The Herald NewsDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 25, 1985276 N.L.R.B. 605 (N.L.R.B. 1985) Copy Citation HERALD NEWS Passaic Daily News t/a The Herald News and Joseph Lasica . Case 22-CA-10260 25 September 1985 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN DOTSON AND MEMBERS DENNIS AND BABSON On 31 May 1983 the National Labor Relations Board issued a Decision and Order in this proceed- ing.) The Board found, inter alia, that the Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by canceling employee Mitchell Stoddard's weekly column because he engaged in union activity. The Respondent subsequently filed a petition for review with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, and the Board filed a cross-application for enforcement of its Order. On 15 June 1984 the court issued an opinion affirming the Board's factual findings, enforcing the Board's Order in part, and denying enforcement in part.2 The court, also remanded the case to the Board with instructions to revise a portion of the Order. The Board accepted the remand, and the Respondent and the General Counsel have submit- ted statements of position with respect to the issue raised by the remand. The Board accepts the court's opinion as the law of the case. We have considered our Decision and Order in light of the court's opinion and the par- ties' statements of position, and we have revised our Order in the manner set forth below. - The Board's factual findings, as affirmed by the court, may be summarized briefly. The Respondent is engaged in the business of publishing, selling, and distributing a daily newspaper. Employee Stoddard reports on news stories and serves as the Respond- ent's bureau chief in Morris County, New Jersey. Until 15 August 1980 he also wrote a controversial weekly column addressing issues affecting the local area. In July 1980 Stoddard became involved in an organizing campaign being conducted by the Inter- national Printing and Graphic Communications Union, Local 8, herein the Union. Stoddard permit-' ted the Union to use his name on its organizing ma- terials, `and the Respondent soon became aware of his involvement in the campaign. The employees selected the Union as their collective-bargaining representative in an election conducted on 14 and 15 August 1980, and within half an hour after the election the Respondent's executive director angri- ly ordered the cancellation of Stoddard's column. 266 NLRB 898 (1983) z Passaic Daily News Y. NLRB, 736 F 2d 1543 (D C Cir 1984) 605 The Respondent asserted that the cancellation was based on a new policy prohibiting street reporters from writing columns, but the record established that -other reporters continued to write columns after Stoddard's was canceled. The court affirmed the Board's findings that Stoddard was an employee within the meaning of the Act, that the elimination of his column-writing duties constituted a demotion, and that union animus was a motivating factor in the Respondent's decisio'n.3 The court rejected the Respondent's de- fense that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution precluded the Board from either challenging the decision to cancel Stoddard's column or from inquiring into the motives underly- ing the decision. The court relied on Associated Press v. NLRB, 301 U.S. 103 (1937), noting that the Supreme Court "permitted inquiry into, and re- quired the Associated Press to disclose, the motive for taking adverse action against an employee en- gaged in union activities."4 Because the Respond- ent's First Amendment argument constituted its entire defense, the court affirmed the Board's find- ing that Stoddard's demotion violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1).5 The Board had ordered the Respondent to cease and, desist from its conduct,6 and the court en- forced this portion of the Board's Order.7 Affirma- tively, the Board had ordered the Respondent to: Restore Mitchell Stoddard immediately to his former position as weekly columnist, and resume publication of Stoddard's weekly column, subject to the same lawful standards and requirements that ' the Respondent, as an employer, imposes or may impose on its em- ployees., The court concluded that the Board had violated the first amendment by ordering the Respondent to "resume publication of Stoddard's weekly column, subject to the same lawful standards and require- ments" imposed on other employees, and it de- clined to enforce that portion of the affirmative 9 Id at 1549-1555 4 Id at 1555 5 Id at 1556 8 The Board required the Respondent to I Cease and desist from (a) Discouraging membership and activity in the Union , or in any other labor organization , by canceling employee Stoddard 's weekly column because of his union membership and activity (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining or coercing its employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights 7 Id. at 1549 8 Affirmatively, the Board also ordered the Respondent to expunge from its files any reference to the cancellation of Stoddard's column, and to notify him in writing that this had been done and that its unlawful action would not be used as a basis for future personnel actions against him The court enforced this portion of the Order Ibid 276 NLRB No. 78 606 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD remedy.9 The court found 'that the "unfortunate consequences" of the affirmative remedy were to "compel the [Respondent] to publish what it pre- fers to withhold," and to inject the Board "into the editorial decision-making process on an ongoing basis." 10 The court stated that until Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 418 U.S. 241 (1974), the Supreme Court had consistently "implied" that "newspapers have absolute discretion to determine the contents of their, newspapers."11 In Tornillo, according to the court, the Supreme Court made its views "explicit" in striking down a state statute which granted political candidates a right to • equal space to reply to a newspaper's criticism.12 As` the court emphasized, the Supreme Court rejected the arguments made by advocates of an enforceable right of access and concluded: The choice of material to go into a newspaper, and the decisions made as to limitations on the size and content of the paper, and treatment of public issues' and' public officials-whether fair or unfair-constitute the exercise of editorial control and -judgment. It has yet' to be demon- strated how governmental regulation of this crucial process can"' be exercised consistent with' First Amendment guarantees of "a free press as they have evolved to this time (em- phasis supplied by the court).13 , • - The court stated 'that the Board may have been pursuing valid objectives in issuing the publication order, but stated that a remedy requiring govern- mental coercion "gives rise to a confrontation with the First Amendment."14 The court also stated that to enforce the Board's Order would require for the first time a recognition that "government regulation of the material to go into a newspaper" can be exercised consistent with First Amendment guarantees. 15 - ; , The court rejected the 'Board 's argument 'that the Order -was constitutional because it required publi- cation -"subject to the same lawful standards and requirements that Respondent, as -an 'employer, im- poses or may impose on • its employees:'-' 16 'In dis- cussing this clause and the publication order, the court stated: Had the lead-in language mandating the publi- cation of Stoddard's column been absent and 9 Ibid. 10 Id at 1557 II Ibid The court cited the Supreme Court's opinions in Columbia Broadcasting v Democratic Comm , 412 U S 94 (1973), Branzburg Y. Hayes, 408 U S 665 (1972), and Associated Press v. NLRB, supra 12 Ibid i 8 Id at 1558, quoting 418 U S at 258. 14 Ibid , citing 418 U.S at 254 Is Ibid. 1e Id at 1558-59 had this clause been narrowly crafted, we would ,have been more sympathetic to the ar- gument that the Board's order merely encom- passed a nondiscrimination directive. An order that merely directed the Company to not dis- criminate against Stoddard on the basis of his union activity would present a much 'closer case. But this clause is written so broadly that it invites the Board to review the Company's publication standards and to become directly involved with the Company's, exercise of edi- torial control and judgment. Moreover, when the clause is read in conjunction with the lead- in language, it is clear-that the order involves "an express [and] implied command that the press publish what it prefers to withhold." Branzburg' [v. Hayes, 408 U.S. 665, 681 (1972).] Thus we find that the clause does not save the otherwise constitutionally defective remedy. Instead, we find that the remedy mandating re- sumption of Stoddard' s column must yield to the 'Company's First Amendment interest in retaining control over prospective editorial de-, cisions.' 7 . The court remanded the proceeding with in- structions that the Board "invoke any specific, al- ternate remedies" consistent with its opinion "to ensure that Stoddard is not retaliated against 'for his union activities."18 We have given careful consideration to the court's, opinion and the parties' statements of posi- tion, and we have decided to modify the affirma- tive portion of our Order to read as follows: - Restore Mitchell Stoddard' immediately to the column-writing duties he enjoyed prior to his demotion, and decide whether to publish his submissions based upon any factors other than his union or protected activity; provided that nothing in this Order shall be interpreted as a requirement that the Respondent publish any of the columns submitted by Stoddard. The revised first clause retains, with some modi- fications to the language,' 9 the requirement that the Respondent restore Stoddard to his duties as a. column-writer. In our view the court did not - " Id. at 1559 18 Ibid 19 The previous Order required the Respondent to restore Stoddard "to his former position as a weekly columnist," but the Respondent con- tends that the "position" of "weekly columnist" never existed at the newspaper. We note that in affirming the Board's findings , the court stated that "the elimination of Stoddard 's column -writing duties may properly be viewed as a demotion " Id at 1554 We have therefore made revisions to conform to the court's language, and the revised Order refers to Stoddard 's "column-writing duties" rather than to: his "position" of "weekly columnist " HERALD NEWS object to this portion of the Order. In stating its holding, the court omitted reference to this clause and declined to enforce only that portion of the Order which required the Respondent to "'resume publication' of Stoddard's weekly. column, subject to the same lawful standards "and requirements" im- posed on other .'employees. 20 We also emphasize the court's conclusion that it would have been "more sympathetic" to the Board's arguments if the lead-in language "mandating the publication" of the column had been absent, and if the clause following the lead-in language had been "narrowly crafted. 11 21 In its conclusion the court did not refer to the requirement that Stoddard be restored to his column-writing duties, thereby indicating that it objected to only the final two clauses.22 The revised first clause does not compel publica- tion or inject the Board into the editorial decision- making process, which were the two central-con- cerns raised by the court. In essence , the revised first clause requires only that the Respondent permit Stoddard to submit his columns so that it may then decide whether to publish them. Such a requirement does not compel the Respondent to publish what it prefers to withhold, and does not invite the Board "to review 'the [Respondent's] publication standards and to become directly in- volved with the [Respondent's] exercise of editorial control and judgment."23 The Respondent remains free to apply its publication standards to decide whether or not to publish Stoddard's submis- sions. 24 20 Id at 1549 21 Id at 1559 22 As noted above, the court stated that the Order sought "to compel the [Respondent] to publish-what it prefers to withhold," and injected the Board "into the editorial decision -making process on an ongoing basis " Id at 1557 When it first mentioned these two "unfortunate conse- quences" the court reprinted the entire text of the affirmative order, in- cluding the first clause requiring that Stoddard be restored to his column- writing duties Ibid We do not agree with the Respondent 's contention that the court thereby disapproved the first clause as well The court's subsequent analysis focused entirely on the publication order and the clause which followed As we read the opinion, the court instructed the Board to eliminate the publication order and "narrowly craft" the final clause We especially note that in stating which portion of the Order it was declining to enforce , the court omitted reference to the first clause requiring that Stoddard be restored to his duties Id at 1549 23 Id at 1559 24 We note that in Associated Press v NLRB, supra, the Supreme Court' approved the Board 's order reinstating a news editor who had been un- lawfully discharged The Court stated that the "publisher of a newspaper has no special immunity from the application of general laws," and "no special privilege to invade the rights and liberties of others " 301 U S at 312-333 The Court also stated that the reinstatement order did not cir- cumscribe "the full freedom and liberty of the [newspaper ] to publish the news as it desires it published or to enforce policies of its own choosing with respect to the editing and rewriting of news for publication " 301 U S at 133 The reinstatement order in 'Associated Press- did not compel the publication of the news editor ' s work product or preclude the news- paper from enforcing its editorial policies , and the mere requirement that Stoddard be restored to his "column -writing duties" would appear to have no different impact in this case 607 The revised second clause directs the Respond- ent to "decide whether to publish [Stoddard's] sub- missions based upon any factors other than his union or protected activity." As-noted above, the court stated that it would have been "more sympa- thetic" to the Board's arguments if "the lead-in lan- guage mandating the publication of Stoddard's column" had been absent.25 In view of the court's clear admonition, the revised second clause omits the requirement that the Respondent "resume pub- lication" of the columns, and specifically recog- nizes the Respondent's right to decide whether to publish it. The court also stated that it' would have been "more sympathetic" if the Board had "narrowly crafted" the clause immediately following the "lead-in language ," which required that Stoddard's columns be published "subject to the same lawful standards and requirements that Respondent, as an employer, imposes or may impose, on its employ- ees."26 The revised second clause narrows the order by omitting the requirement that the Re- spondent apply to Stoddard' s columns the "same" standards and requirements imposed on other em- ployees, and by substituting a provision which di- rects the Respondent to base its publication deci- sions on "any" factors other than Stoddard's union or protected activity.27 The provision requires only ,that Stoddard's union or protected activity be eliminated from .the decision-making process, and we consider it to be in compliance with the court's instructions that the order be "narrowly crafted" so that the Respondent is "merely -directed . . . to not discriminate against Stoddard, on the basis of his union activity."28 The revised second clause does not invite the Board to review publication standards or become directly involved with editori- al control and judgment in the manner feared by the court. 29 Determining whether the Respondent has complied with the Order will merely involve an inquiry into the Respondent's motive, an inquiry which the -court and the Supreme Court have al- ready recognized as constitutionally permissible. 25 Id at 1559 20 Ibid 27 This revision comports with the Supreme Court's statement in Asso- ciated Press , supra at 132, that the Act permits an adverse action against an employee "for any reason other than union activity or agitation for collective -bargaining with employees " 28 Id at 1559 The court indicated that such an order "would present a much closer case " Ibid 29 We note that in Miami Herald Publishing Co Y Tornillo, supra, upon which the court relied , the Supreme Court stated that it is unconstitution- al to compel an editor or a publisher to publish that which "reason" tells them should not be published 418 U S at 256 Here we are not compel- ling the Respondent to publish any of Stoddard 's columns, and we do not seek to interfere with the Respondent 's exercise of "reason " by directing it to base its publication decisions on factors other than Stoddard 's union or protected activity 608 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Finally, we have also included a proviso stating that "nothing in the order shall be interpreted as a requirement that the Respondent publish any of.the columns submitted by Stoddard." We have done so merely to emphasize that our remedy for the viola- tion in this case does not include a publication order. 30 ORDER The National Labor Relations Board hereby modifies its Order in this proceeding (266 NLRB 898 (1983)) and orders that the Respondent, Passaic Daily News t/a The Herald News, Passaic, New Jersey, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Order as modi- fied. 1. Substitute the following for paragraph 2(a). "(a) Restore Mitchell Stoddard immediately to the column-writing duties he enjoyed prior to his demotion, and decide whether to publish his sub- missions based on any factors other than his union or protected activity; provided that nothing in this Order shall be interpreted as a requirement that the Respondent publish any of the columns submitted by Stoddard." 2. Substitute the attached notice for that previ- ously'issued by the Board. 30 The Respondent. will violate our Order only by basing its publica- tion decisions on Stoddard's union or protected activity In this connec- tion we note that our Order does not necessarily require the Respondent to permit Stoddard to submit his columns indefinitely So long as its deco- 'lion is not based on Stoddard's union or, protected activity, the Respond- ent may decide to reject any of his individual columns, or decide perma- nently to cancel his column . APPENDIX NOTICE To' EMPLOYEES - POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States- Government Section .7 of the Act gives employees these rights. To organize _ To form, join, or assist any union To bargain collectively through representa- tives of their own choice To act together for other mutual aid or pro- tection To choose not to engage in any of these protected concerted activities. WE "WILL NOT discourage membership and activ- ity in International Printing and Graphic Commu- nications Union, Local 8, or any other labor orga- nization , by canceling employee Stoddard's weekly column because of his union membership and activ- ity. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain , or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Sec- tion 7 of the Act. - WE WILL restore Mitchell- Stoddard immediately -to the column-writing duties" he enjoyed prior to his demotion, and WE WILL decide whether to pub- lish his submissions based on any factors other than his union or protected activity; however, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has not ordered us to publish any of the columns submitted by Stoddard. WE WILL expunge from our files any reference to the cancellation of Mitchell Stoddard' s column on 15 August 1980 and - WE WILL notify him that this has been done, and that evidence of this un- lawful action will not be used as a basis for future personnel actions against him. PASSAIC DAILY NEWS T/A THE HERALD NEWS The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has ordered us to post and abide by this notice. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation