The Horn & Hardart Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 2, 1968170 N.L.R.B. 988 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation 988 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The Horn & Hardart Company and Local 338, af- filiated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Hel- pers of America. Case 2-RC-14710 April 2, 1968 DECISION ON REVIEW AND ORDER On August 16, 1967, the Regional Director for Region 2 issued a Decision and Direction of Elec- tion in the above-entitled proceeding in which he found that the employees of the Employer 's restau- rant at the Cross County Shopping Center , referred to herein as the Cross County restaurant , in Yon- kers, New York, sought to be represented separate- ly by the Petitioner , constituted an appropriate vot- ing group , and he directed an election among such employees to determine whether they wished to be represented by the Petitioner as a separate unit or by the Intervenor , Restaurant and Cafeteria Em- ployees, Local 302, AFL-CIO, as part of its existing chainwide , metropolitan area restaurant employee unit. Thereafter , in accordance with Section 102.67 of the National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations , Series 8, as amended, the Employer and the Intervenor filed timely requests for review of the Regional Director 's Decision on the ground, inter alia, that he erred in finding that the requested single restaurant unit may be appropriate . The Peti- tioner filed opposition to the requests for review. On December 19, 1967, the National Labor Relations Board, by telegraphic order , granted the requests for review and stayed the election pending decision on review. Thereafter , the Employer and the Petitioner filed briefs on review. The Intervenor filed a letter stating it was relying on papers which it had previously submitted , as well as the elabora- tion of its position contained in the Employer's brief on review. The Board has considered the entire record with respect to the issues under review , including the briefs of the parties , and makes the following findings: In its restaurant division , the Employer operates 41 restaurants ' in the New York metropolitan area: 35 in the Manhattan , Brooklyn , and Queens Boroughs of New York City; 2 in northern New Jersey; 3 in Westchester County; and I in Nassau County. The Petitioner, in its petition filed June 20, 1967, requested a unit of employees at the Em- ployer's Cross County service restaurant. The Inter- venor and the Employer opposed the request, con- tending, inter alia, that a single restaurant unit was inappropriate. We find merit in this contention. The Employer and the Intervenor have had a bar- gaining relationship with respect to restaurant divi- sion employees dating from 1965. At that time, they agreed to a card check by the American Ar- bitration Association, and on the basis of such check the Employer recognized the Intervenor as the representative of a unit of all employees at the 35 restaurants in the New York City boroughs. The Employer had rejected the Intervenor's request for recognition in a unit of a:l 41 restaurants in the chain. On March 6, 1966, they executed a 3-year contract covering the agreed unit. Shortly thereafter, the Employer agreed to extend the con- tract coverage to employees at the two restaurants in northern New Jersey and an automat cafeteria located in Wanamaker's department store at the Cross County Shopping Center. On June 14, 1967, the Employer orally agreed to include in the con- tract unit the remaining unrepresented employees employed at the Cross County restaurant here sought, at another located in Westchester County, and at one in Nassau County, and on June 21, 1967, executed a supplemental agreement to that effect.' The Employer mentioned as reasons why it executed the supplement: (1) the problem of in- terchange and transfer of personnel from one restaurant to another; (2) the consistent and per- sistent demands made by the Intervenor for recog- nition; and (3) the establishment of uniform benefits for personnel throughout the restaurant. The record facts with respect to the several fac- tors which the Board considers in deciding whether a single outlet of a retail chain is an appropriate unit for purposes of collective bargaining are as fol- lows: Bargaining history: As above indicated, since March 6, 1966, all restaurants of the chain located within the city limits have been covered by the In- tervenor's contract with the Employer. Shortly thereafter, the two suburban restaurants in New Jersey and the automat in Wanamaker's at the Cross County Shopping Center were added to the contract unit; and on June 21, 1967, by supplemen- ' The Employer also operates restaurants in its industrial division Of the 41 iestauiant' in the ieuauiant division 9 pi ovide table service, 6 are counter stool' iestauiants and the iemauung 21 are "automat" Late- ten as ' The Employer extended recognition for the remaining unrepresented employees after verification from the checkoff authorizations at the end of May 1967 that the Intervenor 's membership was at least 2, 1 69 in the chain- wide unit of approximately 2,600 employees There were approximately 170 NLRB No. 110 300 unrepresented employees, 143 of whom were located at the Cross County restaurant Although the Petitioner stated at the hearing that, in the alternative, it would accept a unit of all the unrepresented employees at the three restaurants, we are advised administratively that its showing of in- terest therefor submitted prior to execution of the supplemental agreement was inadequate In the circumstances, we conclude that the alternative request is barred by the supplemental agreement THE HORN & HARDART COMPANY tal agreement, the remaining three suburban restau- rants were added. Thus, at present, the Intervenor claims to represent a chainwide unit.' Geographic proximity to other chain restaurants: As above mentioned, all the chain restaurants are in-the New York,City metropolitan area and the Cross County restaurant is close to an automat located in a Wanamaker's department store in the same shopping center. The next closest restaurant in the chain is 20 miles distant, and the average distance between any two chain restaurants is 5 to 7 miles. The two New Jersey restaurants are more than 20 miles from New York City. Integration of restaurant division operations: All policies for the restaurant division are formulated at a central office in New York City where all ac- counting, bookkeeping, and personnel records are kept. There is a central purchasing agency and a central commissary from which the Employer's trucks deliver most of the foods the restaurants serve. Bakery products and many of the vegetable dishes and soups are prepared at the commissary. Menus and prices are determined centrally. The restaurant managers have standing orders for food from the commissary and can modify them only by calling within a specified time. After this time they must contact the district superintendent to change the order. In emergencies, they may obtain food from the commissary or borrow from other restau- rant managers. Also a manager can order perisha- bles, such as milk and ice cream, directly from a centrally approved supplier. A single maintenance department and a special plumbing department handle all repairs in the restaurants. The Employer has a central medical office for its employees, although it utilizes the services of a doctor located at the Cross County Shopping Center for physical examinations for new hires and in emergencies. Degree of local autonomy: Administratively, a vice president and a general manager are in charge of restaurants in the division. Below them are two regional directors, who, with the assistance of dis- trict superintendents, supervise the restaurants. One of the regional directors is over four district superintendents (one for the a.m. shift, one for the p.m. shift, and two swing men) who give directions to the managers of the six suburban restaurants, Joe's in Brooklyn,' and Nell Gwyn's in the city, a specialty restaurant. The district superintendent on duty contacts each restaurant under him daily by telephone and at least twice a week by personal visit. The Cross County restaurant has a head S Other employees in the restaurant division, the drivers and food preparation employees, are separately represented by other labor organiza- tions The Employer also has a chain of retail stores in the New York City 989 manager, a night manager, and 'a swing or relief manager. The local managers all have the same duties. They receive directions from their district superin- tendent on a daily basis; in addition, they follow ex- plicit directions contained- in comprehensive policy manuals supplied by the Employer. The managers at the six suburban restaurants may interview and recommend the hire of employees and, in emergen- cies, may reassign employees within their restau- rants. They- do not have authority to hire, fire, or take disciplinary measures against employees, without prior approval of the personnel depart- ment. All grievances are handled by the personnel department. Store hours and employee comple- ments are determined centrally. Employee interchange: The Cross County restau- rant has been operating for about 10 years. It was initially staffed with 100 employees who transferred from the Employer's city restaurants. Of the 143 now there employed, an estimated 40 percent had transferred from other restaurants in the chain; 65 percent live in New York City. The Wanamaker au- tomat, which has a regular complement of only 10 employees, depends upon the Cross County restau- rant for extra employees when needed. Such tem- porary transfers average more than one employee per week throughout the year. On at least six occa- sions during the year, 10 or 20 Cross County em- ployees transfer to Wanamaker's automat; approxi- mately 1 automat employee per month works at the Cross County restaurant on a holiday or a Sunday when Wanamaker's is closed. In emergencies, an employee may work at the Cross County restaurant and automat on the same day. With respect to tem- porary transfers from other restaurants generally to the Cross County restaurant, although the amount fluctuates with the volume of business, the Em- ployer made a rough estimate that over the entire year the average was three to four employees each day. Further, about 12 to 15 times a year, three to four Cross County restaurant employees work at other chain restaurants. The Employer also in- terchanges its restaurant managers among the restaurants. All three managers at Cross County had previously worked at other chain restaurants. On the basis of the foregoing, especially the geo- graphic cohesion of restaurants in the Employer's chain within the New York City metropolitan area, the high degree of integration of the chain opera- tions, the lack of substantial autonomy in the restaurant managers with respect to labor relations area whose employees are separately represented on a chamwide basis ' The Employer, upon acquisition of Joe's restaurant, continued to operate it under the same name 990 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and other matters, the extent of interchange of em- ployees between the requested Cross County restaurant and other restaurants in the chain, and the Intervenor 's present desire to represent the requested employees as part of a chainwide unit, we find that a unit limited to the employees at the Employer's Cross County restaurant is inap- See Caribbean Restaurants , Inc , 162 NLRB 676 e In view of our finding that the requested single restaurant unit is map- propriate.s Accordingly, we shall dismiss the peti- tion.6 ORDER It is hereby ordered that the petition filed herein be, and it hereby is, dismissed. propriate , we find it unnecessary to consider other issues raised by the Em- ployer and the Intervenor Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation