Teleprompter Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 6, 1977227 N.L.R.B. 705 (N.L.R.B. 1977) Copy Citation TELEPROMPTER CORPORATION 705 Teleprompter Corporation; and Its Subsidiaries, Te- leprompter of La Crosse, Inc.; Teleprompter of Great Falls, Inc.; and Teleprompter of Worcester, Inc. and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO; Local 135, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO; Local 122, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO; and Local 42, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO. Cases 30-CA-3175; 30-CA-3184; 30-CA-3530 (formerly 19-CA-7875); and 30-CA-3531 (form- erly 1-CA-10763) January 6, 1977 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, PENELLO, AND WALTHER On June 30, 1976, Administrative Law Judge James L. Rose issued the attached Decision in this proceed- ing. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed exceptions and a supporting brief; Charging Parties filed cross- exceptions and supporting briefs; and Respondent filed a brief in answer to the General Counsel's brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge only to the extent consistent herewith. Respondent is divided into three divisions: Filma- tion, which produces cartoons and other television specials for children; Muzak, which "pipes in" music to office buildings and runs internal communication systems within office structures; and the cable division, which operates cable systems either directly or through wholly owned subsidiary corporations.' The cable division is a combination of those subsidiary corporations through which Respondent operates most of its cable systems as well as a combination of those systems directly owned by the parent company. Respondent recognizes various locals of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO (hereinafter referred to as the International), at approximately 35 of the 139 cable television systems it operates in 33 states.2 In early January 1975, Respondent sent a letter addressed to all of the employees of Respondent which announced an immediate moratorium on wage increases, except those covered under the existing collective-bargaining agreements. Respondent explained that the moratori- um was due "in part, to extremely high interest rates and, in part, to a general economic down-turn." The International requested financial data which was submitted to it although not- in the detail requested. After Respondent, in negotiations with the three local Unions involved herein, asserted that it could not agree to wage -increases due to the freeze, the respective locals requested that Respondent furnish data concerning the profitability of the respective facility for which each was negotiating. Respondent refused, stating that it was not the profitability of the facility which caused the moratorium but the profit- ability of the corporation as a whole. Accordingly, information concerning the profitability of the overall corporation was furnished to the local Unions in the same form that it was furnished to the International. The Administrative Law Judge found that Respon- dent did not violate Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act by failing and refusing to provide information regard- ing the profitability of the three subsidiary systems involved because he found that Respondent had bargained in good faith by furnishing sufficient information concerning its overall financial condition to substantiate its assertion that it was unable to grant wage increases due to its overall financial condition. General Counsel excepts, contending that Respon- dent violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act by failing to supply profitability information concerning the sepa- rate facilities in support of its "plea of poverty." General Counsel contends that the individual profit- ability data was necessary in order that the local Unions could intelligently conduct negotiations with Respondent and specifically so they could counter the argument that no wage increases could be given due to Respondent's nationwide financial inability. We find merit in this contention. The issue is limited: Is Respondent obligated to furnish specific information concerning profitability of an individual facility or system, although its "plea of poverty" was allegedly based on its overall financial condition, where it, bargains not on a nationwide basis, but on a single system basis? Under these circumstances, we find that it is. The Supreme Court in N.LR.B. v. Truitt Manufacturing Co., 351 U.S. 149 (1956), held that a finding of a failure to bargain in good faith could be concluded where the employer claimed inability to pay but did not make an effort to substantiate the claim. The Court stated "[g]ood-faith bargaining necessarily requires that claims made by either bargainer should be honest claims. This is true about an-asserted inability to pay an increase in wages. If such an argument is impor- tant enough to present in the give and take of 1 Both Filmation and Muzak are wholly owned subsidiary corporations 2 The instant dispute concerns only the systems at La Crosse, Wisconsin, which function as internal divisions of the parent company. Great Falls, Montana, and Worcester, Massachusetts. 227 NLRB No. 101 706 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD bargaining, it is important enough to require some sort of proof of its accuracy." Respondent contends that it did not plead an inability to pay based on the financial situation of the operative local facility but based its inability to grant any wage increase on its overall financial status. Since it submitted relevant and material information re- garding its nationwide status, Respondent asserts that it has, adequately proved the accuracy of its allega- tions regarding its overall finances. However, under the above circumstances, we' find that Respondent unduly limited the information it was willing to divulge and construed Truitt too strictly. The Board, in Stanley Building Specialities Co., 166 NLRB 984 (1967), interpreted Truitt "as announcing principles that are generally applicable to a wide variety of bargaining situations in which good-faith obligations under the Act require that a party to bargaining negotiations be willing to substantiate on request a position it has taken during the course of the negotiations." Accordingly, Truitt has been followed not for its very narrow holding, but for its finding regarding good-faith bargaining surrounding an asserted inabil- ity to pay a wage increase. It is essential that an employer who has made such a claim present adequate information enabling "the union to intelli- gently determine whether the [Employer] was making its best offer." 3 As stated in Metlox Manufacturing Company, 153 NLRB 1388, 1394 (1965), "[T]he prime consideration is not the bare refusal to furnish data, but whether under the circumstances in a case, the employer by his conduct is doing violence to the principles of good-faith bargaining." By limiting its offer of proof concerning inability to pay, Respondent was withholding information essen- tial to the Locals. We do not believe that the goal of bargaining in good faith is served by such a limited offer and we do not believe that an employer claiming inability to pay may arbitrarily limit its obligation to provide financial data to substantiate its claim by limiting the claim itself. Likewise we do not believe that an employer which has generally opted for single location or system bargaining as opposed to area or nationwide bargaining should then be allowed to make a nationwide "plea of poverty" without provid- ing data as to the single or local systems. Regardless of what factors the Employer takes into consideration in determining the wage structure at a particular facility, clearly it is essential for each local to have profitability statements regarding the local system whose employees it represents so it may knowledge- ably consider Respondent's position. In The Celotex Corporation, 146 NLRB 48, 54 (1964), the Board found that, although the negotia- tors for the union were aware of the employer's declining position, "this awareness was not such that those negotiators could bargain intelligently upon the extent to which they should agree to decreases in the incomes of employees" but "they were entitled to profit or loss figures in order to intelligently evaluate the [r]espondent's demands and to determine the extent to which they should urge the employees to make concessions." Similarly, herein, the negotiators for the Locals were aware that overall Respondent was experiencing financial difficulties as reflected by its overall profit and loss statement. However, with- out the information they sought, they were unable to determine to what extent an individual facility contributed to the difficulties. Although the Respondent provided some informa- tion, as in Truitt, the information was lacking because it inadequately revealed why the Company was unable to pay the requested wages. In B. L. Montague Company, 116 NLRB 554, 557 (1956), we character- ized the difficulties experienced by a union negotiator where the employer had inadequately substantiated its statements, wherein, we said: The Union in turn could not determine whether the Respondent's claims were honest claims. It could not intelligently decide whether to continue to press for a wage increase or to make an alternative request. It was forced to negotiate in the dark without regard to the economic realities. It was not even able to make an informed report to its own members as to the merits of their demands. It was thus handicapped in carrying out its responsibility to inform and advise the employ- ees whom it represents. The above cases demonstrate not only why it is unlawful for an employer to refuse to substantiate its claim of inability to pay by submitting information that can be intelligently evaluated by a union but also demonstrate that a union which does not have meaningful information is also handicapped in ex- plaining to its members why they should agree to a wage freeze. For example, a union member employed at Respondent's facility at La Crosse may question why its bargaining representative would acquiesce to a wage freeze where it seems to him that the local system is quite successful.4 Accordingly, the Union is frustrated in that it not only lacks the relevant information to determine for itself whether it is feasible to expect an increase in wages, but also lacks this information to explain to its members why it has 3 Tony's Meats, Inc, 211 NLRB 625 (1974). regarding profitability at the La Crosse facility, but find no reason to assume, 4 We agree with the Administrative Law Judge that there was no evidence as he did, that any of the systems were, in fact, showing a profit. TELEPROMPTER CORPORATION taken action in accordance with its unsubstantiated beliefs .5 Based on the above, it is clear that the information provided-by Respondent was not adequate to apprise the local Unions of the relevant facts. Assuming that the figures submitted by Respondent are accurate, nevertheless, they may not present a realistic repre- sentation of the situation as it regards a local facility. In Metlox Manufacturing Co., supra at 1395, the Board stated that "[G]ood-faith bargaining, in requir- ing an employer to substantiate his inability-to-pay plea, requires the employer to show that the figures of profit and loss are not only accurate but that they do or do not constitute fair representations of the company's financial condition." In the immediate situation, we find that it is incumbent upon Respon- dent to provide information regarding the profitabili- ty of the local facilities. Only with this information could the Union intelligently evaluate Respondent's assertions regarding its inability to pay. Under these circumstances, we find that Respon- dent violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act by refusing to furnish the Union with financial records regarding the local facilities for examination in order to substantiate its claim that it was financially unable to grant wage increases. AMENDED CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Delete Conclusions of Law 4 and 5 and substitute the following: "4. By refusing to furnish the local Unions with financial information in order to substantiate its claim that it was financially unable to grant a wage increase, Respondent refused to bargain collectively with the Union in violation of Section 8(a)(I) and (5) of the Act. "5. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act." REMEDY As we have found that Respondent's failure to furnish certain information to the local Unions constituted an unlawful refusal to bargain, we shall order- Respondent to cease and desist from further refusal and order it to take certain affirmative action which is necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Teleprompter Corporation and Its Subsidiaries, Te- 707 leprompter of LaCrosse, Inc., Teleprompter of Great Falls, Inc., and Teleprompter of Worcester, Inc., its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to bargain collectively with Local 135, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO; Local 122, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, and Local 42, Inter- national Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL- CIO, as the exclusive bargaining representatives of all employees in the appropriate units in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act, by refusing to furnish the local Unions with financial information in order to substantiate Respondent's claim that it was financially unable to grant wage increases. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Upon request, supply the local Unions with all books and records containing financial information which would tend to substantiate Respondent's claim that it was financially unable to grant wage increases. (b) Post in conspicuous places at its headquarters in New York, New York, and at its facilities in La Crosse, Wisconsin, Great Falls, Montana, and Worcester, Massachusetts, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 6 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 30, after being duly signed by an authorized representative of Respondent, shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicu- ous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (c) Notify the Regional Director for Region 30, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. 5 Moreover, since Respondent was not willing to provide profitability information on less than an overall basis, the local Unions have no way of knowing whether the employees of the local cable systems are being asked to forego additional benefits due to possible losses incurred by the Filmation and Muzak divisions, as opposed to any system in the cable division. 6 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." 708 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT refuse to bargain collectively with the local Unions as the exclusive bargaining representatives of our employees. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL, upon request, furnish the local Unions with all books and records containing financial information which would tend to sub- stantiate our claim that we were financially unable to grant wage increases. TELEPROMPTER CORPORATION; AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES, ET AL. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE JAMES L. ROSE, Administrative Law Judge: This matter was heard at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 3 through 6, 1976, upon the General Counsel's consolidated complaint which alleges, in general terms, that Teleprompter and its named subsidiaries refused to bargain in good faith with the Charging Parties by refusing to furnish them with informa- tion requested concerning the profitability of the three subsidiaries. It is alleged that the Respondent thereby violated Section 8(a)(5) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 151, et seq. Upon the record as a whole, including my observation of the witnesses, arguments, and briefs of counsel, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. BUSINESS OF RESPONDENT Teleprompter Corporation, among other things, is en- gaged in the business of providing cable television service at various locations throughout the United States, having its headquarters in New York City. Teleprompter Corporation operates 139 cable television systems in 33 States including Teleprompter of LaCrosse, Inc.; Teleprompter of Great Falls, Inc.; and Teleprompter of Worcester, Inc. At each of the subsidiary locations involved in this matter, Teleprompter Corporation derived in excess of $100,000 in gross revenues during the 12 months preceding issuance of the complaint. At all times material herein, Teleprompter Corporation and its three named subsidiaries have been employers engaged in commerce and in an industry affecting com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED The Respondents stipulated that Local 135, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers , AFL-CIO; Local 122, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL- CIO; and Local 42, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers , AFL-CIO, are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. Based upon the testimony of Arthur Korff, I also find that International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO (herein IBEW), is an organization in which employees participate and which exists in part for the purpose of dealing with employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, and conditions of work . Accordingly, IBEW is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act, notwithstanding that it is not the certified bargaining agent for any of the employees at the facilities involved in this matter. In. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Factual Background A number of Teleprompter's subsidiary systems are represented by labor organizations, approximately 35 of which are represented by various locals of IBEW. Other units of employees are represented by other labor organiza- tions and the employees of some subsidiaries are not represented at all. This matter, however, is confined to the systems at LaCrosse, Great Falls, and Worcester. 'While the operative facts with regard to the three cases are substantially identical, the collective-bargaining rela- tionship between the employees of three facilities and their respective employer is somewhat different and should be noted. On December 17, 1971, Local 122 was certified as the collective-bargaining representative for the Respondents' employees at its Great Falls facility in an appropriate bargaining unit. Thereafter, a collective-bargaining agree- ment was executed and was effective through December 31, 1975. Following the expiration of that agreement there were several negotiation sessions for a successor contract. An agreement has now been reached retroactive to January 1, 1976, and to be effective through December 31, 1978. On February 26, 1975, Local 135 was certified as the collective-bargaining representative of the Respondents' employees at the LaCrosse facility. Thereafter, negotiations commenced for an initial contract which has now been agreed to, effective retroactively to January 1, 1976, through December 31, 1978. Similarily, on March 31, 1975, Local 42 was certified as the collective-bargaining representative for the Respon- dents' employees at the Worcester facility. There were negotiation sessions during 1975, but no agreement was reached until the spring of 1976. Again the contract now agreed to is effective January 1, 1976, through December 31, 1978. TELEPROMPTER CORPORATION 709 The' Respondents' principal negotiator was Paul Gillert, the director of industrial relations for Teleprompter. The respective unions were represented by their local business agents and/or officers and a committee of employees. During negotiations with each local, Gillert reiterated that the Respondent had effected a companywide wage freeze involving not only rank-and-file employees but also man- agement, and because of this the Company would not be able to grant wage increases. A letter to this effect signed by the president of Teleprompter had been sent to all employ- ees on or about January 13, 1975. The stated basis of Teleprompter's refusal to grant wage increases was fundamentally an inability to pay. The Company had determined in early January 1975 to promul- gate a companywide wage freeze which would be applicable to all employees , except those covered under existing collective-bargaining agreements which called for wage increases. The reason given for this was that Teleprompter had been losing money for approximately 2 years, as is reflected in the quarterly reports. The Company also wanted a more favorable cash flow position, and this required getting a $20 million bank loan, which could be accomplished only by demonstrating that there would be no wage increases until its financial situation improved. It should be noted that the Company's financial situation did change sufficiently by October 1975 and that effective January 1, 1976, wage increases were agreed to, which opened the way for settlement of the contracts. When the Respondent made the determination to freeze wages it notified IBEW as well as all employees. Thereafter, IBEW requested financial data which was furnished, although not in the form or detail asked for. In any event data was submitted to IBEW on the matter of why Teleprompter felt compelled to implement the wage freeze. Paralleling this, in negotiations with the three locals, the Company said that it would be unable to agree to wage increases due to the companywide wage freeze. The respective locals requested that the Company furnish data concerning the profitability of the facility for which they were negotiating - LaCrosse , Great Falls, and Worcester. The Company declined to furnish this information stating that it was not the profitability of the facility which caused the moratorium. Rather it was the profitability of the corporation as a whole . Information concerning the profitability of Teleprompter was furnished to the locals in like form as to IBEW. Gillert testified that he did not know whether any of the three facilities were making money or not, and the profitability of the individual system was never a consider- ation in setting wages. There is evidence that the LaCrosse facility was in fact making a profit , in that in April 1974 it had been authorized a subscriber rate increase from $5 a month to $6.95. And for purposes of this Decision, it can be assumed that the systems were in fact showing a profit. The Unions take the position that whether or not the corporation generally was profitable should have no bearing on whether they would be entitled to wage increases at a particular facility. The Unions argue that, since bargaining is on a local unit basis , local wages should depend on the profit situation of the local facility. The Company, on the other hand, argues that it never takes into consideration the local profits when determining the wage package it offers . The Company considers such items as productivity, wages in the area for comparable industries, wages of other Teleprompter employees, and the general financial condition of the corporation. B. Analysis Because much of the testimony, and some of the argument, is directed to matters which are not issues, what this case is not about should be briefly noted. The four charges filed by the three locals and their International alleged, in substance , some or all the follow- ing violations of Section 8(aX5) by the Employer: (1) unilaterally promulgating the wage freeze ; (2) bypassing the collective-bargaining representative in announcing the wage freeze ; (3) refusing to negotiate concerning wage increases ; (4) entering negotiations with a preconceived and fixed intent not to grant wage increases ; (5) refusing to withdraw the notice announcing the wage freeze; (6) refusing to provide financial data so that the collective- bargaining representative could make an independent evaluation of the employer's alleged inability to grant wage increases ; and (7) refusing to provide financial data, both corporate and systemwide essential for the bargaining representatives to perform their statutory obligations. Allegations (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) are not in issue here. Only the allegations that Teleprompter refused to furnish profitability data for each of the three individual systems in question are set forth in the complaint . There is no issue before me concerning the promulgation of the wage freeze or the Company's position with regard to negotiation of a wage increase. This matter was pleaded and heard on a very narrow question. As stated by the General Counsel in his brief the issue is: Whether the above-named Respondents have violat- ed Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act by failing and refusing to provide certain information regarding the profitability of the Worchester, LaCrosse and Great Falls Systems commencing on or about January 30, 1975. And, as to this issue, there is very little dispute concerning the facts. During the 1975 negotiations with the three locals for their respective bargaining units , the Company stated an intention not to agree to wage increases because of the companywide wage freeze policy, which had resulted from financial losses . The local unions, individually and through their International, requested data supporting this conten- tion, including the profitability data for the individual systems in question. The Company did furnish information concerning its overall financial condition but refused to give the unions specific information concerning the profit- ability of the three systems. It is this refusal to furnish the specific profitability data concerning the individual systems which is alleged by the General Counsel to be violative of the Company's bargain- ing obligations. 710 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Finally, the General Counsel does not contend, although the Charging Party may, that the data furnished by Teleprompter after implementation of the wage freeze was inadequate to demonstrate the Company's overall financial inability to grant wage increases during 1975. The General Counsel's theory appears to be twofold: (a) the Company claimed a financial inability to grant wages increases, hence it was required to furnish the profitability data; and/or (b) in any event the data was necessary and relevant to the locals for bargaining, hence the Company was required to furnish it. The General Counsel places principal reliance on N.L.R.B. v. Truitt Manufacturing Co., 351 U.S. 149 (1956). In that matter, the union had asked for 10 cents an hour wage increase with the company countering that it could give no more than 2-1/2 cents, lest it would go out of business . The union requested information from the com- pany in support of this claim which the company refused to furnish, on grounds it was not required to do so. Given these facts, the Supreme Court held: Good-faith bargaining necessarily requires that claims made by either bargainer should be honest claims. This is true about an asserted inability to pay an increase in wages. If such an argument is important enough to present in the give and take of bargaining, it is important enough to require some sort of proof of its accuracy. [Id at 152.] The Court held that where, as in the case before it, the employer raises the argument of financial inability but then refuses to bring forth evidence to support its claim, the trier of fact could therefrom conclude that the employer's claim was not made in good faith. Hence, it was not bargaining in good faith as it is required to do. The Court went on: We do not hold, however, that in every case in which economic inability is raised as an argument against increased wages it automatically follows that the employees are entitled to substantiating evidence. Each case must turn upon its particular facts. [Citations omitted.] The inquiry must always be whether or not under the circumstances of the particular case the statutory obligation to bargain in good faith has been met. [Ibid ] A literal reading of Truitt suggests the holding to involve a matter of evidence, not a ruleof substantiative law. Under Truitt, the question here is whether all the facts and circumstances, including the refusal to furnish the informa- tion requested, show that Teleprompter did not bargain in good faith. I conclude that the evidence is insufficient to support a finding of bad-faith bargaining. Other than the fact that Teleprompter refused to furnish profitability data for the specific facility involved, there is no evidence of bad faith. In fact, Teleprompter has numerous collective-bargaining agreements with several labor organizations, including 35 agreements in bargaining units represented by locals of IBEW. There is no evidence that during the course of the negotiations in question, or any others,. Teleprompter did not abide by its bargaining obligations. Early in negotia- tions, for instance, Gillert offered a wage reopener in 6 months. Finally, agreements were reached soon after Teleprompter determined to lift the wage freeze. Additionally, I am impressed with the Respondents' argument that its refusal to grant wage increases through- out 1975 was part of an attempt by the corporation to reverse its financial losses over the past few years. The wage freeze, among devices, was implemented as a result of a substantial earnings downturn and in part to insure the successful negotiation of a multimillion dollar revolving loan. The quarterly and annual reports go into great detail concerning Teleprompter's total financial and management situation, which is not necessary to summarize here. Suffice it that I conclude from all the evidence of record, and there is no real argument to the contary, that in fact Telepromp- ter as a nationwide concern was losing money. Data furnished the Unions amply demonstrated this fact. There is testimony from an economist for IBEW that from his analysis of the data he could not tell whether the losses of the Company were attributable to labor costs or not. Presumptively, therefore, if labor costs was not a contributing factor then wages could be increased without further harm. Whether this is an economically sound argument need not to be determined. The question is whether the Company's position of inability to grant a wage increase was taken in good faith. From the totality of the evidence I conclude it was. I further conclude that the profitability of a particular facility did not play an important role with regard to the companywide wage freeze. The Company argues persuasively that had it granted a wage increase to any of the locals involved in this matter, then wage increases would have to have been granted to employees in other units. Thus the overall determination to keep wages static would have been frustrated. The point here is not ' whether the Company was totally accurate with regard to its analysis of its financial condition and what should be done about it. The question is whether or not the Company negotiated with these three unions in good faith. Specifically, the question is whetherthe Compa- ny's position with regard to the wage freeze was an honest claim. Finally, as -a matter of evidence, the question is whether the Company gave sufficient proof of the adequacy of its claim. I find that the evidence supporting the Company's position with regard to the wage freeze through- out 1975 shows it to have been an honest claim. The Company did submit sufficient proof of necessity for the wage freeze so as to satisfy its bargaining obligations under the Truitt doctrine. Although, Truitt, from a literal reading, appears to be a doctrine of evidence, the requirement to furnish financial data under certain circumstances has been broadened into a more substantiative requirement. Thus the Supreme Court cited Truitt when it stated, "There can be no question of the general obligation of an employer to provide information that is needed by the bargaining representative for the proper performance of its duties." NLRB. v. Acme Industrial Co., 385 U.S. 432,435 (1967). In adopting the decision of the Administrative Law Judge in Tony's Meats, Inc., 211 NLRB 625 (1974) the Board has TELEPROMPTER CORPORATION also indicated that Truitt stands for a substantive require- ment: - It is well recognized that the duty to bargain in good faith includes the duty to substantiate claims, including claims of inability to pay increased wages as well as economic benefits requested by a union during collec- tive-bargaining negotiations [citing Truitt and Stanley Building Specialities Co., 166 NLRB 9841, and that an employer must, upon request, provide the union with evidence to support its alleged inability claims. [Id. at 626.] Failure therefore to furnish the requested financial information to support its inability to meet the union's demands constituted a refusal to bargain on the part of the company in violation of Section 8(a)(5). And the Board, in Boulevard Storage & Moving Co. Inc., et al., 152 NLRB 539 (1965), stated: We agree with the Trial Examiner that the Act requires an employer engaged in collective bargaining to produce substantiating data, at the request of a union, where the employer pleads financial inability to pay a proposed wage increase [citing Truitt] or takes a position that it is compelled to cut wages [The Celotex Corporation, 146 NLRB 48], and that an employer's claim that it could not grant an increase and remain competitive so as to avoid losses is equivalent to a plea of inability to pay. [Citations omitted. Id at 541.] The Administrative Law Judge's Decision, adopted by the majority of the Board panel in Unoco Apparel, Inc., 208 NLRB 601 (1974), is to like effect. Relying on these cases, the General Counsel argues that the individual profitability data was necessary so that the local unions could intelligently conduct negotiations with Teleprompter and specifically so that they could counter the argument that no wage increase could be given because of the Company's nationwide financial inability. As indicated above, this corporation operates a 139 cable television facilities in 33 States. It promulgated the compa- nywide wage freeze for what appear to be good and sufficient economic reasons. How could information con- cerning the profitability, or perhaps lack of it, of an individual system help analyze this broader issue? The mere fact, for instance, that the corporation at its LaCrosse facility was making money could not conceivably refute the fact that overall the corporation was in a losing posture and that it had to promulgate the wage freeze, among other things, in order to extricate itself from that position. The Charging Party argues that, since bargaining was on a individual system basis, employees of a particular system should not be penalized because other systems were losing money or because of general corporate mismanagement. As a matter of equity this may be valid; however, it does not seem to have any particular bearing on whether the profitability data requested was necessary in order for the Unions to counter the Company's argument that it was losing money on a nationwide basis. From the record it is clear that the Company's position was not so much that it was financially incapable, as to any 711 of the local systems in question, of paying a wage increase. Rather, the Company's position was that as a matter of corporate policy, in order to insure a -turnaround of its financial fortunes, a wage freeze for all the corporate officers and employees had to be instituted. The argument therefore which each Union faced in negotiations was not an inability to pay as to the local systems, but the uniform wage freeze. Implicitly the Company concedes that the facilities in question were profitable. The Company argues only that for reasons other than individual profitability, including successfully obtaining a bank loan, it had to institute a wage freeze which would be applicable to the three systems in question as well as the rest of the corporation. The argument which the Unions had to overcome, in order to negotiate a wage increase in 1975, was the companywide wage freeze. The Unions argue that the wage freeze should not have applied to systems showing a'profit. The Company argues that the wage freeze, to be effective and achieve the desired results, had to apply across the board-to all company officers and employees. This was the issue. The Company in fact furnished substantial information in support of its position-sufficient in my judgment both to show that its position was taken in good faith and so that the Unions could intelligently argue concerning it. On this issue the actual profitability of a specific system made no difference. It can be assumed that each of the three systems was profitable. Still the Company meant not to negotiate any wage increases in 1975. In short, the Unions had all the information necessary and relevant for intelligent bargaining on this critical point-whether there would be any wage increases in 1975. The General Counsel appears to make the additional argument that, apart from the Company's duty to furnish the data in order to substantiate its bargaining position, the Unions had a right to the data as necessary and relevant to bargaining. With this argument the General Counsel leaves Truitt, whether it is interpreted as defining a rule of evidence or substantive law, and goes into a related area- namely, a collective-bargaining representative is entitled to such information in the Company's possession as is necessary and relevant for the conduct of its collective- bargaining obligations. N.L.R.B. v. Acme Industrial Co., supra. The Board has consistently held that information rele- vant and necessary to collective bargaining must be furnished-e.g., employees names, addresses, job classifica- tions, wages, hours and other current benefits. Dynamic Machine Co., 221 NLRB 1140 (1975). While "wages and related information pertaining to employees in the bargaining unit is presumptively rele- vant," Northwest Publications, Inc., 211 NLRB 464, 465 (1974), research has disclosed no case holding financial data in that category. All cases requiring the production of financial data have been in the context of an assertion of inability to meet an economic demand. Nevertheless, I can foresee a situation in which financial data could be considered necessary and relevant even absent a "plea of poverty." For instance, could not a bargaining agent make a more rational wage demand in the first instance if it knew 712 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the Company's financial condition and could it not more accurately calculate whether and to what extent to take economic action to achieve a particular wage demand? Whether disclosure of financial data absent a "plea of poverty" may be required , under same circumstances, however, need not be decided. Here, even with the profitability data requested, the locals would have been in no better position to formulate bargaining tactics. Given the posture of the parties here, the profitability data for the individual facilities was just not necessary for the locals to bargain effectively. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent and each of its subsidiary companies herein captioned are employers engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. 2. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, and its locals 135, 122, and 42 are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. The local unions are respectively the certified repre- sentative for purposes of collective bargaining in appropri- ate units of the Respondents' employees at Teleprompter of LaCrosse, Inc.,, Teleprompter of Great Falls, Inc., and Teleprompter of Worchester, Inc. 4. The Respondents did not fail or refuse to bargain in good faith with the bargaining representative representing its employees at LaCrosse, Great Falls, or Worchester during the 1975-76 negotiations. 5. The- General Counsel has not proved a preponder- ance of the evidence that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) or (1) of the Act as alleged in the complaint. [Recommended Order for dismissal -omitted from publi- cation.] Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation