particular employees, with Freed saying he would speak with Steven Hickok to ascertain his views. McLaughlin's version of this meeting differs from Zap- per's in two notable respects. He testified telling Zapper to have Klar "come back sometime next week and we'll see if we could find work for her," but that he had nothing specific in mind and envisioned her coming in "the latter part of the week." McLaughlin further testified that the Zapper-Rigg inventory was dated and turned in February 2, and was a basis for the supposed earlier deliberations between him and Rhodes, even though his pretrial affidavit gives a February II date for the inventory. Trying to reconcile the discrepancy, McLaughlin stated that, in photocopying the original of the inventory, that portion of the margin bearing the date was not reproduced, and that the original later was lost. The February II date in his affidavit consequently "was an oversight on my part," he continued. Rhodes had little to say about the meeting except to say that it was "very short," to acknowledge its undisputed elements, and to mirror McLaughlin regarding the Klar matter. Freed contributed nothing of substance other than to deny that he spoke of seeking Hickok's sentiments. Rigg, to repeat, did not testify. Zapper's version of the meeting is credited. Apart from the credibility considerations previously raised, there was a telltale lack of meaningful corroboration among McLaugh- lin, Rhodes, and Freed about the meeting. Additionally, McLaughlin's attempted reconciliation of the date discrep- ancy regarding the inventory was lame beyond belief; and, as will be seen, Zapper was verified by ensuing events- Klar did return to a waiting job the next Monday, and Freed did interrogate Hickok. As indicated, Freed and Hickok had a conversation shortly after the meeting just described, Freed asking why the employees wanted union representation. Hickok men- tioned low pay, mandatory overtime without notice, and a cutback in unspecified benefits. Freed responded that he opposes unions because they "put people in a box" that precludes advancement based on merit, and that he had quit some jobs for that reason. 20 ment, however, that it disclosed an insufficient inventory to meet some pending orders, and that some of the overstocks pertained to lines being discontinued. 20 Hickok is credited concerning this conversation, Freed's denials notwithstanding. Hickok imparted testimonial sincenty, while Freed, as mentioned, was singularly unimpressive in that regard. 21 Dunford's version of this conversation is credited. Mrs. McLaughlin Also as indicated, Zapper informed Klar as she was leaving the plant following the employee meeting that, while it had been necessary to lay off the entire subassem- bly department, she was to return to work the next Monday. She did return, was put to work, and stayed on the payroll until April 27, when there was a general layoff of 5 or 6 weeks. She continued to do some subassembly work, although less than before, as did employees who had worked before in other areas. In early March, Elizabeth Dunford, one of those laid off February II, had a conversation with JoAnn McLaughlin in an Auburn grocery store. Dunford said that the layoff had been difficult for her because she was going through a divorce and had a young son to support. Mrs. McLaughlin responded that, if the employees had been "more patient" and not "tried to get a union in," "things would have worked out" and the employees "could have had better working conditions or more pay."2 ' The allegedly unlawful February 25 layoff: On Friday, February 25, there was yet another layoff. It affected four employees-Steven Currell, William Goff, Steven Hickok, and William Moss-and, like that of February II, is alleged to have been unlawful. It reduced Respondent's complement to about the prebuildup level of the preceding July. The decision was made February 15, to be implemented February 18, during a meeting of McLaughlin, Rhodes, and Freed in Rhodes' Nevada City office. McLaughlin and Freed had been in Los Angeles the day before, exploring with the Hitachi people the feasibility of a substitute for the Sony 9-inch receiver. It was that trip's reputed failure that triggered the decision, according to Rhodes and McLaugh- lin, although Rhodes assertedly urged a further cutback on the more general ground that Respondent was "going down the drain" because back orders "were virtually nonexistent" and the Company was "strapped for cash." It was agreed to reduce the crew to pre-Zapper proportions, Rhodes suggesting selection by seniority because "we're probably treading on some thin ice" in light of the union ferment. Zapper was not privy to this decision, apparently having lost favor with McLaughlin. Rhodes long since had told McLaughlin that Zapper "wasn't heavy enough" for the responsibilities of his position. And, anticipating the February 25 layoff, Respondent was to discharge Zapper on February 21, McLaughlin observing at the time that Zapper had "fostered an environment" conducive to the union problem by failing to communicate properly with the employees. 22 The February 18 implementation date later was discard- ed when Respondent's corporate attorney "panicked"- Rhodes' term-and advised consultation with someone more expert in labor law. A Sacramento law firm conse- quently was consulted on February 18, purportedly advis- ing that, in all the circumstances, the layoff would be all admits to a conversation with Dunford in a grocery store, but denies that she linked the layoff to the union situation. Dunford evinced sincerity under oath, whereas Mrs. McLaughlin's testimony suffered from evasiveness and indulgence in self-serving implausibilities of the sort mentioned in an earlier footnote. 22 Zapper's discharge is not alleged to have been unlawful. 1567 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD right. With that, February 25 was settled upon, with seniority to govern. Rhodes had "pushed" for February 21, but was overruled by McLaughlin, who wanted a chance to speak individually with the chosen four first. Explaining, McLaughlin testified that, "in the event that we would have to call anybody back, I wanted them to know exactly why they were being laid off." McLaughlin accordingly called each of the four to his office on Monday and Tuesday before February 25. He related to them the by then hoary saga of economic woe, and avoided any mention of the union situation. On February 14-the day before this latest layoff decision, and in keeping with Rhodes' parting words at the February 11 all-employee meeting-the employees had been granted an hour at the start of work to review their feelings about the Union. They decided quickly and with apparent unanimity that they still wanted representation, a sentiment conveyed to Rhodes at or about 9 a.m. Rhodes' only response was that he would pass the word to McLaughlin, who was in Los Angeles with Freed. Later that same day, the Union filed a petition for election with the NLRB. 23 Zapper credibly testified that, in the last few days of his employment, McLaughlin asked him "once a day, maybe more," who was for and who against the Company, and what kind of information Zapper had received in that regard. Zapper credibly testified, as well, of a conversation on or about February 18 with McLaughlin in which McLaughlin said of William Goff, one of those to be laid off on February 25: "I really think he's one of the troublemakers; one of the individuals who is out to get us, and one of the ones who is against us." 24 On February 25, incidental to laying off Hickok, McLaughlin voiced the hope of recalling him in perhaps 3 months, after things had "picked up." McLaughlin repeat- ed the litany concerning Respondent's economic plight, then stated that the Union had come at a "bad time," considering the other problems, and that Respondent "needed money to fight the Union." 25 About a week later, in a telephone conversation, McLaughlin expressed sur- prise that Hickok had cited "union activities" as the reason for discharge on his application for unemployment bene- fits. Hickok said that the Union had advised him to do that, adding: "Bill, you've got to admit that the Union played a big part in all this." McLaughlin admitted that, "indirectly," that was true, explaining that the Union "had hit us at a bad time" and that Respondent "needed money to fight" it.26 On April 27, as previously mentioned, Respondent laid off all of its remaining production and maintenance employees for 5 or 6 weeks. The primary reason was the inability of its supplier of transformers to keep it in supply. 23 Case 20-RC-14077. Processing of the petition was "blocked" at the time of the hearing because of the present proceeding. 24 McLaughlin's denials that he said this and that he interrogated Zapper about the emplcyees' union feelings are discredited for the reasons previously stated in crediting Zapper's word over his. 25 This is based on Hickok's credible and uncontroverted testimony. 2" This is based on Hickok's credible and uncontroverted testimony. 27 Klar is credited agaiast McLaughlin's denial that this was said. Klar was a convincing witness, and the circumstance of her being on the payroll when she testified would be something of a deterrent against fabrication adverse to Respondent's interests. McLaughlin's assertion that "the word In June, a few days after the resumption of operations, McLaughlin and Klar had a conversation in McLaughlin's office, during which he stated, with reference to the February layoffs, that he thought Respondent had "gotten rid of all the culprits." 27 B. Conclusions The alleged violations of Section 8(a)(3) and (1): It is concluded that the layoffs of both February 11 and 25 were motivated by antiunion considerations, and therefore violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1).28 The decision concerning the February 11 layoff was made and implemented within 2 days after receipt of the Union's demand letter, and Zapper's credited description of the decisionmaking process explicitly establishes that antiunion considerations were dispositive. Equally explicit, McLaughlin cited "the Union" when asked during the February 11 employee meeting why his earlier assurances of job security no longer applied, to which Rhodes injected his no less damning clarification that the layoff was dictated by the need for money to fight the Union. Further, while the January 28 layoff would indicate some economic dislocation, the record suggests tactical manipu- lation, after the Union's demand, to create artificial signs of distress. The layoff and recall of Klar on the same day, for instance, revealed a purposeful smokescreen, as did the deception about an overstock of subassembly parts when the Zapper-Rigg inventory was to the contrary, and as did McLaughlin's February 11 comment to his wife that one of Respondent's options was to "cut back to the bone and allow our accounts receivable to wash over us while we wait out this union problem." In addition, except for the falsely claimed subassembly overstock, the economic factors allegedly compelling the February 11 layoff-the loss of the 9-inch Sony, the November-through-January deficit, Norcal's reduction of the credit limit, etc.-were plainly evident before the January 28 layoff, yet did not prevent McLaughlin's promising job security to those who survived it. As McLaughlin candidly acknowledged on February 11, the only new circumstance was "the Union." Other factors, as well, point to unlawful motivation, among them McLaughlin's vow never to have a union in the plant and his "culprits" remark, JoAnn McLaughlin's grocery store remark to Dunford that "things would have worked out" had the employees not "tried to get a union in," and the prodigal disregard of the oath by Respondent's witnesses. The timing of the February 25 layoff decision was incriminating, too, coming only a day after: (a) the employees' February 14 revelation to Rhodes that they still 'culprits' isn't in my vocabulary" did not ring true, particularly in view of the manifold indicia of his testimonial unreliability. 28 Assuming without deciding that Vivian Wood, laid off February I 11, was a supervisor, her layoff nevertheless violated Sec. 8(aXl) because it was "motivated by a desire to discourage union activities in general among the employees" rather than by a concern that she, as a claimed supervisor, had abetted the organizational drive. Heck's Inc., 170 NLRB 178, 184, fn. 8 (1968). See also General Nutrition Center, Inc., 221 NLRB 850, 858-859 (1975); Fairview Nursing Home, 202 NLRB 318, fn. 2 (1973); Krebs and King Toyota, Inc., 197 NLRB 462, 463, fn. 4 (1972); Pioneer Drilling Co., Inc., 162 NLRB 918, 923 (1967). 1568 UNIMEDIA CORPORATION desired union representation and (b) the Union's filing for an NLRB election. And, just as McLaughlin had made assurances of job security on January 28, Rhodes remarked at the February I I employee meeting-only 2 workdays before the decision concerning the February 25 layoff- that he hoped there would be no more layoffs. The only intervening circumstance that might have invalidated Rhodes' remark, aside from the untoward developments of February 14 relating to the Union, was McLaughlin's and Freed's reputedly fruitless trip to Los Angeles. There is no reason to believe, certainly, that the various economic indicators pretextuously cited in support of the February II layoff somehow had alchemized from lead to gold in the meantime. Had the Los Angeles trip truly been freighted with such profound implications, however, it is unlikely that Rhodes would have played on the employees' hopes in that manner only 3 days before. Moreover, McLaughlin twice told Hickok, with reference to the February 25 layoff, that it had been dictated by a need for money to fight the Union. Finally, McLaughlin's antiunion vow and "culprits" remark, mentioned above, and the self-serving propensities of Respondent's witnesses, are as relevant to the February 25 layoff as to that of February I Ith. The alleged violation of Section 8(a)(S) and (1): It is concluded that Respondent, by failing to honor the Union's demand for recognition in the circumstances of this case, also violated Section 8(aX5) and (1). By February 7, the Union had achieved a clear card majority, whereupon it demanded recognition in what was essentially a production and maintenance unit. The de- mand unit was appropriate, and there was nothing in the content of the cards or in the manner of their solicitation to invalidate the majority for recognitional purposes. 29 Be- yond that, by unlawfully laying off nine people, comprising all but four of the card signers, Respondent destroyed any possibility of, and forfeited its right to, an NLRB election as a valid test of employee sentiment on the issue of union representation. A bargaining-order remedy therefore is necessary and proper to protect the employees' right of representation, and Respondent's disregard to the Union's majority- backed demand consequently violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1). E.g., Randall P. Kane, Inc., d/b/a The Catalyst, 230 NLRB 355 (1977); Donn Products, Inc., & American Metals Corporation 229 NLRB (1977); Four Winds Industries, Inc., 228 NLRB 1124 (1977); Hambre Hombre Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Panchito's 228 NLRB 136 (1977); Jimmy Dean Meat Company, Inc., of Texas, 227 NLRB 1012 (1977); Trading Port, Inc., 219 NLRB 298 (1975). The alleged independent violations of Section 8(a)(1): The complaint alleges that, in February 1977, McLaughlin, 29 The Union's offer of a reduced fee for those joining to the time of a contract-ratification vote-i.e., sometime after any representation election- was not an invalidating inducement. N. L. R. B. v. Savair Manufacturing Co., 414 U.S. 270 (1973); Certain-Teed Products Corporation v. N.LR.B., 562 F.2d 500 (C.A. 7, 1977). 30 Regardless of the legality of the layoffs, it is no defense that the March remarks of McLaughlin to Hickok and of JoAnn McLaughlin to Dunford occurred after Hickok and Dunford had been laid off As stated in Little Rock Crate & Basket Co., 227 NLRB 1406 (1977), each dischargee "remained a statutory 'employee' within the meaning of Section 2(3) of the Act, as the Board has long held that that term means 'members of the Rhodes, or both, unlawfully told employees that Respon- dent would not permit them to have union representation, that it would go out of business or contract out work rather than recognize the Union, that it had laid off employees to have money with which to fight the Union, that their union activities had impaired their job security, and that it would lock them out if they did not withdraw their designation of the Union to represent them. The complaint further alleges that, in February, Freed unlawfully interrogated an employee concerning his and his fellow employees' union activities, and that, in early March, McLaughlin and JoAnn McLaughlin told employ- ees that the February layoffs had been caused by their union involvement. Summarizing the credited evidence, Rhodes declared in the February 11 employee meeting that Respondent would not accept a union; that it could "roll over and die," emerging in a different form, to avoid the Union; and that the February I layoff had been prompted by a need for money to fight the Union. McLaughlin stated in the same meeting that his January 28 assurances of job security no longer applied because of "the Union." Also on February II 1, before the employee meeting, Rhodes told Betty Montgomery that Respondent's doors "could be closed" because of the Union; and Freed, after previously stating his intention to learn Hickok's views about the Union, asked Hickok why the employees wanted union representation. On February 25 and again in early March, McLaughlin told Hickok, in explanation of the layoffs, that Respondent needed money to fight the Union; and, in early March, JoAnn McLaughlin told Dunford in a grocery store that "things would have worked out" had the employees not "tried to get a union in." It is concluded, based on the foregoing, that Respondent independently violated Section 8(a)(1) substantially as alleged.30 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. By its layoffs of February 11 and 25, 1977, as found herein, Respondent violated Section 8(aX3) and (1) of the Act. 2. By failing to recognize the Union as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of its employees in the appropriate production and maintenance unit after Febru- ary 9, 1977, as found herein, Respondent violated Section 8(aX5) and (I) of the Act. 3. By telling its employees that it would not accept a union; that it would "roll over and die," emerging in a different form, to avoid the Union; that its doors "could be closed" because of the Union; that the layoffs of February working class generally,' including 'former employees of a particular employer.' In concluding that JoAnn McLaughlin's remarks to Dunford are binding on Respondent, consideration is given to her coownership of all of Respondent's outstanding stock, her spousal relationship with its chief executive officer, and her position as corporate vice president and treasurer, the aggregate of which would lead an employee to believe she was speaking and acting for the Company. Cf. N. LR.B. v. Gerbes Super Markets, Inc., 436 F.2d 19, 21 (C.A. 8, 1971); Sprouse-Reitz Co., Inc.. 199 NLRB 943, fn. 2 (1972); American Door Company, Inc., 181 NLRB 37, 43 (1970). 1569 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 11 and 25 had been prompted by a need for money to fight the Union; that earlier assurances of job security no longer applied because of "the Union"; and that "things would have worked out" had the employees not "tried to get a union in"; and by interrogating an employee why its employees wanted union representation, all as found herein, Respondent in each instance violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue this recommended: ORDER 31 The Respondent, Unimedia Corporation, Auburn, Cali- fornia, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Laying off or otherwise discriminating against em- ployees because of the union activities of some or all of them. (b) Refusing to recognize Automotive Teamsters, Chauf- feurs and Miscellaneous Employees Local No. 165, Inter- national Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Ware- housemen and Helpers of America, as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of its employees in this appropriate unit: All production and maintenance employees of Unime- dia Corporation at its plant in Auburn, California, excluding office clerical employees, professional em- ployees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. (c) Telling its employees that it would not accept a union; that it would "roll over and die," emerging in a different form, to avoid the Union; that its doors "could be closed" because of the Union; that the layoffs of February I and 25 had been prompted by a need for money to fight the Union; that earlier assurances of job security no longer applied because of "the Union"; and that "things would have worked out" had the employees not "tried to get a union in"; and from interrogating employees why they want union representation. (d) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in their exercise of rights under the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is deemed necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Upon request, recognize and bargain with the above- named labor organization as the exclusive representative of the employees in the above-described unit concerning their wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employ- ment; and, if an understanding is reached, embody it in a signed document if asked to do so. (b) Offer to the nine people unlawfully laid off on February 11 and 25, 1977, immediate and full reinstate- ment to their former jobs or, if any such jobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent jobs, without prejudice to their seniority and other rights and privileges, and make them whole for any loss of earnings and/or benefits suffered by reason of the unlawful layoffs.32 (c) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board, or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records and reports, and all other records necessary for determination of the amounts owing under the terms of this Order. (d) Post at its plant in Auburn, California, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 33 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 20, after being duly signed by Respondent's authorized representative, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are custom- arily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respon- dent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 20, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. 31 All outstanding motions inconsistent with this recommended Order hereby are denied. In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 32 Backpay and interest thereon to be computed in the manner prescnbed in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977). See, generally, Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). 33 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Act gives all employees the following rights: To organize themselves To form, join, or support unions To bargain as a group through a representative they choose To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from any or all such activity except to the extent that the employees' bargaining representative and employer have a collective- bargaining agreement which imposes a lawful requirement that employees become union mem- bers. WE WILL NOT lay off or otherwise discriminate against employees because of the union activities of some or all of them. WE WILL NOT refuse to recognize Automotive Team- sters, Chauffeurs and Miscellaneous Employees Local No. 165, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, as 1570 UNIMEDIA CORPORATION the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of our employees in this appropriate unit: All production and maintenance employees of Unimedia Corporation at its plant in Auburn, California, excluding office clerical employees, professional employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. WE WILL NOT tell our employees that we will not accept a union; that we will "roll over and die," emerging in a different form, to avoid the Union; that our doors "could be closed" because of the Union; that the layoffs of February 11 and 25, 1977, were prompted by a need for money to fight the Union; that our earlier assurances of job security no longer apply because of "the Union"; and that "things would have worked out" had the employees not "tried to get a union in"; and WE WILL NOT interrogate employees why they want union representation. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in their exercise of rights under the Act. WE WILL, upon request, recognize and bargain with the above-named labor organization as the exclusive representative of the employees in the above-described unit concerning their wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment; and, if an understanding is reached, embody it in a signed document if asked to do so. WE WILL offer to the nine people unlawfully laid off on February 11 and 25, 1977, immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs or, if any such jobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent jobs, without prejudice to their seniority and other rights and privileges; and make them whole for any loss of earnings and/or benefits suffered by reason of the unlawful layoffs. UNIMEDIA CORPORATION *U. S. I)O ER:I tNM FZN I 'R N I IN () I ICEt U--281-49 1571 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation