The Sturges Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 21, 194774 N.L.R.B. 1546 (N.L.R.B. 1947) Copy Citation In the Matter of R. W. STURGES, SR., TRADING UNDER THE FIRM NAME AND STYLE OF TILE STURGES COMPANY and INTERNATIONAL BROTHER- HOOD OF TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS, WAREIIOUSEME AND HELPERS, LOCAL UNION No. 591, A. F. OF L. Case No. 13-C-1009.-Decided August 01, 1947 Messrs. Jerome A. Reiner and Charles G. Kessler, for the Board. Messrs. Edward L. Snow and J. A. Covington, Jr., of Meridian, Miss., for the respondent. ' Mr. Robert F. Sullivan, of Meridian, Miss., for the Union. Mr. Paul Bisgyer, of counsel to the Board. DECISION AND ORDER On November 7, 1946, Trial Examiner James R. Hemingway issued his Intermediate Report in the above-entitled proceedii g, finding that the respondent had engaged in and Was engaging in certain unfair labor practices and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the copy of the Intermediate Report attached hereto. Thereafter, the respondent filed exceptions to the Intermediate Report and a supporting brief. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are here- by affirmed. The Board his considered the Intermediate Report, the exceptions and brief, and the entire record in the case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Examiner, With the modifications, additions and exceptions noted below. 1. We agree with the Trial Examiner that the respondent inter- fered with, restrained, and coerced its employees, in violation of Sec- tion 8 (1) of the Act. As. more fully discussed in the Intermediate Report, this conduct occurred during the initial stages of the Union's organizational campaign, and consisted chiefly of the following acts and statements of Sturges and Warehouse Supervisor Stevenson: 1 1 We, like the Tiial Examiner , do not find it necessary to determine whether , under the circumstances of this case , the respondent was responsible for the conduct of E T Newell, one of his customers 74 N. L. R. B., No. 245. 1546 THE STURGES COMPANY 1547 (a) threats to discontinue business rather than deal with the Union; 2 (b) offering and granting a wage increase to offset the Union's organ- izational drive; 3 (c) questioning employees concerning their -union membership; and (d) warning employees that their jobs were jeop- ardized by membership in the Union while simultaneously advising them that non-members would receive raises.4 In addition to the foregoing, Chairman Herzog and Member Hous- ton agree with the Trial Examiner that Harbin's discharge constituted a further violation of Section 8 (1) of the Act.' However, Chairman Herzog and Member Reynolds do not believe that the evidence sup- ports the Trial Examiner's finding that Hooks' discharge also contra- vened Section 8 (1) of the Act." This latter finding is, therefore, not adopted. The respondent denies that he or his agents committed any un- fair labor practices, contending, inter alia, (a) that the wage increase was not given for the purpose of discouraging union membership, hut that, like other emmployers, he merely took advantage of the re- laxation of the wage freeze, and (b) that Stevenson was not a super- visory employee for whose acts he was responsible. We find no merit in these contentions. It is reasonably clear from the timing of the wage increase and the circumstances under which it was offered and given, that it was calculated to discourage membership in the Union, which was then endeavoring to organize the respondent's employees.' With respect to the second contention, we find that it is not supported by the record. Although the respondent character- ized Stevenson as a straw boss without authority to hire or fire, the evidence shows that lie supervised the work of warehouse employees, the loading of trucks and the unloading of freight cars; assigned 2 We do not find ans meat in the respondent's argument that, even accepting the testi- mony conceimng Sturges' threats to discontinue his business, the effect of these threats was "eliminated" by the respondent's later contract negotiations, which are hereinafter discussed 3 we, as the Trial Examinei apparently did, limit this finding to the wage increase given to the white truck di leers on Tune 22, 1945, a few days after the diivei s' meeting discussed in the Intermediate Repoit ' In concluding that the respondent violated Section S (1) of the Act, Nye find it unneces- s,uy to adopt the Dial Examiner's further finding that Sturges' iefeual of employee Cooksey to the former's lawvei for advice regarding the method of withdiawnig fiom the Union, which information Cookscy had solicited, constituted, under the circumstances, a part of the pattern of the respondent's unlawful conduct c Member Reynolds disagrees with this view and does not rely on Harbin's discharge as evidence of the respondent's unlawful conduct °Mcnmber Houston dissents from the majority's determination in this respect and would find that Hooks' discharge was also violative of Section S (1) of the Act T'rlins, at the heaung, Sturges admitted that at the June dryers' meeting he inquired of the assembled employ ees whether they had joined the Union and what they wanted , that, on being infoimed that it was more money they wanted, he told then that wages wcie frozen but that he "would be glad" to give it to them if "there was any possibility" lie could do so . and that a few days later, on learning that lie could Terse wages, he gi anted an uuacase See Matter of IJudson hfosiemy Company, 72 N L It B 1434, and cases there cited 1548 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD jobs to employees; told them when to work overtime; had authority to give his men time off; and was generally regarded by his Wien as their boss. Significantly, according to Steven son's testimony, Sturges arranged for him and Assistant Manager Kidd to receive unpub- licized neutrality instructions from Sturges' attorney dLlrmg the Union's organizational campaign. In view of the foregoing facts, we are of the opinion and find that Stevenson was in a position to translate management's policy to the employees and that, therefore, his acts are imputable to the respondent.8 2. The Trial Examiner also found that the respondent, in violation of Section 8 (5) of the Act, refused to bargain with the Union as the exclusive bargaining representative of his employees. We do not agree. It is undisputed that during the course of negotiations the Union consented to the respondent's proposal for a cross-check of the Union's membership cards, to determine its majority status, by the Federal Conciliator, who was present at the. meeting at the Union's invitation. It is also clear that, after the Conciliator com- pleted the cross-check and announced the Union's lack of majority, the meeting broke up without any objection or further request for resumption of negotiations from the Union. Thus, although the circumstances under which the respondent raised the majority ques- tion cast serious doubt upon his good faith,-particularly in view of his former recognition of the Union and opportunity to verify the Union's majority claim,-the Union, nevertheless, acceded to the proposal. Consequently, irrespective of the binding character of the Conciliator's cross-check determination or the respondent's good faith, the Union was, at least, required to demand a resumption of negotiations before the respondent could be considered in default of his bargaining obligations. This the Union failed to do; in fact, it appears that the Union itself did not regard the respondent duty- bound to reopen negotiations, for in its original charge, which it filed 21/z weeks later, it made no reference to an unlawful refusal to bargain by the respondent. Significantly, such an allegation was made for the first time in the amended charge filed 5 months there- after. Accordingly, we find, contrary to the Trial Examiner, that the respondent, under the circumstances herein, did not refuse to bargain collectively with the Union, within the meaning of Section 8 (5) 8 Regardless of whether or not Stevenson 's conduct is attributable to the respondent, the evidence, consisting in part of Sturges's admissions , shows that Sturges himself com- mitted unfaii labor practices by threatening to discontinue business operations , offering and granting a wage increase , and questioning employees , as discussed above and in the Intermediate Report. THE STURGES COMPANY 1549 of the Act.9 We shall, therefore, dismiss these allegations of the complaint. The Remedy The Trial Examiner recommended that, in order to make the Board's Order coextensive with the threat of future unfair labor practices and thus effectuate the policies of the Act, the respondent should be ordered to cease and desist from in any manner infringing upon the rights of his employees guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. This recommendation is partially based on the Trial Examiner's finding that the respondent violated the Act by discharging employee Hooks and by refusing to bargain with the Union. Although we have found that these acts did not constitute unfair labor practices, we are nonetheless of the opinion that the other unfair labor prac- i ices found herein, namely, threatening to discontinue business opera- tions rather than deal with the Uiiion, offering and granting a wage increase to offset the Union's organizational campaign, question- ing employees concerning their union membership, warning em- ployees that their jobs were jeopardized by membership in the Union while simultaneously advising 'them that non-members would receive raises, and discriminatorily discharging employee Harbin,10 amply disclose an attitude of opposition to the purposes of the Act. WWTe believe, therefore, that in order to satisfy the remedial objectives of the Act, the respondent should be ordered to cease and desist, not only from the unfair labor practices herein found, but also from in any other manner infringing upon the rights guaranteed to employees in Section 7 of the Act. ORDER Upon the entire record in the case, and pursuant to Section 10 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the respondent, R. W. Sturges, Sr., trading under the firm name and style of The Sturges Company, Meridian, Mississippi, and his agents, successors, and assigns shall : 1. Cease and desist from : (a) Discharging or refusing to reemploy any of his employees, or in any other manner discriminating in regard to their, hire or tenure of employment, or any terns or condition of their employment, because of their membership in or activity on behalf of International ° In view of this finding, the question of the propriety of the Trial Exammei's denial of the iespondent ' s application for a subpoena directed to the Federal Conciliator becomes moot '0 See footnote 5, supra 1550 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 591, A. F. of L., or any other labor organization; (b) Warning his employees that he will discontinue his business rather than deal with the above-named union; (c) Offering or granting a wage increase to discourage membership in the above-named union or in any other labor organization; (d) Questioning his employees concerning their union member- ship, activities, or sympathies; (e) Warning his employees that their jobs will be jeopardized by membership in the above-named union or in any other labor organi- zation, and advising them that non-members will receive wage raises; (f) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing his employees in the exercise of the right to self-organization, to form labor organizations, to join or assist International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 591, A. F. of L., or any other labor organization, to bargain col- lectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities, for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, as guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act : (a) Post at his place of business and warehouses in Meridian, Mississippi, copies of the notice attached hereto, marked "Appendix A."" Copies of such notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for the Fifteenth Region, shall, after being duly signed by the re- spondent or his representative, be posted by the respondent immedi- ately upon receipt thereof, and maintained by him for sixty (60), consecutive clays thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the respondent to insure that such notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material; (b) Notify the Regional Director for the Fifteenth Region (New Orleans, Louisiana) in writing, within ten (10) days from the date of this Order, what steps the respondent has taken to comply herewith. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the complaint, as amended, be, and it hereby is, dismissed, insofar as it alleges that the respondent, in violation of Section 8 (1) of the Act, discharged Pearlie Mae Bar- field, Berry G. Wiggens, Willard May, Randolph B. Blackwell, Charles Bell, Echo Brown, Ozie Lee Greer, Robert Lee Wilson, and Lewis C. Hooks, and, in violation of Section 8 (5) of the Act, refused to bar- gain collectively. 11 In the event this Order is enforced by decree of a Circuit Court of Appeals, there shall be inserted, before the words "A Decision and Order" the words "A Decree of the United States Cilcult Court of Appeals Enfoicing." J THE STURGES COMPANY "APPENDIX A" 1551 NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to a Decision and Order of the National Labor Rela- tions Board and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, we hereby notify our employees that : WE WILL NOT discharge or refuse to reemploy any of our em- ployees, or in any other manner discriminate in regard to their hire or tenure of employment, or any term or condition of em- ployment, because of their membership in or activity on behalf of International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Ware- housemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 591, A. F. of L., or any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT warn our employees that we will discontinue busi- ness operations rather than deal with the above-named union or any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT offer or grant a wage increase for the purpose of discouraging membership in the above-named union or in any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT question our employees concerning their union membership, activities, or sympathies. WE WILL NOT warn our employees that their jobs will be jeop- ardized by membership in the above-named union or in any other labor organization, or advise them that non-members will receive raises. WE WILL NOT in any manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization, to form labor organizations, to join or assist International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 591, A. F. of L., or any other labor organizatian, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. All our employees are free to become or remain members of the above-named union or any other labor organization. We will not discriminate in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment against any employee because of membership in or activity on behalf of any such labor organization. R. W. STURGES, SR., Trading under the firm name and stgle of The Sturges Company, Employer. Date ----------------------------- By ------------------------- (Representative) (Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 days from the date hereof, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. 755420-48-vol 74-99 1552 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD INTERMEDIATE REPORT Messrs Jerome A. Reiner and Charles G. Kessler, for the Board. Messrs. Edward L. Snow and J. A. Covington, Jr., of Meridian, Miss ., for the Respondent. Mr. Robert F. Sullivan, of Meridian, Miss., for the Union. STATEMENT OF THE CASE Upon an amended charge filed on January 4, 1946, by International Brother- hood of Teamsters , Chauffeurs , Warehousemen and Helpers , Local Union No. 591, A. F. of L., herein called the Union , the National Labor Relations Board, herein called the Board, by its Regional Director for the Fifteenth Region (New Orleans, Louisiana ), issued a complaint dated July 16, 1946, against R. W. Sturges, Sr., trading under the firm name and style of The Sturges Company, herein called the Respondent , or Sturges when referred to individually , alleging that the Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 ( 1) and ( 5) and Section 2 (6) and ( 7) of the National Labor Relations Act, 49 Stat . 449, herein called the Act. Copies of the complaint , accompanied by notice of hearing , were served upon the Respond- ent and the Union. In respect to the unfair labor practices , the complaint alleged, in substance, that from about June , 1945 , to the date of the complaint , the Respondent had interfered with, restrained , and coerced his employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, by committing , authorizing , instigat- ing, and acquiescing in the following acts: ( a) statement and conversations dis- couraging membership and activity in and on behalf of the Union ; ( b) inquiring and questioning the Respondent's employees about their union desires , sympa- thies , membership, activities , meetings , and business ; ( c) making derogatory and defamatory statements about the Union and union dues ; ( d) threatening to discriminate against and discharge employees because of their membership in, adherence to, and activities on behalf of, the Union ; ( e) enlisting the aid of a friend of the Respondent to influence employees to discontinue membership in, and activity on behalf of, the Union ; ( f) advising his employees to discontinue membership in the Union with a promise of reward of future pay increases and carrying out such promise and reward ; ( g) advising , stating, and predicting that the Union could not benefit the employees in any way and that the employees would benefit much more without the intervention of a union to represent them collectively and bargain for them; ( h) inducing employees to resign , and assist- ing employees to carry out the Respondent 's wish that they resign, from the Union. The complaint further alleged that on about July 31, 1945, and at all times thereafter the Respondent refused to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive representative of the employees in an appropriate unit although the Union was and is the representative of a majority of employees in said appro- priate unit The Respondent ' s answer, dated July 29, 1946 , denied the com- mission of all the alleged unfair labor practices Pursuant to notice , a hearing was held in Meridian, Mississippi, from July 30 to August 2, inclusive , and August 5 to 8, inclusive , 1946,' before the under- signed Trial Examiner , duly appointed by the Chief Trial Examiner . Full oppor- tunity to be beard, to examine and cross -examine witnesses , and to introduce evidence bearing on the issues was afforded all parties. During the course of the hearing , Board's counsel moved to amend the complaint , by adding as THE STURGES COMPANY 1553 clause (i) under the allegation of interference, restraint, and coercion: "Dis- criminating and discharging employees because of their membership and ad- herence to, and activities on behalf of the Union." The motion was granted over the Respondent's objection, and a motion by the Respondent to amend his answer to include a denial of the allegations in the amendment to the complaint was granted. The Respondent moved for a bill of particulars giving the names of employees allegedly discriminated against. The motion was granted., At the close of the hearing, Board's counsel moved to conform the pleadings to the proof as to formal matters The motion was granted. All parties were afforded opportunity to argue orally and to file briefs with the Trial Examiner. None of the parties chose to argue, and no briefs have been received. Upon the entire record in the case and from his observation of the witnesses, the undersigned makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENT The Respondent is engaged in the wholesale feed, flour, and heavy grocery business. In the operations of his business, the Respondent purchases feed, flour, sugar, rice, salt, and other products. Goods of such kind of a value in excess of $300,000 annually he purchases in places outside the State of Mississippi and causes to be transported therefrom to his principal place of business in Meridian, Mississippi. Such purchases constitute in excess of 20 percent of the total quantity of such goods handled by him Of his total quantity of such goods handled by him, in excess of 13 percent, of a value in excess of $200,000 annually, is sold, transported, and distributed by him to places outside the Stale of Mississippi. The Respondent's answer admits the jurisdictional allegations of the complaint. He is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. II. THE ORGANIZATION INVOLVED International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 591, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, is a labor organization admitting to membership employees of the Respondent. III. THE UNFAIR, LABOR PRACTICES A. Interference, restraint, and coercion 1. Anti-union conduct and statements In the operation of his business, the Respondent employs truck drivers, truck drivers' helpers, and warehouse helpers. He customarily employs white men as truck drivers and colored men for the other jobs. On June 13, 1945, a majority of the truck drivers signed applications for membership in the Union, and on June 18, 1946, a majority of the helpers signed such applications. A few days after the truck drivers signed their applications, Sturges, who spent a great deal of his time on the road as salesman for two other companies, heard rumors that the drivers had joined the Union and called them together in a 1 Board's counsel thereupon listed the following employees • Pearlie Mae Barfield, Berry G Wiggins, Willard May, L. C Hooks, Randolph B. Blackwell, Woodrow Harbin, Charles Bell, Echo Brown, Ozie Lee Greer, Robert Lee Wilson. 1554 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD meeting in his office.' There lie said that he understood some of them had joined the Union and asked how many had joined and what they wanted. One of them said seniority and priority and another said they wanted more money. Sturges asked why they did not come to him first, and told them that wages had been frozen, but that if he could get them more money he would do so. He said that he had run his business in the past without anyone telling him what to do and, before he would let anyone tell him what to do, he would close the business. He said that by the time they had paid their initiation fees and dues they would not be making any more than they were already making, that, if the Union could get them a raise, he could too, that he was going to take the matter up with the War Labor Board, that if he could not get them a raise in 10 days he would tell them, and if they were then not willing to drive for their present wages, they could quit. He asked for a little time to see what he could do for them. He also said that he was willing to give the white drivers more money but not the colored boys. While Sturges was speaking, a customer, E. T. Newell, entered the office. Sturges told him the men were trying to start a union on him. Newell then told the men that they were doing wrong, that Sturges had always been fair and would do what he could for them, that Sturges was not going to allow a union in his business, and that it was best that they forget it. Newell had assisted one of the drivers, L. C. Hooks, ill getting his job with Sturges, and after the meeting, Newell spoke to Hooks and another driver in an effort to persuade them to stay out of the Union. A few days after this, Sturges asked Albert Mosley, a truck driver, if he had joined the Union. Mosley said that he.had not joined. On June 22, 1945, the white truck drivers received a pay increase of 10 cents, or from 40 to 50 cents per hour, for the week ending that day. About 10 days later, Walter Cooksey, one of the truck drivers, went to Sturges, told him that he was satisfied with his pay and wanted to continue with him, and asked his advice on how to get out of the Union. Sturges said he would telephone his attorney and let Cooksey talk to him. He did so, and Cooksey told E. L. Snow, Sturges' attorney, that he wanted to withdraw from the Union and asked how it could be done. Snow told him it was a matter for Cooksey to decide as to whether he wanted to stay in or get out, but that, if he were a member of a union and wanted to get out, he would go to the Union and tell them, or, if he could not find the union people, he would just write a letter. During the latter part of June 1945, Charlie Stevenson, supervisor of the warehouse employees,' spoke to various colored employees, asking them if they belonged to the Union and telling them in substance that they would not get more pay by belonging to the Union, that those who did not join would get a 5-cent raise and that those who joined would lose their jobs.` 2 Meetings of truck drivers, called by General Manager Causey or by Sturges, to discuss matters of business were not unusual. Other matters of business were brought up at this meeting. 3 The Respondent contended that this was not a supervsiory position. The undersigned finds that it was and also that the employees regarded Stevenson and Griffin, who later held the same position, as representative of management. ' Stevenson denied making the statements above found to have been made by him, but he admitted having asked a number of the colored people if they belonged to the Union. For the week ending October 19, 1945, all the warehouse helpers received an increase from 40 cents per hour to 45 cents. On the same day, the truck drivers were raised to 55 cents. For the week ending July 12, 1946, each class received another 5 cent increase. Testimony was adduced by Board counsel that similar statements were made by Lemar Griffin. Grif- fin was a truck driver who did not join the Union. In about August 1945, he became a supervisor of the warehouse helpers. The time when be was alleged to have made the THE STURGES COMPANY _ 1555 By seeking to dissuade his employees from joining or remaining members of the Union in the truck drivers' meeting, by threatening to close the business before he would deal with the Union, by granting wage increases to induce employees to abandon the Union, by questioning employees concerning their union membership, and by threatening loss of employment to those who joined, the Respondent has interfered with, restrained, and coerced his employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. In the circumstances of the case, following Sturges' expression of disapproval of the Union in the truck drivers' meeting and his giving a wage increase so that the truck drivers would not carry their efforts on behalf of the Union any further, the undersigned regards Sturges' reference of Cooksey to his lawyer for advice in withdrawing from the Union as part of the pattern of interference, restraint, and coercion. 2. The discriminatory discharges and alleged discriminatory discharges Randolph Blackwell was employed by the Respondent on April 27, 1945. When he applied for work to Harry Causey, the Respondent's general manager, he did not disclose the fact that he had previously been convicted of a crime.' He was given a job as helper to a truck driver at 40 cents per hour with a promise of a driver's job. About two weeks later he was made a truck driver. Sometime be- tween the middle and the end of May, a Welfare Agent telephoned Causey and told him that Blackwell was on parole, and later Blackwell brought papers to be filled in by Causey for the Parole Board.6 Blackwell along with all but two of the truck drivers signed an application card for the Union on June 13, 1945. On June 23, 1945, a few days after the meeting of the truck drivers in Sturges' office, and the day after the 10 cent increase became effective, Causey discharged Blackwel1.7 Sturges told Blackwell at that time that he could not get Blackwell's bond approved by the bonding company although it had been sent in twice. Actually, no effort had been made by the Respondent to procure a waiver of the provisions of the Respondent's blanket fidelity bond as to Blackwell, although the bond did not cover him from the time the Respondent first learned of his criminal record. The Respondent's retention of Blackwell in his employ for more than three weeks after learning of his criminal record and the discharge of Blackwell soon after the Respondent learned of the fact that some of his truck drivers were organizing the Union, together with Sturges' misstatement that Blackwell's bond had been refused by the bonding company after it had been sent in twice, create a strong suspicion that Blackwell's employ was terminated because of his union statements was not fixed with certainty as after the time he became a supervisor. The undersigned therefore makes no findings thereon. 5 In 1937, when he was 16 years old, Blackwell was convicted of the crime of burglary and committed to the penitentiary . In about 41h months his sentence was suspended and he was released . He procured a job driving a truck. He testified that, while he was driv- ing the truck , it broke down one night about 2 miles from town ; that while he was tele- phoning for help, his truck was broken into. The suspension of his sentence was revoked and he was returned to the penitentiary , where he remained for about 101/ months. He was then paroled . He then went to work for his father -in-law until he applied for the job at the Respondent's. He is now married, the father of a child, and working for an- other company in Meridian . The undersigned was very favorably impressed with his appearance and demeanor on the witness stand. His testimony was given in a straight- forward manner and the undersigned credits it. 6 Such papers were sent to the State Parole Board by the Welfare Agent on June 1, 1945. Causey reported the matter to Sturges and they decided to think about the matter. ° Causey testified he did so to avoid embarrassment after he had heard some employees gossiping about Blackwell 's criminal record. 1556 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD membership. But the record does not reveal that the Respondent had knowledge of Blackwell's membership in the Unions While possible sources of such informa- tion suggest themselves, the undersigned finds the evidence not sufficiently sub- stantial to support an inference of knowledge. The Respondent's explanation of Blackwell's discharge is therefore accepted. Pewrlie May Barfield, a colored woman, was employed by the Respondent in February, 1945, to sweep, sew torn sacks, and help sack feed and flour in the warehouse. It was contrary to the Respondent's policy to employ women in the warehouse, but a labor shortage existed and the Respondent was obliged to make more than one exception to obtain employees. Barfield was the only woman employed while she was there. The aforementioned odd job§ were usually per- formed by a man, Eddie "Red" Wiggens, but because of the labor shortage, he was transferred to heavier work. On June 18, 1945- Barfield, along with the other colored employees, who all made application to the Union for membership at the same time, signed her application for membership. Between that time and the time of her discharge, Stevenson, supervisor of the warehouse, told Barfield that by the time those that joined the Union "got through paying out" they would make no more than the others, that those who did not join would get a nickel raise, that Sturges would not sign a contract, and that those that joined the Union would be sorry they joined because it would result in loss of their jobs.' On July 3, 1945, Stevenson told Barfield that he would not need her on July 4. When she came to work oil July 5, Stevenson told her he would not need her any more. Barfield got her pay and did not return thereafter. The Respondent adduced evidence that, at the time Barfield was released, feed was getting short and that Wiggens was returned to the job that Barfield had been doing. No one else was employed to do such work until October 1945, when another woman was employed for a few weeks. Although there is evidence that or. the date of her release, the Respondent knew thtat Barfield was a member of the Union," there was also evidence that the Respondent was constantly employ- ing and laying off help, depending on the amount of work to be performed While Stevenson's anti-union statement to Barfield shortly before her discharge is sig- nificant and creates a grave suspicion that Barfield's discharge was in part motivated by the Respondent's desire to eliminate union adherents, the under- signed is unconvinced, on all the evidence, that Barfield would have been retained in the absence of her union membership. The undersigned therefore finds that ,Barfield's discharge was based on lack of work. Berry G. Wiggens, the son of Red Wiggens, was first employed by the Re-` spondent in 1941 as a helper on a truck. He quit after about nine months but was reemployed in the last week of April 1945 as a warehouse helper 11 On July 3, 1945, Wiggens told Stevenson he wanted to be off July 4. Stevenson gave his permission. Wiggens did not wait until the end of the day however. 'Blackwell testified that he had not informed Sturges that he was a member of the Union, even when Sturges asked the truck , drivers in the mid-June meeting how many had joined. ° The foregoing is based on Barfield's credited testimony . Stevenson denied making the statements The undersigned received the impression that Stevenson was biased and was reluctant to furnish information on cross-examination His denial is not credited 10 On July 3 , 1945 , union representatives met with Sturges to request recognition and at that time showed him the application cards. 11 Wiggens testified that he was reemployed in 1943 or 1944 and that he worked about 9 or 10 months before his discharge . An exhibit introduced in evidence by the Respondent, covering the weekly employment records for a period starting in March 1945 , indicates that B G . Wiggens did not work at all during March 1945 nor during the first 3 weeks of April 1945 . If Wiggens worked at all in 1944 , therefore , his work was not continuous before April 1945. THE STURGES COMPANY 1557 Ile left at about 3 p. in. with no further word to Stevenson and without finishing the work he had been doing. He had previously walked off the job and had been warned about it. Stevenson ascertained from other employees that Wiggens had gone home, and apparently indicated that Wiggens would be discharged, for Wiggens learned of it from one of the employees on July 4. He thereupon went to the home of Assistant General Manager Kidd and asked him why he was to be ,discharged. According to Wiggens, Kidd said he did not know and that Wiggens should go to the arehouse the next day to find out" Wiggens testified that Kidd asked him at that time why the employees had joined the Union and said that they were going to get themselves mixed up because of it.13 On the following morning, July 5, Wiggens reported for work and Stevenson told him to wait outside. When Stevenson came out, he told Wiggens to get his time. The fact that Wiggens had not previously been discharged for walking off the job and that he was discharged shortly after the Union had organized appears suspicious. But the evidence discloses that Wiggens had been warned and the undersigned is satisfied that Wiggens was not a responsible employee in relation to his attendance. Even on his own testimony, Wiggens made an unwarranted assumption that he could leave in the middle of the afternoon, although he had requested permission to be absent only on the following day. The undersigned finds, therefore, that Wiggens was discharged for walking off the job and that the evidence does not establish that he would have been retained but for his union membership. Woodrow Harbin was first employed in 1943 as a warehouse helper. For about six months he served as a truck driver and thereafter served as a warer house helper and truck-driver helper.14 On June 18, 1945, he signed an applica- tion card for membership in the Union. A week or more after he signed the card, Stevenson, warehouse supervisor, asked him if he had joined and he told Stevenson that he had. At the same time, Stevenson told him that it was a mistake for the employees to join the Union because they would get nothing out of it, that when they got through paying their dues they would have no more than those that did not join, and that those that joined would lose their jobs while those that did not join would get a 5 cent raise." On July 28, when Harbin reported for work, Stevenson told him that the Respondent did not need him any more. The evidence is not clear as to whether v Kidd testified that Wiggens, at the time when the latter had come to his home, asked why he was discharged and said that he needed work, and that he told Wiggens he did not need work as long as Wiggens had been doing as he had done and that Wiggens was "all done." In view of the fact that Wiggens returned the next day, the undersigned believes that Kidd did not discharge him then and there and that he had not yet received from Stevenson a-report of Wiggens' early departure. 12 Kidd denied that anything was said in regard to the Union in the conversation. Although Wiggens had a criminal record, which has caused the undersigned to scrutinize his testimony carefully, Wiggens' testimony is credited. Wiggens made frank admission against is own interest anj when asked a leading question by Board's counsel as to whether Kidd had said anything about closing down the plant, Wiggens answered in the negative. The undersigned received the impression that Kidd was not disposed to volun. teer information and that he was placing restrictive interpretations on questions to avoid giving answers that might be against the Respondent's interests. For example : Q. Did you know, Mr. Kidd, whether he [B. G. Wiggens] belonged to the Union or not? A. No, sir ; I couldn't swear that he did. 14 It was the Respondent's policy to use white men as truck drivers, and Harbin, a colored man, was used as a truck driver during a period when there were insufficient white truck drivers. 16 The foregoing is based on Harbin's credited testimony. Stevenson denied having discussed the Union with Harbin and testified that he did not know but thought he had not asked Harbin whether he belonged to the Union. For reasons previously stated, his denial is not credited. 1558 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD this was before Harbin had done any work on that day or whether he had worked for an hour before he was so informed. A canceled check payable to Harbin for one hour's pay was introduced in evidence. Harbin testified that he did not remember having worked any that day and that he did not remember endors- ing the check.16 Stevenson testified that he thought that Harbin was "one of these kind that wouldn't work," that he would come one day and not the next. He also testified that he did not think Harbin was discharged but that he "just walked off." No records showing Harbin's daily attendance were offered in evi- dence, but his pay-checks for July 14 and 21, offered in evidence by the Respond- ent, do not bear out Stevenson's recollection, for they indicate that Harbin had worked in excess of 50 hours each of those weeks.7 Sturges testified from a memorandum book which he kept that "they told him they didn't need him, and he walked off." That there was need for employees during the latter part of July is indicated by the fact that from the week ending July 13 to Monday, July 30, the Respondent hired no less than 10 employees.18 On all the evidence the undersigned concludes and finds that Harbin was discharged on July 28, 1945, because of his union membership. By such discharge the Respondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced his employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. On Charles Bell and Echo Brown Board's counsel offered little proof. They were warehouse helpers, employed during the week ending June 22, whose employment was terminated on August 3, 1945. They were among those who signed union applications. The Respondent's witnesses testified that they walked off without permission in the middle of the day and were discharged when they returned. There was no evidence to the contrary, and the under- signed accepts the Respondent's explanation. Ozie Lee Greer was employed early in July 1945. He had signed a union application card. His employment terminated on August 17, 1945. Assistant General Manager Kidd testified that he was not discharged but left one day and never returned. There was no evidence to the contrary and the undersigned accepts the Respondent's explanation. Robert Lee Wilson, another union applicant listed in the particulars fur- nished by Board counsel, pursuant to Respondent's motion, as one of those allegedly discharged discriminatorily, was employed in May or June 1945, as a truck-driver's helper. He was absent for 2 or 3 days, during which time another helper was put in his place. The truck driver told Kidd that Wilson was no good and that he did not need him. He was discharged for this reason. Lewis C. Hooks was employed by the Respondent in June 1944, at 40 cents per hour. After he had served 2 weeks as a truck-driver's helper, he was made a truck driver. E. T. Newell, previously identified herein as the customer who spoke to the truck drivers against the Union in the meeting which Sturges called, 16 When pressed by Respondent's counsel to identify the endorsement, Harbin said it was not his signatur.. The signature appeared to be genuine, and when asked by the under- signed why he thought it was not his, he answered : "No more than I don't remember sign- ing that check, and that the first letter is a little different." The undersigned does not regard Harbin's denial of the signature as seriously impairing his credibility even if he did sign r.. A time card, not signed by Harbin, credited Harbin with one hour's work from 7 to 8 a. in. on Saturday, July 28. The pay week ran from Saturday through the following Friday. 17 Harbin received 40 cents per hour. On July 7 he received $15.44, on July 14, $23.05, and on July 21, $24.20. His check for July 28 was not offered in evidence. "Of three hired during the pay week ending July 27, one was a truck; driver ; of four who started work on July 30 one was a truck driver and one had previously been employed in January and February. THE STURGES COMPANY 1559 assisted Hooks in procuring his job with the Respondent. Hooks signed an ap- plication card for membership in the Union along with the other white drivers on June 13, 1945, and attended the meeting which Sturges called about a week thereafter to inquire why the drivers were organizing. He was identified by Sturges and Newell as one of the two drivers who answered Sturges' question as to what they wanted. After the meeting, Newell attempted to prevail upon Hooks several times to drop the Union. In one conversation, which Newell had with Hooks when the former stopped at the latter's house, Newell told Hooks that if he did not change and do what Sturges wanted him to do, he (Newell) would give Hooks a pair of mules if Hooks were still employed by Sturges a year from then. Hooks said, according to Newell, that Sturges was a hard man to get up to and that if he was in a union Sturges could not discharge him. Al- though Newell purported to be speaking at Sturges' request Sturges denied that he had requested Newell to speak for him. However, it is a fair inference that Newell, who had been friendly with Sturges for 12 or 15 years, who was admittedly loquacious, and who was frequently at the Respondent's place of business , reported to Sturges his unsuccessful efforts to get Hooks to drop the Union. On about September 1, 1945, Hooks' truck was being loaded to make a delivery in Cromwell, Alabama. After the truck was loaded, his regular helper, Willard May, was taken off the truck and Melvin Puckett," a truck driver who had been hired on July 25, was assigned to take May's place for the trip. Kidd testified that he had been informed by Griffin, the loading clerk and warehouse super- visor, that May was from time to time concealing extra sacks of merchandise on the hand truck and loading it onto Hooks' truck, that he told Griffin to let it pass the next time it occurred because he wanted to see what became of it, that Griffin reported such an occurrence on the day Hooks' truck was being loaded to go to Cromwell, and that he then ordered the switch of helpers pursuant to prior instructions from Sturges. When Hooks and Puckett returned from Cromwell that evening, Puckett went into the warehouse. Griffin asked him how the load checked out, and Puckett replied that there was an extra 10-pound sack of Freeberg flour left over . Griffin said that he knew. Hooks, on his return, removed his private automobile from the garage, parked it by the warehouse, and drove his truck into the garage. He then bought a sack of meal from General Manager Causey and put it in his auto- mobile. Hooks testified that he thought he drove away immediately but that he might have gone back into the office. On Monday morning, September 3, when Hooks came to work, Sturges called him into his office. There Sturges told Hooks that it had been reported that Hooks had had a 10-pound sack of flour in his car on Saturday. Hooks denied it and said that he had a sack of meal which he had bought. Sturges called in Griffin, Kidd, and Causey. Sturges said Kidd and Williams, a salesman, had seen a 10-pound sack of flour in his car, and Griffin said that Hooks had had an extra sa,k of it in his truck. Hooks denied that there had been any flour in his truck or car. Sturges said the shipping clerk reported that Hooks had ob- jected to the shipping clerk's counting the sugar sacks on his truck. Hooks re- plied that he had no objection to his counting the sugar but objected to his tear- ing the outside bag from around the small sacks (because the small sacks were 1 19 This was a brother of H. D . Puckett, who had been warehouse supervisor and shipping clerk until he went into military service in the early part of 1945. Stevenson replaced him. Lamar Griffin, one of the truck drivers who had not joined the Union, became ware. house supervisor in the latter part of August 1945. 1560 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD more likely to scatter and break ). Sturges said he guessed Hooks wanted to quit. Hooks said he did not . Sturges then said he would have to get Snow, his lawyer, down there to settle it. Hooks said that, if Sturges had to bring Snow in, he would have to quit. Sturges told him to get his time card filled out and get his pay from Causey. Hooks testified on cross-examination by Snow, Respondent 's counsel , that the reason he resigned when Snow 's name was mentioned was because Snow had represented the defendant in a suit involving the death of Hooks' father which Snow had won and because he would not have doubted that Snow could have proved he had a barrel of flour in his car whether he had or not, and he did not want to be involved in a suit with Snow against him. Griffin, Williams , and Kidd testified that they saw a 10-pound sack of flour in Hooks' car lying label side up on top of a sack of meal . Griffin and Kidd testi- fied that they were looking in Hooks' car to see if there was a sack of flour there. There was no evidence that Hooks was seen putting a sack of flour in his car or that there was one there when he drove away. Kidd, Williams, and Griffin testified that they had not seen the flour put there . Kidd testified that after they saw the flour in Hooks' car , the three of them went on with their work of taking inventory for 45 minutes to an hour and that then he went to Causey and asked him if Hooks had bought a sack of meal or flour. Williams testified that, when they saw the flour and meal in Hooks' car , Kidd told him that Hooks had bought the meal. All the circumstances surrounding the incident of the extra sack of flour leave the undersigned skeptical as to whether anyone saw any flour in Hooks' car.. If there was any extra flour on Hooks ' truck at all , which Hooks denied, it was allowed to go on Hooks ' truck for the purpose of testing his honesty . Yet no one made any effort to clinch the case by watching Hooks from the time when he returned from Cromwell until he got in his car and drove away. Puckett's report that there was a sack of flour on the truck was accepted without investigation. Griffin did , indeed, testify that he waited in front of the warehouse for about 30 minutes for Hooks to check the extra sack of flour in. But this was either untrue or a gross exaggeration . It is doubtful if it took Hooks half an hour after his return to, get his car out, put his truck away , check in, buy his meal and leave. If Griffin had been outside all that time , he would have seen all of Hooks' actions and would have seen whether or not Hooks put any flour in his car, but he did not so testify. Griffin was in the warehouse when Hooks returned , for that is where Puckett made his report to him, and he testified that he did not see Hooks remove his car from the garage. He also testified that between 5: 15 and 5: 30 p; m. he saw Hooks in the office and asked how his load checked out, and that Hooks had then said it checked all right . He further testified that he saw the flour in Hooks' car when he, Williams , and Kidd were moving from one ware- house to another taking inventory . Kidd testified that he and Williams and- Griffin had been- taking inventory in the second warehouse, that when they finished they went through the office and out to the door of the south warehouse , at which place they looked in Hooks' car and saw a sack of flour there . Causey testified that Hoo s had bought the sack of meal from him at about 5 p. m. immediately on his return . He remembered making out the ticket for it but did not see Hooks get the meal. Kidd testified that the usual practice was for employees to purchase the meal in the office , get a ticket therefor , and then give it to the ship- ping clerk to get the meal. If this procedure had been followed in Hooks' case, Griffin or Kidd would have known , at the time, that Hooks had bought meal but no flour and would then be expected ( since they were looking for proof that. THE STURGES COMPANY 1561 Hooks took a sack of flour) to watch him closely.20 Yet they contented themselves with a peep into Hooks' car in passing and then left, making no effort to confront Hooks when he entered his car or to stop him and charge him with theft as he drove away. And after he left they made no complaint to the police.21 Another peculiar circumstance is that Sturges, in an effort to get Hooks to resign, threat-, ened to call, not the police, but his lawyer. If Hooks had wished to purloin a sack of flour, he would not be expected to put it label-side up on top of the 25- pound sack of meal which he bought, when the latter would have covered and fairly well concealed a 10-pound sack of flour, especially if he were going to leave his car before driving away, as he would have had to do if Williams, Kidd, and Griffin were to have an opportunity to look into his car and see what they testified they saw. Although Kidd testified that a few weeks before Hooks' employ was terminated he was morally certain that May was intentionally putting extra merchandise on Hooks' truck and that he was morally certain that May had put an extra sack of flour on Hooks' truck on the day Hooks made his last trip, May's employment was not terminated for nearly 2 months after Hooks was forced to resign, and when May's employment was finally terminated, it was not on the ground of dishonesty. On all the evidence, the undersigned concludes and finds that Hooks' union membership and adherence motivated the Respondent to discharge Hooks. - By so doing, the Respondent has interfered with, restrained, and coerced his employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. Willard May was hired by the Respondent in February or March 1945 as a truck driver's helper. He started with Griffin, but for most of the period prior to Hooks' discharge, May was Hooks' helper. May made application for mem- bership in the Union on June 18. May testified that, about 3 weeks after he had joined the Union, Griffin asked him if he belonged to the Union and that he replied affirmatively. At that time Griffin had not yet become a supervisor . Causey testified that Griffin and Kidd were suspicious that Hooks and May were stealing merchandise. As previously stated, Kidd testified that he. became certain May was intentionally putting extra merchandise on Hooks' truck about 3 weeks before Hooks' discharge early in September. On or about Friday, October 26, 1945, at noon, Griffin laid May off , telling him to return on the following day. When May reported for work on Saturday, Griffin told him to return on Monday, and when he came on Monday, Griffin told him there was nothing to do and that he should come back Tuesday. May told Griffin that he could not make -a living that way, and Griffin said he could not help it-that there was nothing to do. May did not return thereafter. In view of the evidence that the Respondent had periods of time when work was light; that no new employees were added at the time, and that the Respondent had about six or eight fewer employees on the pay roll in the first 2 weeks of Novem- ber, the undersigned finds that May was laid off during a slack period for lack of work and that he was not discharged because of his union membership or activity. - 20 May tes,ified that he heard Puckett report to Griffin that there was an extra sack of flour on Hooks' truck, that he saw Hooks when he came out of the garage, that Hooks had nothing in his hands but invoices, and that Hooks went into the office. If Hooks had trans- ferred a sack of flour from his truck to his car before he took his car from the garage and put his truck away, the flour would have been under the sack of meal and not on top of it as Kidd, Williams, and Griffin testified. As previously stated, Williams testified that when they looked in Hooks' car, Kidd told him that Hooks had bought the sack of meal. 21 In a previous case where Kidd was suspicious that sugar was being stolen , he caught the guilty employee in the act and had him arrested. 1562 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD B. The refusal to bargaiin. collectively 1. The appropriate unit The complaint alleges and the Respondent 's answer admits that all drivers, warehousemen , and helpers of the Respondent , excluding office, clerical, and supervisory employees with authority to hire, promote, discharge , discipline, or otherwise effect changes in the status of employees , or effectively recommend such action, constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act . The undersigned so finds. 2. Representation by the Union of a majority in the appropriate unit A comparison of union application cards introduced in evidence with a list of employees for the week ending July 6, 1945 (Recognition of the Union was given on July 3) , shows that on that date the Union represented 23 of 29 employees. On July 31, the date of the refusal to bargain, the Union represented 17 of the 33 employees listed by the Respondent as employed on that date. If Harbin, hereto- fore found to have been wrongfully discharged on July 28, were included, the Union would have 18 of 34 employees.` Accordingly, the undersigned finds that on July 3 and 31 and at all times material herein, the Union was and is the duly designated representative of a majority of the employees in the aforesaid appro- priate unit, and that by virtue of Section 9 (a) of the Act, the Union was and is the representative of all the Respondent's employees in such unit for the purpose of collective bargaining with respect to rates of pay, wages , hours of employment, or other conditions of employment. 3. The refusal to bargain On June 26, 1945, Charles Farley, business agent for the Union, wrote to the Respondent that the Union represented a majority of the employees in the unit heretofore described and requested a meeting. A few days later Sturges tele- phoned Farley and told him to come down when he was ready. On July 3, pursuant to arrangement, Farley, accompanied by Sullivan (who later succeeded Farley as business agent) and Pendergast, a business agent from Mobile, met with Sturges. Sturges requested proof of the Union's majority, and he was handed the application cards. Sturges looked through them and said that they were his men and that he would recognize the Union. July 13 was set as the date of the next meeting at which the Union intended to present a proposed contract. On July 9, the Respondent's attorneys wrote to Pendergast asking a postpone- ment to July 20. On the latter date, the three union representatives met with Sturges and Snow and presented the proposed contract. Snow read from it aloud and Sturges interposed objections to portions. Finally Snow said that he would have to study the contract and that he would prepare a contract which he would present to the Union. On about July 24, Sullivan picked up the contract which Snow uad prepared and read it to the members of the Union, who voted against accepting it. On July 31, pursuant to arrangement, Sullivan and Farley, accompanied by W. G. Byers, a Federal Conciliator, went to Snow's office, where Snow, Sturges, and J. A. Covington, Jr., Snow's law partner, were present, informed Snow 22 Board's counsel contended that one employee , Baker , should not be counted because he was a mechanic and not within the appropriate unit, and that eight other employees should be excluded from the July 31 pay roll because they were part-time or temporary employees. Since the Union had a majority without the exclusion of such employees, it is unnecessary to pass on the contention. THE STURGES COMPANY 1563 that the Union had voted against accepting his proposed contract, and returned it to Snow. Snow then said that before proceeding any further he wanted to know whether the Union had a majority. Sullivan said it had. Snow said he wanted to be shown and proposed a card check against the Respondent's pay roll. Sullivan agreed, and Snow said he would bargain if the Union then had a majority. Sullivan, Byers, Sturges, and Covington went to the Respondent's- office. There Byers asked for the pay-roll records and the bookkeeper brought in records and read. the names to Byers as he took them down. When Byers had prepared a list of 31 or 32 employees, Sullivan called out the names of the union members from the application cards and Byers checked them off. Byers then announced that the Union did not have a majority." There was no explanation as to why there were only 31 or 32 employees and 15 valid cards when Byers checked the cards, while at the hearing the Respondent offered evidence that 33 employees were in the appropriate unit on July 31, 1945, and 17 valid application cards were produced by the Union. There is no evidence as to which employees, included on the list introduced in evidence at the hearing, were omitted from Byers' list, nor was there evidence as to which union mem- bers were not counted when Byers made his check. Although no further efforts to bargain were made after July 31, 1945, it is evident that the Respondent intended not to bargain if the card check of that date showed that the Union did not have a majority and that the Union so understood. In view of the unfair labor practices heretofore found to have been committed by the Respondent prior to July 31, the Respondent's demand for proof of the Union's majority on that day as a condition precedent to further bargaining assumes character as an attempt to profit by any loss of majority which the Union may have suffered as a result of such unfair labor practices. That the Respondent may not rely upon a loss of majority under such circum- stances is well established 24 It is therefore found that on and after July 31, 1945, the Respondent refused to bargain with the Union as the majority repre- sentative of the employees in an appropriate unit in violation of Section 8 (5) of the Act, thereby interfering with, restraining, and coercing his employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of the Respondent set forth in Section III, above, occurring in connection with the operations of the Respondent described in Section I, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burden- ing and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY It has been found that the Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices by refuc'ng on and after July 31, 1945, to bargain with the Union, by seeking to dissuade his employees from becoming or remaining members of the Union, by threatening to close the business before he would deal with the Union, by granting wage increases to forestall organization, by questioning employees concerning their union membership, by threatening employees with loss of employment if they joined the Union while promising an increase to those =Covington testified that Byers said there were 32 employees and only 13 cards. Sulli- van testified that Byers said there were 31 employees and 15 cards. 24 N. L. R. B. v. Dixie Motor Coach Co., 128 F. (2d) 201 (C. C. A. 5) ; N. L. R. B. v. P. Lorillard Co., 314 U. S. 512. Cf. Matter of Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 69 N. L. R. B. 1104. 1564 DECISIONS OF. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD _ that did not join, and by discharging Harbin and Hooks. It will be recom- mended that the Respondent cease and desist therefrom and take certain 'affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Upon the entire record, the undersigned infers and finds that the Respondent by the aforesaid conduct has displayed an attitude of opposition generally to the purposes of the Act. The unfair labor practices heretofore found are persuasively related to the other unfair labor practices proscribed by the Act. The danger of their commission in the future is to be anticipated from the Respondent's conduct in the past." Unless the order is coextensive with the threat, the preventive purpose of the Act will be thwarted. In order, therefore, to make more effective the interdependent guarantees of Section 7 of the Act, to prevent a recurrence of the unfair labor practices, and thereby minimize industrial strife which burdens and obstructs commerce, and thus effectuate the policies of the Act, the undersigned will recommend that the Respondent cease and desist from in any manner infringing upon the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. Since it has been found that the Respondent on and after July 31, 1945, refused to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive representative of its employees in an appropriate unit, the undersigned will recommend that the Respondent, on request, bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive representative of his employees in said appropriate unit. Since the complaint did not allege a 'violation of Section 8 (3) of the Act and since Board's counsel took the position that, under the amendment adding to the allegations of violation of Section 8 (1), reinstatement and back pay were not sought on behalf of the employees whose discharge was therein alleged, the undersigned will make no recommendation regarding reinstatement or back pay for Harbin or Hooks. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case, the undersigned makes the following : CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 591, A. V. of L., is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act. 2. All drivers, warehousemen, and helpers of the Respondent, excluding office and clerical employees, and supervisory employees with authority to hire, promote, discharge, discipline, or otherwise effect changes,in the status of employees, or effectively to recommend such action, at all times material herein have con- stituted, and now constitute, a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act. 3. International Brotherhood of Teamsters,; Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local ??nion No. 591, A. F. of L., was on July 3, 1945, and at all times material thereafter has been the exclusive representative of all the employees in the above described appropriate unit for, the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (a) of the Act. 4. By refusing op and after July 31, 1945, to bargain with the Union, the Respondent has engaged in, and is engaging in, unfair labor practices within' the meaning of Section 8 (5) of the. Act. 5. By interfering with, restraining, and coercing his employees in. the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, the Respondent has engaged in, 25 N. L. R. B. v. Express Publishing Company, 312 U. S. 426. THE STURGES COMPANY 1565 and is engaging in, unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (1) of the Act. 6. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 7. The Respondent has not interfered with, restrained,, or coerced his em- ployees in violation of Section 8 (1) of the Act, by discharging Pearlie May Bar- field, Berry G. Wiggens, Willard May, Randolph B. Blackwell, Charles Bell, Echo Brown, Ozie Lee Greer, or Robert Lee Wilson. RECOMMENDATIONS Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, the undersigned recommends that R. W. Sturges, Sr., trading under the firm name and style of The Sturges Company, his agents, successors, and assigns shall : 1. Cease and desist from : (a) Refusing to bargain collectively with International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 591, af- filiated with the American Federation of Labor, as the exclusive representative of his employees in the unit herein found to be appropriate ; (b) Discharging any of his employees because of their union membership or activities or in any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing his employees in the exercise of the rights to self-organization, to form labor or- ganizations, to join or assist International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauf- feurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 591, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, or any other labor organization, to bargain col- lectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in con- certed activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection as guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which the undersigned finds will ef- fectuate the policies of the Act. (a) Upon request bargain collectively with International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local No. 591, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, as the exclusive representative of all the Respondent's drivers, warehousemen, and helpers, excluding office and clerical employees and supervisory employees with authority to hire, promote, discharge, discipline, or otherwise effect changes in the status of employees, or effectively to recommend such action, in respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other conditions of employment, and if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement ; (b) Post immediately at his warehouses in Meridian, Mississippi, copies of the notices attached hereto and marked "Appendix A." Copies of said notices, to be furnished by the Regional Director of the Fifteenth Region (New Orleans, Louisiana), shall. after being duly signed by the Respondent or his authorized representative, be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and maintained by him for sixty (60) consecutive days thereafter in conspicuous places, ' achtding all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material ; (c) Notify the Regional Director of the Fifteenth Region (New Orleans, Louisiana) in writing within ten (10) days from the date of the receipt of this Intermediate Report what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. It is further recommended that, unless on or before ten (10) days from the date of the receipt of this Intermediate Report the Respondent notifies the said 1566 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Regional Director in writing that he will comply with the said recommendations, the National Labor Relations Board issue an order requiring the Respondent to take the action aforesaid. It is further recommended that, insofar as the complaint, as particularized by the bill of particulars, alleges the discharge of Pearlie May Barfield, Berry G. Wiggens, Willard May, Randolph B. Blackwell, Charles Bell, Echo Brown, Ozie Lee Greer, and Robert Lee Wilson to be a violation of the Act, the complaint be dismissed. As provided in Section 203.39 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, Series 4, effective September 11, 1946, any party or counsel for the Board may, within fifteen (15) days from the date of service of the order transferring the case to the Board, pursuant to Section 203.38 of said Rules and Regulations, file with the Board, Rochambeau Building, Wash- ington 25, D. C., an original and four copies of a statement in writing setting forth such exceptions to the Intermediate Report or to any other part of the record or proceeding (including rulings upon all motions or objections) as he relies upon, together with the original and four copies of a brief in support thereof ; and any party or counsel for the Board may, within the same period, file an original and four copies of a brief in support of the Intermediate Report. Immediately upon the filing of such statement of exceptions and/or briefs, the party or counsel for the Board filing the same shall serve a copy thereof upon each of the other parties and shall file a copy with the Regional Director. Proof of service on other parties of all papers filed with the Board shall be promptly made as required by Section 203.65. As further provided in said Section 203.39, should any party desire permission to argue orally before the Board, request therefor must be made in writing to the Board within ten (10) days from the date of service of the order transferring the case to the Board. JAMES R. HEMINGWAY, Trial Examiner. Dated November 7, 1946. APPENDIX A NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to the recommendations of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, we hereby notify our employees that : WE WILL NOT discharge any of our employees because of their union membership or activity or in any manner interfere with restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization, to form labor organizations, to join or assist International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 591, A. F. of L., or any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through representa- tives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the pu: pose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. All our employees are free to become or remain members of this union, or any other labor organization. WE WILL BARGAIN collectively upon request with the above-named union as the exclusive representative of all employees in the bargaining unit described herein with respect to rates of pay, hours of employment or other conditions of employment, and if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. The bargaining unit is: THE STURGES COMPANY 1567 All drivers, warehousemen, and helpers, excluding office and clerical em- ployees and supervisory employees with authority to hire, promote, discipline, or otherwise effect changes in the status of employees, or effectively recom- mend such action. Dated-------------------------------- THE STURGES COMPANY, Employer. By--------------------------------- (Representative ) (Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 days from the date hereof, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. 755420-48-vol. 74-100 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation