The Davison Chemical Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 30, 1953105 N.L.R.B. 925 (N.L.R.B. 1953) Copy Citation THE DAVISON CHEMICAL CORPORATION 925 represented separately , if they so choose in the elections hereinafter directed.' Accordingly, we find the following units of employees of the Employer at its French Road plant, Utica, New York, are appropriate for purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act: (1) All production and maintenance employees, including the truckdrivers and chauffeur, the plant clericals classified as clerk typists, the expediters, the plant model shop workers, the working leaders, ' but excluding the laboratory assistants, the draftsmen , the clerks in the superintendents ' offices,,' office clerical employees , guards, professional employees, foremen, and supervisors as defined in the Act. (2) All drafting detailers , drafting designers , drafting tracers, drafting calculators, but excluding the tool designers, all other employees, and supervisors as defined in the Act. [Text of Direction of Elections omitted from publication.] 6 See Bethlehem Steel Company, 95 NLRB 1508. 7By stipulation. 8 By stipulation. THE DAVISON CHEMICAL CORPORATION, LAKE CHARLES DIVISION' and LODGE 1317 OF DISTRICT 31, INTERNA- TIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MACHINISTS, AFL, Petitioner THE DAVISON CHEMICAL CORPORATION, LAKE CHARLES DIVISION and LAKE CHARLES METAL TRADES COUNCIL, AFL, Petitioner. Cases Nos. 15-RC-936 and 15-RC-937. June 30, 1953 DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS Upon petitions duly filed under Section 9 (c) of the National Labor Relations Acts a hearing was held before Clarence L. Stephens , hearing officer . The hearing officer ' s rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 (b) of the Act, the Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three - member panel [ Members Houston , Murdock, and Peterson]. Upon the entire record in this case , the Board finds: 1 The names of the Employer and the Petitioner in Case No. 15-RC-936 appear as amended at the hearing. 2 The petitions herein were consolidated by order of the Regional Director on May 4, 1953 105 NLRB No 94. 926 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act.' 2. The labor organizations involved claim to represent certain employees of the Employer.' 3. Questions affecting commerce exist concerning the rep- resentation of employees of the Employer within the meaning of Section 9 (c) (1) and Section 2 (6) and ( 7) of the Act. 4. The Employer ' s Lake Charles , Louisiana, plant, the only one here involved , is a new plant which started operating in or about the month of April 1953. The Employer is engaged at this plant ` in the production and sale of petroleum cracking catalysts and sodium silicate . The entire plant is administered by a division manager assisted by 2 superintendents in charge of production and 2 superintendents in charge of maintenance. There is no prior history of collective bargaining. The Lake Charles Metal Trades Council, AFL , hereinafter called the Trades Council , and the United Gas, Coke and Chemical Workers of America , CIO, hereinafter called the CIO, 'seek a unit of production and maintenance employees. Lodge 1317 of District 31, International Association of Ma- chinists , AFL, hereinafter called the IAM, seeks a unit of all maintenance employees . The Trades Council and the CIO contend that a unit of maintenance employees is inappropriate and that only a plantwide unit is appropriate . The Employer takes no position with respect to these overall unit conten- tions. We find, in accord with the customary policy of the Board, that the plantwide production and maintenance unit proposed by thel.Trades Council and the CIO may be appropriate. On the other hand, the maintenance unit which the IAM seeks may also be appropriate . The proposed grouping includes a lead maintenance man, electricians , instrument mechanics, carpenters , oilers , painters - insulators , and general main- tenance men , all of whom work in an area geographically separated from the remaining workers . The employees have common supervision, devote a portion of their time to work of a particular craft, do not interchange with employees in any other department , and have their own seniority system apart from that of the production employees . In such circum- stances , and in the absence of a history of collective bargain- ing on a broader scale, we have heretofore found that similar groups of maintenance employees may appropriately be rep- resented apart from production employees , if they so desire.5 3 The transcript herein, in reporting at page 12 the Employer 's admission that it is engaged in commerce, attributes to the Employer the statement that "approximately one third of that amount [ $9,000,000 of Employer -produced goods] will be shipped [ annually] to points outside the State of Texas." Inasmuch as the plant here involved is located in Louisiana , this is obviously a typographical error, and the transcript is hereby corrected to read "the State of Louisiana " in lieu of "the State of Texas " 4Lake Charles Metal Trades Council, AFL, the Petitioner in Case No. 15-RC-937, appears as an intervenor in Case No 15-RC-936 . United Gas , Coke and Chemical Workers of America. CIO, has intervened in both Cases Nos. 15-RC-936 and 15-RC-937. 5Monsanto Chemical Company, Muscle Shoals Chlorine Caustic Plant . 102 NLRB 273; Armstrong Cork Company, 80 NLRB 1328. THE DAVISON CHEMICAL CORPORATION 927 We shall accordingly grant such employees a self-determination election. There remains for determination the unit placement of 3 stock clerks and 5 laboratory technicians . The Trades Council and the CIO would include these employees in the production and maintenance unit. The Employer would exclude them from any unit or units herein found appropriate. The IAM does not desire to represent them. The stock clerks : These employees work in the plant storeroom which is located in the same building as the maintenance shop. Their duties are to receive , store, and issue tools and equipment , maintain perpetual inventory cards, assist in coding of IBM stock record cards , do typewriting in the keeping of records , and prepare requisition slips for supplies and materials withdrawn from the storeroom. They are salaried employees receiving employee benefits (vaca- tions and group insurance ) different from those of the hourly paid production and maintenance employees , and they do little physical labor . However , notwithstanding certain workcharac- teristics which are distinguishable from those of the production employees , we believe that the stock clerks are engaged primarily in , work related to the Employer's production operations. We find therefore that these employees are factory clericals and, in accordance with our usual policy , we shall include them in the production and maintenance voting group.' The laboratory technicians : These employees perform their duties exclusively within the plant laboratory located in the administration building , are supervised by a chief chemist, and have little , if any , work contact with the production and maintenance employees . They perform chemical tests on materials entering the plant and on materials that have been processed. Two of the five technicians have college degrees in chemistry and the other three are high school graduates with previous experience in chemical work. They are salaried employees enjoying benefits ( vacations and group insurance) different from those of the hourly paid production and main- tenance employees . They are covered by separate seniority and promotion systems, and , largely because of their special training , are not interchanged with the hourly paid employees. We find that these employees are technical employees who may not be included in a unit of production and maintenance workers in view of the Employer ' s objection to their inclu- sion. ' We shall therefore exclude the laboratory technicians from the production and maintenance unit sought. Upon the above findings , we shall direct that separate elections be conducted for the following groups of employees at the Employer ' s Lake Charles, Louisiana , plant. (1) All maintenance employees , excluding all other em- ployees in the operations and yard departments, the stock clerks , the laboratory technicians , office clerical employees, 611emtz Manufacturing Company, 100 NLRB 1521. 7 Bell Aircraft Corporation , 98 NLRB 1277 928 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD professional employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. (2) All production and/or operating employees, including the employees in the yard department and stock clerks, but excluding maintenance employees, office clerical employees, professional and technical employees, the laboratory tech- nicians, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. If a majority of the employees in each of the voting groups both select either the Trades Council or the CIO, they will be taken to have indicated their desire to constitute a single appropriate unit. If a majority of the employees in voting group (1) select a labor organization which is not selected by the employees in voting group (2), the employees in voting group (1) will be taken to have indicated their desire to constitute a separate unit and the union so selected may be certified for such unit. If a majority of the employees in voting group (2) alone vote for either the Trades Council or the CIO, the union selected may be certified for such unit. The Regional Director is instructed to,issue a certification of representatives consistent herewith to the bargaining agent or, agents selected for such unit or units, which the Board, under the circumstances, finds to be appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act. [Text of Direction of Elections omitted from publication.] NORMAN S. CORPORATION, d/b/a SANDY'S and RETAIL CLERKS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION, LOCAL UNION NO. 1691, AFL, Petitioner.` Case No. 15-RC-913. June 30, 1953 DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION Upon a petition duly filed under Section 9 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, a hearing was heldbefore John H. Immel, Jr., hearing officer. The hearing officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed.' The Employer's motion to dismiss the petition on jurisdictional grounds is denied for reasons which appear below. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 (b) of the Act, the Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three-member panel [Members Murdock, Styles, and Peterson]. Upon the entire record in this case, the Board finds: 1. Norman S. Corporation, a Louisiana corporation, herein called the Corporation, operates 2 retail shoe stores, known 1 The petition and other formal papers were amended at the I earing to reflect the Em- ployer's correct name. 105 NLRB No. 113. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation