Town House RestaurantDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 24, 1973203 N.L.R.B. 864 (N.L.R.B. 1973) Copy Citation 864 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Town House Restaurant and Hotel & Restaurant Em- ployees & Bartenders Union Local No. 427 affiliated with Hotel & Restaurant Employees & Bartenders International Union, AFL-CIO. Case 19-CA-5837 May 24, 1973 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS FANNING AND PENELLO On February 16, 1973, Administrative Law Judge James S. Jenson issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions, a supporting brief , and a request for oral argument. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record I and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings , findings,' and conclusions 3 of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that Respondent , Town House Restaurant, Missoula , Montana, its officers , agents , successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. I Respondent 's request for oral argument is hereby denied , as the record and exceptions in our view adequately present the issues and positions of the parties. 2 In agreeing with the Administrative Law Judge that there is a proper basis for asserting Junsdiction over Respondent , we do not rely on his finding that Respondent posted the entire 1970 union contract in the restaurant , as such is not supported by the record . However, we note that Respondent posted the wage schedule of the contract and kept a copy of the agreement available and adhered to its terms. The Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions were incorrect . Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc, 91 NLRB 544, enfd . 188 F.2d 362 (C A. 3) We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings 7 In the absence of exceptions thereto , we adopt , pro forma, the Adminis- trative Law Judge's disposition of the 8 (aX3) and (5) allegations. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE JAMES S. JENSON, Administrative Law Judge: This pro- ceeding was heard before me in Missoula, Montana, on October 25 and 26, 1972, pursuant to due notice. The charge and an amended charge were filed on May 12 and June 21, 1972, respectively, and a complaint and amended complaint were issued on June 15 and July 19, 1972, respectively. The amended complaint alleges violations of Section 8(a)(1), (3), (4) and (5) of the National Labor Relations Act. Respon- dent filed an answer to the amended complaint denying the Board has jurisdiction over its operations and the commis- sion of the alleged unfair labor practices. All parties were afforded full opportunity to appear, to introduce evidence, to examine and cross-examine witnesses , to argue orally on the record, and to file briefs. Briefs were filed by both Re- spondent and the General Counsel. Upon the entire record in the case and from my observa- tion of the demeanor of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I JURISDICTIONAL FINDINGS Albert C. Bailey and Irma M. Bailey , husband and wife, d/b/a Town House Restaurant , herein called Respondent, are engaged in the operation of a restaurant in Missoula, Montana . Respondent 's gross receipts , considered alone, are insufficient to meet the Board's appropriate standard for the assertion of jurisdiction . The amended complaint alleges that Respondent has been a member of and represented for the purposes of collective bargaining by the Missoula Res- taurant Association, herein called Association , and that ju- risdiction should be asserted on the basis of the aggregate gross receipts of the members of the Association. While no evidence was introduced regarding the gross revenue of the members of the Association , the General Counsel also con- tends the Board has jurisdiction over Respondent since he has engaged in group bargaining and that one of the group of restaurants likewise engaged meets the Board 's jurisdic- tional standards. Denying that it has ever been a member of the Association or a party to a collective-bargaining agreement , Respondent contends that the Board lacks juris- diction. Finding hereafter that Respondent engaged in group bar- gaining at the time material herein , I further find that the operations of Respondent affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act, and that it will effectuate the purposes of the Act to assert jurisdiction here- in. 11 THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Charging Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 203 NLRB No. 134 TOWN HOUSE RESTAURANT 865 111. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES The General Counsel alleges that the Respondent and the Union are parties to a multiemployer collective -bargaining agreement covering the Respondent 's employees ; that on or about April 17, 1972, Respondent terminated employee Joann Mitchell because she refused to perform cook 's duties at a wage rate lower than that provided in the collective- bargaining agreement ; that on June 14, 1972, Respondent reinstated Mitchell , but not to her former or substantially equivalent terms or conditions of employment ; that com- mencing in June 1972 , Respondent unilaterally changed its rules regarding coffee and smoke breaks , acceptance of tips at the cash register, and time for reporting to work and leaving the employer's premises ; and that on or about June 20, 1972, Respondent again discharged Mitchell because her original discharge was the subject of the instant charge, or for the reason she was terminated on April 17. The changes in rules are alleged as violations of Section 8(a)(1) and (5), the terminations and reinstatement as violative of Section 8(a)(3), and the June 20 termination also as a viola- tion of Section 8(a)(4). Respondent admits that he partici- pated and assisted in the negotiations which culminated in an agreement between the Association and the Union, but denies he is a party to said agreement . He further contends that Mitchell was terminated for cause and that the changes in rules , if they occurred , were not in violation of the Act. Thus, in addition to jurisdiction, the issues are whether Respondent is a party to the June 12 , 1970, multiemployer contract with the Union; whether he made certain unilateral changes in employment conditions in violation of the Act; and whether the termination, reinstatement , and second termination of Mitchell were in violation of the Act. A. Contract Coverage and Jurisdiction The Association 's articles of incorporation disclose that it was founded in 1963 for the purpose , inter alia, of serving "as the bargaining agent of its members in their relations with organized labor . . . ." In 1967 , and again in 1970, Jeremy Thane, a Missoula attorney , represented the Associ- ation in collective-bargaining negotiations with the Charg- ing Party , herein called Union . On April 4 , 1967, Thane wrote the Union regarding the forthcoming negotiations and enclosed a list of employers which purported to be the membership of the Association for which he would bargain. The Town House is listed , followed by the name of the then owner , Pete Kolokotrones . The Baileys purchased the Town House on or about April 15 , 1967. The evidence does not disclose that the Respondent participated in the 1967 nego- tiations nor that he signed the 1967 collective-bargaining agreement with the Union. I Prior to the commencement of the 1970 negotiations, a number of the restaurant owners in the Missoula area met and reviewed the Union's demands. Thane, Gagnier, the Association 's president , and Albert C. Bailey were the prin- cipal spokesmen at the meeting, Bailey having read the Union's proposals to the group . Not all employers present belonged to the Association. On May 19, 1972 , the first of five negotiation meetings took place. Bailey attended and participated as a member of the Employer's negotiating committee along with Thane, Gagnier, and representatives of several other restaurants in the Missoula area . Thane opened the meeting by stating that the group of employers present represented the Associ- ation . The Union's secretary-treasurer asked Thane for a list of the names he was negotiating for, which Thane agreed to furnish at the next meeting . At the May 22 meeting, which Bailey also attended as a member of the Employer 's negoti- ating committee, Thane delivered to the union representa- tive a list of employers which he purported to represent, including Respondent, the 4 B's Cafe , and Dorothy's Coffee Cup. None of the latter three are members of the Associa- tion . At no time during the negotiations did Bailey inform anyone that Respondent's participation in group bargaining was limited in any way. Moreover, on May 15, 1972, Bailey signed the Board's interstate commerce data form where, in answer to the question "Are you a member of, or participant in, an association or group which engaged in collective bar- gaining?" , he gave an affirmative response and listed there- after "Missoula Restaurant Association ." On June 12, 1970, an agreement was reached effective June 1, 1970, until May 31, 1973. Thane signed the agreement on behalf of the Asso- ciation, and asked the Union to furnish him enough addi- tional copies for each of the employers represented in the negotiations . Accordingly, additional copies of the agree- ment were prepared by the Union and delivered to Thane. While the record does not disclose from whom Bailey ac- quired a copy, it is clear that he in fact did obtain a copy of the agreement, presumably from Thane , which he posted in the restaurant. Regarding Thane's bargaining authority, Dorothy Van Alstine , owner of Dorothy's Coffee Cup, testified that she understood Thane was negotiating for the entire group, in- cluding those who did not belong to the Association. Bill Hainline, of the 4 B's Cafe , testified that he participated in the negotiations , that Thane was the spokesman for the employers , and that Thane had signed the contract on be- half of the 4 B's. Although the record does not disclose the extent to which Respondent followed the agreement , as noted above it was established-that he posted a copy of the agreement in the restaurant , paid employees in accordance with it , posted a union house card in the restaurant for a period of time, obtained some employees through the Union, and made arrangements with the Union whereby Bailey personally paid the union dues of an individual performing part-time work so that he would not "have any problem with the other girls." In view of the foregoing , I find no merit in the Respondent 's contention that the Board should not assert jurisdiction in this case . The record demonstrates that the employers who participated in the 1970 negotiations, in- cluding Respondent, had joined together for the purpose of conducting collective-bargaining negotiations . In these cir- cumstances , the Board has repeatedly held that they consti- tute a single employer for jurisdictional purposes ,' and that a multiemployer unit is appropriate even though an employ- er may not have specifically delegated to the employer 1 See, for example, Belleville Employing Printers, 122 NLRB 350; Santa Clara County Pharmaceutical Association, et al, 114 NLRB 256. 866 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD group the authority to represent it in collective bargaining or given the employer group the power to execute final and binding agreements on its behalf, or where some of the contracts have not been signed by all members of the group. What is essential is that the employer has indicated from the outset an intention to be bound in collective bargaining by group rather than by individual action? Here Respondent sufficiently indicated from the commencement of bargain- ing with the Union the necessary intention to be bound by group bargaining. Indeed, the Board has found a multiem- ployer unit "even though the employers had never formal- ized themselves into an employer association , a requirement the Board has never demanded. Substance rather than legal- istic form is all the Board has ever required in multiemploy- er bargaining." Town & Country Dairy, 136 NLRB 517, 523. Nor can Respondent escape the obligations of the Associa- tion agreement merely because he has not signed the instru- ment individually, particularly where, as here, he participated in the negotiations and has enjoyed some of the benefits of the agreement .3 Based on the foregoing, I find that the Association had full authority to represent, negotiate for, and bind Respon- dent to a contract covering the wages, rates of pay, hours, and other conditions of employment of Respondent's em- ployees in the multiemployer unit, when it negotiated with the Union and executed the contract on June 12, 1970. As I have found that the employer-members of the Asso- ciation, together with the other employers who participated in the 1970 negotiations, constitute a single employer for jurisdictional purposes, the relevant criterion in determining the Board's jurisdiction is the effect on commerce of the combined operations of all of the employers. As the gross revenue of the 4 B's Cafes for the calendar year 1971 far exceeded the Board's $500,000 retail standard, and as the 4 B's Cafes received goods in Montana from outside the State in an amount in excess of $50,000, it is clear, and I find, that the Board has jurisdiction over the multiemployer group, including the Respondent. B. The Initial Termination Joann Mitchell commenced working for the Baileys as a waitress on June 1, 1971. Although a member, Mitchell was not hired through the Union. Under conditions set forth hereafter, Mitchell was first terminated on April 17, 1972,4 reinstated on June 14, and finally terminated on June 20. The amended complaint alleges that Mitchell was terminat- ed on April 17 because she had previously refused to per- form cook 's duties at a wage rate lower than that provided in the collective-bargaining agreement between Respondent and the Union. Testimony regarding events leading up to the April 17 termination was conflicting as hereafter detailed . It is clear that the Baileys had planned on taking a 6-week vacation in the early part of 1972, and in fact left on February 7 and 2 The Kroger Co, 148 NLRB 569 3 International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America (Henry V Rabourn, d/b/a Conway's Express), 87 NLRB 972, enfd. 195 F.2d 906 (C.A. 2, 1952). 4 All dates are in the year 1972 unless otherwise stated. returned on or about March 16. While away, they planned to keep the restaurant open for the first 3 weeks, close the next 2 weeks, and reopen the final week preceding their return. It appears from the record that Mr. Bailey regularly per- formed the cook's duties from the time the restaurant opened in the morning until a second cook came on duty around midmorning. Inasmuch as the Baileys were going to be gone for 6 weeks, it was necessary to find someone else to open the restaurant and cook from 7 a.m. to approxi- mately 9:30 a.m. when the regular cook reported for work. Mitchell testified that on January 25 Bailey called her to the pickup window in the kitchen, where he and Glenda Dodd, another cook, were having a discussion. Bailey asked Mit- chell what she thought about cooking from 7 to 9:30 in the morning, as well as being a waitress while the Baileys were on vacation. Mitchell replied that she didn't know, that she was not a cook and was reluctant to do it, whereupon Bailey told her to think it over. According to Mitchell, on February 3, Bailey posted a work schedule which showed that she would be the only employee on duty to perform both cook and waitress duties from 7 until 9:30 a.m., and would per- form only waitress duties from 9:30 a.m. to the end of her shift at 3:30 p.m. After observing the schedule, Mitchell testified she told Bailey that since they had not discussed the matter again, she didn't realize it had been settled. Bailey asked why she had waited so long to talk to him about it, whereupon she replied that he had not said any more to her concerning the matter since the January 25 conversation. Mitchell then stated "If you are expecting me to do the cooking and to be the waitress what do you intend to pay me?" Bailey replied that he would give her $1.47 above waitress wages , to which Mitchell replied "Albert, that isn't right. The Union contract states that if you work in two positions and on any one shift you get the higher of the two pay scales." After Bailey stated that she had misinterpreted the contract, Mitchell replied "Well, then, putting it this way, isn't it worth more than $1.47 a day to you to be able to go on vacation and have someone else here that you can depend on to take care of things while you are gone?" The conversation ended when Bailey replied "It is not worth cook's wages and I can't afford it." At the conclusion of her shift, Mitchell contacted the Union's secretary -treasurer who informed her that she had interpreted the contract correctly, and that if Mitchell cooked for waitress wages the Union would fine her and that she should so inform Bailey.5 According to Mitchell, on the following afternoon, Fri- day, February 4, she approached Bailey in the kitchen, again in the presence of Glenda Dodd, and informed him that her union representative had advised her that if she cooked for waitress wages she would be fined, and that if he insisted that she cook for waitress wages she would be forced to quit because she couldn't pay the fine. She testified that Bailey stated he would pay the fine, to which she re- sponded "Well, why don't you just pay me to cook?" Inas- much as Bailey didn't respond, Mitchell asked what he wanted her to do, to which he replied "You just come in 7 5 Sec 6(d) of the contract provides . "In cases when an employee occupies a position which combines two or more classifications of work , he shall be paid at the rate of the highest classification." TOWN HOUSE RESTAURANT 867 to 3 and be the waitress. That is all you will ever be around here." Bailey then asked Mitchell for the return of her key to the restaurant. The Baileys left on vacation on Monday, February 7, having first arranged for another individual to open up and cook in the morning. As earlier stated, the restaurant was open the first 3 weeks, closed the next 2 weeks, and open-the week the Baileys returned. During their absence, Mitchell worked her regular waitress shift from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. While Glenda Dodd's testimony regarding the Bailey- Mitchell conversations of January 25 and February 4 is generally corroborative of Mitchell's, the Baileys' versions of purported conversations on different dates differed sub- stantially. For reasons set forth hereafter, I credit the Mit- chell-Dodd version . As of the date of the trial herein, Dodd was still employed by the Baileys as a cook. Thus, it would behoove her, were she not telling the truth, to testify in support of the Baileys' version, which she did not do. As stated above, Dodd was present during the conversation between Bailey and Mitchell which took place in the kitchen a couple of weeks before the Baileys were to leave on vaca- tion. She testified that Bailey asked Mitchell if she would be willing to cook in addition to her waitress duties from 7 to 9:30 a.m. while they were on vacation; that Mitchell said she didn't want to; that Bailey stated it would be easier for him if she did; that Mitchell replied she didn't feel she could give customers good service if she had to be going back to the kitchen to cook; that Bailey told her he felt she was capable of handling it and asked her to think about it. Thus, it is clear that no definite arrangement had been made at this point. Bailey had asked a reluctant Mitchell only to "think about it." Dodd testified as follows regarding the February 4 conversation between Bailey and Mitchell which likewise took place in the kitchen in her presence: A. Joann started the conversation and she told Mr. Bailey that she still didn't want to cook, and Mr. Bailey said well, she knew that he had been planning on her to do this, then the question of how much she was going to get paid came up and Mr. Bailey offered to pay her for those two and a half hours that she would be cook- ing to pay her the cook' s wages, Joann mentioned she had gone to the union and they had told her that they could fine her if she didn't get cook's wages for the entire shift. Mr. Bailey told Joann that he felt the con- tract read he only had to pay her cook's wages for the time she was actually doing cooking. So, but he did tell her then just to do her job as a waitress, not to worry about the cooking end of it, just to work her regular hours, 7 to 3 and she would be waitress only and he also asked her to return the key he had given her and then he gave the key to me. The procedure for placing orders in the restaurant was for the waitress to go to the kitchen window and call in the order to the cook. The cook would then call back or "echo" the order so that there would be no misunderstanding as to what was ordered. Mitchell testified that following the Bai- leys return from vacation, Bailey would sometimes "echo" orders and on other occasions he "echoed" in a manner she could not understand, and if she asked him to repeat, he shouted at her. Mitchell testified that on April 10 she asked Bailey if she could talk to him since "I know there is some- thing wrong, I don't know what it is, and if I don't know what it is I can 't do anything about it." She asked if she was doing her job, to which he replied "No, I have no complaint with the way you do your job." She testified that Bailey went on to state that he was upset and angry because of her refusal to cook and the fact she had tried to "hold him up or pressure him" when he was ready to go on vacation, and that since she had told him she was quitting, she should be adult enough to do so. Mitchell responded that she was going to try to do her job and went back to work. On April 17, Mitchell received the following written notice which Bailey had left with a neighbor: April 17, 1972 Joann: Since you have notified me twice that you intended to quit-here is your last check. Albert On May 12, the Union filed the initial charge alleging Mitchell was terminated because she refused to violate the collective-bargaining agreement. The Baileys contend that while Mitchell was a good wait- ress at first, she was terminated on April 17 because her attitude had changed and she was no longer a satisfactory waitress . In their efforts to portray her as unsatisfactory, both Mr. and Mrs. Bailey testified that Mitchell became belligerent and her) attitude changed in mid-December 1971, the day after Mrs. Bailey had declined to call her to the telephone in response to a call from her son who had just had an automobile accident. They further testified that Mit- chell had accused them of failing to notify her of several telephone calls from her mother, and that Mitchell called them "liars" when they denied receiving any such calls. Bailey testified that at this point Mitchell's service began to decline "to the point it was intolerable." However, in a sworn statement given an agent of the Board during the investigation of the initial charge, Mrs. Bailey stated that Mitchell's attitude started to change "with the cook's wage situation," (which would place the time as February 4 in- stead of in December 1971), and that except for one com- plaint 6 approximately 3 or 4 months after she started working, "she was a good waitress, pleasant and fast." Mitchell's denial that she called the Baileys liars must be credited for several reasons: (1) Mrs. Bailey 's sworn state- ment made during the course of the investigation, as set forth immediately above, is completely inconsistent with 6 Bailey called as a witness the individual who had made the complaint. That individual testified he had complained that Mitchell was not giving him the service he ought to get but that Bailey must have talked to her because thereafter she took care of him in the proper manner. Mitchell testified, without contradiction, that she had talked to Bailey about this individual since she had found him personally offensive , and that Bailey had told her that he had bothered other waitresses and that she did not have to wait on or put up with him. Bailey also called as a witness a driver for the Florence Laundry. That individual testified that he had discontinued going to the Town House approximately 1-1/2 years ago (which would be prior to Mitchell 's employment) because he didn't get along too well with one of the waitresses whom he would recognize . He stated emphatically that Mitchell was not the waitress. He further denied he had called Bailey in January to complain about the service 868 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD such a statement having been made by Mitchell ; (2) Bailey alluded to statements made by an individual who had pur- portedly overheard Mitchell call him a liar , yet he failed to call him as a corroborating witness ; and (3) if Mitchell had in fact called the Baileys liars, and had her attitude deterio- rated or changed in December 1971 to the point the Baileys would have me believe, it is completely illogical that they would have asked her to open up and be in complete charge of the restaurant for 2-1/2 hours every day while they were away on vacation . Accordingly, I discredit the Baileys ' testi- mony that Mitchell called them liars in December 1971, that her attitude changed or that her service commenced to de- cline at that time to the point it was intolerable. The Baileys' testimony regarding conversations with Mit- chell about the work she would do while they were on vacation is in conflict with the testimony of Mitchell and Dodd , and in some respects in conflict with each other. Bailey testified that on January 2 he told Mitchell that they were planning to go on vacation about January 15 or 17, and that he would like for her to cook in the early morning hours; that she informed him that she could cook "common ordinary things" but "might not be able to put it out just exactly as you do"; that he replied it wouldn't make much difference for the period of time they were to be gone; and that nothing more was said at that time. Bailey testified that since they were not going to be able to leave on January 15 as they had hoped, he had another conversation with Mitchell on or about January 15, and that Mrs. Bailey was present . He states he told Mitchell that they appreciated her doing the extra work and that they would pay her cook's wages for the period of time she cooked although other restaurants in the area didn't always pay extra for such short periods of time . He further testified that he told her that although her vacation wasn't due until June, since she was doing the extra work they would give her vacation pay of I week plus an extra half week's pay so she would have something during the 2 weeks the restaurant would be closed. He states she replied that she didn't prefer to do it, `but if this is what you want why it is all right with me." Bailey did not testify to his wife 's presence in the January 2 conversation. Mrs. Bailey, however, testified that the offer of vacation pay of 1 week plus an extra half week's pay was made during the January 2 conversation. Bailey further testified that about 6 days before they were scheduled to leave, Mitchell asked if they were "still plan- ning on going ahead the way we had discussed it," that she expressed doubt as to whether she could cook to satisfy him, and that he replied that it was immaterial since they would be gone only 6 weeks. He further testified that on February 4 Mitchell approached him and stated that she had decided not to cook while they were gone unless she recived cook's wages for the entire day; that after he responded that it was not worth it, she asked what it was worth for him to get to go on vacation ; that he replied it was none of her business; that Mitchell stated that if they wouldn't pay her cook's wages for the entire day, she would quit; that Bailey said he would not pay cook's wages for 8 hours when she only worked as a cook for 1-1/2 to 2 hours, and to go ahead and quit, he would make other arrangements . Mrs. Bailey 's testi- mony substantially corroborated the testimony of her hus- band. Glenda Dodd impressed me as a truthful witness. As stated earlier, she testified contrary to her employer even though it may have been in her better interest to testify as he might wish her to. While Bailey failed to testify to any conversations with Mitchell in Dodd's presence, his leading questions on the cross-examination of Dodd, and her re- sponse thereto, convinces me, and I find, that the substance of the conversations of January 25 and February 4 which both Mitchell and Dodd testified to are in fact true, that the Baileys' testimony regarding the purported conversations on January 2 and 15 is false , and that, contrary to the Baileys, Mitchell did inform Bailey on February 4 that she had contacted the Union regarding the matter of wages which he proposed to pay her for performing cook's work. I further find that on February 4 Mitchell did not threaten to quit her employment if she didn't receive cook's wages, but that she informed Bailey that if she had to cook for waitress wages she would have to quit because the Union would fine her. The Baileys testified that while they were on vacation they bought mementos for the girls, including Mit- chell, but that they didn't give one to Mitchell because she was still belligerent when they returned. I have previously discredited the Baileys' testimony to the effect that Mitchell had called them liars in December 1971, that her attitude changed, or that her services commenced to decline at that time to the point of being intolerable. There was also testi- mony to the effect that the restaurant was robbed the night before the Baileys returned from vacation and that the po- lice reported it was an "inside job." Bailey attempted to show, albeit futilely, that Mitchell had a key to the restau- rant and was under suspicion. On cross-examination, how- ever, he conceded the robbery had nothing to do with her termination. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bailey testified to the fact that Mitchell was the only employee who didn't express any regret over the robbery. Based upon the foregoing, I con- clude that the only credible evidence of conduct on the part of Mitchell which could have approached belligerence was her having gone to the Union regarding the wages the Bai- leys proposed to pay her, and her having insisted on cook's wages in accordance with the interpretation both she and the Union placed on the wording of the contract which the Baileys purported to follow. In an attempt to further portray Mitchell as a belligerent and undesirable employee, Mrs. Bailey testified that there were many customer complaints against Mitchell, and that it was worse after they returned from vacation than before. Aside from the fact that she had given a statement to a Board agent covering the period before the vacation which was directly to the contrary, no probative evidence of cus- tomer complaints was elicited covering the period from March 16 when they returned to April 17 when Mitchell was first terminated. In her attempt to picture Mitchell as having an intolerable, belligerent attitude, Mrs. Bailey testified that even Mitchell's sister had asked her why Mitchell was bellig- erent. Bailey testified that 2 or 3 days before she was termi- nated that he had a discussion with Mitchell in the backroom regarding the situation at the restaurant, and that Mitchell thumbed her nose at him and went back out in front. From my observation of the demeanor of both Mit- chell and Bailey as witnesses, I conclude that Bailey's testi- mony to that effect is false and a desperate attempt to TOWN HOUSE RESTAURANT concoct an excuse for terminating her. Had such an event occurred, I am convinced that Bailey would have terminat- ed her on the spot. I further credit Mitchell's testimony that during a conversation which occurred in the backroom about this time that Bailey stated he was upset and angry because she refused to cook and because she had tried to "hold him up or pressure him" when he was ready to go on vacation. Thus, I find that the reasons advanced by Respon- dent in terminating Mitchell are pretextual and that she was terminated because she had attempted to invoke the terms of the collective-bargaining agreement to which Respon- dent was a party. Such an attempt on the part of Mitchell constituted concerted protected activity protected by Sec- tion 7 of the Act, and a discharge therefore is violative of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. H. C. Smith Construction Co., 174 NLRB 1173, enfd. 439 F.2d 1064 (C.A. 9, 1971); Interboro Contractors, Inc., 157 NLRB 1295, enfd. 388 F.2d 495 (C.A. 2, 1967).7 C. Reinstatement and Alleged Change in Rules Following the investigation of the initial charge and un- successful negotiations between Bailey and Regional per- sonnel toward an informal settlement of the matter , on June 8 Mitchell received the following letter by registered mail: June 8, 1972 Joan Mitchel; You are hereby notified that you are ordered to return to the Town House Restaurant as a waitress within five days of this notice. Albert C. Bailey Pre-return by written notice is required Albert C . Bailey On June 14 Mitchell reported for work at 6:50 a .m. Bailey talked to her in the kitchen and advised her that she would no longer be allowed to report to work earlier than 5 min- utes before 7 and that she would no longer be permitted a cup of coffee or cigarette as in the past .8 After a short discussion , Mitchell was told she would have to go outside for a cigarette which she did, returning at 7 a .m. Upon returning she told Bailey that all she wanted to do was to get along and do her job. She testified without contradiction that Bailey responded "there is no chance of that now be- cause you told too many lies about me." Mitchell denied telling any lies and stated that she had only told what had happened , followed by a request that he tell her what rules had changed so that she wouldn 't be getting into trouble. Bailey advised her again that she could not report for work more than 5 minutes early , the only cigarette she could have in the restaurant would be on her lunch break , that she could answer customer's questions but not carry on any r It is unnecessary to consider whether by such discharge the Respondent also violated Sec 8(a)(3) of the Act, since in any case the remedy would be the same 8 It was undisputed that before her termination Mitchell had reported for work at 20 or 25 minutes before 7 at Bailey's suggestion, and that he had told her she could have coffee or toast in the morning if she wished and that he had never before prohibited her having a cigarette. 869 conversations with them, and she was not to talk to other employees. Following this, Mitchell filled the cream pitch- ers in the manner that she had in the past; however, Bailey found fault with what she was doing. Shortly thereafter, Bailey called her into the kitchen and stated "Do you see any of the notices that you demanded to be posted here .. . well you are not going to see them posted. I am not paying you any money and you will find out all about it at the hearing next week." At approximately 7:30 a. m., Bertha Palmer entered the restaurant and ordered breakfast. Mit- chell testified that she took the order and called "fry one" to Bailey in a "clear voice," and that he echoed "a bowl of oats." She replied "No, Albert, fry one," which he failed to echo. Bertha Palmer was called as a witness and corroborat- ed the foregoing facts. Palmer remained in the restaurant until approximately 8:40 a.m., and testified she was sitting near the kitchen and on two occasions observed that Bailey put up orders that were not as Mitchell had called in. She overheard Mitchell tell Bailey of this fact, and Bailey's re- sponse that the orders were as they had been placed. At or about 8 o'clock that morning, a customer went to the cash register to pay for his breakfast which cost 95 cents. He put down a dollar bill and two nickels and said to Mitchell "that is yours." She then rang up the 95 cents for the breakfast, took the nickel change from the cash register and put the three nickels in her pocket. With that, Bailey came walking out of the kitchen rapidly. I credit Mitchell's account of what transpired thereafter since it is supported in material part by the testimony of Palmer and three wom- en from the telephone company who were in the restaurant and witnessed a portion of the incident. Mitchell testified as follows: I rang up the 95 cents and put the three nickels in my pocket, and with that I could hear Mr. Bailey shout- ing9 and I turned and he was running from the kitchen toward me. He came up beside me and he said, "What did you put in your pocket?" And I said, "I put 15 cents in my pocket." I took it out and showed him. He said, "You are not to be taking my money out of my till and putting it in your pocket and money has been disap- pearing right and left." I said, "Albert , the man left me a 15-cent tip and I put it in my pocket." And he said, "If this happens again-no, he didn't- he said, "You pick up your check at the end of the day." I said, "If you feel that way, why don't you just give me my check and I will go now." He said something which I didn't understand at that point, and he went back to the kitch- en. Then he called me back to the kitchen again and went through the same thing, except at that point he added that he and his wife worked too hard for their money for me to be stealing from them, and I kept denying that I was stealing from anybody. A short time later another customer left a quarter to cover 9 Mitchell characterized his voice as "shouting ," and Palmer as "scream- ing." Bailey testified he was "disturbed" over the incident Mrs. Bailey testi- fied she had never heard her husband scream in 39 years of marriage. The three employees of the telephone company, all called as witnesses by Respon- dent, testified that he spoke loudly and that Bailey's conduct had offended them. 870 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD a 15-cent bill. Mitchell testified as follows : "the bill was laying there with a quarter on it, and I took the bill and quarter to Mr. Bailey and I said `What shall I do with this?' This was at the pickup window . He said , `Leave it here.' And he pointed to the shelf , and I put it down . I said, 'Do you mean I don't get my tip?' He said , 'What makes you think it is yours?' I didn't answer that ; I walked away . Mr. Bailey took the ticket and I assume the quarter and went to the cash register and rang something up. I was too far away to see what it was. There was no further discussion of that. I wasn't given the dime." During the weeks between Mitchell 's first termination and her recall, the Baileys had experienced shortages at the cash register . Therefore , following the above-related "tip" incidents , Bailey revived a tip policy which had been in effect sometime in the past. Mitchell testified that about 9:30 that morning as she was cleaning pie cases, the following occurred: In getting the water and preparing to clean these pie cases . . . he proceeded to tell me about this "bird" that the National Labor Relations Board had sent from Seattle to investigate him, because the man didn't-he was doing this because he didn 't have brains enough to hold a job or run a business , and I made no comment to that . Some customers sitting around were making comments . He went from that to Josephine Jensen, who was supposedly running this waitress union down the street for this bunch of dummies who were so-called waitresses, and he knew from her background that she had run a cafe and worked waitresses 13 and 14 hours and wouldn't pay overtime, and just in general what a terrible person that she was and now she was running this waitress union for a bunch of dummies. I credit Mitchell's testimony regarding the above inas- much as Bailey exhibited animosity throughout the trial towards the Board agent who had investigated the initial charge , and, on cross-examination by the General Counsel, admitted that "I was upset at her going to the Union when they had, when they made no say , when she made no state- ment to me or ever came back and tried to talk with me about it at all. She went to the Union which I, our house is not even a Union house and what does the Union have to do with it." In the afternoon of June 14, Bailey told Mitchell that she was to leave the building as soon as her shift was finished, which meant that she could not sit down and have a ciga- rette and a cup of coffee as had been permitted in the past. The following morning Dodd reported for work at 10:20 a.m., sat at a table and had a cigarette and coffee before going to work at 10:30. There were several other minor incidents of possible har- assment about which Mitchell testified but which are not alleged in the complaint and do not warrant further discus- sion, other than Mitchell 's testimony that on occasion until her termination on June 20 Bailey failed to "echo" or fill orders as she called them in. Upon the basis of the foregoing and the additional testi- mony of Dodd and Bealieu , I conclude and find that the changes in rules regarding coffee and smoke breaks and the time for reporting for work and leaving the premises were not applicable to all employees but were harassment direct- ed only at Mitchell because her original discharge had be- come the subject of a charge with the Board. Accordingly, I find said changes do not violate Section 8(a)(5), but are violative of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. I further find that her reinstatement under those changed terms and conditions of employment is also a violation of Section 8(a)(1).1° I further conclude and find that reviving the former poli- cy concerning the acceptance of tips at the cash register is not a violation of either Section 8(a)(1) or (5) of the Act. Perhaps the Baileys had become lax in enforcing the old policy, but the evidence revealed they had sustained some losses at the cash register prior to Mitchell's recall, and I am satisfied that the change was made for a legitimate business purpose. Perhaps Bailey overreacted when he discovered the old policy was not being followed, but I do not connote an illegal purpose to the change. D. Second Termination Near the end of her shift on June 20, Mitchell was handed an envelope containing her final paycheck and the follow- ing note which Bailey had asked Dodd to deliver: June 20, 1972 Joann: Your attitude in the restaurant can no longer be tolerat- ed; therefore this is your final check-all customers have to be waited on-a friendly attitude is a necessity even though there is no time for visiting. Albert C. Bailey The Baileys' testimony does not coincide as to how the decision to terminate came about. Bailey testified that "on the 20th, about the 20th of June, my wife came to the backroom and said, 'Albert, we just cannot go along, we won't have any customers, they are being run off . . . I have had three people in the last two days and now Joann's own sister is complaining about her attitude in the restaurant.' I said, Okay, we will terminate her as of tonight. I wrote her a note dated June 20, which is Exhibit # 10 in the file, and I terminated her."t I Bailey conducted much of his examination of Mrs. Bailey through leading questions, although he had been advised that little if any weight would be given to such testimony. However, Bailey's leading questions and Mrs. Bailey's an- swers regarding Mitchell's termination on June 20 shed con- siderable light on how the decision came to be make: Q. On the day of her termination did Mr. Bailey come into your restaurant and ask you at about ap- proximately 11 o'clock in the morning, at the time I talked to them I thought it was about 2 o'clock or something like this, I remember now it was about 11, did Mr. Bailey come in and ask you if you were making payroll checks? A. Yes, he did. Q. What did he instruct you to do? 10 Fn 7, supra, also applies to reinstatement 11 One of the reasons given for the April discharge was that Mitchell's sister had complained about her attitude TOWN HOUSE RESTAURANT 871 A. He said. "Make Joann's payroll, paycheck out right now for the last one , for the termination , termi- nating her right now." Q. Terminating her at what time? A. At the end of her shift. Q. Did Mr. Bailey indicate to you why at that time? A. Yes, you were mad, you stated that you had had complaints that she refused to wait on people , they had just told you about it. [Emphasis supplied.] Sometime during the morning of June 20 , Bailey left the restaurant and went to the telephone company to talk to the three women who had been present a few days before when Bailey had accused Mitchell of taking money from the cash register . Bailey inquired why they hadn' t been back in the restaurant since that date . Helen Sowre , called as a witness by Respondent , testified it was customary for her and four others to go to the Town House every morning for coffee; that the bill for five cups is 75 cents ; and that they usually left a dollar , which meant that the waitress was to receive a 25-cent tip . She testified that Mitchell was a good waitress and that she had never complained about her. The three women testified that they had been offended by Bailey's conduct during the incident and that he informed them he would apologize to Mitchell. Bailey called James Curtis, a barber whose shop is located across the street from the Town House . Curtis, a close, personal friend of Bailey 's, performs the janitorial work for the restaurant . Curtis , whose demeanor and testimony were not credibly impressive , contradicted himself. At one point he stated Mitchell had been impudent , flicking her apron at him after he had waited for 30 minutes for a meal. At another point he stated that he had been served but that three men had sat down with him and that she flicked the apron at him when he asked her to wait on the three men. He testified that he told Bailey about this incident within a week of its happening ; yet, in a statement given a Board agent on June 29 , he stated he didn't identify Mitchell as the insolent waitress . He testified that on another occasion about the first of the year that he had gone to the Town House and ordered a "quick lunch" from one of the wait- resses , and that Mitchell had overheard it and said jokingly, "How about me for a quicky." Curtis attempted to convey the impression that he was "sore about it" and told Bailey "right away ." At another point he testified he did not tell Bailey of the incident until the morning of Mitchell's termi- nation . In answer to a leading question posed by Bailey, he stated that on numerous occasions he had told Bailey that Mitchell had a bad attitude and was driving customers away, although his June 29 affidavit stated he had never told the Baileys about Mitchell's attitude . Furthermore: he was evasive and fenced with counsel for the General Coun- sel when asked to explain the discrepancies . In sum , Curtis did not give me the impression that he was telling the truth, and I discredit his testimony . It is apparent to me that on June 20, Bailey contacted Curtis and the women from the telephone company for the express purpose of building a case so that he could justify Mitchell's termination. In a further attempt to establish a basis for terminating Mitchell , Bailey called Mrs. Curtis who testified that on June 15 she and her husband had left the Town House after waiting 30 to 40 minutes without being served. There is a conflict as to whether the alleged incident occurred June 15 or 18 or whether it occurred before or after the noon hour. Her husband admitted on cross-examination that Mitchell was the only waitress on duty at the time, and that she was busy serving other customers and not standing around or drinking coffee. Bailey also attempted to show through Mrs. Curtis that on another occasion Mitchell had declined to serve some customers at the request of another waitress, Pat Bealieu . Mrs. Bealieu testified that she did not recall such an incident. Moreover , this could not have entered into the June 20 decision to terminate Mitchell since Bailey was not apprised of it until after the termination and shortly before the trial. Jewel Madar was called as a witness by Respondent. She testified that she had been a morning coffee customer of the Town House; that she usually had about 10 minutes for coffee; and that the other girls who knew her gave her "very, very prompt service ," and that Mitchell was a little slower than the others. She communicated the fact to Mrs. Bailey on an unknown date , and Bailey called her in late spring or early summer to ask if she would testify on their behalf if the NLRB contacted her. Testimony of Mary Jane Mast could not have entered into the decision to terminate Mit- chell since it was not related to Bailey until after Mitchell's final termination. On the basis of all of the foregoing and the entire record, I conclude and find that the General Counsel has proven by a' preponderance of the evidence that Bailey was upset with Mitchell for having gone to the Union regarding their dis- agreement over what she was to be paid during the Baileys' vacation ; that she was terminated initially because she at- tempted to invoke the terms of the collective-bargaining agreement in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act; that her recall was under conditions which amounted to harassment and violative of Section 8(a)(1); and that the reason for her final termination on June 20 was twofold : (1) because she had invoked the terms of the collective -bargaining agree- ment in January; and (2) because her April termination had become the subject of a charge with the Board, in violation of Section 8(a)(4) and (1) of the Act. IV. THE EFFECTS OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of the Respondent set forth in section III, above, occurring in connection with the operations of the Respondent described in section I, above , have a close, intimate , and substantial relation to trade , traffic and com- merce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. On the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, and of the entire record in this proceeding, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent is, and has been at all material times, an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act. 2. The Union is, and has been at all material times, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the 872 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Act. 3. By discharging Joann Mitchell on April 17, 1972, as found above, the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 4. By reinstating Mitchell under the conditions found above , the company has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. 5. By discharging Mitchell on June 20, 1972, as found above, the Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practic- es within the meaning of Section 8(a)(4) and (1) of the Act. 6. The aforesaid violations are unfair labor practices af- fecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY In order to effectuate the policies of the Act, it will be necessary to order the Respondent to cease and desist from the unfair labor practices found and from commission of like or related acts and to take certain affirmative action. Having found that the Respondent discriminatorily dis- charged Joann Mitchell on April 17, 1972, and again on June 20, 1972, in violation of Section 8(axl) and (4) of the Act, it is necessary that it be ordered to offer her full rein- statement and restoration of all rights , with backpay com- puted on a quarterly basis , plus interest at 6 percent per annum , as prescribed in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289, and Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716, from the date of her initial discharge to the date rein- statement is offered. RECOMMENDED ORDER It is recommended that the Town House Restaurant, its officers, agents, successors , and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Discharging or otherwise discriminating against any employee because of their protected concerted activity. (b) Discharging or otherwise discriminating against any employee because he has been the subject of a charge or given testimony under the Act. (c) In any like or related manner , interfering with, re- straining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed them under Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action: (a) Offer Joann Mitchell immediate and full reinstate- ment to her former job or, if that job no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent job, without prejudice to her senior- ity or other rights and privileges, and make her whole for Dated By any loss of earnings she may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against her in the manner set forth in the section here entitled "The Remedy." (b) Preserve and, upon request , make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, per- sonnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due and the right of reinstatement under the terms of this Recommended Order. (c) Post in conspicuous places at the employer 's place of business in Missoula , Montana , including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted , copies of the notice attached hereto and marked "Appendix." Copies of the said notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for Region 19, shall, after being duly signed by an authorized representative of the Respondent, be posted by it immedi- ately upon receipt thereof and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter in conspicuous places . Reason- able steps shall be taken by the said Respondent to insure that said notice is not covered, altered or defaced by any other material. (d) Notify the Regional Director for Region 19, in writ- ing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. II Is FURTHER ORDERED that the complaint, be, and it hereby is, dismissed insofar as it alleges the unilateral institution of policies or practices in violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board having found , after a trial, that we violated Federal law by discharging Joann Mitchell for refusing to perform certain work at a wage rate lower than that provided in our contract with Hotel & Res- taurant Employees & Bartenders Union Local No. 427 affi- liated with Hotel & Restaurant Employees & Bartenders International Union , AFL-CIO, for failing to reinstate her to her former or substantially equivalent terms or conditions of employment , and for finally terminating her because a charge was filed with the National Labor Relations Board based upon her original discharge: WE WILL offer Joann Mitchell immediate and full reinstatement to her former or substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges previously enjoyed , and we will not harass or otherwise discriminate against her. WE WILL make Joann Mitchell whole for any loss of pay she may have suffered by reason of the discrimina- tion against her. TOWN HOUSE RESTAURANT (Employer) (Representative) (Title) This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. Any questions concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions may be direct- ed to the Board's Office, 10th Floor, Republic Building, 1511 Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101, Telephone 206-442-7472. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation