The Standard Oil Co. of OhioDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 20, 194563 N.L.R.B. 990 (N.L.R.B. 1945) Copy Citation In the Matter of THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF OLIO and ASSOCIA- TION OF PETROLEUM WORKERS OF CINCINNATI DIVISION Case No. 9-R-1694.-Decided September 00, 1945 Mr. James A. Shaw, for the Board. Mr. A. B. Caldwell, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Mr. James R. Tritschler and Dr. 0. H. Ohman, of Cleveland, Ohio, for the Company. Mr. Julius Holzberg, of Cincinnati, Ohio, for the Independent. Mr. Donald H. Frank, of counsel to the Board. DECISION AND ORDER STATEMENT OF THE CASE Upon a petition duly filed by Association of Petroleum Workers of Cincinnati Division, herein called the Independent, alleging that a question affecting commerce had arisen concerning the representation of employees of The Standard Oil Company of Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio, herein called the Company, the National Labor Relations Board pro- vided for an appropriate hearing upon due notice before Joseph E. Gubbins, Trial Examiner. The Notice of Hearing, dated March 14, 1945, provided that, in addition to an investigation of the question of representation, evidence was to be received on the issue of whether or not the Independent is a successor to or continuation of the Associa- tion of Petroleum Workers of Standard Oil Company, heretofore dis- established by the Board, and herein called the Association. The hearing was held at Cincinnati, Ohio, on April 18, 1945. The Board, the Company, and the Independent appeared and participated. All parties were afforded full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce evidence bearing on the issues. The Trial Examiner's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby aflirmed.` All parties were afforded an opportunity to file briefs with the Board. 63 N. L. R. B., No. 156 990 THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF OHIO 991 Upon the entire record in the case, the Board makes the following : FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF TILE COMPANY The Standard Oil Company of Ohio is an Ohio corporation with its principal offices in Cleveland, Ohio. It is engaged in the production and transportation of crude oil via pipe line and river barge to 'its various refineries, and in the refining and marketing of petroleum and petroleum products through its wholly owned subsidiary corporations. The Cincinnati Division of the Company is the only operation of the Company involved in this proceeding. In the year 1944, the Cincinnati Division purchased for resale and for its own use merchandise, valued at approximately $4,200,000, from outside the State of Ohio. During the same year, the Cincinnati Division sold products valued at approx- imately $420,000 directly into interstate commerce. The Company admits that it is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. II. THE ORGANIZATION INVOLVED Association of Petroleum Workers of Cincinnati Division is an un- affiliated labor organization admitting to membership employees of the Company. III. THE ALLEGED QUESTION CONCERNING REPRESENTATION The company has refused to grant recognition to the Independent as the exclusive bargaining representative of certain of the Company's employees until the Independent has been certified by the Board in an appropriate unit. ° As stated above, the Board, in the Notice of Hearing in this pro- ceeding, provided that, in addition to the usual investigation of the question of representation, evidence would be received at the hearing on the issue of whether the petitioning Independent is a successor to or continuation of the Association which the Company has heretofore been ordered by the Board to disestablish as a company -dominated union.' The Board's Order, disestablishing the Association, was issued on February 15, 1943. The Board adopted the findings of the Trial Ex- aminer including the finding that all the chapters of the Association constituted one union. The Cincinnati chapter was Chapter 3 of the Association. In the spring of that year, Finneran, chairman of Chap- 1 Matter of Standard Oil Company , an Ohio Corporation, Sohio Pipe Line Corporation, Latonia Refining Corporation , 47 N. L. R. B. 517. 992 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ter 3, at a regular meeting announced that the Association had been "thrown out," and that new officers would have to be elected. There- upon the officers resigned, new ones were elected.2 and new copies of the old membership cards were signed by the members. Dues collec- tion, membership, and interest in Chapter 3 declined thereafter, but the regular monthly meetings were continued. In September 1943, due to a newspaper item concerning the Board's petition to the Circuit Court for enforcement of its Order, one Greulich, a member of Chap- ter 3 who had not held office therein, became interested in the status of the Association and began research on his own behalf. In February 1944, after several attempts to interest the chapter's membership in the problem, Greulich read to them a report he had prepared, to show them what steps he considered necessary to create a union which would meet the Board's criteria of an undominated organization. For that purpose,, he included in his report a quotation from footnote 10 of the Trial Examiner's Intermediate Report, as follows: It . . . appears that the . . . employees of the Cuyahoga County unit of the Plan, while represented in the earlier meetings of the Association, eventually "seceded" from the Association and set up its own organization which was called The Association of Petroleum Workers, Inc. Since this organization thereafter functioned. as a separate entity and no allegation involving it appears in the complaint, the undersigned makes no findings con- cerning The Association of Petroleum Workers, Inc. It is clear that the only determination in that quotation is that because the incorporated Cuyahoga County group was not made a party to the proceeding, the Decision and Order would not apply to it; nevertheless, it is equally clear that Greulich thought that this quotation indicated'the steps to be taken by his chapter, i. e., dis- affiliation plus incorporation. In March 1944, the Circuit Court handed down its decision, upholding the Board's Decision.3 Greulich attended the hearing and the reading of the Court's decision, and i eported them to the chapter. At the April and May meetings in 1944, the chapter voted to withdraw from the 'Association, and a letter to that effect was sent to the Association. At the same time, the Cin- cinnati organization's name was changed to "Association of Petroleum Workers of Standard Oil Company of Cincinnati, Ohio.' ,'4 Greulich proposed that they incorporate, and a committee 6 was appointed to 2 Stautsberg , McAvoy, Boeschlm , and Crowe. 3 142 F. ( 2d) 676 (C C. A 6). 4 There is considerable confusion on the record as to the correct name of the organization at this time , as it was also referred to as "Independent Association of Petroleum Workers of Cincinnati , Ohio" and as "Association of Petroleum Workers , Cincinnati Divison of Standard Oil Company of Ohio." 5 McAvoy, Finneran , Bollhauer , and Greulich. THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF OHIO 993 locate a lawyer, in order to determine the proper procedure. There- after Greulich retained for the organization a lawyer who also repre- sented unions affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organiza- tions, and who had had no previous connection with the-Cincinnati organization. He advised them not to incorporate. After consulta- tion with the lawyer, Greulich drew up a new proposed Code of Regu- lations and Bylaws, which he submitted for study to the June meeting. In July, new officers were elected.6 The minutes state that these officers were elected "for the coming year," but Greulich testified that they were elected as temporary officers, to serve during the transition period between the old organization and a new one. Subsequently, Greulich designed and had printed new membership cards, and sent out a "dodger" to all employees, which read as follows : It is the desire of the Association of Petroleum Workers, Cin- cinnati Division ,7 to organize and unite the employees of The Standard Oil Co., in an effort to increase our power pertaining to wages, hours and working conditions. This union is not affiliated with the CIO or AFL. It is free from the hazards often created by labor organizers because it is comprised solely of the employees of the Company. A number of your fellow workers are already members of our union," and they cordially invite you to attend a meeting which will be held at Quebec Gardens, September 12, 1944 at 8: 30 O'clock. You will have an opportunity to join a labor organization established by and for the benefit of the employees it represents. GET ON THE BAND WAGON WITH YOUR FELLOW WORKERS AND HELP US ESTABLISH A GOOD HONEST UNION IN THE CINCINNATI DIVISION As a result, the September meeting adopted, with some modification, the Code of Regulations and Bylaws previously discussed. The peti- tioning union adopted its present name, "Association of Petroleum Workers of Cincinnati Division." Election of officers was held: Greulich was again chairman; Bollhauer was elected vice chairman; Crowe and Boeschlin were reelected to their former positions as treas- urer and secretary, respectively. New membership cards were dis- tributed and signed. New membership fees were collected. Greulich wrote to the Company, requesting the withdrawal of a contract pro- posed by the old organization in May 1944. The money in the bank 6 Greahch, Duncan, Crowe, and Boeschlin . The latter two Mere thus reelected to the offices they had held since the spring of 1943; Duncan had been chairman at sometime before-that 7 The only union in existence at that time was the Association of Petroleum Workers of Standard Oil Company of Cincinnati, Ohio. 8 See footnote 7, sup) a. 994 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD account of the chapter was retained by the Independent. Thereafter, new moneys received were deposited in the same account. In Decem- ber 1944, the present petition was filed. In January 1945, the Supreme Court denied the Company's petition for certiorari; 9 in February, the Company posted the required notice. to its employees. In March, the membership of the Independent voted to turn over to a past chairman of the chapter the money belonging to the chapter, directing him to pay a sum to each of the officers who served during his term as remunera- tion for his services and to turn over the remainder to the Red Cross. The foregoing facts clearly demonstrate that the Independent is merely a continuation of Chapter 3 of the Association and that it must have appeared so to the employees. There was no actual break or breathing spell between the old organization and the Independent. The series of steps taken at the uninterrupted regular monthly meet- ings must have led the employees to conclude that Chapter 3 was, in effect, to be reorganized by a change in name, constitution and bylaws, and officers. Officers of the old organization were elected to office in the Independent. At the regular monthly meeting, in September, the new cards were distributed, and the steps taken to change the old organ- ization into the new one. The Independent's action in requesting the Company to return the proposed contract in effect carried forward the activities of the prior organization. The funds of the old organiza- tion were not only assumed by the Independent, but final disposition of them was made by the Independent's membership. The Company, meanwhile, had taken no steps to disestablish the Association or to inform its employees that it was in no way supporting or sponsoring the formation of the Independent or that it was wholly indifferent whether or not its employees joined the Independent. We are satis- fied, and find, that the Independent is a continuation of and successor to the Association.- Under the circumstances, we cannot certify the Independent as the representative of the Company?s employees' for the purposes of collective bargaining, as requested in the petition for investigation and certification herein. Accordingly, we shall dismiss the Independent's petition. We find that no question has arisen concerning the representation of employees of the Company within the meaning of Section 9 (c) of the Act. 9 323 U. S. 791. i° Matter of Baltimore Transit Company, The Baltimore Coach Co., 59 N. L. R. B 159; Matter of Western Electric Company, Incorporated, 57 N. L. R. B 1177; Matter of Johnson Bronze Company, 57 N. L. R. B. 814; Matter of J. Gtreenebaum Tanning , Company, Plant ## 3, 49 N. L. R. B. 787. THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF OHIO ORDER 995 Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and the entire record in the case, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the petition for investigation and certification of representatives of employees of The Standard Oil Company of Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio, filed by Association of Petroleum Workers of Cincinnati Division, in Case No. 9-R-1694, be, and it hereby is, dismissed. CHAIRMAN HERZOG took no part in the consideration of the above Decision and Order. 662514-46-vol. 63-64 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation