Twilight Haven, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 2, 1978235 N.L.R.B. 1337 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation TWILIGHT HAVEN, INCORPORATED Twilight Haven, Incorporated and Hospital and Insti- tutional Workers Union, Local 250, SEIU, AFL- CIO. Cases 32-CA-189 (formerly 20-CA-12692) and 32-RC-22 (formerly 20-RC-14003) May 2, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND MURPHY On December 14, 1977, Administrative Law Judge William J. Pannier III issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief, the General Counsel filed an answering brief, and the General Counsel and Petitioner filed limited cross-exceptions and supporting briefs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions, cross- exceptions, and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administra- tive Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified below. 2 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified, below and hereby orders that the Respon- dent, Twilight Haven, Incorporated, Fresno, Califor- nia, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, as so modified: Insert the following paragraph after the final paragraph of the Order: "IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the objections to the conduct of the election filed by Petitioner in Case 32-RC-22 be sustained; that the election be set aside; and that the petition in Case 32-RC-22 be dismissed." Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibili- ty unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950). enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (C.A. 3, 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. We also find totally without merit Respondent's allegations of bias and prejudice on the part of the Administrative Law Judge, nor do we perceive any evidence that the Administrative Law Judge prejudged the case, made prejudicial rulings, or demonstrated a bias against Respondent in his analysis or discussion of the evidence. Furthermore, we find no merit in Respondent's 235 NLRB No. 200 contentions relating to the failure of the Adrministrative Law Judge to make any findings with respect to Employer's Exh. I, the inventory control chart. on which the Administrative Law Judge apparently decided to place no reliance. In our view, a careful examination of Employer's Exh. I, and in particular an analysis of the entry dates on the chart and a comparison of the writing on the chart with handwriting on other exhibits submitted as part of the record, raises very serious questions concerning the validity of that exhibit. 2 We find merit in the General Counsel's and Petitioner's exceptions to the Administrative Law Judge's apparent inadvertent failure to recommend that the election in Case 32-RC-22 be set aside, although he found the unfair labor practices committed by Respondent sufficient to warrant the issuance of a bargaining order. Accordingly, we will order that the election be set aside. The General Counsel and Petitioner have also excepted to the Adminis- trative Law Judge's failure to authenticate and count three authorization cards submitted at the hearing. In light of our disposition herein, we find it unnecessary to rule on their authenticity. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE WILLIAM J. PANNIER III, Administrative Law Judge: These cases were heard by me at Fresno, California, on September 6 through 8, 1977.1 A complaint and notice of hearing in Case 32-CA-189 (formerly Case 20-CA-12692) was issued on May 18, by the Regional Director for Region 20 of the National Labor Relations Board, on the basis of an unfair labor practice charge filed March 30, alleging violations of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 151, et seq., herein called the Act. Thereafter, the charge was amended on June 14 and, again, on July 12, with the result that, on August 4, the said Regional Director issued an amended complaint and notice of hearing, alleging violations of Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5) of the Act. Finally, on May 24, the said Regional Director issued a report on objections; order consolidating cases; and notice of hearing, consoli- dating for hearing with Case 32-CA-189 the objection in Case 32-RC-22 (formerly Case 20-RC-14003) that Twi- light Haven, Incorporated "interfered with, restrained, and/or coerced its employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act." All parties have been afforded full opportunity to appear, to introduce evidence, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to file briefs. Based on the entire record,2 the briefs filed on behalf of the parties, and my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. JURISDICTION At all times material, Twilight Haven, Incorporated, herein called Respondent, has been a California corpora- tion, with its principal place of business in Fresno, California, where it has been engaged in the operation of a nonprofit home for the aged and a hospital facility. During the past year, Respondent, in the course and conduct of its business operations, received gross revenues in excess of $250,000, and received revenues in excess of $50,000 from Medi-Care and Medi-Cal. Therefore, at all times material, Unless otherwise stated, all dates occurred in 1977. 2 The General Counsel's unopposed motion to correct the transcript is granted, and the record is hereby corrected. 1337 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Respondent has been an employer engaged in commerce and in operations affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED At all times material, Hospital and Institutional Workers Union, Local 250, SEIU, AFL-CIO, herein called the Union, has been a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. ISSUES I. Whether, in December 1976 and January 1977, Respondent, through Administrator Robert Butterfield, interrogated employees about their membership in and activities on behalf of the Union, in violation of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act? 2. Whether, on March 21, Respondent terminated, and thereafter refused to reinstate, cook Pauline Gruenwald because of her membership in or activities on behalf of the Union or because she engaged in other concerted activities for purposes of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act? 3. Whether any unfair labor practices committed by Respondent constituted conduct sufficient to warrant setting aside the election conducted in Case 32-RC-22; and, if so, whether, additionally, those unfair labor prac- tices were so serious and substantial in character and effect as to find that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by refusing to bargain collectively with the Union? IV. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Facts In October 1976, as a result of discussions among the dietary employees, cook Estella Bolton contacted a union regarding representation. A meeting was then held at cook Pauline Gruenwald's home. Thereafter, when jurisdiction over the types of employees employed at Respondent's facility was transferred from the union which had been contacted by the employees to the Union, Gruenwald had been the employee to whose home the Union's officials first came to announce this change. She also had been the employee with whom the union's business representative and organizer, Elsie Moore, had conferred regarding arrangements for a meeting with the employees. By the end of 1976, the Union had solicited authorization cards from the employees, and the General Counsel submitted 31 signed cards, contending that all had been signed prior to January 1. By at least December 28, 1976, Respondent had become aware of the organizing campaign. It issued a two-page 3 According to Butterfield, this letter had been issued in response to a union poster which had been brought to him by an employee who had explained that it had been posted in the women's bathroom. However, while Butterfield described the poster as being "a typical sort of union thing," Business Representative Moore testified that the Union had not dispatched any flyers to Respondent's employees prior to January 3. Respondent neither produced the poster which Butterfield claimed had been brought to him, nor was the failure to produce it explained by Respondent. Further, letter to all employees bearing that date and explaining Respondent's version of the effects of signing cards. 3 In addition, several employees testified to conversations with Administrator Butterfield pertaining to the Union's cam- paign. Thus, morning cook Gladys Mitchell, who had been working for Respondent since only November 11, 1976, testified that, in late 1976 or early in the following year, Butterfield had inquired if she had heard anything about a union, to which she had responded in the negative, pointing out that "I'd only been there a short while." Butterfield denied ever having participated in a conversa- tion with Mitchell concerning authorization cards or the Union. However, he did not dispute, other than in the most general terms, the testimony of nurses aide Erma Lee Mahaffey to the effect that, during a meeting which she had requested with him to discuss her desire to recover the authorization card which she had signed, he had asked why she wanted the card returned and had inquired about the identity of the person who had given her the card and whether "other girls had signed the cards." 4 Annual performance evaluations are normally prepared in early January. As part of this process, Butterfield conducts individual meetings in his office with employees who are evaluated. Three employees - Gruenwald, Bol- ton, and nursing attendant Pat Mikel, whose employment with Respondent had ceased in July - described the substance of their separate early January meetings with Butterfield. All three related that Butterfield had asked if they liked or were happy with their jobs. Further, when each answered affirmatively, all three related that Butter- field had then questioned them about the Union and its campaign. Thus, Mikel testified that Butterfield had asked if she was aware that a union was attempting to organize, to which she had replied affirmatively, adding that she was "listening to both sides, and that I hadn't made up my mind yet." According to Mikel, Butterfield had then said that, based upon his experience, a union only took employees' money without affording them representation, and that Respondent was too small "to be bothered with the Union" as "[w]e could settle our own problems." Bolton testified that he had asked what she thought about the Union, and that she had responded that she did not believe that the Union "will come in here." Gruenwald testified that Butterfield had queried, "Well, what have you heard about a union?" In response, testified Gruenwald, she had said that she had heard "rumbles and rumors," but "at my age, who wants to be bothered." All three of these witnesses also testified that, after hearing their responses, Butterfield had then reviewed their evaluations and ad- vised them of the amounts of their increases. In general, Butterfield denied having ever interrogated employees, pointing out that "I've had several labor relations classes before, and you just don't do that - it's an unfair labor practice." Yet, in testifying concerning the both Bolton and Gruenwald testified that they had never seen any union posters in the bathroom during December 1976. Respondent produced no employees to controvert their testimony in this regard and to corroborate Butterfield's assertion that one existed. In fact, Butterfield was not able to identify the employee who purportedly had brought the poster to him. 4 During their conversation, Butterfield had assured Mahaffey, in response to her recitation of what her husband had said to her, that her job would not be jeopardized because she had signed a card. 1338 TWILIGHT HAVEN, INCORPORATED specific conversations with these three employees, the certainty of his denial diminished appreciably. For exam- ple, in denying the remarks attributed to him by Gruen- wald, he did not rely upon his recollection of their meeting. Rather, he relied upon his normal comments to employees during evaluation meetings: No, I did not, because of the many people that I go through, many of the employees, I kind of have a more or less standard procedure as to asking them about the evaluation itself - do you understand what has been said, do you agree with it. We go over the areas of improvement, if you will, or outstanding areas, and then I tell them that I feel that they're doing a good job if it's indicated, and tell them what their raise will be. He did respond negatively when asked if he had interrogated Bolton about what she thought of the Union, if he had made any statements to her regarding the Union, if he had made any statements to her regarding authoriza- tion cards, and if she had said, in essence, that she did not feel that a union would successfully organize Respondent's employees. However, this sequence of questions and answers occurred only after he had testified initially that he did not recall having discussed the Union with Bolton during the evaluation meeting and did not recall having asked her what she thought about the Union. It was after the specific questions pertaining to his conversation with Bolton that he was then called upon to testify regarding the remarks attributed to him by Mikel. This time he respond- ed immediately by denying having asked her about the Union, having discussed authorization cards or the Union with her in any regard, and having told her of his experience, and that all unions wanted was the employees' money. On January 11, the Union mailed letters to Butterfield and to Respondent's then-President David Arnst, demand- ing recognition.5 Delivery of the letter addressed to Butterfield was refused on January 14. However, on the following day, Arnst - who, so far as the record discloses, had not had the benefit of labor relations classes - accepted the letter addressed to him and then turned it over to Butterfield. Respondent did not reply to that letter. Thus, on January 14, the Union filed the petition in Case 32-RC-22, and, on February 15, the Regional Director for Region 20 approved a Stipulation for Certification Upon Consent Election in which the parties agreed to an election on March 24 in a unit of all housekeepers, janitors, laundry workers, maids, porters, gardeners, cooks, kitchen aides, dishwashers, dietary aides, nurses aides, and orderlies; excluding all registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, office clerical employees, engineers, guards, and supervi- sors as defined in the Act. During the period prior to the election, three sequences of events transpired which are of significance to this s In this letter, the Union demanded recognition as the representative of the employees in a unit consisting of "Housekeeping Department, including housekeepers, janitors, laundry workers, maids, porters; Dietary Depart- ment, including cooks, kitchen aids [sic]. dietary aids [sic], dieticians, dishwashers; Nursing Department, including LVN's, nurses aides, and orderlies; excluding registered nurses, supervisors, office clerical [sic , guards, watchmen, and engineers as defined in the Act." proceeding. First, Respondent conducted a campaign involving both oral comments and literature describing, inter alia, the violence which accompanied union cam- paigns in general and the Union's past dealing with employers in particular. Second, there was discussion among supervisory person- nel concerning the extent of Gruenwald's participation in the organizing effort. Thus, former Dietary Supervisor Debbie Himes6 testified that, in early January, Butterfield had asked what she knew about "this union business that was going around" and if she knew who was involved. When, testified Himes, she had acknowledged awareness of union talk and, further, that "all the girls in the kitchen were involved," Butterfield had interjected "that he knew that Pauline Gruenwald and Estella Bolton and Pat Mikel had something to do with it." According to Himes, their conversation had ended with Butterfield directing her to "try to dissuade the girls in the kitchen against union organizing." Ultimately, Butterfield denied having participated in a conversation with Himes in which he had said, in essence, that he was aware that Gruenwald, Bolton, and/or Mikel were involved in soliciting authorization cards. However, to the extent that this constituted a denial of the remarks attributed to him by Himes, its effect was diminished by his contention that "I did not, because I did not know who was involved in whatever their activities were." Thus, his denial was predicated less on precise recollection as to what he had not said to Himes and more on inability to have made such a statement due to purported lack of knowledge as to which employees were active on behalf of the Union. Moreover, his denial was further diminished, as had been the case with his denials of the remarks attributed to him by Bolton, by his own earlier testimony that he could not recall having discussed the Union with Himes in early January. In this case, Butterfield conceded that it was possible that he had done so. That Gruenwald was at least one of Respondent's suspected union proponents was amply illustrated by the undisputed comments of Nursing Supervisor Carol Wil- son,7 who, in February, had asserted that she knew that the kitchen employees were behind the Union's campaign, and that Respondent could possibly defeat the Union if it could garner the support of the employees. During that conversa- tion, Wilson had singled out Gruenwald, saying "And that skinny long-legged thing, Pauline, you know, if you'd get her fired, we'd be all right." The third sequence of events pertained to the prophetic nature of Wilson's remark, for, on March 21, Butterfield terminated Gruenwald, setting forth on her "NOTICE OF CHANGE IN EMPLOYEE STATUS" form, by way of "EXPLANATnON," "Pauline Gruenwald physically sat on a fellow employee and intimidated or threatened that em- ployee. The employee that was threatened was in tears due to this action. Pauline in doing this left her work station 3 6 Respondent agreed that, while it had employed Himes. she had been a supervisor within the meaning of Sec. 2(11) of the Act and an agent of Respondent. I Respondent agreed that, at all times material, Wilson had been a supervisor within the meaning of Sec. 2(1 I) of the Act and an agent of Respondent. 1339 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD times or more during the day to intimidate this employee." The purported incident to which this comment refers took place on the preceding day, Sunday, March 20. The employee referred to in the notice had been housekeeping employee Virginia Buchnoff, who testified that while she was sitting in the laundry room waiting for the washing machine to complete its cycle Gruenwald had entered, had sat on her lap, and, while shaking her finger in Buchnoff's face, had "told me that Thursday the 25th [sic], the day of the election, was my day off, and I shouldn't come in and vote no. I should stay away from the place, because my vote would kill her vote." According to Buchnoff, Gruenwald had repeated this remark two or three times before getting off Buchnoff's lap. However, testified Buchnoff, when she also had risen, Gruenwald had "cornered" her by the dryer - with Buchnoff "in the crux of her elbow" of Gruenwald's left arm which had been resting at shoulder's height on the dryer and with Gruen- wald using her right arm and hand to continue shaking her finger in Buchnoff's face - and had continued to repeat her admonition two or three additional times before departing. Buchnoff testified that she had been scared and had begun to cry while "cornered" in front of the dryer. While the two women had been in front of the dryer, housekeeping employee Amanda Orona had entered the laundry room. Essentially, Orona described Gruenwald's posture and comments as had Buchnoff, adding that she had quickly withdrawn from the room, since "I couldn't take it, you know." Gruenwald described the incident somewhat differently. She testified that, while sitting in the restroom/locker room on her break, Orona had reported that Buchnoff was in the laundry room, "bawling" and "upset because of this coming election and this union thing." Gruenwald testified that she had then gone to the laundry room to console Buchnoff, in the process sitting on Buchnoff's lap and telling her that the election was not worth the upset; that Buchnoff could vote as she wished; and that she could simply stay home and not vote at all, since Thursday was her day off. According to Gruenwald, she had then left the room but had returned a few minutes later with a cup of coffee for Buchnoff after having been told by Orona, "Boy, Virginia is really bawling now." When Gruenwald offered the coffee to Buchnoff, it was rejected, according to Buchnoff, because the offer of coffee had only served to frighten her further, although she conceded that all that Gruenwald had said was, "Drink this. It'll calm your nerves." Shortly thereafter, Buchnoff had left the main building and had gone to the nearby efficiency building to retrieve a load of clothes from the dryer located there. As she had been leaving the efficiency building to return to the main building, she again had encountered Gruenwald, who had said that she wanted to talk to Buchnoff. However, Buchnoff had told Gruenwald to "get away" from her, and, according to Buchnoff, Gruenwald had then followed her back into the main building but had turned off to enter the kitchen before Buchnoff had reached the nearby laundry room. Gruenwald agreed that she had encountered Buch- noff outside of the efficiency building but testified that she had gone there to obtain coffee for the main building kitchen, and that, after being rebuffed by Buchnoff, had entered the efficiency building to complete her errand. She denied having followed Buchnoff back into the main building, although Orona testified that she had observed Gruenwald walking behind Buchnoff down the hallway of that building during the afternoon. Prior to Buchnoff's trip to the efficiency building, Linda Shamoon and Mildred Logan had been in the laundry room with Buchnoff. Butterfield testified that, on the following morning, Wilson had reported that Logan had brought to her attention that an employee had been physically upset the preceding day, and that he had then spoken with Logan, who had related that Gruenwald had physically abused, threatened, and intimidated Buchnoff on March 20. However, neither Logan nor Wilson were called as witnesses to corroborate Butterfield's testimony or to describe what they had reported to him. Butterfield spoke with Buchnoff about the incident, asking her to prepare a written account of what had transpired. Further, as Buchnoff had said that Orona had witnessed it, he then had spoken with her, making a similar request for prepara- tion of a written account. Thereafter, he had directed the bookkeeper and office manager, Don Burns, to summon Gruenwald to the office. According to Burns and Butter- field, the latter had related to Gruenwald what had been reported to him, but, though invited to respond with her own description, Gruenwald had sat largely mute, and Butterfield had then terminated her. Gruenwald, however, testified that, when Butterfield had said that it had been reported that she had been "harassing and threatening people," she had demanded to know their identities; and, when Butterfield had named Buchnoff, that she had responded, "My gosh, I went to her to console her as a friend. I did not harass her. I didn't threaten her. I went in there as a friend." According to Gruenwald, Butterfield had then said that he had a witness, identifying Orona in response to Gruenwald's further query, and had said that he was firing Gruenwald. She testified that she had replied at this point, "Well, I deny all this, but I'm not going to sit here and argue with you." Approximately 2 hours after discharging Gruenwald, Butterfield convened a meeting of dietary employees at which he announced that Gruenwald had been terminated for "physical abuse and her outrageous conduct toward a fellow employee," adding that he would not tolerate such conduct regardless of the objective. On the following day, he summoned Bolton and cook Frieda Ollech to his office where he told them that he understood that they were upset over Gruenwald's termination and had inquired concern- ing the reason. Ollech retorted that she was not upset but did not believe that Gruenwald would do such a thing as she was not that kind of person. Butterfield replied by reviewing the events of March 20 briefly and by saying that he had three witnesses' written statements supporting that description. The meeting then ended. Significantly, Butter- field testified that he had summoned these two employees to his office because he had heard from Himes that they were upset over Gruenwald's discharge. However, Himes did not corroborate him in this regard, and Bolton denied flatly having ever said, prior to this meeting, that she had been upset by the termination. 1340 TWILIGHT HAVEN, INCORPORATED At the election conducted on March 24, 23 votes were cast for, and 24 against, the Union, with I ballot being challenged. B. Analysis I. The alleged interrogations Five employees - Mitchell, Mahaffey, Mikel, Gruen- wald, and Bolton - testified that Butterfield had ques- tioned them regarding various facets of the Union's activities then in progress. Butterfield did not dispute having asked Mahaffey who had given her the card which she had signed and if other employees had signed cards. Although this conversation had been initiated by Mahaf- fey, this does not constitute a defense to interrogation otherwise unlawful. See United States Lines, Inc., 217 NLRB 117, 124 (1975). The subject concerning which Mahaffey had initiated the conversation pertained to recovery of her card. Clearly unrelated to that subject were those concerning the identity of the person who had given her the card and whether other employees had signed cards. It is, of course, true that Butterfield did assure Mahaffey that her job would not be jeopardized. However, the Board has disavowed the "view that, absent the implication of reprisals, interrogation by a supervisor of an employee concerning his union activities and sympathies is never coercive." Maple City Stamping Company, 200 NLRB 743, fn. 3 (1972). Moreover, this assurance was confined only to the issue of jeopardy to Mahaffey's job for having signed a card. At no point, so far as the record discloses, did he make a similar assurance if Mahaffey declined to answer his questions. No valid purpose or explanation was ad- vanced for having asked her these questions. Indeed, none could be advanced, for "interrogation which seeks to place an employee in the position of acting as an informer regarding the union activity of his fellow-employees is coercive." Abex Corporation-Engineered Products Division, 162 NLRB 328, 329 (1966). Just as an employer's question- ing regarding the source of union buttons constitutes "an attempt to restrain its employees from exercising rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act" (Carolina American Textiles, Inc., 219 NLRB 457 (1975)), so too does an attempt to ascertain the source of authorization cards. "It is obvious from the timing of the questions involved herein that the Respondent was attempting to find out the extent of union support among the employees." Florida Steel Corporation, 215 NLRB 97 (1974). Therefore, I find that, by Butterfield's questioning of Mahaffey concerning the source of the card which she signed and whether other employees had also signed cards, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. In general, Butterfield denied the questioning attributed to him by Mitchell, Gruenwald, Bolton, and Mikel. Yet, his denials appeared based less on candor and a clear recollection than on an effort to fortify Respondent's position that no unfair labor practices had been commit- ted. Thus, he based his denial concerning the comments attributed to him by Gruenwald on what he customarily told employees in evaluation meetings, rather than on his recollection as to what had transpired in his meeting to evaluate her performance. Further, he appeared unable to recall whether he had made the comments attributed to him by Bolton, and his specific denials of those remarks were entered, pro forma, only after counsel's specific questioning appeared to awaken him to the fact that his prior answers were not entirely satisfactory. Finally, as discussed in greater detail below, Butterfield was not a credible witness. The comments attributed to him by Gruenwald, Bolton, and Mikel were sufficiently similar to be mutually reinforc- ing. Moreover, the question which Mitchell recited him as having asked her was essentially the same type of effort to ascertain the extent of the Union's activity as had been his second question to Mahaffey. In fact, his later concession to Himes that he was aware that Gruenwald, Bolton, and Mikel had been proponents of the Union manifests the fact that he had been attempting to identify the Union's supporters and had obtained such information. I credit the accounts of Mitchell, Gruenwald, Bolton, and Mikel concerning the questions put to them by Butterfield. In view of the number of employees questioned, it can only be inferred that Butterfield had been engaging in his own campaign of systematic interrogations to ascertain the source and breadth of the Union's support among Respon- dent's employees. Including these questions in evaluation meetings where employees' wage increases were at stake, conducted in his office and not accompanied by any assurances against reprisals for not answering, leaves no room for any conclusion other than that the questions put to Gruenwald, Bolton, and Mikel were coercive. While Mitchell had been questioned in a working area, she was a new employee and, as such, would be most likely to be sensitive to the implication of adverse consequences that could flow from an answer unsatisfactory to Butterfield. Yet, she was neither extended assurances against reprisals nor accorded an explanation for Butterfield's questioning. See, e.g., Erie Technological Products, Inc., 218 NLRB 878 (1975). In fact, the clearest showing of the coercive effect of Butterfield's questioning arises from the responses which he received from Gruenwald, Bolton, Mikel, and Mitchell. Although each of them had signed cards authorizing the Union to represent them, each pleaded noninvolvement or neutrality in responding to Butterfield's questions. Therefore, I find that, by Butterfield's questions to these employees, Respondent violated Section 8(aXl) of the Act. 2. The discharge of Pauline Gruenwald One point regarding the events of March 20 is clear: Buchnoff had been upset, at least in part, by Gruenwald that day. The clearest evidence of this is their agreement that Buchnoff had rebuffed Gruenwald's attempt to talk further at the efficiency building door. Both this exchange and the earlier offer of coffee to Buchnoff appear to have been efforts by Gruenwald to placate Buchnoff. Moreover, Bolton's testimony confirms this; for, when she described Orona's reporting that Buchnoff was continuing to cry notwithstanding Gruenwald's initial visit to the laundry room, she testified that Gruenwald had said, "Oh, if I said anything, I'll go apologize to her." However, the fact that Buchnoff may have been upset at what Gruenwald had 1341 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD said or did that day does not resolve the issue of whether the latter had been terminated in violation of the Act. Accepting, arguendo, Buchnoff's and Orona's descrip- tions of the March 20 events, the three exchanges of that day involving Gruenwald had taken place in the context of a preelection campaign. Gruenwald's appeal to Buchnoff had been part of that campaign, for she had been seeking to persuade Buchnoff not to vote against the Union. Such an appeal, even when couched in terms of a request to refrain from voting altogether, has been held protected by Section 7 of the Act. Service Technology Corporation, a subsidiary of LTV Aerospace Corporation, 196 NLRB 1036, 1043 (1972), enfd. 480 F.2d 923 (C.A. 5, 1973). In such circumstances, Respondent's discharge of Gruenwald for engaging in such conduct would violate the Act absent a showing that the discharge had resulted from Respondent's belief that her actions had risen to the level of unrefuted misconduct. N.L.R.B. v. Burnup & Sims, Inc., 379 U.S. 21 (1964). Misconduct, however, will not be found readily, for both the Board and the courts have granted considerable latitude to employees for argument and counterargument in preelection situations, recognizing the "strong emotions" generated by union activity. Id. at 23. Thus, failure to exercise "finesse and gentility" in campaigning for or against representation will not serve to divest employees of their statutory protection. Cement Transport, Inc., 200 NLRB 841, 845-846 (1972), enfd. 490 F.2d 1024 (C.A. 6, 1974); see also N.L.R.B. v. Efco Manufacturing, Inc., 227 F.2d 675, 676 (C.A. 1, 1955). "Meaningful protection in this situation must require that relatively minor incidents of misconduct, such as name-calling or somewhat ambiguous or veiled threats, do not remove the Act's protection from the perpetrator, or suffice to legitimize his discharge." Corriveau & Routhier Cement Block, Inc., 171 NLRB 787, 788 (1968), enforcement denied in circumstances presented 410 F.2d 347 (C.A. 1, 1969).8 Notwithstanding the hyperbole of Respondent's wit- nesses' characterizations of Gruenwald's March 20 con- duct, the specific factual descriptions of Buchnoff and Orona, even if credited, fail to show that her actions that day rose to the level requisite to establishing misconduct. There is no evidence that Gruenwald directed an overt threat to Buchnoff. Indeed, the second and third exchanges show only that Gruenwald offered coffee to calm Buch- noff's nerves and, later, requested to talk with Buchnoff. The two exchanges, as pointed out above, were placatory, rather than intimidatory, in nature. Further, assuming that Gruenwald did follow Buchnoff back to the main building, the latter conceded that, once inside, Gruenwald had turned off into the kitchen prior to the time at which Buchnoff had reached the laundry room. Since Gruenwald had been a cook, such conduct is hardly inconsistent with 8 Although Corriveau involved comments made during an organizational meeting conducted away from the employer's premises, while Gruenwald's comments occurred on Respondent's premises, this does not render its standard inapposite in the instant case; for there is neither a contention, nor evidence to support a contention, that the three progressively shorter exchanges of March 20 impaired the on-the-job efficiency of any of Respondent's employees that day. Nor has there been a showing that these exchanges occurred in the presence of residents or patients; and, further, there has been no showing that Gruenwald's solicitations violated any valid an intent to return to her work location following Buch- noff's rebuff. Indeed, had Gruenwald's intent been intimi- datory, it is unlikely that she would have acquiesced so readily in Buchnoffs rebuff at the efficiency building door. With regard to the first exchange that day, Respondent's charge of misconduct boils down to the sitting on Buch- noff's lap, the posture of Gruenwald at the dryer, the finger-shaking in Buchnoff's face, the red-faced appear- ance of Gruenwald, and the fact that Gruenwald had been speaking in what Orona described as a "rough voice." Yet, lap-sitting was a common practice among Respondent's employees. While Buchnoff denied any knowledge of or experience with this practice, no other witness corrobo- rated her in this respect, and former Dietary Supervisor Himes corroborated Gruenwald's testimony that the prac- tice was a common one, occasioned by the shortage of chairs on which employees could sit during breaks. More- over, not only did Buchnoff testify that she had never asked Gruenwald to get off her lap and had never attempted to rise, but the very first sentence of her statement to Butterfield reads: "Pauline came in laundy [sic] and sat on my lap and told me if she made me up set [sic] to stop."9 Finally, as discussed below, at one point Buchnoff testified that she did not start crying until after both she and Gruenwald had risen and were standing by the dryer. In these circumstances, the lap-sitting cannot be relied on to establish misconduct by Gruenwald. With regard to Gruenwald's posture while standing in front of the dryer, Buchnoff never made any effort to move away from Gruenwald, and there is nothing uncommon in ordinary conversation, particularly where an effort is being made to persuade the listener, for a speaker to stand closely and lean an arm against a fixed structure. Indeed, as photographs of politicians commonly illustrate, it is not abnormal for a speaker to put an arm around the shoulder of a listener. Consequently, there is nothing inherent in Gruenwald's posture to show misconduct. Furthermore, Orona had entered the room during this portion of the exchange; and, notwithstanding her conclusionary charac- terization of what she had observed, she neither intervened nor did Buchnoff request her to do so. This belies any contention that Gruenwald's posture or words at the time were violent or threatening. Indeed, Buchnoff herself tended to refute such a conclusion when she testified, "I just stood there, and I figured eventually she would just go away and leave me alone." With regard to the finger-shaking, Gruenwald conceded that this might have occurred, testifying that she commonly shook her finger during conversations. Again, this is not an uncommon technique of debate, particularly used to emphasize points. While it occasionally leaves listeners with an uncomfortable feeling, it can hardly be character- rule prohibiting solicitation. Consequently, the difference in location would not preclude the Corriveau standard's application to the Sec. 7 activity in which Gruenwald had engaged on March 20. 9 Wholly unconvincing was Buchnoff's testimony that Gruenwald had never said this, and that she had written this exculpatory sentence in the statement because "I was so upset when I wrote this, I didn't know - I couldn't think what - that I was upset when she did come and sit on my lap. But when I wrote this, I was upset. I mixed it all up." This was simply unbelievable. 1342 TWILIGHT HAVEN, INCORPORATED ized as a threatening gesture or as one which would give rise to fear. With regard to Gruenwald's red-faced appearance, it should be noted that such facial coloration can indicate any number of emotions in addition to the anger which Buchnoff chose to attribute to Gruenwald. Indeed, Orona testified that, while standing in front of the dryer, Buchnoff had been "all red, you know." Moreover, Buchnoff's characterization of Gruenwald as being mad and angry at the time that she had entered the laundry room is but one of a number of inconsistent aspects in Respondent's overall defense. For, while it is undisputed that Gruenwald had made repeated efforts to ensure Buchnoff's support for the Union, the latter admitted that she had never taken the position that she intended to vote against the Union; but instead had always responded to Gruenwald that she did not "know which way I'm going to vote." To the contrary, on December 25, 1976, Buchnoff had executed a card authorizing the Union to represent her. Accordingly, there would have been no basis, so far as the record discloses, for Gruenwald to have approached in the angry condition attributed to her by Buchnoff and to have accused Buchnoff of potentially "killing" Gruenwald's vote. See, e.g., Price Brothers Company, 211 NLRB 822, 823 (1974). Finally, with regard to Orona's description of Gruenwald as speaking in a "rough voice," the fact is that, when testifying, Gruenwald spoke in a gravelly tone. As Orona conceded, that is her normal tone of voice. Consequently, this can hardly be held to be evidence of misconduct. In sum, there is no objective basis for attributing misconduct to Gruenwald with regard to her words to or treatment of Buchnoff on March 20. As found above, it does appear that Buchnoff had become upset with Gruen- wald on that day. However, there is no evidence that Gruenwald intended such a result, and the record raises considerable doubt as to whether Gruenwald had been responsible for making Buchnoff cry, as opposed to simply upsetting her and possibly making her angry on a day when other causes had led to her tears. Bolton's testimony that Buchnoff had cried "many times" was not refuted, and Butterfield conceded that it had been reported to him on March 21 that Buchnoff had been crying "all day" on March 20. That Buchnoff would have reason for such emotionalism is shown by Respondent's counsel's ac- knowledgement that her son had been killed. Accordingly, the evidence, taken as a whole, does not support Respon- dent's contention that it had been Gruenwald who had made Buchnoff cry. In any event, even had Gruenwald's words occasioned Buchnoff's tears, it would be improper to deprive an employee of the Act's protection solely on the basis of a listener's reaction. So long as the appeal is protected, the reaction of those who hear it is immaterial. See, e.g., International Union of Operating Engineers Local 400, AFL- CIO (Hilde Construction Company), 225 NLRB 596, 604- 605 (1976), enfd. 95 LRRM 3010, 81 LC 1 13,305 (C.A.D.C. 1977). Indeed, this case provides an excellent illustration of the necessity for such a standard inasmuch as Buchnoff appeared to be a particularly emotional person who tended to overreact, as shown by her testimony concerning the coffee incident. There is not one scintilla of evidence that a reasonable person would have believed that Gruenwald was so unstable and reckless that she would risk her job and incur possible criminal liabilities by drugging the coffee offered Buchnoff. In fact, the latter had difficulty explaining what it had been about that incident that had engendered her purported fear. That she would settle on such an extreme explanation, ultimately, hardly leads one to conclude that an employee's protection under the Act should be based on her reactions. Therefore, even accepting Respondent's evidence as credible, it will not support a finding of misconduct sufficient to deprive Gruenwald of statutory protection for appealing to Buchnoff not to vote against the Union. Moreover, I am convinced that Respondent never believed that Gruenwald had, in fact, engaged in misconduct. Rather, the evidence amply supports the conclusion that Respondent seized on the incident as a vehicle both for disposing of a union proponent and for proving to the employees the truth of its earlier prophesies that violence would follow in the Union's wake. As found above, Butterfield had questioned employees in an effort to ascertain the identities of those who supported the Union. That Respondent had become fully aware of the degree of support being afforded the Union by the kitchen employees, particularly Gruenwald, was shown by Himes' credible testimony concerning Butterfield's and Wilson's remarks. It was Wilson who had pointed out to Himes the desirability of disposing of Gruenwald as a means of prevailing against the Union, and it was she who had first broached Butterfield on March 21 concerning the previous day's events. Butterfield's account of Wilson's comments that morning was general, and Wilson was never called to relate specifically what had been said during their conversation. What is clear, however, is that the election was nearing; and Butterfield, as he had told Himes earlier, was desirous of dissuading the kitchen employees from supporting the Union. It is, consequently, fairly inferrable that Wilson and Butterfield embarked on a course of using Gruenwald's discharge for misconduct as the vehicle to attain that end. Then, to demonstrate to the employees the violent nature of the Union and its supporters, Respondent met with kitchen employees on two occasions and reiterat- ed the purported misconduct of Gruenwald, thereby attempting to reinforce its earlier predictions. This conclusion is only buttressed by consideration of Respondent's defense. First, it was wildly inflated. By no stretch of the imagination could Gruenwald's actions, even as related by Buchnoff and Orona, be construed in the extreme language resorted to by Respondent's witnesses. Second, there were a number of gaps in Respondent's defense. For example, not only was Wilson never produced as a witness, but neither was Logan. Yet, she had been in the laundry room on March 20, had spoken with Buchnoff at that time, and, assertedly, had reported what she had observed to Butterfield on March 21. No explanation was advanced for not calling her as a witness to these events. Instead, Respondent called only Orona, and her hostility toward Gruenwald was manifest. In addition, no conceiv- able explanation was advanced as to why Gruenwald would have been as angry with Buchnoff as the latter 1343 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD described. Finally, in an effort to establish a basis for the knowledge which had led to issuance of Respondent's December 28, 1976, letter, Butterfield relied on a union poster. Yet, no poster was produced, and no testimony was adduced to support his testimony that such a poster had existed or to controvert the General Counsel's evidence that such a poster could not have existed in December 1976. Third, the testimony of Respondent's witnesses suffers the infirmities of major inconsistency and internal contra- diction so great that it simply cannot be relied on. By way of illustration -and by no means a complete account of these matters - in an apparent effort to minimize his knowledge of Gruenwald's union activities at the time of her discharge, Butterfield testified that Buchnoff had confined her March 21 oral and written accounts to the events of the preceding day. Yet, Buchnoff flatly contra- dicted him, for she testified that she had told Butterfield on March 21, "[h]ow [Gruenwald] had gave out those cards for us to sign" and "how in the morning, she would say for us to join - sign this card yes and join - say yes on the union day." Moreover, her statement, which Butterfield conceded having read before discharging Gruenwald, specifically recites Gruenwald's pre-March 20 activities in support of the Union. The statement itself provides grist for further contradic- tions among Respondent's witnesses; for, while Butterfield testified expressly that no supervisors had been present when Buchnoff had prepared it, she testified that, after hearing her oral account of the incident, Butterfield had taken her to a room in which her supervisor had been present; and that her supervisor had remained in that room during the preparation of the statement. Yet, this supervi- sor was never produced as a witness to support Butterfield in this regard and to contradict Buchnoff. Not only does this raise suspicion regarding the circumstances under which the statement was prepared, but this suspicion is only heightened by the fact that additions have been made to the statement after Buchnoff had signed her name, thereby raising a question as to whether these further matters might not have been suggested to her for inclusion, and by the further fact that at least one word was used in the statement, "harrassing [sic]," which she conceded was not a word which she would ordinarily use. No explanation was advanced for her choice of the word on this occasion. Nor do I believe, as Burns and Butterfield testified, Gruenwald would simply have sat mutely, ignoring Butter- field's purported invitations to explain what had taken place the preceding day, and permitted Butterfield to discharge her. With regard to Orona, as noted above, she appeared hostile toward Gruenwald. Had the portion of the incident which she observed been so extreme that she "couldn't take it," one wonders why she did not intervene on Buchnoff's behalf. Certainly, she was not reluctant to intervene, since she claimed that shortly thereafter she had told Gruenwald to leave Buchnoff alone. In fact, after a detailed account of her movements during the afternoon of that day, which included only a single admonition to Gruenwald to leave Buchnoff alone, she was interrogated in sufficient detail on cross-examination that she testified inconsistently with her account on direct examination. At that point, she then recited a second conversation with Gruenwald, thereby facially resolving her inconsistent testimony. I have no doubt that this was the sole reason for her recitation of this purported second admonition to Gruenwald - she was simply trying to create a consistent story and was not testifying with the object of describing what had taken place with accuracy. Buchnoff's unreliability was manifest. There was no reason for Gruenwald to have accosted her in the manner which she described. Her account that Gruenwald had kept repeating the same words - over and over - was not realistic. Her effort to attribute the possibility of violence or harm by the 63-year-old Gruenwald was supported neither by the physical appearance of these two women nor by any evidence of a background of violent activity by Gruenwald. Similarly, there was simply no basis for believing that Gruenwald would have drugged the coffee offered during the second exchange. In fact, Buchnoff vacillated in trying to explain precisely what had been the cause of her purported fear during this incident. Her claim that it had been the manner in which Gruenwald had thrust the coffee toward her was apparently perceived by her to be unbelievable, as shown by her own concession that Gruenwald had never spilled a drop of the coffee; and, thus, she settled upon the possibility that Gruenwald might have drugged it. In another area, Buchnoff vacillated when asked at what point she had first begun crying because of Gruenwald's actions. She initially testified that it had not been until they had been standing in front of the dryer but later testified, "when she come in and sat on my lap and insisted for me not to come on the place is when she upset me and made me cry." I do not credit the testimony of Respondent's witnesses. I find that Gruenwald was terminated for engaging in protected activity in a manner which did not involve any misconduct. I find that, in discharging her, Respondent had sought to eliminate a union supporter, thereby hoping to garner the support of other kitchen employees, to eliminate one vote in favor of the Union, and to reinforce its earlier predictions of union violence in an effort to prove to the employees the accuracy of those predictions and the undesirability of representation by the Union. While Respondent argues, in essence, that there had been no showing of discouragement of other employees within the meaning of Section 8(a)3) of the Act, proof of subjective evidence of employees' response "is not required where encouragement or discouragement can be reasonably inferred from the nature of the discrimination." Radio Officers' Union of the Commercial Telegraphers Union, AFL [Bull Steamship Co.] v. N.LR.B., 347 U.S. 17, 51 (1954). A discharge for union activities constitutes discrimination which "necessarily discourages union membership." N.L.R.B. v. J. G. Boswell Co. et al., 136 F.2d 585, 596 (C.A. 9, 1943). Furthermore, while Respondent argues that it did not discharge other active union supporters, "a discrimina- tory motive, otherwise established, is not disproved by an employer's proof that it did not weed out all union adherents" (Nachman Corporation v. N.LR.B., 337 F.2d 421, 424 (C.A. 7, 1964)); for a "violation of the Act does not need to be wholesale to be a violation." N.L.R.B. v. 1344 TWILIGHT HAVEN, INCORPORATED Puerto Rico Telephone Company, 357 F.2d 919, 920 (C.A. 1, 1966). 3. The refusal to bargain Although Respondent argues that any unfair labor practices committed by it are insufficient in magnitude to warrant setting aside the election and issuing a bargaining order, it is clear beyond peradventure that an unlawful discharge warrants both results. A. J. Krajewski Manufac- turing Co., Inc., 180 NLRB 1071 (1970); Motel 6, Inc., 207 NLRB 473 (1973), enfd. by unpublished decision 94 LRRM 2368 (C.A. 9, 1974); Hambre Hombre Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Panchito's, 228 NLRB 136, 137 (1977). A total of 31 authorization cards were produced. The General Counsel contends that all should be counted to support the Union's demand for recognition, which Re- spondent concededly received on January 15.10 In its brief, Respondent argues that eight of these cards may not be counted in support of the Union's majority. In the case of five of the cards (Olivia Rodriguez, Erma Lee Simon, Gwen McCloud, Erma L. Mahaffey, and Willie Mae Packard), Respondent argues that, because the legend "INITIATION WAIVED" has been stamped on only some of the cards, these five cards are rendered invalid under N.LR.B. v. Savair Manufacturing Co., 414 U.S. 270 (1973), because the same offer was not extended to all employees. Neither Mahaffey nor Mikel and Cruz Estrada, who had solicited four of these cards, could recall if the legend had been stamped on them at the time that they were signed. Moreover, nothing was said at the time that they were solicited concerning a waiver of initation. Consequently, the vice feared by the Court in Savair - "the solicitation of authorization cards in exchange for consideration of fringe benefits granted by the union" (Id. at 280) - has not been shown to be present in the instant case. Contrary to Respondent's subsidiary argument, the rule of Savair does not impose a mandatory duty upon unions; but rather imposes a restriction upon what unions can do in this respect: They may not tell employees that it is necessary to sign cards to avoid payment of an initiation fee. Serv-U-Stores, Inc., 225 NLRB 37, 39 (1976). They may, however, waive initiation fees, even for only some of those who sign cards, without running afoul of Savair, so long as it is not shown that the waiver is designed to serve as an inducement for a signature on the card or, viewed from a slightly different angle, so long as it was not necessary to sign a card to avoid payment of an "initia- tion" fee. Schwab Foods, Inc., d/b/a Scotts IGA Foodliner, 223 NLRB 394, 411 (1976), and cases cited therein. Consequently, the Savair doctrine imposes no impediment to the validity of these five cards. Respondent further argues that Mahaffey's card should not be counted inasmuch as she told Butterfield by early January that she wished to retrieve it. Of course, she told him this in the context of her fears that her job might be jeopardized by virtue of her having signed a card. He assured her that it would not be jeopardized. Thereafter, she made no further effort, so far as the record discloses, to 10 Although there was a degree of disparity between the classifications listed in this letter and those agreed on in the stipulation, this has not been retrieve her card. Accordingly, as she made no effort to contact the Union concerning return of her card, the card may be counted in computing the Union's majority status, since "an authorization card cannot be effectively revoked in the absence of notification to the Union prior to the demand of recognition." Struthers-Dunn, Inc., 228 NLRB 49 (1977), and cases cited therein. Since all five of these cards are valid, the Union had at least 28 cards at the time of the demand. At that time, there were 52 employees in the bargaining unit. Consequently, without resorting to resolution of the validity of the remaining three cards and resolving the contention that Bolton was subsequently promoted to a supervisory posi- tion, it is clear that the Union did enjoy the support of a majority of the employees at the time of its demand for recognition. Moreover, through its unlawful interrogations, Respondent had already commenced its campaign of unfair labor practices by, at the latest, January 1. Accord- ingly, I find that its bargaining obligation arose as of that date (Broadmoor Lumber Company, 227 NLRB 1123, fn. 2 (1977)); and that, by refusing to recognize the Union on and after January 15, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. V. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of Respondent set forth above, occurring in connection with Respondent's operations described in section I, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relationship to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead, and have led, to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Twilight Haven, Incorporated, is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act, engaged in commerce and in a business affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Hospital and Institutional Workers Union, Local 250, SEIU, AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By interrogating employees concerning their union membership in and activities on behalf of Hospital and Institutional Workers Union, Local 250, SEIU, AFL-CIO, Twilight Haven, Incorporated, has violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 4. By discriminatorily discharging and refusing to reinstate Pauline Gruenwald, Twilight Haven, Incorporat- ed, violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 5. A unit appropriate for collective bargaining is: All housekeepers, janitors, laundry workers, maids, porters, gardeners, cooks, kitchen aides, dishwashers, dietary aides, nurses aides, and orderlies employed by Twilight Haven, Incorporated, at its Fresno, California, location; excluding all registered nurses, licensed voca- shown to have been more than minor; and Respondent makes no argument that it rendered the demand defective. 1345 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tional nurses, office clerical employees, engineers, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. 6. At all times material since January 1, 1977, Hospital and Institutional Workers Union, Local 250, SEIU, AFL- CIO, has been the exclusive collective-bargaining represen- tative of the employees in the above-described unit within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act. 7. By failing and refusing on and after January 15, 1977, to recognize and bargain with Hospital and Institu- tional Workers Union, Local 250, SEIU, AFL-CIO, as the representative of the employees in the above-described unit, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. 8. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY Having found that Twilight Haven, Incorporated, has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, I shall recom- mend that it be ordered to cease and desist therefrom, and that it take certain affirmative action to effectuate the policies of the Act. Twilight Haven, Incorporated, will be required to offer Pauline Gruenwald immediate reinstatement to her former position of employment or, if that position no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent position without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges previously enjoyed, dismissing, if necessary, anyone who may have been assigned or hired to perform the work which Gruen- wald had been performing prior to her termination on March 21, 1977. Additionally, Twilight Haven, Incorporat- ed, will be required to make Gruenwald whole for any loss of earnings she may have suffered by reason of her unlawful termination, with backpay to be computed on a quarterly basis, making deductions for interim earnings, and with interest to be paid on the amount owing and to be computed in the manner prescribed in F. W. Woolworth, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977). See, generally, Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962), enforcement denied on differ- ent grounds, 322 F.2d 913 (C.A. 9, 1963). Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER" 1 The Respondent, Twilight Haven, Incorporated, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Interrogating employees concerning their member- ship in and activities on behalf of Hospital and Institution- al Workers Union, Local 250, SEIU, AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization. " In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. (b) Discharging or otherwise discriminating against employees with regard to their hire or tenure of employ- ment or any term or condition of employment for engaging in activities on behalf of a labor organization or for engaging in activity protected by Section 7 of the Act. (c) Refusing to recognize or bargain collectively with Hospital and Institutional Workers Union, Local 250, SEIU, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive bargaining representa- tive of the employees in the following appropriate bargain- ing unit: All housekeepers, janitors, laundry workers, maids, porters, gardeners, cooks, kitchen aides, dishwashers, dietary aides, nurses aides, and orderlies employed by Twilight Haven, Incorporated, at its Fresno, California, location; excluding all registered nurses, licensed voca- tional nurses, office clerical employees, engineers, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. (d) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is deemed necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer Pauline Gruenwald immediate and full rein- statement to her former position of employment, dismiss- ing, if necessary, anyone who may have been hired or assigned to perform the work that she had been performing prior to March 21, 1977, or, if her former position no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges previously enjoyed, and make her whole for any loss of pay she may have suffered as a result of the discrimination in the manner set forth above in the section entitled "The Remedy." (b) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents all payroll and other records necessary to compute the backpay and reinstatement rights set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy." (c) Upon request, recognize and bargain, effective as of January 15, 1977, with Hospital and Institutional Workers Union, Local 250, SEIU, AFL-CIO, as the collective- bargaining representative of the employees in the above- described appropriate unit, respecting rates of pay, wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. (d) Post at its Fresno, California, facility, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 2 Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 32, after being duly signed by Respondent's authorized representative, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are custom- arily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Twilight 12 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." 1346 TWILIGHT HAVEN, INCORPORATED Haven, Incorporated, to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 32, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Act, as amended, gives all employees the following rights: To organize themselves To form, join, or support unions To bargain as a group through a representative they choose To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from any or all such activities except to the extent that the employees' bargain- ing representative and employer have a collective- bargaining agreement which imposes a lawful requirement that employees become union mem- bers. In recognition of these rights, we hereby notify our employees that: WE WILL NOT interrogate you regarding your mem- bership in and activities on behalf of Hospital and Institutional Workers Union, Local 250, SEIU, AFL- CIO, or any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT discharge or otherwise discriminate against you for engaging in activities on behalf of Hospital and Institutional Workers Union, Local 250, SEIU, AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT refuse to recognize Hospital and Institutional Workers Union, Local 250, SEIU, AFL- CIO, as the collective-bargaining representative of: All housekeepers, janitors, laundry workers, maids, porters, gardeners, cooks, kitchen aides, dishwashers, dietary aides, nurses aides, and orderlies employed by Twilight Haven, Incorpo- rated, at its Fresno, California, location; exclud- ing all registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, office clerical employees, engineers, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with any of your rights set forth above which are guaranteed by the National Labor Relations Act. WE WILL offer Pauline Gruenwald immediate and full reinstatement to her former position, dismissing, if necessary, anyone who may have been hired or as- signed to perform the work which she had been performing prior to the time that she was terminated or, if her former position no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges, and make her whole for any loss of pay she may have suffered as a result of our discrimination. WE WILL, upon request, recognize and bargain with Hospital and Institutional Workers Union, Local 250, SEIU, AFL-CIO, as the collective-bargaining represen- tative of the employees in the unit described above respecting rates of pay, wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. TWILIGHT HAVEN, INCORPORATED 1347 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation