The Westin HotelDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 10, 1986277 N.L.R.B. 1506 (N.L.R.B. 1986) Copy Citation 1506 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The Westin Hotel and International Union of Oper- ating Engineers, AFL-CIO, Local 20 . Case 9- CA-17844 10 January 1986 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN DOTSON AND MEMBERS DENNIS AND BABSON On 29 May 1981 the Regional Director for Region 9 issued a Decision and Direction of Elec- tion in Case 9-RC-13742 in which he found appro- priate a unit of all employees employed by the Re- spondent in its maintenance and engineering de- partment at its Cincinnati, Ohio facility,' as sought by the Petitioner. The Regional Director rejected the Respondent's and Intervenor Local 12's conten- tion that an overall unit of hotel service employees, excluding office clericals, was appropriate. In find- ing the petitioned-for maintenance and engineering unit appropriate, the Regional Director noted, inter alia, the maintenance and engineering employees' unique skills and training; their separate supervision and responsibilities; the general lack of interchange between maintenance and engineering employees and other hourly workers; and the paucity of a definite pattern of area bargaining on an overall hotel unit basis. On 5 June 1981 the Respondent and Local 12 filed motions for reconsideration with the Regional Director. The Regional Director denied the motions. Thereafter, the Respondent and Local 12 filed requests for review with the Board which were granted on 26 June 1981. An election was conduct- ed by secret ballot on 30 June 1981, pursuant to the terms of the Decision and Direction of Election, and the ballots cast were thereafter impounded in conformity with the Board's procedures. On 28 September 1981 the Board adopted the Regional Director's Decision and Direction of Election and remanded to the Regional Director to open and count the ballots. The Respondent and Local 12 filed motions for reconsideration with the Board. The Board declined to reconsider its decision. On 18 December 1981 the Regional Director issued a certification that the Petitioner was the majority- i On 17 April 1981 the Petitioner filed a representation petition seeking certification as the bargaining representative for the Respondent's mainte- nance employees On 21 April, the Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Employees and Bartenders Union, Local 12 (Local 12) notified the Respondent of its desire to represent an overall unit consisting of all the Respondent's serv- ice employees (including maintenance employees) Subsequently, on II May 1981, the Respondent, after investigating Local 12's majority sup- port, extended recognition to Local 12 excluding the maintenance em- ployees pending resolution of the aforementioned petition. Local 12 inter- vened in the Board proceeding solely to be heard on the appropriate unit issue, it did not seek to participate in an election in the maintenance unit designated representative of the unit found appro- priate.2 Subsequently, by letter dated 22 December 1981, the Petitioner requested the Respondent to meet with it for purposes of collective bargaining. The Respondent refused. Thereafter in Case 9-CA- 17844 the Petitioner filed unfair labor practice charges which culminated in the Board's Decision and Order finding that the Respondent, on or about 22 December 1981, and at all times thereaf- ter, violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by refusing to bargain with the Petitioner as the exclu- sive representative of the Respondent's mainte- nance employees, and ordering that the Respond- ent bargain upon request.3 On 24 July 1984 the United States Court of Ap- peals for the Sixth Circuit issued its decision in this proceeding,4 wherein it denied enforcement of the Board's Order and remanded the case to the Board for reconsideration of the appropriate unit issue. The court concluded that the Regional Director's fording of a "paucity of an area-wide pattern of bargaining on a broader unit basis" was not sup- ported by substantial evidence in the record con- sidered as a whole. The court noted uncontradicted evidence that all area hotels organized since 1947 had been organized on an overall basis and, there- fore, concluded that the prevailing areawide pat- tern of bargaining in the industry favored overall units. The court also found that the evidence sup- porting the Regional Director's finding of unique skills and separate supervision was not strong, and that the Board had recognized that there were some factors militating in favor of an overall unit. It concluded that, in these circumstances, it could not be assumed that the Board would have directed a separate election in the maintenance department absent its unsupported finding regarding the area bargaining pattern. The National Labor Relations Board has delegat- ed its authority in this proceeding to a three- member panel. We have carefully reviewed the entire record in the underlying representation proceeding and, for the reasons discussed below, we have decided to revoke our Certification of Representative issued in Case 9-RC-13742 and vacate our previous Deci- sion and Order in this proceeding. The Westin Hotel is a 17-story luxury hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio. The hotel has 460 guest rooms, 9 meeting and banquet rooms, 3 restaurants, 2 lounges, and a pool and health club. When the 2 The tally of ballots showed 11 votes cast for and none against the Petitioner with no challenged ballots 3 261 NLRB 1005 4 738 F.2d 765 (6th Cir 1984) 277 NLRB No. 172 WESTIN HOTEL hotel began operating on 19 March 1981, the facili- ty employed approximately 600 persons. About 347 of these are service employees distributed among traditional hotel classifications, i.e., housekeeping, laundry and guest service, food and beverage, and various subclassifications thereof. Eleven of these service employees are assigned to the maintenance department in which the Petitioner seeks represen- tation. At the time of the hearing, Westin's maintenance department consisted of a building superintendent, Lloyd Hodges, an assistant building superintendent, Dan Pumey, and the 11 maintenance employees. Maintenance employees perform a wide variety of repair and maintenance ! works throughout the facil- ity requiring various levels of skill and expertise. But repair work involving major structural alter- ations, reupholstery of furniture, and major repair or servicing of television sets, office equipment, elevators, or air-conditioning units is generally sub- contracted to outside repair personnel. Maintenance employees are classified as Mainte- nance Worker I, 11, and III depending on their level of experience. Maintenance Worker III is an entry level position filled by individuals demon- strating "mechanical aptitude." The Maintenance Worker II and I classifications require 3 and 6 years, respectively, of experience or training as a maintenance employee. No engineering or craft li- censes are required. The hiring procedure for maintenance employees is similar to that of other departments throughout the hotel. Thus, like all other department heads, Superintendent Hodges makes a personnel requisi- tion to the personnel department which, in turn, screens applicants via preliminary interviews. Hodges then interviews the applicants and makes his selection after conferring with personnel as to which applicant seemed the best qualified. Other personnel matters and supervision are likewise han- dled on a department-by-department basis. For ex- ample, Hodges determines yearly wage increases for maintenance department employees using cor- poratewide personnel evaluation forms, 6 and both Hodges and Purney make all work assignments in the maintenance department, and are solely respon- sible for the direction of all maintenance work. The employees perform such tasks as hanging pictures, moving and making routine repairs on furniture , installing and monitoring gauges; doing carpentry, making vinyl wall, lamp, refrigeration, and minor air- conditioning and television repairs , replacing shower heads ; making boxes and racks, unstopping drains and toilets, installing and performing routine repair on laundry, kitchen, and other equipment, wallpapering and paint- ing small areas, maintaining the sprinkler system, making minor modifica- tions to certain plumbing and electrical equipment, and monitoring boil- ers and giving them chemical treatments. 6 Regardless of department, throughout the hotel, all wage increases ale uniformly enacted on the first of the year 1507 All hotel service employees, including mainte- nance workers, are hourly paid, enjoy the same fringe benefits, use the employee entrance on the service level of the hotel, punch identical I.D. cards into a computerized timeclock, wear uni- forms and name badges, share common locker rooms and cafeteria facilities, are subject to similar work rules and policies, and, when newly hired, participate in the same orientation program. With respect to wages, the average pay for maintenance employees falls within the median level for all hotel service employees. There is a separate maintenance area where Hodges and Purney maintain their offices and where maintenance employees have their own tool lockers. Although the employees report to this area on a daily basis, 80-90 percent of their time is spent working throughout the hotel, i.e., the kitchen, laundry, restaurant and lounges, banquet and meet- ing rooms, and guest rooms. In performing their tasks throughout the hotel, maintenance employees are in frequent contact with the other service em- ployees. On a given occasion, the manager of a de- partment in whose area the maintenance employee is working might instruct the employee in carrying out maintenance duties. Service employees have on occasion assisted maintenance employees in performing their tasks, such as moving furniture. The record discloses in- stances in which a manager from another depart- ment has called a porter from the property mainte- nance department to assist a maintenance employee in performing a maintenance task within that man- ager's department. In an emergency situation, such as a bathroom flood, maintenance employees and service employees from other departments work together to rectify the problem . Maintenance em- ployees make the necessary repairs and housekeep- ing employees handle the cleanup tasks. Front desk and security employees also lend assistance in such circumstances. Although no nonmaintenance employee has ever been permanently transferred into the maintenance department or has substituted for an ill mainte- nance employee, a transfer policy exists if a vacan- cy occurs and the applicant is qualified. In isolated instances, the property maintenance department does light building maintenance such as minor carpet repairs, replacing wall outlets, and touching up molding and wall covering-all tasks normally delegated to maintenance employees. The tools for such tasks are generally signed out of the mainte- nance department. In making unit determinations in the hotel indus- try, the Board applies, on a case-by-case basis, the same traditional community of interest criteria used 1508 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD in other industries . These criteria include distinc- tions in skills and function of particular employee groups, their separate supervision, the employer's organizational structure and differences in wages and hours, as well as integration of operations, and employee transfer, interchange, and contacts. See generally the principles set forth in Atlanta Hilton & Towers, 273 NLRB 87 (1984), modified on other grounds 275 NLRB 1413 (1985), and 77 Operating Co., 160 NLRB 927 (1966), enfd. 387 F.2d 646 (4th Cir. 1967). In the instant proceeding, the Sixth Circuit con- cluded that the Regional Director's finding of a "paucity of current area-wide pattern of bargain- ing" was not supported by the record evidence. Rather, it found the prevailing pattern favored overall hotelwide units. We are bound by that find- ing as the law of the case. The remaining factors relied on by the Regional Director in finding a community of interest among maintenance employees are outweighed by the evi- dence in favor of establishing an overall unit. As the Sixth Circuit pointed out, the evidence support- ing the Regional Director's finding of unique skills and separate supervision is "not very strong." Only 2 of the 11 maintenance employees were Mainte- nance Worker I employees, who engaged in the more technical tasks. A majority of the mainte- nance employees had at most a high school educa- tion or its equivalent. Although one maintenance employee was a certified boiler technician and one was a licensed engineer , no license or specific craft experience was required for their jobs.7 Additional- ly, occasionally supervisors from other departments would direct a maintenance worker in performing tasks. Indeed, the indicia of separate supervision and 'skills are here no more prevalent in application to maintenance employees than they are to the em- ployees in the other manual service departments. Like maintenance employees, those other service employees are supervised on a department-by-de- partment basis and have skills that are different or set them apart from the employees in all other de- partments. Yet their separate supervision and dis- tinct skills do not warrant their exclusion from an overall unit of manual service employees. Although the record demonstrated a lack of interchange between maintenance workers and other service employees, this fact is substantially outweighed by the extensive contact, integration of duties, and similar terms and conditions of employ- ment among all hotel operating personnel. As stated, maintenance workers spend 80-90 percent of their time in areas of the hotel occupied by 7 The only requirement was the 3 and 6 years' general maintenance experience described above. other hotel employees. They frequently repair equipment in proximity to other employees and share the same locker room and cafeteria with other operating personnel . In several instances, maintenance workers work with other service de- partments and are, as a courtesy, assisted in their work by other hotel employees. In other isolated instances , nonmaintenance employees perform minor maintenance tasks. Although this is not done on a regular basis , there is no requirement that all employees perform identical tasks in order to be grouped together in the same unit . It is sufficient that the maintenance, housekeeping, and property maintenance employees perform , as here, the simi- lar integrated function of ensuring that the hotel's physical plant is properly maintained." More importantly, the maintenance employees in this hotel share comparable wages, identical bene- fits, and other significant similar terms and condi- tions of employment with other nonmaintenance service employees. All of the hotel's service em- ployees are subject to uniform personnel policies regarding recruitment , hiring, orientation, and work rules.9 The Regional Director relied on Sheraton-Ana- heim Hotel, 252 NLRB 959 (1980), in support of his finding appropriate a separate unit for maintenance workers. Although the Board in that case found a separate unit of hotel maintenance employees ap-, propriate, the Regional Director there noted in particular the existence of a "mixed pattern of bar- gaining for engineering and maintenance units in the local area . . . and the fact that no other labor organization [was] seeking to represent the hotel employees in a broader unit." Id. at 961. As stated above, the Sixth Circuit found that there is no sub- stantial evidence of a mixed bargaining practice in the current case, and we are bound by that finding. Additionally, Local 12, the Intervenor, has specifi- cally sought to represent an overall unit of hotel, employees which includes maintenance workers.1 In light of the foregoing, we find a separate unit for the Respondent's maintenance employees to be inappropriate. Having found that the unit the Re- gional Director found appropriate in Case 9-RC- 13742 is not an appropriate unit for collective-bar- gaining purposes, we shall revoke the certification 8 For this reason, the Board has in the past grouped together mainte- nance employees with other hotel service employees See Ramada Inns, 221 NLRB 689 (1975), Holiday Inn, Pittsburgh, 214 NLRB 651 (1974). 9 These common links among all hotel service employees are factors utilized in determining whether a certain group , of employees would be adequately represented within an overall unit See Atlanta Hilton & Towers, supra , Holiday Inn Alton, 270 NLRB 1405 (1984), Clothing Work- ers (Farah Mfg Co) v NLRB, 491 F.2d 595 (5th Cir. 1974) 10 As stated , the Respondent has extended recognition to Local 12 in an overall unit which will include or exclude maintenance employees de- pending on the resolution of this proceeding. WESTIN HOTEL issued in that case and dismiss the petition . In addi- tion, we shall vacate our previous Decision and Order in Case 9-CA-17844 and dismiss the com- plaint. ORDER It is ordered that the previous Decision and Order issued in this proceeding in Case 9-CA- 1509 17844 (261 NLRB 1005) is vacated and the com- plaint is dismissed. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Certification of Representative issued in Case 9-RC-13742 is re- voked, and the petition is dismissed. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation