The Rupp Forge Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 24, 1973201 N.L.R.B. 393 (N.L.R.B. 1973) Copy Citation THE RUPP FORGE COMPANY 393 The Rupp Forge Company and United Steel Workers of America, AFL-CIO. Cases 8-CA-6497 and 8-RC-8236 January 24, 1973 DECISION, ORDER, AND DIRECTION OF SECOND ELECTION BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS FANNING AND JENKINS On January 31, 1972, Administrative Law Judge' Jerry B. Stone issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent and the General Counsel filed exceptions and supporting briefs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in the light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge, and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the Respondent, The Rupp Forge Company, Cleveland, Ohio, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Administrative Law Judge's recommended Order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the election held in Case 8-RC-8236 on June 25, 1971, be, and it hereby is, set aside, and that the case be remanded to the Regional Director for Region 8 for the purpose of conducting a new election in the appropriate unit at such time as he deems the circumstances permit the free choice of a bargaining representative. [Direction of Second Election and Excelsior foot- note omitted from publication.] I The title of "trial Examiner" was changed to "Administrative Law Judge" effective August 19, 1972 TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE JERRY B. STONE, Trial Examiner: This proceeding, under Sections 10(b) and 9 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , was tried pursuant to due notice on October 6 and 12, 1971, at Cleveland, Ohio. The charge and amended charge (Case 8-CA--6497) were filed on July 1, and August 11, 1971, respectively. The complaint in this matter was issued on August 17, 1971. The petition in Case 8-RC-8236 was filed on May 21, 1971. Thereafter, pursuant to a Stipulation for Certification Upon Consent Election executed by the parties, and approved by the Regional Director for Region 8 of the National Labor Relations Board on June 4 , 1971, an election by secret ballot was conducted in Case 8-RC-8236 on June 25, 1971, under the direction and supervision of said Regional Director . The tally of ballots, furnished the parties , reveals that a majority of the eligible voters cast their ballots against the Petitioner . There were no chal- lenged ballots. On July 1, 1971, the Petitioner filed timely objections to conduct affecting the results of the election . The Regional Director caused an investigation of the objections to be made and thereafter on August 17, 1971, issued and served on the parties his Report on Objections. In his report the Regional Director recommended to the Board that the Petitioner's Objections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11 be set for hearing and that said hearing be consolidated with the hearing set in Case 8-CA-6497. Prior thereto, on August 6, 1971, the Petitioner had withdrawn Objections 5, 6, 7, and 8. No exceptions having been timely filed to the Regional Director's report, the Board ( 1) adopted the Regional Director 's recommendations contained in said report, (2) ordered that a hearing be held for the purpose of receiving evidence to resolve the issues raised by the Petitioner's Objections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11, as designated in the Regional Director's report, (3) ordered that such hearing might be consolidated with any hearing in Case 8-CA-66497 and held before a Trial Examiner to be designated by the Chief Trial Examiner, and (4) ordered in effect that the Trial Examiner, designated for the purpose of conducting such hearing , prepare and cause to be served on the parties a report containing resolutions of credibility of witnesses, findings of fact, and recommendations as to the disposition of said objections . The Board further adverted the parties to the Board's Rules and Regulations with respect to the filing of exceptions to such report. The Board further remanded the matter to the Regional Director (Region 8) for the purpose of arranging such hearing and authorized the Regional Director to issue notice thereof . Thereafter, the Regional Director for Region 8 duly consolidated Cases 8-CA-6497 and 8-RC-8236 for purpose of hearing, ruling, and decision by a Trial Examiner. The unfair labor practice issues are essentially whether Respondent has (1) violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by unlawful interrogation of employees as to their union activities or desires , by promises of benefits to dissuade employee support of the Union, by threats of reprisal to dissuade employee support of the Union, by ordering employees not to support the Union , by reduction of hours of employment of an employee to dissuade his support of the Union, and by discriminating in the tenure of employment of employees to dissuade their support of the Union, and (2) violated Section 8(a)(3) of the Act by reduction of hours of one employee and by the discrimina- tory termination of certain other employees. 201 NLRB No. 53 394 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The objections concern essentially the same issues as set forth in the unfair labor practice complaint. Additionally, the objections concern one issue of alleged misrepresenta- tion in campaign literature distributed by the employer. All parties were afforded full opportunity to participate in the proceeding, and the General Counsel, Charging Party, and Respondent all filed briefs which have been considered. Upon the entire record in the case and from my observations of the witnesses, I hereby make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. THE BUSINESS OF THE EMPLOYER As established by the pleadings, it is concluded and found that the Rupp Forge Company, the Respondent, is now, and has been at all times material herein, a corporation duly organized under and existing by virtue of the laws of the State of Ohio, with its principal offices and place of business located in Cleveland, Ohio, where it is engaged in the manufacture and sale of steel forgings. Annually, in the course and conduct of its business, Respondent ships finished products valued in excess of $50,000 to points directly outside the State of Ohio. As conceded by Respondent (Employer) and based on the foregoing, it is concluded and found that the Respon- dent is now, and has been at all times material herein, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED B. Introduction 2 The Respondent employs some 38 to 40 employees in its operations. Employees Austin, Byrge, and Gray contacted the Union in late April or early May 1971. At such time, employees Austin, Byrge, and Gray signed union cards and secured other cards for distribution to other employees. Thereafter, in late April and early May 1971, Austin, Byrge, and Gray distributed union cards and literature to fellow employees, talked of benefits of unionization to fellow employees, and secured several signed union cards from fellow employees. Gray turned the signed union cards over to the Union. During late April and early May 1971, employees Huggins and Robinson also joined in union organizational efforts. Both signed union cards and talked to other employees about the Union. The Union filed a representation petition in Case 8-RC-8236 on May 21, 1971. On the same day the Union made written demand for recognition from the Respondent as exclusive bargaining representative of Respondent's employees? Thereafter on June 4, 1971, the Union and the Respondent entered into a stipulated consent election agreement in Case 8-RC-8236. Following this, on June 25, 1971, an NLRB representation election was held for Respondent's employees in the following described bar- gaining unit. All production and maintenance employees em- ployed by the Rupp Forge Company at its facilities located at 10312 Meech Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, excluding all office clerical employees, professional employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. As established by the pleadings, it is found and concluded that United Steelworkers of America , AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES AND THE OBJECTIONS TO THE ELECTION A. Preliminary Issues Supervisor status I At all times material herein, the following named individuals have occupied the positions set opposite their respective names and have been, and are now, agents of the Respondent acting on its behalf, and are supervisors within the meaning of Section 2(11) of the Act. Ted Dolega-President Boris Stephanoff-Superintendent i The facts are based on the pleadings and admissions therein The Respondent admits the supervisory status of the named individuals but denies in effect that the named individuals are "agents ." As "supervisors" the named individuals are "agents " within the meaning of the Act for the conduct found to have been engaged in by them in this case s The facts are based on a composite of the credited aspects of the testimony of Austin , Byrge , Gray, Robinson, Huggins, and Ted Dolega, C. Discriminatory Discharge of Huggins Alleged Interrogation4 Lou Huggins worked as an employee for the Respondent for about II years. Around the last of April 1971, Huggins received a union authorization card from employee Lee Gray, signed said card, and returned the same to Gray. Huggins, thereafter, distributed three or four union cards to other employees and talked to about 10 employees about the benefits of unionization. As of May 17, 1971, it may be stated that Huggins owned a sledge hammer head and handle. The handle was of a different color than the sledge hammer handles owned by Respondent. The sledge hammer head however would appear indistinguishable from the sledge hammer heads owned by Respondent. On May 17, 1971, Huggins carried his sledge hammer handle and head to work, and used company tools at breaktime to assemble the handle and head into a sledge hammer. Respondent's policy is to require employees to secure exhibits in the record, and the logical consistency of all the facts 3 The petition in Case 8-RC-8236 referred to the fact that demand for recognition had been made and that there had been no reply thereto Testimony of witnesses referred to a union letter of demand. 4 The facts are based on a composite of the credited aspects of the testimony of Ted Dolega . Gray . Huggins, and Robinson Testimony of witnesses at variance with the facts found is discredited THE RUPP FORGE COMPANY 395 permission before bringing personal tools onto the proper- ty and working on the same.5 On May 17, 1971, Ted Dolega, Respondent's president, saw employee Gray with Huggins' assembled sledge hammer. Dolega approached Gray at the water cooler and asked where he had obtained the sledge hammer. Gray told Dolega that the sledge hammer belonged to Huggins. Around this time Huggins came to the water cooler. Ted Dolega and Huggins then commenced to have a question- and-answer exchange concerning the ownership of the sledge hammer. The central thrust of what occurred in the events in this case reveals the parties to be in general agreement as to what occurred. Apparently, therefore, much of the eviden- ce was presented by both parties in a generalized and fragmented fashion. It is noted also that both Dolega and Huggins have hearing problems. The facts reveal that Ted Dolega was suspicious that the sledge hammer head actually was one of Respondent's and that his questions as to ownership of the sledge hammer handle conveyed such suspicion to Huggins. The question-and-answer exchange became somewhat heated .6 Dolega wanted to know who owned the sledge hammer, where it came from, and what company tools were used in assembling the sledge hammer. Huggins told Dolega that he owned the hammer, that the handle was different from Respondent's handles, and told him which company tools he had used in assembling the hammer on breaktime. The question-and-answer exchange was broken when Huggins proceeded to change his clothes in the locker room. When Huggins was leaving the locker room, Ted Dolega resumed his questioning of Huggins about the sledge hammer handle and head. Dolega asked Huggins if he had permission to bring the sledge hammer handle and head onto company property. Huggins told Dolega that he was accusing him of stealing , that he (Dolega) was a liar, that Dolega was a "son of a bitch," and that Dolega should act like a man and not keep on asking questions about the sledge hammer handle and head. The heated exchange was ended with Huggins' leaving work for the day.7 The next encounter between Dolega and Huggins occurred on May 18, 1971. Unlike the previous encounter, the two engaged in a quiet, calm discussion. Thus, on the morning of May 18, 1971, President Ted Dolega approached Huggins and asked to speak to him in the locker room. In the meantime Dolega had spoken to his son, Ronald, and Foreman Stephanoff. Dolega had ascertained from Ronald Dolega and Stephanoff the fact 5 Huggins testified to his and others ' having brought tools onto company property on past occasions without permission There was no evidence to reveal that supervisors, however , knew or were aware of such occasions. I credit Dolega's testimony as to company policy in such regard 6 i credit both Dolega and Huggins in each testifying to the fact that the other was angry I discredit Dolega's testimony to the effect that he was not angry I also discredit Huggin 's testimony to the effect that he was not angry. The logical consistency of the facts support these findings 7 Huggins and Gray testified to the effect that Huggins did not call Dolega a "son of a bitch " I found Dolega 's testimony and demeanor while testifying to this point very believable and so credit the facts . I was not persuaded by Huggins and Gray as to their reliability on this point 8 Huggins testified to the effect that Dolega questioned him about his union activity Dolega denied such interrogation This issue presents a close credibility determination. Neither witness , by demeanor or overall testimo- ny, presented himself as a thoroughly believable witness Considering the that Huggins had not secured permission to bring the hammer handle and head onto company property. Presi- dent Ted Dolega asked Huggins if he had received permission to bring the hammer handle and head onto the property. Huggins told Dolega that he had not secured such permission . Dolega told Huggins that he had not liked the way that Huggins had spoken to him the day before, that he could go home . Huggins inquired to Dolega as to whether he was fired or laid off. Dolega told Huggins that he was giving him a disciplinary suspension . Huggins asked for his paycheck. Dolega told Huggins that he would not get it that day .8 On May 20, 1971, Huggins filed a charge with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission concerning his disciplinary layoff. Huggins executed an affidavit at the time setting forth that he believed that he had been discriminated against on account of his race. On May 21, 1971, the Union filed a representation petition in Case 8-RC-8236 concerning the right to represent Respondent 's employees . On the same date, the Union made a written request for recognition as bargain- ing representative of Respondent 's employees .9 On May 21 , 1971, Huggins went to Respondent 's plant to pick up his check. Ted Dolega told Huggins that he had intended to call him back to work on Monday (May 24) but that he had received a letter about him from a "civil rights organization." Sometime during the day of May 24, 1971, Respondent received the Union's written demand for President Ted Dolega decided to recall Huggins to work and telephoned his home four or five times in unsuccessful attempts to speak to him. Around 5:30 p.m., Dolega was able to reach Mrs. Huggins by telephone and to leave a message for Huggins to report to work on May 25, 1971, at regular starting time. On May 25, 1971, Huggins telephoned Vice President and Supervisor Ron Dolega about 15 to 20 minutes after starting time . Huggins told Dolega that his stomach and back bothered him and that he would report to work on Wednesday. Ronald Dolega told Huggins that this was "okay." i i Sometime during the day of May 25, 1971, President Ted Dolega and Ron Dolega discussed the fact that Huggins had called in about not coming to work on May 25 and as to Ron Dolega's telling Huggins that this was okay . At this point, Ted Dolega decided to terminate Huggins and to characterize the termination as a "Quit." 12 Ron Dolega placed a note in Huggins' file to the effect that Huggins logical consistency of all of the facts. I find Ted Dolega 's denial of the interrogation to be more believable and so credit the facts. 9 The petition in Case 8-RC-8236 refers to such a request and to the fact that there was "no reply." Testimony reveals that Respondent received a union letter about "organizing" Respondent's employees Accordingly, I find that a written request was made. 10 This fact is based on all the facts and a fair inference therefrom 11 The facts are based on Huggins' credited testimony. I discredit Ronald Dolega 's testimony in which he denied that Huggins referred to his stomach and back bothering him, and in which Dolega stated that Huggins told him that he had driven all night and was too tired. Suffice it to say, the resolution of credibility herein is a close one . I found Huggins' testimony on this point to appear to have more of a ring of truth than I did Ronald Dolega 's testimony 12 Ron Dolega credibly testified to the effect that he did not recommend that Huggins be terminated and that the decision was that of Ted Dolega. 396 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD had called in and stated that he was too tired to come to work. On this date a letter was sent to Huggins telling him that he was terminated. On May 26, 1971, Huggins reported to work and was informed that there was no work for him and that a letter was in the mail explaining the situation. Huggins received this letter on May 27, 1971. The Respondent marked on Huggins' employment record the notation "quit." In addition to the foregoing, it may be noted that President Ted Dolega testified to various reasons for the termination of Huggins. Thus, Huggins allegedly "quit," was discharged for "leaving the property with similar equipment," and because he did not report for work when called. It suffices to say that Dolega's testimony as to the reason was shifting, at variance with logical consistency of the facts, and did not have the ring of truth. I am persuaded that the reasons he gave are pretextuous. I discredit President Ted Dolega's testimony as to his reasons for Huggins' termination. Considering the foregoing, I conclude and find that the facts do not reveal that Respondent, by President Ted Dolega, on May 18, 1971, interrogated an employee about his union activities or desires. It will be recommended that such complaint allegation be dismissed. Considering the foregoing and all of the facts, I am persuaded and conclude and find that the preponderance of the facts reveals that Respondent discriminatorily terminated Huggins on May 25, 1971, because of belief of Huggins' union activities. The facts clearly reveal that Huggins was a strong and active union adherent. Consider- ing the size of Respondent's work force (38 to 40 employees), the timing of the Union's demand for recognition, and the pretextuous reason of "quit" assigned for the termination of Huggins, the facts persuade that Respondent knew or believed it knew of Huggins' union activities and terminated him for such belief of union activities but on the pretext that he had quit. Such conduct is violative of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. It is so concluded and found. D. The Discharge of Lee Gray t3 Alleged Interrogation Lee Gray was terminated from employment by the Respondent on May 21, 1971. Prior to his termination, Gray had worked for the Respondent for 2 1/2 years. At the time of his termination, Gray was working as a trimmer on the number 5 forge. Gray was one of the three employees who had initially sought out the Union in late April or early May 1971. It is clear that Gray was one of the most active union adherents. Gray participated in the union campaign otherwise by distributing cards, talking to fellow employees 13 The facts are based on a composite of the credited aspects of the testimony of all witnesses, including Gray, Ronald Dolega, Ted Dolega, Boris Stephanoff, and others, and exhibits in the record. 1+ Gray testified to the effect that he had telephoned Ronald Dolega on May 20, 1971, informed Dolega that he was sick and couldn 't work that day, and that Dolega had said this was "okay " Ronald Dolega denied that this telephone conversation took place. Considering the logical consistency about the Union, and securing signed union cards and turning them in to the Union. On May 19, 1971, Gray was working on a job at forge number 5 as a trimmer. The job required the use of two presses. The Respondent's mode of operation scheduled four men for such job. Gray complained to Foreman Stephanoff about the need of an additional man and the need for more money for the work. Gray indicated that he was not going to work unless another man was assigned for the unit. Stephanoff told Gray in effect that he was not going to assign another man to the unit, that he would either have to do the work or go home. President Ted Dolega was present and joined in with Stephanoff in instructing Gray that he would have to do the work as assigned or go home. About an hour later, another employee on the number 5 forge unit, Milton Murray, told Foreman Stephanoff that it was too hot and that he was going home. In accordance with practice, Foreman Stephanoff shut the number 5 Forge down and sent the crew (including Gray) home. Gray did not work on May 20, 1971. On May 21, 1971, Gray reported to work and noticed that his timecard was not in the rack. Gray went into an office and spoke to Vice President Ronald Dolega. Gray asked where his timecard was. Dolega told Gray that he had not worked the day before and that he could take another day off. Dolega asked Gray why he hadn't called in and whether he had a telephone. Gray told Dolega in effect that it did not make any difference whether he had a telephone, that it would not have done him any good to have called in. Gray asked Dolega to give him his weekly paycheck so he would not have to come back for it. Dolega indicated that he would not do this. Gray then started to leave and told Dolega that there would be no hard feelings, that everything would be taken care of. 14 Gray returned in the afternoon to get his paycheck. On this occasion he saw President Ted Dolega. What occurred is revealed by the following credited excerpts from Gray's testimony. Q. Did you have any conversation with Ted Dolega? A. He said to me, "You're terminated." And I said, "You are prejudiced, white guys take a week at a time and nothing happens." So he said-that is all he had to say. And I said if I am fired, give me my check, and he said he would give it to me after he takes Blue Cross and Group Insurance out on me. Q. Did he give you a reason for your termination at that point? A. No, he didn't. He couldn't give me no reasons. MR. RUGGIE: Objection. The question was, did he give you any reason. THE WITNESS: He could not give a reason. TRIAL EXAMINER: The part other than which was of all the facts , and Gray's testimony of his conversation with Ted Dolega on May 21 , 1971, 1 am persuaded that Ronald Dolega 's testimony on this point should be credited over Gray's I find it hard to believe that if Gray had secured an "okay" on May 20 . 1971. his discussion with Ted Dolega on May 21, 1971. would have been as testified to by him. According to Gray's testimony , he accused Ted Dolega on May 21. 1971, of racial discrimination because white employees took longer absences THE RUPP FORGE COMPANY said he gave no reason is stricken and we will leave the answer to the extent that he gave no reason. In addition to the foregoing facts, the following is noted. The Respondent presented into evidence two "notes" from the employment files of Gray. The first note was prepared by Ronald Dolega and concerned the absence of a telephone call by Gray on May 20, 1971, and Gray's reporting to work on May 21, 1971. There was no specific evidence as to when this note was prepared. The overall facts and testimony of witnesses Ronald Dolega, Ted Dolega, and Stephanoff would reveal that the referred-to notes were prepared at a time when it was known that Gray was being terminated. Thus, Ronald Dolega testified to the effect that the "note" was prepared because of unemployment claims. The second note was prepared by Stephanoff. From the overall facts, I conclude and find that this note was prepared at the time it had been decided to terminate Gray on May 21, 1971.15 Stephanoff's note, prepared by him because instructed to do so by President Ted Dolega, indicated that Gray had insisted on a "layoff" on May 19, 1971.16 Ted Dolega testified as to his reasons for terminating Gray. Although he listed various reasons, I am persuaded that his testimony was an attempt to reveal the full workings of his mind as to his reasons for terminating Gray. Ted Dolega's testimony reveals, and I so credit, that he terminated Gray because he was irritated by a number of things. Ted Dolega terminated Gray because Dolega considered that Gray had refused to work, because of Gray's past history and general attitude, because of Gray's low production, because Dolega considered Gray responsi- ble for the fact that the crew left early on May 19, 1971, and because Gray did not telephone to be excused or show up for work on May 20, 1971. On May 24, 1971, Gray telephoned Ted Dolega. Gray was seeking to get his job back. Dolega told Gray that he wanted to talk to him, to come in on May 25, 1971.On the morning of May 25, 1971, Gray went to Respondent's plant and spoke to Ted Dolega in the locker room. Gray's testimony as to what occurred is as revealed by the following excerpts from Gray's testimony. A. He asked me if I know anything about the Union. Q. A. Q. him? And did you answer him? Yes. What did he say to you or what did you tell A. He asked did I sign a card. Q. What did you tell him to that? A. About the Union? Q. Yes. A. I told him yes, I signed a card. He asked me did I know of anybody else? Q. Anybody else? Who? A. Who did I get the card from. Q. Did you tell him? A. Yes, I did. 15 Stephanoff testified as to the time he prepared this note in a very unsure manner Considering the overall facts, I find the timing as indicated. 16 The testimony of witnesses of both General Counsel and Respondent as to many of the events was loose, fragmented and not complete . Cross- examination of many of the witnesses did not do much to help illuminate 397 Q. Who did you tell him you got it from? A. From Robinson. Q. Anything else? A. He wanted to know who else signed a card. I told him I don't know of anybody. All I know is I got the card from Robinson. w A. After that, Ted Dolega said that he would have to let me go and that is it. Q. What did you do then? A. After that I left the plant. President Theodore Dolega testified to the effect that he did not interrogate Gray about his or others' union activity, that Gray came in seeking his job back, and that he told Gray that as far as he was concerned that Gray was terminated, that he had shown up for work, and that he was not going to go along with him any longer. The resolution of credibility between Dolega and Gray upon the above referred to incident is a close one. There are aspects of both witnesses' testimony casting doubt on their reliability. I am convinced that Gray fabricated his testimony concerning his alleged telephone call to Ronald Dolega. Considering this and the logical consistency of all the facts, I am persuaded that President Theodore Dolega's testimony as to this incident is more reliable than that of Gray. The overall facts reveal that Gray received his union card from union officials at the outset of the campaign, and that Gray was one of the three initial leaders. Gray's testimony reveals that he told Theodore Dolega that he received his union card from Robinson. It is possible that Gray may have secured another union card from Robin- son. It is also possible that Gray told Dolega that he received a union card from Robinson when he had not in fact done so. There is no explanation in the record with respect to this matter . In sum , I am persuaded that President Theodore Dolega's testimonial denial of the interrogation of Gray is more credible than that of Gray on such point and credit the facts accordingly. Considering all of the foregoing, I find it clear, and conclude and find, that Respondent, by President Ted Dolega, did not interrogate Gray on May 25, 1971, about his and others' union activity. Considering all of the foregoing and all of the facts, I am persuaded and conclude and find that the facts are insufficient to reveal that Respondent discriminatorily terminated Gray on May 21, 1971. The facts reveal that Gray had been a strong and active union adherent. The facts also reveal the Respondent to be a small concern having some 38 to 40 employees. The overall circumstances reveal, however, that the union card distribution and signing did not occur on plant premises, but that some union talk did occur on plant premises. Considering all of the facts, I am not persuaded to and do not infer company knowledge of Gray's union activities until after the Company became aware of the Union's demand for the facts . There is no testimony to reveal that Gray insisted on a layoff. Such a notation , however, is not clearly inconsistent with the testified-to argument concerning need for more help, and instructions to go home or work. 398 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD recognition . Considering all of the foregoing, and the events of May 19, 20, and 21, 1971, I am persuaded that the facts are insufficient to reveal that Respondent discriminatorily terminated Gray on May 21, 1971. 1 so conclude and find. E. The Discharge of Robinson 17 Alleged Interrogation William Robinson was discharged by the Respondent on May 26, 1971. Robinson had worked for the Respondent for 6 years prior to his discharge. At the time of his discharge, Robinson was working as a heater. As previously indicated , Robinson became active in union organizational efforts in late April or early May 1971. Robinson signed a union card prior to his discharge, spoke to other employees about the Union, andidistributed union cards.18 The Respondent has a liberal and lenient attitude toward employee absenteeism and credit problems. In such regard the Respondent presents a humane and understanding attitude. Respondent President Dolega had talked to Robinson in April 7, 1971, about absenteeism and warned him about the same. Despite this, Robinson was absent some 54 1/4 hours from April 7, 1971, to May 8, 1971, without Respondent action thereon. Robinson had had his wages garnished in 1970. On the morning of May 26, 1971, President Ted Dolega, circa 10:30 a.m., approached Robinson with a letter about a debt of Robinson, told Robinson that Robinson had promised to straighten out his credit, and asked Robinson if he had straightened out his credit. Robinson told Dolega that as far as he knew he had called about the last one that there had been a letter on. Around 3:30 p.m., on May 26, 1971, President Ted Dolega called Robinson into the office and told him that he had a garnishment, and that he was terminated that day. Dolega presented Robinson his checks at that time.19 President Ted Dolega testified to the effect that he terminated Robinson because of chronic absenteeism and garnishment problems. It is sufficient to note that Dolega's testimony about talking to Robinson on May 26, 1971, about absenteeism was conflicting. Considering the nature of Dolega's testimony and the overall facts, I discredit his testimony about talking to Robinson on May 26 about absenteeism. Despite this, I am persuaded that President Theodore Dolega's testimony to the effect that he was motivated in the discharge of Robinson because of his 11 The facts are based on a composite of the credited aspects of the testimony of all witnesses testifying with respect to such matter iR I do not credit Robinson's testimony that he wore a union badge at work Robinson 's testimonial demeanor and prior statements reveal an inclination to stretch the truth to his own advantage Thus, he and Ted Dolega both present themselves as witnesses who are not thoroughly believable 19 May 26, 1971, was not Respondent's regular payday. Robinson testified to the effect that President Dolega told him in effect that he was being discharged because Respondent knew of his union activities and desires and didn't need his kind Considering Robinson 's demeanor and prior statements , I am persuaded that Robinson has tried to stretch the truth and build his case Although Ted Dolega has not been presented as a totally believable witness, 1 find his testimonial denial of this alleged reference to Robinson's union activities to be more believable than the testimony of absenteeism and his garnishment problem is credible and so credit. Considering all of the foregoing , I am persuaded and conclude and find that the evidence is insufficient to establish that Respondent discriminatorily discharged Robinson because of his union activities . The facts reveal that Robinson was an active union adherent . The facts also reveal , however, that Robinson had an absenteeism problem , and that he had a garnishment problem. The totality of the facts do not persuade that Robinson was discharged because of his union activities . I so conclude and find. F. The Layoff and Termination of Austin Miscellaneous Louis Austin was terminated by the Respondent on June 30, 1971. Prior to this time Austin had worked for Respondent for 3 1/2 years . During such time Austin had worked as a janitor, towmotor driver, and as a sandblast operator . At the time of Austin 's termination, he was working as a sandblast operator. In late April or early May 1971, Austin along with Gray and Byrge contacted the Union . Thereafter they engaged in union organizational work. Austin signed a union authorization card, passed out cards , and distributed union literature . Austin wore a union pin during the months of May and June 1971. Austin also served as the union observer at the NLRB representation election held on June 25, 1971.20 After Austin signed a union card , commenced his union activity, and was wearing a union pin , his hours of employment were cut. Thus, whereas during the months preceding such time his hours had varied from 31 to 40 hours per week , his hours for weeks ending on May 22, 1971, and thereafter ranged from 16 to 32 hours per week.2 i During the several months before Austin 's June 30 termination , the following occurred. 1. In June , Supervisor Ronald Dolega told Austin in effect that the union badge he wore could get him into "trouble." 22 2. In late June , Foreman Stephanoff told some employ- ees that "if you guys have a union in here the hammer helpers will starve to death."23 3. About a week before the NLRB representation election held on June 25, 1971, President Ted Dolega approached Austin. Dolega had a copy of the NLRB representation election notice (containing a sample ballot Robinson . I so credit the facts 20 Considering all of the facts, I discredit Respondent 's witnesses who testified to the effect that they did not see Austin wearing such union pin. 21 1 note that Austin only worked 12 hours for the week ending March 6, 1971, and did not work during the week ending March 14, 1971 These do not appear to be representative weeks for the pre-May 22 , 1971. period of time Further Austin had worked approximately one-half week when terminated on June 30 . 1971-for a total of 1 11/2 hours 22 1 found Austin to appear to be a more frank, forthright , and truthful witness than Ronald Dolega. I credit his version of this event over Ronald Dolega 's denial 22 1 found Austin to appear to be a more frank , forthright , and truthful witness than Boris Stephanoff I credit his version of this event over Stephanofrs denial thereof. THE RUPP FORGE COMPANY 399 thereon). Dolega inquired as to where he should put it. Dolega asked Austin in effect if he knew who was the leader behind the ones who wanted a union . Austin told Dolega that he did not know but he wanted it too.24 The General Counsel contends that there was another incident involving Austin having a bearing on the issues. Thus in June 1971 , President Ted Dolega spoke to employees and told them he wanted a "no" vote from them . I see nothing violative of the Act in such remarks. On June 30 , 1971, President Ted Dolega told Austin that he had something to tell him and would talk to him later. Later Austin spoke to Dolega and told Dolega that he would like to get more time in or be laid off where he could get a job . President Ted Dolega told Austin that he was going to cut back (in employment) and had been thinking Jal yang Austin off. Austin asked Dolega to tell him when he would be laid off . Dolega told Austin that the layoff would be that day, that he thought Austin would have quit before then. It is clear from both Austin 's and Ted Dolega's testimony that Respondent had subcontracted larger forgings for sandblasting before the commencement of union activities . It is also clear from the evidence that a significant drop in hours of employment for Austin occurred shortly after his commencement of union activity and wearing of a union pin. Austin credibly testified to the effect that he knew that the larger forgings , constituting 10 percent of the work, had been subcontracted prior to his union activity . Austin also credibly testified to the effect that he knew the "forgings" normally cleaned by him were being farmed out when his hours were reduced . I find Austin's testimony to such effect more credible than I do President Ted Dolega's testimony that the reduction was because of a cut in revenue . It suffices to say that I discredit President Ted Dolega's testified reasons as to an economic basis for the reduction in hours. Considering all of the foregoing , I conclude and find that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by (1) Ronald Dolega 's threat in June 1971 that the union badge could get Austin in trouble , (2) Foreman Stephanoff's threat , in late June 1971 , that if the Union came in the hammer helpers would starve to death , and (3) President Ted Dolega's unlawful inquiry of Austin as to who was the leader behind the Union. Considering all of the foregoing , I am persuaded and conclude and find that Respondent reduced Austin's hours of employment because of his union activity and desires. It is clear that Austin was a strong and open union adherent. The facts otherwise reveal that Respondent had a propen- sity to discriminate against employees because of their union activity . Considering all of this, I find and conclude that the preponderance of the facts reveals that Respon- dent was discriminatorily motivated in its reduction of hours of employment of Austin in May and June 1971. Such conduct is violative of Section 8(a)(3) and ( 1) of the Act. It is so concluded and found. 24 1 credit Austin 's testimony to the above effect I discredit Dolega's denial of such interrogation. 25 The facts are based on a composite of the credited aspects of Byrge's and Hurst 's testimony, and the logical consistency of all the facts I discredit Considering all of the foregoing, Austin's clear and continuing support of the Union, Respondent's demon- strated animus , I am persuaded and conclude and find that the Respondent in effect terminated Austin on June 30, 1971, because of his union activity . It is clear that Respondent had made up its mind on June 30, 1971, to terminate Austin . Considering all of the above , it is clear that Respondent was motivated to terminate Austin because of his continued union interests. Further , it is clear that Respondent knew that any indicated desire for a layoff by Austin was engendered by the continuing effect of its discriminatory reduction of hours. It is thus clear that Respondent has relied on the question of requested "layoff" as a pretext to mask a discriminatory termination of Austin . Such conduct is violative of Sections 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. It is so concluded and found. G. The Discriminatory Discharge of Hurst Miscellaneous Sam Hurst was terminated by the Respondent on June 30, 1971. Prior to Hurst's termination he had worked for Respondent for some 4 occasions. On the last occasion Hurst worked for the Respondent for 3 months. Hurst worked as a hammer man and helper. Hurst signed a union card at some date prior to his termination on June 30, 1971. Other than that, the record doesn't reveal a great deal of union activity on his part. It is clear, however, that he did support the Union and that President Ted Dolega believed he was a strong supporter of the Union. Thus, prior to the June 25, 1971, NLRB election, President Ted Dolega accused Hurst of marking the sample ballot on the NLRB representation election notice. During the time preceding the NLRB representation election on June 25, 1971, both Respondent and the Union campaigned with respect to the election. The Respondent held two meetings for its employees during this time. One of the Respondent's meetings was held on June 4 and the other on June 23, 1971. At the meeting on June 23, 1971, President Ted Dolega referred to a beer party that was being held by the Union at a tavern, told employees that he could not afford a beer party at a tavern but that, if he won the election, he would give a beer party. President Ted Dolega also told employees that he had been considering instituting piecework and adding more work to the employees but would not do so if the Union did not win.25 The NLRB representation election was held on June 25, 1971. After the election the Respondent gave its employees 2 hours off, and gave a beer party at the plant for the employees. After the election President Ted Dolega was in a victorious mood and spoke to various employees about having won the election. President Ted Dolega asked Hurst if he were glad. Hurst told Dolega that he was not glad. President Dolega had the beer party in the shipping denial of the same by Respondent's witnesses. It suffices to say that Byrge and Hurst. on these points, appeared to be more fully frank, forthright, and truthful witnesses than did Respondent 's witnesses on their points. DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD room . On this occasion President Dolega distributed the weekly paychecks in the shipping room area 26 When Hurst went for his paycheck , President Dolega asked him if he wanted some beer . Hurst told Dolega that he did not want any beer. On Monday, June 28, 1971, it was hot and Hurst left work 2 hours early . On the occasion he spoke to President Ted Dolega and told Dolega in effect that he didn't have to pay him for the 2 hours and indicated that he was leaving from work . President Dolega told Hurst that he would tell him that he could look for his new job . Dolega then asked Hurst what he was looking for. Hurst told Dolega in effect that he was not leaving to look for a new job, that he was leaving because it was too hot. On Tuesday, June 29, 1971, President Ted Dolega put up a gripe box . Either on that date or the next 2 days, Hurst placed a gripe in the box to the effect that he was not paid the same as others , that Respondent wanted him to do the work and not pay him for the work. On Thursday, July 1, 1971, President Ted Dolega discussed Hurst's gripe with Hurst . President Ted Dolega told Hurst that he had 38 to 39 employees , was cutting the number of employees down to 20 , and that Hurst was the lowest man on the list. Hurst told President Dolega that Dolega had just hired two new men . Dolega told Hurst to let him know if he found a job. Hurst told Dolega that he was not looking for a job. Dolega told Hurst that he hoped he found a job , and that if he found one he would give him a good recommendation. Later that day Hurst asked President Dolega if he were going to be laid off that day or the next , to let him know when he was going to be laid off. President Ted Dolega told Hurst that he would let him know at 3:30 p.m. Later, Vice President Ronald Dolega told Hurst that he was laid off. On Friday, July 2, 1971, Hurst stopped by Respondent to pick up his vacation check . On this occasion Hurst had another conversation with President Ted Dolega. President Ted Dolega told Hurst that he had been laid off because he was the lowest man on the list . Hurst told Dolega that he had just hired a man about a month ago. President Dolega told Hurst in effect that the man was a heater, that if Hurst wanted that job , he could have it. Hurst declined the job as a "heater." President Dolega testified to the effect that he was economically motivated in the layoff of Hurst, that he had started cutting back in October 1970. The facts reveal that the Respondent was employing some 38-40 employees during the months preceding the layoff of Hurst . The facts also reveal that Respondent advertised in early June for forge shop help-hammerman , heaters, and forge helpers. At the time of Hurst's layoff, Respondent had not hired the hammerman advertised for. The facts do not reveal any logical reason why Respondent would be advertising in early June for employees and then commence to layoff in late June. The General Counsel contends , against Respondent's economic defense , that Respondent was apparently willing to bump a man with higher seniority to offer Hurst the heater job . The record does not so reveal . It is clear from all the facts that the "heater" position concerned an employee with less seniority. The General Counsel also contends that President Dolega's testimony that he did not take Hurst back because he had made verbal threats and abrasive remarks to his supervisors reveals an inconsisten- cy with the economic defense . It is sufficient to say that the questioning of Dolega did not establish that this was his frame of mind at the time of the layoff. It very well may be that Dolega learned facts after Hurst 's layoff and was motivated thereby as to the matter of recall or rehiring. Considering all of the foregoing , I am persuaded and conclude and find: 1. That President Ted Dolega , on June 23, 1971, at a meeting with employees, threatened to institute a piece- work system if the Union won the election. Such threat of, reprisal constitutes Respondent 's conduct violative df Section 8(a)(1) of the Act . It is so concluded and found. 2. That Respondent President Ted Dolega, on June 23, 1971, at a meeting with employees, told employees that he would have a beer party for them if he won the election. The foregoing occurred in a context wherein the Union was having a beer party for employees during the organizational efforts. Dolega told the employees that he could not afford a beer party at a restaurant but would give them one if he won the campaign. It may be said that the promise of a beer party if he won the election was a promise of benefit if a sufficient number of employees voted against the Union and for the Respondent . I am not convinced, under the circumstances, that such promise of benefit would have even minimal impact upon the employees in their secret ballot. It clearly is not a significant benefit . It could even be said that where the Union gives a beer party during organizational efforts that impliedly the same or similar action would be taken if the Union were successful. In short, I am not persuaded that the promise of a beer party if the Company won the election is a promise of a benefit that is significant or has any significant impact upon an employee exercising his rights under Section 7 of the Act, or in voting a free choice as to a collective-bargaining representative or not. I find such conduct , under the circumstances , not to be violative of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. I have considered President Dolega's remarks on July 2, 1971, after the layoff on July 1, 1971, that Hurst could have the "heater" job. Considering the fact that Hurst left work on Monday because of the heat , the fact that Hurst was a hammerman and Respondent had not hired a hammerman after its June 9, 1971, advertisement , I am persuaded that Dolega knew that Hurst would not accept the "heater" job and that such offer was not in good faith. Considering all of the foregoing, I am persuaded and conclude and find that Respondent discriminatorily terminated Hurst on July 1, 1971, because of belief of his union activities and desires . Such conduct is violative of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. The facts reveal that Hurst had been a union adherent, that Respondent had a propensity to discriminate against union adherents, and that Respondent attempted to pressure Hurst to get another job, that Respondent needed a hammerman, and that Hurst was a hammerman. 26 It may be that this was the normal place for distribution of paychecks THE RUPP FORGE COMPANY 401 H. Events Concerning Byrge As of the time of the hearing in this matter, Odell Byrge had been employed as a press operator by Respondent for around 3 years. Byrge was one of the three employees who contacted the Union in late April or early May 1971. Byrge was an active union adherent who talked about the Union and passed out union cards and literature to fellow employees. Byrge wore a union pin.27 The General Counsel introduced background evidence through Byrge as to job harassment 28 Byrge had not received reprimands for work performance prior to the advent of the Union in this case. During the period of campaigning for the NLRB representation election, Fore- man Stephanoff commenced criticizing Byrge's work. Stephanoff on occasion told Byrge that he was stupid and wasn't doing the job correctly, and that he was taking too long. The harassment of Byrge is revealed by the following credited excerpts from Byrge's testimony. A. On particular job Boris put me on-small job. I don't know. Q. Was it a tedious job? A. Yes, he put me on the job. He said, I don't want any mistakes on the job and take your time and run them right. He said, "Later after-Ted said, "I took too long for the job." It might have been about five hours, and I explained why I took so long. The foreman told me to do it right. Then later after we came back on the same job, Boris called me over and showed me the job and said, "What was your problem here." And I said, "Bons, the problem was that you told me how to run this job." He said, "I am supposed to relay a message that no matter what your excuse is, it is not good enough." I said, "I did my best," he said, "It makes no difference, your best isn't good enough." On an occasion in June before the election President Ted Dolega complained about Austin's demanding a meeting, told Byrge that he didn't have time to meet with them individually in the factory, and told Byrge that he should keep his people in line. Byrge asked Dolega what this had to do with him. Dolega said to Byrge, "You are one of the organizers, aren't you?" Byrge told Dolega that he wasn't one of the organizers.29 Dolega told Byrge that he was telling him to keep his people in line.30 Byrge testified to the effect that at one of the company meetings (June 4 and 23, 1971) he heard President Ted Dolega ask employees if they wanted a union. Byrge also testified to the effect that, at one of the meetings, President Ted Dolega asked him if he wanted a union and that he answered affirmatively. Robinson testified to the effect that he was at one of the referred to meetings. Robinson's ultimate testimony revealed that Dolega told the employ- ees he wanted a "no vote" from them. Hurst testified to the effect that he attended the two meetings . Hurst's testimony did not allude to any interrogation of employees at the meetings by President Dolega . President Dolega's testimo- ny constituted in effect a denial of such interrogation. Considering all of the foregoing, I am not persuaded by Byrge 's testimony that such interrogation occurred and therefore do not credit the testimony to such effect. Byrge testified to statements made by Dolega at the meeting as revealed by the following excerpts from his testimony. A. Well, he said something about the fellows wanting a Union, and he said the reason he said some of the fellows wanted a Union was to protect their jobs, and I tell you now the Union did not want to tell me how to run the job. The Union won't protect the job. If I see fit to let you go, and I have a reason to let you go, the Union will not help. The General Counsel argues that this constitutes a threat to the employees' job security. I do not agree and do not so find or conclude. Byrge was the lone witness to testify to a threat concerning the institution of piecework . I have previously credited Byrge's testimony to such effect and made a finding thereto . Byrge also testified concerning President Dolega's promise of a beer party if he won the election. I have previously credited Byrge's testimony to this effect and made a finding thereon31 Byrge testified to the effect that he overheard Stephanoff tell a hammerman, Ray Jordan , in June 1971 , that the hammermen would be the ones that would suffer, and he (Stephanoff) would have it made.32 Such conduct consti- tutes conduct violative of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. It is so concluded and found . It is not clear whether this is the same conduct previously testified to by Austin. In any event the remedy would be the same for one or two instances of such violative conduct. 1. The Objections to the Election Objections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11, are presented for resolution . The time period in question is between May 21, 1971, and June 25, 1971. 1. Objection 1, sets forth that "The Employer, by its agents , interrogated employees with respect to their activities on behalf of Petitioner ." The facts reveal that in June 1971 prior to the election , President Dolega unlawful- ly questioned Austin as to who was the union leader. Such conduct constitutes conduct of interference with the employees' free choice as to a collective-bargaining representative . It will be recommended that objection 1 be sustained. 2. Objection 2 sets forth that "The Employer, by its agents, threatened employees in connection with their union activities." 27 Ted Dolega testified to the effect that he knew that Byrge wore a union pin 28 The facts are based on Byrge's credited testimony Stephanoff testified in denial of the testimony of Byrge to such harassment Considering the logical consistency of all the facts and the fact that I found Byrge to be a more frank, forthright, and truthful witness to such matters than Stephanoff, I credit Byrge 's testimony thereto over Stephanoff's 29 The facts reveal that Byrge wore a union pin during the union campaign I find the above statement permissible under the circumstances. 30 The facts are based on the aspects of Byrge 's credited testimony Byrge also testified to the effect that Dolega also asked whether Robinson, Huggins, or Gray were leaders. Considering the logical consistency of all of the facts , I discredit the testimony of Byrge and Dolega inconsistent with the facts found 31 In the section relating to events concerning Hurst. 32 The facts are based on the credited aspects of Byrge's testimony. I discredit Stephanoffs denial thereof. 402 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The facts previously set forth reveal that Respondent, by Ronald Dolega, threatened an employee about wearing his union badge by telling him that it could get him in trouble. The facts previously set forth that in June 1971, pnor to the election, Foreman Stephanoff threatened employees with reprisals by a statement to the effect that the hammermen would starve if the Union got in. Such conduct constitutes conduct of interference with the employees' free choice as to a collective-bargaining representative. It will be recommended that objection 2 be sustained. 3. Objection 3 sets forth that "The Employer, by its agents, reduced the hours of employees because of their support of Petitioner." The facts previously set forth reveal that Respondent discriminatorily reduced the hours of employment of employee Austin because of its belief of his union activities. Such conduct constitutes conduct of interference with the employees' free choice as to a collective-bargain- ing representative. It will be recommended that objection 3 be sustained. 4. Objection 4 sets forth that "The Employee, by its agents, threatened employees that the plant would close down if they supported the union or if the Union were selected." The facts do not support this objection. It will be recommended that this objection be overruled. 5. Objection 9 sets forth that "The Employer, by its agents, distorted and misrepresented the facts with respect to National Labor Relations Board national voting statistics in AFL-CIO elections." The facts reveal that on June 24, 1971, circa 3:30 p.m. Respondent distributed a leaflet to employees setting forth data allegedly relating to the fact that most employees voted against AFL-CIO unions in 1968 and 1969. The leaflet is as follows: EXERCISE YOUR PROTECTED RIGHTS FEDERAL LAW PROTECTS YOUR RIGHT TO REJECT UNIONIZATION AND PROFESSIONAL UNION ORGANIZERS. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SAY NO! THE LAW PROTECTS YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE NO! IT IS AN UNFAIR LABOR PRAC- TICE FOR A LABOR UNION TO COERCE YOU OR RESTRAIN YOU IN ANY WAY IN THE EXERCISE OF YOUR RIGHTS. National Labor Relations Act, Sections 7 and 8 What have these protected rights meant to other employees in the U.S.? MOST EMPLOYEES VOTE "NO" TO UNIONS! SURPRISED? JUST LOOK AT THE OFFICIAL* FIGURES: 1. In all elections held in 1968 involving AFL-CIO unions, only 143,374 employees voted "yes". BUT MORE THAN 153,000 EMPLOYEES VOTED NO! 2. In all elections held in 1969 involving AFL-CIO unions, only 126,687 employees voted yes. BUT MORE THAN 141,000 EMPLOYEES VOTED NO! 3. In 1969, over 200,000 employees across the U.S. voted AGAINST labor unions. They were not afraid to vote NO! And they were in the majority! 4. In 1969, of all the petitions filed by employees in plants across the U .S., seeking to remove the certifica- tion previously given to the AFL-CIO, only 128 were successful . Once they 're in, its pretty hard to get rid of them. 5. Only about 20% of the nation -wide civilian workers belong to a union of any kind . Eighty percent do not. The percentage has actually decreased from ten years ago. 6. Earlier years show the same results , and al- though 1970 figures are not available yet, they probably will show the same thing-most employees VOTE NO' You should too! Most employees (80%) do not belong to labor unions. RETAIN YOUR INDEPENDENCE AND VOTE WITH THE MAJORITY OF THE EMPLOYEES IN THE U.S. VOTE NO ON JUNE 25 *Annual Reports of the National Labor Relations Board to The President of the United States and Congress. An examination of the statistics of the National Labor Relations Board in the annual reports for the years 1968 and 1969 reveal that the statistics and data presented in the foregoing leaflet constituted a misrepresentation of such statistics. Thus, whereas the foregoing leaflet asserted that most employees vote "no" to unions , the statistics in the Board's annual reports referred to for the years 1968 and 1969 show a contrary result. For the year 1968, in all election results referred to, 294 ,005 employees voted in support of unions and 212,467 employees voted in opposition to unions . For the year 1969, in all election results referred to, 306,010 employees voted in support of unions and 220,409 employees voted in opposition to unions. The leaflet distributed by the Employer asserted that in all elections held in 1968 involving AFL-CIO unions, "only 143,374 employees voted "yes." But more than 153,000 employees voted "no ." The NLRB annual report statistics reveal that these asserted statistics were based on statistics involving one union elections .33 Thus , the annual reports reveal that in one union election involving AFL-CIO unions in 1968, 143 ,374 employees voted for AFL-CIO unions and 153,135 employees voted against the AFL-CIO unions. In all elections involving AFL-CIO unions in 1968, the annual report statistics reveal that more employees voted for AFL-CIO unions than voted against unions, that more employees voted for unions than voted against unions, and that AFL-CIO unions received less votes than the combination of votes against unions plus votes for other unions. The leaflet distributed by the Employer asserted that in all elections held in 1969 involving AFL-CIO unions, "only J•' The phrase " I union election" herein refers to elections wherein only one union participated in such election THE RUPP FORGE COMPANY 403 126,687 employees voted yes. But more than 141,000 employees voted no!" An examination of the NLRB Annual Report statistics reveals that these asserted statistics were based on statistics involving one union elections . Thus the annual reports reveal that in one union elections involving AFL-CIO unions in 1969, 126,687 employees voted for AFL-CIO unions and that 141,111 employees voted against the AFL-CIO unions. In all elections involving AFL-CIO unions in 1969, the annual report statistics reveal that more employees voted for AFL-CIO unions than voted against unions , that more employees voted for unions than voted against Unions, and that AFL-CIO unions received less votes than the combination of votes against unions plus votes for other unions. The Employer leaflet asserted that in 1969 that "of all the petitions filed by employees in plants across the U.S. seeking to remove the certification previously given to the AFL-CIO, only 128 were successful. Once they' re in, its pretty hard to get rid of them." The annual report statistics from which this data allegedly was taken reveal that there were 171 such petitions filed and that of such petitions employees by the election process were successful in 123 cases in getting rid of the union. The actual statistics would suggest the opposite from the conclusion presented by the Employer. In this respect the absence of complete detail is misleading. I would not find the erroneous figure of 128 as composed to 123 to be of real significance in the total context to the facts. The Employer also asserted data as to percentage of nationwide civilian workers belonging to the union. The Petitioner does not argue or contend that this data is a misrepresentation or misleading. As indicated, I find that the Respondent' s leaflet constitutes a misrepresentation of the facts. I am not persuaded, however, that it is the type of misrepresentation that would have a realistic impact that would affect the employees' free exercise of choice as to a collective- bargaining representative. Unlike the display or distribu- tion of replicas of purported official N.L.R.B. ballots, there is nothing by the representation to indicate that this is the way that the government desires employees to vote. I find it hard to believe that employees in the United States exposed to general knowledge about current events and news would make a decision based on whether they wanted a union or not upon such general statistical information. Rather, I am convinced that their decisions are based on those matters having a more direct impact upon them. It will be recommended therefore that objection 9 be overruled. 6. Objection 10 sets forth that "The Employer, by its agents, discharged William L. Robinson, Lee Gray, and Lou Huggins because of their support for the Petitioner on or about May 25 and May 26.197 L" The facts previously found reveal that Respondent discriminatorily discharged Lou Huggins on May 25, 1971, because of his union activities or beliefs. The facts are insufficient to reveal, however, that Respondent discrimi- natorily discharged William L. Robinson or Lee Gray. It will he recommended that objection 10 be sustained insofar as the alleged discriminatory discharge of Huggins is set forth. It is also recommended that objection 10 be overruled insofar as the alleged discriminatory discharges of Lee Gray or William L. Robinson is concerned. 7. Objection I I sets forth that "By these and other acts the Employer has interfered with the necessary atmosphere for a free and fair election." The facts presented in support of this objection are the facts relating to a promise of a beer party if Respondent won the NLRB election. As previously set forth, I find such promise of benefits, under the circumstances, not to be the promise of a significant benefit, and not to have real impact upon the employees' free exercise of their voting rights. Accordingly, it will be recommended that objection 11 be overruled. IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of the Respondent set forth in section III, above , occurring in connection with the Respondent's operation described in section I, above, have a close, intimate , and substantial relationship to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices , it will be recommended that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Having found that Respondent has discriminatorily terminated the employment of employees Huggins, Austin, and Hurst, it will be recommended that the normal remedy therefore be imposed. Thus, it will be recommended that Respondent offer reinstatement to their jobs to such employees , reinstate such employees to their jobs and make such employees whole for any loss in wages suffered by such discrimination in accord with F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289, and Isis Plumbing & Heating Company, 138 NLRB 716. Having found that Respondent has discriminatorily reduced the hours of employment of Austin, it will similarly be recommended that Respondent make Austin whole for wages lost as result of such discrimination. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Rupp Forge Company is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act and is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. United Steelworkers of America , AFL-CIO, is, and has been at all times material herein , a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act. 3. By interfering with , restraining , and coercing its employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 4. By discriminating in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of employees , thereby discouraging member- 404 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ship in or activities on behalf of a labor organization, Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. 5. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 6. The facts establish as alleged in objections 1, 2. 3, and 10, that the Employer has interfered with the holding of a free election on June 25, 1971. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: 34 ORDER Respondent , The Rupp Forge Company, its officers, agents, successors , and assigns , shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Discouraging membership in or activities on behalf of United Steelworkers of America , AFL-CIO , or any other labor organization of its employees by discharging or otherwise discriminating in regard to their hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment except to the extent that such rights may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment , as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act, as modified by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. (b) Interrogating its employees concerning their or other employees ' union affiliation , activities , or desires, in a manner constituting interference , restraint, or coercion within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. (c) Threatening its employees with reprisals in order to discourage their support of a union. (d) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of their right to self- organization , to form , join , or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection as guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, and to refrain from any and all such activities , except to the extent that such rights may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment , as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act, as modified by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. 2. Take the following affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer to Lou Huggins , Louis Austin , and Sam Hurst immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs or, if such jobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent positions , without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges , and make each whole for any loss of earnings he may have suffered by reason of the discrimina- '" In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board , the findings. conclusions , and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations , be adopted by the Board and become its findings , conclusions , and order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes 35 In the event that the Board 's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by tion against him in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy," with interest thereon at 6 percent per annum . Similarly , make Austin whole for loss of wages resulting from discriminatory reduction of hours of employment in May and June 1971. (b) Notify immediately the above-named individuals if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, of the rights to full reinstatement upon application after discharge from the Armed Forces, in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the University Military Training and Service Act. (c) Preserve and, upon request , make available to the Board or its agents , for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this recommended Order. (d) Post at its premises at Cleveland , Ohio, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."35 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 8, after being duly signed by the Respondent's representative, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter , in conspicuous places , includ- ing all places where notices to employees are customarily posted . Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered , defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 8, in writing, within 20 days from the date of the receipt of this Decision, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith.36 IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED as to those allegations of the complaint not found to be meritorious, that such allegations be dismissed. IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that Objections4 , 9, 11, and 10 (as to Gray and Robinson) be overruled. It is also recommended that Objections 1, 2, 3, and 10 (as regards Huggins) be sustained. IT IS ALSO RECOMMENDED that the NLRB representation election in Case 8-RC-8236, held on June 25, 1971, be set aside. IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that the Board direct that a second election by secret ballot be conducted among the employees in the appropriate unit , at such time as the Regional Director for Region 8 deems appropriate and under his direction and supervision and pursuant to the National Labor Relations Boards Rules and Regulations, Series 8, as amended. It is recommended that the eligibility of voters shall be in accord with the eligibility of voters' requirements set forth in J. P. Stevens & Co., Inc., 167 NLRB 266. IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that the Employer shall be required to file an election eligibility list with the Regional Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board " 36 In the event that this recommended Order is adopted by the Board after exceptions have been filed , this provision shall be modified to read "Notify the Regional Director for Region 8, in writing , within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith " THE RUPP FORGE COMPANY 405 Director in accord with and for the purposes set forth in Excelsior Underwear Inc., 156 NLRB 1236. APPENDIX NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT interrogate our employees concerning their or other employees ' union affiliation , activities, or desires , in a manner constituting interference , restraint, or coercion within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. WE WILL NOT threaten our employees with reprisals in order to discourage their support of a union. WE WILL NOT discharge or otherwise discriminate in regard to the hire and tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment of our employees because of their membership in and activities on behalf of the Union herein or of any other labor organization of their choice, except to the extent that such rights may be affected by an agreement requiring member- ship in a labor organization as a condition of employment , as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act, as modified by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain , or coerce our employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization , to form , join , or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through repre- sentatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection as guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, and to refrain from any and all such activities, except to the extent that such rights may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment , as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act, as modified by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. WE WILL offer to Lou Huggins, Louis Austin, and Sam Hurst their former jobs or, if such jobs no longer exist , substantially equivalent positions , without preju- dice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and we will pay each for any loss of pay he has suffered by reason of our discrimination against him together with interest thereon at 6 percent per annum . Similarly we will make Louis Austin whole for any loss of wages resulting from discriminatory reduction of his hours of employment in May and June 1971. All of our employees are free to become or remain, or to refrain from becoming or remaining , members of United Steelworkers of America , AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization , except to the extent that such rights may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment , as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act, as modified by the Labor- Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. Dated By THE Rupp FORGE COMPANY (Employer) (Representative) (Title) We will notify immediately the above-named individuals if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, of the rights to full reinstatement upon application after discharge from the Armed Forces , in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the University Military Training and Service Act. This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered , defaced, or covered by any other material. Any questions concern- ing this notice or compliance with its provisions may be directed to the Board 's Office , 1695 Federal Office Building , 1240 East Ninth Street , Cleveland , Ohio 44199, Telephone 216-552-3715. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation