Tubari, Ltd., Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 27, 1990299 N.L.R.B. 1223 (N.L.R.B. 1990) Copy Citation TUBARI, LTD. 1223 Tubari, Ltd., Inc. and Fur Dressers, Local 1-3, FLM, FJC, United Food and Commercial Workers, AFL-CIO. Case 22-CA-15220 September 27, 1990 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN STEPHENS AND MEMBERS CRACRAFT AND DEVANEY On September 21, 1989, Administrative Law Judge Steven B. Fish issued the attached decision. The Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. The National Labor Relations Board has delegat- ed its authority in this proceeding to a three- member panel. The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the judge's rulings, findings, and conclusions' and to adopt the recommended Order. ORDER The National Labor Relations Board adopts the recommended Order of the administrative law judge and orders that the Respondent, Tubari, Ltd., Inc., Saddle Brook, New Jersey, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Order. 'No exceptions were filed to the judge's finding that the Respondent did not, as alleged, violate Sec. 8(aX5) and (1) of the Act by engaging in surface bargaining. Marguerite R. Greenfield, Esq., for the General Counsel. James M. Burns, Esq. (Genova, Burns & Schott), of Liv- ingston, New Jersey, for the Respondent. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE STEVEN B. FISH, Administrative Law Judge. Pursuant to charges filed by Fur Dressers, Local 1-3, FLM, FJC, United Food and Commercial Workers, AFL-CIO (the Union or Local 3), the Acting Regional Director for Region 22 issued a complaint and notice of hearing on July 29, 1988. The complaint alleges in substance that Tubari, Ltd. Inc. (Respondent) has violated Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act by refusing to supply and or delaying in supplying necessary and relevant information to the Union, and by failing to bargain in good faith with the Union during the course of negotiations that oc- curred in 1987.1 The hearing with respect to the allegations raised in the above complaint was heard before me on January 18, 1989, in Newark, New Jersey. Briefs have been received 1 All dates are in 1987, unless otherwise Indicated. from Respondent and General Counsel, and have been carefully considered. Based on my consideration of the entire record, the briefs, and my observation of the de- meanor of the witnesses, I make the following FINDINGS OF FACT I. JURISDICTION Respondent has been engaged in the business of dress- ing fine furs at its facility in Saddle Brook, New Jersey. During the past year, it has performed services valued in excess of $50,000 for customers located in States other than the State of New Jersey. It is admitted, and I find, that Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. LABOR ORGANIZATION It is also admitted, and I so find, that the Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. PRIOR RELATED CASES A. Cases 22-CA-13581, 22-CA-13615, and 22-CB- 5241 Pursuant to charges filed in the above-entitled cases by Local 3, the Acting Regional Director for Region 22 issued complaints against Respondent, as well as Local 1518, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauf- feurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America (Local 1518 or the Teamsters) alleging violations of Section 8(a)(1), (2), and (3) of the Act on the part of Respondent, and Section 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act by Local 1518. Hear- ings were held by Administrative Law Judge Howard Edelman on various dates in April and May 1985 with respect to the above allegations. His decision issued on December 19, 1985, finding that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act, which decision was affirmed by the Board in these respects on February 29, 1988 (287 NLRB 1273). The Board decision found that Respondent had committed numerous violations of Sec- tion 8(a)(1) of the Act during the period between June through December 1984, consisting of unlawful interro- gations, threats of discharge and plant closure, creating the impression of surveillance, and promises of benefits. Additionally it was found that Respondent violated Sec- tion 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act by discharging some 16 or 17 floorworkers because of their activities on behalf of Local 3. It was also concluded that these employees became unfair labor practice strikers and that Respond- ent further violated the Act by refusing to reinstate them upon application. Additionally the Board concluded that Respondent became aware that one of the reasons that employees were interested in replacing Local 1518 with Local 3, was Local 3's allegedly superior medical coverage. In that connection various supervisors of Respondent un- lawfully promised employees medical coverage over that in that Local 1518 plan, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 299 NLRB No. 166 1224 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD B. Case 22-RC-9339 Pursuant to a petition filed by Local 3, a representa- tion hearing was held in the above case, on December 13, 1984. The case was initially blocked, due to penden- cy of the above-described unfair labor practice charges. Apparently at some point, undisclosed by this record, Local 3 filed a request to proceed, thereby permitting the further processing of the petition. On October 24, 1985, Respondent filed a motion with the Acting Region- al Director to reopen the record in the representation case, to present additional evidence, which had been de- veloped during the course of the unfair labor practice trial, with respect to the appropriateness of the unit. Re- spondent contended in its motion, that such evidence would establish that the fleshers employed by Respond- ent have an insufficient community of interest with the floorworkers, and that the fleshers are entitled to a craft severance election. In the motion Respondent relied on, among other circumstances, facts developed at the C case trial, that a strike conducted and supported by Local 3 from December 3, 1984, to August 1, 1985, was engaged in only by floorworkers, and that the fleshers crossed the picket line and continued to work. More- over, Respondent argued, Local 3 made little effort to organize the fleshers, which further demonstrated the lack of community of interest between the two groups. On November 15, 1985, the Region issued a Decision and Direction of Election, wherein it denied Respond- ent's motion to reopen the record, on the grounds that none of its proffered evidence was either unavailable or newly discovered. The decision did not consider the argument raised by Respondent in the initial hearing that Local 3 should be disqualified from representing th fleshers. In that regard the decision recognized that the fleshers were considered skilled employees, 2 while the floorworkers are generally unskilled utility workers. Historically Local 3 had only represented floorworkers, while its sister local, Local 2 of the Fur Dressers Union, had represented only fleshers. While the Region recognized that the instant petition was the first time that Local 3 sought to represent flesh- ers, it did not view this as sufficient to disqualify it from consideration by these employees as their collective-bar- gaining representative.2 Thus an election was directed in a unit of all regular full-time and part-time employees, including floor- workers, fleshers, chauffeurs, and helpers, but excluding executives, clerical employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. Thereafter, Respondent filed a re- quest for review of the Acting Regional Director's deci- sion. On December 18, 1985, the Board denied Respond- ent's request for review. On December 19, 1985, an elec- tion was conducted. The tally showed 34 votes cast for Local 3, 15 for Local 1518, and 27 challenges, which were sufficient in number to affect the results of the elec- tion. On February 12, 1987, the parties executed a stipu- lation, agreeing to open and count 19 of these challenged ballots. On that same day, a revised tally of ballots re- suited in 38 votes cast for Local 3, which was sufficient to establish that a majority of the valid votes cast were cast for Local 3. On February 12, 1987, Local 3 was cer- tified as the collective-bargaining representative of Re- spondent's employees in the unit set forth in the Decision and Direction of Election. C. Cases 22-CA-13990, 22-CA-14081, 22-CA- 14252 and 22-CA-14034 Pursuant to charges and amended charges filed by Local 3 and by employee Enrique Moreira, the Region issued an order consolidating cases, first amended com- plaint and notice of hearing on June 3, 1986, alleging that Respondent engaged in unfair labor practices in vio- lation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3). Thereafter, Respondent and Local 3 executed a formal settlement disposing of the issues raised by the above complaint. Respondent agreed to cease and desist from refusing to reinstate em- ployees, issuing warning letters, or suspending or dis- charging employees, because of their sympathies and ac- tivities on behalf of Local 3. It also agreed to offer cer- tain employees reinstatement, and pay backpay to others in varying amounts. The stipulation was subsequently ap- proved by the Board in a Decision and Order on De- cember 29, 1986, which was eventually enforced by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. IV. FACTS On February 23, 1987, Richard Greenspan, attorney for Local 3, sent a letter to Respondent's attorney Melvin Gelade. The letter referred to Local 3's certifica- tion, requested that negotiations commence, and asked to be supplied with a copy of Respondent's contract with Local 1518, plus an up-to-date list of names and address- es of all unit employees, including job title, date of hire, wage rate, and number of hours worked. By letter dated March 3, Gelade informed Greenspan that Steven Edel- stein from a different law firm would be handling negoti- ations for Respondent, and indicated that Greenspan should contact Edelstein directly. By letter to Edelstein dated March 18, 1987, Green- span referred to a telephone conversation between the two of them, during which Edelstein promised to get back to Greenspan to arrange a negotiation date. Green- span also in the letter reiterated his request for the infor- mation sought in his February 23 letter. On March 23, Edelstein sent a copy of Respondent's contract with Local 1518, along with a covering letter promising to forward the employee roster under separate cover. Respondent's collective-bargaining agreement with Local 1518 included a recognition clause covering all employees, 4 a union-security clause, a 90-day proba- tionary period, 11 paid holidays, a seniority clause, and 6 days of sick leave. The contract, which ran from January 29, 1985, to January 31, 1988, also provided for wage in- creases for floorworkers of 45 cents per hour on Febru- ary 1, 1987. It also provides for starting salaries for floor- workers of $4.25 per hour with a raise to $4.50 per hour 2 Their primary function is to shave the skins. 4 It is undisputed that the contract covered the fleshers employed by 3 The Local 1518 contract had covered both fleshers and floorworkers. Respondent, as well as the floorworkers. TUBARI, LTD. 1225 after 30 days. For fleshers their salaries are specified in terms of 55 or 65 cents per skin, depending on the type of skin involved. Edelstein sent a list of the names and addresses of all bargaining unit employees to Greenspan on March 30. The list did not include the employees dates of hire, wage rates, or classifications that the Union had request- ed. The first negotiating session was held on April 1. The chief spokesman for the Union at that meeting was Curtis Mason, the Union's International representative. Also present for the Union was Martin O'Brien, at that time president of Local 3, Henry Foner, president of Local 1, various other union officials, plus a committee of employees. Edelstein was the chief negotiator for Re- spondent and was accompanied by Esther Glass, Re- spondent's vice president. Mason on behalf of the Union presented its proposal, which included a one-page intro- ductory memorandum plus a proposed collective-bar- gaining agreement. The introduction explained that the Union was seeking compensation for floorworkers based on a "cooperative piece work system" which is in effect in other plants under contract with the Union. The system provides for a piecework rate based on the type of skin which is divided among all floorworkers. As for the fleshers, the Union's proposal listed the piecework rates for fleshers in contracts covered by Local 2, a sister local to Local 3.5 The Union's proposed contract called for a number of improvements from the old Local 1518 agreement in var- ious areas such as pension, vacation, night-shift differen- tial, workweek, and the elimination of a probationary period. Although not specifically mentioned in the Union's written proposals, Mason demanded that the Re- spondent grant the 45-cent-per-hour increase called for in the Local 1518 contract, which was due on February 1, 1987. Mason asked Edelstein if Respondent was providing health benefits to the employees. Edelstein replied that Respondent had implemented a health plan for the unit employees. Mason responded that the Union viewed the continuation of health benefits as an act of good faith on the part of Respondent. At the conclusion of the meeting Edelstein informed the Union that he would present Re- spondent's contract by the next meeting. The next meeting was held on April 16. Edelstein began by apologizing for not having his counterproposals ready. He then voiced Respondent's objections to the Union's piecework proposals, since in Respondent's view such a system would limit its authority over the employ- ees. O'Brien responded on behalf of the Union, explain- ing the Union's "Community piece work system," and arguing that it does not take any authority away from Respondent. There was additional discussion, but no res- olution of this issue. Edelstein also addressed himself to the Union's demand for a union-security clause. He pointed out that there was a division in the shop between the fleshers and the floorworkers, and that in his view fleshers did not 5 It does not appear that the Union's proposal for a "cooperative piece work system," was applicable to the fleshers. want to join the Union. He also added that the fleshers constitute a separate operation in the Company, and they (fleshers) do not want to be compelled to become union members. In this connection the record reveals that fleshers make between $80,000—$130,000 per year at Re- spondent, while floorworkers average $12,000. Addition- ally, historically fleshers are generally represented by Local 2 of the Fur Dressers Union, and Local 3 had no fleshers as members at the time. Mason responded that the Union represented the entire shop, and as far as the Union was concerned, the question (i.e., union security) was not open for discussion. Mason again requested that the floorworkers receive the 45-cent-per-hour increase called for in the Teamsters contract. Edelstein responded that Respondent would do what the law requires, that he didn't believe the law re- quires such a raise be given, and that the Union must convince him otherwise. The Union at this meeting raised the issue of Respond- ent's failure to reinstate employee Gladys Mujica. The matter was discussed and Edelstein explained that the papers that she had submitted to Respondent contained a deportation order from Immigration. It was also ex- plained that Respondent had pursuant to the Union's re- quest, given Mujica additional time to present her docu- ments. The Union agreed that Respondent had not acted improperly in denying her reinstatement. By letter dated April 20, Greenspan requested the dates of hire, wage rates, and classifications of the bar- gaining unit employees, about which Respondent had previously furnished only the names and addresses. The letter also asked for information on the number and type of skins worked on in a given week. Edelstein did not reply to Greenspan's letter. The next meeting was held on April 30. Edelstein began by stating that he did not have a counterproposal ready, but he would present one at the next meeting. The Union announced that Foner would be its chief spokesman, in view of an intervening merger between Local 3 and Local 1, and Foner's selection as president of the merged union. Foner indicated that the Union re- alized that Respondent was used to a timework system, and that it would be a significant change to go to a piecework system. Therefore, the Union withdrew its proposal for a "community piecework" system for the floorworkers. Foner also requested that Respondent supply the infor- mation that the Union had previously requested with re- spect to the fleshers. Edelstein replied that he felt that the fleshers did not wish to be part of the bargaining unit. Foner at that point indicated to Edelstein that "if that is going to be a big problem, that we would not contest the fleshers not being in the bargaining unit." O'Brien then asked for a caucus. At the caucus of the union representatives, O'Brien informed Foner that he had no right to commit himself to let the fleshers go, since the Union's certification covered all employees. Foner agreed with O'Brien, and after the caucus ended, apologized to Edelstein, and withdrew the Union's assent to allow removal of the fleshers from the unit. 1226 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Foner raised the issue of the discharge of employee Amulfo Hernandez. Most of the meeting of April 30 was taken up by a discussion of his status. Foner stated that the Union did not want to negotiate with Respondent under the cloud of the Hernandez discharge, and de- manded that Respondent reinstate him. Edelstein refused, and Foner requested that Respondent agree to arbitrate the matter. Initially this request was refused as well. However after substantial discussion, Edelstein agreed that Respondent would consider arbitrating the dis- charge, and utilizing the expedited arbitration procedure of the state board of mediation to get a quick result. He promised to contact the Union's attorney in the next couple of days.6 The subject of health coverage was also discussed. Foner indicated that the Union had a better health plan than Respondent was currently furnishing. Edelstein re- plied that Respondent had one that is good enough, and was not about to change it. Foner also brought up the subject of overtime, re- questing that overtime be shared equally among employ- ees. Edelstein replied that Respondent wished to give overtime to whom they felt were the most qualified and most productive workers. The fourth bargaining session was held on June 15. Respondent on the same afternoon presented a written proposal for a new contract, with a covering letter from Edelstein to Richard Greenspan, the Union's attorney. The proposed contract, closely tracked the preexisting Local 1518 contract, and is identical to that contract in most respects, with certain exceptions. The most promi- nent difference was with respect to wages, which was contained in Edelstein's covering letter. A proposal was made only for floorworkers, with Edelstein stating in the letter that a wage package for fleshers can be discussed at the table. A starting salary of $4.25 per hour was pro- posed, which was identical to the Local 1518 contract. However for current employees, Respondent proposed a top rate of $6.25 per hour, and that any employee whose salary exceeded $6.25 would be reduced to that amount. The record reveals that 13 unit employees out of a list of some 45 floorworkers employed by Respond- ent would be subject to a wage reduction as a result of this proposal. Of this group 11 of the employees were paid $7.20 per hour, one $6.75 and one $6.55. All of these 13 employees had been cardsigners, 9 of them were on the negotiating committee, and 7 had been discrimina- tees in the earlier case. Respondent proposed raises for those remaining em- ployees whose salaries were less than $6.25 per hour of 4 percent on the date of execution of the agreement, 2.5 percent at the first anniversary, and 2.5 percent on the second anniversary. At no time however, would any salary exceed $6.25 per hour.? Edelstein did notify Greenspan shortly thereafter of Respondent's agreement to arbitrate the discharge of Hernandez on an expedited basis, which hearing was subsequently held. 7 The remaining employees were paid from $4.25 to $6 per hour with 19 such employees making $4.50 or less, and 9 more at either $5 or $4.25 per hour. Foner began the meeting by stating that he had read Respondent's proposals, and believed that Respondent was not bargaining in good faith. Foner pointed out that the highest paid workers, who were union supporters would be the main victims of a wage cut and were being asked to accept a 95-cent-an-hour reduction. Foner also asserted that there had been no wage cap in the Team- sters contract, and again demanded that Respondent give the 45-cent-per-hour raise due under that contract. Edelstein replied that Respondent had no intent to pin- point or target union supporters, but that its employees current wages are "way out of line." Foner questioned how the wages could be "way out of line," since some of his union shops provide for wages of $10 an hour, more than Respondent was paying. Edelstein answered he knew that there are shops that do not pay as much as Respondent. Foner asked Edelstein to show him who these shops were, because he didn't know of any. Edel- stein responded that he would supply this information to Foner.8 Edelstein also asserted as a reason for its proposals, that its costs had gone up. As to the Union's request that Respondent implement the 45-cent raise in the Teamsters contract, Edelstein replied that this was out of line also, and that had he been negotiating at the time, the 45-cent- per-hour raise would not have been agreed to. Foner next objected to Respondent's proposal to reduce the amount of sick days by one, and eliminate one paid holiday the first year, and another the second, asserting that these had been benefits under the Team- sters contract. Edelstein responded that these benefits were also out of line, and that if he had negotiated that contract, he would not have recommended these amounts of holidays and sick days. Foner then turned to the issue of a seniority clause. The Union's initial proposal did not contain a seniority clause, since it was not in the Union's judgment neces- sary to the "community piece work system" that it had proposed. Since it had now withdrawn its demand for a piecework system, Foner objected to the absence of a se- niority clause in Respondent's proposal. Foner noted that the Teamsters contract had provided for seniority and there had been no problem. Edelstein responded that Re- spondent feels the most productive workers should be al- lowed to work in the event of a layoff. Foner answered that Respondent never had a layoff before, and ques- tioned how Respondent could establish who were good workers. Foner also raised the issue of the absence of a union- security clause, and asserted that Respondent had includ- ed such a clause in the prior contract. Additionally, Foner mentioned that the Union may have a better health and welfare plan than Respondent and at a lesser cost. Edelstein answered that he would look into it. 8 Edelstein never provided this information to the Union. However the issue of Respondent's current wages being "out of line," was never raised in any subsequent negotiation, nor was the subject of wages paid by other shops. The Union never made a further request for the names of the shops that Edelstein had claimed were paying less to its employees than Respondent. TUBARI, LTD. 1227 Foner then raised the issue of Respondent's proposal that the Union be responsible for damage to skins in the event of a strike. Foner gave his reasons why he didn't believe the Union could obligate itself to be responsible for such damages. At the conclusion of this session, Edelstein asked for an "off the record" discussion with the union representa- tives and committee, outside the presence of any officials of Respondent. Edelstein advised them that the owners of Respondent did not believe that the Union was serious about negotiating a contract, and that they felt there was too much division in the shop between new workers and union supporters. Additionally Edelstein asserted that the old employees were harassing the new employees by talking about a strike. Finally he stated that Respondent was concerned about the disappearance of some skins and a slowdown in production. Edelstein informed the Union that he knew that a 95-cent-an-hour cut would not be acceptable to the Union, but he believed that "some- thing could be worked out," particularly if the employ- ees cease harassing other employees and slowing down. Foner asked Edelstein for a list of the employees who Respondent believes were slowing down and harassing other employees. Edelstein furnished a list of 11 names, and the parties agreed to a "clear the air" meeting, during which these 11 employees would be present. The "clear the air" meeting was held on July 14, at the Marriott hotel near the plant. The 11 employees whom the Respondent had accused of harassing conduct were there, along with the committee, union officials, and Esther Glass. The union members present denied that they had committed any acts of harassment, but nev- ertheless pledged that no such acts would occur in the future, and that they would "try extra hard." The em- ployees complained that they were being harassed by management as well. Respondent's officials while not ad- mitting that they committed any act of harassment against employees, also pledged not to engage in such actions. The meeting ended in an atmosphere that O'Brien viewed as encouraging that progress could be made in reaching an agreement. The sixth and last negotiation session was held on July 27. At this session Edelstein provided the Union with a list of names and addresses of floorworkers, dated May 31, with their classifications and wage rates. Foner com- plained about the fact that there had been new hires since May 31, and the Union wanted an up-to-date list of employees, which included these new workers. Foner also noted that this list did not include any information about the fleshers, and that the Union didn't even know whether the fleshers had received a wage increase that had been due to them. The record does not reveal what response Edelstein made, if any, to Foner's remarks. In any event, it is un- disputed that Respondent never provided any additional information to the Union since July 27. Edelstein offered at this meeting to raise its wage cap from $6.25 to $6.50, thereby reducing the proposed wage cut by 25 cents per hour, and withdrew its proposal for the elimination of two holidays. Respondent still adhered to its demand that sick days be reduced from 6 days to 5. Edelstein also stated that if as Foner had previously con- tended the Union's health and welfare program was less costly to Respondent, something could be worked out on that issue. Foner responded by asserting that there was no way that the Union would accept a wage cut, and that since Respondent had included seniority and union-security clauses in the Teamsters contract, Respondent was not bargaining in good faith by proposing their elimination. Edelstein responded as to seniority, as he had in prior meetings. Respondent felt that when it came to layoffs, it had a right to determine who were the most productive and best workers. As to union security, Edelstein repeat- ed his earlier comments that the fleshers did not wish to become union members, and proposed a maintenance-of- membership clause to solve this problem.9 Foner was not impressed with this modification of Re- spondent's position, and continued to insist that since Re- spondent had agreed to a union-security clause in the Teamsters contract, its failure to agree to it now, con- vinced Foner that Respondent was not bargaining in good faith. Foner concluded the meeting by reiterating to Edel- stein that there is no way that the Union can go back to its people and recommend a contract accepting wage cuts, loss of a sick day, and no union-security clause, which he again emphasized had been included in the Teamsters contract. Therefore Foner stated that the Union believed that Respondent was not bargaining in good faith and as not serious about signing a contract. The meeting concluded, and no further negotiation ses- sions were scheduled or held. A few days after this session, O'Brien and Foner met with Union's counsel Cammer to discuss strategy. Foner reported to Cammer on Respondent's proposals, and Foner's view that Respondent was bargaining in bad faith. Foner emphasized that in his opinion Respondent knew that the Union could not recommend a proposal that could cut wages of the strongest union supporters, eliminate one sick day and without a union-security clause." Foner proposed that the Union break off nego- tiations, go to the newspapers, and distribute pamphlets publicizing Respondent's conduct. He also recommended filing unfair labor charges with the Board. Foner felt that these actions would bring Respondent back to the table to bargain fairly with the Union. O'Brien expressed his opinion that the Union should continue negotiations, asserting that the Union had nothing to lose by setting up dates and continuing negotiating. Foner however, with Cammer's concurrence overruled O'Brien, and de- cided not to continue negotiations. 9 On this issue, I do not credit O'Brien's confused testimony that Re- spondent proposed at this meeting to exclude fleshers from the bargaining unit entirely Obviously O'Brien was uncertain as to the difference be- tween a member of the Union and member of the unit, and was not famil- iar with nor did he understand the meaning of a maintenance-of-member- ship clause. Since there were no flashers who were members of the Union, this clause would result in not compelling any fleshers to become members of the Union. 10 Foner did not mention Respondent's failure to supply any Informa- tion to the Union as a reason for his belief that Respondent was not bar- gaining in good faith. 1228 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD V. ANALYSIS A. The Alleged Refusal to Supply Information It is well established that an employer has a statutory duty to provide a union, on request with relevant infor- mation the union needs for the proper performance of its obligations as a collective-bargaining representative. NLRB v. Acme Industrial Co., 385 U.S. 432, 435-436 (1967). The test for determining a union's need for such information is a showing of "probability that the desired information was relevant, and that it would be of use to the Union in carrying out its statutory duties and respon- sibilities." Acme, supra at 437; American Commercial Lines, 291 NLRB 1066 (1988). Moreover, an unreason- able delay in furnishing such information can be as much of a violation of the Act as a refusal to furnish the infor- mation at all. Valley Inventory Service, 295 NLRB 1163 (1989); Bundy Corp., 292 NLRB 671 (1989). Here the Union by letter dated February 23, requested that Respondent supply a copy of its previous contract with Local 1518, plus an up-to-date list of all unit em- ployees including job title, date of hire, wage rates, and number of hours worked. There is no question, and indeed Respondent does not dispute the fact that this in- formation is relevant to the Union's functions, and must be produced. Respondent argues however that it pro- duced all information to which the Union is entitled in a timely fashion. I do not agree. In fact Respondent did not produce the Local 1518 contract until March 23, over a month later. While this delay can arguably be explained by Respondent's deci- sion to change law firms as its negotiator, there is not even an arguable excuse for its subsequent conduct. It did not produce the list of employees and addresses until March 30, the day before the first negotiation session, and that list was inadequate, since it did not contain the employees job classifications, wage rates, or hours worked, as had been requested. Nor did Respondent fur- nish any explanation for its failure to produce all the in- formation requested. Even after another request made by the Union on April 20, Respondent failed to produce the requested information until July 27, 5 months after the initial request was made. I note that not only did Re- spondent fail to give the Union any explanation for its delay, see Valley Inventory, supra, but the nature of the requested information (job classifications and wage rates), is conducive to a relatively quick response, Shan- gri-La Health Care Center, 288 NLRB 334 (1988); and readily obtainable from Respondent's files. Bundy Corp., supra. Accordingly, I conclude that Respondent has delayed furnishing relevant information to the Union for an un- reasonable amount of time and has thereby violated Sec- tion 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act. Bundy, supra; Shangri-La, supra; Valley Inventory, supra. See also Aeolian Corp., 247 NLRB 1231, 1243-1244 (1980). Moreover, not only was this information not supplied in a timely fashion, but it was also incomplete and out of date. Thus the information as to wage rates and classifi- cations was dated May 31, some 2 months before the date it was furnished. Indeed Foner complained about the fact that there had been new hires since May 31, and the Union wanted an up-to-date list. The Union was never provided with such a list. It is clear that the Union is entitled to an updated list of employees and their wage rates and classifications. Potters' Medical Center, 289 NLRB 201 (1988); Shangri- La, supra. Therefore Respondent further violated Section 8(a)(5) by failing to provide such an updated list of em- ployees on July 27. As to completeness, the information supplied on July 27 contained no reference to and did not include any of the fleshers. Foner also objected to this omission at the July 27 meeting, pointing out that he did not even know whether the fleshers had received a wage increase due them under the Local 1518 contract. Since Respondent never furnished this information to the Union, it has fur- ther violated Section 8(a)(5) by its failure to do so.11 Finally, the record discloses that at the June 15 meet- ing, Respondent presented its written proposal, which in- cluded a wage cap for certain employees. This item pro- duced a substantial amount of consternation from the Union, since it felt the proposal was aimed primarily at union supporters. Edelstein explained that Respondent had no intent to target supporters, but that the current wages of these employees are "way out of line." Foner questioned this assertion, and noted that some of his union shops provide for wages of $10 per hour, more than Respondent was paying. Edelstein answered that he knew that there are shops that do not pay as much as Respondent. Foner asked Edelstein for the names of these shops; because he didn't know of any. Edelstein promised to supply the Union with these names, but never did so. The complaint alleges that Respondent's failure to supply this information "supporting Respondent's claim that its wage rates were above prevailing industry stand- ards," is violative of the Act. Respondent argues that Edelstein's remarks about wages being "out of line" was an incidental "off the cuff" remark, and that Respondent never grounded any refusal on its part to amend its wage proposal on the position that its wages were out of line with industry. Respondent further argues that unlike NLRB v. Truitt Mfg. Co., 351 U.S. 149 (1956), there is no casual link be- tween the information request and its refusal to meet the bargaining demand. Moreover it argues that it never as- serted an inability to pay. Thus, Respondent contends that it was not obligated to supply this information to the Union. The Board has long held that an employer is obligated to supply to the union the results of wage surveys that it had taken or utilized, where it relied on such surveys in its bargaining positions. Mobil Exploration & Production, 295 NLRB 1179 (1989); General Electric Co., 192 NLRB 68 (1971), and General Electric Co., 188 NLRB 920 " Respondent's reliance on O'Bnen's testimony that the Union knew who the fleshers were and how much they earned, because the fleshers were members of a sister local is misplaced. The fleshers membership in the sister local would not have informed the Union whether these em- ployees had received a raise pursuant to the Teamsters contract, a fact which as noted Foner pointed out to Edelstein at the July 27 meeting, as a reason for his dissatisfaction with Respondent's submission. TUBARI, LTD. 1229 (1971), both cases enfd. 466 F.2d 1177 (6th Cir. 1972). This obligation includes the requirement to supply the names of the employers surveyed; Winges Co., 263 NLRB 152, 155-156 (1982) so that the union could deter- mine the accuracy of the employer's assertions General Electric, supra, 466 F.2d at 1184. The rationale for these decisions is cogently set forth by the court of appeals in General Electric, supra, and ap- plies equally to the instant case. As the court held, "When the Company takes the position that its wage rates are competitive in the local areas . . . which pre- sumably would back up the Company's position, then it is only reasonable that the Union should be given suffi- cient data to determine whether the Company's position is accurate or justified." Id. 466 F.2d at 1184. The court then proceeded to a discussion of Truitt, supra, cited by Respondent, relying on the oft-cited quote therein: Good faith bargaining necessarily requires that claims made by either bargainer should be honest claims. This is true about an asserted inability to pay an increase in wages. If such an argument is im- portant enough to present in the give and take of bargaining, it is important enough to require some sort of proof of its accuracy. [351 U.S. at 152-153.] The court added that the Truitt rationale cited above has not been confined to cases in which the employer's defense is inability to pay. Id. at 1184 citing NLRB v. Western Wirebound Box, 356 F.2d 88 (9th Cir. 1966).12 Finally, the court observed, "if the Union cannot meaningfully evaluate the employer's proof, it cannot know whether the company's claims are honest or accu- rate. The employer must be ready to back up its wage claims with factual proof which affords the Union an op- portunity to fairly understand the merits of the employ- er's positions." 466 F.2d at 1184. Here, while the evidence is not clear whether or not Respondent conducted a survey, it is undisputed that Edelstein characterized Respondent's current wages as "way out of line," as a justification for its proposals for a wage cap. Moreover, in response to the Union's assertion that it had shops that were making $10 an hour, Edel- stein countered that he knew of shops that do not pay as , much as Respondent. Respondent's characterization of Edelstein's remarks aiN the cuff" is misplaced. In fact these comments by Ede tein were virtually the only reason that he gave in suppbrt of Respondent's position that a wage cap is appropriate. Thus, if the assertion by Edelstein that he knew of other shops that paid lower wages than Respondent, was "important enough to present in the gave and take of bargaining, it is important enough to require some sort of proof of its accuracy." Truitt, supra at 176; General Electric, supra at 1184; West- ern Wirebound Box, supra at 91. 12 In that case the Ninth Circuit applied Truitt to a request for produc- tion data sought by a union. The court held therein, "we see no reason why, under the same rationale, an employer who insistently asserts that competitive disadvantage precludes him from acquiescing in a union wage demand, does not have a like duty to come forward, on request, with some substantiation" 356 F.2d at 91. Thus since Respondent has asserted as at least one reason for its proposals that its wages were "way out of line," and that other employers pay less, it must provide the Union with the names of these employers to enable the Union to test the accuracy of such facts. It may be of course, as Respondent argued during the trial that Edel- stein was merely engaged in "puffing" when he made these assertions. If that is so, and if in fact he was not aware of any other employers that pay less than Re- spondent, then that fact must also be disclosed to the Union. Respondent argues also that the Union never made a request for this information in writing, as was its previ- ous requests, and that the oral request was never reiterat- ed. I find these facts to be irrelevant. There is no legal requirement that information requests be in writing, nor that they be repeated. Accordingly, I conclude based on the above analysis and precedent, that Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act by refusing and failing to provide the information as to the employers that it allegedly believed were paying lower wages than Respondent. B. The Alleged Surface Bargaining General Counsel contends that the evidence establishes that Respondent entered into negotiations with a fixed intent to frustrate progress at the bargaining table, and that it has bargained in bad faith with the Union. Gener- al Counsel relies on Respondent's "punitive contract pro- posals, dilatory bargaining tactics, and recent history of unfair labor practices" to support its contention. I am not persuaded that the record supports General Counsel's position, primarily because in my view "the Union did not test the Respondent's willingness to bargain, and that the Respondent's conduct cannot therefore be found un- lawful." Captain's Table, 289 NLRB 22 (1988). With respect to Respondent's history of unfair labor practices, General Counsel relies on the prior Board case, and the violations found, including statements by Jack Glass, Respondent's president, that he would never bargain with the Union and that the only thing the Union does is close shops. However, I note that these re- marks by Glass as well as the other violations found, oc- curred in the fall of 1984, some 2-1/2 years before the bargaining began on April 1, 1987. Thus, in my view Re- spondent's conduct in the prior case is too stale and remote in time to be considered a significant indication of bad-faith bargaining in 1987. L. W. Le Fort Co., 290 NLRB 344 (1988). General Counsel also relies on Respondent's postcerti- fication implementation of a new health and welfare plan as evidence of bad faith. While conceding that this con- duct is not alleged to be unlawful, General Counsel notes that Respondent sought to improve the very term (health and welfare plan) which the Board found had been at the core of the employees' dissatisfaction with the Team- sters, and the source of their attraction to the Union. I find this argument to be somewhat perplexing, and un- convincing. Since General Counsel has not alleged that Respondent violated the Act by either unilaterally grant- ing the benefit or granting the benefit in order to under- 1230 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD mine the Union, I find it difficult to understand how it can argue that in these circumstances, bad faith is estab- lished. In effect General Counsel is asking me to find that Respondent granted the benefit to employees to un- dermine the Union's status, a clear 8(a)(1) violation, while at the same time failing to include such a violation in the complaint. I find it inappropriate to do so. More- over I find the evidence insufficient in any event to es- tablish such an assertion, nor to ascribe any bad-faith mo- tivation to Respondent's decision to continue providing medical coverage to its employees. Indeed it appears that Respondent would have been violating the Act, if it had not maintained medical coverage for its employees, not- withstanding the expiration of the Local 1518 contract. Christopher Street Owners Corp., 294 NLRB 277 (1989). Moreover, it is also apparent that even the Union con- sidered Respondent's action in maintaining medical cov- erage for its employees to be a sign of Respondent's good faith, and in fact Mason, its chief negotiator, made such a comment at the table. Accordingly, I do not find that Respondent's providing medical coverage to its em- ployees to constitute any evidence of bad-faith bargain- ing. Turning to General Counsel's contention that Re- spondent engaged in "dilatory tactics," General Counsel argues that Respondent unlawfully delayed the presenta- tion of a counterproposal for the first 2-1/2 months of bargaining. General Counsel relies on Whisper Soft Mills, 267 NLRB 813, 815 (1983), revd. on other grounds 754 F.2d 1381 (9th Cir. 1984), in support of its position. I find Whisper Soft Mills, supra, to be clearly distin- guishable to the instant matter, and that General Counsel has failed to establish that Respondent unreasonably de- layed in presenting its counterproposal. In Whisper Soft Mills, supra, the union made its wage proposal in March, and the employer delayed presenting its counterproposal until August. The Board relying particularly on the facts that the union during the course of seven subsequent ses- sions prior to the session when the counterproposals were presented, was constantly asking for such a propos- al," found that Respondent's delay clearly frustrated bargaining in violation of the Act. The facts are far different, and contain no evidence that Respondent's delay in submitting a counterproposal hampered or frustrated bargaining. The record reveals that the Union presented its proposals at the first meeting on April 1, which proposal contained a revolutionary change from Respondent's present wage structure. Thus, the Union demanded a change to "community piece work" system for all of Respondent's floorworkers. This proposal resulted in substantial discussion during this and the next two bargaining sessions held on April 6 and 20. Finally at the April 20 session, the Union became con- vinced that Respondent would not agree to a "piece work" system for floorworkers and withdrew its previ- ous proposal. After that point the Union never presented another proposal to Respondent. 13 For example, the Board noted that at one point the union's attorney requested that the employer make a wage proposal because the union "had to have" one. On another occasion, the union's attorney indicated that the employer's failure to make a wage proposal had severely limited the ability of the union to bargain. Although Respondent's attorney had initially promised to submit a counterproposal at the meetings of April 6 and 20, and apologized for failing to do so, this apology hardly establishes bad faith in failing to submit a counter- proposal for a 3-week period. Moreover, during the April 6 meeting part of the session was spent discussing the issue of the reinstatement of employee Mujica, and most of the April 20 session was spent discussing the ter- mination of employee Hernandez." Thus I find that the failure to submit a counterproposal as promised between April 1 and 20 had no appreciable affect on the bargain- ing, and was not unlawful. After the meeting of April 20, the parties did not meet until June 15, due apparently in large part to the Hernan- dez arbitration. At that meeting, the first subsequent to April 20, Respondent presented its counterproposal. I note that the Union had no proposal on the table at that time, and that Respondent was in effect making a coun- terproposal to nothing. I find it disingenuous, and clearly without merit, for General Counsel to argue that Re- spondent demonstrated bad faith by not submitting a counterproposal during a period of time when the parties were not meeting, due to the Union's insistence on an ex- pedited arbitration, and at a time when the Union had no proposal outstanding which required a response. Therefore, I find that General Counsel has fallen far short of establishing that Respondent's delay in submit- ting its counterproposal frustrated bargaining or consti- tutes any evidence of bad faith on its part. General Counsel also considers Respondent's refusal to supply information, as evidence of dilatory tactics and bad faith. While I have found above that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act by various acts of re- fusals to supply and delays in supplying information to the Union, such a finding does not automatically trans- late to a finding that Respondent bargained in bad faith with no intention to reach an agreement. Indeed the Board has frequently found that employers who have violated the Act by refusing to submit information, as well as committing extensive other violations of the Act, had nonetheless fulfilled their obligation to bargain in good faith with the Union. American Commercial Lines, 291 NLRB 1066 (1988); Albritton Communications, 271 NLRB 201, 206 (1984), enfd. 766 F.2d 812, 822-823 (3d Cir. 1985). I do not construe the violations I have found as suffi- cient to taint Respondent's entire bargaining, and in fact I am not convinced that these violations contributed sub- stantially to the breakup of negotiations. In this connec- tion I note particularly the testimony of O'Brien con- cerning the discussion of the Union's strategy. At a meet- ing of union officials and its attorney, Foner explained to the attorney that he felt that Respondent was bargaining in bad faith because it had proposed a reduction in wages for strongest union supporters, elimination of 1 sick day, and no union-security clause. He recommended that the Union break off negotiations, file charges, and take other 14 In this connection I note that Foner, the Union's spokesman, stated that It did not want to negotiate with Respondent under the cloud of the Hernandez discharge. Respondent, although under no legal obligation to do so, agreed to an expedited arbitration of the termination. TUBARI, LTD. 1231 action in an attempt to persuade Respondent to bargain fairly with the Union. Significantly, Foner made no men- tion of the Respondent's failure to provide information to the Union, as contributing in any way to his perception that Respondent was not bargaining in good faith. While Foner's beliefs are not of course controlling, I believe that it does bear upon the effect of Respondent's refusals to supply information on the termination of negotiations, since it was the Union that decided to do so. Accordingly, I conclude that Respondent's unlawful refusals to provide timely information to the Union is not sufficient to establish that Respondent engaged in surface bargaining. Finally, and it appears most forcefully, General Coun- sel argues that Respondent's punitive and regressive bar- gaining proposals establish its bad faith. She argues that its proposals "comprise a package which constitute a a significant step backwards for the employees and a fur- ther step towards the effective emasculation of the Union." General Counsel recognizes that the Act does not force an employer to make a concession on any spe- cific issue, NLRB v. National Insurance Co., 343 U.S. 395, 494 (1952), but asserts that an "employer may not implement a policy of intransigence designed to circum- vent the bargaining process." Quoting from Palestine Coca Cola, 269 NLRB 639, 644 (1984), it is further argued that, "where an employer insists on a set of terms which would place the employees in a worse, or no better, economic position than had there been no con- tract at all, thereby demonstrating a desire to penalize the employees, undermine the Union, or reject collective bargaining, a finding that it acted in bad faith is inescap- able." Finally, General Counsel cites Reichhold Chemicals, 288 NLRB 69 (1988), where the Board explicitly upheld the propriety of analyzing bargaining proposals where "in some cases specific proposals might become relevant in determining whether a party has bargained in bad faith." General Counsel points to the regressive nature of Re- spondent's proposals particularly its proposal for a wage cap which would penalize primarily union supporters, its refusal to accept a seniority clause and a union-security clause, and its proposals to reduce holidays and sick leave. In this connection, General Counsel seems to argue, as did the Union during negotiations, that Re- spondent's inclusion in its previous contract with the Teamsters of seniority, union security and other clauses in issue, somehow obligates it to continue such benefits in successive contracts. However, it is well settled that "the existence of such a clause in previous contracts does not by itself obligate the parties to include it in succes- sive contracts." Challenge Cook Bros., 288 NLRB 387 (1988), and cases cited. Here, contrary to General Counsel's assertion, Re- spondent did provide reasons and justification for its pro- posals to change the clauses in significant dispute. Thus as to seniority, Respondent contended that in its view, in the event of a layoff the most productive workers should be retained. Asserting that this proposal evidences bad faith is even more suspect, in view of the fact that the Union's proposal which was submitted on April 1 and withdrawn two meetings later, did not contain a seniori- ty clause. Thus the Union did not even have a proposal on the table, nor had it ever made one with respect to seniority, when Respondent made its proposal. Indeed the emphasis by General Counsel and the Union on the terms of the prior contract is made less cogent by the Union's prior conduct with regard to that agreement. Thus it was the Union which initially proposed a radical departure from the prior Teamsters contract by changing to a "piece work system" and then failed to ever make a new proposal after withdrawing its initial demands. It hardly behooves the Union to complain when Respond- ent now seeks to also change some terms of that same agreement, that the Union was prepared to dismantle. As to union security, once again Respondent advanced a justification for its proposal to eliminate union security. It claimed that the fleshers did not wish to join the Union, and that Respondent did not want to force them to do so. In this connection, General Counsel argues that Respondent's positions with respect to the fleshers "is evidence of an unwillingness to accept the Union as their representative, and its hope to fragment the unit." Thus General Counsel contends that this is further evidence of bad faith. I cannot agree. While it is true that Respondent has since the initial R case taken the position at times that fleshers should not be in the unit, it never insisted on such a position, and at all times expressed its willingness to bargain on behalf of fleshers. Indeed its proposal of a maintenance-of-mem- bership clause, as well as its initial refusal to agree to a union-security clause, was based on its belief that fleshers did not wish to be union members. I do not find these positions to be evidence of bad faith, particularly since there appears to be some basis for Respondent's asser- tions as to the fleshers desires. Thus the fleshers are highly skilled, highly paid (over $100,000 a year in some cases) employees, who never had much interest in repre- sentation by the Union. None of the fleshers signed cards for the Union, and it appears that all of them crossed the Union's picket line when the floorworkers struck. There- fore Respondent's assertion that fleshers had told Re- spondent's officials that they did not wish to be union members appears to be credible. Indeed the Union by its conduct seemed to recognize this fact, and at one point in the negotiation, agreed to remove the fleshers from the unit, although that concession was immediately re- tracted. Therefore, I find no evidence of bad faith with respect to Respondent's bargaining concerning the fleshers. As for Respondent's proposals for a wage cap, as well as its demand to reduce holidays and sick days, Respond- ent again, contrary to General Counsel's assertions, pro- vided a justification. Respondent claimed that its costs had gone up, and that these benefits and wages were "way out of line." Edelstein further asserted that had he been the negotiator at the time, these benefits and wages would not have been agreed to. While the Union and the General Counsel may not be persuaded by these explana- tions, such is not sufficient to establish that the proposals were made in bad faith. While as I have noted above, Respondent has violated its duty to supply information in 1232 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD support of its explanation, this hardly constitutes suffi- cient evidence to establish that the proposals were made to frustrate bargaining with no intent to reach agree- ment. A close examination of the language in cases cited by General Counsel only reinforces my conclusion, that as is Captain's Table, supra, the Union here has not suffi- ciently tested Respondent's willingness to bargain in good faith. In Palestine Coca Cola, supra, the language quoted by General Counsel talks about an employer insisting (em- phasis added) on regressive terms. In Reichhold, supra, the Board in modifying its previous decision (277 NLRB 639), indicated that "in some cases specific proposals might become relevant in determining whether a party has bargained in bad faith. The Board's earlier decision is not to be construed as suggesting that this Board has pre- cluded itself from reading the language of contract pro- posals and examinating insistence [emphasis added] on ex- treme proposals in certain situations." [288 NLRB 69.] Additionally later on in Reichhold, supra, the Board sought to justify its decision to in some cases evaluate proposals. It held, "indeed the fundamental rights guar- anteed by the Act—to act in concert, to organize and to freely choose a bargaining agent—are meaningless if their employer can make a mockery of the duty to bar- gain by adhering [emphasis added] to proposals which clearly demonstrate an intent not to reach an agreement with the employees' selected collective bargaining repre- sentative." Id. at 70. Finally, when the Board turned to the merits of the particular facts in Reichhold, supra it concluded that "Respondent did not demonstrate the kind of intransigence or insistence [emphasis added] on ex- treme proposals which is evidence of an overall intent to frustrate the collective bargaining process." Id. at 71. See also American Commercial Lines, supra, where the Board reversed an administrative law judge's finding of a viola- tion based on a similar conclusion. Therefore it appears that the evidence must establish intransigence, insistence, or rigid adherence to extreme proposals for the Board to consider such conduct evi- dence of bad faith. By no stretch of the imagination can such a finding be made based on the facts herein, Re- spondent's counterproposal which at the time was the only proposal by either side on the table, was bargained about for only two meetings. As in Captain's Table, supra, this proposal "was a start- ing point for future negotiations. The Respondent neither stated nor suggested by its conduct that it intended its first wage offer to be the last." 289 NLRB at 24.15 In this connection the observation of an administrative law judge, adopted by the Board is particularly apt: While it is true that Respondent sought wide rang- ing and substantial concessions, it is not unusual at the outset of negotiations for both parties to make demands which they realize in all likelihood will not be included in the final agreement. This is par- 15 To the contrary Edelstein had specifically told the Union at the off- the-record meeting that "something could be worked out" with respect to a wage cap of 95 cents per hour, which he knew the Union would not accept. ticularly true in the matter of wages. . . . The Board does not normally inject itself into the nego- tiations to proscribe such proposals. More often, the give and take of negotiations govern the final re- sults. . . . It is not for the Board to decide, except perhaps in the most extreme cases, that contract proposals, themselves, particularly at the outset of negotiations, are illegal, however repugnant they may appear to the other party. [I. Bahcall Indus- tries, 287 NLRB at 1281]. Similarly as in Captain's Table, supra, the "Respond- ent's wage offer was on the table, awaiting a response, at the close of the parties final session." Here, Respondent had, unlike the Employer, demonstrated flexibility in bar- gaining. The Employer had withdrawn its proposal for a reduction in holidays, and modified its proposal for no union-security clause to propose a maintenance-of-mem- bership clause. It also had agreed to accept use of the union medical plan. Significantly, it had also reduced its demands for a wage cap by 25 cents an hour. See also Reichhold, supra, where the Board relied on the fact that Respondent had made some movement on its previous demands for changes in prior practices, to indicate that it had not demonstrated the kind of intransigence and in- sistence on extreme proposals which evidences bad faith. Reichhold, supra. See also I. Bahcall, supra; American Commercial Lines, supra. It is also important to emphasize. that the parties en- gaged in only six bargaining sessions, the first four ses- sions of which dealt with discussions of the Union's pro- posal for a restructuring of Respondent's pay system, which the Union withdrew, plus a substantial discussion about the status of two employees. In this area, I once again stress that it was the Union who insisted on resolu- tion of the Hernandez discharge, with Foner comment- ing that it "didn't want to negotiate under the cloud of the Hernandez discharge." Respondent, although under no obligation to do so, agreed to an expedited arbitra- tion, an action which not only demonstrated Respond- ent's good faith, but also expedited the bargaining proc- ess, by removing that issue from stalling the negotiations. I must also again emphasize that when negotiations ended, the parties had spent but two sessions discussing Respondent's proposals, and the Union had no demands on the table at the time. After withdrawing its demand for a piecework system, the Union chose not to make any new proposals, but to await presentation of Re- spondent's promised offer. Thus this case is even strong- er then Captain's Table in finding that Respondent's posi- tion had not been tested, since in that cage, at least the Union had an offer on the table." Moreover, another factor herein, which even more persuasively then Cap- tain's Table, supports such a finding, is how the negotia- tions broke off. In Captain's Table both parties were at General Counsel's argument that the Union had an offer on the table, in its demand that Respondent grant the 45-cent-per-hour increase due under the IBT contract is not convincing. That position of the Union, was in my view, a starting point for negotiations rather than a demand. Thus the Union failed to include such a demand in its written proposals, and kept insisting that Respondent was already obligated to have granted such Increases under the prior contract. TUBARI, LTD. 1233 fault in failing to schedule another meeting. Here on the contrary, a conscious decision was made by the Union to cut off negotiations, and attempt to convince Respondent to change its bargaining stance by means other than ne- gotiations. Obviously these tactics, such as filing charges, going to the newspaper, and passing out leaflets were not successful." This case appears to be little more than an attempt by the Union to use the Board to rescue the Union from Foner's miscalculation as to bargaining strat- egy." Thus I conclude that as in Captain's Table, supra, "the bargaining process in this case reveals that the normal give and take of negotiations had just begun, . . . when the Union filed the instant unfair labor practice charges. Under these circumstances,. . . we cannot find that the facts establish that the Respondent exhibited an unwill- ingness to reach agreement." Captain's Table, supra. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent Tubari, Ltd, Inc. is an employer en- gaged in commerce and is an industry affecting com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Fur Dressers, Local 1-3, FLM, FJC, United Food and Commercial Workers, AFL-CIO is a labor organiza- tion within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. The following unit is now, and has been at all times material, an appropriate unit for the purpose of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All regular full-time and part-time employees, in- cluding floorworkers, fleshers, chauffeurs and help- ers employed by Respondent at its Saddle Brook, New Jersey location, but excluding all executives, clerical employees, guards and supervisors as de- fined in the Act. 4. The Union, has been, the exclusive bargaining repre- sentative of Respondent's employees in the above de- scribed unit since February 20, 1987, when it was certi- fied as such, and continues to remain such representative for the purpose of collective bargaining with respect to rates of pay, wages, and hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment of those employees. 5. By failing and refusing to provide updated and timely information to the Union, including names, ad- dresses, wage rates, and job classifications of all unit em- ployees, plus the names of the Employers whom it as- serts pays lower wages to its employees than Respondent does, Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act. 6. Respondent has not violated the Act in any other manner as alleged in the complaint. 7. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 17 Indeed the record does not even establish whether or not the Union ever actually went to the papers or passed out leaflets. ' 8 I note in this connection that O'Brien disagreed with Foner's posi- tion, and suggested that negotiations continue. He was overruled by Foner and the Union's attorney. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act, I shall recommend that it cease and desist there- from, and take certain affirmative action designed to ef- fectuate the policies of the Act, including the furnishing of updated complete information to the Union. The General Counsel has requested that the certifica- tion year be extended for 1 year from the date Respond- ent provides the information and begins to bargain in good faith. Avis Rent-A-Car System, 285 NLRB 1032 (1987); Mar-Jac Poultry Co., 136 NLRB 785, 786 (1962). The Board has long held that where an employer has, during part or all of the year immediately following a certification, refused to bargain with the Union, the Board will take measures to assure a period of at least a year of good-faith bargaining during which the bargain- ing representative need not fend off claims that it has lost its majority support. Dominguez Valley Hospital, 287 NLRB 149 (1987); Colfor Inc., 282 NLRB 1173, 1174- 1175 (1987) Mar-Jac, supra. The measures taken by the Board to assure a period of good-faith bargaining generally includes an extension of the certification year for some period of time. Valley In- ventory Service, 295 NLRB 1146 (1989); Whisper Soft Mills, supra at 816; Mar-Jac, supra. However, in some situations, the Board will not extend the certification year, but merely require bargaining on request for a rea- sonable period of time. a J. Aigner Corp., 257 NLRB 669 (1981); San Antonio Portland Cement Co., 277 NLRB 309 (1985); Libbie Convalescent Center, 251 NLRB 817 (1980); Federal Pacific Electric Co., 215 NLRB 861 (1974). Moreover, even where an extension of the certifi- cation year is ordered, the extension need not necessarily be the product of simple arithmetic calculation. Collor, supra; Glomac Plastics, 234 NLRB 1309 (1978). In assessing the appropriate remedy in these situations, it is necessary to "take into account the realities of col- lective bargaining negotiations by providing a reasonable period of time in which the Union and the Respondent can resume negotiations and bargain for a contract with- out unduly saddling the employees with a bargaining representative that they may no longer wish to have rep- resent them." Colfor, supra at 1175. Various factors are considered in making such an evaluation, including the nature of the violations found," the number extent of and dates of collective-bargaining sessions, 2° the impact of the unfair labor practices on the bargaining process," and the conduct of the Union during the negotiations.22 My evaluation of these factors leads me to conclude that a 6-month extension of the certification year is ap- propriate. Here the Union was certified on February 20, 1987, and the parties bargained for approximately a 4- month period from April 1 to July 27. During this period of time, Respondent did not engage in overall bad-faith surface bargaining, but did violate the Act by refusing to 12 Glomac, supra: G. J. Aigner, supra; Libbie, supra. 2 ° G. J. Aigner, supra; National Medical, supra; CoOr, supra. 21 Collor, supra; Dominguez Valley, supra. 22 Bnarchjf Pavilion, 260 NLRB 1374, 1379 (1982), enfd. mem. 725 F.2d 669 (3d Cir. 1983). 1234 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD submit relevant updated and timely information to the Union; including refusing to supply information allegedly supporting its proposal for a wage cap. Similar refusals to furnish information have been deemed sufficient to warrant an extension of the certification year. Dominguez Valley, supra; Winges Co., 263 NLRB 153, 157 (1982). Here Respondent failed to ever completely comply with the Union's information requests for the names, address- es, job classifications, dates of hire and wage rates of all the unit employees. Thus when it supplied the names and addresses of all employees on March 30, the list did not include the dates of hire, wage rates, or classifications of employees as had been requested by the Union. When after additional requests, Respondent supplied additional information on July 27, this list was out of date, and in- complete, as it did not include any information about the fleshers. While I conclude that these failures to supply pertinent information may have hampered the Union in its preparation for bargaining, I do not believe that they had a significant impact on the breakdown of negotia- tions. While one could presume that the failure to re- ceive this information precluded the Union from formu- lating its demands, the evidence here is to the contrary. Thus O'Brien testified that after the Union withdrew its piecework proposal, it decided not to make a new pro- posal until Respondent submitted its promised counter- proposal. Thereafter Respondent's proposal for a wage cap and other cuts dominated the bargaining thereafter. Thus it does not appear that the failure to obtain the rel- evant information from Respondent was responsible for the failure of the Union to make a proposal or the break- up of negotiations. Indeed O'Brien further admitted, as noted above, that Foner when explaining his reasons for believing Respondent was bargaining in bad faith, did not mention the refusals to supply information, as a factor in his decision to cut off negotiations. However, in my view the refusal to supply informa- tion as to the other Employers who allegedly paid lower wages than Respondent to its employees, stands on a dif- ferent footing. It is clear that the primary reason for the Union's belief that Respondent was not bargaining in good faith, and its consequent decision to cease negotiat- ing, was Respondent's proposal for a wage cap, dispro- portionately affecting union supporters. Respondent's re- fusal to supply information justifying its position, I find reasonably could have had some affect on the course of bargaining. Thus had Respondent supplied the Union with the names of these Employers, and the Union found that Respondent's assertion were accurate, the Union may very well have been more amenable to some sort of a wage reduction. On the other hand, if as Respondent argues, Edelstein's statements were merely "puffing," and it turns out Respondent knew of no other employers that paid lower wages than Respondent, this disclosure might have persuaded Respondent to reduce or even withdraw its demands for a wage cap. Finally, I have also considered the Union's conduct, Briarcliff; supra, including particularly its decision to pre- maturely cut off negotiations, as well as its position that the discharge of Hernandez should be disposed of before serious bargaining began. I find this latter position of the Union to have resulted in the loss of valuable time that could have otherwise been spent on contract negotia- tions. Therefore I conclude, based on consideration of the above factors, a 6-month extension of the certification year, will provide the parties with a reasonable interval in which to resume negotiations and possibly reach an agreement, without unduly saddling employees with a bargaining representative they may no longer support. Colfor, supra; Winges, supra; Dominguez Valley, supra. Therefore I shall recommend that the certification year be extended for 6 months from the time Respondent makes the information referred to heretofore available to the Union. Winges, supra. I note that while the certification year will be ex- tended for 6 months, Respondent's duty to bargain will not necessarily stop when the certification year expires. Colfor, supra; citing Celanese Corp. of America, 95 NLRB 664 (1951), and Terrell Machine Co., 173 NLRB 1480 (1969), enfd. 427 F.2d 1088 (4th Cir. 1970). On the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and on the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, Tissue the following recommended23 ORDER The Respondent, Tubari, Ltd., Inc., its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall 1. Cease and desist from (a) Refusing to bargain with the Union by failing and refusing, on request, to furnish the Union timely, updated and complete information which is relevant to the Union's performance of its function as the exclusive col- lective-bargaining representative of the employees in the following appropriate unit. All regular full-time and part-time employees, in- cluding floorworkers, fleshers, chauffeurs and help- ers employed by Respondent at its Saddle Brook, New Jersey location, but excluding all executives, clerical employees, guards and supervisors as de- fined in the Act. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- straining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. (a) Furnish the Union with an updated and complete list of all bargaining unit employees, their addresses, job classifications, dates of hire, and wage rates. (b) Furnish the Union with the names of all Employers whom Respondent believes pay lower wages to their em- ployees than Respondent pays to its employees. (c) On compliance with paragraphs 2(a) and (b) above, on request bargain collectively in good faith concerning wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employ- ment with the Union, and for 6 months thereafter as if 23 If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Board's Rules and Regulations, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules, be adopted by the Board and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all pur- poses. TUBARI, LTD. 1235 the initial year of certification has been extended, and if an understanding is reached embody it in a written signed agreement. (d) Post at its Saddle Brook, New Jersey, facility copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."24 Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 22, after being signed by the Re- spondent's authorized representative, shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt and maintained for 60 consecutive days in conspicuous places including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respond- ent to ensure that the notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 22 within 20 days from the date of this Order what steps the Re- spondent has taken to comply. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the complaint is dis- missed insofar as it alleges violations not found. 24 If this Order is enforced by a judgment of a United States court of appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the Nation- al Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has or- dered us to post and abide by this notice. WE WILL NOT refuse to bargain with the Fur Dressers, Local 1-3, FLM-FJC, United Food and Commercial Workers, AFL-CIO, by failing and refusing, on request, to furnish the Union timely, updated and complete infor- mation which is relevant to the Union's performance of its function as the exclusive collective-bargaining repre- sentative of the employees in the following appropriate unit. All regular full-time and part-time employees, in- cluding floorworkers, fleshers, chauffeurs and help- ers employed by Respondent at its Saddle Brook, New Jersey location, but excluding all executives, clerical employees, guards and supervisors as de- fined in the Act. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce you in the exercise of the rights guaranteed you by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL furnish the Union with an updated and com- plete list of all bargaining unit employees, their address- es, job classifications, dates of hire, and wage rates. WE WILL furnish the Union with the names of all Em- ployers whom we believe pay lower wages to their em- ployees than we pay to our employees. WE WILL after supplying the Union with the above in- formation, on request bargain collectively in good faith concerning wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with the Union as the exclusive collec- tive-bargaining representative of our employees in the above described unit. WE WILL regard the Union as the exclusive bargaining agent as if the initial year of certification has been ex- tended for an additional 6-months period. If an under- standing is reached we will embody it in a written signed agreement. TUBARI, LTD., INC. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation