Times-Herald, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 25, 1978237 N.L.R.B. 922 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Times-Herald, Inc. and San Francisco-Oakland News- paper Guild, Local 52, The Newspaper Guild, AFL- CIO. Case 20-CA-12017 August 25, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNIN(, ANDI) Mi 1F RS JENKINS AND TR UESI)AI.F On June 21, 1977, Administrative Law Judge Jer- rold H. Shapiro issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions, a brief in support thereof, and an addendum to its brief. The General Counsel filed cross-exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge to the extent consistent herewith and to adopt his recom- mended Order. This is one of four cases filed by the charging party and heard by the same Administrative Law Judge, concerning respondent newspapers' obligation to supply the Union, on request, information about the amount of compensation paid by it to persons not represented by the Union for performing work simi- lar to that of Respondent's represented employees.' The Union, since 1944, has represented, inter alia, employees in the common editorial department for Respondent's weekly and daily newspapers. As found by the Administrative Law Judge, Respondent also uses copy for five special interest columns sup- plied by individuals not represented by the Union or covered by the parties' collective-bargaining agree- ment. Three of these columns have been published for 20 years or more, and the other two for at least 5 years. They have always been written by nonunit in- dividuals. During negotiations for prior contracts, the Union had proposed that for each story, photo, or art item acquired from a "non-unit worker"--to use the Ad- ministrative Law Judge's expression-the publisher pay that writer not less than I week's contract wage, and pay to the Union's retirement and health and welfare funds the same contributions that would be paid for a full-time unit employee. These proposals The other cases are Brown Newspaper Pubhlihing (o, 20 (A 12013. Press Democrat Publishing Co. 20- CA 12015: and 4rnphleur Printing (i, 237 NLRB 955, issued this day, were not adopted. A similar request was made in De- cember 1976. Earlier, in August 1976, in preparation for contract negotiations, the union requested that Respondent furnish it with information for a 3-month period, concerning the names (published and real) of non- unit contributors (columnists), each item published, and the amount paid for it. The Respondent declined to do so "without acceptable proof of relevance." The Union subsequently followed this with a more detailed request, covering a 6-month period. At a meeting in February 1977, Respondent furnished in- formation with respect to amounts paid to high school students covering sports events ($10 per item; total budget not exceeding $80 per month), but de- clined to reveal amounts paid to columnists, con- tending that those amounts were confidential and not relevant for the Union's bargaining purposes, and in any event, were substantially below union scale. Following this meeting, the Union reurged the relevance of amounts paid, which it asserted that it needed for the following purposes: (1) For the Union's proposed rate for nonunit editorial workers, (2) for administration of its existing contract clause on work preservation, and (3) for contract proposals for unit employees. The Union also offered to with- draw its October unfair labor practice charge if the Respondent would put in writing the information furnished at the February meeting and supply the amount of money paid "the five non-unit colum- nists." Thereafter, Respondent supplied, in writing, the information it had already furnished verbally, as to the columnists' names, but declined to reveal the rates paid because of its desire to maintain confiden- tiality and its inability to determine from the Union's statements that the rate of pay was relevant to collec- tive bargaining "in any respect." The Union was not satisfied with the failure to supply "the rates paid for the aforementioned columns" and in a letter sent to Respondent in March, concentrated on two grounds of relevance: (I) As concerning the Union's bargain- ing for appropriate pay for its members, and (2) as being potentially necessary for "possible" bargaining demands concerning appropriate rates of pay for freelancers, correspondents, independent contrac- tors, "or anyone else doing work done by employees in the bargaining unit." The hearing followed in April 1977. The Administrative Law Judge addressed the problem on the basis of the Union's final position: Relevance of columnists' compensation to unit wage proposals: and relevance of the information sought to a possible minimum contract rate for nonunit workers doing unit-type work. He concluded that the 237 NLRB No. 135 922 TIMES-HERALD, INC latter was not a mandatory subject of bargaining. In so ruling, he noted the lack of evidence that Respon- dent's use of any of the columnists had resulted in replacement of any unit worker, or in loss of working time: hence he concluded that a contract proposal to cover nonunit workers such as columnists, for the protection of unit workers, could not be said to "\i- tally affect" unit employees within the meaning of A lied Chemical & Alkali W4'orkers of A muerica. Iocal Union No. 10 v. Pittshurgh Plate G(lass ('ormpanvl. Chemical Division, 404 U.S. 157, 178-179 (1971) and Local 24, International Brotherhood of Teaonst'Iers, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, AFL-CIO v. Oliver, et al., 358 U.S. 283 (1959). and was therefore not a mandatory subject of bargaining. We agree with that analysis and conclusion.' The Administrative Law Judge also found how- ever, and we agree. that the Union was entitled to the information concerning columnists' compensation for assistance in framing its wage proposal covering the unit employees it represented. He properly identi- fied the test recognized by the courts as probable relevance and "use to the union in carrding out its statutory duties and responsibilities." 3 and, citing Northwest Publications, Inc., 211 NI.RB 464 (1974). he found an "obvious relationship" between com- pensation paid nonunit columnists and that paid unit employees for unit editorial work. In so doing. he noted that even though the Union had no(t asked for such information in previous negotiations. the clear connection between the information sought and unit wage proposals illustrated the reasonableness of the demand. He also quoted from an opinion of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit concerning the "well established" principle that alleged confidential- ity of relevent economic data needed for informed bargaining is no defense for refusing to furnish it.4 thus countering the Respondent's defense that the disputed information was confidential. In its deci- sion, the court spoke of not allowing employers to collect wage information "on a pledge of confiden- tiality to parties [in that case other employers] out- side the bargaining unit." and then denying the ' The diversion of existing unit work is a mandators subhllect of haralin- ing. See Fibreboard Paper Products Ce,rp \ .N I. R B. 379 t S 201, 20(9 218 19641. where the Supreme ('Court held that "conlracting ,ul" of the ,ark previousls performed hb members of ain existing hbargainin unit a, as i man- dator) subject of bargaining In : 1. R R s Rsl A- i Srltandtir r/dtirlltin Tranimsivlon mnd 4 tie Diorio,. F rge Diliion. 410 F 2d 953, 957 l( IA . 1969),. where the inion had reasonable grounds Io fear that unit 'sork s.,s being transferred, the court of appeals obsersed thal "the prcsers.llon (ir diversion of unit work is a subject of matndatolry harig,,m it under [the t\,i citing Fibrehoard. supra See ' L R B . RoiAwell-Slandard, slpra. citing , I R B '. 4 i m lrdi, trial (Co. 385 .S 432. 437. fn 6 (11967). here the Supreme ( ourt spkei If a "discoters type standard'' for ascertaining pretrlll Ieformatllilll w.hlch o4 necessity will be more liberal as to relevance 4 General Electrli (Co v. 1 R H 466 F 2d 1177. I 8' I( A4 , 197'2 union its use.' ('onsistent with the court's approach in (General Elu(tr'im, we think it appropriate that the compensation paid by Respondent to nonunit col- umnists be furnished as to specific columns, though not necessaril' specif'ing amounts paid to designat- ed individiuals. Respondent asserts ,hat the facts in the instant case are sufficiently different from those in Northwe.st Puhlications, . Ic supra, where the union had long faced encroachment on unit work. as to make the Xdministratixe Luaw Judge's reliance on that case in- appropriate here. In Vorthircst, the Board, with one member of the panel dissenting. held that the respon- dent thus was obligated to furnish the union \with information about the wages of. and the proportion of bargaining-unit work performed b\. supervissors who were included in the unit b\ contract. It ;was stipulated that these supervisors performed a sub- stantial amount of bargainine-unit work. and there had been continuing controversy over their unit in- clusion, with the respondent having twice filed peti- tions to exclude them by clarification. A careful reading of the decision. however. discloses that the fact that the supervisors were included in the unit was not critical to the Board's holding. Ihus, after noting the presumptive relevance of information colln- cerning individuals included in the bargaining unit. the Board went on to sa\: "AssuminLf that, in the future, the parties ma' exclude the 29 supertl'isors from the bargaining unit. the Information will con tin- ue to be necessary to protect the interest of unit em- ployees." The Board's concluding finding \\as that. "were the supervisors outside the unit, the relexance of information about them has been shown." ' In outr view a similar relevance obtains In this case. he five columnists as to w hom information is sought are writing for the same papers as are the unit emplos- ees. The product and the creative effort the product represents are notabl' similar. Respondent also urges that the relationship be- tween the supervisors and the unit in Northwest Pub- licalions was far closer than that between columnists and editorial unit workers here, where no erosion of, or threat to. unit work has been shown. On that basis it urges the Board to rule that "information on rela- tionships that the Publisher has with non-unit per- sons who are not employees"--said relationships Ihe court hoteer. sugige-ed that area emploser surveNs Imight he tak- el hs i neulrd tlird part -ceptihale t emcploser and unwn. it order to preseri e th r ctic\ I i i ,li a nip e r's data, and 'place the s l c ser' a and rplae es In equal foolil .i tile t .lr.ainilng table. lithoult depriving them of releant ~,;:gC inlfortll onll" I lhe Boardi hii i, ited th,tl altho)ugh bargaining for nonunit emploee' lt.i nolt hbe m indallor\ . It d e noi t fioli.ow that an Emploser is not required tA dlsulge inflorialiont xwith respect to nonluni employees where relevant to the sat.it i-f Uittl Cli xti P O , Citing ( irel It ryi ght ('orporation i1 right A4ro- iar il D..a./ /l,. X \ I R i 4' 2d I 1 (( A 3 19h65) 923 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD being longstanding and well known and agreed to by the Union over an extended period of time-- shall require a clear showing of need, or 'special showing of pertinence" as in The Prudential Insurance (Compa- ny of America v. N.L.R.B., 412 F.2d 77, 84 (C.A. 2, 1969). This, Respondent asserts, would also "more fully comply with the developing policy" of the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, as in the Union-Tribune Publishing, (o. case.7 In our view, the premise for this argument is only partly accurate. Al- though Respondent's use of columnists here is long standing and well known to the Union, the latter has in effect taken exception to the policy during earlier contract negotiations, as well as during the 1976 77 negotiations we are here considering. It did so by proposing the inclusion of minimum wage and bene- fit provisions in the contract for nonunit workers. Although these efforts have borne no fruit, the at- tempts in themselves manifest a continuing concern by the Union over the publisher's use of nonunit workers as columnists. As to the "special showing of pertinence" dis- cussed by the court in Prudential, supra. we note that the court considered a standard of that sort applica- ble in terms of "peculiar circumstances," such as in- formation as to removal of plant machinery, as to employer profits, and as to a union's independent timestudy of company operations-instances hardly analogous here where the information sought con- cerns differences in compensation paid by an em- ployer for closely related editorial products. In our view the Union, in its negotiations for a new con- tract, is pursuing a legitimate, longfelt concern, the pertinence of which in wage proposals is obvious. The contention that the Union in the last negotia- tions settled for the unit wage scale agreed upon for editorial writers at metropolitan newspapers in San Francisco does not impress us as militating against the probable relevance of the publisher's payment to columnists for use in bargaining at this time. We would not deny the Union, in preparation for con- tract negotiations, the right to expand its approach to bargaining by requesting certain related cost infor- mation simply because it had not done so in earlier bargaining periods. New approaches may solve prob- lems for both parties to the contract. As to the argument concerning the affirmance by the Court of Appeals of our dismissal in Union-Trl- bune, supra. the issue there was refusal to provide the San Diego Guild with certain information concern- ing nonunit employees being trained to replace dis- trict and relief district managers "in the sole event of a strike." The court noted the fact that contract ne- gotiations were not being carried on when the union sought the information, so that the only relevance of the information to the union was to determine whether the company had violated the collective-bar- gaining agreement. The Board had adopted the Ad- ministrative Law Judge's finding, at footnote 12, that the function of the employees being trained was "for- eign to the purpose of this (or any) bargaining unit As such the) are conceptually removed from mundane matters of unit scope, opportunity for rep- resentational contact, negotiation planning, and gen- eral contract administration." The court, speaking solels in terms of the need for initial showing by the union that the company "had violated the labor con- tract with its Operation Survival," viewed the union's claim as based on unfounded suspicion. In our view that case is inapplicable to the problem at hand: a simple request for data on the compensation paid for similar work- made during negotiations for a new con- tract and fior the purpose of framing a wage proposal.8 For the foregoing reasons, we agree with the Ad- ministrative Law Judge's conclusion that Respon- dent violated Section 8(a)(5) and ( I) of the Act by its failure to supply the Union with information about the compensation paid to columnists for performing work similar to that performed by unit employees for Respondent's newspapers. Accordingly, we shall adopt the Administrative Law Judge's recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the Respondent, Times-Herald Inc., Val- lejo, California, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in said recom- mended Order. San DigA ,'es spiVper luild, I.om l No 95 if( Ithe Ne .spaper Guild, 4 FL (10, (I.( j niln-lrihbune Pubhlhing (C / v. N.L. R.B. 548 F.2d 863 (C.A. 9. 1977), affg. 220 NL.RB 1226 (1975). a Respondent requested that the Administrative Ltaw Judge reopen the healing herein toi receive evidence that the information requested by the I nlln w.s In ,fact I. lnecessari lfor its formulation of wage proposals cover- ilg unit eimploees. It ha Ireneved that request to) the Board, as well as requesting that the Board take niotice of the finding to that effect by the Adilnistratlive [..os Judge in .Amnphilrt Printing (Co 20 (A-12016). issued this da) as 237 NLRB 955. Based on our findings above. Respondent's motion is denied DECISION SFATEMENT OF THE CASE JEIRROL.D H SHAPIRO, Administrative Law Judge: The hearing in this case held on April 19. 1977, is based on 924 TIMES-HERAL D. IN(C. charges filed on October 7, 1976, by the San Francisco- Oakland Newspaper Guild, Local 52. The Newspaper Guild, AFL-CIO. herein the Union, and a complaint is- sued December 29. 1976. as amended April 5. 1977. on behalf of the General Counsel of the National Labor Rela- tions Board, herein the Board, by the Regional Director of the Board. Region 20. alleging that Times-Hlerald. Inc.. herein Respondent, has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) and (I) of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act, herein the Act. Respondent filed an answer denying the commission of the alleged un- fair labor practices. Upon the entire record, from my observation of the de- meanor of the witnesses, and having considered the post- hearing briefs, I make the following: FINDINGs or Fo( T I THE BL'SINt'SS OF RESPONDI N I Respondent Times-Herald, Inc., is a California corporai- tion which publishes newspapers at its plant located in Val- lejo, California. During the past ysear Respondent. which received gross revenues in excess of $200.000 from the sales of its newspapers and advertising therein, subscribed to interstate news services and published nationally syndicat- ed features in its newspapers. Respondent admits. and I find, it is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. ii THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOI \En The Union, San Francisco-Oakland Newspaper Guild. Local 52, The Newspaper Guild, AFL CIO, is a labor or- ganization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. II. THE QUESTION PRESENTEID Whether Section 8(a)(5) of the Act obligates Respondent to supply to the Union, upon request, information about the amount of compensation Respondent pays persons not represented by the Union to perform work similar to the work performed by employees represented by the Union. IV THE ALLEGED LiUN AIR LABOR PRA('TI( FS A. The Facts The Union is. and has been since 1944. the collective- bargaining representative of the editorial department em- ployees employed by Respondent's two newspapers. the Vallejo Times-Herald and the Vallejo News-Chronicle. The employees in the newspapers' common editorial de- partment supply the papers with the material, other than advertising, which they publish. The parties' most recent collective-bargaining contract was effective from Januars 1, 1974 to December 31, 1976.' The Union represents. and the parties' succcssile .collecllsc-harglmllilng contracts cover. the newspapers' adserinsing departnlcnl cnlplwees ai v, ell as the editorial department emplohsee. ltosc er. the esidenr..c inirttlzled Respondent for a long period of time has employed per- sons other than employees represented by the Union and covered bx the parties' collective-bargaining contract to furnish its newspapers with editorial material. During the time material to this case. Respondent published five spe- cial interest columns. each written bh a different columnist who WIas not represented bh the ULnion and covered hb the parties' collective-bargaining contract.: 'Three of the col- umns have been published for 20 or more sears and two of them for at least 5 vears. The) have alwa)s been written bN nonunit persons.' ihe fixe columns are ver) similar in con- tent to other special interest columns published in Respon- dent's newxspapers which are written by employees who are represented hb the L nion and covered by the parties' col- lecti, c-bargalr ing contract 'There is no contention that Respondent's employment of the five nonunit columnists to write the aforesaid col- umns was in derogation of the parties' contracts. Nor is there cidence that the t'nion has challenged the Respon- dent's right under the successive contracts to employ these columnists. e'en though the) perform work similar to that performed bh the editorial employees represented bv the tUnion. The l nion has not stood b . however. and accept- ed the Respondent's use of nonunit editorial workers in silence. DurinE contract negotiations which took place in 1971 the ULnion proposed. without success. that Respon- dent accept a broad jurisdictional clause A hich the LInion thought would prohibit Respondent from continuing to employ nonunit workers to perform editorial work. Then. in 1973. during the negotiations for the recently terminated contract, the Union proposed that Respondent pay persons who perform bargaining unit editorial work. who were not represented bN the U!nion, the minimum wage rate provid- ed in the contract and contribute on their behalf into the contract's health and retirement funds. The purpose of this proposal was to discourage Respondent from continuing to employ the five nonunit columnists or any other nonunit editorial workers whom it might employ. Respondent re- jected this proposal stating it would make it too expensive to employ nonunit persons. The parties' most recent collective-bargaining contract terminated December 31. 1976. The negotiations for a suc- cessor contract began earl) in December 1976. at which time the Union made initial contract proposals which, among other things. included the above-described mini- mum contract t wage rate proposal for nonunit editorial per- sons, which reads: For each published stors. photo or art item concern- ing subject maltter in Northern California and ac- quired from a non-emploree. the Employer shall pal hs Ihc (Cirlil.il ( unlel 1uhl 1 peririams 1o the advertising depa.rtment Cm- pi cc i, t , Ih ln . i hct/ill the t nlri.n' ilufrnl.lltioin request. Ite nl.ttle shith 1I It1 dispute in this c;iS. is limited to Inlorratiorln pertaining ti the emplosees in the editorlal depa;rtment. I hle onl 'tolhe lli.itc. l i roluullll pcron. furnished Io Respondent f. r pulbhli.cat duri 1n Ihc thItiln I.leCrial herein ias neus dat.a upplied h\ high clie, hl telient, .ncrning high schoo.l athletic esenls Respondenl onl\ hud1iele ;l .i llltl.IIlnlU If 580 ;I mon th for such diiIrl 1 SiCltc h flC .lilill l. iI qIsIlcti are blined. and in i leu of the lengith .of tIl c ilics hur.lc been puhlih I find h he I nidn in ll fixe ca: c kneu hi l I tIII lllllls I CerI heilll prdineced ns illunisrt[ wu..rkcrs shrlil ifter tlher Iniriil rtlhlI.lhOn 925 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the non-employee not less than one week's Schedule "A" top minimum, and shall pay to the Retirement Fund and the Health & Welfare Fund the same con- tributions that would be paid that week for a full-time employee. Employer shall report weekly to the Guild giving the name and address of each non-employee whose product is published, the byline or credit line used, if any, and any), compensation paid. On August 5, 1976, the Union wrote Respondent it was preparing for the negotiations for the new collective-bar- gaining contract and needed certain data to assist it in the negotiations. The Union requested Respondent to supply it, by August 30, 1976, with the following information per- taining to nonbargaining unit editorial workers: A list of all persons, whether employees or not, out- side the bargaining unit whose editorial products were published in your newspaper during the three months May through July, 1976, excluding only persons whose copy was supplied to you by wire services or syndicated services. With this list of non-bargaining unit persons, the following data: a. If a pen name was published, give both the pub- lished name and the real name. * * * * * c. Identification of each item from such person pub- lished during the three-month period, giving enough detail to enable one to locate it in the newspaper. d. Amount(s) paid to the person for, or in connection with her/his production of, each item. The relevance of the request for this information was ex- plained to the Respondent by the Union in the letter in these terms: This non-bargaining unit data is needed so that the [Union] may evaluate present contract provisions de- signed to protect bargaining unit work and be in a position to negotiate as to further provisions to protect bargaining unit work and negotiate as to minimum terms for non-employee work. In reply, Respondent by letter dated September 22, 1976, informed the Union that "we do not see the relevance of the data requested and decline to furnish such data without acceptable proof of relevance." On October 7, 1976, the Union filed the instant unfair labor practice charges against Respondent. On December 17, 1976, the Union wrote Respondent stating "[i]n addition to the material requested in our Au- gust 5, 1976, letter, we request the following with respect to non-bargaining unit persons"; I. A list of all incidents or occasions within the six- month period May through October. 1976, when raw news data or news information was supplied to the newspaper by a non-bargaining unit person (excluding syndicated or wire service), the name of the person who supplied it, and what the person was paid for each incident or occasion or other basis of pay. 2. A list of any individuals who fit into the categort of "stringers" or "correspondents" or other persons (excluding syndicated or wire service) who are paid a "retainer" or other regular weekly or monthly or other periodic sum, to provide editorial matter, including raw news facts; and an indication of the fields or in- terests or geographic areas covered by each such indi- vidual; and for each individual, an indication whether he or she supplied specific news items, articles or raw data; and the amounts paid to each individual, either for specific periods or for specific items. On February 24, 1977, representatives of the Union and Respondent met to resolve the dispute over the informa- tion sought by the Union.4 Anderson, Respondent's labor relations consultant, told the union representatives that Respondent employed two categories of nonunit editorial workers: high school students and five columnists who wrote columns on specific subjects. Regarding the high school students, Anderson explained that they phoned the newspaper the raw information about high school athletic events which was converted into news by members of the bargaining unit and that the students were paid $10 per item submitted and that Respondent's budget for this in- formation never exceeded $80 in any month. Regarding the five columnists, Anderson explained the nature of their work in detail but refused to furnish the Union with the amounts of their compensation, stating that they), were paid substantially below the "Union scale" but that it was Re- spondent's position that the amount of their compensation was confidential and, in any case, the information was not relevant to the Union for collective-bargaining purposes. Leff, the Union's attorney, replied in substance that the information about the compensation paid to the five non- unit columnists for performing work similar to the unit employees' was relevant to the Union's intelligent consid- eration of its proposal that the nonunit editorial workers be paid the minimum contract wage for performing unit work and that it was also relevant to the administration of article IlIlh) of the contract, 5 as well as to the Union's contract proposals covering bargaining unit employees. The meet- ing concluded with Leff stating that, if Respondent re- duced into writing the information supplied during the meeting and supplied the Union with the amount of money it paid the five nonunit columnists, the Union would with- draw the unfair labor practice charges it had filed in this case. On February 28. 1977, by letter, Respondent supplied the Union with the information it had verbally given the Union during the meeting of February 24 but informed the Union it was unwilling to supply the rates paid for the columns which were produced by the five columnists who 4The description of what took place at this meeting is based upon a synthesis of the uncontradicted testimony of the L nion's representalives who attended the mreeing. Cuthbertson and Left. hhoese testlmons is not inconsistent. ,.rt Ill(h) of the toniract which deals ,ith the contract's "coverage" reads a.1ll ,ork dtels pilcscitl) or normally performed by employees ci ercd h, ths lontraicl shall continue to he performed b) emplosees cinered h, this conlact. ats shall ans additlional ork requiring similar skills and serxing a similar purpose for ihich emplosees covered b) this conlracl nolrn.altl arr employed bs the Puhhlisher. 926 TIMES-HERALD. INC. were not represented by the Union. In this regard the letter states: The Company once again reconfirms its desire to maintain the confidentiality of the rate of pay which is accrued to the columnists who have been a regular weekly feature in the newspaper for many years. Fur- thermore, the Company was unable to determine from the statements made by [the Union] at our meeting on February 24th that the rate of pay to the aforemen- tioned columnists was relevant for the purpose of col- lective bargaining in any respect whatsoever. On March 2, 1977, the Union, by letter, replied: Your failure to supply the rates paid for the aforemen- tioned columns does not satisfy the [Union's] request. The data concerning the amounts paid is directly rele- vant to and necessary for the [Union's] bargaining on appropriate rates of pay for its members, and this data is, in addition, potentially necessary for possible bar- gaining demands concerning appropriate rates paid to freelancers correspondents, independent contractors or anyone else doing the work done by employees in the bargaining unit. B. Discussion and '7timate Findings It is well settled that an employer has a statutory duty to provide relevant information needed by a union for the proper performance of its duties and that the employer's failure to meet this duty constitutes a refusal to bargain, in violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. N.L.R.B. v. Acme Industrial Co., 385 U.S. 432, 435-436 (1967). The sole criterion for determining whether information must be pro- duced is its relevance or reasonable necessity for the Union's proper performance of its representative role. This is true whatever the nature of the material sought, though the manner in which relevance is to be ascertained varies. Information directly related to wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of unit employees is presumptively relevant to the union's representative duties, while information con- cerning employees outside the unit must be shown to be "relevant to bargainable issues." N.L.R.B. v. Rockwell- Standard Corporation, Transmission and Axle Division, et al., 410 F.2d 953, 957 (C.A. 6, 1969). In other words, "lw]hen a union requests information which is not ordinarily relevant to its performance as bargaining representative, but which is alleged to have become so because of peculiar circum- stances, the Courts have quite properly required a special showing of pertinence before obliging the employer to dis- close." The Prudential Insurance Compan' of America v. N.L.R.B., 412 F.2d 77, 84 (C.A. 2, 1969), and cases cited therein. The burden of proof is thus different, but "the ultimate standard of relevancy is the same in all cases." The Prudential Insurance Company of A merica *. N. L. R. B., supra, at 84. See Curtiss- Wright Corporation, Wright Aero- nautical Division v. N.L.R.B., 347 F.2d 61, 69 (C.A. 3, 1965). It is only necessary for the union to demonstrate the "probability that the desired information [is] relevant, and that it [will] be of use to the union in carrying out its statu- tory duties and responsibilities." N'.L.R.B. v. Rockwell- Standard, supra at 957. quoting from N.L.R.B. v. Acme In- dustrial Co., supra at 437. This is, as the Supreme Court expressly recognized, a discover-type standard, not a trial- type standard, and thus allows the union access to a broad scope of potentially useful information for the purpose of bargaining intelligently. N.L.R.B. v. Acme Industrial Co., supra, at 437 and fn. 6; N.L.R.B. v. Rockwell-Standard Corp., supra at 957; Torrington Company v. N.L.RB., 545 F.2d 840, 842 (C.A. 2, 1976). Respondent, as described supra, refuses to supply to the Union the amounts of money it pays five columnists for performing "bargaining unit work." It is for the refusal to furnish this information that the General Counsel and the Union charge Respondent, in this proceeding, with violat- ing the Act. The ultimate question presented is whether Respondent's statutory duty to bargain with the Union obligates it, under the circumstances of this case, to furnish the Union with information about the compensation it pays to the five columnists for performing the kind of work covered by the parties' collective-bargaining contract, even though they are not represented by the Union. First, it is necessary, however, to decide whether the Union's request for this information is supported by a showing of "proba- ble" or "potential" relevance. Cuthbertson, the union representative who made the ini- tial written request for the disputed information, testified that the Union sought information about the compensation the five nonunit columnists received for performing edito- rial work, for two separate reasons: 6 ( I) The information is relevant to the Union's contract proposal seeking the mini- mum contract wage rate for unit work performed by un- represented persons; and (2) the information is also rele- vant to the Union's wage proposal covering the unit employees. I shall determine whether, in connection with one or both of the purposes for which the information is being sought,7 a proper showing of relevance has been made for the Union's use of the disputed information. Insofar as the Union's request for information pertains to its contract proposal that Respondent pay the colum- nists who are not represented by the Union the contract's minimum rate of pay and contribute into the contract's health and retirement funds on their behalf, the threshold question is whether the proposal is a mandatory subject of bargaining. The statutory obligation to bargain, though normally concerned primarily with the working conditions of the employees in a particular bargaining unit, also en- compasses matters involving individuals outside the unit which affect employees within the unit. Local 24, Interna- tional Brotherhood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Hielpers of America, AFL CIO v. Oliver, 358 U.S. 283 These two reasons were the same ones gi.en In the I nlon's cltter to Respondent. described vupra, dated March 2. 1977 Where. as here, the i nion at Ihe hearing, through Its represent.il\c. specified the reasons it needs the disputed infolrmall'n. I will norl speiulale aboul ain oither possihle 'as, in which the information would he useful to the t nion in i, role ;is the unit enmpluees bargaining representative 927 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (1959). Olivers holding that the terms of employment of those outside the bargaining unit can be mandatory sub- jects of bargaining has been limited to situations in which those terms "vitally affect" the unit employees. Allied Chemical & Alkali Workers of America, Local Union No. 1 v. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Chemical Division, 404 U.S. 157, 178--179 (1971). In the instant case, the Union cannot require Respondent to bargain over the compensation of the five columnists, absent evidence that their wages "vital- ly affect" the terms of employment of the editorial workers that the Union represents. See Sperry Systems Management Division, Sperry Rand Corporation v. N.L.R.B., 492 F.2d 63, 69-70 (C.A. 2. 1974). There is no such evidence. The record does not show that the use of any one of the five colum- nists has resulted in either the replacement of an .editorial worker represented by the Union or in a loss of earnings or working time by editorial workers represented by the Union. In fact, the number of unit editorial workers since 1969 has increased by four. Moreover, each one of the non- unit columnists, about whom the Union is seeking the dis- puted wage information, is permanently assigned to writing a particular special interest column which, with the Union's acquiescence, for periods ranging from 5 to 25 years, has been produced by columnists who have not been represented by the Union. Viewed realistically, this is sim- ply not a case where unit editorial workers are in danger of being replaced by nonunit workers or of having their wage standards undermined by nonunit workers. Under the cir- cumstances, I conclude that the Union's minimum contract wage rate proposal, as it relates to the five columnists whom the Union does not represent, is not a mandatory subject of bargaining, hence, insofar as the Union's request for wage information is based upon the Union's need to intelligently consider its minimum wage rate proposal cov- ering these columnists, the Respondent is not obligated to supply the information. 11 The conclusion that the Union is not entitled to the dis- puted information for the purpose of intelligently consider- ing its minimum contract wage rate proposal for nonunit workers does not warrant a dismissal of the complaint. I am persuaded that the Union is entitled to the disputed information so as to assist it in framing its wage proposal covering unit employees. The test in determining whether Respondent is obligated under the statute to supply the disputed information is whether the record demonstrates a "probability that the desired information [is] relevant, and that it [will] be of use Ihe sole evidence of, unit editorril workers having suffered economic layolfs wals Ihe tetimnionl of :ninon Representativse Cuthertson that one or Iwo reporters were laid tiff. lemporaiil . 5 or 6 )cars prior to the events malterial it this cai.e Ithere Is n1 contentlion that these layoffs were related to Ihe eliplomsnenl of any one of the nonunit columnists assigned to write the columns insolsed in this case. In this regard. I note that since each one of the nonunio t colulinisls write specific special-interest columns. they do noll work in competition with the unit editorial workers. thus. it is a fair iiferencte that their employment had absolutely no affect on the employ- ment of thie aid-off employees. to the union in carrying out its statutory duties and respon- sibilities." N.L.R.B. v. Rockwell-Standard .supra at 957. quoting from N.L.R.B. v. A cme Industrial Co.. supra at 437. Here the record, as described supra, establishes that five columnists perform editorial work which is similar to the work performed by the employees covered by the parties' contract who are represented by the Union. Thus. there is an obvious connection between the information sought the compensation paid to the five columnists and the Union's wage proposal covering unit editorial employees who perform the same type of work as the nonunit colum- nists. As Union Representative Cuthbertson testified. "[W]e want to know what they're paid in order to evaluate what the company is paying our people." Under the cir- cumstances, I find that it is highly probable that the amount of money paid to the five nonunit columnists for performing the same kind of editorial work performed b3 the editorial employees in the unit represented by the Union, is relevant and will be of use to the Union in car- rying out its statutory duty and responsibility of intelligent- ly considering a wage proposal for the editorial employees it represents. In Northwest Publications, Inc., 211 NLRB 464, 466 (1974), the Board addressed this subject in these terms: The Union's immediate and continuing need for in- formation about (nonunit workers'] earnings and method of payment, when examined in the light of the [nonunit workers'] work and the Union's duties. is ap- parent. As stipulated by the parties, [nonunit workers] perform a substantial amount of bargaining unit work. as in the case of Executive Sports Editor Duino who covers newsworthy events and writes stories about them. [Nonunit workers] perform like work .... The Union, in forthcoming negotiations, is bound to dis- cuss wage and other proposals covering all unit em- ployees. The pay received by [nonunit workersl like Duino for performing bargaining unit work and the method of pay . . . have a direct bearing on the pay of employees . . . represented by the Union. See also Goodyear Aerospace Corporation, 157 NLRB 496, 503 (1966) ("Data as to salaries and fringe benefits in com- parable jobs would be relevant to the Union in framing contract proposals covering employees within the unit").' Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and the entire record, I make the following: 9I have considered thalt the I nion has r nt In preslious negotai o, s asked for this type of informatirn. Nonetheless, In ile u of the clear clineCtill, between the information sought and the Utnion's wage proposals ci)rering unit employees. I am satisfied this is not a situation in which ii llion hits concocted a reason to justify access Ito data which it rordinarilv oiuldl nlst he entitled I I rlect Resporndent's iontention. advanced in its February 28. 1977. letter toi the IlUlion. that it is privileged to refuse to disclose the disputed informalion because it is conifidential It is settled that the "alleged confi- dentialit ofI relevant economic data needed for informed bargaining is nio defense" (,(;certl El/crtir (', v. NA RB. 466 F.2d 1177. 1185 (CA. 6. 1972) ), and nil reason appears why this principle should not be applied here. Iikewise. I reject Resprondent's contention that its statutory obhligation Itward the Unlion s:as satisfied by telling the Union the bare fact that it paiid the nunLunit columnists suhstantiallys below "Union scale." 928 TIMES-HERALD. INC. CO()NC. :SIONS OFi LAW 1. Times-Herald, Inc., the Respondent. is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. San Francisco-Oakland Newspaper Guild. Local 52, I'he Newspaper Guild. AFI, ('10. the Union, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. All advertising department employees and all editori- al department emplosees employed by Respondent at the Vallejo fimes-Herald and the Vallejo News Chronicle, ex- cluding all other employees. managing editors, executive editors, business managers. commercial printing depart- ment managers, circulation department managers, direc- tors of advertising. display advertising managers. national advertising managers, classified advertising managers, glo- bal ranger managers. business department managers. circu- lation department employees, commercial printing depart- ment employees. janitors. guards and supervisors as defined in the Act, constitute a unit appropriate for pur- poses of collective bargaining within the meaning of Sec- tion 9(bh) of the Act. 4. The Union is the exclusive representative of all the employees in the aforesaid unit for the purposes of collec- tive bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act. 5. By failing and refusing to supply the Union with the amount of the compensation paid to the columnists for producing the columns entitled "Where It's At." "Navy Notes." "Pages From the Past." "Tlravis Scene." and "American Canyon," which were published in the Vallejo Times-Herald and/or the Vallejo News-Chronicle from May 1976 through July 1976. Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the mean- ing of Section 8(a)(5) and ( I ) of the Act. 6. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 1I'm RFMDFrY[ Having found that the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in certain unfair labor practices affecting com- merce, I shall recommend that it cease and desist there- from and take certain affirmative action in order to effec- tuate the purposes of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact. conclusions of law, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER Ii The Respondent. Times-Herald. Inc.. ValleJo, Califor- nia, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns. shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to bargain collectively with San Francisco- Oakland Newspaper Guild, Local 52, The Newspaper Guild, AFL-CIO, by refusing upon request to supply rele- vant information needed by said Union to represent the employees in the unit hereinabove. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- straining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is neces- sary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Furnish. upon request, to San Francisco-Oakland Newspaper Guild. l.ocal 52, The New spaper G(uild. AFI. CIO, the amount of compensation paid to each one of the columnists for producing the columns entitled "Whre It's At," "Naves Notes." "Pages From the Past." " Iralis Scene," and "American CanNon." which were published in the Vallejo Times-Herald and or the Vallejo News-('hron- icle from Mas 1976 through July 1976. (b) Post at its office and place of business where notices to employees represented b\ the aforesaid U nion in the bargaining unit hereinabove are customaril' posted by Re- spondent. copies of the attached notice marked "'Appen- dix.'" 2 Copies of said notice, on forms provided bh the Regional Director for Region 20. after being duls signed by Respondent's representative. shall be posted b' Re- spondent immediately upon receipt thereof. and be main- tained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter. in conspicu- ous places, including. as described above. all places where notices to employees employed in the appropriate hargain- ing unit are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered b' an's other material (c) Notif' the Regional Director for Region 20. in writ- ing. swithin 20 dais from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. iin teil erenll no exception, are filed a' pr Mided b' Sec 102) 46h of the Rules allnl RegC laiiionIi s of the Nationll I abor ReltIOIIos B alrd the flllilng,. con,11Jlll,, .,id, re..lnilend (Order herein 'hall. as prolded in Sec 102 48 of the Rules and Reguilation. bhe adopled b the Bhcarr and hbecomne it fltldimci tlll..t lsTI&I ls .ndl (Order. and all Ob[ 1etllmlx thereto hall be deemed iti.ll .d f ` 11 ll p1-LITr s¢C In thei ex ent th it Sit, (O)rde. i , enf, rced b a judgment of a Itniled Sllte ( oulii ,f \plpeal the rs,,rd, i Ihe nollce reading "Po,,led hb Order of the '.1mill l habor Relllmn, Board" Shaill read .T"oed PUlrsualn Io a1 Jidlllenl l IhO t IL nlled Sitaie (',urt of Appecal, Finforcmng an Order of Ihe Nal.nr. l labor Rcl.lR onl Blall,-l APPENDIX Noii(c To EiPI OY ES POSifD BNI ORI):R 01 IHl Nlil()NAi LBO()R RFIA1iONS BO^RD An Agency of the United States Government Wi wili N.oi refuse to bargain collectively with the aforesaid Union by refusing, upon request, to supply relevant information needed by said Union to repre- sent the advertising department and editorial depart- ment employees it represents employed by us at the Vallejo Times-Herald and the Vallejo News-Chron- icle. Wi wii Not in any like or related manner interfere with. restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 929 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD WE WILL, upon request, furnish San Francisco-Oak- land Newspaper Guild, Local 52, The Newspaper Guild, AFL CIO, the amount of compensation paid to each one of the columnists for producing the co- lumns entitled "Where It's At," "Navy Notes," "Pages From the Past," "Travis Scene," and "American Can- yon," which were published in the Vallejo Times-Her- ald and/or the Vallejo News-Chronicle from May 1976 through July 1976. TIMiS-HFIRALDt INC. 930 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation