Telechron, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJul 11, 195090 N.L.R.B. 931 (N.L.R.B. 1950) Copy Citation In the Matter of TELECHRON , INC., EMPLOYER and UNITED ELECTRICAL, RADIO & MACHINE WORKERS OF AMERICA ( UE), PETITIONER Case No.1-RC-145°5.Decided July 11, 1950 DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION Upon a petition duly filed under Section 9 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, a hearing was held before Anastasia M. Thannhauser, hearing officer. The hearing officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 (b) of the Act, the Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three-member panel [Chairman Herzog and Members Houston and Styles]. Upon the entire record in this case, the Board finds : 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. 2. The Petitioner and the Intervenors 1 are labor organizations claiming to represent certain employees of the Employer. 3. A question affecting commerce exists concerning the representa- tion of employees of the Employer within the meaning of Section 9 (c) ,(1) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 4. The appropriate unit : The Petitioner requests a unit composed of all production and main- tenance employees, including watchmen and janitors, and excluding office and clerical employees and supervisors, at the Main Street, Worcester, Massachusetts, plant of the Employer. The Employer opposes a single-plant unit and contends that a unit embracing the (employees at both its Main Street and Foster Street plants is the only appropriate unit. The Intervenors take no position on this issue but ,express willingness to participate in either a one- or two-plant election. 'Originally the Employer operated one plant on Commercial Street, Worcester, Massachusetts, where, following a consent election, the Petitioner was recognized as bargaining representative for the em- ployees. In 1946 the Employer opened the Foster Street assembly .1 The Intervenors are United Steelworkers of America, CIO and International Jewelry Workers Union. AFL. 90 NLRB No. 132. 931 932 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD plant, where, in a Board ordered election between the Petitioner and the International Jewelry Workers Union, AFL, the employees voted "No Union." 2 Shortly thereafter the Employer removed the rem- nant of its Commercial Street plant to Main Street, the plant involved; in the petition herein. There. is thus no bargaining history which is controlling on the issue raised in this case. The Employer is engaged at its Main Street plant in the produc- tion of motors, coils, and other parts for clocks and timing devices. The record shows that approximately 75 percent of this plant's output is used in the assembly of clocks at the Foster Street plant. The rest of Main Street's production is shipped for assembly to the Employer's Ashland, Massachusetts, plants and to the General Electric Com- pany. The Main Street plant employs approximately 675 employees, while about 436 persons are employed at the Foster Street plant. Operations at Main Street and Foster Street are closely integrated, and there is a common labor policy, a two-plant credit union, and. recreational association, and a single quality control department. The general foreman at each plant is responsible to the same manager. Although these factors militate in favor of a two-plant unit, they are not so compelling as to require our holding that only a two-plant unit is appropriate. Other factors here present justify a unit con- fined to the Main Street plant as requested by the Petitioner. In addition to the fact that there has been no bargaining history on a. two-plant basis, and no union seeks or is in a position to secure a certifi- cation on a two-plant basis,3 the plants are engaged in different though integrated operations and transfers from one plant to the other are very infrequent. Moreover, the Company maintains separate seniority lists for each plant, and a laid-off employee at one plant cannot "bump"' an employee with less seniority at the other. We also note that in the earlier proceeding, involving the Foster Street plant,' no objection was raised to a single-plant unit. In these circumstances we are persuaded that a unit confined to the employees of the Employer's Main Street,. Worcester, Massachusetts, plant is appropriate.5 2 Telechron, Inc., 72 NLRB 1170. ' Although the Intervenors have each indicated their willingness to appear on a ballot for a two-plant unit neither has made an administrative showing sufficient to entitle it to an election in a unit different from and appreciably larger than that requested by the Petitioner. See the Electric Auto Lite Company, 87 NLRB 129. 4 See footnote 2, supra. " In its brief the Employer contends , in substance , that a finding that the Main Street plant is an appropriate unit would rest entirely upon the extent of the employees ' organ- ization, and this is precluded by Section 9 (c) (5) of the Act. Suffice it to say that in reaching the conclusion. that the Main Street plant is an appropriate unit the extent of the employees ' •orkanization has not been the controlling consideration . ` We have already held that such factor may be given some consideration . See Waidensian Hosiery'kilie, Inc., 83 NLRB 742. TELECHRON, INC. 933 There remain for consideration the following disputed categories : Group leaders: The Employer would include these hourly paid employees. The Petitioner and Intervenors would exclude them as supervisors. The group leaders spend the bulk of their time in pro- duction work. They instruct new employees, assist in straightening ,out assembly line tie-ups, and make reports to subforemen. They have no power to hire or discharge or effectively to recommend such action. On the basis of the above facts we find that to the extent that group leaders direct the work of other employees their direction is not of such nature as to require the use of independent judgment. As they possess no other indicia of a supervisor, we conclude that they are not supervisors within the meaning of the Act. We shall therefore include them in the unit .6 Factory olericals: The Employer and Intervenors agree to exclude these employees. The Petitioner would leave their unit placement to the Board. The two shop clerks here involved keep time sheets and department records and do stenographic work. Although they are salaried employees and occasionally spend time in the plant office in connection with their work, they are essentially plant clericals of the type we ordinarily include in production and maintenance units. Accordingly, we shall include the factory clericals in the unit .7 Watchmen: The Petitioner contended that the Employer had some watchmen who spent less than 50 percent of their time in watchmen's duties. The record, however, contains uncontradicted testimony that the Main Street watchmen are engaged 100 percent of their time in guard duties within the meaning of the Act. We therefore shall exclude them from the unit as guards .s . We find that all production and maintenance employees including group leaders and factory clericals, but excluding time-study men,9 professional employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act, at the Employer's Main Street plant in Worcester, Massachusetts, constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act. DIRECTION OF ELECTION 10 As part of the investigation to ascertain representatives for the purposes of collective bargaining with the Employer, an election by secret ballot shall be conducted as early as possible, but not later 6 Scott-Atwater Manufacturing Company, Inc., 90 NLRB No. 9. 7 United States Metals Refining Company, 88 NLRB 1079. s C. V. Hill & Company, Inc., 76 NLRB 158. e The parties agreed to exclude these employees . See Mooresville Mills, 90 NLRB No. 48. in Any participant in the election directed herein may , upon its prompt request to, and approval thereof by, the Regional Director, have its name removed from the ballot. 934 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD than 30 days from the date of this Direction , under the direction and supervision of the Regional Director for the Region in which this case was heard , and subject to Sections 203.61 and 203.62 of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations , among the employees in the unit found appropriate in paragraph numbered 4, above, who were employed during the payroll period immediately preceding the date of this Direction of Election , including employees who did not work during said payroll period because they were ill or on vacation or temporarily laid off , but excluding those employees who have since, quit or been discharged for cause and have not been rehired or rein- stated prior to the date of the election , and also excluding employees on strike who are not entitled to reinstatement , to determine whether they desire to be represented , for purposes of collective bargaining,, by the United Electrical , Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE), by United Steelworkers of America , CIO, by International Jewelry Workers Union , AFL, or by none. 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